Trump Ignores 'Inconvenient' Security Rules To Keep Tweeting On His iPhone, Says Report (politico.com) 542
According to Politico, "President Donald Trump uses a White House cellphone that isn't equipped with sophisticated security features designed to shield his communications." The decision is "a departure from the practice of his predecessors that potentially exposes him to hacking or surveillance." From the report: The president uses at least two iPhones, according to one of the officials. The phones -- one capable only of making calls, the other equipped only with the Twitter app and preloaded with a handful of news sites -- are issued by White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency, an office staffed by military personnel that oversees White House telecommunications. While aides have urged the president to swap out the Twitter phone on a monthly basis, Trump has resisted their entreaties, telling them it was "too inconvenient," the same administration official said. The president has gone as long as five months without having the phone checked by security experts. It is unclear how often Trump's call-capable phones, which are essentially used as burner phones, are swapped out.
Trump dies in prison either way a traitor (Score:3, Insightful)
The world isn't closing in, he's just a fat moron and oblivious of his surroundings!
Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:5, Funny)
By design, security is ALWAYS inconvenient -- hopefully more inconvenient to the bad guys than to the users.
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he would know something is up, because the replacement wouldn't be covered with his filth and bullshit.
Re: Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:2, Insightful)
No, bad security is inconvenient by design. The best security works with the user. You must work for a corporate IT department.
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"The White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency should swap his twitter phone ..."
No they should not. It seems to have escaped your attention. But Trump is the boss. Yes, he's an incompetent, self indulgent buffoon, and a terrible manager.and those who voted for and support him have done their country no favor. (Not that Ms Clinton was that much better). Nonetheless, he is in charge, not the White House security staff.
Re: Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:4, Insightful)
Ah, so in your company the CEO apparently gets to ignore any rule he wants. See, in reasonable companies, the CEO hires people who are experts in their field, and if they set rules he has to obey them, because THEY KNOW MORE THAN HE DOES. Otherwise why bother to hire them in the first place.
And the President isnâ(TM)t a King or Emperor - even he has to obey rules that he doesnâ(TM)t like, or approve. He has a specific role to fill and itâ(TM)s not to dictate what happens, but to Lead the country and Execute the laws thereof. Not to tweet every effing thing that comes to his head - thatâ(TM)s actually the job of his Press Secretary.
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That was G. Gordon Liddy's excuse for all the illegal shit he did for Nixon.
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Trump is the boss
That is not how our government is set up.
Re: Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:2)
Not by design, actually. More by necessity. The way security works is that when the other guy has more determination than you have vigilance, you lose.
Re:Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:5, Interesting)
By design, security is ALWAYS inconvenient -- hopefully more inconvenient to the bad guys than to the users.
This is the wrong approach to 'Security'. I am reminded of a line by a character in a book by Robert A. Heinlein where a business mogul was talking to his lawyer: "Look, I don't pay you to tell me what I can or can not do. I pay you to advise me on how I can do what I am going to do anyways in the most legal way possible."
I am, by consensus, considered a security expert. I have worked with the military in active combat zones. My job was to ensure that their communications were as secure as possible. My job was NOT to tell them could not communicate at the time because it was insecure or to take a server of theirs offline because it was not in a secure state.
Security can be inconveniencing and uncomfortable, especially when trying to change ignorant behaviors; however, there is no need for security if nobody is doing anything. The entire reason security as a concept exists is to assist people in doing what they need to do, regardless of the security implications, while minimizing risk to them while doing it. If security gets in the way of the goal, then security is WRONG. Sometimes, people need to do stuff that security would think is an unacceptable risk. Security advises the executive, it is NOT the executive.
This is why I have my current job. The entire IT management and security team were so focused on denying everything, in the name of security, that the organization I now work for fired ALL of them. If security is your goal, turn off your computers and kill yourself. There will be no more risks. If your goal is getting stuff done while minimizing risks, call a real security expert and listen to the advice.
Re: Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:3, Funny)
When he found out it was Korean (I assume he doesn't know the difference between North and South Korea).
Re: Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score:5, Insightful)
I think Trump is an absolute piece of shit, but it is incredibly ignorant to dismiss him as stupid or insane. He is obviously neither, and it's fools like you that helped get him elected.
Look at how much control we have over people on the right. Look at it! They don't make their own decisions, they do what we tell them to do (though we have to use reverse psychology). Witness the power of the political left!
Next election, I'm going to tell all my Trump-loving relatives that I, as a lefty, think he is awesome, and that they'd be totally doing the smart thing by voting for him. I'll tell them they'd have to be idiots to vote for the Democrat, but that they probably will because they're so dumb. That should do it, don't you think? I mean, I keep hearing that the left is responsible for his election, because we made those on the right feel so disrespected, they had to vote him in. Because they care so much what we think.
All politians have no respect for security (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Informative)
He's a shameless hypocrite, you're just now noticing?
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He's a shameless hypocrite, you're just now noticing?
I think it is more a matter of projection.
He knows what he would do in their position so he can't imagine them doing anything else.
A lot of people work like that.
They know that they would cheat, so they assume everyone else would too.
Screw everyone else over before they have time to screw you over.
The only thing he have accused others of doing that he haven't been caught with himself yet is the pizzagate thing.
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Yeah, and he had non-stop criticisms of how much golf Obama played, yet he plays twice as often. Railed against Obama for tax-payer funded vacations; he and his family take more of them and they each cost more. Went after Obama for his use of executive orders; is doing the same himself now. Tip of the iceberg. He's a shameless hypocrite, you're just now noticing?
He lives in his own reality, which has worked for him as a developer and reality TV star; expecting him to magically become "the most presidential president ever" is folly. The only place he will become that is in his own mind, with is all, beyond cheering crowds, that matters to him.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you honestly believe that Hillary wouldn't pull same shit on him if they swapped places? Pot calling kettle black. Captcha:swingers
I'm 100% certain she wouldn't be playing much golf. And of course she wouldn't be charging the government a lot of money for services at her own enterprises, most certainly not for renting golf carts for the Secret Service agents who are supposed to take a bullet for her. Nor the tax breaks for the ultra rich including Wall Street. Want me to go on?
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Nor the tax breaks for the ultra rich including Wall Street.
One of these things is not like the others. You are utterly delusional if you think she would not be catering to the ultra rich. Giving service to the ultra rich is standard regardless of political party. It is a quid pro quo for getting elected.
It is good to recognize differences and see those differences as a reason to vote, or not, for someone... but don't let partisan ideas cloud your mind.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
It is, but it would be an interesting campaign position if the Democrats pushed through a "tax reform" bill which gave massive tax deductions to the wealthy.
Obama even wanted to lower the corporate tax rate, and he couldn't pull it off despite almost all economists agreeing that it would be beneficial.
Even if the Ultra-Rich literally OWNED Hillary, I seriously doubt that the Democrats were suddenly going to start passing laissez-faire legislation and tax bills for that systemically favored wealthy Wall Street donors.
You can argue that Hillary was a "wall street friendly" Democrat and that she wouldn't be as hard on the rich as Bernie Sanders. That is a fair point. However, you can't pretend that a "wall street friendly" Democrat = "wall street friendly" Republican.
Re: All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Informative)
No but she did steal furniture twice on her way out of office.
Mostly false. https://www.snopes.com/fact-ch... [snopes.com]
TL;DR version: The Clintons did keep gifts given to them while in office, some of which were furniture, and some of which turned out to be gifts given to "The White House". They had to return or pay for these gifts because while the gifts they received personally were theirs to keep, the gifts given to the White House were not. They settled the accounts by paying for some of the gifts and giving others to the National Park Service (who manages the White House).
Of course you probably believe the other, much bigger lies, about the Clintons, which Snopes has also debunked, so I'm sure you'll dismiss all their research as a coverup by a partisan web site.
I should mention that I don't like the Clintons. Not their politics or policies, not as people (from what I can see; I've never met them). And I never voted for either of them, nor would I. I just prefer facts to conspiracy theories.
Re: All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
I just prefer facts to conspiracy theories.
Then why quote snopes? That's very 90's as they have been extremely left leaning for a long while. They are the type that likes to split hairs when it suits them while other times conflating immigrant with illegal immigrant all the while pretending that they are above board and honest.
Typical knee-jerk response... complain about Snopes being out of date/touch (which it isn't) and left leaning but doesn't provide another site that works to get the facts right.
At least provide one web site that actually works to get to the truth that is unbiased (in your opinion). Otherwise your complaint is more about you believing what you want, regardless of the facts.
Re: All politians have no respect for security (Score:4, Insightful)
I just prefer facts to conspiracy theories.
Then why quote snopes? That's very 90's as they have been extremely left leaning for a long while. They are the type that likes to split hairs when it suits them while other times conflating immigrant with illegal immigrant all the while pretending that they are above board and honest.
Sigh. They cite their sources. If you have actual evidence that they're wrong about this post it, rather than engaging in ad hominem.
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Pritzker Group....
Great. So JB Pritzker, who is trying to win the governorship in IL, heavily funded the Clinton campaign. I just want one decent candidate for governor in Illinois. Just one. Current one is terrible, last one terrible, last several before that are in jail. Doesn't matter what party - just corrupt and troublemaking as can be.
Politics on either side is such a money game that it isn't even funny.
Re:Did you really just sat THAT? Works for her bos (Score:5, Insightful)
The same George Soros who signed and sent a petition (along with 400 other ultra rich) to congress begging them NOT to give them a tax cut? This is the example you site when you are trying to debunk that the claim she wouldn't have cut taxes for the ultra rich?
It's possible that the information your present is a little more nuanced than you believe it to be.
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Re: All politians have no respect for security (Score:2)
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I doubt she'd hang out with anyone at your level unless there were a ton of cameras around to get credit for it.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Interesting)
Do you honestly believe that Hillary wouldn't pull same shit on him if they swapped places? Pot calling kettle black. Captcha:swingers
I think that if the roles were reversed, Hillary, or any other presidential candidate you care to name, Democrat or Republican, would be concentrating on doing his job, solving the middle east mess, getting infrastructure reform done, finding some kind of compromise in the Obamacare feud that everybody can live with, doing something about mass shootings. Basically that candidate would be doing their job rather than spending all his time obsessing about what the person who lost the election was allegedly doing years ago and extorting foreign leaders into bailing out his son in law's real estate company and investing in his own resort projects in as a prerequisite to getting things done.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
Yup. I'm a Finn so I have no direct stake in this, but following the Trump presidency from the outside has been like watching a trainwreck in slow-motion. This is the man who railed against corruption, the Washington elites, 'the swamp' and China. What has he done in his first year? Amp up nepotism by appointing his own friends and family into positions of power (never mind that they're not really fit to handle those positions), give massive tax-cuts to his own class to the tune of billions without any solid plan to fund them (and the republicans love this, even though it will cause a massive increase in the deficit), entangled your position in the middle-east even more than it already was by walking back on the Iran deal and with the Jerusalem embassy.move, and basically made himself the Swamlord.
The Chinese have the man figured out, and why wouldn't they, he's easy to read. All it took to bend the man to their will was a few hundred million to his project and suddenly the Chinese went from 'stealing so many jobs to nice people that need to be helped because 'too many jobs in China lost'. [twitter.com] Beijing took one look at the tariffs he was planning, hit back with counter-tariffs that hurt the critical areas of the Trump-base in the midterm and the man folded instantly like a house of cards. The fact that he even thought he could win a 'trade war' is indicative of just how beyond clueless the man is of the structure of the global economy. And this man fancies himself a negotiator or a strongman of some kind? He's not playing 4d chess, he's not even playing chess, he's eating the pieces and calling himself a genius for doing so. But the base cheers for him, and that's all that he cares about.
Trump is weakening the US reputation and position globally on pretty much all fronts because he's so easy to manipulate, so impulsive, egocentric and frankly, so damn dumb. And that being the case, you can be sure that many of the major geopolitical players, likely China included, will do what they can behind the scenes to keep the man in power, because he might just be the best thing that's happened to your global competitors in a good while. Besides being relatively easy to control and influence from the outside with pocket change and praise, the amount of sheer incompetence and chaos he causes in the US domestic politics is a godsend to them. I mean, the fact that we're over a year into his presidency and the 'b-b-b-b-ut Hillary!" -card is still being thrown about as a counter whenever Trump does something that's just objectively moronic is proof of that.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
Yup. I'm a Finn so I have no direct stake in this, but following the Trump presidency from the outside has been like watching a trainwreck in slow-motion. This is the man who railed against corruption, the Washington elites, 'the swamp' and China. What has he done in his first year? Amp up nepotism by appointing his own friends and family into positions of power (never mind that they're not really fit to handle those positions), give massive tax-cuts to his own class to the tune of billions without any solid plan to fund them (and the republicans love this, even though it will cause a massive increase in the deficit), entangled your position in the middle-east even more than it already was by walking back on the Iran deal and with the Jerusalem embassy.move, and basically made himself the Swamplord ... Trump is weakening the US reputation and position globally on pretty much all fronts because he's so easy to manipulate, so impulsive, egocentric and frankly, so damn dumb. ... I mean, the fact that we're over a year into his presidency and the 'b-b-b-b-ut Hillary!" -card is still being thrown about as a counter whenever Trump does something that's just objectively moronic is proof of that.
I'm not an American either and I don't have a stake Reps vs. Dems trench-warfare the US'ians have got going. I can also only sit in amazement and watch this farce unfold. Trump fancies himself as the greatest negotiator in history, the most clever political strategist of our time and in that capacity he has managed to destroy the USA's credibility by reneging on the Iran nuclear agreement with the predictable result that that now nobody believes that anything the US commits to will survive the next presidential transition or even the next morning POTUS wakes up in a bad mood and fires off a Twitter storm. I've been watching John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Netanyahu and the rest of that ilk cheering this latest Iran move along and making the case that you can only fight war with war. Nobody except Israeli nationalists and the Fox and Friends audience is buying it. There are already four raging dumpster fires in the Middle East: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen and nobody except Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US war hawk and a few small nations of no real consequence has the slightest appetite to light up a fifth one.
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What Iran nuclear agreement? Genuinely curious how this is seen outside the United States. Do foreigners not understand that a verbal political commitment with a U.S. President isn't binding on the country, nor on a future President? That this "agreement" wasn't signed by either side, didn't comply with U.S. law to be anything resembling a Treaty, and was described by the Obama State Department as not even being an executive agreement?
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Interesting you have that impression, because the according to the Obama State Department, there was never a signed written agreement.
See their letter to Congress about it [scribd.com], specifically how the JCPOA "is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document".
Do you have a reference for what was the "written agreement signed by the US Secretary of State in his capacity as official government representative" you're talking about?
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
Under U.S. law any treaty not ratified by the Congress is not worth the paper it is written on. No U.S. treaty is binding unless it has passed both houses of Congress. that's the law. Sorry if you were misinformed.
Again, nobody gives a shit, the US went back on it's word, nobody cares that Trump and the Republicans are on a holy crusade to undo everything Obama ever did. The US is in the middle of making a similar agreement with North Korea. Do you honestly think that what happened with Iran is going to boost the North Korean's trust that anything the US says or does is worth wasting their time on it? Then Mike Pompeo goes on TV and gives a half hour speech on how the goal with repudiating the Iran agreement and the new sanctions is regime change and then there is Bolton talking about the fact that he had the Lybia model in mind for N-Korea. Hmmm... broken promises, regime change, brutally murdered dictator, now there is a bunch of prospects that are bound to get N-Korea's dictator to the table!
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What Iran nuclear agreement? Genuinely curious how this is seen outside the United States. Do foreigners not understand that a verbal political commitment with a U.S. President isn't binding on the country, nor on a future President? That this "agreement" wasn't signed by either side, didn't comply with U.S. law to be anything resembling a Treaty, and was described by the Obama State Department as not even being an executive agreement?
Nobody gives a damn about technicalities. What is at stake her is the credibility of the US as an entity that makes commitments. The agreement was made, companies and governments were green-lighted by the US to do business in Iran, then the next US president decided to upend the whole thing because he felt like it. Trump bills himself as an expert negotiator, the best in history (because he's the best in history at everything), well so far nobody's impressed. The man is a buffoon, a moron, he is making an a
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:4, Insightful)
Perception IS Reality.
Trump has created the perception that the US will disregard agreements that it has previously made. That REALITY will make it much harder for the US to make agreements with foreign powers going forward, no matter how much you protest that the JPCOA was no true scotsman.
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It's a shame this can only go to +5!
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Good points. I have friends that dealt with him and said it's pretty simple. Stroke his ego, say no and push back and he'll back down. He starts with big demands and will come around if you push back; and then declare he won and go home. The Saudi's clearly understand the stroke the ego part if you saw his reception in Riyadh.
He has no real political convictions beyond "Is it good for DJ Trump?" and "Will it get cheers from the crowd?" He is happy to pander to his base, who mistakenly believe "he is on our
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Informative)
Oh hello Ivan, I was wondering when you guys would show up in defense of your man in Washington.
As for that article you tried to troll with: poor attempt. The way Finnish criminal law works is that when the victim of a sex crime as a minor, it's always prosecuted as (aggravated) sexual assault of a minor and not under the tittle of rape. Aggravated sexual assault of a minor carries the same maximum penalty as aggravated rape, and even in that case the offender was sentenced to jail time.
You guys really need to amp up your game man, your talking points are old, out of date, and easily refuted. Pathetic, really.
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Do you honestly believe that Hillary wouldn't pull same shit on him if they swapped places? Pot calling kettle black. Captcha:swingers
I think that if the roles were reversed, Hillary, or any other presidential candidate you care to name, Democrat or Republican, would be concentrating on doing his job, solving the middle east mess, getting infrastructure reform done, finding some kind of compromise in the Obamacare feud that everybody can live with, doing something about mass shootings. Basically that candidate would be doing their job rather than spending all his time obsessing about what the person who lost the election was allegedly doing years ago and extorting foreign leaders into bailing out his son in law's real estate company and investing in his own resort projects in as a prerequisite to getting things done.
This... And I mean any other candidate, not just Clinton but Sanders, Huckabee, that guy that looks like the blue bird from the Muppets. Everyone up to and including the Moron in Chiefs own running mate would be busier trying to get shit done instead of blaming the media for reporting their failings.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you understand that you're writing parody there? Fixing the Middle East mess? Ask ISIS how it's going over there since Obama left office. He apparently has ended a 70 year war in Korea by mocking the fat, ugly imbecilic dictator on the other side over the internet. The economy is doing ell and employment is about the highest it's ever been. He's another Bill Clinton - horrible person, fine President.
Deposing Saddam Hussein because he was on the verge of developing WMDs. How is that going? Any luck finding those WMDs? ... oh right, are you too busy dealing with the dumpster fires you lit after the Iraq invasion to remember the non existing WMDs. As for ending the 70 year war in Korea, after the demonstration of how the US honours the nuclear agreement it made with Iran, the subsequent assurances from Mike Pompeo that the US goal in Iran is now to affect regime change and the assurance from John Bolton that the Lybian model (where the dictator ended up getting sodomised by his angry subjects with a bayonet) would be applied to North Korea, I'm not holding my breath in anticipation of the greatest negotiator in human history ending the Korean war. In fact I'd not trust the US to keep any agreement or honour any treaty even as long as the president whom made it holds office.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:4, Interesting)
He apparently has ended a 70 year war in Korea by mocking the fat, ugly imbecilic dictator on the other side over the internet.
If only! He did indeed have the opportunity to end the war fall into his lap like manna from heaven, yes, because North Korea's nuclear research complex was destroyed in a semi-natural disaster. [theguardian.com] Then with John "War Fetish" Bolton's help, the fat ugly imbecilic wannabe-dictator snatched crushing defeat from the jaws of free glorious victory [washingtonpost.com] by reminding North Korea what happened to Libya (and Gaddafi) along with demonstrating that the USA's word isn't worth jack shit, [nytimes.com] and now it's all going to fall through. So don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The economy is doing ell and employment is about the highest it's ever been. He's another Bill Clinton - horrible person, fine President.
The economy is doing well, yes, but as in the Reagan years, the massive and permanent wealth transfer to the 1% will come back to haunt future generations. He's cooked another goose that lays the golden eggs, and again the conservatives are saying "Mmm mmm tasty goose! Such a great decision!"
He will almost certainly go down in history as the worst US president ever on all fronts.
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They're paying less of their fair share while everyone else has to pay the same or more. This will make them more wealthy at the expense of everyone else. If it looks, walks and quacks like a transfer of wealth...
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That is not relevant. She lost, remember? We're dealing with Trump's idiocy, not hers.
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Do you honestly believe that Hillary wouldn't pull same shit on him if they swapped places? Pot calling kettle black. Captcha:swingers
Did she spend the previous block of years moaning at Obama for doing it?
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Did you read the fucking article?
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You are missing the point. It is not Twitter in itself, but the risk of the phone being compromised.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Informative)
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If this is a special phone that doesn't use voice, i would assume it has no microphone. if it does the secret service was fucked from the start. providing the phone was ever secure to start, it should still be secure today. you cant really tell me they are using some off the shelf cell phone that would be stupid.
Re:All politians have no respect for security (Score:5, Informative)
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Can't these pieces of hardware be disabled within the phone before handing it over to do just twitter?
I'm sure they can, but the first line of the summary tells us that "[Trump's phone] isn't equipped with sophisticated security features designed to shield his communications", so this is exactly the point.
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1. It works the other way, too. The same people getting the vapors over Trump tweeting from an insecure phone will spend hours explaining how Hillary did nothing wrong with her email server.
You mean besides the countless, multiple government investigations that came up with the same conclusions? Yes what she did was reckless but could find that she didn't break any laws. But to address your point, would you agree that Trump should have to face the same public investigations that Hillary faced? Yes or no?
2. The two aren't even comparable. She had classified emails on her unsecured server, in addition to Anthony Weiner's laptop.
That's not quite factually true. My recollection is that the vast majority of emails were not classified and those that were classified were classified after they were sent.
Rather, the issue is that he has a phone on him that is a huge target for hacking. As long as they change the phone out regularly (which shouldn't be difficult since it's his twitter phone) there's a smaller chance of that happening. An email server sitting there for a couple of years is an easier, albeit different target.
How is changing out
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2. The two aren't even comparable. She had classified emails on her unsecured server, in addition to Anthony Weiner's laptop.
That's not quite factually true. My recollection is that the vast majority of emails were not classified and those that were classified were classified after they were sent.
My recollection is that something like 11 email chains were determined to have been classified at the time they were sent. Out of 60K messages on the server I am willing to call that inadvertent, since as SoS she worked with classified data all day long. And given the US Government's penchant to classify just about everything, without knowing what those particular emails contained I don't know whether it is significant or not.
One thing I think was lost in the popular reporting is that having her email serv
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Ya, but ... (Score:5, Funny)
"President Donald Trump uses a White House cellphone that isn't equipped with sophisticated security features ... The president has gone as long as five months without having the phone checked by security experts.
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The iPhone cannot act as an email server? Now I am disappointed!
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You'd have to jailbreak it in order to open port 25
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yep, the phone being turned into a listening device or used to pinpoint the presidents position is actually a far greater security risk than the email. Don't get me wrong they are both fucking retards for this sort of shit, but Trumps is on a whole other level of stupidity.
Well let's hear it (Score:2, Troll)
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How are the resident Trump supporters going to explain this away
Hey look over there, it's Hillary's email server, and standing next to it a North Korean dictator. Now I'm sure Trump will address your comments after he finishes fixing the SAD state Obama left the country. /Trump supporter.
I need a shower.
Re: Well let's hear it (Score:2)
Talking to yourself is a common symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). TDS is estimated to afflict nearly 1 in 50 Americans.
Fortunately your friends and family no longer need to suffer as they watch you succumb to this debilitating disease. New Donaldizole is proven safe and effective for treatment of TDS.
Talk to your doctor about Donaldizole - and get help today!
Just let him... (Score:5, Insightful)
This shouldn't be a surprise.
The guy is a pathological narcisist, so of course he'll do as he pleases. The only type of respect he has is self-respect, and fuck the rest.
He already dismisses everything that was ever done previous to his administration as errors, worst mistakes, wrong, criminal, swamp or whatever.
And it hasn't been a problem for him every single time he was proven wrong. It's either treated as a joke, or the new norm.
Nobody knew x could be so complicated. President Trump isn't at fault because he just didn't know better. It's just fake news. It's media persecution. Things we hear every freaking day on the news.
If it's content he doesn't like, it's fake news. If he does something wrong he was just unaware or it's someone else's fault. Any press that says anything wrong about him is being unfair. Any politician that raises a voice against his command is either a democrat trying to attack him, or a republican traitor. The guy acts exactly like politicians in countries like Venezuela, Phillipines and other proto-dictatorships and populist nations and people are just watching it happen.
None of this has put him out of his position up to now, leaking smartphone information also won't. At most, some fuzz will be made about it, they'll create some comitee for investigation, and some people will cry foul, but he'll still be there.
I doubt there's anything there to be leaked or hacked anyways... I mean, anything that foreign countries and whatnot don't already know. People shouldn't expect any sort of internal security from the current administration. You just have to see how many incompetent people are occupying all sorts of positions right now. Why would anyone be under some illusion that US government data isn't already being hacked, stolen, spied upon and even directly willingly sent by people on this administration? I'd believe first that the US government is already, knowingly or not, a puppet of other countries. I'd believe first that every piece of communication is already being monitored, specially around Trump. Look at the people he has surrounded himself with. There's a whole ton of people there now or that has come and gonne that I'd have no problems believing they'd just leak stuff or spy for foreign governments with either profit or because they were being blackmailed.
Foreign countries probably already have plenty of info on him, it's just more convenient to let the guy wreck havok in US international relations as this weakens US economy and gives more opportunities for foreign countries to strenghten theirs.
And should Trump do too much against other countries with access to his dirt, the information just comes in handy for blackmailing and whatnot, something I wouldn't doubt already happened anyways.
His supporters already blindly follow him. I'm willing to be that for the vast majority of them, should news come tomorrow that his phones were hacked and all the info stolen, they'd see no fault in Trump's position. It'd only be something to fuel his and his followers nationalist spew, more reason for isolationism, more fuel for immigrant persecution, more reasons for baseless accusations against foreign companies, and overall more reasons for the FUD that this administration feeds on.
When people have bought the narrative that every single mistake of the current administration is the fault of someone else, and even some of the most obvious errors and problems there is either fake or intrigue by the opposition, the country already set itself on a downward spiral. It will go on as long as it's to the benefit of those in power.
I pitty the non-supporters who are currently on this trap without any sight of getting out, but it is what it is.
And I say this as a non US citizen. I live in a country that has gone through that downward spiral. It has destroyed the entire country's economy, it has put the country as a place no foreign investors wants to deal with, it has provoked a massive runaway of scientists, researchers, technology overall, among other stuff t
iphone (Score:5, Funny)
Apple can get some marketing mileage out of this.
"iPhone, so easy to use even Trump has one."
"The iPhone is so secure the president's doesn't need security checks"
"iPhone: Not for immigrants"
Next time I'm in California and someone goes all identity politics on me I'll just respond with, "Oh, you have a Trump phone"
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nothingburger (Score:4, Informative)
Did anyone actually read the article? The writer complains that Trump does not swap out his Twitter phone as often as an "anonymous source" would prefer.
The phones are fedgov issued:
"The president uses at least two iPhones, according to one of the officials. The phones â" one capable only of making calls, the other equipped only with the Twitter app and preloaded with a handful of news sites â" are issued by White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency, an office staffed by military personnel that oversees White House telecommunications."
The reporter then quotes another anon:
"The White House declined to comment for this story, but a senior West Wing official said the call-capable phones âoeare seamlessly swapped out on a regular basis through routine support operations. Because of the security controls of the Twitter phone and the Twitter account, it does not necessitate regular change-out.â"
Followed by a bunch of pettifoggery from the President's political rivals.
I don't think the article quite reaches the level of Fake News. But it's certainly a tempest in a teapot.
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I don't think the article quite reaches the level of Fake News. But it's certainly a tempest in a teapot.
I have never seen such a large amount of partisan activity on this site before. Soooooooo many Hillary supporters and sooooooo many people who want to crucify Trump. It is drowning out the regulars who despise both people and parties and do not engage in partisan politics. Just WTF is going on here? Surely the people of Slashdot did not suddenly turn ignorant and partisan and lose all sense of rational thought.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Trump sucks. Yeah yeah, I get it, he does not play the corruption and nepoti
Surprising? (Score:4, Insightful)
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We had a choice between two presidential candidates, and while Trump does have those tendencies, Hillary was far worse on each of them. That's why Americans made the choice they did.
US pre
The Swamp (Score:2)
lock him up (Score:3)
Makes sense (Score:2)
When one is sending out the sort of unfiltered stuff on Twitter that Trump does, what would be the point of securing a phone that he using expressly for that purpose? He is TRYING to broadcast whatever information he puts in the phone to everyone willing to listen. Aside from avoiding someone hijacking the twitter feed to send stuff and make it look like it is from him, there isn't any security threat worse than the already intended use of the phone.
The summary clearly states that this phone is only for twi
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Keep your eye on the ball (Score:4, Insightful)
You have a president who colluded with the Russian Intelligence to get himself elected, and since has used the office in blatantly illegal ways to enrich himself. He's showed distain for all ethical rules and social mores. He's taken it on himself to dismantle our institutions, and fill the government with unethical stupid people who are blindly loyal to him. As law enforcement investigates his crimes, he's been disrupting the investigation and undermining law enforcement in general, while preparing to fire any law enforcement personnel involved in the investigation. Oh, and he's been talking about installing himself as dictator for life.
And you're surprised that he's tweeting from an insecure phone? You're worried about that?
Let's keep our eye on the ball here. If you quibble over trivial things, it reenforces the idea that his opponents simply "don't like him" for personal reasons. It's not personal. He's a criminal. He needs to go to jail.
Inconvenience (Score:2)
I would argue that 'inconvenient' is a subjective thing. If one is unfortunate to be as stupid as Donald Trump, then *everything* is inconvenient.
Doesn't Matter Anymore. (Score:4, Interesting)
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Re: Trump Ignores 'Inconvenient' Security Rules .. (Score:5, Interesting)
Hoe many here know a CxO who wanted to get rid of some security or ignored their company policy?
Difference is that a CxO as an executive of a private company has that power to make such decisions. And this pretty much sums up Trump's stupidity. He still thinks POTUS is the boss of the country, rather than a servant of the people. Govt policy is our our policy which all must follow.
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He's the head of the executive branch, which is the equivalent of a CEO. He absolutely has the power to ignore directives such as this. I'm not saying I think he's doing the right thing, but he can do it if he wants.
If he's the CEO, then the American public are the shareholders. His primary duty is still to look out for our interests over his.
Re:Trump Ignores 'Inconvenient' Security Rules ... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Trump Ignores 'Inconvenient' Security Rules ... (Score:4, Interesting)
Uh oh, someone with mod points doesn't like people pointing out when Trump does things he's railed against others for doing.
I commented on a Trump thread once with about four separate factual responses and had every one of them modded to -1 within hours.
Based on what we know of Cambridge Analytica and Russian Troll factories, it's quite feasible that a group somewhere has ghost accounts specifically to get mod points to to try swaying the conversation.
It would be good if there were some Slashdot analytics you could run on mod operations to see if there's any manipulation going on here.
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>> Based on what we know of Cambridge Analytica and Russian Troll factories, it's quite feasible that a group somewhere has ghost accounts specifically to get mod points to to try swaying the conversation
I'd be surprised if anyone outside of /. thought it was influential enough to bother doing that. Not many people using /. think it.
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Security for tweeting?
no, I think they could not give a rats arse about that (as long as he doesn't tweet anything he shouldn't). However security for cameras, GPS's and especially microphones (ie those found on his phone) in the whitehouse I think they should and DO give a shit about that.
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Re:What's remarkable... (Score:5, Informative)
His predecessors were no better - and often worse - but they were given a free pass by the media. Obama used an ordinary Blackberry for years
Actually, no, Obama used a specially approved heavily restricted Blackberry. [cnn.com] Not "an ordinary Blackberry". So, no, this is something Trump can criticized for just fine.
I'm not in the US, but from here it seems to me that Trump is pissing off all the right people. If the DC establishment and the media dislike him so much, he must be doing something right.
No, the simplest answer is most likely the correct one here; i.e. that he's just a dumb asshole.
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Did you read the article? Trump uses a special iPhone too with restricted apps issued by the Federal government. Check your bias at the door.
And Obama apparently followed the security policies defined for his use of the BB. Trump does not. It's not just the device, it's also the policies and procedures around its use that matters.
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What's remarkable, is the continuing criticism of Trump for this kind of thing. His predecessors were no better - and often worse - but they were given a free pass by the media.
You're a little late to the party, mr. Whatabout, but I have to applaud this galant attempt to take a bullet for the Idiot in Chief. It's pointless, but yeah, it's galant.
Obama used an ordinary Blackberry for years.
Not while he was president.
Hillary's email server was a disaster.
Please describe in detail in what way this was a disaster? Please spare me the usual histronics, only the facts please. What bad thing or things happened because she did this? And of course you will provided evidence that these bad things actually happened.
I'm not in the US, but from here it seems to me that Trump is pissing off all the right people. If the DC establishment and the media dislike him so much, he must be doing something right.
Well, I suppose that if you're Russian, Iranian, Chinese,
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What's remarkable, is the continuing criticism of Trump for this kind of thing. His predecessors were no better - and often worse - but they were given a free pass by the media. Obama used an ordinary Blackberry for years. Hillary's email server was a disaster.
That's factually false. Obama used a Blackberry specifically made for him that passed security requirements drafted by the government. In fact he thought he would have to give it up once he became President but Blackberry sensing an PR opportunity worked with the government to make a custom one.
As for Hillary, Bush did the same thing AND it appears that members of the GOP did the same thing after. Really it's more about our leaders not understanding security and technology.
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The difference being that President Dingbat has the authority to change the rules. You don't. I hope you enjoy your stay in Guantanamo. I'm told that it's always sunny there.
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Great, Reddit McCarthy puppets have infiltrated Slashdot now.
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Possibly lowered the threat from NK and increase stability in the region.
He rolled the dice with nuclear war on the line and (maybe) got lucky. He played chicken with a madman and isn't smart enough to flinch. This does not make him Nobel material.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
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read 1984 again. Then look at the headlines. Everyone says the other news source is fake news. One day a newspaper says one thing, then contradicts it. Your correct that its intentional mind fucking. I literally caught the NY Post running a fake headline last friday. A few minutes after the shooting in TX happened, I went to the live stream of ABC13, the local news on the scene. I watched for hours as students were interviewed. They all said they either saw a kid with a shotgun or heard a shotgun. Four hour
Re: So What? (Score:2)
You're the one who brought up that particular straw man.
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CBS is just a joke.
Really? I don't find CBS amusing at all...
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We elected Zaphod Beeblebrox as our president . . . no . . . Zaphod at least had a plan.
They both had hot women as well...