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Woz Says iPhone Features Are 'Behind' 587

redletterdave writes "The iPhone may be one of the bestselling smartphones on the planet, but Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak believes Apple's flagship smartphone has fallen behind its competitors, namely those built by Samsung, when it comes to smartphone features. Speaking at Businessweek's Best Brand Awards on Thursday evening, Wozniak said he was proud of how loyal Apple fans were to the iPhone, but also said 'this loyalty is not given,' shortly before denouncing his own company's smartphone. 'Currently we are, in my opinion, somewhat behind with features in the smartphone business,' Wozniak said. 'Others have caught up. Samsung is a big competitor. But precisely because they are currently making great products.'" I prefer Android, but it seems hard to find iPhone users who aren't enthusiastic about it. Whatever kind of phone you prefer, are there features you envy the users of some other variety?
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Woz Says iPhone Features Are 'Behind'

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  • iFirstPost (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:29AM (#42843255)

    Patented by Apple (TM) 2013

  • my friends pay money for every little thing I download for free with my android phone. sucks to be them

    • by jo_ham ( 604554 ) <joham999@[ ]il.com ['gma' in gap]> on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:48AM (#42843377)

      my friends pay money for every little thing I download for free with my android phone. sucks to be them

      I know, paying developers for their time! What fools they are! In the grand scheme of things (given the cost of the phone and the plan), a couple of bucks here and there for apps is peanuts.

      In all seriousness, what I want the iPhone to do that Android does is be able to control the hardware from a quick access screen - ie, turn the wifi or bluetooth on and off quickly without having to use the main settings app. When Apple announced they were bringing the swipe-down-from-top notification centre thing to iOS I really hoped that the ability to add those sorts of things to it would be there, but it seems not.

      Other than that, I'm happy with it.

      • by Entropius ( 188861 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:57AM (#42843445)

        swipe-down-from-top notification centre thing

        If fucking bounce-back lists were worth a billion dollars, this thing that's actually useful? Google should sue Apple for $10 billion.

        • by Nerdfest ( 867930 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:44AM (#42843797)

          You'll notice how careful he was not to say "Android-style notification system", which would have made it much more clear.

          • by jo_ham ( 604554 ) <joham999@[ ]il.com ['gma' in gap]> on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:52PM (#42844333)

            You'll notice how careful he was not to say "Android-style notification system", which would have made it much more clear.

            I was?

            I thought it was obvious that it was a feature borrowed directly from Android, given that the whole comment was about what I wish the iPhone had that Android has, and given that the Android notification centre has that feature, I logically assumed that the iOS version would have too.

            You're looking for conspiracy and coverup where none exists. Don't be so jumpy. It gets tiresome to have to put disclaimers everywhere. My comment features this direct quote:

            ...what I want the iPhone to do that Android does...

            I'm not sure how that's being "careful not to mention" that it's an Android feature. I mentioned Android by name specifically and directly compared it to iOS, noting that the feature is missing from iOS.

            Sorry, next time I'll add "I wish iOS had this feature that Android totally has in Android, and totally isn't in iOS but when they announce it for iOS I'll totally mention that it's originally from Android every time I mention it otherwise people will think I'm trying to hide the fact that it's totally from Android".


      • strangely enough, most of those free apps are funded by corporations that already have a revenue stream from other parts of the android market.

      • There's always Auxo. [idownloadblog.com]

      • That's what a jailbreak is for. I finally did that to my 4S because I started using a bluetooth keyboard for emails at work. PITA to go into settings, to swipes and a button push or two just to turn BT on and off (yeah, I know, First World problems....).

        It really shouldn't be that hard Apple. But I suppose it's Not The One Way....

        • How long did it take to get an un-tethered jailbreak this time? How long will it take next time, At some point the inconvenience will outweigh ant perceived benefits.

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      Yes, there is more free stuff on Android. More because nobody can figure out how to make money from plain selling apps. But many of the free apps are riddled with holes, spyware, and have zero privacy controls...

      All that is BEFORE you get into the realm of upgraded ROMs and rampant piracy.

      • by farble1670 ( 803356 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:09PM (#42844015)

        But many of the free apps are riddled with holes, spyware, and have zero privacy controls...


        android has better privacy controls than iOS. every android app must declare permissions for the services it can use BEFORE it is installed. i've been an android user since the G1 and i've never had a problem.

        the reports that pop up every month reporting "spyware found on google play store" are from "researchers" scanning the store and recording the permissions requested by certain apps that technically do not require that permission to operate. e.g., a flashlight app that requests internet access. there's no evidence that the apps are actually spyware, they are just suspicious. the only reason you don't see such reports on iOS is because iOS apps aren't required to declare permissions, so there's no easy way to tell what the heck they are going to do.

        • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @01:38PM (#42844661)

          android has better privacy controls than iOS. every android app must declare permissions for the services it can use BEFORE it is installed.

          The problem is that is a horrifically stupid idea.

          No user can POSSIBLY know before they run the app if all of the permissions make sense. Contacts is a great example, at some point it might benefit to look something up from a contact. So you just agree.

          Meanwhile on iOS the user is not asked if the app should access contacts until they are using the app and whatever they are doing triggers the request. So they know what the app does, and know EXACTLY what they did to make the app ask for contacts, so they can decide if it makes sense to have them.

          Also, if you don't agree on Android generally you just can't use the app because you have to agree to everything (yes I know there are ways around that, not standard though). On iOS I can keep using the app that I've just told has no access to location or contacts, without having to pre-select access teh app should have.

        • Telling you what it needs is not better privacy control.


          iOS/Facebook app - I can enable/disable at will whether the facebook app have access to:

          Android/Facebook App - it tells me it needs access to:
          record audio
          contacts (include delete/modifying contacts)
          USB storage
          add/remove accounts
          create accounts
          set passwords
          full network access
          view wifi connections
          control vibration
          stop phone from sleeping
          read sync settings
          install shortcuts
          test access to

  • by captjc ( 453680 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:34AM (#42843271)

    Check me if I wrong, but hasn't the iPhone always been behind on features? I mean, how many years did it take just to get copy / paste.

    The iPhone was never about features, it was about style and ease of use. The problem is that they set the standard and the other companies have finally caught up.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:47AM (#42843367)

      It depends on what you mean by "features".

      The first few generations of iPhone led the market in many respects when it came to hardware: screen quality and resolution, battery life, camera quality, processor, etc.

      They also lagged behind in some software features: no copy and paste, lack of push notifications, multitasking, etc.

      iOS also changed the way we use phones.

      I've always been an Android fan, because I don't like the walled garden approach of Apple. I have to give it to Apple though - it's only been recently that Android hardware has caught up and surpassed the iPhone.

    • Came here to say this. And "style and ease of use" came at a great cost too, something I'd rather other companies didn't try to "catch up" with.

    • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:55AM (#42843895)

      Check me if I wrong, but hasn't the iPhone always been behind on features?

      That may be, but the gap is widening. I have an iphone5 from my employer, and still prefer my private Android phone, despite it being 2 1/2 years old, chronically out of space, terrible battery life, and basically being end-of-life. The user interface is better, the features richer and more powerful, and the overall experience superior. Oh, and of course, the screen is bigger. And Siri--please, Jeannie works just as well (better in some cases, not quite so well in a few others, but overall, at least equivalent in overall performance).

      Apple has mindshare because of group think and fashion-accessory/status symbol mindsets, not because of technical or aesthetic qualities. And its mindshare is shrinking, despite all of the media-bias. Android is outselling Apple 2/1 worldwide, and that gap is growing too, and not in Apples favor.

      • by vakuona ( 788200 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:42PM (#42844253)

        Whenever I see someone dismissing a product other people prefer as being a "status symbol" or "fashion accessory", I just think "snob". Seriously, why can't people like an iPhone and not have it be about being a status symbol, because as 50m sold in 3 months, it definitely isn't one.

        The iPhone is a quality product for which consumers are willing to pay more than they are for other products, and not because it is a status symbol because, I assure you, no women have offered sex to me because I own an iPhone!

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Check me if I wrong, but hasn't the iPhone always been behind on features?

      Well, there's two aspects to this phenomenon. One is that more features doesn't necessarily translate into a better user experience. What *does* make for a better experience is often the stuff that's left out, and that depends on the user. So for me, my Android phone is about perfect, but an (ironically named) feature phone is the best experience for my mother-in-law, who just wants to be able to make and receive calls. There's no way to make her phone better for her by adding features, and plenty of ways

  • It's just a phone (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:38AM (#42843297)

    Get over it. Why are people so emotional about it?

    If more Americans cared about the bigger issues in their lives we wouldn't be tax slaves living in a crumbling nation with an out-of-control government.

    Am I the only person that feels this way?

    • Re:It's just a phone (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Dzimas ( 547818 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:02AM (#42843479)
      Look, people have always liked to place themselves into heirarchies. The modern USA is no different; we fawn over the modern equivalent of wealthy nobility, grumble and whine about how they're not treated like common folk and ohh and ahh as the fancily dressed dandies parade around the film industry court. Periodically, there are popular rebellions as the raging masses rise up and install a new order. Sometimes the outcome is good - the birth of a republic, the creation of the Westminster parliamentary system, but sometimes you find yourself under the boot of raving mad Leninists, racist fascists or clueless but vicious oil sheiks. So enjoy your shiny telephone and breathe a quiet thanks that you're not in a 1920s Soviet Gulag or North Korea. (As for the root cause of trouble in the USA: full-bore capitalism doesn't work, especially when there's a strong religious and social push to consistently increase the population to build "the economy." The US has three times the population it did in 1913, but there aren't three times as many meaningful jobs and many traditional occupations have either been outsourced to legalized slave camps in China or replaced by technology. You just have 200 million extra people trying to figure out the purpose of their life.)
    • by goruka ( 1721094 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:30AM (#42843677)
      Agreed, we should abolish stuff like Baseball and Football. It gets people too emotional and forces them to spend a lot of money they could better be spending at taxes.
  • by StormyWeather ( 543593 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:43AM (#42843341) Homepage

    I haven't used an iPhone since my 3gs, but I switched to Android because I felt attacked constantly for being a jail breaker. With android manufacturers they may not support rooting a device, but once it is done updates generally don't remove it and try and keep me from doing it again. With my iPhone I couldn't use anything like wifi analyzer, or titanium backup. I mean there was a good wifi tracking app, then apple banned it for some stupid reason.

    Also turn by turn navigation is great, Google maps is great, groove IP is great (unsure if apple has that) , and with the newest updates the transcription and voice commands under android is amazing.

    • by c0lo ( 1497653 )

      groove IP is great (unsure if apple has that)

      Apple does have an IP on rounded corners, but not (yet?) on grooves.


    • by mabhatter654 ( 561290 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:35AM (#42843717)

      Here we have a good answer.

      Apple's restrictions ban a lot of "service" apps that are used by IT techs (and by suspicious persons too) that is one good reason to use android because Apple just suddenly pulls stuff claiming its "used wrong". Apple has a clear "don't shop here" sign out for common OSS network tools and the like.

  • Nexus 4 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by maxbash ( 1350115 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:47AM (#42843365)
    I have a Nexus 4, I envy nobody. I have a $30 a month plan and Wi-Fi almost everywhere I go, so lack of LTE is non-issue for me. I'm completely pleased with this phone, no disappointments.
    • I just got one as well. This covers the one of the two main problems people complain about with Android, the updates. I know it will be updated. The other main complaint is about malware, and while it's vastly overblown, is still more likely than with iOS. The solution here is to have a store that carefully reviews all software available on it. The great part is that someone could do it right now if they wanted. I consider F-Droid.org to be approaching this because of it's open-source nature. It's nice to h

    • I just bought 2 (wife and myself). When I first talked about it she was like spend $600-700 for phones (ship+tax) but she was hating Tmobile service more and more. So i explained how even if we re-uped and got discounted phone the extra cost would be way more then the new phones.

      And att/verizon were just too expensive with the required data plan for smart phones.

      Since she's gotten it, she's come to me saying she wants to eat crow. She loves the phone. We also went with Net10 with an ATT sim. Her coverage h

  • by dtjohnson ( 102237 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:48AM (#42843381)

    That's great that Wozniak can look at competing products and recognize accurately their strengths and weaknesses. That kind of objective evaluation leads to better decisions and great products. Companies that mindlessly insist that their products are the 'best' and punish any who dare to say otherwise have a difficult time putting out high quality products that people want to use. Those are the kind of companies that try to force their products on the marketplace and only have success if there is no choice but to use their products.

    • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:16AM (#42843567)

      That's great that Wozniak can look at competing products and recognize accurately their strengths and weaknesses.

      He's been exposed to Jobs' RDF longer than anyone else, I guess that his immunity system has managed to find out antibodies against it.

    • by Thumper_SVX ( 239525 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:35AM (#42843713) Homepage
      Ironically, I think this is exactly what Apple lacks since Steve Jobs passed away. Say what you will about the guy; he was a showman extraordinaire. Though I didn't know him, I can imply from the stories I've read and heard that he also had that ability to recognize weakness and almost certainly never truly believed in private that Apple was untouchable and was the best. He drove Apple to create the best because he was absolutely convinced they weren't there yet.

      Since Jobs passed away that has been lacking at the top of Apple. Unfortunately the RDF has outlasted Jobs himself and is still endemic to the company and everyone who worked for him (I DO know a few Apple engineers, and they agree with my assessment). They really do believe they are the best at everything and unfortunately it's going to take quite a force of will to convince them to excel as they did under Jobs. Tim Cook is a good guy and a great CEO... but he's not really the man to break that philosophical trough that Apple has fallen into.
  • by MachineShedFred ( 621896 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:48AM (#42843385) Journal

    Quick question... is good product design about packing in as many features as possible, whether they are something people will actually use, or actually good ideas, or actually implemented in a good way, or something someone will actually use?

    No. There are countless products in every market where the company that makes them does exactly that. They shove in every bell and whistle, whether it makes sense or not, whether it can be used in reality or not, and they are mediocre-at-best products. Many of them are bad, and you spend money on those features you will never use, just to get the handful that you will.

    Just because the iPhone has "less features" doesn't make it a bad product. Similarly, just because some other phone has "more features" doesn't necessarily make it a better product. If it has more useful features, then it probably is a better product; if those features are implemented in a useful way that isn't buried under a horrible unusable interface, or requires everyone you interact with to also have that product for the feature to be of any use.

    (None of what I said above applies to any specific product or manufacturer unless explicitly stated. This post was not meant to be a critique of any particular device, rather a critique on the concept of "more features == better")

    • by Phrogman ( 80473 )

      I bought a Samsung Galaxy S. I would say its functional, I would not say its good. I don't particularly like using it, and it has nothing approaching "fun" for me. Its a tool, not very well made.
      Its best feature is that it lets me make phone calls and it keeps a charge for a quite a few days. My reaction to Android is "Meh" so far.
      Most of the folks I work with have iPhones, they love them. A couple have high end Android phones and seem happy with them. Personally I think I would prefer an iPhone, primarily

  • by Anonymous Coward

    "...it seems hard to find iPhone users who aren't enthusiastic about it."

    If I just spent $600 on a phone, I'd feel compelled to act like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, too!

  • Updates (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MCSEBear ( 907831 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:52AM (#42843409)
    Until the Android ecosystem can handle an issue as basic as providing it's users with OS and security updates, Android is not ahead at all.

    Over half of the Android devices out there are still running variants of version 2 of the OS and lower [bgr.com] while the last three Android releases are version 4 and higher.

    Android needs to be rearchitected so that carriers provide drivers for the hardware, while Google takes full responsibility for updates to the OS. This approach has been working with Windows for decades.
    • by Spad ( 470073 )

      Except then the carriers just wouldn't bother with the drivers so any updates from Google would break the phone.

    • Android needs to be rearchitected so that carriers provide drivers for the hardware, while Google takes full responsibility for updates to the OS.

      This belies ignorance of the problem. The carriers do nothing but shove crap on the devices. Drivers are standard Linux drivers unless they have a userspace blob. The problem is that the kernel drivers never get pushed upstream so they rot as the kernel moves on.

      And due to the way cellular service works in the US, carriers and handset manufacturers have a perverse

  • by SpankyDaMonkey ( 1692874 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:53AM (#42843413)

    Amazing how the circle has turned when it comes to phones. The iPhone has gone from being the hip new boy breaking the rules to a member of the establishment that everyone else is slowly leaving behind.

    It used to be that the iPhone was an inspirational device, a device that caused geek envy wherever you used it.

    And now, well it's the device for the technical luddites who have more money than sense, or for those that Apple have managed to lock in to their closed-wall infrastructure and are now too wary of trying something else. In other words - it's the phone you recommend to your parents so you don't have to do tech support for them.

    • A phone immediately fails when you need to do any tech support for it at all.

      So based on your argument, if you don't need to do tech support for an iPhone I'd call that a win. If Android needs tech support than it has failed as a phone.

      • by greg1104 ( 461138 ) <gsmith@gregsmith.com> on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:35PM (#42844187) Homepage

        Every non-trivial device requires tech support if exposed to a wide enough audience. There's an unbreakable trade-off between the complexity that comes from adding more features and making more ways something can fail. Note that I didn't say "in a phone" or "on a computer"; this trade-off exists in all design.

        If Apple products really removed support, you wouldn't have to schedule time at their "genius" bars. The idea that Apple has lowered support overhead by decreasing visible features has some truth to it, but that this only goes so far has been obvious for years. I think the Onion pointed out how bizarre that turns if you go too far best, with Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard [theonion.com].

      • I guess this is why every time I pass an Apple store, it's wall-to-wall with people waiting for a genius to give them 'hip' support. It's not tech support.
    • by Smurf ( 7981 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:31PM (#42844163)

      In other words - it's the phone you recommend to your parents so you don't have to do tech support for them.

      I don't think you realize the implications of that last thing you say.

      What you are saying is that if you are not extremely technically oriented (i.e., you are like the vast majority of people) then the iPhone is the best phone for you: It allows you to do almost everything that you can do with the "other" phones (and certainly pretty much everything that common people actually want to do with them), it gives you access to a library of 800,000 curated apps of all types, and, most importantly, it allows you to do all this without having to constantly resort to the help of your technically oriented son.

      You should work for Apple's publicity agents, man.

  • Side loading (Score:2, Interesting)

    by medcalf ( 68293 )
    I love my iPhone, but I do wish I could side load without having to pay Apple the developer fee. On the other hand, I also realize that the code signing requirement is one reason Android has malware and iPhone doesn't, so it's a mixed bag. But it would be nice to be able to opt out without jailbreaking.
    • I also realize that the code signing requirement is one reason Android has malware and iPhone doesn't

      Android has malware because Google is lax in screening software in their store and because Chinese stores (where most of the malware is) don't screen at all. Code signing doesn't, fundamentally, protect you unless there's some enforcement. And in the end, malware doesn't just "appear" on your phone, you have to put it there.

      But hey, at least Apple simply gives you no choice.

  • Not really... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Entropius ( 188861 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:55AM (#42843433)

    ... other than battery life and better phone calls.

    I've got a Galaxy Nexus, and the hardware is fine -- high-resolution screen, fast enough CPU, etc. The only real "lacking features" are software things, and since it's Android that's just my own fault for not finding a better app to do whatever it is.

    What I seriously don't like, though, is its ability to MAKE PHONE CALLS. This is a device that people watch Netflix on, for fuck's sake. Why is it using a ~10kbps codec for voice calls with an acoustic bandpass of a few khz, and moreover one with some absolutely awful signal processing characteristics? For instance (and this is just one example), if I'm talking to someone in the wind, and there's a gust of wind on my end, the phone mutes the speaker so I can no longer hear what they're saying. Why should it do that, unless it's trying to squelch feedback, which is very much not the problem?

    As for battery life, I appreciate them making the things slim, but if they'd make it another 5mm or even 8mm thicker with most of that extra volume given to battery, you'd get about four times as much life out of it. Does anyone make a phone like this?

    • Re:Not really... (Score:4, Informative)

      by colinleroy ( 592025 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:19AM (#42843607) Homepage
      Motorola tried that with the Razr Maxx with is just a thicker Razr, with a bigger (3.3Ah) battery fitted in. The thickness difference is not much, but one can squeeze out five days of use out of the Maxx, which is better than most smartphones I know of but still not much when compared to oldies like the famous Nokia 3310.
  • by jones_supa ( 887896 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:56AM (#42843443)

    Whatever kind of phone you prefer, are there features you envy the users of some other variety?

    Small size. The flagship products from Apple and Samsung are too large bricks. Currently using HTC Wildfire S from couple of years ago. I guess Gingerbread is a bit aging already, but for my needs it's still a fantastic phone. I've seen mini models from SonyEricsson and Samsung too.

  • by Morgaine ( 4316 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:06AM (#42843501)

    In many consumer electronics industries, it's normal for the lead manufacturers to be continually leap frogging each other. At any given point in time one is ahead, and on the next product cycle their main rival is ahead.

    Examples of this are common. For example in cameras Nikon and Canon are changing lead position pretty much every year, and in home theater systems the same has been occurring between Yamaha and Denon for well over a decade. In smartphones and tablets it's currently a two-horse race between Apple and Samsung, and which company has its nose slightly in front should be expected to change often. And of course other companies regularly join in the fun too.

    Any "lead" that a particular company might have is actually very minor, because all high tech companies chase each other closely so it's always only by a nose.

    Not much of a story really. Continual leap frogging is entirely normal in the industry.

  • by j-beda ( 85386 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:07AM (#42843509) Homepage

    Apple has manged to convince the "unwashed masses" that their eco-system and devices are easier to use than the alternatives, and in fact their systems are pretty well thought out and easy to use and their control of the whole eco-system has made interoperability of software and hardware pretty seamless. Non-Apple sellers have the difficult job of convincing most buyers that their possibly better features are more valuable than Apple's "ease of use", even if the "ease of use" of their devices are as good or better than Apple's. The perception of Apple being the one source for hardware, software and content (through the single iTunes channel), as well as info-syncing (iCloud) is comforting to many. The competition has a number of places the consumer might feel they need to go for hardware support (Samsung perhaps), software support (Samsung, Google, and others?), content (Amazon, iTunes, etc), and services (Google and others?). Even if there is one vastly dominant company in each of these areas, they are still going to be perceived as more complicated than getting it all from Apple - even if it is not more complicated.

    Tangentially, I think smart phones are approaching the same point that personal computers reached not that long ago - for the vast majority of customers the increased power and features of new devices are insufficient to justify upgrading their current device. When everyone in the world already has a decent smart phone the market for new phones is going to get much smaller.

  • I carry an iPhone and I do like it OK, but I have various meetings that I participate in on a regular schedule (business, church, etc.) where it would be desirable to me to put it on vibrate automatically. With Android there are several nice (and free, though that doesn't matter so much to me) apps where you can set up a schedule to control the ringer. Apple just provides this lame "quiet time" setting, which is configurable only for night hours and not for arbitrary repeating time ranges. (There are vario
    • by vakuona ( 788200 )

      Yes, because it is very hard to flick a hardware switch on the side of the phone to put it on silent/vibrate.

      • Yes, because it is very hard

        In one sense it's not hard, but in another sense it is. It's hard for humans to remember things 100% consistently. It's just a slightly better world when you don't have to remember and (a) your phone never rings during those meeting times, and (b) you never forget to turn the ringer back on after the meeting, which can result in missing important calls later.

        As a programmer myself, I am annoyed when software could easily provide a very helpful feature that prevents its users embarrassment and makes their

  • Sample bias... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by siwelwerd ( 869956 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:17AM (#42843579)

    I prefer Android, but it seems hard to find iPhone users who aren't enthusiastic about it.

    There are a large number of people out there who think the iPhone is the only smartphone. So when they buy a smartphone, they buy an iPhone and love it, because the only thing they compare it too is their old clamshell phone. So naturally, they are very enthusiastic about it.

    Actually, on a larger level my hypothesis is that Apple products work great for anyone who does not question the arbitrary limitations put on the software by Apple in the name of "ease of use". They just assume that "phones can't do that" or "computers don't do that" and are happy; whereas if you know a little bit about how much effort it would be to have that feature, and that it's omitted solely to simplify (i.e. dumb things down), it is immensely frustrating (although it seems once one reaches Apple Guru level, all the workarounds are second nature and these things are once again painless). In short, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. I say this at someone who uses Linux/Android at home, but OSX/iOS at work.

  • Phones like the Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE was available to customers in places like Canada toward the end of 2011. I watched the September 2012 video in which the iPhone 5 is introduced. At one point the speaker (Phil Schiller?) says the iPhone 5 will have LTE support, which is followed by a big round of applause. By then, there were a variety of Android phones in customer hands already with LTE, in a number of countries - and Android users had been using LTE phones since 2011.

    I remember older iPhone present

  • Have it, Hate it. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by wonkavader ( 605434 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @11:58AM (#42843923)

    People who love their iPhones usually bought them. There are two things going on there. Firstly, it's a self-selecting group. They bought into the idea of the ads they saw for the phone. Secondly, they spent money on it. When you make a purchase, you tend to self-justify. You think what you bought was the best, because otherwise you got suckered. No one likes that, so we tell ourselves we won. What we have is the best.

    I was handed an iPhone by my company. It's really nice to have a free phone and I appreciate it hugely. Yes, it's a ball and chain to the company, but if they hadn't given me the phone, they'd be calling me on my personal phone anyhow.

    But I hate the iPhone. Hate it. My antipathy for it was nonexistent when I got it. It was way better (in some ways) than the crappy blackberry it replaced. But over time, I've grown more and more frustrated with the potential of the thing which is squandered. Every little thing about it annoys me.

    My wife has an android phone. I am so envious. There's still much to hate there, but not nearly as much, and there seems to be progress on Android. Something which annoys you might actually get fixed. On the iPhone, you must learn to love it, for it will never change.

  • by nashv ( 1479253 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:24PM (#42844123) Homepage

    I would be very interested if an iPhone user put forth one feature that the iPhone has, and Android is incapable of doing. I have not found a single thing an Android user would have to envy iPhone users for. This is partly because the iPhone is a phone, and Android is an operating system that comes installed on phones that run the whole gamut from cheap and flimsily-built knockoffs to high-end cutting edge powerhouses.

    There is always an Android phone out there that fits your bill. There is however, only one iPhone.

  • by RotateLeftByte ( 797477 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @12:53PM (#42844337)

    for me and my use of a mobile device.

    I don't tweet or use FB and any other social network.
    I have a tablet for reading books.
    If I want to take video or stills, I have a decent POS camera with me most of the time or if I want to get really serious, I'll use my D800.
    Plus many of the places I in work won't allow Camera Phones as well.

    So FOR ME and ONLY ME, a device that makes calls, send/received texts and has an alarm clock is just about all I need.

    This race for 'features' on smartphones is IMHO much like about 50% of the 'features' MS puts into Office. Great headlines but very few people really used them
    Convert that to phones, great to brag to your mates, 'my phone can do this' but then quickly gets forgotten and pur into the 'Oh yeah, I used that once...'

  • by w0mprat ( 1317953 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @03:26PM (#42845423)

    I prefer Android, but it seems hard to find iPhone users who aren't enthusiastic about it. Whatever kind of phone you prefer, are there features you envy the users of some other variety?

    I agree, most of my iPhone using friends love their gadgets, they are good, but then for every one of those I probably know someone who's switched to a Android now. Including myself going from a iPhone 4 to a Galaxy S2. The most surprising thing is they point out a better GUI, say it's just as easy to use, and absolutely love the ability to personalise your phone. Remember it wasn't even possible to set the iOS homescreen wallpaper until iOS 4 was released!

    So when you press the shift/caps key on an Android on-screen keyboard, the letters on the keys change - which is a delightful feature. iOS, they are always capitals.

    Woz understates the problem. Apple has been copying features pioneered on Android for some time now, and anything Apple original is coming out a little half-baked. Note that Siri wasn't an Apple original but a company they bought. Copy and paste, multi-tasking, the notification drawer, it's all better on Android and has been for some time. You couldn't even set a homescreen wallpaper until iOS 4. iOS stopped being good when Apple chases ever more revenue and half-baked sidetracks like Siri and their own maps. They are pouring a lot of effort in to hardware too but perhaps not pushing iOS ahead.

    iOS still has it's good points for some users, but generally speaking it's so far behind it's not funny.

    • by Shados ( 741919 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @03:30PM (#42845457)

      I'm an android fan (nexus 4 baby!), but iOS definately has its points. A few less bugs and quirks, and pretty much 99% of mobile apps are available for it. Android is missing a few, especially in the gaming department where even if one is available, it may not be available for your phone (and often its just not there at all...)

  • by AmazingRuss ( 555076 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @06:18PM (#42846513)

    ...unless they work right.

  • by jbolden ( 176878 ) on Saturday February 09, 2013 @10:23PM (#42847741) Homepage

    Whatever kind of phone you prefer, are there features you envy the users of some other variety?

    I'm an iPhone user but I envy the BlackBerry Balance feature. The ability to completely cordon off work from home is a terrific feature. Far too often I end up accidentally sending work related emails, calendar invites... from my home email.

  • by HappyEngineer ( 888000 ) on Sunday February 10, 2013 @02:28AM (#42848659) Homepage
    Whenever I use my wife's iPhone or iPad the thing I wish for most is a back button. I get so used to it when using my Android phone (Samsung Galaxy II) and Nexus 7 that I get confused when I need to figure out how to go back in iPhone apps. It's done slightly differently in every app and every part of every app and in some places there doesn't seem to be a way to go back at all.

    OTOH, I have always loved the hardware design of the iPhones. I love phones which have a metal feel. Even the plastic on the iPhone feels better than the cheap plastic of my own phone. I chose my Android phone based on features rather than look and feel. I've never liked that it's entirely plastic.

    I loved my Nexus One because it was a great Android phone (at the time) with a metal feel, but when I upgraded I couldn't find a similar phone.

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