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Apple Kills Fan's Long-Time Archive of WWDC Videos on YouTube ( 74

"An Apple archivist has had his YouTube account disabled after Apple filed multiple takedown requests against his account," reports the blog Apple Insider: Brendan Shanks, owner of the Apple WWDC Videos channel on YouTube, tweeted that Apple had filed a series of copyright removal requests against his channel. The videos in question were decades-old recordings of WWDC events.
"I still have all the original files (and descriptions, which were a lot of work!), and I'll be moving things over to the Internet Archive," Shanks posted on Twitter. "It'll take time though, and unfortunately videos get a lot less visibility when you're not on YouTube.

"I wasn't super surprised this happened (there were a few takedowns a couple years ago)," Shanks mused in an earlier tweet. "I'm honestly more annoyed that it wiped out my personal YoutTube account and even YouTube TV, which I was just billed real money for.

"A cease and desist in the mail would be much friendlier."
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Apple Kills Fan's Long-Time Archive of WWDC Videos on YouTube

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  • WWDC (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Geoffrey.landis ( 926948 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @04:41PM (#63027145) Homepage

    Would save me some effort if the summary told me what WWDC meant.

    What would Dionysus do?

    Doesn't seem important for me to bother looking up, though.

    • Re:WWDC (Score:5, Informative)

      by suutar ( 1860506 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @05:02PM (#63027191)

      world wide developer conference, I believe

    • What Would Disney Charge

    • by DeAxes ( 522822 )

      It stands for World Wide Developers Conference, which is Apple's developer focused conference. []

    • Would save me some effort if the summary told me what WWDC meant.

      Your UID is low enough that you should have at least 15+ years of experience asking annually "Why is every article on Slashdot this week an Apple announcement". The answer to that was WWDC.

      I didn't think anyone on Slashdot didn't know what the World Wide Developer Conference was. It gave us such historic events such as Jobs telling his customers all over the world they are holding their phone wrong.

    • Easy. If itâ(TM)s not Marvel Universe, It has to be world wide detective comics e.g. Superman,Batman

    • From Wikipedia:

      The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is an information technology conference held annually by Apple Inc.

      Reference []

      Apple has announced some pretty cool stuff at WWDC over the years, and the audience for WWDC events has broadened well beyond the core developers for whom it was originally targeted. Why Apple would shoot themselves in the foot by banning one of their most avid fans from posting their comprehensive collection of recordings from those events on YouTube is anybody's guess.

  • by atomicalgebra ( 4566883 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @04:46PM (#63027161)
    They banned their one and only customer.
    • by Xenx ( 2211586 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @05:48PM (#63027303)
      Google reports over 5 million users as of June this year. To put that in perspective, Hulu has around 4 million live TV subscribers. I'd say Youtube TV is far from a dead service.
      • Somebody doesn't know what a joke is. \s
        • If you want to make a joke then add a smiley or a wink. There's a lot of stupid people on Slashdot so the default assumption is that someone is just posting ignorant nonsense.

          If you were trying to make a joke then you are really bad at communication.

          • Yes, while there are a lot of snarky people on the internet, there are even more clueless people.

            Hopefully fewer of the clueless ones on /., but sometimes I wonder.

            • While there are a lot of people that are easy to whoosh, there are even more people on Slashdot who aren't as funny as they think they are.

        • by Xenx ( 2211586 )
          It's more that, the way it was worded, sounds like you're implying they have a low sub count and banning one of their few users. That would be humorous. Based on your response, it sounds like you were trying to make a joke around the fact that they wouldn't care about banning one customer.. but the wording doesn't really support that.
    • I think it's also included in youtube premium. Once youve gone YT premium, you never want to go back to normal ad ladden youtube again. I've gone to friends places and used youtube on their TVs and the amount of ad playback on there these days is absolutely obnoxious.
  • by DraconPern ( 521756 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @04:52PM (#63027169) Homepage
    Another example of a bad idea to have all your stuff on google. Do one thing wrong and they nuke your whole digital lofe.
    • Another example of a bad idea to have all your stuff on google. Do one thing wrong and they nuke your whole digital lofe.

      We now have a new word to add to ones misued. Loaf, not [] lofe [].

    • Kind of goes for any platform really. Always best to have local backups and use more than one platform. I forward my email to both gmail and iCloud (plus local) for example, so if one gets shutdown I still have everything.
      • by shmlco ( 594907 )

        Or, I mean, if you fell like you just have to post material under copyright maybe don't do it to your personal channel?

    • Google is garbage. People all over the globe need to stop feeding that beast.
    • by Pieroxy ( 222434 )

      It's more a testament to the fact that if you use other people's material to make money *and* repeatedly ignore takedown notices (which she did for years) , well, at some point you're on the wrong side of the law and have been given plenty of notice.

      At that point, I find it kind of hard to complain publicly. That woman is pretty ballsy to explain to the world the situation in which she was clearly violating the law, repeatedly, profiting from it, and ignored various notices until they closed her account.


  • "Apple had filed a series of copyright removal requests"

    Pretty much what happens when you continue to ignore the problem. It ain't going to go away.

  • by metrix007 ( 200091 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @05:25PM (#63027245)

    Yet still their fan base is inherently loyal and forgiving, like a beaten wife coming back for seconds.


    • by rudy_wayne ( 414635 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @05:29PM (#63027257)
      Technically, Apple has the right to do this. But, ultimately, their reasons for doing it always come down to the same 2 things:

      1 - Because we can.

      2 - Because Fuck You, that's why.
      • Some lawyers felt the need to do something to justify their retainer.

      • Apple has the right to do this. But, ultimately, their reasons for doing it always come down to the same 2 things:

        No, they are trying to whitewash the past. Same reason why articles which made them look like assholes didn't make it from the TIL to the KB, like the one on B&W G3 data corruption. Older and newer articles made the transfer, but that one disappeared... the one where they told you to buy a new ATA controller or slow down your HDD to avoid data corruption rather than replacing known defective logic boards. They don't want their old embarrassments available for anyone to see.

    • Yet still their fan base is inherently loyal and forgiving, like a beaten wife coming back for seconds.


      In cases like this is it a surprise? I mean this action impacted no one other than a single fan. No fucks are given beyond that one person.

    • by eddeye ( 85134 )

      The alternatives are a drunken stepdad who throws up all over you at random intervals and hit on your friends (Windows), or a pervy uncle who lurks in bushes outside of bathrooms and places spy cameras all over the house (Android). No thanks.

      Apple is the chain-smoking control freak mom. Yeah she's a bit too strict, and sometimes she lashes out at the neighbors. But at least she's not trying to ruin your life. It's the only sane choice.

      Then you've got linux, the fussy hyperactive 5 year old nephew

    • by King_TJ ( 85913 )

      Let's be honest though? A whole lot of this probably has to do with the legal team they keep on retainer, and what some prick LAWYERS take it upon themselves to do, in the name of "protecting Apple's right to control its own intellectual property".

      This happens all the time when fans try to make content based on their favorite sci-fi shows like Star Trek, too. I don't think Star Trek's writers or actors take an issue with anything the fans are doing. It's the legal team at companies like Paramount.

      With copyr

      • With copyright law in the US, if someone can show in court that you had opportunities to defend some of your works or content and didn't do it? That can be used as a justification for not letting you have control over it any more. That's what leads to this "over the top" stuff with take-downs and legal threats. Lots of "biting the hand that feeds".

        You are mixing up copyright and trademark law. There is no defend it or lose it in copyright. At any time you can say, hey this isn't fair use, C&D, assuming you have not given some legal license... like say publishing them on YouTube themselves... which Apple does do now. Which means there is now a copy of that video that Apple does not own. But I digress.

        In this case it is Apple Legal being a bunch of 'Dog in the Manger' pricks.

        The WWDC videos were Apple promoting their platform to developers. New

  • I'm glad this Linux web site is still up on the Internet and doesn't cost me billions of dollars to post to for some reason. If only Apple were visible somewhere on the internet so they could be criticized and forced into being open; you know? (Nice hostname..)

    Anyway, here's an important news article from 2017 via 2010 detailing why the company will be having problems until they acknowledge more about their operations:

    • Life and death in Apple's forbidden city
      In an extract from his new book, Brian Merchan

    • by shmlco ( 594907 ) on Saturday November 05, 2022 @06:55PM (#63027457) Homepage

      In so far as I know, Apple is pretty much the only company that's acknowledged these problems and actively worked with companies in their supply chain to improve issues with worker conditions, wages and to obtain better sourcing of raw materials.

      There's a pretty exhaustive list of American companies who have all or at least a significant percentage of their products manufactured in China. []

      But hey, there's more publicity to be had when Apple is is in the headline, as opposed to articles and books deploring the cultural, political, and economic conditions in Shenzhen in particular and China in general that allow such abuses to exist.

      • by haruchai ( 17472 )

        "But hey, there's more publicity to be had when Apple is is in the headline"
        Tesla & Elon Musk took over that mantle quite a number of years ago

      • Apple doesn't get a pat on the back for reducing the amount of slavery involved in the production of their hardware since moving it out of the country. They outsourced it to China in the first place, knowing full well they had no respect for human rights, and oh yeah, they have failed to actually instigate any meaningful changes, but they have convinced a bunch of dumbshits that they are doing something. [] [] []


      • Do you have any evidence that apple actually did anything outside their press releases? That company is known for bs-ing its users I see you linked a list of companies that do business in China but haven't had many or any suicides attached to them.
    • No, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Facebook and Google ruin society.
    • Real capitalists would let the workers kill themselves and then bill their estates for the cleanup.

  • They haven't come up with anything meaningful since Steve died.

    • They leveraged ARM to make a CPU that's 5W, passively cooled, and outperforms my 8700K. No small feat.
      • Sadly that CPU is mostly locked up behind the exact OS and software they want you do run on it.

        • to, not do. Bleh.

        • Locked up how, exactly?

          It runs every piece of mac software that's still relevant. It compiles and runs *all* code from HomeBrew. It runs any ARM vm you fancy, including windows 11, Ubuntu, Fedora, Kali, etc.

          If there is a software limitation, I have yet to find it, via extensive deep usage.
  • Pretty sure that posting copyrighted material is actually illegal. Are we really supposed to feel bad for this guy?
    • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

      His videos were most certainly not illegal in any way. If so, he wouldn't be re-uploading them to the Internet Archive, which is also American run.

      DMCA, which was what was used here, is a bunch of bullshit and requires zero human confirmation that there actually is a violation in the first place. Especially for big companies like YouTube/Google. You could file a random DMCA against a random YouTube video for a random reason and it'll get pushed through until someone complains loud enough that it was a bogus

  • Not only WWDC; but basically all "Apple Events".

    Just skimming through the "All Apple Events" link at the bottom of the linked-page, I definitely saw entries that stretched all the way back to 2007, at least. []

    • At least on Android it doesn't help at all, the only thing I'm seeing is "Requires macOS 11.4 or higher"

      • At least on Android it doesn't help at all, the only thing I'm seeing is "Requires macOS 11.4 or higher"

        Sorry. No way for me to test that.

        It's actually on their Podcasts "Site"; so, perhaps it can be accessed with an Android Podcasts App?

        But the thing about requiring macOS 11.4 (Big Sur) or higher is not correct. I was able to check one out on iOS 15; so. . .?

  • so you don't get your main account deleted
  • Excuse me while I laugh at one of the most antisocial companies in tech history.

  • So guessing now there will be a bunch of sites spreading these all around as the guy said they could have just emailed and not screwed him over. But legal teams just probably tried to justify their existence, I mean how much of old WWDC has anytthing but historical interest now. I wonder if they even looked at the content.
  • The guy's channel was basically a repository for any bullshit lying marketing they did, and they don't want to get caught up on it now that they're facing anti-trust litigation around the world.

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
