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Company Creates Gun That Looks Like a Cellphone (nbcnews.com) 678

Earthquake Retrofit writes: Sometimes you want to carry your gun in peace, but people keep drawing attention to your piece. This very issue plagued Kirk Kjellberg, the creator of Ideal Conceal, a [.380-caliber pistol] that folds up to look like a smartphone. "A boy spotted me in [a] restaurant and said loudly, 'Mommy, Mommy, that guy's got a gun!' And then pretty much the whole restaurant stared at me," Kjellberg told NBC News. He developed Ideal Conceal to avoid those awkward situations. According to NBC News, "In locked position, the two-shot plastic gun with a metal core can be discreetly slipped into pockets, like a real phone. But 'with one click of the safety it opens and is ready to fire,' Ideal Conceal claims. The Department of Homeland Security has contacted him about the pistol, and he plans on giving them x-rays of it so law enforcement can distinguish it from cellphones during airport screenings. An Ideal Conceal prototype is slated for June, with sales beginning in October. The gun is listed for $395."
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Company Creates Gun That Looks Like a Cellphone

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  • by sjbe ( 173966 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:08PM (#51803983)

    Are you trying to get shot? Because that is how you get shot...

    • by pushing-robot ( 1037830 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:08PM (#51803985)

      No, he's trying to get everyone who carries a mobile phone shot.

      • by Greyfox ( 87712 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:12PM (#51804001) Homepage Journal
        No problem! We can just create a cell phone that looks like a gun, so the cops can tell the difference!
    • by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:39PM (#51804157) Homepage

      Are you trying to get shot? Because that is how you get shot...

      ...By grabbing the wrong "phone" and taking a selfie.

  • I don't appreciate (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mhkohne ( 3854 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:15PM (#51804007) Homepage

    giving all those idiots who say 'I thought it was a gun' extra excuses.

    • giving all those idiots who say 'I thought it was a gun' extra excuses.

      If we're talking about the Polezei, a Ringding [google.com] is more than enough to get you shot.

      Realistically, is this a wonderful new product designed to improve outcomes? No, of course not.

      Is it going to sell like hotcakes to a certain niche market? Absolutely.

    • by Agripa ( 139780 )

      Law enforcement already uses that excuse whether a cell phone is involved or not.

  • Apple? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:15PM (#51804011) Journal


  • by Edis Krad ( 1003934 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:24PM (#51804061)

    "A boy spotted me in [a] restaurant and said loudly, 'Mommy, Mommy, that guy's got a gun!'

    So instead of thinking "maybe I shouldn't carry a weapon when I go to a family restaurant", his first reaction was "How can I hide it better?".

    Faith in humanity: Lost.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:28PM (#51804081)

      You need to look up the Luby's incident in Kileen, Texas.

    • by msauve ( 701917 )
      Because bad [cbslocal.com] guys [cbs46.com] never [foxnews.com] go [mercurynews.com] to [winknews.com] restaurants [newsadvance.com]?
    • by cyn1c77 ( 928549 ) on Wednesday March 30, 2016 @12:00AM (#51805389)

      "A boy spotted me in [a] restaurant and said loudly, 'Mommy, Mommy, that guy's got a gun!'

      So instead of thinking "maybe I shouldn't carry a weapon when I go to a family restaurant", his first reaction was "How can I hide it better?".

      Faith in humanity: Lost.

      What is particularly depressing is that most people:
      1. Think it is OK for a police officer to carry a gun into a family restaurant.
      2. Are probably willing to accept that criminals may also illegally carrying concealed weapons in that restaurant.
      3. Cannot deal with a private citizen legally carrying a firearm in public.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Wednesday March 30, 2016 @06:52AM (#51806385) Homepage Journal

        Fuck it, I've got karma to burn.

        It's a lot like the anti-vaccine crowd. They think not getting vaccinated makes them safer, but actually the stats say the opposite. Worse still, it makes the people around them less safe too. But it's their right not to be forcefully medicated.

        • Well there are some places where carrying a firearm is just a good idea but then most of these aren't where most people are carrying a firearm. For example I have a carry permit in my state but I only exercise that when I am out in the woods. I have property up in northern Minnesota and there are large predators out there (bear, wolves, cougars, bobcats, coyotes) that I have had close run ins with in the past. To be legal when walking down a road with a loaded handgun you need to have permit to carry so I g
      • by Optic7 ( 688717 )

        You shouldn't be depressed about those things because:
        1. Police officers are much more likely than a private citizen to have frequent, recent training in handling the gun, as well as dealing with dangerous scenarios where they would need to use them.
        2. There is no way to tell if the person you spotted carrying the concealed weapon is a criminal or a law-abiding citizen, so it is wise to be afraid whenever you see someone with a concealed weapon (also see #3).
        3. Being near any person carrying a gun makes you

  • by kqc7011 ( 525426 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:25PM (#51804063)
    Bulldog holsters makes a "cell phone" cases in both ballistic nylon and leather. You cannot see what is in the cases and thats what counts. http://www.bulldogcases.com/ca... [bulldogcases.com]
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @07:26PM (#51804073) Homepage

    No thanks. It's not like it's hard to conceal carry already. Plus only 2 rounds.... I'll stick with my 7 rounds of 9mm that is not that hard to carry out of view.

    • The mouse gun you have with you is better than the .500 BoomenLouder you left at home because it is too big, too heavy, too hard to conceal etc

      That said I wonder if he has an ATF Opinion Letter on his design - disguised guns can fall under the NFA and require a tax stamp and associated BS

  • this disguise has been done before. link: http://www.snopes.com/crime/wa... [snopes.com]
  • Use care taking "selfies".
  • Any plans to share the X ray profile it with law enforcement agencies in other countries? Probably not, because this dude only acted on it when Homeland security came knocking.

    Good for him than gun manufactures are indemnified from product liability in the US.

  • by blindseer ( 891256 ) <blindseer@earthlink.FREEBSDnet minus bsd> on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @08:00PM (#51804273)

    I'd think that this gun would fall under the BATFE classification as "any other weapon" under Title II, making it very difficult to purchase in most states. It is a gun designed to not look like a gun, which even if it was allowed by federal law would make it prohibited as a "zip gun" or some other designation by state law.

    I believe that the problem is the hopolophobes can't stand the idea of people being armed for their own defense. Disguising weapons to look like something else is only going to make their phobia worse.

    I also believe that this is an inevitable development. People have been looking for ways to conceal their ability to defend themselves for many reasons for many years. Swords and guns that look like canes are not a new idea. There have been pocket pistols that look like pocket watches since the Civil War, if not earlier. With technologies like 3D printing getting cheaper and more widely available ideas like this will be easier to implement and more difficult for law enforcement to control.

    Not I new idea, far from it. What is new, I suppose, is that this guy wants to market it at a time and place where they've been effectively banned for a century. The laws are changing though. Expect the BATFE to either throw a fit over this or make some ruling that will open the flood gates on guns like this again.

    AOW reference:
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

    Another thing, concealed carry is getting popular. Nine states in the USA now have provisions in law that do not prohibit concealed carry without first obtaining government permission.
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

    • I still like the ring gun personally.

      http://www.pinfireguns.com/pin... [pinfireguns.com]

    • by Toshito ( 452851 ) on Wednesday March 30, 2016 @09:17AM (#51807115)

      I believe that the problem is the hopolophobes can't stand the idea of people being armed for their own defense.

      No, what I believe is that 90% of humans are complete and utter morons, who can't be trusted with a firearm. They are irrationnal, moody, have mental problems (depression, mood swings, anxiety, are religious nuts, etc.)

      Having a firearm at home is ok with me, but carrying it everywhere is a bad idea.

      I don't know where you live, but if I lived somewhere where I would need a weapon on me at all times to feel safe, I would move out of there as soon as I could.

      In fact I'm in my mid forties and so far I've never been in a situation where I needed a firearm on me. And nobody I know (friends, family, coworkers) ever talked to me about a time in their lives when they used, needed or would have needed to have a firearm on them to save their lives or get out of a bad situation.

      Still, a lot of them (including me) have firearms at home for hunting, or target shooting. So we're not anti-guns wackos.

      • No, what I believe is that 90% of humans are complete and utter morons, who can't be trusted with a firearm. They are irrationnal, moody, have mental problems (depression, mood swings, anxiety, are religious nuts, etc.)

        Having a firearm at home is ok with me, but carrying it everywhere is a bad idea.

        Why would you feel it's a bad idea to arm yourself when you believe that 9/10ths of humanity is FUBAR? You obviously believe yourself to be part of the 10% who aren't criminally insane, so why do you not trust yourself to carry a firearm? This is reasoning I've never understood. "The rest of the world is crazy, but I'm cool, although I still shouldn't be trusted with a gun". Wut?

  • Darwin (Score:4, Funny)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @08:22PM (#51804391) Journal

    How long before we read the story of the Florida man who tried to take a selfie of his dick and ended up blowing his nuts off?

  • So if I reach for my cellphone, I'm dead.

    Which is pretty much the expected outcome when looking down the barrel of a Police Special, no matter which side of the law is holding the gun.

    The tricked-up one or two-shot pocket pistol has been around forever. You are down to Custard's Last Stand, your back to the wall, you'll be damn lucky to get a clean shot off and the story ends just as you would expect.

  • Wear a proper IWB (Inside-The-Waistband) holster, use some brains when you dress, and you won't "get made."

    A winged IWB holster + a loose t-shirt = invisible. Still need to be a bit mindful to not let the t-shirt ride up. It won't, under most conditions. But if you slouch deep into a reclined chair, it can happen.

    Too many people just shove the piece in their pocket or jam it in their waistbands without a holster. That's just looking to get made, or worse, have a negligent discharge.

    And oh yeah... select

  • We see it has shot its load under the pressure of various conservative nerds that can't get enough of this item. Is there a conceal-carry permit that defends webservers from spikes in traffic?
  • Guns in the US are generally required by law to look like guns. Before those laws, there used to be a wide variety of stealth guns available to the public (later only available to the secret service): cane guns, palm guns, lipstick pistols, flashlight guns, tiny ring guns, skeleton key guns,
  • Because one day I might absent-mindedly answer it.

  • I read not long ago, about a cop that shot a guy with a knife because he had seen guns that looked like knifes being sold at walmart or wherever. Now they'll be able to use the line "I saw a cellphone and there are cellphone guns now so...".
  • by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Tuesday March 29, 2016 @10:51PM (#51805169)

    "Other people don't like being around people with guns all the time? They'd rather go out to social in environments where they don't have to be around tools specifically designed to kill and intimidate people held by strangers who clearly feel they need to have the constant threat of violence about them? People would rather not go out and have strangers with guns around themselves and their children? This can't mean there's anything wrong with my values so I'll just try to find a work around."

    Get a clue people. No one likes hanging out with a nut with a gun besides another nut with a gun. Gun ownership in general is a tricky issue for me but anyone who showed up to my home or at a social event I started at a public place with a gun would never be invited back. If they had a disguised piece I'd be doubly pissed that they tried to hide it from me.

  • by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Wednesday March 30, 2016 @02:06AM (#51805755) Journal
    This could really be a big hit for the convention. This way the trump backers can protect themselves from the nasty Cruz followers.
  • by rayd75 ( 258138 ) on Wednesday March 30, 2016 @08:04AM (#51806629)

    Except I outsourced the manufacturing of the weapon to Ruger (LCP) and the "looks like a cell phone" aspect comes from keeping it in a pocket holster with an iPhone 4 back glass to reduce printing. Oh, you know what else helps its concealability? Being comfortable with it staying in my pocket. Always. ...not wanting to parade it around to find opportunities to preach about my rights or get approving nods from Bubba and Cletus. Jesus, redneck America, stop fondling your effing guns! Not only will they go unnoticed, but the people around you will be safer as well.

  • What a stupid idea (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Trailer Trash ( 60756 ) on Wednesday March 30, 2016 @08:29AM (#51806723) Homepage

    Police are already claiming that you can't film them because there are guns disguised as cell phones so they have to make you put the phone away "for their safety". Of course, it's complete bullshit and they just don't want accountability.

    Until now.

    This is the reason the Geneva Conventions require soldiers to be dressed in uniform. When soldiers start dressing as civilians, actual civilians are harmed at a far higher rate because nobody knows who the enemy is.

    Now we're giving police officers in this country plausible reason to take your cell phone because "they thought it was a gun." Stupid, stupid, stupid.

[We] use bad software and bad machines for the wrong things. -- R.W. Hamming
