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Apple is Finally Adding Some of Gmail's Best Features To Its Own Email Apps (theverge.com) 53

Apple announced some major new features for Mail that finally bring the email app closer to parity with Gmail and other popular email clients. From a report: Perhaps the most useful will be an undo send feature, which will let you call back an email within 10 seconds of hitting the send button. A "remind me" feature will let you set a time for an email to come back to the top of your inbox. A new scheduled send feature that allows you to specify exactly when an email should go out. And Mail will even tell you when it thinks you've forgotten to include an attachment.
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Apple is Finally Adding Some of Gmail's Best Features To Its Own Email Apps

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  • Oh boy... another six months of fanboys bragging about the NEW services that are expected out of best of breed android apps.

    There still are email clients on phones that do not match 20 year old linux and unix apps when dealing with messaging.
    • Just Said no (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      lol mail on your phone. So glad my life doesn't revolve around a device. Suckers. The beauty of using a computer for things is you get to unplug. There's absolutely nothing going on that you need to sit in front of it 24/7, so why should a phone be any different. Amen.
    • by shanen ( 462549 ) on Tuesday June 07, 2022 @12:05PM (#62600506) Homepage Journal

      "These are NOT the new services that you are looking for!" With the usual apologies to Obi-Wan Kenobi, but these are acknowledged to be old services in old email systems. Rather sad that Apple cannot do better.

      So here's a short list of NEW features I want:

      (1) A PROPER notion of email time rather than an asinine 10-second or 30-second undo. Or a half-arsed "Schedule send" option. In particular, relative time is important, and as it applies to undo, I want to set my default sending time as one to three relative hours in the future. If it's urgent, then there can be a "Send now" option, but almost none of my email needs such an urgent response and I'm quite likely to have a better idea if I think about it. (And I am NOT apologizing just because I'm slow witted!)

      (2) A feature to bounce "confidential mode" email unread. If you don't trust me, I don't need your email. 'Nuff said.

      (3) Death to spammers! "Live and let spam" is the standard business email monkey-business model these days, but what I want is an email system that spammers hate so much that they won't send ANY spam to that email domain.

      So here's my idea of how to do it (but I'd love to hear your better idea). How about a "Fight spammer" button beyond the "Report spam" button? The simple goal is to take away the money, which is what causes most of the spam. (PoC: The pump-and-dump stock-scam spam you no longer receive because they removed the money.) I imagine an iterative analysis where I would click on "Fight spammer" and it would send me a webform with the expanded analysis of the spam I am reporting. I could click on the various options to confirm or correct the analysis leading to the anti-spammer countermeasures that remove the money. Trivial example: An email dropbox the spammer uses to reach suckers. Let's nuke that one. More complicated example: A phishing scam that involves hacked personal information. It will probably take several rounds of analysis and confirmation, but the scope of the problem can be identified and the spammers can be found and destroyed. (At least I want to believe it's possible.)

      • by shanen ( 462549 )

        And if Slashdot had a delayed submit option I might have caught that typo in the attempted joke. *sigh*

        "These are not the new features you are looking for."

        Oh well. All of my attempted jokes need to be filed under "That trick never works!"

      • (2) A feature to bounce "confidential mode" email unread. If you don't trust me, I don't need your email. 'Nuff said.

        Amen to that. I use Fastmail which provides Sieve scripts for incoming mail. I wrote this rule:

        if exists "X-Gm-Locker" {reject "Google confidential mode emails are automatically rejected at this email address"; }

        • by shanen ( 462549 )

          Thanks for this information. Does it send the bounce message back to the rude person who sent it?

          And does Fastmail have any strong anti-spammer features?

    • Just imagine how irritating it is if you think outspoken fans or critics of any goddamned phone OS are sad. You're just one big pile of crying, screaming babies claiming how awful it is to live in a world where a bunch of other people use a different kind of phone and like it. Can't the whole fucking lot of you just start following a sports team or whatever? At least they've got their own designated areas for publicly spouting off about idiotic imaginary cargo-culted rivalries between corporate brands.
    • "Best" features of Gmail? That's like saying Apple is bringing the best features of syphilis to your body.
    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      These are not features I would ever use or trust. The recall, for instance, must just be a delay in actually sending it. And I click on dates in email to automatically create a reminder in calendar.
  • *Yawns* Looking at my Postfix/Dovecot mail server I wonder how this "recall" feature will work. I guess the client MUA introduces this delay feature... which is kind of like Graylisting... for the children who need a supervisory MUA. Hopefully we're out of bolts at this point -- looking around I don't think there isn't much left without a set of training wheels installed.
    • by Thom34 ( 6232932 )

      Looking at my Postfix/Dovecot mail server I wonder how this "recall" feature will work.

      Most likely it works so that the client don't send it to the server, so that the send actually means that send it 10 sec later.

      Is that kind of feature needed at all? How it can be the most useful feature??

      • Looking at my Postfix/Dovecot mail server I wonder how this "recall" feature will work.

        Most likely it works so that the client don't send it to the server, so that the send actually means that send it 10 sec later.

        Is that kind of feature needed at all? How it can be the most useful feature??

        My work uses Google Apps.
        "Unsend" has come in handy several times, especially when accidentally pressing Ctrl+Enter (the KB shortcut for "Send") at an inopportune time. "Most useful" is an exaggeration, but it's a good one.

  • Them adding all that crap to GMail is what got me off of them.
  • Who is surprised? Apple has been copying for a while. They copied Xerox Alto and called the Mac the first GUI-based computer. They copied the Diamond Rio and called the iPod the first mp3 player. They copied the features from Nokia, LG KE850, and myOrigo and called the iPhone the first smartphone.
    Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

    • Who cares? Android scrapped their entire OS and redesigned it to copy iOS when they saw the iPhone announced. Are you as a consumer hurt when they copied? No. It only means better features for all consumers. I bet you get unreasonably bothered when you see any car that was created on a production line and start going off about how they copied Henry Ford.
      • by Pascoea ( 968200 )

        I bet you get unreasonably bothered when you see any car that was created on a production line

        No, only bothered when a smug fanboi tries to pump the "new features" as the greatest thing since sliced bread, while claiming their preferred company created the bread slicing machine too. And then proceed to tell you how "brave" that company was for removing widely used features. Shit's irritating. I'm not accusing you of being a fanboi, nor saying all Apple users are like that. But the ones that do act like that are insufferable.

        • I hear it from the Android fanboys far more. Claims "We've had that for years." while ignoring that their own OS has copied countless features from others. The original OS as a whole. The scrolling functionality central to navigating the OS and the home screen. The messaging look. Android Auto as a whole and countless other things. Seems some only look to point out where their favorite did it first, while completely ignoring the far more frequent places where they were late to the game.
          • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
            I don't know that I've ever actually met someone I'd consider an Android fanboy, but I know they exist. I'm an android user, and you'd have a pretty tough row to hoe if you wanted to get me to switch, but I'm generally not vocal about it. It's like every other tool I use, I picked it because it fit my needs. Apple has undeniably come up with plenty of their own new features, both hardware and software, as has Samsung (and Motorola, and, and and.) I really don't care what was "stolen" by who,
            • Google wasn't the first search engine. Ford wasn't the first automobile. iPod wasn't the first MP3 player. It's not about being first. It's about being the best iteration. And then others take and iterate off that, hopefully creating something even better for us users.
    • >They copied Xerox Alto and called the Mac the first GUI-based computer.

      that has been so categorically debunked that it isn't even funny anymore.

      Apple had mockups of a proposed bit-mapped GUI *before* the PARC visit.

      Yes, seeing the working Xerox system influenced the direction of the final product.

      But to be equally fair, the Xerox machine relied *heavily* on the Master's Thesis of one Jeff Raskins . . . one of the apple engineers on the product.

      And the next claim from apple I see to be "he first GUI-base

  • Can we somehow unsubscribe from the deluge of Applesauce posts the last couple days, I can't give less of a shit.

    • I can't give less of a shit.

      Yet here you are in the comments.

      • by KlomDark ( 6370 )

        Not because I wanted to read this, but because I wanted to bitch that there's been nothing but Apple posts the last couple days. Is their marketing department all here or what the hell is going on?

        Apple while technically "open source" is so antithetical to the spirit of open source that none of their shit should be allowed here.

    • Can we somehow unsubscribe from the deluge of Applesauce posts the last couple days, I can't give less of a shit.

      It's almost like there was a developer conference or something on which generate a lot of stories. WWDC doesn't end until coming Friday. Can I suggest you go hide in a cave with no internet if things other people find interesting triggers you so much?

      Oh and just so you know this happens every year so I suggest at the start of next year you look up when WWDC 2023 is on and then go prep your cave in advance.

      • by KlomDark ( 6370 )

        Bunch of goddamn lemmings

        • If you don't like news for nerds (which this is) may I recommend for you a good knitting forum?

          Or maybe you just actually like bitching and moaning. Is your local pub closed? Is that why you decided to jump on a site go into a comments section of a story you're not (apparently) interested in and post about it?

          Get some therapy man. Your social network addiction is getting out of hand.

          • by KlomDark ( 6370 )

            I already explained... I read thru the headlines and saw almost nothing that wasn't fruit-related. So I picked the top applesauce story to bitch.

            This is too much rotten fruit. Find something else. Go masturbate to pictures of Jobs' bald spot.

    • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )
      No, it's WWDC season so there will be lots of apple related articles all over the tech media, as Slashdot in som way agrigates the tech news the apple articles here are unavoidale. But it bothers you, you are of course free to ingnire those articles or skip slashdot complitly fir a few days
  • Please add a proper "bounce message" (or "resend", if you prefer) to Gmail. Most desktop email apps (including Apple's) have offered this since day one.

  • I tried using Gmail for several months, mostly because I'm one of the laziest people you'll ever run across.

    But I had to install Thunderbird and configure it to download my Gmail mail because the Gmail interface sucked so many balls I couldn't find enough guys that wanted their balls sucked.

2.4 statute miles of surgical tubing at Yale U. = 1 I.V.League
