Apple Health Data Is Being Used As Evidence In a Rape and Murder Investigation (vice.com) 185
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Hussein K., an Afghan refugee in Freiburg, has been on trial since September for allegedly raping and murdering a student in Freiburg, and disposing of her body in a river. But many of the details of the trial have been hazy -- no one can agree on his real age, and most notably, there's a mysterious chunk of time missing from the geodata and surveillance video analysis of his whereabouts at the time of the crime. He refused to give authorities the passcode to his iPhone, but investigators hired a Munich company (which one is not publicly known) to gain access to his device, according to German news outlet Welt. They searched through Apple's Health app, which was added to all iPhones with the release of iOS 8 in 2014, and were able to gain more data about what he was doing that day. The app records how many steps he took and what kind of activity he was doing throughout that day. The app recorded a portion of his activity as "climbing stairs," which authorities were able to correlate with the time he would have dragged his victim down the river embankment, and then climbed back up. Freiburg police sent an investigator to the scene to replicate his movements, and sure enough, his Health app activity correlated with what was recorded on the defendant's phone.
Note to self ... (Score:5, Insightful)
... do not carry phone when performing criminal acts.
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... do not carry phone when performing criminal acts.
Maybe it would be better for everybody if you would just abstain from committing murder?
Re:Note to self ... (Score:5, Funny)
... do not carry phone when performing criminal acts.
Maybe it would be better for everybody if you would just abstain from committing murder?
Oh, right. That's probably a better idea.
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Have someone else commit rape and murder for you, kind of makes no sense. The rape bit was the intent, the murder bit was to get away with rape ie to the individual other people are just disposable, no value beyond how they can be used and abused. Forget phone stuff, how about testing for psychopathy before they are let into the country. Trial and prosecution well and good but still a person horribly abused and they killed for convenience, if the attacker had been tested before being let into the country an
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Tell us, how exactly does one go about 'testing for psychopathy' in a reliable manner? Or do you propose just turning refugees away if they fail a psychiatric evaluation, even if there is no evidence of any criminal history?
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That's not an option for Dexter.
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you assumed murder, but simply speeding on the motorway is a criminal act that your phone (if GPS is on) certainly can tattle on you for.
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But then how do you keep your rape victims from reporting you?
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Dick in the mouth to keep them from talking always worked for me! Caveat: You need at least 8 inches of cock for this to work.
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Too much information! Yuch...
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... do not carry phone when performing criminal acts.
That seems like quite an inconvenience.
Maybe I'll get a burner phone so I can still catch some Pokemon while I'm out murdering.
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First stop storing notes to self on phones.
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... do not carry phone when performing criminal acts.
Or when NOT performing criminal acts - when somebody ELSE performs a criminal act that confused police might try to pin on you.
Gosh: That's all the time, isn't it?
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.. do not carry phone when performing criminal acts.
The way things are going, not having your phone on and with you will become suspicious behavior, if not presumption of guilt.
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But then how are you going to live-tweet it?
This is how it is now... (Score:4, Interesting)
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Not so much if a person did not carry an Apple, Google product.
Then it is only nation wide CCTV for face, gait, car drivers face, passengers face, license plates....
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you shouldn't be too surprised when someone with enough resources is able to put together a pretty good picture of what you've been up to.
This is scary.
I'm old enough to have lived in a time when prank calls were common because there was no caller id. Now I have to leave my phone home when I go see my drug dealer in case the cops are using a stingray to identify his clients. I wonder how bad it will get in 100 or 2000 years.
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don't know about an iphone, but you can turn all that tracking stuff off.
i only turn all those things on when i go jogging or need active gps guidance.
if this is not an Apple ad (Score:2)
I do not know what is /s
no (Score:2)
Wait, what? (Score:2)
... investigators hired a Munich company (which one is not publicly known) to gain access to his device...
I thought it was not possible to get into an iPhone without having a back door present?
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Using Google Translate on TFA, it appears that the phone was a 4S. It's known to be possible to break into an iPhone older than 5S, when Apple introduced the Secure Enclave.
Moral: If you're going to commit a heinous crime, and carry an iPhone while doing so, make sure it's a 5 or 5C or earlier, so the prosecution can gather more evidence. (I'm not on the side of people who commit heinous crimes, like rape and murder.)
Top Tip! (Score:2)
If you are murdering someone, don't bring your phone or smart watch with you.
panoptic (Score:2)
Apple, now with iSnitch technology:
It sees you when you're sleeping
It knows when you're awake
It knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
Librem 5 (open source phone) (Score:2)
Re:What is this story doing on Slashdot? (Score:4, Informative)
Perhaps you should stay on reddit? They don't allow discussion of uncomfortable facts, you'll fit right in.
Re:What is this story doing on Slashdot? (Score:4, Interesting)
It's being discussed at length on /r/The_Donald and /r/MetaCanada and /r/European and all the other usual places.
Sorry, your Reddit censorship narrative is demonstrably wrong.
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You must be new here.
There have always been asshats.
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we either outnumbered or intimidated the asshats far better than now
That's because back then they couldn't use #stopbullying to raise awareness about it
Re:What is this story doing on Slashdot? (Score:4, Insightful)
The story is on Slashdot because you do not get to edit Slashdot. Sorry.
I agree, let the rapists rape (Score:2, Insightful)
We should absolutely all look the other way as groups of young men from misogynistic cultures are funneled in by the thousands and let loose. Who cares if a few hundred, or thousand, or tens of thousand of women get a little raped/stabbed? They led a privileged (and probably white) life so frankly (or should I say, Frankfurtly!) they deserve it.
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Lets hide facts, then the Alt-Right (or whatever) won't be able to use them.
THEN, when some Alt-right guy finds the actual facts, and builds a racist case based on the "system hiding facts" as "proof" of some conspiracy (which is in fact a true conspiracy) he can use all of those actual facts that you wanted to hide as evidence of racial superiority, and recruitment goes through the roof as real facts aren't countered by alternative reasons because they are politically incorrect facts that were hidden.
OR, y
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Here is a fact for you to research ...
Which group (because Black Lives Matters) has proportionally higher murder rate, white males vs black males.
The fact is, the murder rate among blacks is higher than whites. That is an inconvenient fact. There are lots and lots of potential conclusions one could make on that fact, based on other facts (or lack of other facts). But our society doesn't mention this fact, because it appears "racist" using it at face value. White Supremacists use this fact as "proof" that bl
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I'm going to revise one part of my comment.
This applies only to Americans, and doesn't apply to any other country. But since we have a fairly high murder rate among blacks, and the corresponding racist white supremacists. It is only for discussion purposes and to give an example answer the question as asked. There are other facts that do apply and should be part of broader discussion.
My personal view is that skin color doesn't indicate propensity to commit murder at all, but rather it is cultural (which isn
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You say "society" doesn't mention this fact, but I see it mentioned all the time. Slashdot, Twitter, mainstream news, blogs, TV... I think it's a very well known statistic, and often forms the basis of arguments.
In fact, BLM seems to have acknowledged it and moved on to the arguments over why it's that way literally years ago.
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http://heyjackass.com/ [heyjackass.com]
It is cultural. Not race related. Yet we can't address it because just mentioning it triggers the kneejerk reaction .... "RACISM!!!!!!", "NAZI!!!!" , "KKK!!!!!"
When the culture creates the spaces of honor for Gangster imagery to be promoted, then you get what you see here.
Let me know when the NYT or MSNBC run week long expose on the ghetto / gang culture that perpetuates the high murder rate. Oh right, they can't because that wouldn't fit the "White Hetero Cis Gendered Males are the p
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The fact that this website even exists is more evidence that your claim that its taboo is bollocks. We clearly can talk about it, we are talking about it now, and the only person screaming "racism" and "nazi" is you.
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Hint: The average African would be considered "very retarded" if they were to be moved to America. The average African IQ south of Egypt is around 62. That means 1/2 are even dumber (very retarded by American standards).
Fun fact: the study these numbers are from have based IQ stats for whole countries where they had no IQ test results available on the numbers from neighboring countries - where they had about a dozen results. IOW anyone quoting those numbers has a negative IQ.
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You are only feeding the alt-Right trolls with respect to Germany's empathy towards refugees.
Yeah, because facts have a political bias.
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Missing chunks of data from both phone and video evidence when it involves a highly debated group that the ruling government says doesn't exist. Age can be determined by teeth.
Merkel's propaganda machine hard at work while she's trying to cobble together her government.
Using the wording "the ruling government" to make it appear mysteriously evil is a failure. Governments rule, that's not particularly sinister. So it's no surprise that you are lying, as the government is decidedly not saying that this group of people doesn't exist, and that you are wrong, teeth cannot be used to determine age with the precision and confidence necessary for immigration purposes.
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Learn some German politics. The current government is no longer elected, it's a leftover because Merkel has "failed" to create a new government knowing that her term is at an end.
This government (Merkel and party) has indeed said and ran on the platform against the groups saying "many illegals are criminals claiming to be minors, raping and killing" is overblown rhethoric and no such persons exist.
I live in Germany. OK, I misunderstood your "ruling government" comment, sorry for this. In this sense, it is indeed the ruling government. However, it is still a lie that anyone said that no such persons exist.
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>Age can be determined by teeth
It might not say it in THIS specific article, but he had been analyzed for age, and it turns out this "child refugee" is in fact in his 30s. His father back in Afghanistan even confirmed it.
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The extreme right doesn't need admissions. The extreme right doesn't need facts. (The same appears to be true of the extreme left, but for a change nobody here's complaining about them.)
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The truth doesn't matter when preaching to the choir, but all sides like to have some selective truth for propagandizing to the normies.
Re: Smells like a political coverup (Score:2, Informative)
Trump stole my garden gnome.
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Trump is your garden gnome.
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I'm continually amazed at the right-wing idiots who say there's no evidence for Russian involvement, posting from their shithole homes.
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I'm continually amazed at the right-wing idiots who say there's no evidence for Russian involvement, posting from their shithole homes.
I'm continually amazed at the even bigger idiots who keep saying that there is evidence but never provide any.
Re:Smells like a political coverup (Score:4, Interesting)
Age can be determined by teeth.
The Swedes tried to do that. Most refugees destroy their documents so they can't be deported and Sweden gives preference to children. It turned out that most of the 'child refugees' they were admitting were over 18.
https://www.thelocal.se/201712... [thelocal.se]
The Migration Agency has so far made 5,700 decisions on the basis of assessments carried out by Rättsmedicinalverket. In 79 percent of those cases the agency decided to formally consider the applicant as older than they had initially claimed in their asylum application, reports Svenska Dagbladet (SvD).
Between mid-March and late October, Rättsmedicinalverket carried out a total of 7,858 age assessments. Of those, it found that their examination suggested 6,628 were 18 or older, and 112 "possibly" 18 or older.
The left - who wanted to let in the refugees - claimed that doing tests were a violation of human rights of course and fought the introduction of them to the bitter end. You can expect something similar to happen in Germany.
Re:Smells like a political coverup (Score:5, Informative)
You might want to read the entire article you’re linking to, since it doesn’t seem to support the narrative you are trying to posit. Especially this line:
”The results of these checks don't give a picture of how accurate the given age of all asylum seekers in Sweden is, as the checks have only been carried out in cases where there was reason to doubt the person's given age.”
So your statement that “most of the 'child refugees' they were admitting were over 18” is, in fact, not what the article says. Instead, what it does say is in those cases where the Swedish authorities suspected the person’s age was not in fact under 18, it turns out their suspicions were correct.
The authorities were doing their job, in other words.
In fact, the story doesn’t actually even claim these people were intentionally lying. It states that one possible explanation is that, during the eighteen months between the time the applications were originally filed and when they were considered, those people had simply aged past eighteen.
Re:Smells like a political coverup (Score:4, Informative)
https://www.thelocal.se/201609... [thelocal.se]
Sweden will make medical age assessments of unaccompanied asylum seekers by examining their teeth and knee joints. The new system, unveiled on Friday by the national forensic medicine agency (Rättsmedicinalverket), aims to tackle doubts over the accurate age of those who seek asylum in the country.
With over 35,000 coming last year alone, Sweden has taken in more unaccompanied children and young people than any other country in Europe, and many of them lack identity documents.
The migration authority (Migrationsverket) makes an initial age assessment with every application, but the tests have been criticized for being ineffective. If a person is not clearly over 18, they are registered as a child.
In the last year, several Swedish municipalities have reported suspected cases of adults being placed together with children at residential care homes for young people (known as HVB homes), as well as being sent to school with minors.
According to the migration board, there are doubts about the accurate age of 70 percent of unaccompanied minors who have stated that they are between 15 and 17 years old.
As a solution, the Swedish government asked for medical age assessments to be carried out on a large scale. Rättsmedicinalverket detailed at a media conference on Friday when that work will get under way and explained how it can be done.
Between 15,000 and 18,000 age assessments will now be needed, the agency said. The two methods that will be used are dental maturity assessments involving wisdom teeth, and the examination of knee joints using MRI. The two examinations will be performed independently by MRI clinics and dental clinics.
"Medical age assessments are an integral part of forensic medicine in many other countries, so it is only natural that we carry them out," Rättsmedicinalverket methodology manager Elias Palm commented.
The agency expects to reach an agreement to outsource the assessments by December this year, with the goal of starting the tests during the first quarter of 2017.
Earlier this week a Swedish pediatrician sparked debate when he criticized the current tests authorities use to verify the real age of asylum applicants, claiming some could even be as old as 40.
"The refugee children who are in their early and mid-teens are the ones who end up paying the price for this. These are resources that have been earmarked for children, but are used for another age group," Josef Milerad told newspaper Expressen.
Emphasis mine - the authorities thought 70% of them were lying. And there's still some debate as to whether the age tests are catching enough of them.
I'm sure you'll find people in Sweden saying that there's no problem and anyone who says there is is a racist. It is Sweden after all.
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In middle east countries new born often get their birth certificate up to half a year after birth.
With an adjusted date. That means if one is born in January, the birth certificate and later the passport will show May or June.
If they throw away the passport and claim to be 17, that still might be what they think as old they are, but in fact they are up to half a year older.
The rational behind it is that they avoid counting child death in the first month. But for many children it later is disturbing, because
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You are indeed correct. But what you may not know is it's actually possible to point out a fact and correct someone without succumbing to the overwhelming urge to interject your Trumpian political views and snarks.
Reality has a well known Trumpian bias
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https://foreignpolicy.com/2016... [foreignpolicy.com]
After arriving at Central Station in the southern Swedish city of Malmö, the boys made their way to the Migration Agency registration office, where the agency assigned them to one of the 34 refugee residences here. In the youth residences, Afghan males dominate: another on-the-ground expression of a geopolitical reality. Because Sweden grants permanent residency to all Syrians, Syrian men don't need to pretend to be boys, and only 3,777 of the unaccompanied minors arriving in Sweden last year came from the ravaged country. But with no such blanket asylum in place for Afghans, they - and a likewise disproportionate number of Somalis and Eritreans - often appear to claim asylum as unaccompanied minors. Recent figures provided by the Migration Agency show that more than half of the 41,564 Afghans who arrived in Sweden in 2015 claimed as unaccompanied minors.
I.e. it's pretty obvious a lot of people are lying about their age to get asylum.
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Sweden can't afford to let the entire population of Afghanistan, Somalia and Eritrea in. Their population is only about 10 million [worldometers.info]. And most of the increase in the last 20 years is due to immigration.
If Sweden has a majority of people coming from countries where you get 'killed or end up with an AK in their hand', isn't Sweden going to be like that too? Not to mention that no is going to give the original Swedes asylum and a load of benefits to leave like Sweden did for the third worlders. They'll be stuck
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what it does say is in those cases where the Swedish authorities suspected the person’s age was not in fact under 18, it turns out their suspicions were correct.
The authorities were doing their job, in other words.
So the authorities were correct about the ones they investigated. Big round of applause for avoiding false positives. Now that we got that out of the way, maybe someone could take care of the busloads of rapists and murderers that Europe has welcomed and subsidized? Or is the world too busy getting their panties in a bunch over the Trump administration trying to avoid importing the same problem in America?
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what it does say is in those cases where the Swedish authorities suspected the person’s age was not in fact under 18, it turns out their suspicions were correct. The authorities were doing their job, in other words.
So the authorities were correct about the ones they investigated. Big round of applause for avoiding false positives.
Have they checked your age already? Looking at your reading comprehension, you can't be older than 13. Because > 13.7% false positives is certainly not avoiding them. And that's before going into that's before even looking at the numbers of people they suspected to be older than 18 because they claimed to be adults back when first applying for asylum but turned out to be younger than 18 (even years later).
Yawn, again (Score:2)
First you say this, trying to be clever:
Looking at your reading comprehension, you can't be older than 13.
But then you write this kind of nonsense:
And that's before going into that's before even looking at the numbers of people
Next time you want to be a cunt, read your own masterpieceofshit before posting.
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First you say this, trying to be clever:
Looking at your reading comprehension, you can't be older than 13.
But then you write this kind of nonsense:
And that's before going into that's before even looking at the numbers of people
Next time you want to be a cunt, read your own masterpieceofshit before posting.
So? I'm still older than you - not to mention smarter than you will ever be. Because you have terminal stupidity aka Naziism.
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Age can be determined by teeth.
The Swedes tried to do that. Most refugees destroy their documents so they can't be deported and Sweden gives preference to children. It turned out that most of the 'child refugees' they were admitting were over 18.
https://www.thelocal.se/201712... [thelocal.se]
The Migration Agency has so far made 5,700 decisions on the basis of assessments carried out by Rättsmedicinalverket. In 79 percent of those cases the agency decided to formally consider the applicant as older than they had initially claimed in their asylum application, reports Svenska Dagbladet (SvD).
Between mid-March and late October, Rättsmedicinalverket carried out a total of 7,858 age assessments. Of those, it found that their examination suggested 6,628 were 18 or older, and 112 "possibly" 18 or older.
The left - who wanted to let in the refugees - claimed that doing tests were a violation of human rights of course and fought the introduction of them to the bitter end. You can expect something similar to happen in Germany.
Wrong, most of the claimed child refugees submitted for testing were adults. But they only tested a refuge when they thought they were lying. No one is going to bother doing an assessment of a 10 year old.
Further down in the same article:
As a result, in September last year the government asked for medical age assessments to be carried out on a large scale.
More than 80,000 minors (of whom 37,000 arrived in the country without a parent or guardian) applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015 and 2016. Medical age as
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Your writing is no more coherent than what I can glean of your thoughts.
There will be criminals in any large group. There are Muslims who will rape and murder. There are Christians who will rape and murder. There are Buddhists who will rape and murder. The idea is to make sure they get caught, and apparently the guy got caught and the prosecutors have evidence against him. The system is working.
Age can't be determined just from teeth. There's no obvious natural aging process. Once the adult teet
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If you have evidence that there is something covered up, point it out.
Otherwise you are just showing us that you believe in conspiracy theories.
Re:Smells like a political coverup (Score:5, Informative)
Anyone who has tried to discuss this issue has been shamed and mocked.
What we're currently experiencing is the buildup of another Rotherham.
From the late 1980s until the 2010s, organised child sexual abuse continued almost unchallenged by legal authorities in the northern English town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
From January 2011 Andrew Norfolk of The Times pressed the issue, reporting in 2012 that the abuse in the town was widespread, and that the police and council had known about it for over ten years.
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–16, but also british asian girls whose abuse mirrored the other victims, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men. A "common thread" was that taxi drivers had been picking the children up for sex from care homes and schools. The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing them with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape their mothers and younger sisters, and trafficking them to other towns.
The failure to address the abuse was attributed to a combination of factors revolving around race, class and gender—contemptuous and sexist attitudes toward the mostly working-class victims; fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; the Labour council's reluctance to challenge a Labour-voting ethnic minority
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
So go on, join the polite fiction. And when all this shit gets uncovered, after enough people have been raped, robbed and murdered, you can then join the chorus of offended people who don't understand how the authorities let that happen again.
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Because white people have never committed organised peadophelia and covered it up. No-siree, it's only those evil brown people.
Thank you for stepping forward to let everyone see how self-righteous cunts who let things like Rotherham happen justify their behavior.
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I'm not saying there are no criminals in any group. Merkel ran on the platform that "criminal adults claiming to be minors" is not a thing, there is clear evidence that governments and media have been covering up these stories. Look up the Cologne new year attacks.
They must also have hidden the "fact" that "Merkel ran on the platform that "criminal adults claiming to be minors" is not a thing".
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Yes, yes. There are other ways. But none of them can be performed without either consent by or use of force on the person in question.
So it goes like this.
"I'm fourteen."
"We doubt that, so we are going to perform procedure X on you to determine your age."
"I don't consent to that!"
"Then we will force you to comply with the procedure."
"You can't! That's illegal! I am underage! You're a bunch of child-brutalizers!"
"Then we'll deport you!"
"You can't! I'm underage and in
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TFA said it was an iPhone 4S. That's two generations earlier than the Secure Enclave, and we already know iPhones without that can be hacked into. No mystery here.
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Well this has even more holes in it, then.
The iPhone 4S doesn't have the motion processor required to collect health data, including steps taken.
It also can't obtain climbing data because it lacks the barometer that the iPhone 6 and newer use to collect that information.
How exactly did the 4S have this info? I had an iPhone 5 and it lacked these features, and it was newer than the 4S.
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iPhones have always had motion sensors. There was a neat app on my original that scrolled text by at a rate controlled by the angle the phone was held at. I don't know what the deal was on it. TFA is short, and I had to read the Google Translate version.
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An iPhone 4 has an accelerometer, so yes it can count steps etc.
Further more it has GPS, so yes it can measure climbs. Considering that a climb is a low speed step with harder shock when setting down the food, it is easy to distinguish without GPS even. Especially if it is a downhill climb as in this example.
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Was that not what I said?
"Climbing" backward down a slope?
Re: Attn: FBI (Score:5, Insightful)
Believe whatever you want. Network analysis would have determined ages ago if that app communicated with Apple servers, which would have to be periodic.
Security researchers analyze network traffic in controlled environments all the time, and it would be a ton of damage control and egg on face if it was ever subpoenaed or hacked. I doubt this to be the case.
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Well put. Thank you.
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Clarification: The phone was not an iPhone 4s, but an iPhone 6s. The "Die Welt" article only quotes a policeman as saying that "iPhones from 4s upwards cannot be accessed without the PIN", but makes no further statement as to the actual phone used by the accused. The original source, however, clearly states the phone model as an iPhone 6s:
http://www.badische-zeitung.de... [badische-zeitung.de]
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I doubt analysis can identify all the encrypted packets coming out of a computer. There's a reason people are so spooked about Intel ME.
I was rather amazed to find that new versions of Process Explorer will happily tell me my Win10 evaluation machine is at 0% CPU and 0% disk utilization, while older versions of Process Explorer clearly show all kinds of shit going on. Running both the new and old apps side-by-side is very interesting indeed. When it comes to 1st-party software (you know, made by the peop
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The reasonable doubt is what a jury uses, not a police investigator and not even a prosecutor. A prosecutor looks at the likeliness of a jury granting reasonable doubt to the entire prosecution argument.
There's a reason the police started looking at this guy in particular in the first place. Most people are killed by family and acquaintances, not by complete strangers.
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Of course, you have no idea whether this is the “best evidence” they have or not, given this submission is only about the tech angle.
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They had good reason to suspect the guy, or they wouldn't have had his phone hacked. Whatever reasons they used are probably additional evidence.
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If I was selected for a jury the prosecutor had better bring a lot more to the table than that. If that's the best evidence for their case I would acquit. Though I might consider that slightly better than eye witness testimony.
I doubt that is all they would use. It could be used to corroborate other facts in the case as to further prove this person actually committed the crime; for example it could fill in for missing pieces in the surveillance video if it correlated with his actions in the available videos. The defense would offer some alternate explanation and it would be up to jury to decide which facts seem most plausible and thus wether or not to convict. As a side note, he has apparently admitted to the murder.
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If I was selected for a jury the prosecutor had better bring a lot more to the table than that. If that's the best evidence for their case I would acquit.
Though I might consider that slightly better than eye witness testimony.
I doubt that is all they would use. It could be used to corroborate other facts in the case as to further prove this person actually committed the crime; for example it could fill in for missing pieces in the surveillance video if it correlated with his actions in the available videos. The defense would offer some alternate explanation and it would be up to jury to decide which facts seem most plausible and thus wether or not to convict. As a side note, he has apparently admitted to the murder.
You can't trust a murderer. If he admitted to it, he might be lying.
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I think the rape is already proven by DNA tests. The murder he admitted, but he is silent about why he did all day.
Hence they want to make a profile of his movements.
Germany has no juries in trials, like most countries have none.
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> GPS has been shown to exaggerate travel distance by as much as 20% on average.
Bullshit. GPS will frequently report ridiculous velocities as an inaccurate fix can jump from one side to the other of its approximate location. The further you go (and the longer it takes you), the more accurate the average becomes.
Not only that, but generally the GPS string contains information on the fix quality so you can allow for what uncertainty exists.
If your GPS isn't accurate to within 4m on average, you're not un
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>" Bullshit. GPS will frequently report ridiculous velocities as an inaccurate fix can jump from one side to the other of its approximate location. The further you go (and the longer it takes you), the more accurate the average becomes.
Not only that, but generally the GPS string contains information on the fix quality so you can allow for what uncertainty exists."
That is not true. GPS does not give you velocity, it is extrapolated by the delta in two or more data points over time.
As you said, best case s
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This is circumstantial evidence. The prosecutors have demonstrated that the Apple Health data is consistent with dumping a body in that river.
There's 2 milion people incarcerated in the USA, almost half for violent crimes. You really think there was more than circumstantial evidence in all those 2 million cases?