
Yes, Crypto Twitter, the FBI is Reading Your Tweets (theverge.com) 9

It appears that a crypto Twitter user named Cobie influenced the FBI into bringing an insider trading case. From a report: The US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York is bringing an indictment against a former Coinbase employee, who allegedly tipped his brother and his buddy about which assets were about to list on Coinbase -- leading to $1.5 million in "realized and unrealized gains," according to the indictment. This is the first insider trading case involving cryptocurrency markets, says U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, in a statement.

Ishan Wahi, the Coinbase employee who was charged, was involved in listing new crypto assets on Coinbase's exchange. When Coinbase announces that a new token will be listed, that token often pops in value -- which means that the company told employees to keep silent about Coinbase's listing plans. Wahi started working for Coinbase in October 2020. In August 2021, he was allowed access to a channel where Coinbase employees discussed listing new projects with details like "exact announcement / launch dates + timelines."


Google Play Store Is Bringing Back the App Permissions List (9to5google.com) 11

An anonymous reader quotes a report from 9to5Google: With the addition of the developer-generated Data safety section this year, Google Play removed the old list of app permissions. The Play Store is now reversing this decision in response to user feedback and will have both coexist. In a short thread this morning, Android Developers (@AndroidDev) on Twitter said it "heard your feedback that you find the app permissions section in Google Play useful, and we've decided to reinstate it." It will be "back shortly," but the company did not specify if this will be done through a server-side change or whether a new version of the Play Store app is required: "The Data safety section provides users with a simplified view of how an app collects, shares, & secures user data, but we also want to make app permissions information easily viewable for users to understand an app's ability to access specific restricted data & actions too."

As Google summarizes, the Play permissions list is "based on the install-time permissions that an app declares in its manifest," and "represents an app's ability to access specific data." Data safety is focused on what an app collects and shares with third parties, similar to Apple's App Store. As of July 20, Google is directly warning "non-compliant new app submissions and app updates" that don't completely fill out the Data safety form. Developers have until August 22 to comply or they won't be able to publish new apps or updates. After that, applications might be removed from the Play Store.

The Courts

Twitter Worker Accused of Spying For Saudi Arabia Heads To Trial (nytimes.com) 13

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: While working at Twitter from 2013 to 2015, Ahmad Abouammo was responsible for helping celebrities, journalists and other notable figures in the Middle East promote their Twitter accounts. He handled requests for Twitter's coveted blue verification badges and arranged tours of the San Francisco headquarters. But the Justice Department says he misused his access to Twitter user data, gathering the personal information of political dissidents and passing it to Saudi Arabia in exchange for a luxury watch and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mr. Abouammo, who is charged with acting as an agent of a foreign power inside the United States, committing wire fraud and laundering money, is set to stand trial this week in federal court in San Francisco. "We look forward to vindicating Mr. Abouammo and for him to have his day in court," said Angela Chuang, a lawyer representing him. The government expects Mr. Abouammo's legal team to argue that he worked lawfully as a consultant to Saudi Arabia, according to a court filing. Ms. Chuang declined to comment on legal strategy. The case, which illustrates the Saudi government's intensity in pursuing information about its critics, is unfolding at a delicate point in diplomacy between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

[...] Mr. Abouammo was charged in 2019 along with another former Twitter employee, Ali Alzabarah. The Justice Department said the men had used their Twitter access to dig up information about thousands of users and shared the information with Ahmed Almutairi, who the department said had served as their go-between with Saudi officials. Mr. Almutairi previously ran a social media marketing company that did work for the Saudi royal family. The men gathered "private user data, such as device identifiers, phone numbers, IP addresses, all of which could have been used by the Saudi government to identify and locate the individuals behind the accounts, including political dissidents," the Justice Department said in a court filing. When Twitter management confronted Mr. Alzabarah, he fled to Saudi Arabia, the Justice Department said. He and Mr. Almutairi remain wanted by U.S. law enforcement. Mr. Abouammo, who worked briefly at Amazon after leaving Twitter, was arrested in Seattle in 2019. He is free on bail but traveled to the San Francisco Bay Area for the trial.
The report notes the "fraught" timing for U.S.-Saudi relations, as President Biden just returned from his first visit to the kingdom in hopes of securing closer Saudi-Israeli relations and relief from high gas prices. "It is also a fraught moment for Twitter, as the company faces heightened scrutiny over its data security practices and wages a high-stakes legal battle against Elon Musk, who is trying to back out of a deal to acquire the social media company," adds the report.
The Almighty Buck

Crypto Exchange Zipmex Pauses Withdrawals, Citing 'Circumstances Beyond Our Control' (decrypt.co) 54

Zipmex, a Singapore-based digital assets trading platform, today announced that it is pausing customer withdrawals. From a report: The company took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce the move, citing "a combination of circumstances beyond our control" that made it take the decision. "Due to a combination of circumstances beyond our control including volatile market conditions, and the resulting financial difficulties of our key business partners, to maintain the integrity of our platform, we would be pausing withdrawals until further notice," said the exchange.

Zipmex, which markets itself as "Asia's leading digital assets exchange" and has offices in Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia, offers a variety of products including cryptocurrency spot trading and interest-bearing accounts. According to the company's website, users can enjoy up to 10% in rewards per year by depositing their funds on the platform. For example, Zipmex claims to offer 6% returns on Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), and 10% on the USDC stablecoin.
The startup, which counts Eduardo Saverin's B Capital as an investor, had concluded a $52 million fundraise in March this year.

SF Writer/Digital Art/NFT Pioneer Herbert W. Franke Dies at Age 95 (artnews.com) 20

On July 7th Art News explained how 95-year-old Austrian artist Herbert W. Franke "has recently become a sensation within the art world the crypto space," describing the digital pioneer as a computer artist using algorithms and computer programs to visualize math as art. Last month, the physicist and science fiction writer was behind one of the most talked about digital artworks at a booth by the blockchain company Tezos at Art Basel. Titled MONDRIAN (1979), the work paid tribute to artist Piet Mondrian's iconic geometric visuals using a program written on one of the first home computers.

Days before this, Franke, who studied physics in Vienna following World War II and started working at Siemens in 1953, where he conducted photographic experiments after office hours, launched 100 images from his famed series "Math Art" (1980-95) as NFTs on the Quantum platform. The drop was meant to commemorate his birthday on May 14 and to raise funds for his foundation. The NFTs sold out in 30 seconds, with the likes of pioneering blockchain artist Kevin Abosch purchasing a few.

In one of his last interviews, Franke told the site that blockchain "is a totally new environment, and this technology is still in its early stages, like at the beginning of computer art. But I am convinced that it has opened a new door for digital art and introduced the next generation to this new technology." It echoed something he'd said in his first book, published in 1957, which he later quoted in the interview (a full 65 years later). "Technology is usually dismissed as an element hostile to art. I want to try to prove that it is not..."

This morning, long-time Slashdot reader Qbertino wrote: The German IT news site heise reports (article in German) that digital art pioneer, SF author ("The Mind Net") and cyberspace avantgardist Herbert W. Franke has died at age 95. His wife recounted on his Twitter account: "Herbert loved to call himself the dinosaur of computer art. I am [...] devastated to announce that our beloved dinosaur has left the earth.

"He passed away knowing there is a community of artists and art enthusiasts deeply caring about his art and legacy."
Among much pioneering work he founded one of the worlds first digital art festivals "Ars Electronica" in Austria in 1979.

Franke's wife is still running the Art Meets Science web site dedicated to Franke's work. Some highlights from its biography of Franke's life: Herbert W. Franke, born in Vienna on May 14, 1927, studied physics and philosophy at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 1951... An Apple II was his first personal computer which he bought 1980. He developed a program as early as 1982 that used a midi interface to control moving image sequences through music....

Only in recent years has "art from the machine" begun to interest traditional museums as a branch of modern art. Franke, who from the beginning was firmly convinced of the future importance of this art movement, has also assembled a collection of computer graphics that is unique in the world, documenting 50 years of this development with works by respected international artists, supplemented by his own works....

As a physicist, Franke was predestined to bring science and technology closer to the general public in popular form due to his talent as a writer, which became apparent early on. About one-third of his nearly fifty books, as well as uncounted journal articles...

Franke's novels and stories are not about predicting future technologies, nor about forecasting our future way of life, but rather about the intellectual examination of possible models of our future and their philosophical as well as ethical interpretation. In this context, however, Franke attaches great importance to the seriousness of scientific or technological assessments of the future in the sense of a feasibility analysis. In his opinion, a serious and meaningful discussion about future developments can basically only be conducted on this basis. In this respect, Franke is not a typical representative of science fiction, but rather a visionary who, as a novelist, deals with relevant questions of social future and human destiny on a high intellectual level.

Social Networks

Ukraine Says Big Tech has Dropped the Ball on Russian Propaganda (msn.com) 150

The Washington Post reports: In the frantic first weeks of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. tech companies that control the world's largest information hubs sprang into action. Responding to pressure from Western governments, social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube banned or throttled Russian state media accounts, beefed up their fact-checking operations, curtailed ad sales in Russia and opened direct lines to Ukrainian officials, inviting them to flag Russian disinformation and propaganda to be taken down.

As the war grinds toward its sixth month, however, Russian propaganda techniques have evolved — and the tech firms haven't kept up.

Ukrainian officials who have flagged thousands of tweets, YouTube videos and other social media posts as Russian propaganda or anti-Ukrainian hate speech say the companies have grown less responsive to their requests to remove such content. New research shared with The Washington Post by a Europe-based nonprofit initiative confirms that many of those requests seem to be going unheeded, with accounts parroting Kremlin talking points, spewing anti-Ukrainian slurs or even impersonating Ukrainian officials remaining active on major social networks. As a result, researchers say, Kremlin-backed narratives are once again propagating across Europe, threatening to undermine popular support for Ukraine in countries that it views as critical to its defense....

With big state media accounts suspended or muffled, researchers say Russian leaders and influencers have shifted to the semiprivate messaging app Telegram to direct information campaigns via swarms of smaller accounts.

The Post reports that Google-owned YouTube hasn't returned emails for almost two months, according to the deputy head of the Ukrainian government's Strategic Communications and Information Security center. And the Post notes that researchers found LinkedIn "removed fewer than half of the posts that Ukrainian officials flagged as examples of Russian propaganda justifying the war....

"On the positive side, the researchers found that Facebook had removed all 98 of the posts the Ukrainian government and its partners flagged as containing anti-Ukrainian hate speech, though many of the accounts responsible remained active."

A New Attack Can Unmask Anonymous Users On Any Major Browser (wired.com) 58

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: [R]esearchers from the New Jersey Institute of Technology are warning this week about a novel technique attackers could use to de-anonymize website visitors and potentially connect the dots on many components of targets' digital lives. The findings (PDF), which NJIT researchers will present at the Usenix Security Symposium in Boston next month, show how an attacker who tricks someone into loading a malicious website can determine whether that visitor controls a particular public identifier, like an email address or social media account, thus linking the visitor to a piece of potentially personal data.

When you visit a website, the page can capture your IP address, but this doesn't necessarily give the site owner enough information to individually identify you. Instead, the hack analyzes subtle features of a potential target's browser activity to determine whether they are logged into an account for an array of services, from YouTube and Dropbox to Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and more. Plus the attacks work against every major browser, including the anonymity-focused Tor Browser. "If you're an average internet user, you may not think too much about your privacy when you visit a random website," says Reza Curtmola, one of the study authors and a computer science professor at NJIT. "But there are certain categories of internet users who may be more significantly impacted by this, like people who organize and participate in political protest, journalists, and people who network with fellow members of their minority group. And what makes these types of attacks dangerous is they're very stealthy. You just visit the website and you have no idea that you've been exposed."

How this de-anonymization attack works is difficult to explain but relatively easy to grasp once you have the gist. Someone carrying out the attack needs a few things to get started: a website they control, a list of accounts tied to people they want to identify as having visited that site, and content posted to the platforms of the accounts on their target list that either allows the targeted accounts to view that content or blocks them from viewing it -- the attack works both ways. Next, the attacker embeds the aforementioned content on the malicious website. Then they wait to see who clicks. If anyone on the targeted list visits the site, the attackers will know who they are by analyzing which users can (or cannot) view the embedded content. [...] Complicated as it may sound, the researchers warn that it would be simple to carry out once attackers have done the prep work. It would only take a couple of seconds to potentially unmask each visitor to the malicious site -- and it would be virtually impossible for an unsuspecting user to detect the hack. The researchers developed a browser extension that can thwart such attacks, and it is available for Chrome and Firefox. But they note that it may impact performance and isn't available for all browsers.


NFT Marketplace OpenSea Lays Off 20% of Its Staff (techcrunch.com) 23

NFT marketplace OpenSea announced today that it's laying off around 20% of the company's employees. TechCrunch reports: "... [T]he reality is that we have entered an unprecedented combination of crypto winter and broad macroeconomic instability, and we need to prepare the company for the possibility of a prolonged downturn," OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer said in a message shared with staff that he posted publicly on Twitter as well. The company did not specify exactly how many employees were impacted by the decision, but the company's LinkedIn page indicates the company has around 750+ employees currently. Finzer says that impacted employees will be receiving severance and health insurance "into 2023" as well as accelerated equity vesting.

The layoffs raise questions about the company's aggressive growth tactics and how they approached the sustainability of the NFT sector's breakneck growth. In his note to staff, Finzer says the company has years of runway ahead of it with these changes, assuming things don't get even bleaker. "The changes we're making today put us in a position to maintain multiple years of runway under various crypto winter scenarios (5 years at the current volume), and give us high confidence that we will only have to go through this process once," Finzer writes, later adding, "Winter is our time to build."


50 Governors Sign Compact in Response To Tech Executives' Request For More CS-Savvy Kids 82

theodp writes: On Monday, a who's who of the nation's tech leaders -- organized as CEOs for CS by the tech-backed nonprofit Code.org -- issued a public challenge in a letter to 'the Governors of the United States', calling on the Govs to bring more computer science to K-12 students in their states.

On Thursday, as the National Governors Association kicked off their 2022 Summer Meeting, 50 of the nation's Governors -- many of whom are members of the Code.org-advised Govs for CS -- accepted the nation's CEOs' challenge, signing a Compact To Expand K-12 Computer Science Education, which may involve a number of strategies, including "requiring a computer science credit for high school graduation."

News of the Governors' K-12 CS education compact coincidentally came on the same day as the nation's K-12 CS teachers gathered in Chicago to kickoff the Tech Giant and Code.org-sponsored CSTA 2022 Annual Conference.

Intel's 12th Gen CPU Can't Handle the Bar Exam (theverge.com) 101

Law students getting ready to take the Bar exam digitally may run into a serious issue: one of the nation's most frequently-used test-taking software packages, Examplify, is incompatible with Intel's latest generation of processors. From a report: In a notice to users, ExamSoft, the company that owns Examplify, writes that 12th Gen Intel processors aren't compatible with its software. "New Windows devices containing the Intel 12th generation chipset are triggering Examplify's automatic virtual machine check," Examplify's notice reads. "These are NOT currently supported. Therefore, they cannot be used for the upcoming July 2022 bar exam." One user drew attention to the issue in a post on Twitter, and included a screencap of what appears to be a notice given to Bar applicants.

Twitter Outage Hits Thousands, Downdetector Reports (bloomberg.com) 46

Twitter faced a brief outage on Thursday, leaving thousands of users without service for about an hour. From a report: At the peak, at 8:20 a.m. in New York, 54,582 users reported problems on Downdetector.com, an outage tracking platform. Twitter's website displayed an error message and prompted users to reload the page. It wasn't immediately clear what caused the outage. A message on Twitter's support account posted at 9:10 a.m. said: "Some of you are having issues accessing Twitter and we're working to get it back up and running for everyone. Thanks for sticking with us." By 9:16 a.m., about 1,600 users reported they were still having trouble. The last time Twitter faced an outage was in February, when the site crashed due to a "technical bug" on the page. In its early days, Twitter was famous for crashing amid high traffic, leading to the iconic "fail whale" image that popped up when service was down.

Lenovo Patches UEFI Code Execution Vulnerability Affecting More Than 70 Laptop Models (securityweek.com) 20

Lenovo has released a security advisory to inform customers that more than 70 of its laptops are affected by a UEFI/BIOS vulnerability that can lead to arbitrary code execution. SecurityWeek reports: Researchers at cybersecurity firm ESET discovered a total of three buffer overflow vulnerabilities that can allow an attacker with local privileges to affected Lenovo devices to execute arbitrary code. However, Lenovo says only one of the vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-1892) impacts all devices, while the other two impact only a handful of laptops. "The vulnerabilities can be exploited to achieve arbitrary code execution in the early phases of the platform boot, possibly allowing the attackers to hijack the OS execution flow and disable some important security features," ESET explained. "These vulnerabilities were caused by insufficient validation of DataSize parameter passed to the UEFI Runtime Services function GetVariable. An attacker could create a specially crafted NVRAM variable, causing buffer overflow of the Data buffer in the second GetVariable call," it added.

Lenovo has also informed customers about Retbleed, a new speculative execution attack impacting devices with Intel and AMD processors. The company has also issued an advisory for a couple of vulnerabilities affecting many products that use the XClarity Controller server management engine. These flaws can allow authenticated users to cause a DoS condition or make unauthorized connections to internal services.


YouTube Ends Lofi Girl's Two-Year-Long Music Stream Over Bogus DMCA Warning (techcrunch.com) 74

An anonymous reader writes: There are three constants in life: death, taxes and the "lofi hip hop radio -- beats to relax/study to" YouTube stream. That is, until YouTube falsely hit the Lofi Girl channel with a DMCA takedown, bringing the beloved streams offline for the first time in over 2 years. With over 668 million views, the stream was one of YouTube's most popular places for people to go when they wanted to listen to calming, yet engaging music while studying or working. Listeners sometimes used the stream's live chat like an anonymized, distant study group, reminding each other to take breaks and drink water. So when the stream suddenly stopped, fans were worried.

[...] Yesterday, Lofi Girl addressed the sudden takedown in a tweet, stating that "the lofi radios have been taken down because of false copyright strikes." In response, fans of Lofi Girl circulated the tag #BringBackLofiGirl to get YouTube's attention. Some even went as far as to spam and troll FMC Music, the Malaysian label that allegedly issued the false copyright complaint, while others created fan art. Lofi Girl told TechCrunch that all of the channel's music is released through its record label, Lofi Records, so they have the necessary rights to share it. Because Lofi Girl has the proper rights to the music, YouTube determined that the account is not in violation of copyright laws. The platform responded to Lofi Girl on Twitter Monday, saying that the missing livestream videos should be reinstated in 24 to 48 hours.

If past precedent holds true, Lofi Girl's next stream will have to start again from the beginning, rather than as a continuation of the existing 2-year-long stream. In 2020, the channel faced a similar problem when an accidental suspension ended its 13,000-hour stream. In that case, YouTube also owned up to its mistakes and reinstated the account, but the same issues have apparently returned. [...] Today, in YouTube's reply to Lofi Girl, the company said that the takedown requests were "abusive," meaning that they were leveraged as an attack against the channel, rather than out of actual concern for copyright violations. This behavior is incredibly common, but platforms have struggled to determine when these reports are legitimate and when they're unsubstantiated.
"This event has shone a light on an underlying problem on the platform: It's 2022, and there are countless smaller creators out there, many of which engaged in this discussion, that continue to be hit daily by these false claims on both videos and livestreams," Lofi Girl wrote in a tweet.

"We're shocked and disappointed to see that there's still not any kind of protection or manual review of these false claims," Lofi Girl wrote on Twitter. "At the end of the day, it was entirely out of our control, and the sad part is that there was no way to appeal beforehand/prevent it from happening."

PyPI Is Rolling Out 2FA For Critical Projects, Giving Away 4,000 Security Keys (zdnet.com) 19

PyPI or the Python Package Index is giving away 4,000 Google Titan security keys as part of its move to mandatory two-factor authentication (2FA) for critical projects built in the Python programming language. ZDNet reports: PyPI, which is managed by the Python Software Foundation, is the main repository where Python developers can get third-party developed open-source packages for their projects. [...] One way developers can protect themselves from stolen credentials is by using two-factor authentication and the PSF is now making it mandatory for developers behind "critical projects" to use 2FA in coming months. PyPI hasn't declared a specific date for the requirement. "We've begun rolling out a 2FA requirement: soon, maintainers of critical projects must have 2FA enabled to publish, update, or modify them," the PSF said on its PyPI Twitter account.

As part of the security drive, it is giving away 4,000 Google Titan hardware security keys to project maintainers gifted by Google's open source security team. "In order to improve the general security of the Python ecosystem, PyPI has begun implementing a two-factor authentication (2FA) requirement for critical projects. This requirement will go into effect in the coming months," PSF said in a statement. "To ensure that maintainers of critical projects have the ability to implement strong 2FA with security keys, the Google Open Source Security Team, a sponsor of the Python Software Foundation, has provided a limited number of security keys to distribute to critical project maintainers.

PSF says it deems any project in the top 1% of downloads over the prior six months as critical. Presently, there are more than 350,000 projects on PyPI, meaning that more than 3,500 projects are rated as critical. PyPI calculates this on a daily basis so the Titan giveaway should go a long way to cover a chunk of key maintainers but not all of them. In the name of transparency, PyPI is also publishing 2FA account metrics here. There are currently 28,336 users with 2FA enabled, with nearly 27,000 of them using a 2FA app like Microsoft Authenticator. There are over 3,800 projects rated as "critical" and 8,241 PyPI users in this group. The critical group is also likely to grow since projects that have been designated as critical remain so indefinitely while new projects are added to mandatory 2FA over time. The 2FA rule applies to both project maintainers and owners.

The Courts

The Three Reasons Why Elon Musk Called Off His Acquisition of Twitter (theregister.com) 359

Elon Musk just tweeted a picture of himself laughing — along with a caption he'd apparently added himself.

"They said I couldn't buy Twitter. Then they wouldn't disclose bot info. Now they want to force me to buy Twitter in court. Now they have to disclose bot info in court."

In fact, tonight The Register cited one of the documents Twitter filed in court after Musk's lawyer argued Twitter had "failed or refused" to provide info on spam accounts. But so far it's just a letter Musk's lawyer wrote to the court on Friday, explaining in more detail why Musk wants to call off the acquisition: One segment of the document claims that Musk and his team sought "a variety of board materials, including a working, bottom-up financial model for 2022, a budget for 2022, an updated draft plan or budget, and a working copy of Goldman Sachs' valuation model underlying its fairness opinion."

"Twitter has provided only a pdf copy of Goldman Sachs' final Board presentation."

Other disclosures, the document states, "come with strings attached, use limitations or other artificial formatting features, which has rendered some of the information minimally useful to Mr. Musk and his advisors.

"For example, when Twitter finally provided access to the eight developer 'APIs' first explicitly requested by Mr. Musk in the May 25 Letter, those APIs contained a rate limit lower than what Twitter provides to its largest enterprise customers. Twitter only offered to provide Mr. Musk with the same level of access as some of its customers after we explained that throttling the rate limit prevented Mr. Musk and his advisors from performing the analysis that he wished to conduct in any reasonable period of time.

"Additionally, those APIs contained an artificial 'cap' on the number of queries that Mr. Musk and his team can run regardless of the rate limit — an issue that initially prevented Mr. Musk and his advisors from completing an analysis of the data in any reasonable period of time," the document states.

Musk and his team raised the issue of query limits on June 29, but Twitter did not change the limit until July 6 — after Musk asked for its removal a second time.... Musk felt Twitter was in breach of the merger agreement. So he pulled the plug, leaving open the questions of why Twitter might have provided only limited access to its APIs, or why it could not offer more access given it operates at significant scale.

In fact, it's one of three reasons for ending the acquisition that Musk's lawyer makes in the letter. Materially-relevant figures on spam accounts were reason number one. ("Twitter has not provided information that Mr. Musk has requested for nearly two months notwithstanding his repeated, detailed clarifications intended to simplify Twitter's identification, collection, and disclosure of the most relevant information sought in Mr. Musk's original requests.")

But there's more... Musk's lawyer also argues Twitter is in breach of the merger agreement because of "materially inaccurate representations" — specifically their figures on monetizable daily active users. While Musk's analysis "remains ongoing, all indications suggest that several of Twitter's public disclosures...are either false or materially misleading." While Twitter has claimed they have a reasoned process for calculating monetizable daily active users (and the percentage of spam accounts), Musk's lawyer argues that instead the process "appears to be arbitrary and ad hoc," rendering Twitter's statements "false and misleading." And thus, "Mr. Musk has the right to seek rescission of the Merger Agreement in the event these material representations are determined to be false."

But finally Musk's lawyer provides a third reason for ending the acquisition. Twitter was required to "seek and obtain consent before deviating from its obligation to conduct its business in the ordinary course and 'preserve substantially intact the material components of its current business organization.'" The lawyer's letter argues that didn't happen: Twitter's conduct in firing two key, high-ranking employees, its Revenue Product Lead and the General Manager of Consumer, as well as announcing on July 7 that it was laying off a third of its talent acquisition team, implicates the ordinary course provision. Twitter has also instituted a general hiring freeze which extends even to reconsideration of outstanding job offers. Moreover, three executives have resigned from Twitter since the Merger Agreement was signed: the Head of Data Science, the Vice President of Twitter Service, and a Vice President of Product Management for Health, Conversation, and Growth.
But Twitter hadn't received "consent for changes in the conduct of its business, including for the specific changes listed above," according to Musk's lawyer, which "therefore constitute a material breach of Section 6.1 of the Merger Agreement."

Is Amazon's AWS Quietly Getting Better at Contributing to Open Source? (techrepublic.com) 8

"If I want AWS to ignore me completely all I have to do is open a pull request against one of their repositories," quipped cloud economist Corey Quinn in April, while also complaining that the real problem is "how they consistently and in my opinion incorrectly try to shape a narrative where they're contributing to the open source ecosystem at a level that's on par with their big tech company peers."

But on Friday tech columnist Matt Asay argued that AWS is quietly getting better at open source. "Agreed," tweeted tech journalist Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols in response, commending "Good open source people, good open-source work." (And Vaughan-Nichols later retweeted an AWS principle software engineer's announcement that "Over at Amazon Linux we are hiring, and also trying to lead and better serve customers by being more involved in upstream communities.") Mark Atwood, principle engineer for open source at Amazon, also joined Asay's thread, tweeting "I'm glad that people are noticing. Me and my team have been doing heavy work for years to get to this point. Generally we don't want to sit at the head of the table, but we are seeing the value of sitting at the table."

Asay himself was AWS's head of developer marketing/Open Source strategy for two years, leaving in August of 2021. But Friday Asay's article noted a recent tweet where AWS engineer Divij Vaidya announced he'd suddenly become one of the top 10 contributors to Apache Kafka after three months as the founding engineer for AWS's Apache Kafka open source team. (Vaida added "We are hiring for a globally distributed fully remote team to work on open source Apache Kafka! Join us.")

Asay writes: Apache Kafka is just the latest example of this.... This is exactly what critics have been saying AWS doesn't do. And, for years, they were mostly correct.

AWS was, and is, far more concerned with taking care of customers than being popular with open-source audiences. So, the company has focused on being "the best place for customers to build and run open-source software in the cloud." Historically, that tended to not involve or require contributing to the open-source projects it kept building managed services around. Many felt that was a mistake — that a company so dependent on open source for its business was putting its supply chain at risk by not sustaining the projects upon which it depended...

PostgreSQL contributor (and sometime AWS open-source critic) Paul Ramsey has noticed. As he told me recently, it "[f]eels like a switch flipped at AWS a year or two ago. The strategic value of being a real stakeholder in the software they spin is now recognized as being worth the dollars spent to make it happen...." What seems to be happening at AWS, if quietly and usually behind the scenes, is a shift toward AWS service teams taking greater ownership in the open-source projects they operationalize for customers. This allows them to more effectively deliver results because they can help shape the roadmap for customers, and it ensures AWS customers get the full open-source experience, rather than a forked repo with patches that pile up as technical debt.

Vaidya and the Managed Service for Kafka team is an example along with Madelyn Olson, an engineer with AWS's ElastiCache team and one of five core maintainers for Redis. And then there are the AWS employees contributing to Kubernetes, etcd and more. No, AWS is still not the primary contributor to most of these. Not yet. Google, Microsoft and Red Hat tend to top many of the charts, to Quinn's point above. This also isn't somehow morally wrong, as Quinn also argued: "Amazon (and any company) is there to make money, not be your friend."

But slowly and surely, AWS product teams are discovering that a key element of obsessing over customers is taking care of the open-source projects upon which those customers depend. In other words, part of the "undifferentiated heavy lifting" that AWS takes on for customers needs to be stewardship for the open-source projects those same customers demand.

UPDATE: Reached for a comment today, Asay clarified his position on Quinn's original complaints about AWS's low level of open source contributions. "What I was trying to say was that while Corey's point had been more-or-less true, it wasn't really true anymore."

Six Ground-Breaking New Linux Laptops Released in the Last Two Weeks (beehiiv.com) 84

In the last two weeks, six new Linux laptops have hit the market (or were announced). "The Linux hardware scene is getting better by the day," writes the site FOSS Weekly:
  • MNT Research introduces a "more affordable" 7-inch mini Linux laptop, the MNT Pocket Reform.
  • KDE's Slimbook 4 is here with AMD Ryzen 7 5700U processor and a better battery, starting from $1,000. "Buying from Slimbook supports KDE development too," notes Gaming on Linux, adding that there's a choice of 14 or 15.6 inch displays.
  • TUXEDO's Pulse 15 — Gen2 (also with an AMD Ryzen 7 5700U processor) has a 15-inch HiDPI WQHD 165Hz display, along with eight cores and 16 threads. (And the Register notes its twin cooling fans, "allowing them to overclock the chip and run it at 35W," and a choice of distros.)
  • Pre-orders have opened for the Roma — the first RISC-V Laptop (which may ship in September). Ars Technica reports they're offering "free Silicon upgrades" — that is free system-on-a-chip and system-on-module upgrades for its quad-core RISC-V CPU. And there's also a companion NPU/GPU, notes a blog post at RISCV.org, "for the fastest, seamless RISC-V native software development available." (As well as "early access to next-generation laptop and accessory upgrades at generous discounts or for free.") The blog post calls it a "Web3-friendly platform with NFT creation and publication plus integrated MetaMask-style wallet."


What's Next for Twitter? (nbcnews.com) 174

Elon Musk no longer wants to buy Twitter, which now will "pursue legal action" simply to "enforce" their planned merger agreement, according to the company's chairman.

But however that plays out, Twitter is now in a worst-case scenario, one Wall Street analyst argues to NBC News: Dan Ives, a managing director and senior equity research analyst covering the technology sector at Wedbush Securities, said Twitter's stock price stands to suffer significant damage.... "The company has been in pure chaos — people have left in droves, and now competitors are going to seize on the ad dollars. With the employee turnover, it's going to be viewed as damaged goods from another potential buyer...."

Ives believes the damage to Twitter's value has only just begun. "When you have a cult figure like Musk — one of, if not the, most followed person in world — calling out Twitter, now it has a ripple effect that's hard to quantify," Ives said. "From advertisers to employees to the political firestorm that could ensue," he said. "For Twitter, it's not about the court battle and the legal ramifications, and how that plays out, that will be debated by lawyers. But it's a public company that needs to be run, and now it's hanging in the wind."

The Media

65 Editorial Workers at Wired Are Threatening to Strike (axios.com) 51

"It's Friday night and I'm meant to be on my first vacation in a year," tweeted a senior writer at Wired. "But instead I've been bargaining with Wired management all day — and will tonight and into the weekend to get a fair deal."

65 editorial workers at Wired are threatening to strike for two days if they can't reach a contract agreement with their publisher, Condé Nast, by July 12. "The employees argue they aren't being paid equitably despite the fact that their work helps drive some of the company's most lucrative traffic days," reports Axios: High-profile writers are joining the union's push, arguing Wired workers should be treated equally to those at other Condé Nast-owned publications, especially when it comes to rights over their work.

"While Condé Nast owns our work, it's fair practice to allow writers and creators to share in the bounty when the work they produce is resold to others — and the company has agreed to that principle by giving full-time New Yorker writers a piece of the action when their work is reprinted by others, or sold to filmmakers," Steven Levy, editor at large at Wired and a contributor there since the magazine's 1993 launch, said in a statement provided to Axios by the union. "We've been asking for exactly the same terms that the New Yorker writers got in their contract, but Condé Nast won't even discuss this with us."

"It's insulting to imply that Wired creators are less deserving than other Condé employees," he said. "And it's not like our work isn't valued outside the company — a Wired story was the basis of a best-picture-of-the-year Oscar...!"

The first union to come out of Condé Nast was on behalf of employees at The New Yorker in June 2018. Ars Technica and Pitchfork launched their own unions the following year. Wired voted to unionize in April 2020.... Earlier this year, Condé Nast employees from publications that hadn't yet unionized, including Vogue, Bon Appétit and others, formed a union representing around 500 editorial workers.

The article also notes successful negotiations at tech sites BuzzFeed News and Vox Media — and shares one more strategic detail:

The Wired workers threatening to walk are asking their supporters to sign an online petition pledging "no contracts, no clicks." (That is, if the workers fail to reach a deal by Tuesday July 12th, "do not click on any WIRED links or shop through WIRED on July 12th and July 13th. Do not cross the picket line.") But if they do reach a deal by Tuesday, "please continue to click. Support union publications!"

Will Microsoft Ban Commercial Open Source from Its App Store? (sfconservancy.org) 54

Microsoft has "delayed enforcement" of what could be a controversial policy change, according to the Software Freedom Conservancy: A few weeks ago, Microsoft quietly updated its Microsoft [app] Store Policies, adding new policies (which go into effect next week), that include this text:

all pricing ... must ... [n]ot attempt to profit from open-source or other software that is otherwise generally available for free [meaning, in price, not freedom].

Wednesday, a number of Microsoft Store users discovered this and started asking questions. Quickly, those of us (including our own organization) that provide Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) via the Microsoft Store started asking our own questions too.... Since all (legitimate) FOSS is already available (at least in source code form) somewhere "for free" (as in "free beer"), this term (when enacted) will apply to all FOSS...

Sadly, these days, companies like Microsoft have set up these app stores as gatekeepers of the software industry. The primary way that commercial software distributors reach their customers (or non-profit software distributors reach their donors) is via app stores. Microsoft has closed its iron grasp on the distribution chain of software (again) — to squeeze FOSS from the marketplace. If successful, even app store users will come to believe that the only legitimate FOSS is non-commercial FOSS. This is first and foremost an affront to all efforts to make a living writing open source software. This is not a merely hypothetical consideration. Already many developers support their FOSS development (legitimately so, at least under the FOSS licenses themselves) through app store deployments that Microsoft recently forbid in their Store....

Microsoft counter-argues that this is about curating content for customers and/or limiting FOSS selling to the (mythical) "One True Developer". But, even a redrafted policy (that Giorgio Sardo [General Manager of Apps at Microsoft] hinted at publicly early Thursday) will mandate only toxic business models for FOSS (such as demo-ware, less-featureful versions available as FOSS, while the full-featured proprietary version is available for a charge).

The Conservancy argues that FOSS "was designed specifically to allow both the original developers and downstream redistributors to profit fairly from the act of convenient redistribution (such as on app stores)." But it also speculates about the sincerity of Microsoft's intentions. "We're cognizant that Microsoft probably planned all this, anyway — including the community outrage followed by their usual political theater of feigned magnanimity."

The Conservancy's post Thursday received an update Friday about Microsoft's coming policy update: After we and others pointed out this problem, a Microsoft employee claimed via Twitter that they would "delay enforcement" of their new anti-FOSS regulation [giving as their reason that "it could be perceived differently than intended."]

We do hope Microsoft will ultimately rectify the matter, and look forward to the change they intend to enact later. Twitter is a reasonable place to promote such a change once it's made, but an indication of non-enforcement by one executive on their personal account is a suboptimal approach. This is a precarious situation for FOSS projects who currently raise funds on the Microsoft Store; they deserve a definitive answer.

Given the tight timetable (just five days!) until the problematic policy actually does go into effect, we call on Microsoft to officially publish a corrected policy now that addresses this point and move the roll-out date at least two months into the future. (We suggest September 16, 2022.) This will allow FOSS projects to digest the new policy with a reasonable amount of time, and give Microsoft time to receive feedback from the impacted projects and FOSS experts.

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