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Apple's Next Hit Could Be a Microsoft Surface Pro Clone 252

theodp writes "Good artists copy, great artists steal," Steve Jobs used to say. Having launched a perfectly-timed attack against Samsung and phablets with its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, Leonid Bershidsky suggests that the next big thing from Apple will be a tablet-laptop a la Microsoft's Surface Pro 3. "Before yesterday's Apple [iPad] event," writes Bershidsky, "rumors were strong of an upcoming giant iPad, to be called iPad Pro or iPad Plus. There were even leaked pictures of a device with a 12.9-inch screen, bigger than the Surface Pro's 12-inch one. It didn't come this time, but it will. I've been expecting a touch-screen Apple laptop for a few years now, and keep being wrong.
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Apple's Next Hit Could Be a Microsoft Surface Pro Clone

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  • by nyctopterus ( 717502 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @12:38PM (#48176473) Homepage

    To do this, Apple would need a new OS, or do some sort of horrible blend between OS X and iOS. That's not happening. I think there will be a bigger iPad at some point, but it will just run iOS. It won't be a convertible.

    • by Jane Q. Public ( 1010737 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @12:47PM (#48176513)

      To do this, Apple would need a new OS, or do some sort of horrible blend between OS X and iOS. That's not happening. I think there will be a bigger iPad at some point, but it will just run iOS. It won't be a convertible.

      I agree. It doesn't need to be a convertible. Apple already makes perfectly serviceable, compatibly-sized Bluetooth keyboards, as well as mice and touchpads. Hell, I use them sometimes with Android devices. Why make a "convertible" at all, when you already have everything you need?

      • by no1nose ( 993082 )

        Posting here to undo accidental wrong moderation. But I agree, Apple already has everything needed with the Bluetooth keyboards and mice.

    • This is easy. You architect around the most complex platform , eg this 2-in-1 in laptop mode which would have a fast Core i5 or Core i7 as cpu running OS/X. When you detach the keyboard and put it into tablet mode, it adopts an iOS skin, with emulator to run iOS apps (which you already do indirectly when you're building iOS apps on an OS/.X system now). You have the ability though, to have OS/X apps / utilities in the background, possibly providing local cloud services to the tablet layer.
      It's interesti

      • by jbolden ( 176878 )

        If you look at the design of the A7 it has a lot of capabilities that iOS isn't using. I wouldn't be shocked if around 5 years from now it isn't OSX running in a compatibility mode with a few OSX applications running under emulation and/or being recompiled.

      • This is easy. You architect around the most complex platform , eg this 2-in-1 in laptop mode which would have a fast Core i5 or Core i7 as cpu running OS/X. When you detach the keyboard and put it into tablet mode, it adopts an iOS skin, with emulator to run iOS apps (which you already do indirectly when you're building iOS apps on an OS/.X system now). You have the ability though, to have OS/X apps / utilities in the background, possibly providing local cloud services to the tablet layer.

        Ugh. The worst of both worlds.

        It doesn't need two "modes". You can already use an external keyboard with iOS devices, just fine... just as you can with Android.

        It isn't Apple that was behind in this field, it was Microsoft. THEY had to add touch. Other OSes already worked both ways.

      • I suspect if they are going to copy Microsoft, they will copy Window's 8's ability to switch between the "fat fingers" interface and desktop on the fly.

        It's also possible they could put in an ARM chip to give you the option of booting to iOS and saving power, but I find that a bit wasteful and far-fetched.

    • You don't necessarily need a new OS which is a blend between OS X and iOS.

      It's conceivable that you run a single application which can switch UI depending on how the device is being used. If the device is motionless, use a desktop/laptop UI. If the device is in motion, use the mobile UI.

      At that point, the actual OS is only needed for file manipulation and management of background tasks (and can be either OS X or iOS).

      Either way, the OS has to be able to interact with applications on either the desktop or

    • A bigger iPad. A bigger iPad.

      The maxiPad?

      I think not....

    • Why would they need a new OS? When Microsoft introduced the concept in 2002, they simply added the features into XP. Over the years, they added more and more touch and digitizer friendly features to Windows. Ubuntu has been trying to copy the Microsoft model with its Unity desktop manager, and KDE has most of the basic XP-Tablet features built in.

      Windows now ships with features that lets it adapt to tablet, workstation, laptop, or media center paradigms.

      All Apple really has to do is add support for basic

    • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
      17" ipad with a detachable keyboard. You know you want one.
  • Perfectly-timed? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ts383 ( 1053564 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @12:41PM (#48176489)
    Someone will have to explain how putting out a device that immediately gets eclipsed by a Note 4 counted as a perfecry timed attack against Samsung
    • by pchasco ( 651819 )
      And also years after the original Note and after every other phone manufacturer was producing large phones? If it were not for Apple's former stubborn position on large phones Samsung would likely not become such a big player in the market.
      • What next? Apple patents the large form factor phone??
    • Well, the Note 4 will have to eclipse something before there will be a need to explain anything to you.

      Just because you're geek drool is pouring doesn't mean the general public cares.

  • Bad idea (Score:3, Insightful)

    by tomhath ( 637240 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @12:45PM (#48176503)

    I've been expecting a touch-screen Apple laptop for a few years now, and keep being wrong.

    That's because a touch-screen laptop is a terrible idea. Today's phones are powerful enough with a docking station that includes a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

    • I find my new touch screen laptop reasonably good. I do find I use the touch screen portion of it on applications (mostly html5) frequently. Though the finger prints on the screen still piss me the $#%@ off. ;)
    • Sharp observers would notice the phrase "Desktop Class" used in Apple keynotes the last year or two, when describing the power of their A# mobile processors.

      I for one would not be surprised if Apple released a 12" "WorkBook" that is essentially a 12" iPad with full keyboard & touchpad, running iOS w/2gb RAM. Their entire "office" suite - iWork - is already a complete feature copy of the OS X version - all that's missing from making it truly useful on the iPad is .. a quality keyboard.

    • The phone may be powerful enough but you need an OS to match. In that sense, MS perhaps had the right idea to converge their mobile and desktop OS, even if they did it in a horrible way. At some point we'll see devices that work in 2 modes: a non-multitasking one (or with limited multitasking), geared towards small screens and touch input when running on the portable device, and a multitasking mode geared towards large screens and separate input devices, for when the phone is docked on the desktop. Merel
  • by berchca ( 414155 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @12:47PM (#48176511) Homepage

    Isn't a big iPad just a big iPad?

  • ipoo (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Apple can shit in a box and people will buy it.

  • ... and imbeciles leave out the opening quotation mark.

  • "Perfectly timed"? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by QuietLagoon ( 813062 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @01:07PM (#48176625)
    Seems to me that Apple is playing catch-up in the phablet arena. Apple was late to the party and lost the toehold because of its tardiness.
    • by KingOfBLASH ( 620432 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @02:21PM (#48177035) Journal

      The fact of the matter is EVERYONE is playing catch up.

      When the iPhone 6 (and +) came out, android users started talking about how they'd had swiftkey keyboards, etc., for YEARS.

      They conveniently forget about things like how Samsung came out with a fingerprint sensor after apple's introduction, or any of the other features phablet makers played follow to leader to Apple on, like a half baked watch Samsung got out on rumours of the Apple Watch so they could be the first mover.

      This is the nature of competition. Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, and any other phablet makers are going to innovate. They'll create unique features for their products. A few years down the road, anything that was a brilliant idea is going to get copied.

      So can we please all stop this b.s. of "X is copying Y"?

    • Yup. I like Apple, but even I consider "perfectly timed" to be a case of revisionist history.

      The rest of the summary falls apart under scrutiny too. Microsoft can do the Surface Pro 3 because it has a common OS across both platforms. Apple does not. In fact, despite some recent iOS-ification of OS X moves, Apple has always publicly stated that they think the two should remain separate, and with Yosemite they've made it ABUNDANTLY clear to anyone paying attention that they really do view them as two separate

    • The market starting using more and more large but mediocre phones, just as demand is really starting to grow Apple introduces a model that doesn't sacrifice performance or battery life to have a larger device.

      By waiting Apple also gave device makers a lot of rope to hang themselves with in going to screens with absurd DPI. Now the poor bastards (Note4, etc) are hamstrung changing and powering so many wasted pixels, and the companies cannot back off the resolution they have chained around their own necks.


  • by xbytor ( 215790 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @01:53PM (#48176925) Homepage

    Steve Jobs may have been many things, but Pablo Picasso is not one of them.

  • Standardize your joystick API so us devs can make joystick games on ipad/iPhone. Joystick games on Android tablets is just taking off now, and might be a small portion of the market, but the people who do it like it. Anyone can see a touch screen is no way to play a reflex action game, the controls just aren't there.
  • by Craig Cruden ( 3592465 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @02:26PM (#48177055)
    Cloning something a failure like Surface seems silly, if you're going to clone something clone something that is a success in the marketplace. If I want a table, I will buy an iPad - it works nicely as a consumption device. If I want to do a little more work, I will buy a Macbook Air. I don't really need a touch screen, in fact I find it a little annoying having fingerprints all over the screen. I also tend to sit back when using the computer and having to lean forward to touch the screen is actually more effort than just using my mouse. Call me old fashioned.... but I don't find it an improvement in usability when it comes to working on a computer. It works nicely when you are using an iPad and reading a book or watching a video.... Two different user interfaces in one machine is not useful to most.
  • by bazorg ( 911295 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @02:32PM (#48177081)

    People can hate Windows 8 all they want, but the signs are clear: Microsoft wants a unified platform for mobile and desktop apps, because at some point Google will get Android apps to run on Chrome OS and Apple will get iOS apps running on OS X machines
    A mainstream machine that merges the tablet with the laptop market will make it clear to those who have been distracted that tablets are the main PC for millions of people. I think that Surface Pro is more of a proof of concept while the the MacBook Air or the supposed 12" iPad can be that machine.

    The touchscreen will be secondary, what will define the PC market will be app stores. One fine morning we'll look at the PC market and realise that 30% of machines are running Google Play apps, 30% are running Windows Stores and 30% are running iTunes apps.

  • Uhh...I doubt it (Score:4, Insightful)

    by real gumby ( 11516 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @02:47PM (#48177155)

    These are the same analysts who said that apple needed to make a netbook or they would die (or who each quarter predicted a netbook was coming).

    Apple has placed an alternative bet: that the devices can overlap capabilites and responsibilites (e.g. via handoff, or less intensely as with iwork) but have fundamentally different jobs to do, and try to make each do its job well. I don't commute to work in a tank, but some people find tanks useful. The surface, and W8, are neiher tank nor motorbike, and really do neither job well.

    Apple changes their mind (and never admits it, as with phablets!) and they also make brain damaged decisions, but there is some method to their madness. Analysts generate quotable sound bites; that is the method behind their madness.

    • The basic idea is
      1) make up some product rumor
      2) repeat it every year
      3) ???

      At least the underpants gnomes had an objective.

  • by Alomex ( 148003 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @03:19PM (#48177289) Homepage

    I'm on my second touchscreen computer and fifth tablet. I do not like touch screen for a laptop/desktop. For a smartphone I can think of no better way than a touchscreen given the lack of input device. For a portable TV otherwise known as iPad a touchscreen is about the same as a dial on the side. For a Microsoft surface or a laptop with touch screen removing your fingers off the keyboard to touch the screen is cumbersome. I also found myself rarely detaching the keyboard.

    • For a portable TV otherwise known as iPad a touchscreen is about the same as a dial on the side.

      Funny, that. I rarely use my ipad for video. Sometimes I stream videos to my AppleTV using my ipad, but most of what I do on my ipad is web consumption--just the standard mix of text and graphics, mind you not web video. aside from that, there's kindle, and reading pdfs.
      But of course, I may well be an outlier.

      A large screen ipad might be good for drawing, provided that the stylus can be accurate enough-- drawing on my ipad feels like I'm in kindergarten, fingerpainting. Then again, I'm not the artistic type

  • I think MS would complain if I called that vaporware, because even they didn't steep that low. This ain't even a "we kinda sorta think we might one day" announcement. It's some leaked (yeah, right) rumors about what some tech giant could be thinking about making.

    How the fuck is this relevant in ANY way?

  • by BitZtream ( 692029 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @06:58PM (#48178123)

    Okay, so I don't know what they'd name it, but I would kill for a Surface Pro style device running OSX with a thunderbolt port on it.

    Two separate modes of operation, iOS like modes for when I'm in tablet mode, OSX like mode when I'm attached to a real keyboard, pointing device and display.

    I'd kill twice if they packed it into something the size of the iPhone6 or 6s.

    I would easily pay $4k or more, probably even 5k if they could some how cram 8-16G of ram, 512GB of flash, a haswell chip for docked mode, an ARM for mobile mode into something the size of a iPhone 6s if it had a thunderbolt port and could fully mutate between the two modes, hell, it wouldn't need to share apps, just storage space so that native apps for each mode could access the same data.

    I've been wanting this for several years and we're rapidly approaching the point of being able to do a full on developers level of CPU power/ram in a phone sized device. I'm seriously considering a surface pro for this reason but its just not quite there yet, its damned close. If Apple took the same hardware and released it with OSX, I'd buy it and accept the early adopter penalty of having to replace it in 2 years when they get it done right.

    I don't want a macbook air, I want a surface pro running OSX in desktop mode, iOS in mobile mode and nothing more than a thunderbolt port for docking.

    Apple, please take my freaking money and give me this.

  • Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday October 18, 2014 @08:02PM (#48178313)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
