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Bitcoin Desktops (Apple) IOS Iphone Software Apple

Apple's App Store Officially Bans Cryptocurrency Mining (venturebeat.com) 39

Apple has updated the App Store's Review Guidelines to explicitly ban on-device mining across any type of app, and all of Apple's platforms. The new section 3.1.5 (b), titled Cryptocurrencies, provides five clear rules for what will and won't be allowed in macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps going forward. VentureBeat reports: The upshot of the new rules is that while Apple will permit cryptocurrencies to exist on its platforms, it's adding requirements to stop scammers and individuals from exploiting App Store customers, while making explicit that it's blocking developers from eating Apple device processing power for mining activities. As AppleInsider notes, the Review Guidelines were previously less concerned with cryptocurrencies, allowing an app to facilitate crypto and ICO transactions if it complied with the laws in the app's distributed territories.

Since the App Store is virtually the only place to acquire software for iPhones, iPads, iPod touches, Apple TVs, and Apple Watches, Apple's decision will effectively end crypto mining on those devices. On macOS, however, users will continue to be able to acquire apps outside of the Mac App Store, enabling mining and other activities to continue without Apple's seal of approval.

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Apple's App Store Officially Bans Cryptocurrency Mining

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  • You can still compile and run cryptocurrency stuff yourself if you want.
    • The headline says the app store has banned cryptocurrency mining. That is still correct, which means you are still wrong.

  • As it is prone to, Apple has decided that its customers are too stupid to do this. Yes, some will find a way by compiling code to do it but the inability to do that is not a definition of stupid. This sort of thing plays into the hands of totalitarian governments (EG Chinese, N Korean etc), over protective governments (US, UK etc) and criminal organisations (various TLA's for example)

    Alternatively, is this just another case of "we know better than you what you want to do"?

    • As it is prone to, Apple has decided that its customers are too stupid to do this. Yes, some will find a way by compiling code to do it but the inability to do that is not a definition of stupid. This sort of thing plays into the hands of totalitarian governments (EG Chinese, N Korean etc), over protective governments (US, UK etc) and criminal organisations (various TLA's for example)

      Alternatively, is this just another case of "we know better than you what you want to do"?

      Or maybe the reason is just what it says in the summary, that Apple is:

      "blocking developers from eating Apple device processing power for mining activities ... When it blocked Calendar 2 in March, Apple cited section 2.4.2 of its Review Guidelines, noting that a background process to mine currencies in exchange for access to premium features ran afoul of its device resource drain restrictions ... Design your app to use power efficiently. Apps should not rapidly drain battery, generate excessive heat, or

    • As it is prone to, Apple has decided that its customers are too stupid to do this.

      How is preventing a bunch of fraudulent scammers from hijacking people's computers in any way a statement that users are "too stupid"? If you want to run mining software knock yourself out. Nothing is preventing you from doing it - you just can't get it through the App Store. Go compile the software yourself if its important to you. Neither Apple nor the vast majority of their customers have anything to gain by permitting this sort of crap in the App Store. You know damn well that these apps would chew

      • The problem is the app store. Apple should not be allowed to be the sole vendor. By law, they should be forced to support other stores. There is absolutely no reason to allow Apple to continue on this path.
        • The problem is the app store. Apple should not be allowed to be the sole vendor. By law, they should be forced to support other stores. There is absolutely no reason to allow Apple to continue on this path.

          Yes, Comrade.

        • The problem is the app store. Apple should not be allowed to be the sole vendor.

          Why? Because it bothers you? It's their product and they can do what they want. If you don't like it buy something else. And take your pathetic whining with you. Apple owes you nothing.

          By law, they should be forced to support other stores.

          I'm thinking you must be trolling because otherwise you are retarded. "By law"? They don't even have a majority of the smartphone market so what would be the point of that? Go buy Android or something else if you don't like it. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy a single product from Apple.

          • Because they have grown so large and influential, with no sign of it slowing down. Companies are supposed to by symbiotic, when they become parasitic we reign them in with law. This is a dystopia, where no one has root/admin and dopes you like you help foster it. Apple is a hardware company, they sell hardware. There is no reason that hardware cant execute code from other resources using the hardware's OS. Im surprised I have to explain to someone with such a low UID how VERY bad this situation has become.
  • Isn't it awesome how Apple has it's owners by the balls and likes to squeeze them from time to time as a reminder?

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
