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Android Users More Honest and Humble Than iPhone Users, Study Says (www.bgr.in) 180

The kind of software your phone is running can tell a lot about you, apparently. According to a new study by a team of researchers at the University of Lincoln, Android smartphone users have great levels of honesty and humility, agreeableness and openness personality traits but are seen as less extroverted than Apple's iPhone users. According to a report by IANS, via BGR: The researchers believe that this could be because iPhone users thought it was more important to have a high-status phone than Android users. The team from the University of Lincoln also found that women were twice more likely to own an iPhone than an Android device. However, most of the personality stereotypes did not occur in reality as only honesty and humility was found in greater amounts within Android users, the findings showed.
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Android Users More Honest and Humble Than iPhone Users, Study Says

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  • Oh yeah? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 02, 2016 @10:52AM (#52814971)

    Well I don't even have a smartphone, so that makes me TEN TIMES as humble as you!

    • Re:Oh yeah? (Score:5, Funny)

      by Austerity Empowers ( 669817 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @10:57AM (#52815025)

      I bet you're not even vegan!

    • Re:Oh yeah? (Score:5, Funny)

      by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:52AM (#52815421)

      Well I don't even have a smartphone, so that makes me TEN TIMES as humble as you!

      Ya, but do you, or your feature phone, even lift?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      In a political correct world, the only thing one can brag about is to be humble.

      • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

        by coastwalker ( 307620 )

        Only a pathetic wimp with a small penis and an ugly sister could say "In a political (sic) correct world, the only thing one can brag about is to be humble." Being humble and politically correct is awesome I can assure you, you should try it sometime.

        • Ah, I must have missed the part where body-shaming was acceptable under the politically correct rules. I could have sworn body-shaming was bad.
      • To quote Bullwinkle J. Moose: "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!"

    • It's been my experience that the iPhone crowd tends to be the Kanye West of humble.
    • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

      Well I don't even have a smartphone, so that makes me TEN TIMES as humble as you!

      Think you're really righteous?
      Think you're pure in heart?
      Well, I know I'm a million times [genius.com] as humble as thou art!
      I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like...

    • Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art. All credit to Al.
    • by hodet ( 620484 )

      Humble brag.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 02, 2016 @10:52AM (#52814975)

    "Android users aware their device is inferior, act accordingly" /ducks

  • Obvious (Score:5, Funny)

    by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @10:54AM (#52814991) Homepage Journal

    People who spend large amounts of money on jewellery are often asshats too, finds study.

    • Yep. Looked into an iPhone for a user at work, and they're $1200 here. We don't do contracts.

      Can get an Android with comparable performance for hundreds less.

      • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

        by Gr8Apes ( 679165 )
        And in 1 year's time, spend the money again as the phone becomes obsolete.
        • IPhone user: If they didn't want you to buy the phone again they wouldn't put a new version out.
        • As opposed to Apple released an update that turns your phone into molasses after 16-18 months? This actually happened to me with the first (and subsequently last) iPhone purchase. I wasn't about to reward them with another purchase. I've been using the Android phones for 3+ years between replacements.

      • by guises ( 2423402 )
        That's not due to a lack of a contract. I'd assume a price like that to be due to either poorly considered tariffs (like in Brazil) or corruption. Importation of high-status products like that is sometimes restricted to a small number of vendors (often just one, and not Apple) who jack up the price and give significant kickbacks to the people who are ensuring that vendor's monopoly.

        I remember an AMA on reddit a while back with someone in that position:

        "I'm a millionaire, ask me anything."
        "How'd you ge
      • by Anonymous Coward

        How much does performance really matter in a modern smartphone? I'm on a two year old iPhone 6 and it handles anything I can throw at it.

        What matters to me is build quality and support. I like having a phone that's supported with OS updates for 5+ years, and at least personally I've never had serious hardware problems with an iPhone like I've had with cheaper devices. What few issues I have had Apple has taken care of quickly and at no cost even if out of warranty.

        To me that's well worth the premium cost.

      • Did the user really need the larger iPhone 6s Plus, with the maximum amount of memory? Because even that's only $949, sim free...

        A sim-free iPhone 6s (very reasonable middle ground) is $749.

        So I'm really curious how you reached $1200. Even with AppleCare, which is only $129, you aren't over $1100 worst case...

        Did you end up getting him a top of the line Android phone? A Note7 is $879 unlocked... By Grabthars Hammer, what a savings.

        • by RenderSeven ( 938535 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @12:26PM (#52815665)
          PP says in other comments he is in Canada. According to Cantech [cantechletter.com] the price is (or was):

          iPhone 6 Price in Canada Without Contract and the iPhone 6s 64GB Price in Canada
          “Canadian pricing for iPhone 6s Plus $1,029 (CAD) for 16GB model, $1,159 (CAD) for 64GB model and $1,289 (CAD) for 128GB model (no contract).”

          The drop in the Canadian dollar to an 11-year low is surely partly responsible. And nothing against your valid point. But $1200 is not wrong either.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      If they checked to see how much Android users paid for their phone, did they find that owners of more expensive Android phones respond less humbly and less honestly as well? Maybe the whole humility and honesty is a function of income and people who have more money are generally more selfish, and iPhone pricing is higher than Android phone pricing...

      • by Z00L00K ( 682162 )

        I run Android, and I try to be honest. But being humble isn't resulting in any progress or ability to gain recognition for your work.

        • I run Android, and I try to be honest. But being humble isn't resulting in any progress or ability to gain recognition for your work.

          I realize this is a side discussion but you are right. The idea that good or even great work will automatically come to the fore and garner recognition is naïve at best. Someone who is louder and better at self-marketing will get ahead a lot faster.

          The meek do indeed inherit the earth --- by having their faces ground into it.

          • by Z00L00K ( 682162 )

            You don't have to do self-marketing, just dare to pick the fights where you know you are right - even if it's uncomfortable.

            Just make sure you pick the right fights and in the correct way. Legal requirements always trumps company-internal politics.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by harrkev ( 623093 )

      An iPhone actually IS jewelry.

      If you don't believe me, look no further than most cases for iPhones (example Amazon link to Otterbox case below). Wow, the case manufacturers make sure to put a cut-out in the case for the logo on the phone, just so that everybody around you knows that you are using a Apple product. It would be HORRIBLE for the people around you to not realize how trendy, cool, and awesome you are by the phone brand that you choose. If you have it, you have to flaunt it.

      https://www.amazon.c [amazon.com]

  • by Talderas ( 1212466 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @10:54AM (#52814995)

    Presumably because they couldn't find enough users to create an effective sample size.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Or no one would admit to using the device.

      • by gfxguy ( 98788 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @12:48PM (#52815829)

        My family is largely Android users, both on tablets and phones; my 80+ year old mom demanded my father get her an iPad "because her friends had them." Then she was mad that no one could help her with it (I live in a different state - I know it's obvious enough how to configure one, they're easy to use, but she's in her 80s and that's how a lot of older people get). So when I saw her in person and configured her wifi and stuff for her, showing her how to do it (she was taking notes on a paper pad... sigh... ) she was like "I'll never remember all of this!"

        I finally suggested that, had she asked what other people in the family were using so that someone could help her, she wouldn't be having the problem of needing me to do it (she has since started going to the Apple Store for help, but I think they're getting sick of her asking the same things every time).

        But that wasn't lesson enough... without consulting any kids or grand-kids, she runs out and buys a Windows phone.

        So I figure there must be some large enough segment of Windows phone users who just didn't know what they were doing. At least in Florida and other "retirement" states. There ought to be a law against taking advantage of old people.

        • But that wasn't lesson enough... without consulting any kids or grand-kids, she runs out and buys a Windows phone.

          I doubt that she went out with the intention of buying a Windows Phone. More likely, she went out with the intention of buying something that was not an iPhone and there was a really good commission offered to the sales droids for selling Windows Phone on that day.

    • There are Dozens of us!!!!!

  • And steal purses from old, helpless ladies.

  • by TomR teh Pirate ( 1554037 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @10:59AM (#52815037)
    I'm an Android user, and easily the most humble person I know. As Weird Al put it in Amish Paradise:

    Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter
    Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise another
    Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?
    Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
    • "Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art"

      Clop clop clop clop BANG! clop clop...

      That was an Amish driveby shooting.

  • Yey. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rui Mamede ( 4698573 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:04AM (#52815069)
    Kudos for astonishingly useless research. That's what science is all about.
    • by dfghjk ( 711126 )


      These claims assume that phone choice is predicated on personality traits, not merit or one of a thousand other factors. Useless.

      Frankly, phone choice amounts to what you're already using since the cost to switch is greater than most people's dissatisfaction. Few people have given both platforms a fair shake in order to make an informed decision. Most made a largely uninformed decision long ago and have stuck with it.

      Everything seems to amount to tribalism. Some people don't care what "team" they ar

    • According to a new study, X! However, most of X did not occur in reality.

      So . . . "We expected to find X but didn't. Nobel Prize, please!"

      Is that really the finding of this study, or is this just the typical Slashdot editorial process at work?

  • by sjbe ( 173966 )

    Seriously? What's with the article troll? Are the slashdot editors just trying to get a good laugh?

    TFA references a "study" with no citation of the alleged study with conclusions that sound like they are straight from The Onion. No way to tell if the study was conducted with good scientific techniques and rigor or if it is just a grab for grant money or something else.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The science doesn't matter when the herd agrees with the findings.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • It's similar to the problem of testing lie-detectors: how do you measure actual lying, and not just poker-style lying in a lab? Poker means shit.

      Telling a good whopper could get one in the slammer, so who's going to rat out their punishable sins to researchers?

      And how do the researchers verify alleged lies? Dig up bodies in the forest?

  • by pablo_max ( 626328 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:06AM (#52815085)

    the iPhone comes with its own reality distortion filter, so.... you know..there's that.

  • Perhaps the real study is: How will people react to this study?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    iPhone users are usually dicks, salesmen, businessmen, juvenile, "other categories overly obsessed with self image", dicks, etc.

  • ...when you're perfect in every way.
  • It's part of our infinite set of totally admirable traits, each more awesome than the last. :)

  • Really? II do not think it is a status thing. The iPhone is for followers, Android is for leaders.
    • by schnell ( 163007 )

      Really? II do not think it is a status thing. The iPhone is for followers, Android is for leaders.

      Ooh, this seems like a fun game. I'll spot you a few more that all have an equal amount of substance as your suggestion:

      • "Fords are for terrorists. Chevys are for carnival workers."
      • "Coke is for librarians. Pepsi is for eunuchs."
      • "Panasonic microwave ovens are for Nobel prize winning physicists. GE microwave ovens are for goat sodomites."

      Or maybe I'll just go with the more obvious "making sweeping generalizations about people based on products they buy is for assholes."

  • As depicted by Dilbert's CEO [dilbert.com]

  • possible cause... (Score:3, Informative)

    by e432776 ( 4495975 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:32AM (#52815273)
    ..iPhone owners are wealthier than Android owners. See here for similar results [scientificamerican.com] without the silly phone angle.
  • by wcrowe ( 94389 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:34AM (#52815287)

    The main reason I have an iPhone has nothing to do with status. It's because I like the way it works. I had an Android phone for a couple of years, but it was noticably slower than the iPhones of colleagues and friends. The iPhone seemed snappier. Additionally, I have a Macbook, iPad, iPod, and AppleTV. It makes sense to have a phone which is compatible with that universe. Again, I don't have these devices because of whatever "status" they might impart. I have them because I like the way they work.

    Besides, is there really some sort of status attached to an iPhone these days? They are ubiquitous -- even my 83-year-old father has one, and he doesn't even know what he has. He just makes calls and sends texts. If he has a problem, well, his phone has an Apple logo on it, and the Apple store has an Apple logo on it, so he knows he can go in there and some friendly person will help him with his phone. For him it's like taking your car into a mechanic. He has a GM car, so he takes it to the GM dealer when there is a problem. For him, that is how it is done. If an old fart like my dad has an iPhone, it can hardly be thought of as a status symbol.

    I would like to add that I also have friends and colleagues who have Android phones. They seem happy with their phones, and that's great. I do not, in any way, feel like I am superior just because I have an iPhone.

    • One could say 'phone seems snappier' is a purely aesthetic focus, and thus would tend to please someone who gets a phone for the sake of being pleased. Did the Android phone perform it's purpose? That is what most Android users focus on.
    • by Sebby ( 238625 )

      The iPhone seemed snappier. .

      You obviously didn't try an iPhone 4S running iOS 7-9. What makes me laugh the most is how a while back some online mags did a study of how much faster the iPhone screens were compared to all other makes; yeah they might be faster, but when the UI can't keep up with user touches, it really means nothing in the end.

    • Google (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Dr. Evil ( 3501 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @12:48PM (#52815831)

      I went with the iPhone because I didn't have to root my phone to control the communications of my own apps, and I didn't want to lock more of my life into my gmail account... that and the camera/microphone/battery life etc. I was surprised by the added stability and how I didn't feel the need to root the phone at all.

      Android phones are practically subsidized by Google and most are additionally subsidized by a carrier who couldn't give a damn if you have updates or not.

      On my iPhone I use offline maps, a domestic hosted mail and calendar server and duckduckgo. No Google apps, and minimal contact with the app store. It's a boring, reliable, very functional phone.

      With Android, for even these basic features I would send 100% of my data to the U.S. where I have no control nor rights. Last I used Android it was difficult to *not* sync it with Google, even with your own calendaring/mail solution. Unless I go with Cyanogenmod or similar... which is a wicked time-burner.

      The price difference is worth it to me. Time and privacy are expensive.

    • by wcrowe ( 94389 )

      I see a lot of reasons stated for using one type of phone over the other, and they are all good reasons based on individual needs or points of view. The one thing I haven't seen yet is a reason that's based on "status", which is what I was addressing. There may have been a time, back when the iPhone was a new thing, that it was a status symbol to own one, but smart phones are so common these days, and there are enough manufacturers, that I don't think anyone really pays attention to that sort of thing any

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:35AM (#52815297)
    The market share for Android world-wide is 80%. Its share in the USA is 60%.

    Source: https://techcrunch.com/2016/05... [techcrunch.com]
  • 99% of the apple drones I run into are spoiled hipster/millennials. Do they EVER put their iPhones down? I see them all across high schools and colleges, clutching these things like a life preserver. You always see them in Starbucks, sucking up the free bandwith. Spoiled brats from birth.
  • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @11:38AM (#52815313)
    Why is being 'less extroverted' portrayed as a bad thing? I know very few introverted assholes.
  • Android User:

    Oh yeah, there is NO ONE more humble than me. Absolutely no one. I don't mean to brag, but I ran across an iPhone user the other day and he was like HALF as humble as me, if that.

    We also naturally are better in bed too, what with being at LEAST four inches longer.

    • Hey, Steve (praise be unto His name) Jobs said you don't need more than 3.5 inches... And no, you can't use a "tool" (stylus) as a replacement either!
  • Of course they have the added burden of having to stay humble despite being otherwise perfect in every aspect, that must take a lot of character integrity to do so.
    Not that I would know anything about that, this headline does not concern me.

    sent from my samsung S7 edge

  • This article doesn't tell you much, and most of the other articles are copy/pastes of each other (and in turn seem to be copy/pastes of a press release).

    From http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_... [eurekalert.org]

    The results from the first study showed that Android users are perceived to have greater levels of honesty and humility, agreeableness and openness personality traits but are seen as less extroverted than iPhone users.

    The results from the second study showed that most of the personality stereotypes did not occur in reality, as only honesty and humility was found in greater amounts within Android users.

    I couldn't find the study. One article referenced source "Shaw H, Ellis D, Kendrick LR et al. Individual differences between iPhone and Android smartphone users. British Psychological Society. 2016."

  • According to the latest research on the subject, the Islamic State seems to favor Android over iPhone http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/22... [cnbc.com]

    I suppose Android makes for a more honest, humble jihad?

    • by jrumney ( 197329 )

      According to the latest research on the subject, the Islamic State seems to favor Android over iPhone

      Specifically, Samsung Galaxy Note 7's.

  • This is typical of higher ed -- wasting time and money on useless studies.
    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      Well it's based on averages, so imagine just how much more humble and honest the rest of us are knowing Trump is one of our ranks.

      • Well it's based on averages, so imagine just how much more humble and honest the rest of us are knowing Trump is one of our ranks.

        That's right. We are all Donald Trump, but with fewer Eastern European hookers.

  • Call me strange but second only to lighting up a cigarette, I've always found it a turn-off if a woman pulls an iPhone out.

    • Call me strange but second only to lighting up a cigarette, I've always found it a turn-off if a woman pulls an iPhone out.

      ...soon to be followed by the rescue call where her chihuahua has an immediate medical emergency but, 'it was nice, we should do this again...'

  • psychology already has a poor enough reputation when it comes to scientific credibility. It certainly doesn't need junk science like this 'study' cluttering up its landscape. This is something I'd expect to see in some laughable rag while standing in the supermarket checkout line.

    Who pays for shit research like this anyway? And why?

  • We're also (Score:5, Funny)

    by Hevel-Varik ( 2700923 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @12:13PM (#52815571)

    We're also more intelligent, attractive and funny.

  • This is because Android users don't have as much to be proud of.

  • Nothing makes one more humble than running a phone OS built entirely out of pre-shotgunned wire screening.
  • It's because Android users are used to being doormats. We buy high end smartphones only to have the vendor stop providing updates 2 years later. So after a while we start buying low end smart phones, only to find they have compatibility problems or vendor installed malware. Yet we keep going back to Android.

  • iPhone users are much richer than android users on average, and poor people are more honest and trustworthy than rich people. In fact, you can make people more honest and trustworthy by making them feel poor in comparison to others, and you can make people less honest and trustworthy by making them feel rich in comparison. http://theweek.com/articles/47... [theweek.com]

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
