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macOS Monterey Is Finally Rolling Out On October 25th ( 87

Along with new MacBook Pro models, Apple announced during its Mac event today that macOS Monterey will be available on Monday, Oct. 25. Gizmodo reports: As with macOS Big Sur before it, Monterey represents a renewed effort by Apple to streamline its operating systems, with new Focus profiles for limiting notifications and helping you be more productive just like in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15. Shortcuts, Apple's automation app, is now available on desktop for the first time. Monterey also represents the first time users will be able to AirPlay content from a Mac, a function that iPhone users have long enjoyed. If you've already downloaded iOS 15, updating to Monterey just makes sense -- these devices are so much more functional when they work seamlessly with each other.

But perhaps the most anticipated feature Monterey is supposed to bring us is Universal Control, which allows you to use a single mouse/trackpad and keyboard to control multiple Macs and iPads simultaneously. While the new feature wasn't initially included in the public beta rollout of Monterey, that omission has only allowed the hype to grow. It's unclear when Universal Control will come to macOS, only that it won't be available to use at launch. FaceTime's new SharePlay feature, which is also expected to arrive in iOS 15, will also not be ready to try at launch. That feature will allow you to share music or watch shows with folks over FaceTime.
The devices that support macOS Monterey include: iMac (late 2015 and newer), iMac Pro (2017 and newer), Mac Pro (late 2013 and newer), Mac Mini (late 2014 and newer), MacBook Pro (early 2015 and newer), MacBook Air (early 2015 and newer), and MacBook (early 2016 and newer).

Further reading: macOS Monterey Release Candidate Undoes Safari Changes, Reintroduces Old Tab Design
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macOS Monterey Is Finally Rolling Out On October 25th

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  • "helping you be more productive just like in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15."

    I've never heard anyone say they are more productive on a phone than on a computer. Phones and tablets are for consumption.

    • I've never heard anyone say they are more productive on a phone than on a computer. Phones and tablets are for consumption.

      Um yeah several years ago maybe. Modern iPads are virtually laptops and reading shit is part of productivity.

      • Um yeah several years ago maybe. Modern iPads are virtually laptops and reading shit is part of productivity.

        LOL. Reminds me of when people at my work tried using their iPads as laptops. A phase they all went through, and exactly no one kept doing.
        Maybe Samsung DeX... but ipadOS? No way in fuck.

        Even the big Apple guys on youtube are like "yaaaa, na."

        • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday October 18, 2021 @08:35PM (#61904971)

          LOL. Reminds me of when people at my work tried using their iPads as laptops. A phase they all went through, and exactly no one kept doing.

          I knew several people who have replaced laptops with iPads. Not coders, no, but for most other things an iPad works really well.

          • Will believe it when I see it. Until then, I will continue to laugh at the claim.
            Even the sales director in our board meeting gave them up after a month of trying.
            • I use mine to take into Bio Security labs so that I have service manuals, email, web browser with zero physical keyboard. This can be easily wiped down with 70% ethanol.
              Paper manuals are forbidden to remove once they go into the lab space.
          • LOL. Reminds me of when people at my work tried using their iPads as laptops. A phase they all went through, and exactly no one kept doing.

            I knew several people who have replaced laptops with iPads. Not coders, no, but for most other things an iPad works really well.

            Well, if your daily work includes a lot of typing (not just coding but documentation, writing reports and guidelines and such) and you only have a pad without a keyboard, man, you're gonna hate your work.

            OTOH, if you spend most of your time doing presentations and sales pitches or surfing the web in boring meetings, pads are the way to go.

            • Well, if your daily work includes a lot of typing (not just coding but documentation, writing reports and guidelines and such) and you only have a pad without a keyboard, man, you're gonna hate your work.

              Why wouldn't you get one of the many available iPad keyboards if your job involves a lot of typing?

              "If you're a pro FPS gamer and you only have a laptop with a trackpad, you're really going to hate your work!". Yeah, no kidding. Buy a mouse.

        • Depends on what the task is. You know... like the reason you have a desktop or a laptop that serve different purposes. Tablets are 3rd form factor and they serve different roles as wlel.

          What hobbled the iPad originally was lack of access to the file system. That was corrected yonks ago and iPads have no problem talking to flash drives/networks/etc.

          Best tool for the job vs. a tribal mentality. Whatever.

          • Depends on what the task is. You know... like the reason you have a desktop or a laptop that serve different purposes. Tablets are 3rd form factor and they serve different roles as wlel.

            Yes, tablets are a third form-factor, and they serve a different role.
            So why are you trying to say they can do the role of one of the prior?

            What hobbled the iPad originally was lack of access to the file system. That was corrected yonks ago and iPads have no problem talking to flash drives/networks/etc.

            Na, the OS is just not conducive to multitasking, at all.
            It's a goddamn pain in the ass. The problem is 100% OS. The hardware is more than up to the task.

            Best tool for the job vs. a tribal mentality. Whatever.

            Absolutely. And all I witness in my medium sized corporation are people trying to join the tribe mentality, and finding out that it sucks and that tablets were indeed not the right tool for the laptop job.

        • Friends wife wrote her PhD thesis on an iPad.
          • I pity her. It's a terrible writing platform if you also need to: look at notes, sources, manage multiple documents.

            I imagine there's someone, somewhere, who wrote their PhD thesis on a hacked android tablet or some other stupid ass device.
            And there are PhDs who deny the anthropogenic source of global warming.

            Ergo, degrees don't make people smart, and smart people do all kinds of stupid shit. Hard to say which she was.
            • It worked they way she worked.
              For her it was the right tool.
              It was even written in "Pages" which again she likes.
              • I've done a lot of work in Pages on an iPad because it's more travel-friendly and I have a data plan for it. Thanks to iCloud when I got back to my desktop my changes were already sync'd.

                When i was a kid, back in the Commodore/Amiga/Atari/PC Clone days being a computer geek meant using the best tool for the job. One might pick an Atari ST over an Amiga because of its native midi support, for example. Somewhere it turned into "I don't like anything popular" and now we get to sit and have stupid debates

                • I do not care what other people use. In fact we support Windows, Mac, Linux systems as well as IOS/Android devices.
                  The most expensive part has become the idiot at the keyboard, so if we can make them 1 hour more productive a week by supplying them the device which works best for them, that device has essentially been fully paid after 3 years though increased productivity.

                  I started on TRS-80s and CPM2.2 machines. I have an Osbourne 1 with its 4" screen, and it did the job it was needed for (Visicalc).
                • What kind of idiotic fucking reasoning is this?
                  The best you could say is that we both disagree.
                  I think you're wrong, and you think I'm wrong.
                  Where does "under-informed" come in?
                  I own 3 fucking iPads, a Samsung Galaxy Tab, a MacBook Air, and a fat ass workstation laptop.
                  Information is unlikely to be the problem. I also work in a medium sized corporation and have watched people try to use an iPad as a laptop. The fact is, it sucks as one. It's a great device at doing things it's good at, which doesn't ha
                  • What kind of idiotic fucking reasoning is this? ... It's a great device at doing things it's good at"

                    The point I was arguing against was that it is only a consumption device. Which you argued with me against and then, mystifyingly, supported. I know you're gonna go "but u sed laptaaahps" but since you're so fully immersed in iPad-land then you already knew the original was barely more than a web-browsing e-picture frame but then a few years later they added a bunch of features like USB-C (which include drive acess, ethernet access, mouse support, HDMI support, etc...) and some (though I agree with you it'

                    • The point I was arguing against was that it is only a consumption device. Which you argued with me against and then, mystifyingly, supported.

                      That observation is only true if you ignore everything that was said.
                      There are things iPads are awesome at. Anything where you'd want to digitally draw or write. Navigating content. Even simple composition.
                      There are things laptops are awesome at. Complex interactions between different process flows. For the general populace, we will call this "work"
                      For a microscopic fraction of the populace, we will call the former "work"

                      For people who a laptop was never a good solution for, there's a good chance an iP

                    • For a microscopic fraction of the populace, we will call the former "work"

                      That's a shitty metric. Most PCs are for serving and consumption of porn. They don't live up to your definition, either. if you're looking for the best tool for the job it's the usability not the popularity that matters. (though It did occur to me one exception to what i said is wanting a general purpose computing device with a slew of developers making apps... ok popularity matters then I'll concede that point.)

                      I didn't claim to be a knower of all things iPad. I claimed to have extensive experience with tablets and laptops. Relevant experience.

                      Ok... seriously.. imagine if I tried to tell you about how great iPads are as laptop replac

                    • That's a shitty metric. Most PCs are for serving and consumption of porn. They don't live up to your definition, either. if you're looking for the best tool for the job it's the usability not the popularity that matters. (though It did occur to me one exception to what i said is wanting a general purpose computing device with a slew of developers making apps... ok popularity matters then I'll concede that point.)

                      And this is kicking the ball into the next field over so that you don't have to play by the same argument.
                      We were discussing productivity. We're clearly not talking about the machines you whack off in front of at night.

                      Ok... seriously.. imagine if I tried to tell you about how great iPads are as laptop replacements then told you I don't really use laptops.

                      This makes zero sense.

                      Huh...? No. Heh. It's not "well i can't have a laptop and an iPad is the next best thing" it's "there are some things the iPad can do better than a laptop". in ye olden days that ratio was so severe that the iPad was barely more than a toy. Today it works out such that having both is pretty awesome with a lot of new capabilities having come forward. It's also worth mentioning that this latest release now has 'big boy' amounts of RAM.

                      CoNsuMpTiOn OnLy

                      I see where your brain short circuited.
                      I never said they're for "consumption only"
                      I said that they're not a viable replacement for a laptop for productivity.
                      I have added an addendum after our discussion allowing for certain things that laptops were never good at

                    • And this is kicking the ball into the next field over so that you don't have to play by the same argument.

                      It is the field I started on and never left.

                      We were discussing productivity.

                      Nooo, this started with a remark that tablets and phones are for consumption only. I'll give you one concession though: When I replied I didn't notice you were a different poster.

                      This makes zero sense.


                    • It is the field I started on and never left.

                      I will demonstrate this to be incorrect below.

                      Nooo, this started with a remark that tablets and phones are for consumption only. I'll give you one concession though: When I replied I didn't notice you were a different poster.

                      Quibble about it all you like.
                      You said:

                      Um yeah several years ago maybe. Modern iPads are virtually laptops and reading shit is part of productivity.

                      I said:

                      LOL. Reminds me of when people at my work tried using their iPads as laptops. A phase they all went through, and exactly no one kept doing. Maybe Samsung DeX... but ipadOS? No way in fuck.

                      You fucked up. Own it.


                      No, it really didn't. You seem to be all kinds of confused. Maybe that's why you seem to think a tablet with a magnetically attached keyboard (hey- I have one for each of my iPads too. I'm a sucker for options) is a replacement for a laptop.

                    • You fucked up. Own it.

                      I love how you tell me to own your face-saving interpretation of my post but you also quoted the operative bit of my post that you've apparently ignored. He said smartphones and tablets were for consumption and my rebuttal pointed out utility. I also fortified my point by asserting that reading shit for work is productive, too. Which is true.

                      Oh and yeah... quibble quibble, sure, but If my words count, the words of the person I responded to count, too.

                      No, it really didn't. You seem to be all kinds of confused.

                      Heh. This from the guy that only got "I like porn"

                    • I love how you tell me to own your face-saving interpretation of my post but you also quoted the operative bit of my post that you've apparently ignored. He said smartphones and tablets were for consumption and my rebuttal pointed out utility. I also fortified my point by asserting that reading shit for work is productive, too. Which is true.

                      What "he" said isn't remotely relevant.
                      I quoted you, and I quoted my response to you.
                      You wiggle like a fucking worm trying to get off of a hook.

                      Oh and yeah... quibble quibble, sure, but If my words count, the words of the person I responded to count, too.

                      Nonsense. If I had beef with what they said, I would have taken it up with them. I replied to you, not them.
                      You're the shitwaffle that said iPads are virtually laptops.

                      Heh. This from the guy that only got "I like porn" from my earlier post. Nah, I kid, I know you were just trying to nudge me into a different 'field'.

                      That was 1 line in an otherwise long post.

                      You're a fucking moron. You couldn't make yourself look any more fucking stupid.

              • For her it was the right tool.

                No, for her, it was the tool she used.
                As I said, degrees don't make people smart, and smart people do all kinds of stupid shit. Hard to say which she was.

                If you're trying to tell me that the poor woman trying to use her iPad as a writing composition tool while also trying to use it to lookup information and keep track of her outline and synopsis was burning less calories and sanity than using a fucking word processor on a laptop, then I'm going to just come right out and say it: You're full of shit.

                • Next you will be telling me that anyone who used a typewriter to write their thesis is impossible too.
                  • I didn't say impossible. Not even once.

                    I said it was a shitty tool to use.

                    You're the person trying to argue that some person you know who wrote their thesis on a typewriter was using the "right tool for them", which is only really accurate if the person is not capable of using a better tool (which makes one wonder wtf the thesis was for, in this day and age)
                    • It is a shitty tool for you to use. Not for her. What you call better is only for you, not for her. Comparatively George R R Martin uses a PC running DOS to write his novels because that is what he chooses.
                    • It is a shitty tool for you to use.


                      Not for her.

                      Ya, for her too.

                      What you call better is only for you, not for her.

                      What stupid logic. What the fuck is this, some kind of "tool relativism"?

                      Comparatively George R R Martin uses a PC running DOS to write his novels because that is what he chooses.

                      He does. He chooses a shitty tool for the job.
                      And let's go ahead and look at his productivity...
                      Winds of Winter- we've been waiting how long? When did he start blowing past (his own) finish dates? 2017? 2018?

                      I didn't say someone couldn't do quality work on an iPad. I said it was a fundamentally shitty tool for that kind of work. Everything you do will take more energy and be more difficult. That makes

          • Friends wife wrote her PhD thesis on an iPad.

            ok, that's a fine anecdote.
            Why don't you use the iPad for work?

            • I do, I use it to hold service manuals, service bulletins, email, web access etc.
              It is a tool that does the job I need it for. I don't throw out my screwdriver because it won't cut wire.

              You use what works for you, I have found something that works for me, and I am the only one I care about in this situation.
              • I do, I use it to hold service manuals, service bulletins, email, web access etc.

                In other words, you largely use it to consume. Some communication. That's cool.

                • Its a tool. Same with computers, they are just tool to do a job. Hell we have high end PCs running MassSpectrometers , that is there one and only "job"
                  • Its a tool. Same with computers, they are just tool to do a job. Hell we have high end PCs running MassSpectrometers , that is there one and only "job"

                    It's their.
                    Modern mass spectrometry takes a huge amount of computational power.

                    Further, you seem to be acting like all tools are created equal, and that there isn't a right tool for a job. This actually kind of makes sense, since you think the high end PC isn't necessary for your mass spectrometer- you are fundamentally ignorant of job requirements.

                    This post makes me doubt your prior claims. I'd expect better education from someone in your claimed position.

                    • Post processing, yes, we have computers for that too. But running the Mass Specs employs a dedicated Windows PC.
                      There is a difference between data collection and data processing.
                  • Yes. And the job of an ipad is largely to consume, not produce.

                    • For YOU.
                      Musicians have done whole albums using Garage Band on an iPad
                      Reporters use them
                      Mathematicians use them as whiteboards to record lectures for remote learning, as do Chemists, Physicists etc. They are also great for marking assignments where you can write over the top of a submitted document.
                      My stepson uses his for graphics design for clothing

                      If the iPad does not work for you, that is 100% OK with me, it does work for others.
                    • Musicians have done whole albums using Garage Band on an iPad

                      Which musician?

          • I too know stupid people with PhDs

        • One of my favorite writing workstations is an iPad. Would I use it to do my development work? Nope. But keeping track of characters and timelines is a breeze and my writing software is fully supported.

          Narrowing productivity down to your specific use case probably has you believing no productivity at all is possible with a device other than a full-fledged computer. It's simply a matter of adjusting your perception of productivity. Not everybody codes. Not everybody does massive piles of processor inten

          • One of my favorite writing workstations is an iPad. Would I use it to do my development work? Nope. But keeping track of characters and timelines is a breeze and my writing software is fully supported.

            Your favorite writing workstation is an iPad... If that's the case, it's because you suck at writing.

            Narrowing productivity down to your specific use case probably has you believing no productivity at all is possible with a device other than a full-fledged computer. It's simply a matter of adjusting your perception of productivity. Not everybody codes. Not everybody does massive piles of processor intensive tasks. For some people having a system that keeps up with the keyboard is all that's required. iPads are fine for that.

            There are lots of things iPads are fine for. I never said otherwise. I objected to the statement that an iPad is, "virtually a laptop" these days.
            It's a stupid claim.
            ipadOS is terribly clunky for multitasking. If you have the kind of job that allows you to supplant a laptop with an iPad, congratulations, you belong to a vanishingly small amount of people in the world.
            Our executives tried to use one, and g

            • Boy, you sure seem full of rage over this. Multitasking is fine on iOS with a decent keyboard. But hey, rage against that machine, man. I have yet to notice a difference between writing on my desktop and writing on my iPad other than I can pack my iPad with me everywhere. Guess that makes me a terrible writer. LOL.

              • rage (n):
                violent, uncontrollable anger.

                Coming to an insulting deduction about you does not imply rage. I suppose expecting someone trying to make your argument to stick to reality is a stretch.

                Multitasking is fine on iOS with a decent keyboard.

                Suppose it depends how we define "fine". As long as that definition includes "more cumbersome than literally every other available option", then I guess I can't argue.

                But hey, rage against that machine, man.

                Weak ad hominem. Not only have I given no reason to indicate that I'm "raging against the machine", use of the iPad as a laptop is hardly "the machin

    • Phones and tablets are for consumption.

      Computers are probably still more productive.

      But in once sense phones beat them out, they are always with you. I've worked on the bulk of a presentation on a phone, answers lots of questions over Slack via phone, used the phone to scan in documents write up some documents.

      Similarly the iPad has become an excellent productivity tool, there in fact I do prefer it to a computer for photo editing because of the direct control via stylus on an excellent screen.

      We all have

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Sending a message to your boss when you're stuck in a traffic jam is literally the opposite of being productive. Think a little.

        • You missed his entire point. Being far more portable, you can use a phone or tablet in different scenarios that are just more difficult to do than with a laptop. For example, I was in a grocery store when one of my siblings texted me about finalizing a family get together. When the date was finally set, I booked my airline tickets and a rental car while in the store. To that with my laptop around I would have to be carrying it and find a Wifi hotspot. Or wait until I got home.
          • You missed his entire point.

            No, your examples proved my point. You are a consumer, you bought things on your phone. Your example shows that you don't use the phone to be productive, you use it to consume.

            • 1) You do understand that being productive is not 100% creating content, right? By your definition anyone completing a list of tasks without creating any content is not productive. Is your entire workload 100% creating content: code, music, video, presentations? No. You just disproved your own point.? 2) Also in his example, you do understand he created content right? He wrote a message. That IS content.
              • Is your entire workload 100% creating content: code, music, video, presentations?

                Presentations are usually not productive either.

                • So in other words, only you get to decide what is and what is not productive for everyone else. Never mind all my other points that being able to use something portable to get work done. So you were wrong and refuse to admit it.
                  • My point is "I've never heard anyone say they are more productive on a phone than on a computer." You failed to say that as well. If you have nothing more to add, then I can only say that you are an Unknowing Fool.

                    • My point is "I've never heard anyone say they are more productive on a phone than on a computer." You failed to say that as well. If you have nothing more to add, then I can only say that you are an Unknowing Fool.

                      You also said: "No, your examples proved my point. You are a consumer, you bought things on your phone. Your example shows that you don't use the phone to be productive, you use it to consume." You know we can scroll up and see that yes you did say I was not productive on my phone because I consumed. Instead of thinking for just a moment that not all productivity is about creating content, you double down and are choosing to be dishonest about what you said. Second, creating a message as he did IS creating

                    • Yeah, you didn't give an example of being productive. What did you produce?

                    • What part of "being productive is not 100% creating content" is difficult for you to understand? You do understand that at a store while grocery shopping my productivity with a laptop == 0%. With a phone, I can be productive. I booked a flight. I can read and answer emails, texts with my relatives that I was coming to visit with my flight number and date/time of my arrival.

                      You seem to have a binary fixation on productivity == creating content even though few people spend 100% of their workday creating conte

  • by ugen ( 93902 ) on Monday October 18, 2021 @07:51PM (#61904867)

    Everything added since Mojave has been somewhere between "meh" and "do not want". I'll stick to my 10.14 until the current MacBook falls apart.

    • Everything added since Mojave has been somewhere between "meh" and "do not want". I'll stick to my 10.14 until the current MacBook falls apart.

      And fortunately, Apple won't force it on you.

      • by kellin ( 28417 )

        Neither does Microsoft. I've got two machines here still running Windows 7. I doubt either would run Windows 10 very well, and certainly not 11.

        • Neither does Microsoft. I've got two machines here still running Windows 7. I doubt either would run Windows 10 very well, and certainly not 11.

          There is a difference. In my supported MacOS Systems, it does not update until I tell it to update. The same with my linux systems. I have 1 W7 system I use for reliability uptime purposes. But it's gonna fall off the useability cleiff.

          On my Windows home, pro and one Enterprise system, I have no control. I was at work one day during a critical part of my work when my W10 Enterprise laptop updated. At this point I don't even believe that the delay tactic works.

    • What was in Mojave that you wanted?

      • Hmm...probably color and contrast.

      • What was in Mojave that you wanted?

        In my specific case:

        32Bit App support. (a bunch of steam games in my case).
        Some semblace of subpixel font rendering (hidden from the UI, but accesible via command line and 3rd party utilities).

        • I guess I wasn't clear in my question. What I meant was, "What was in Mojave that you wanted that wasn't in the previous version of the OS?"

          • I guess I wasn't clear in my question. What I meant was, "What was in Mojave that you wanted that wasn't in the previous version of the OS?"

            Preliminary support for iOS apps
            APFS Support
            Better eGPU Support
            Various security imporvements

            Again, for my specific needs

      • by ugen ( 93902 )

        Support for 32 bit applications :)

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      The past few releases have been nice because my Cylinder Pros are actually running better, machines that are over 5 years old. I hope that this trend will continue.
    • I agree, and I implore you not to upgrade to Big Shit, I mean Big Sur or whatever comes after until your hardware dies and is irreparable at a justifiable cost. Man is Big Sur's UI UGLY and cartoony!

      My 2012 iMac27 was running High Sierra and I was very happy with it (after installing an SSD years ago) but it died for the final time in May. Couldn't justify paying $600 for a used model for a 9yo machine (from local ads) or $120 for a power supply or $300 for a logic board on ebay so, after reluctantly usi

      • A very similar situation occurred with me-jumped from High Sierra to BS-and I couldn't agree any more with you!

        OS & App UI designs across all OSes have become fashion statements or car designs like the Aztec or the Homermobile.

    • It would appear the decision has been made for me. My late 2014 mbp probably cant run this. Which is a shame, the old girl still runs just great, but as a coder who writes software for apple devices being able to run the latest toolchains is kind of important for me.

      Problem is I cant afford the latest macs, and the pricepoint for max I can afford is a 2017 mbp, and I *detest* the keyboards on the 2017s (I had one , which was stolen 3 months after I brought is, no insurance, hell of a blow, and I hated the k

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Ditto. Also, 32-bit apps support in that final version. :(

    • Everything added since Mojave has been somewhere between "meh" and "do not want". I'll stick to my 10.14 until the current MacBook falls apart.

      The next TurboTax (in 2022, for 2021 tax year) will require 10.15 as the minimum OS version.

  • Monterey also represents the first time users will be able to AirPlay content from a Mac

    I wonder what this means more precisely? On Mac+Windows, iTunes has been able to send to airplay speakers for years now. And on Mac, the volume icon in the taskbar has let us send all system audio to airplay speakers as well.

    Is it solely talking about video content? or specifically airplay2 with multi-room synchronization? (the article doesn't say).

  • So now I have 2 updates to reject.
    The installation process always says it finishes in 15 minutes.
    Thereafter it reboots and you get an additional 55 minutes installation time for free.

    • I really wonder what it's doing that requires so long for updates. Something is clearly wrong at Apple.

      • It's hash checking the update on your shitty entry level i5 Macbook from 2013. Yea it's gonna take a bit. The SSD is probably the fast part even though it's 1/10th the speed of the one they have in the 2021 version.

      • by Cinder6 ( 894572 )

        I really wonder what it's doing that requires so long for updates. Something is clearly wrong at Apple.

        Because a major OS upgrade takes a long time? That's your metric for "something is clearly wrong"?

  • Here's what's stopping me from jumping to a new Apple device and OS and staying with my old iMac running 10.14 - legacy apps.

    Or maybe I missed the news. All those Steam games that weren't updated to 64 bit - yes, stupid devs and all, but I like to come back to them from time to time. Any solution to not having to throw all those 32bit Intel architecture apps away? VM isn't the answer for most games, btw. in case someone wanted to offer that.

    • Bootcamp
      • by Tom ( 822 )

        Yeah no. That's worse than VM.

        First, Windows will get a place on my machine three weeks after hell froze over.
        Second, I have lots of other stuff open as well, running in the background, sitting in a tab or windows. The days where I would reboot my machine in order to play a game were over more than a decade ago.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
