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Apple Wants You To Know It Chose Not To Take a Cut of $400 Billion in Physical Goods ( 101

Apple is trying to convince a judge that it's not milking the App Store for all it's worth, and today the company dropped some big numbers to help make its case. From a report: Apple claims that its App Store drove $400 billion worth of physical purchases in a single year in 2019, and that -- unlike digital purchases and subscriptions -- Apple doesn't take a cent of that money. That's according to App Store boss and longtime Apple marketing exec Phil Schiller, who also testified that the company spends a staggering $50 million a year to throw its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) event. The company's also building a new developer center at its Apple Loop headquarters in Cupertino, he says, though I didn't catch how much the company's investing in that. None of these are included in the App Store's budget, Schiller testified. Why isn't Apple trying to take a cut of physical purchases? During his testimony, Schiller explained that Apple couldn't guarantee they would actually arrive.
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Apple Wants You To Know It Chose Not To Take a Cut of $400 Billion in Physical Goods

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  • Yeah, it doesn't get any older than this trick. They want to make the 400 gigadollars from the App Store look like something other than "pure schweet schweet profit'. So they look around, see 400 billion of real expenses, and link the two together on paper, freeing up 400 billion of revenue some something else for fun and games. If the judge/jury buys this, it means they've got the financial expertise of a first-year accounting major. Seriously? Apple, come on, you're supposed to be at the top of your game.
    • If the judge/jury buys this, it means they've got the financial expertise of a first-year accounting major.

      They almost certainly have that level of financial expertise or lower.

      • The cynic in me says that even if you're wrong, they'll act like they do, because they ideologically believe that being able to get away with that kind of loophole syntactic gaming is part of The American Way.
  • Does apple take 30% from online gambling apps?
    I don't think that the states will let them have 30% service fee

    • How would that work since Apple wouldn't know the payoff. e.g. if slot machines pay 95%, how could Apple take 30%?

  • I don't think that banks will give apple 30% of each zelle transfer. And if apple does then the banks will add fees or say does not work with ios.

  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Monday May 17, 2021 @07:18PM (#61394844)

    Mozilla foundation never took a cut of the trillion dollars in purchases from stores like Amazon and that have been made via its Firefox browser. Someone send them a Nobel Peace Prize for selfless generosity.

    • Apple simply wants the most money for the least work.

      If they had a cut in physical sales then they also get some liability and that's a whole mess of crap they don't want.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      One of those /dev/null scripts has pirated my $1 song a trillion times and I "chose not to take a cut."

      I will be taking my receipt to the nearest tribunal and would like to exchange it for three murder-rape licenses, a two-pack of inside-trading waivers, or one of those get-out-of-monopoly cards that Microsoft didn't get in the 90's.

      I will also accept ten trillion "don't discuss the morality when iT wAs LeGaL" dollars in tax deduction.

    • Your forgot your ISP which also didn't get a cut of your Amazon or Walmart (or Apple for that matter) purchases. Want to send Comcast a Nobel Peace Prize?

  • 30% is in way to much for things that apple is not hosting or running.

    The $99/year dev fee should cover alot and if apple really wants to keep in house only in app subs and buys should be 5% max.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      30% is in way to much for things that apple is not hosting or running.

      The $99/year dev fee should cover alot and if apple really wants to keep in house only in app subs and buys should be 5% max.

      Apple does a lot. They're hosting your app. They're handling payments, including foreign currency. They're handling taxes. They're handling the legal issues. They're handling the user licenses (you bought it, you can download it again on your account). They're handling the security of all of that.

      And they're also do

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        They're handling payments, including foreign currency. They're handling taxes. They're handling the legal issues.

        Many companies seem to feel they could do that for a fraction of the price that Apple charges them. You argue that it's not worth it for them, but apparently it's worth it for Apple to process a 99c one off card payment.

        In any case, if other companies feel they can do better then they should be allowed to do so. It works well enough on Android, and it's not clear what benefit Apple's way of doing things has (apart from making more money for Apple).

        • by Corbets ( 169101 )

          They're handling payments, including foreign currency. They're handling taxes. They're handling the legal issues.

          Many companies seem to feel they could do that for a fraction of the price that Apple charges them.

          “Claim” being the operative word. Considering that, as Apple argued off the bat, a variety of other app stores on other devices were charging the same 30%, it may be that the burden of proof lies on the claimant to prove that to be the case.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            Well for example I imagine that Amazon could probably do the payment processing and customer service a lot cheaper, if their app was allowed to process sales on iOS.

      • by Ecuador ( 740021 )

        I agree with your post, just a couple of minor points:

        They're handling payments, including foreign currency.

        Their handling of foreign currency is actually a bigger issue for me than their 30% (now 15%) cut, as it is not spelled out anywhere and you have no say on the matter. Most of my users are in the US, I am based in the UK, I have USD accounts (in the UK & US), but I have no choice on the matter, Apple converts USD to GBP for me taking what seems to be around 5%, quite a lot higher than my banks' spread, annoyingly with no indication of how they come u

      • foreign currency at an added cost on top of the 30% and hosting your app?? they are just hosting the download file. Not hosting your game servers.

    • by Ecuador ( 740021 )

      30% is in way to much for things that apple is not hosting or running.

      Yes, it would be way too much for things they are not hosting or running. So, what you are saying is that for the app store, where they run an entire system for submissions/beta testing/analytics etc and actually host the apps, it would be fine, right?

      Financial transactions I would expect to be the least of the cost. Although, payment processors charge that 1.3% to 3.5% you mentioned (which goes higher outside the US) ON TOP of a fixed amount, which actually makes a big chunk of small transactions (which i

  • That market director is such a shill he even incorporates the word into his last name. /s
  • I'm assuming Slashdot are being sarcastic here

    • It's quite a bit of money for a convention. The question is "What are they spending that money on?" Because the conference isn't good enough to justify the price.

      • Especially since the admission isn't cheap at all.

        Last time I went, Apple paid for the facility, bag lunches, subsidized the coffee bar, and paid for a few nice speakers to fly in for the evenings. Plus the usual convention decorations and such.

        I think what they must be doing is adding up the salary of all the time of all the employees who give talks and organize and add that to the direct costs. It would be very Schiller to do that - he says things that are true from narrow perspectives.

        Added into direct

  • If your not making a cent of of it? Yeah it adds to your platform, but if you're not making a cent then that is spinning a lot of gears for no reason.

    • Their point isn't that they aren't making money off of the hardware they make or even off anything they sell. Mindblowingly, it's that they don't make money off of physical goods that other people sell to iphone users. It's really revealing of the mindset they're trying to promote. Basically "yes, we get money every time someone sells an app to an iphone user but suppose they used their iphone to buy dinner - we don't get anything for that!"

  • Comcast would like to take 30% of any video service that there internet subs uses even things like super chats and twitch subscriptions.

    Apple needs to look out MS got into an lot of issue with trying to lock in IE and apple is doing the same.

  • by GumphMaster ( 772693 ) on Monday May 17, 2021 @08:12PM (#61394956)
    The App Store also drives physical purchases of Apple hardware, so how much of the $400 gigabucks claimed is pouring directly into Apple's other pocket?
    • I assure you they have that exact number, and they will exercise every tool at their disposal to save them from having to disclose it in this trial.
  • Do it, and see how many apps leave.
  • Doesn’t anyone remember the absolute shit app stores we had before iPhones? Very few free games, and in app purchase didn’t exist. And apple is right, they could take a percentage of amazon and ebay sales made through the apps if they wanted, but they choose not to. Apple isn’t the bad guy here.
    • Are you high? (Score:5, Informative)

      by CrappySnackPlane ( 7852536 ) on Monday May 17, 2021 @09:24PM (#61395114)

      Before iPhones, you didn't need app stores, because you could just download apps onto your phone from - gasp - websites.

      There were plenty of free games, and the reason most of the games were simple Snake / Checkers / Match-Two affairs is because that's what the mobile hardware of the time could run. The free games, by the way, were actually free, they didn't litter your screen with bullshit ads or buzz your phone at two in the morning to say WE MISS YOU, DON'T FORGET TO COLLECT YOUR DAILY BONUS!

      And you say "in app purchase didn't exist" like that's somehow supposed to be a bad thing.

      • Oh man. Jar files. And we didn't worry all too much either because everything was locked down enough that your "apps" couldn't read your sms and call logs.

    • Do you work for apple!? I don't know anyone on the planet thinks apple needs more revenue except for apple fanboys or employees for all we know your Tim Cook.

      I would argue apple needs less money, they money comes out of everyone's pockets and there is less to go around. That 30% gets passed on to app developers AND those who purchase the apps

    • And apple is right, they could take a percentage of amazon and ebay sales made through the apps if they wanted, but they choose not to. Apple isn’t the bad guy here.

      You sir, are a dumb fuck.
      And I mean that in the least inflammatory fashion you can imagine. You're literally just a stupid fucking human.

      Your argument is: Since Apple does not attempt to abuse their power in one way, they're a good guy, even if they abuse it in other ways.
      Fucking brilliant.
      Perhaps some day, you'll have the presence of mind to thank the person who just raped you for not killing you.

    • Do you remember how it was like to move around before the invention of cars? How shitty business was before being able to move fast among different cities?
      Certainly Ford should get a chunk out of the businesses you would have lost without them. Say a 30% cut, it seems reasonable to me. Ford are not the bad guys here.

    • Doesn’t anyone remember the absolute shit app stores we had before iPhones

      This case isn't about whether Apple are allowed to operate a web store. Whatever happens you will still be able to choose to buy through Apple's store. You just may have the choice of others.

      And apple is right, they could take a percentage of amazon and ebay sales made through the apps if they wanted, but they choose not to.

      Well yes, they really do have massive power within a market defined by sales to ios users. This is why it makes so much sense for them to focus on defining the market to be more inclusive like 'all electronic games on any platform', even if it seems desperate at times. I'm not sure it's a great idea for them to emphasis

    • I suppose you believe that Ford should be taking a percentage of Walmart sales? After all, they are instrumental in getting the customer to Walmart and carrying the goods back to the customers home afterwards. (btw: Does anyone remember how hard it was to get things home from the store before Ford built the Model T?)
  • by jhylkema ( 545853 ) on Monday May 17, 2021 @09:14PM (#61395096)

    and you could fertilise fucking Saskatchewan with it!

  • by MDMurphy ( 208495 ) on Monday May 17, 2021 @11:40PM (#61395250)
    Sounds like a pretty ballsy statement. As if they were *entitled* to a cut of every transaction that passes through their phones or computers. Only their cult status lets them get away with what they do. Can you imagine if every computer and phone maker demanded a cut from every deal transacted on their device? For a cut larger than many vendor's margins? Sounds like organized crime saying "Sure, we are into drugs, smuggling, and extortion, But we don't trade in WMDs, so we're the good guys"
    • by Subm ( 79417 )

      > Re:Just be glad we don't take 30% of everything

      Pray they don't alter the deal any further.

      • > Re:Just be glad we don't take 30% of everything

        Pray they don't alter the deal any further.

        You know what? Fuck 'em if they do. The world existed before iPhones. Sure as hell can exist without them.

        Tired of that bullshit attitude. Corporate Arrogance, needs to die soon. Otherwise, it will grow so big you can't kill it.

    • If they did take 30% of everything they wouldn't be able to get people hooked on their platform so they can do some real damage to pocketbooks. The first one is free.

  • So, if you add a requirement for a physical component to your app and ship it upon purchase you can skip the 30% fee?
    • by larwe ( 858929 )
      Heh. "Buying this $20 loot crate isn't just buying a loot crate, you are actually buying a postcard that we will mail you and the loot crate is just a courtesy gift".
  • I really wonder how they calculated the $400bln of physical goods. I guess something like a stock broker purchasing futures of 800,000 tons of coal using a stock market app downloaded from App Store on his iPhone is in a way "Apple Store facilitating purchase of physical goods".

    Guess what would happen if Apple tried to take its 30% cut off purchases made that way.

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  • figured out how to insert itself in to the transaction in a way others can not boot them out. Also who cares about the 50m spent on a marketing an event most devs don't/wouldn't go to.
    Memo to Apple! Who Cares! How about spending 50M to improve XCode. That is something developers will notice.
  • Oh come on now, this is Apple we are talking about. Using staggering and million in the same sentence related to Apple really sticks out as funny.
  • There's no longer any reason to use a smartphone. This headline basically tells us Apple is tracking everything you do in their browsers. There's too much risk and basically zero reward. Are cell phones even required today?

    Actual people who need to be on call such as doctors use pagers. The rest of us are going to need at least a laptop anyway to even make use of an on call moment. Even if there was a 3rd option, you can be sure the goons at the TLAs will be sure to get their hooks into it, just to move

  • Apple has often made money off of the 3rd party hardware that's sold. There's a known subscription for MFi [] of USD $99 []* [sic] plus a royalty associated that is only available under NDA** (same link as $99). So this is at best, an oversight, in all likelihood, a lie.

    * Program Enrollment -> Is there a program fee...
    ** Program Overview -> What is the royalty...

  • It's bad for the economy, it's bad when all the money goes to the top, it leaves your region, your town and your neighborhood and it doesn't come back easily. To me this means more concentrated wealth. I don't have a problem with companies making money. I do have a problem when they use their power to squeeze every drop of revenue from their customers (customers include those who buy software and hardware).

    But regardless, apple/google/facebook/amazon don't need more money or power, I think they need less of

  • The reason is very simple. They have a monopoly on selling software for iPhones, so they can dictate whatever terms they want. They don't have a monopoly on selling physical goods, so they can't dictate the terms. They want you to think they're being generous and it shows what a great company they are. Really it just shows how differently companies behave when they have to compete and when they don't have to.

  • Seriously, they don't charge their commission structure on physical goods because they can't guarantee delivery?

    How in the world are in-app purchases, or especially loot boxes that are mostly not worth anything close to the fees that are spent on them. not also included in this?

In practice, failures in system development, like unemployment in Russia, happens a lot despite official propaganda to the contrary. -- Paul Licker
