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AI Apple

Tim Cook Knows Apple Isn't First in AI but Says 'It's About Being the Best' ( 19

Apple CEO Tim Cook has acknowledged the company's late entry into AI, stating, "We weren't the first to do intelligence." Despite this admission, Cook defended Apple's approach, claiming it will be "the best for the customer."

The tech giant plans to roll out initial AI features on October 28, with more advanced capabilities expected in 2025. However, internal studies suggest Apple's AI lags behind competitors, with Siri reportedly 25% less accurate than ChatGPT. Cook remains optimistic, asserting that AI will make users' time on iPhones "profoundly different."

Tim Cook Knows Apple Isn't First in AI but Says 'It's About Being the Best'

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  • by BigFire ( 13822 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:45PM (#64882287)

    Remember Groupon? Remember when that was the hottest thing since Google?

  • by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:47PM (#64882297)

    Can't wait for Siri to suck just marginally less than it does right now. That'll be "best." Good grief.

  • Just get the ai brain implants over with
  • It's true though (Score:4, Insightful)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @04:54PM (#64882329)

    I have the beta and already found it useful and convenient to ask Siri things. For example I asked it to translate something I was saying into a foreign language and vice versa when talking to someone. I could see myself using it for a lot of things .. basic fact checking or things like Siri make a note of the fact that I need to buy or do something at a particular time/place. That is beyond the current Siri of texting or calling people.

    They don't need to be as good as ChatGPT .. but what they have in the beta is good enough. What I fear is history portability and things like that if I want to move everything to Android. I don't like giving anyone a monopoly for stupid shit.

    Most people aren't used to having an assistant around so it will take some getting used to.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      >I asked it to translate something I was saying into a foreign language and vice versa when talking to someone.

      Meanwhile people have been using chatGPT to translate entire books and games into other languages for at least a year, resulting in sellable products with good enough quality that people found them workable enough to spend money on.

      >basic fact checking

      You discovered chatGPT3

      >make a note of the fact that I need to buy or do something at a particular time/place.

      This isn't even AI, this is go

  • ...that Apple haven't been first in anything.

    This is not to say that many of their products have not been successful, just that none have been original - with the possible exception of iTunes.

    Yeah, this'll probably get modded down, but it is nonetheless objectively true.

    • True they may not have been the first, but they usually deliver the most polished and relevant version of whatever they are doing.

      Then again, Microsoft kinda throws their tech (which is usually more conceptual than a fully realized product) at everything in hopes something might stick. Usually it doesn't work in their favor though.

      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        they usually deliver the most polished and relevant version of whatever they are doing

        Only if by polished you mean that it looks polished and fancy. Functionality-wise, I'll have to disagree.

    • Funnily enough though they were the first to have a decent AI, or of you prefer neutral network accelerator on their phones.

      Not a GPU, but a really good, solid FP16 tensor processor.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Depends on how finely you grade things. The Macintosh was, AFAIK, the first computer with square pixels. And Apple was the first in hard shell 3.5 inch floppy disks. I could probably dig up several other "firsts".

  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Monday October 21, 2024 @05:24PM (#64882433)

    It really does not matter. It has become obvious (again) that this AI hype is not a very big breakthrough (again) and that the promises made by the companies behind it vere vastly overstated (again).

  • ... that's all I got
  • ...they'll be Apple's iHallucinations(TM). The best hallucinations.
  • Where they let everyone innovate first, then buy some companies, sub-contract others or simply copy them and say they are the best and some even go to the point of saying first... this will happen with foldable phones and AI.

Center meeting at 4pm in 2C-543.
