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Apple Has Threatened To Withhold Twitter From App Store, Elon Musk Says 410

In a series of tweets Monday, Elon Musk said Apple had mostly stopped advertising on Twitter and had threatened to withhold the Twitter app from the App Store. Musk said the iPhone-maker won't disclose why it is making the threat.
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Apple Has Threatened To Withhold Twitter From App Store, Elon Musk Says

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  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:07PM (#63085862)

    If they do then they need to cut off china apps as well.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by dmomo ( 256005 )

      "Musk said the iPhone-maker won't disclose why it is making the threat."
      So, you cannot really jump to this conclusion just yet, which was already a stretch.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:20PM (#63085930) Homepage Journal

        It's almost certainly to do with the lack of moderation on Twitter. Same thing that got Gab kicked off.

        Twitter doesn't really have a moderation team anymore, they were all fired or quit. On top of that Musk unbanned all the formerly banned accounts (except for ones he had personal issues with).

        • This. Apple would kick any high-profile app with user-generated content that had a moderation system that was publicly going into a fail-open mode.

        • by DesScorp ( 410532 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:59PM (#63086146) Journal

          It's almost certainly to do with the lack of moderation on Twitter. Same thing that got Gab kicked off.

          Twitter doesn't really have a moderation team anymore, they were all fired or quit. On top of that Musk unbanned all the formerly banned accounts (except for ones he had personal issues with).

          Twitter IS being moderated. There are still people getting locked or kicked off. They're just not getting kicked for Muh Hate Speech.

          The hypocrisy of Apple never ceases to amaze me. They'll kick American companies out of their app store for "lack of moderation", and yet eagerly do business with China and the Gulf Arab states, to the point of quickly acceding to their censorship demands. So this stuff isn't principle. It's PR. It's virtue signaling.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @04:20PM (#63086270) Homepage Journal

            People are getting banned for annoying Elon Musk, sure. And for really blatant stuff like posting full length copyrighted movies.

            That's not what Apple is concerned about. 4chan and 8chan do that kind of "moderation". Gab did too.

            Apple is concerned about allowing people like Nick Fuentes, a guy who is a proud Nazi, back on. They are concerned that people who were kicked off for harassing other users are back again. Unsurprisingly, Apple doesn't think it's users being harassed in an app that came from their app store is a very good user experience.

            Personally I prefer Android, where I can choose to side load apps if Google doesn't approve of them. But I can't blame Apple for being consistent about their policy either.

            • by jwhyche ( 6192 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @07:36PM (#63087080) Homepage

              Apple is concerned about allowing people like Nick Fuentes, a guy who is a proud Nazi, back on. They are concerned that people who were kicked off for harassing other users are back again. Unsurprisingly, Apple doesn't think it's users being harassed in an app that came from their app store is a very good user experience.

              It is none of Apple's concern who Twitter allows on its platform. Maybe it's time for a law aimed at Apple and Google that states if the application doesn't break the law then that application must be allowed. That or maybe the app stores on both platforms should be regulated as monopolies.

              I personally don't care which happens as long as ether google or apple can't remove an application just because they don't like it.

          • The famous ones are (Score:3, Interesting)

            by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
            Turns out Nick Fuentes got banned again. Milo Yannipolis is back though. Fuentes is in the news, Milo isn't. That's the difference.

            And the small timers are everywhere. You can basically say whatever you want as long as you don't care about building up a following over time you can get away with anything. The whole platform is filled with racist comments right now.
        • Twitter doesn't really have a moderation team anymore, they were all fired or quit. On top of that Musk unbanned all the formerly banned accounts (except for ones he had personal issues with).

          Maybe he's planning to do moderation using polls -- like he did for "deciding" whether to un-ban accounts. There will be a poll displaying the questionable tweets asking everyone on Twitter to read them and vote on if they should get moderated/blocked. Problem solved. :-)

        • (except for ones he had personal issues with)

          This is was the biggest WTF. Puts Trump up for vote. Just whatevers Ye. Tells Alex Jones to pound sand. There's zero consistency in this all. If Musk was putting it all up for vote, fine. If Musk was telling them all they're getting their accounts back, fine. If he told everyone that he needed for everyone to wait till a new mod team was formed, fine. But it's just whatever the fuck hair tickles Musk's asshole at this rate. That's not free speech, that's just being a capricious dickhead.

          It's his fu

      • "Musk said the iPhone-maker won't disclose why it is making the threat."

        He should just buy Apple and fire the people responsible for this asinine decision.

    • What are "china apps"
    • Elon The Incompetent (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:21PM (#63085936)
      This weekend, widespread protests erupted in China in what amounted to “the biggest show of opposition to the ruling Communist Party in decades,” AP News reported. Many protesters attempted to document events live to spread awareness and inspire solidarity across Twitter. Demonstrations were so powerful that Chinese authorities actually seemed to cave, appeasing some of the protesters’ demands by easing the severe lockdown restrictions that sparked the protests.

      This could have been a moment that showed how Twitter under Elon Musk is still a relevant breaking-news source, still a place where free speech demonstrations reach the masses, and thus, still the only place to track escalating protests like these. Instead, a flood of useless tweets effectively buried live footage from protests. This blocked users from easily following protest news, while Twitter seemingly did nothing to stop what researchers described as an apparent Chinese influence operation.

      For hours, these tweets dropped Chinese city names (where protests occurred) into posts that were mostly advertising pornography and adult escort services. And it worked, preventing users attempting to search city names in Chinese from easily seeing updates on the protests. The tweets were posted from a range of Chinese-language accounts that hadn’t been used for months or even years. The tweets began appearing early Sunday, shortly after protesters started calling for Communist Party leaders to resign.
      • by rudy_wayne ( 414635 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:35PM (#63086022)

        This could have been a moment that showed how Twitter under Elon Musk is still a relevant breaking-news source, still a place where free speech demonstrations reach the masses, and thus, still the only place to track escalating protests like these.

        Twitter has *NEVER* been a "relevant breaking-news source". Twitter's design makes it impossible to have a meaningful conversation or convey any substantial amount of information in a meaningful way.

        Twitter is a vanity platform, nothing more. 99% of Twitter is people with inflated egos shouting their stupid opinions at the world.

        • Twitter is a "public square" only in the sense that the experience is like having the public gather in the square and yell random shit at each other, and then repeat it ad nauseam. It's kind of like karaoke night at a dumpy roadside bar.

        • We're still waiting to see how much of Twitter is bots and automated content. 99% egotists is overstated, I bet. 99.5% of live users, yes, but that may be as little as 70% of the total content.

          And we need not flog the dead horse of follower bots. That's advertising revenue, and lo and behold, advertisers bailing. Huh.

      • This is an important story that is not getting enough coverage.
        Link []

      • Apparently, Twitter was deleting 4000 accounts a second to combat the waves of spam that the Chinese were sending to Twitter this weekend. Impressive, but not good enough.

        • Apparently, Twitter was deleting 4000 accounts a second to combat the waves of spam that the Chinese were sending to Twitter this weekend. Impressive, but not good enough.

          Not good enough on the Twitter or China side? :-)

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        This could have been a moment that showed how Twitter under Elon Musk is still a relevant breaking-news source, still a place where free speech demonstrations reach the masses, and thus, still the only place to track escalating protests like these. Instead, a flood of useless tweets effectively buried live footage from protests. This blocked users from easily following protest news, while Twitter seemingly did nothing to stop what researchers described as an apparent Chinese influence operation.

        Given Musk

    • by rnturn ( 11092 )
      I take it you're referring to the recent update that disabled a group messaging option for China-based phones. (Way to suck up to the CCP, Apple.)
  • by matthewcharles2006 ( 960827 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:12PM (#63085890)
    I don't doubt Apple would do all sorts of things, but I also don't trust Musk to give a fair accounting of anything. He should provide some kind of evidence they are doing what he says (threatening to drop Twitter while giving no reasons as to why).
    • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:18PM (#63085918)

      This is ringing a bit like the "agreement" Musk claims "activists" (whatever that means) broke

      “A large coalition of political/social activist groups agreed not to try to kill Twitter by starving us of advertising revenue if I agreed to this condition,” Musk tweeted. “They broke the deal.”

      Meanwhile none of the "activists" like the NAACP seem to recall agreeing to anything (and why would they?)

      Suffice it to say whether you are pro or anti Musk (which at this point is just silly that;s its come to that. talk about a case of main character syndrome) the man himself must be treated at as an unreliable narrator.

      • Why would they do it? Because the people who run and pay such organizations have a strong interest in enforcing a certain Overton window wrt freedom of speech and the right of governments and corporations to censor it. Why would they admit to it?
        • None of that answers the question of why they would make any kind of agreement about advertisers on Twitter directly with Musk. There is really zero incentives for them to make such an agreement and even less to do so in a verbal only, behind closed doors manner. Really even if they were cautiously amicable to give Musk some time and benefit of the doubt they could have easily crafted a carefully worded PR release in response to the meeting, but nothing of the sort exists, only a he-said, she-said of comm

    • It's interesting how much credibility he's lost with the Twitter deal.

      Meanwhile, he apparently sleeps with guns [] too. He just seems unhinged.

      • by Holi ( 250190 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:25PM (#63085960)

        I'm no Musk fan, but he has toy guns on his nightstand, I hardly see how THAT makes him unhinged.
        I can see many other signs, but a non-firing model flintlock and a scifi toy gun are not really raising any flags in my mind.

        • by Shaeun ( 1867894 )

          I'm no Musk fan, but he has toy guns on his nightstand, I hardly see how THAT makes him unhinged. I can see many other signs, but a non-firing model flintlock and a scifi toy gun are not really raising any flags in my mind.

          Except maybe in the taste department. I mean come on Caffeine free Diet Coke?

          • He probably orders steaks well done with ketchup too.

            • Hey! I object to that association. I like my steaks medium-rare, I don't believe ketchup should be used as anything but an ingredient on the way to something better, and I also like caffeine-free diet coke. For my rare afternoon soda, that's the one. I don't have the young man's capacity to drink caffeine and sleep well anymore.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          He posts like a teenage edgelord. Gun by the bed, repeatedly mentioning neo Nazi memes, all the usual 4chan stuff.

          It's a billionaire thing. The ones who aren't self made, who never had to really grow up to get on in life.

      • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:36PM (#63086034)

        Lol, he's beginning to sound like Howard Hughes complete with a piss bottle.

      • Meanwhile, he apparently sleeps with guns [] too. He just seems unhinged.

        What's unhinged about sleeping with your gun(s) nearby?

        I would venture to guess a LOT of perfectly legal, sane gun owner sleep with their guns nearby.

        If you don't have kids, you don't need to locked far away in a safe...hell, I like to have mine for quick access if I hear a bump in the night.

        • What is so very sad, and also kind of funny, is that your first instinct is to shoot something that you hear at night.
        • Musk has 10 children, including a 2 year old that runs around conference rooms at Twitter during meetings []. That speaks to someone who is careless with their children's activities and access.

          These honestly do not look like real guns; one is an antique flintlock pistol and the other I'm not sure but looks fake, it could be a replica of a pistol from Blade Runner. So probably no real risk, but given what a mess Twitter is adding speculative fuel to the dumpster fire that is his current business dealings doe

        • Wait. People do really own guns because they are so scared of what might happen to them in the night?!

          How can you live your life in fear like that?
    • Evidence would be necessary to believe such a claim. But Apple customers represent disproportionate percentage of people who are afraid of mean words, so Apple doing this may just be a clever marketing move.
    • Agreed. The whining child needs to put up or shut up. I'd say Apple should sue him if it's false, but there really isn't much they'll get out of suing him.
  • Musk... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sit1963nz ( 934837 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:16PM (#63085912)
    Is this musk just making noises to keep himself in the news while trying to garner eyes from the anti-apple brigade, especially if Trump is not going back there.

    He is 44 Billion in the hole and unable to even make the interest repayments.

    His biggest problem is that he ended up believing his own BS and thought he was invincible.

    Twitter is an open sewer and its loss will only be of benefit to the world.
    • by edwdig ( 47888 )

      He is 44 Billion in the hole and unable to even make the interest repayments.

      Based on the way he's been talking about things, the debt seems to be owned by Twitter, not Musk personally. The end game here is Twitter filing for bankruptcy, not Musk.

      It seems quite likely that he's trying to see to it that Twitter goes bankrupt quickly to get this over with and get it off his hands. Get as much of the debt discharged in bankruptcy court as possible and limit his losses. The last thing he wants is to pay interest on those loans long term.

  • by tizan ( 925212 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:20PM (#63085928)

    He should take over apple. He gets his phone and the apple adverts in the process.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      He couldn't afford to buy Apple.

      He could barely afford to buy Twitter.

  • I heard that musk was going to make and market a better phone. Why does he need Apple?

    Isnâ(TM)t that why he bought Twitter and fired everyone? Because he is the one, the one that is the one?

    I understand why Musk sees this as a threat. He is a narcissist and everything is about him. Someone says Tesla is not the best car, and he and all his minions think they have to fight.

    But this is business, and Twitter is no longer a viable or platform. It has many legal challenges, and everyone loves to sue

  • by Frank Burly ( 4247955 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:23PM (#63085946)

    Imagine telling the guy who owns the world's largest microphone that you are going to do a couple things that he will dislike, and not telling him how to avoid this outcome.

    If what Musk says is true, Apple must be run by an impetuous CEO who gives insufficient thought to how using the company to express his whims will effect the business!

  • by Petersko ( 564140 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:26PM (#63085966)

    While Apple has a pretty bad track record of transparency to developers when it comes to rejecting apps... Mr. Musk's credibility is now basically zero.

    Admittedly, this is just my opinion... but when it comes to Elon, I don't know there's enough salt available. A grain isn't going to cut it.

  • a literal, mask off Nazi back on his platform. This shouldn't be a surprise. What did he think would happen when he let literal Nazis back on?

    The only reason it's not already down is because it's Musk, and he has a lot of money and power. Anyone else would've had their app yanked that day.
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:28PM (#63085982)
    or maybe 8chan. And ask yourself this: how many advertisers does 4chan have? How many are fortune 500 companies that can spend billions on adverts. And when Twitter is nothing but penis pills & lumpy pillows how long can it last with $2 billion of losses every year?

    The banks that put up the other $20 billion for the purchase are already trying to sell the debt for 70 cents on the dollar. They're expected to get 50 or 60 cents if they're lucky.
  • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:32PM (#63086002)

    He already tweeted that if twitter was pulled from app stores then he would build his own phone. []

    Ask Microsoft how well that went over.

  • and when the EU forces side loading?

  • Centralizing power to control what is allowed to be executed on general purpose computers owned by half of the country should be illegal. Apple has no inherent right to dictate terms to third parties.

  • It's obvious why...

    Apple is willing to host any application for almost nothing in the app store. However, they require applications that sell goods (such as $8 blue checks subscriptions) to be sold through the app store giving Apple 30%.

    That by itself is reasonable. But it is questionable when you consider that Apple will not let anyone distribute applications outside the app store.

  • Two rich boys who are also incredibly obnoxious pricks bicker over who has the bigger dick... and I should care why?

  • by peterww ( 6558522 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @03:59PM (#63086148)

    Thank you, Slashdot, for bringing us the important coverage we need to know, like "Uncertain threats made about an app for a social media site for unknown reasons".

  • by freedom_surfer ( 203272 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @04:02PM (#63086162) Homepage

    I guess he had to learn the hard way that racists and Nazi's aren't good for business. I must say I am having a certain level of Schadenfreude with this saga however.

    Hopefully he doesn't drag out the road to bankruptcy too long.

  • by Gabest ( 852807 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @04:05PM (#63086172)

    Why do I need an app for everything? Just make a web site, like your grandfathers used to do it.

  • Even if Apple were to remove Twitter from the App Store, what difference does it make? Twitter is a PWA and (was?) a really good one too.
  • by nickovs ( 115935 ) on Monday November 28, 2022 @05:25PM (#63086594)

    It was clear people were moving away from using CD ROMs. Apple removed the CD ROM drives from their laptops. Lots of whiny people complained. The world had changed. They got over it.

    It was clear people were moving away from using headphones with 3.5mm jacks. Apple removed the 3.5mm jack socket from their phones. Lots of whiny people complained. The world had changed. They got over it.

    It was clear people were moving away from using USB A plugs. Apple removed the USB A socket from their laptops. Lots of whiny people complained. The world had changed. They got over it.

    Now something that Elon doesn't understand has happened. Apple (may have) removed the Twitter app from their app store. Lots of whiny people are complaining. Perhaps the world has changed and Elon didn't notice.

    Or maybe it's just that the app is stuck in the review process, like happens to lots of apps, and it will be approved shortly, and there's nothing sinister going on at all.

    Sadly it seems that Elon has joined the snowflake chorus of people who think that whenever something doesn't go the way that they wanted it must be a conspiracy. It very seldom turns out to be the case. Hopefully he'll get over it. In the mean time, who uses Twitter anymore anyway?

Money is the root of all evil, and man needs roots.
