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GarageBand 1.1 Released 26

joelhayhurst writes "GarageBand 1.1 addresses isolated performance and stability issues, allows per-track Echo settings similar to other effects, supports loop libraries in other disk locations, supports importing unprotected AAC audio files in addition to AIF and MP3 files, and addresses issues with ReWire support, moving GarageBand songs between different computers, Help support, fixing the timing of individual notes (as well as entire regions), and dragging entire tracks in the timeline." I hope it well let me select what MIDI channel to listen on, too. Here's hoping ...
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GarageBand 1.1 Released

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  • by andreMA ( 643885 )
    About 38MB with no reboot required *yawns*

    Uneventful, but I've not played with it yet.

  • by funfun42 ( 780678 ) on Monday May 17, 2004 @09:18PM (#9179297)
    * ReWire support

    You can use GarageBand with applications supporting ReWire functionality. You can play the ReWire application in a GarageBand song, and export the combined mix to iTunes.

    * Rearrange tracks

    You can move tracks up or down to rearrange the order of tracks in a song.

    * Duplicate tracks

    You can duplicate a track, which creates a new, empty track with the same instrument, effects, and input settings.

    * Rename tracks in the track header

    You can rename a track by clicking its name in the track header and typing a new name.

    * Index loops in multiple locations

    You can add loops stored in different locations, including external hard disks or disk partitions, to the loop library. GarageBand asks if you want to copy the file to the loop library, or index it in its current location Loops on removable media, such as CDs or DVDs, are automatically copied and indexed.

    * Convert Software Instrument loops to Real Instrument loops in the timeline

    You can convert a Software Instrument loop to a Real Instrument loop when you drag it to the timeline, allowing you to use more loops and effects in your song.

    * Fix the timing of individual Software Instrument notes in the track editor

    When you select notes in the track editor, you can click the Fix Timing button to fix the timing of the selected notes or the entire selected region.

    * Add AAC audio files to a song

    You can add AAC format audio files (except protected AAC files) to a song by dragging them into the timeline. As with MP3 files, AAC files are converted to AIFF file for use within your song.

    * New "Track Echo" instrument effect

    A new "Track Echo" instrument effect is now available in the Effect menu of the Track Info window. Unlike the default instrument echo, which applies the same echo settings to the entire song, the "Track Echo" effect behaves like other track effects, so different echo settings can be used on different instruments.

    * Save a song as an archive

    You can save a song as an archive, so that any loops the song uses are saved with the song, improving portability of GarageBand songs between computers.

    * Close the song without quitting GarageBand

    You can now close the open song without quitting GarageBand.

  • iSight as a mic (Score:5, Interesting)

    by joelhayhurst ( 655022 ) on Monday May 17, 2004 @09:23PM (#9179321)

    I can't get my iSight to work with GarageBand and I see in a quick Google that others can't, either. This is a concern because the built-in mic on my laptop has lots of noise, while it is my understanding that my iSight has a superior mic with some noise-cancelling technology. Currently, it lists a grayed out option in the Audio Input selection which says "iSight (not 44.1)". I don't particularly know what this means or if I can get around it somehow to use the iSight as a mic. For me, the grayed out option was not there previously. Particularly curious is that on this site [] the user posts a screenshot of GarageBand with the grayed out option, but his post is dated in January, well before this version came out.

    The major question is, can I somehow get my iSight to work as audio input? And the second question is, why did my previous version of GarageBand not have the grayed out option, but the user on that site's GarageBand did?

  • I've been playing with GarageBand for a couple of days, and I can't find an obvious way for a song to have multiple tempos or time signatures, making it very limited for doing progressive rock. And I wish I had a dedicated midi drum editor. I know, that's probably too much to ask from an app that came free with my Powerbook..
    • by gryphokk ( 648488 ) on Tuesday May 18, 2004 @11:52AM (#9184259) Homepage Journal
      I wish I had a dedicated midi drum editor.

      Ask and ye shall receive! []

      Sorry can't help with the time sig thing. I'm in the same boat.

      Course, if you're willing to forget about sectional editing, just forget about bar lines, turn off the metronome and just jam! How many time signatures did the original TASCAM 4-track cassette portastudio support?*

      *Trick question: None (or all ;-)
      • Why, thank you!! That takes care of my problem, at least partially... So as long as I stick with one tempo and time sig within a song (i.e. punk rock) I'll be fine.
        • So as long as I stick with one tempo and time sig within a song (i.e. punk rock) I'll be fine.

          Not sure if you missed my point, or if you got it and just didn't like it.

          Just because you software recorder has features like loops or step editing, doesn't mean you're required to use them. If you're capable of playing a song straight through (which I'm sure you can, if you're building homemade prog), then you are not limited by the limitations of the software.

          Just turn off the metromone, play your mixed time
          • Yeah, I got your point. I could just do it that way, but I'm afraid I rely too much on programmed drums (I'm a guitarist). Unfortunately, I don't have a drummer, or an apartment where I can bang on a drumset, so I depend heavily on flexible software drums. I've been using Magix Music Studio on Winblows, which is great, flexible and powerful, except that the drum samples sound like crap. But you can do 7/8 polyrhythms just fine...
            Anyway, I just got a Powerbook, and I was wondering whether I could make do wi
            • Charaz, we totally got to get together.

              I'm a frustrated Prog drummer, holding myself together with a 50s-60s rock&roll band

              sounds like you may need soime drumming done, and I may be just the guy to do it.

              We got some old R&R standards up on our website, Stingrays Online []. Give 'em a listen, and see if you hear anything useful in the drummer.

              If ya do, follow my address on the site, and tell me what you need in the way of polyrhythms.

              ANd, ya GB is totally limited. You very well may need something m
            • See my journal [] for further developments on this topic, including an mp3 file of some Garageband self-gratification.
  • Thank GOD (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    * Close the song without quitting GarageBand

    You can now close the open song without quitting GarageBand.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
