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Apple's Plans For Your DNA 101

An anonymous reader writes: MIT's Technology Review breaks news that Apple is working with scientists to create apps that collect and evaluate users' DNA. "The apps are based on ResearchKit, a software platform Apple introduced in March that helps hospitals or scientists run medical studies on iPhones by collecting data from the devices' sensors or through surveys." A source says Apple's plan is to enable users to easily share their DNA information with medical workers and researchers performing studies. "To join one of the studies, a person would agree to have a gene test carried out—for instance, by returning a "spit kit" to a laboratory approved by Apple. The first such labs are said to be the advanced gene-sequencing centers operated by UCSF and Mount Sinai."
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Apple's Plans For Your DNA

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  • by Vermonter ( 2683811 ) on Wednesday May 06, 2015 @01:14PM (#49630935)
    "By using this application you agree to grant all rights to the usage of your DNA to Apple, inc, including, but not limited to, creating an army of clones in your image."
    • by weszz ( 710261 )

      I remember a south park episode like this and the human caterpillar...

      YOU NEED TO READ THE EULA. apple will do crazy stuff to you if you don't...

      • I remember a south park episode like this and the human caterpillar...

        YOU NEED TO READ THE EULA. apple will do crazy stuff to you if you don't...

        The episode where APPLE forced people in some anal stuff? (hey, don't go crazy now, i am not a bigot, i just READ THE EULA)

    • In the future the human race will be divided into Apples and oranges. The masses will be the oranges, while the Apples will be the genetically sequenced elite with access to not just the latest medical technology but the biometric clearance to become part of the ruling technocratic class.

  • by koan ( 80826 )

    What can I say?

    • What can I say?

      I say "Sorry...but NO".

      I mean, it is bad enough I gave them a CC number way back when to connect to the iTunes store (even though I've NEVER bought a song through them, nor an app)....but that's quite enough information on me.

      I don't plan to give any DNA to anyone for the foreseeable future.

      Both the government and private companies have WAY too much information on me to begin with...I'm not voluntarily going to give them more, especially on this level.

      • Last time I set it up, Android Play didn't need a CC. (Or maybe I set one up and then deleted it to make sure I never accidentally bought anything.)

        I am, however, starting to consider getting a "throwaway CC" like I use throwaway email addresses. Enough places want a CC, and I would be nice to have an account where I know that ANY charges on it are unwanted (and should be challenged/reversed).

      • Well, for most slashdotters, Apple may be the only chance they have to give someone else their DNA.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    ...will be based on a database containing only rich hipsters?

  • seeing the likely phenotypes of potential children?
    • or a matchmaker that finds a mate based off of likelihood to conceive children with the user-defined phenotypes.
    • Yeah it'll be strange. Women will run around with "JUICY" emblazoned across their watches, and men will be wandering up to them "Hey baby, you have nice genes" "How dare you!"

      Hacking her watch to check out her genes may end up being considered a form of rape.

      Or nah, we'll continue our present course of having the perfunctory pair of kids as we edge close to our 40s and end our reproductive years.

  • by unixcorn ( 120825 ) on Wednesday May 06, 2015 @01:21PM (#49631019)

    I give out my DNA all the time. As long as I don't have to pay child support, I am not concerned.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I can't wait for this info to wind up, either due to hackers, or other means in a public database:

    1: Insurance companies will love it -- they now have more reasons to hike premiums or drop people.

    2: It will be used by some companies as yet another quiet filter, ensuring some people's resumes always hit the round file.

    3: It will enable Gattaca-like discrimination.

    4: It will be used by some governments for mass arrests and genocide, similar to countries in the Middle East currently using DNA to test poten

  • by MitchDev ( 2526834 ) on Wednesday May 06, 2015 @01:28PM (#49631085)

    because what could possibly go wrong, the info could never ever be mis-used or stolen.....

    • I don't blame apple for wanting to do this.

      but I DO blame us, the consumers, for falling for every god damned privacy-invading scheme conceivable.

      its like people are going out of their way to ruin their own lives and become part of the surveillance state.

      "hey, it has some glass that you can press on. how cool is that? lets fully trust our lives to this new god of ours."

      (facepalm times ten to the facefalm exponent)

      • But you kind of do have to blame them. Apple is more like a cult than a company, and cult followers do what the cult leader tells them without even thinking about it.

        Suddenly other companies see big righ Apple doing it, and they want to do it too, it just snowballs....

      • I don't blame apple for wanting to do this.

        but I DO blame us, the consumers, for falling for every god damned privacy-invading scheme conceivable.

        I blame both. This is such an obviously terrible idea that I blame Apple for not killing it as soon as the first person uttered it in the meeting. It shows a reckless disregard for their customers.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The plan is to misuse it. Apple don't do DNA analysis themselves, they sell the data to other companies who use it to offer you services and connect it to other marketing data. Getting your DNA checked for inherited diseases? Time to spam you with adverts for baby goods on every site you visit.

  • Dating App (Score:4, Funny)

    by PvtVoid ( 1252388 ) on Wednesday May 06, 2015 @01:30PM (#49631105)

    Oh, man, that would make for an awesome dating app! Swipe right, and it renders your potential children.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This sounds like a HIPAA violation and apple may be for a big issue.

    • Very unlikely. HIPAA only applies to specific entities. Apple is not one of those entities.

      • But the FDA did smack down 23andMe pretty hard for making medical claims based on SNP profiling.* While HIPPA isn't the right regulatory regime here, the FDA definitely is. 23andMe tried the Uber approach to flaunting regulations and found that when actual human health is involved, "trust us" doesn't cut it.


        *Can we please stop calling what these companies are doing "DNA sequencing"? It's not and never has been. It's just looking for specific, known markers in your genome. Sequencing is actually gettin

  • by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Wednesday May 06, 2015 @01:32PM (#49631129) Homepage

    I bet they will patent all our genomes and then we'll be screwed: of course you can have children without paying us, as long as they are not rectangular with rounded corners and do not contain these 20 amino-acids in our list...

  • Now the real reason for the iWatch comes to light, and why it won't work with tattoos. Can't contaminate the 1-point font, EULA-permitted DNA samples with ink, after all.
  • I already know what Tim Cook wants to do with my DNA.

  • by hack slash ( 1064002 ) on Wednesday May 06, 2015 @01:49PM (#49631295)
    Perhaps they're getting their foot in the door regarding DNA identification, if (when?) they managed to get their mitts on a tiny device that can sequence DNA from breath/spit etc., they'll only need to combine that with their DNA database they've been collecting for years to create a commodity worth billions they'll be able to oursource to security companies for a tidy profit.
  • ... I think the water temp just crept up a few more degrees. And the frogs just keep smiling.

    I got into programming just as the web was really taking off (~25 yrs ago maybe), and I had such high hopes of what it would bring 'regular' people. Now, it's filled with ads, trolls, extreme corporatism, the commonditization of 'us' (our habits, our data, our everything), and just plain old crap (Kartrashians etc).

    I think social media has turned us into oh-so-willing data givers, we're just happy to share freaking

  • So then they can store it in a database and, the next time you jaywalk, the hair you dropped will implicate you in a crime.
  • great

    I might even buy the idevice if I get to spit on it to login
  • Obviously, the debug port is so that their new wrist strap can take skin samples and sequence your DNA right in the strap/watch!

    It adds a new "layer" of "security" as well. :D

  • A statue of Steve Jobs with a wash mechanism to rinse off, contain and label each spit sample.

    I know plenty of people who'd line up for it.

    Do they want urine samples, too?

  • That's not creepy at all, Apple.
  • For now, they're just going to go with the current test which is if you buy an Apple product, you don't have any sort of advanced brain genes of any kind.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
