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Apple Recalls Beats Pill XL Speakers As Fire Risk 104

An anonymous reader writes: Apple has released a voluntary recall announcement for the Beats Pill XL range of speakers, advising customers that the rechargeable device is a fire risk, and advising them to stop using the devices immediately. Apple bought the manufacturers out in 2014 after the successful release of the XL speaker range in November 2013. The announcement reads in part: "Because customer safety is the company’s top priority, Apple is asking customers to stop using their Beats Pill XL speakers. Customers who purchased a Beats Pill XL speaker should visit for details about how to return their product to Apple, and how to receive an Apple Store credit or electronic payment of $325."
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Apple Recalls Beats Pill XL Speakers As Fire Risk

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  • that those speakers aren't hot.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 03, 2015 @02:53PM (#49833237)

    Anybody who pays $325 for a pair of speakers has already been burnt enough

    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by Hussman32 ( 751772 )

      $325 isn't even entry level for audiophiles. I don't even want to disclose what I paid for mine.

      • by jandrese ( 485 )
        They're crappy speakers in a tube. $325 was a ripoff.
      • I really like the sound of tube amps and speaker cabinets made of actual wood as apposed to regurgitated fiber board. $325 isn't the price of one speaker cab.

      • Not surprisingly, I got some Beats headphones for the kid for xmas and after slight usage had to return them for service. The hinges looked like they were designed by Dr. Dre himself as they were built around a pin(metal, and not liquid metal) that could unseat itself with normal use and then lodge itself into the (plastic)works making the hinge not stick or extend properly. Anyway, it was after normal return period so I just took them to the nearest Apple Store and they repaired them for free. I got the ki

      • LOL ... I'm pretty sure audiophiles aren't running speakers PC Mag lauded for "thumping, powerful Bluetooth audio" and portable design [] and which were available in pink.

        Not even a little.

      • by Megane ( 129182 )
        Really! You can't even buy a good audiophile volume knob [] for less than $500!
    • Anybody who pays $325 for a pair of speakers has already been burnt enough

      That was a sick burn .

  • by SeaFox ( 739806 ) on Wednesday June 03, 2015 @03:11PM (#49833479)

    Apple has a replacement product: The Beats Suppository XS.

  • by pecosdave ( 536896 ) on Wednesday June 03, 2015 @03:14PM (#49833517) Homepage Journal

    FTR: Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world

    Yeah, I admit their hardware is pretty good, and it's certainly up near the top in design and reliability, but damn, saying it that way sure does look like a conflict of interest.

    • Get out FA reader. We don't like your kind.

    • by cdrudge ( 68377 )

      That isn't the actual recall notice, it's the press release about the recall notice. Just about every non-financial press release I've ever read has some blurb equally fluffy about the company or division that is releasing the press release.

  • by ihtoit ( 3393327 ) on Wednesday June 03, 2015 @03:22PM (#49833583)


    • Hey you, calm the fuck down. Those speakers are not three hundred dollars.

      They're three hundred and thirty dollars.

    • $325 for good audio can be a sensible investment for the music loving computer user.
      That is, if it is indeed good audio.
      Instead of designer desktop speakers, I bought this at approx $400/pair inline retailer Price: []
      Bigger and uglier but musically quite satisfying and fun to edit my home movies on.
      • by ihtoit ( 3393327 )

        mine's an ugly setup too, but boy does it sound sweet.

        First, the really loud shit:
        Sansui 331 4-channel amp (a 1975 vintage original!) feeding 4x Goodmans GLS250 shelf monitors

        Then, the studio stuff:
        Acoustic Solutions 5.1 home theatre (which probably has a higher per-channel output than the Sansui!)
        5xCambridge Soundworks satellites (rescued from a blown DTT2200 setup)

        All fed using Tech+Link interconnects. And no clearly I didn't pay £25 per cable. Smart-arsed me only paid £5 for a random box of l

  • Apple pays attention to sound quality. This is evident from what comes out of the iphone, ipad, mac mini.

    Beats, on the other hand, dips the music in sweet syrup, then wraps it in a soft blanket and then gives the bass a +10db boost. That's what their headphones sounded like to me.

    I can only hope Apple will show beats what music really sounds like.

    And as for bluetooth speakers, I use a JBL Clip. At least JBL remembers how to make good sound. Beats never learned. Plus it's really hard to clip a Pill to y

    • What's with the talk of syrup and blankets? 10 dB boost in the bass range is at least a real description of its audio reproduction characteristics. Although I don't think you'll get much deep bass out of a, what is that, 2 inch driver? It wouldn't surprise me if they just took some off-the-shelf mass produced driver, maybe consulted Dr. Dre on the styling, and released the product.
  • Buy broken speaker on eBay, get 325$USD in Apple store credit!

  • I thought setting the heads of people that use Beats on fire was a feature.

  • Why would you need to recharge speakers? I don't even own any speakers that need to be plugged into a wall outlet, let alone be plugged into a recharger. Why is the "save the world" crowd so enamored with wasteful battery technology?
  • Apple allows clueless customers (followers) a second chance to make an "intelligent" purchasing decision.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
