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Diablo II Patch for Mac OS X Released 33

soquelraj writes "Blizzard has released the long awaited patch they promised three months ago at MacWorld SF 2002 to allow Diablo II and Diablo II LoD to run native on Mac OS X. This was the last reason I was booting into Mac OS 9 for any reason (I could never stand not having direct access to my video hardware running the game via Classic). The performance (at least on the first quick spin I took tonight after downloading) under OpenGL looks to be much smoother than anything previous -- but regardless, this makes my Mac OS X experience complete."
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Diablo II Patch for Mac OS X Released

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  • by Niherlas ( 171927 ) on Thursday March 28, 2002 @12:53PM (#3242241) Homepage
    As was pointed out on another website, MacOS X hadn't even shipped in public beta form when Diablo II was released. While I'm sure that the OSX updates for WarCraft II, StarCraft, and Diablo II are mostly applications of things Blizzard developers have learned as part of the WarCraft III development cycle, it's still very good of Blizzard to release those efforts to the Mac gaming public.

    Then again, I'd also wager that Diablo II (and LOD) has sold enough copies to recoup Blizzard's investment at this point - and the goodwill they're generating amongst the OSX-using community will just translate into additional sales for WarCraft III when it hits the bricks. Not much, granted (I'm realistic about MacOS market share), but every bit helps, neh?

    • ...and already released for OS X. And if memory serves me correctly, Unreal Tournament, a non-Blizzard product, is also older than Diablo II.
      • Starcraft and Warcraft II are both older, yes. Also arguably simpler than Diablo II, more directly related to the WarCraft III development cycle, and (most importantly) both are stable products.

        Diablo II and LOD, on the other hand, was being actively patched and updated until December of last year.

        And Unreal Tournament... well, the OSX port is entirely unsupported - it's a "in my spare time" project from the president of Westlake Interactive, and still hasn't progressed past "Preview Release 2".
  • Timing. (Score:4, Funny)

    by saintlupus ( 227599 ) on Thursday March 28, 2002 @03:18PM (#3243450)
    Now if I only had a time machine that could take me back a year and a half, to when I was actually playing that game...

    • I envy you. I have been playing D2 for almost 2 years now. LOD now, of course. And I can't stop. Well... except for a short layover for Elite Force about a year ago. Love the trek, baby!
  • Blizzard being one of the more influncial game compaines out there porting/patching thier application to OS X may give other smaller companies reasons to port to OS X.
  • so when will they jump on the band wagon and make a n executable for linux?

  • by dangil ( 167785 )
    I dont know about you, but for me, diablo 2 is unplayable on a mac..

    at least with a geforce 2mx graphics card....

    I think it has something to do with Nvidia horrible macos drivers..

    but a underpowered (even a celeron 300) PC can play diablo2 much better then my 733 G4 can...

    quake3, on the other hand, runs like a charm... so its not a matter of hardware...

    please NVIDIA. fix MacOS drivers (both X an 9)
    please BLIZZZZZARD. make Nvidia fix those drivers!
    • Yeah, its' nVidia's crappy drivers. My GF just got a new iMac and was VERY Disapointed to find that her 700Mhz G4 w/GF2MX was pulling 5-15 fps, 5 during combat. On the other hand my dual 450 (single 450 to the game of course) w/Rage Pro 128 is capped at 25 in single player. (for those who don't know D2 caps the fps @25 in single player mode)
      • and what about the skip rating ?

        i tested diablo 2 both in my 733 quicksiver, and my athlon XP 1600+.... 25fps, and 25 skip.. average numbers...

        what about this numbers on a PC or Mac with a Voodoo 3 ,4 or even 5 ?
    • The readme file mentions this. The solution is to use software rendering. On my 500 MHz iBook using software rendering it plays fine...not quite as fast as the same machine under OS 9/RAVE but its fast enough to play the game.
  • this makes my Mac OS X experience complete."

    Maybe its just me, but my Mac OSX experience won't be complete until I have two things 1) OSX Native Matlab and 2) Counter-Strike. Purely my opinion..

  • Blizzard is one of those great software companies that, literally, help keep Macintosh gaming legitimate. For them to create an update for D2 for Mac OS X is such a sign.

    Other companies, from Freeverse and Ambrosia (hail Andrew Welch, god of Code), to Aspyr Media (bless them for Tomb Raider, Sims, and Deus Ex ports, et al.) all show that the good games do come to the Macintosh, and the future for games look good.

    However, Apple needs to work on a better HID software solution. We went from InputSprockets (a nice and highly flexible solution) to nothing in OS X. If complex games such as Descent are to be ported, joysticks and other devices must be fully supported.

    I'll repeat what others have noted about the update: OS X has good OpenGL, but those with nVidia video may suffer performance problems or even (gasp!) kernel panics. Software rendering works great, and is actually faster than OpenGL with less overhead.

    Like other OS before it, try to avoid running a gazzillon apps while D2 is running. It still needs a respectable RAM amount, even though the OS allocates it now. And, keep Classic off--its a resource hog.
  • by geek ( 5680 )
    As if I didn't already have enough distractions. I spent 6 hours playing this today. Thanks a lot Blizzard, I'm supposed to be job hunting.

    If I keep this up I'll go blind.

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
