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Operating Systems Apple

Apple Now Calling AR/VR Headset Operating System 'xrOS' ( 30

Apple has decided to call the software that will run on its upcoming AR/VR headset "xrOS," an update from the original "RealityOS or "rOS" naming the company was planning on, according to Bloomberg. MacRumors reports: The name change comes as Apple begins to prepare for the launch of the headset, which is expected at some point in 2023. The headset will feature its own operating system, much like the Apple TV and the Apple Watch, and it will have a dedicated App Store. "XR" is meant to stand for extended reality, which pertains to both augmented and virtual reality. Rumors indicate that the headset Apple is working on will be "mixed reality" like the Microsoft HoloLens, supporting both augmented and virtual reality capabilities. Augmented reality augments what the user is seeing in the real world, while virtual reality is an entirely digital experience.

Apple internally referred to the headset's operating system as "rOS" during the development process, but Bloomberg suggests that xrOS is a less generic name that will allow the headset to stand out more. In addition to confirming the name change with unnamed Apple sources, Bloomberg also discovered that a shell company named Deep Dive LLC has been registering the xrOS name across several countries, and Apple could potentially be behind these filings. Apple often uses shell companies to try to secretly register for trademarks for upcoming products.

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Apple Now Calling AR/VR Headset Operating System 'xrOS'

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  • Please stop posting articles and let users submit them, you have no idea what we want as you are not nerds, thats clear.

    No one gives a fuck about the name of the OS for their glasses. This is news for marketing, not something nerds care about and it doesn't matter in pretty much any way.

    Maybe someone cares about technical details of the OS, that would be news for nerds. Talking about the name is supermarket tabloid level crap

    • It has yet to be shown anyone cares about the technology either.

    • Crap is as crap does.

      Would you accept a job as the editor of a tech website if you lacked both technical knowledge and grammatical skills? It'd be likeme trying to land a job as a country music dancer when I can't dance and hate country.

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      where have u been? you have a 6 digit id but you seem new here. you do know what slashdot's business model is, right?

      they sell ad and click space to anyone who pays. and it's likely not even apple, it's any crap bullshit site like this one for apple fans that has the exact same business model. clicketyclick!

      now, exceptionally you might get here some interesting bit of news, and some interesting conversation. it does happen. but that has been the exception for many many years now. we're most here to pass tim

  • Zir is one of those proposed postmodern pronouns.

    Apple knows this and uses it for brand image.

  • xrOS is a really shitty name btw. What was wrong with realityOS? Too long to type? ROS was taken by robot OS? But that aside, how about telling us the display resolution? I've heard rumors that it is 8k per eye and then rumors that it is 4k per eye. It's like they can get people to leak everything about these headsets except the most crucial feature.

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      if it is an actual word with actual sensible meaning people might be tipped off it's bullshit. acronyms are way easier to make trendy.

  • Apple decided to change the name on a product nobody gives a crap about. I already don't care about the product. Why should I care about the name change?

    If they changed the specs, yeah, that would be something to report. If they changed something about them that made them different, that would be something to report.

    But changing the name?

    Let's agree on something, ok? Anything that can be done by changing the value of a #define isn't newsworthy, ok?

    • by Junta ( 36770 )

      Not only that, it's a *rumored* name change, all of this stuff is rumor.

      Basically for years we've been hit with rumors that Apple is about to release VR/AR 'in the coming months'. I wouldn't doubt that is a possibility, but the rumor mill has run this one into the ground so as not to set any expectations at the rumors in this area.

      It was maybe worth a few headlines when the rumors first started, but after a couple of years of the rumors falling through, it gets old without substantiated stuff to back it up

    • Apple decided to change the name on a product nobody gives a crap about.

      When was the last time you submitted a story? Or do you only let others put in the effort and then whine about the result?

  • Jesus... (Score:3, Funny)

    by reanjr ( 588767 ) on Saturday December 03, 2022 @11:03AM (#63099058) Homepage

    They finally got to the point of self satisfaction when they start calling their shit "Jesus OS"

    X is lexigraphically almost identical to the Greek letter chi. R is almost identical to Greek letter rho.

    Chi rho is used by Catholics and others as shorthand for Xristos (using Latin letter instead of Greek), or Jesus.

    So, now they have a "Jesus OS" that gets pronounced "cross".

  • VR tic-tac-toe jut got a lot more confusing, not to mention old-school chalkboard football diagrams.

  • George and Stephanie have named their new child Robert. Who the F cares?

  • I'll still pronounce it "ex-ros"
  • First, they renamed their computer OS to "macOS". Is that pronounced mah-cose like the word "tacos" or may-cose like the Mako shark? Whatever it is, just don't tell me it's pronounced mack-oh-ess because that would make no sense based on the way it's spelled.

    And now they come along and announce "xrOS". Did the employee(s) who name things at Apple get fired for refusing to come back to the office?

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
