Apple Opens 100 More US Stores -- With Mandatory Temperature Checks For Customers (appleinsider.com) 68
"Apple is in the process of reopening 100 U.S. retail stores," reports Apple Insider, adding "as expected, those outlets look a lot different post-coronavirus."
For example, the company is performing temperature-checks at the door and requiring facial coverings before entering the store. Apple has also indicated that it will provide facial coverings to customers if need be. As you approach the Apple Store, you should notice some changes right away. In the Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the Apple Store had multiple employees outside to guide customers into lines — one line for walk-ups, and another for reservations. While waiting in line, an employee asks you a series of four questions and takes your temperature:
- Do you currently have a fever?
- Do you currently have a cough?
- Are you currently experiencing any respiratory issues?
- Have you been in contact with any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Answering "yes" to any question will prevent you from entering the store, even if wearing a mask. Answering "no" across the board will allow you to have your temperature checked. Apple assures customers that data isn't being recorded...
Apple retail is enforcing social distancing measures by mandating six feet of space between customers, reducing the number of products on display, and rearranging store features to allow for more space between them... If a device is handed from customer to employee, the employee will wipe it down on receipt, before beginning service or operation of the device. There are multiple stations with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer...
Customer occupancy and store hours have also been reduced, with Apple encouraging customers to purchase online or opt for curbside pickup when possible.
- Do you currently have a fever?
- Do you currently have a cough?
- Are you currently experiencing any respiratory issues?
- Have you been in contact with any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Answering "yes" to any question will prevent you from entering the store, even if wearing a mask. Answering "no" across the board will allow you to have your temperature checked. Apple assures customers that data isn't being recorded...
Apple retail is enforcing social distancing measures by mandating six feet of space between customers, reducing the number of products on display, and rearranging store features to allow for more space between them... If a device is handed from customer to employee, the employee will wipe it down on receipt, before beginning service or operation of the device. There are multiple stations with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer...
Customer occupancy and store hours have also been reduced, with Apple encouraging customers to purchase online or opt for curbside pickup when possible.
Remember kids... (Score:1)
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Those are some elaborate rituals (Score:5, Insightful)
Someone needs to do a study to find out if any of this ritualized behavior accomplishes anything. And which parts accomplish what.
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Safety is not an unalienable right.
No, but it is a tool in guaranteeing those rights. At the most extreme, if your country collapses into a warring mess your "right" to free speech will become meaningless and your right to carry guns will be a joke under the eye of the local warlord's armed reaper drones. A country like South Korea remains freer in the current situation that any of the western countries because the people living there are willing to put up with invasive changes to their lives in some areas.
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You're my hero, dude (Score:5, Insightful)
It's effective. It determines the obedient sheeple from those who will stand up for our unalienable rights.
You're not willing to do the absolute bare minimum possible to reduce the chance of a spreading a potentially fatal disease...you're so cool that you wont' be going to the Apple store?
You probably also talk really big about second amendment stuff, but never served in the military....but hey, your cousin did and you really look up to him...so that's the same thing, right? You get to feel superior to all those coastal elites who spend so much time earning money with productive jobs, raising their families in loving homes, and contributing to society generally that they don't have time to fantasize about killing others with a firearm or joining a paramilitary militia to prepare for unspecified threats....but hey, when society collapses, you'll show them who is the real man!
I can tell you're all talk dude. You've never made a single sacrifice for principle. You have no idea what an unalienable right is...certainly being able to enter a private business without following their rules regarding medical safety is something never mentioned by the founding fathers. You'd know that if you actually read about your principles instead of trolling slashdot. Don't want to wear a mask? I'm glad I won't be running into you in an Apple store. You won't be missed.
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So ... Wearing a mask is a good idea. Because most saliva droplets are much, much larger than a single, dry virus in a lab would be. People read that the virus is a million times smaller than the holes in a mask and quite reasonably believe that the virus will go right through the mask. That's even true, it will go right through the mask - coming out of a dry test tube in a lab. They forget that your mouth isn't a dry test tube. :)
Moving along ...
sheeple pl (plural only)
(derogatory, slang) People who unq
Re: You're my hero, dude (Score:3)
The face mask, worn properly, I am onboard with. In a way its an extension of the 2nd hand smoke argument. I didnt ask for your airborne spit. The temperature thing annoys the hell out of me. It shows just how many troglodyte retards live and work at levels of management. How many fucking times do the have to say -you can be completely asymptomatic and spread the virus- before it sinks in? Since when is a temperature check worth a flying fuck if 80% of the infected are asymptomatic? My normal temp is 97.7.
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The questions sounds like the standard airport shtick about your bags. People will either lie or honestly don't know and just tell the person asking the question the answer that will get them to move along to the next person.
Re: Those are some elaborate rituals (Score:2)
Even if the virus could get through, it has to travel in said droplet. The velocity of air passing through the filter is greatly reduced. Considering a cough travels WAY farther than 6ft, and the 6ft rule is from 1918 mythology not based at all on fact, A mask will make the 6ft rule more realistic. Have you seen the video of what happens when you cough in a grocery store with recirculating air? The droplets travel as far as 2 aisles over. Outdoors you can probably have 6ft and no mask. Indoors your swimmin
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Apple is all about image.
Exactly. Only the coolest of the cool dudes are allowed into their store.
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Re:Those are some elaborate rituals (Score:5, Informative)
Reality [nejm.org] disagrees with you.
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There's a low probability that someone is contagious if they don't have a fever.
Reality [nejm.org] disagrees with you.
That summary doesn't disagree with what I wrote. Cool link, though.
Re:Those are some elaborate rituals (Score:4)
but taking the temperature certainly helps. There's a low probability that someone is contagious if they don't have a fever.
There's a few things wrong there:
a) a fever is just a mild symptom of COVID-19.
b) a fever is a short duration symptom of COVID-19 unless you end up with blood poisoning. i.e. you may have the virus for a month, be highly contagious for a month but may only have a fever for one or two days.
c) a fever is not a determination of how contagious someone is as we don't spread it by heat, we spread it through contact and body fluids (coughing, sniffling, or wiping your nose is far more of an indicator of being a threat to others).
d) your skin temperature is *not* an indicator of your body temperature, and hitting you with a heatgun is just for show. Unless your temperature is being taken orally, tympanically, or very slowly over a several minute process by squeezing a probe in your body parts (armpits or where the sun don't shine) you have absolutely no way of telling if someone is running a fever. By the time you positively identify someone with a fever using that feelgood method that people adopt (IR thermometer) you can likely *see* they have a fever since at that point they'll be flushed.
So yes, taking a temperature can help in a narrow range of scenarios if done properly, but it's completely irrelevant for actually fighting the virus.
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The questions are problematic because they put Apple in the position of being unfairly discriminatory.
Or there's that.... you know, a person with a non-contagious respiratory disorder might always lie.
In fact, apparently now they have to... or just not go into an Apple store anymore.
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The questions might not help because people can lie, but taking the temperature certainly helps. There's a low probability that someone is contagious if they don't have a fever.
This is utter nonsense.
30% of those with symptoms serious enough to merit hospital admission don't have a temperature.
At very least 30% of those who get infected never have any symptoms yet remain contagious for a week or more.
Pre-symptomatic people are contagious for about 2-3 days prior to development of symptoms.
People taking aspirin for symptom relief will defeat temperature checks.
Taking temperatures is unreliable. You have better odds at guessing right by flipping a coin. If your goal is to keep p
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30% of those with symptoms serious enough to merit hospital admission don't have a temperature. At very least 30% of those who get infected never have any symptoms yet remain contagious for a week or more.
What are you talking about, where did you come up with these numbers?
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What are you talking about, where did you come up with these numbers?
Here is the research which supports my position:
30% of those with symptoms serious enough to merit hospital admission don't have a temperature:
https://jamanetwork.com/journa... [jamanetwork.com]
At very least 30% of those who get infected never have any symptoms:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/... [sciencedirect.com]
yet remain contagious:
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/... [nejm.org]
Re:Those are some elaborate rituals (Score:5, Insightful)
You're missing the point here. The ritual is not to enforce anything at all. It is for one reason, and one reason alone: if they didn't do something like this, and a customer could prove that they caught COVID19 through an exposure at the store, Apple would be liable for not taking reasonable precautions.
I realized this about my place of employment recently. I noticed that a lot of the requirements that were being put in place were stated in a way that didn't make a lot of sense if the underlying motivation was to stop the pandemic. Instead, they make sense if the goal is to limit company liability. If you wanted to prevent infection, you'd say to your employees, "we will provide you with a surgical mask when you enter the building; if you would feel more comfortable with an N95 mask, please contact your supervisor to see if that can be arranged." Instead they say, "we are meeting CDC and state guidelines and issuing surgical masks upon entry to the building; no other masks will be allowed, even if purchased with personal funds or ordered through the company." They only care about liability and being able to state that they are strictly following governmental guidelines is a strong defence.
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How? Let's see. Here's a plausible scenario:
1. Using cell phone data, it can be demonstrated that the only time person A left their home for two weeks was to shop at the Apple Store. They drove in their own car. They spent 90 minutes in the store and then immediately returned home and went no where else for days. Their presence in and path through the store can be confirmed through security footage. Four days after visiting the store (the average incubation, not the maximum figure you quoted), they st
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They can accomplish their ends by asking only one question: "Are you currently sick, or have you been in contact with any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?" This is basically just a revision of their fourth question.
They don't need to ask the first question because they are taking your temperature anyways. If you have a very slight fever you may not even be aware of it so what good does it do to ask? Anyone who isn't aware or believes that they have a fever will answer no
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You make the store enforce it by fining stores that allow people in without requiring them to wear a mask.
It doesn't require any physical violence to make someone put on a mask or leave. It simply requires telling them to put on a mask or leave, and if necessary reminding them that if they do not do so, they are trespassing and security will be called.
A store can say "no shoes no shirt no service", they can also say "wear a mask".
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You're a moron (Score:2, Troll)
Have you been to a hospital or doctors office lately? First thing they do when you enter the building is check your temperature. So all these medical facilities are in the wrong? Maybe you better alert them.
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Their most likely benefit is shun-shaming people that may be sick and still do not self isolate. I.e., John Doe knows he's been feeling poorly and yet still continues about his business without regard to the health of others. He even refuses to get tested for COVID because to him, if he knew for certain, then the moral obligation to self isolate would be too high. So if he knows he could get publicly outed, then he may just stay home.
It's really like the TSA security theater. Sure, it doesn't catch anyo
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Someone needs to do a study to find out if any of this ritualized behavior accomplishes anything. And which parts accomplish what.
This is just "safety theater". It allows humans to resume their accustomed and preferred behaviors while simultaneous assuaging their guilt and fear.
Is this before or after (Score:1)
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Apple no more (Score:1, Offtopic)
I no longer have any Apple products that I use. That's a big change in 10 years. Macbook was the hardest to let go but the last few MacOS updates made it much easier.
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So what are you using now?
Video on youtube by Rick Beato. Think it's entitled - Apple, it's great if you like crap.
He explains why he doesn't like them any more.
Fuck Apple (Score:2)
Yeah but are they checking the store clerks? (Score:2)
Bad idea (Score:2)
Re:Bad idea (Score:4, Insightful)
The questions are, in fact, entirely pointless.
If a person wants to go into the store and knows they will denied entry if they answer yes, then they will answer no to all the questions, even if the answer would truthfully be yes, as long as they are predisposed towards lying in order to get into the store, which of course is hardly a high barrier for entry.
But even if Apple could magically compel people to tell the truth, questions two and three are blatantly discriminatory against certain classes of (very much non-contagious) breathing disorders. A person might very well be doing everything that is medically possible to treat such conditions, but that doesn't mean that they won't still suffer occasionally or sometimes quite frequently from symptoms of the condition.
And, for what it's worth, it's also a violation of the Disabilities Act. But it will probably take someone with enough time and money who actually cares about it to call Apple out on the practice and confront them in court about it.
Don't care. (Score:1)
I wouldn't give those turtlenecked twats a single penny of my money anyhow.
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They are making an assumption. (Score:3)
One assumption they are making is that everyone has the same base body temperature. This, for USians and those over 85 elsewhere, is 97.7F-99.5F. For the rest of us, that's 37C plus or minus 0.5.
Not everyone falls into this group. I believe there are a very few whose body temperatures are normally over 38 degrees so they would show up sick even when they were not. They would be dried entrance even though they were healthy.
More worryingly, there are many people with body temperatures well below the "98.6 norm". If one of them gets a fever, it will not show up on those scanners. They will waltz straight in and share the virus!
Yes, this is why it is a good idea to get everyone wearing masks but they are far from perfect - especially homemade and cheap Amazon ones.
This will still give the "freedumb" virtue signallers the opportunity to show that they are special by refusing to go in.
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I can firm the above, I am one of those who's skin temperature* is a bit lower than most and when I have a fever it barely increases at all.
*Be careful about specifying which temperature you're talking about. The core (internal organ) temperature of humans is very consistent across the population and must stay quite consistent for individuals over time, an increase or decrease of just a few degrees is often fatal. Skin temperatures are far more variable across populations and over time for individuals. M
Cough? (Score:2)
Are you a terrorist?
Are you a criminal on the run?
Are you too stupid to lie?
So... discriminating against asthma sufferers now? (Score:3, Insightful)
I *always* experience respiratory issues.
Almost daily, in fact.
Yes, I am doing everything that can be medically done for it.
But here's a fucking clue Apple: it's not contagious.
But hey, I guess if you don't allow people with asthma into your stores anymore, I imagine that's just fine.
Oximeter is a better tool to use (Score:2)
COVID-19 raging in asymptomatic people will still register lower blood saturation levels, even while your temperature is fine.
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If it's showing up on the oximeter you're not very likely to be at the store. At least if covid-19 is the cause. I know people that have had it and they told me they're lucky to be able to get to the bathroom. Take THE worst flu you've ever had, it's much worse they say.
I have owned one for many years. I use it in my air plane to make sure I'm not experiencing hypoxia. Lately I've been running 97% and I'm close to sea level.
Elevated temperature kicks in right away. BTW, Covid-19 is the disease. That's what
Medical decisions...? (Score:2)
Standard sop (Score:1)
job interview in apple (Score:1)