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AI Apple

Tim Cook Knows Apple Isn't First in AI but Says 'It's About Being the Best' ( 22

Apple CEO Tim Cook has acknowledged the company's late entry into AI, stating, "We weren't the first to do intelligence." Despite this admission, Cook defended Apple's approach, claiming it will be "the best for the customer."

The tech giant plans to roll out initial AI features on October 28, with more advanced capabilities expected in 2025. However, internal studies suggest Apple's AI lags behind competitors, with Siri reportedly 25% less accurate than ChatGPT. Cook remains optimistic, asserting that AI will make users' time on iPhones "profoundly different."

Tim Cook Knows Apple Isn't First in AI but Says 'It's About Being the Best'

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Artificial intelligence has the same relation to intelligence as artificial flowers have to flowers. -- David Parnas
