Silicon Valley Fights Order To Pay Bigger Settlement In Tech Talent Hiring Case 200
The Washington Post carries a story from the Associated Press that says the big companies hit hardest by Judge Lucy Koh's ruling in the "No Poaching" case have not suprisingly appealed that ruling, which found that a proposed settlement of $324.5 million to a class-action lawsuit was too low. The suit, filed on behalf of 60,000 high-tech workers allegedlly harmed by anti-competitive hiring practices, will probably enter its next phase next January or March. (Judge Koh is probably
not very popular at Apple in particular.) If you're one of those workers (or in an analogous situation), what kind of compensation or punitive action do you think is fair?
Punitive Damages? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Punitive Damages? (Score:5, Insightful)
It's a class action. The only person that is really winning here is the lawyer that is getting $150,000,000 for bringing the suit.
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> It's a class action. The only person that is really winning here is the lawyer that is getting $150,000,000 for bringing the suit.
No. This case is different. Those lawyers were all set to sell out the people in the class for peanuts - they were happy to do it because they were getting the lion's share of the money. But the judge said fuck no! and put the kibosh on that collaboration and said that it wasn't fair to the actual people who got screwed over. I am not much of a court watcher but having a
Re:Punitive Damages? (Score:4, Insightful)
It's a class action. The only person that is really winning here is the lawyer that is getting $150,000,000 for bringing the suit.
To put it into perspective the existing settlement is $5400 per class action participant showing just how much IT workers are under paid for the investment required to be skilled enough to do the work.
As to the lawyer, someone had to bring the suit because it's not as if IT workers have representation of their own and I expect a case like that was expensive to run. I doubt that the lawyers company will be looked upon favorably by the tech giants anymore either, so if the figure you say is real then it's about right for someone sticking their neck out against a group of behemoths that make that amount of money look like chump change.
Think about it, how much money to you expect Apple et. al would pay to reduce their primary capital expenditure, labour costs?
It's unlikely that tech giants will want that kind of represetation to survive to threaten them again and they want other lawyers will think twice about representing IT people thus making it more expensive for IT folk to get what they are entitled to.
If you need proof that IT folk are underpaid, here is one of the few times an ordinary person can see exactly what machinations occur to keep it that way.
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I wouldn't be so sure. If they're like most employment lawyers that I'm familiar with, they work both sides of the table, so odds are they've helped other companies screw over their people in the past.
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Re:Punitive Damages? (Score:5, Interesting)
You have to wonder how much the employees were really hurt by this. It was a 'no poaching' agreement. That meant that recruiters from those companies weren't going to call down the entire Rolodex of the competing firms and try to recruit. But.... there are nothing stopping external recruiters from doing that. And there was nothing stopping individuals from switching on their own.
There's some logic to an agreement like that. Each of these firm's recruiters could waste huge amounts of employee time in their competitors by making thousand of recruiting calls.
Re:Punitive Damages? (Score:5, Informative)
There was an "agreement" between the companies that said they weren't supposed to hire workers from the other companies. It was more than poaching, it was to keep workers where they were. Sure, some people moved between companies, but a majority of us didn't make it past the filters...
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And many others heard rumors that this was happening and decided not to even try to change jobs. Either way, everyone involved was harmed, and a lot more than any piddling $5,400. Even people who weren't considering changing jobs were harmed, because preventing competition between employers inherently keeps salaries down below the level that they would naturally reach in a free market.
The bigger problem with allowing this settlement is that if these companies get away with paying a tiny fraction of the a
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Yeah, they could just pack up and move to another city as well, or just accept less at a firm that hasn't been able to participate in a no-poach agreement - either way it's the employees or a potential competitor's, expense.
Re:Punitive Damages? (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes, they absolutely were. The only way to get raises these days is to find a new job, no this is not restricted to Silicon Valley. If you sit in the same job you will be lucky to get a wage increase close to the cost of living increase each year. This particular illegal activity restricted people from getting new higher paying jobs, for years. Even if they were qualified for the jobs (which these same companies claim don't exist and lobby for increases in H1B people).
The 60,000 people that were impacted by this particular crime will see maybe 1,000.00, so the punishment is not severe enough. The judge should cap the attorney fees on this and quadruple the fine to ensure fair compensation for the people harmed by these criminal acts.
If this sounds harsh, consider that some of the executives responsible are making 100 times the wage of the employees harmed by their crimes. Perhaps they should get fired and face personal liability to their previous employers for their criminal activities.
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The 60,000 people that were impacted by this particular crime will see maybe 1,000.00, so the punishment is not severe enough. The judge should cap the attorney fees on this and quadruple the fine to ensure fair compensation for the people harmed by these criminal acts.
If this sounds harsh, consider that some of the executives responsible are making 100 times the wage of the employees harmed by their crimes. Perhaps they should get fired and face personal liability to their previous employers for their criminal activities.
Your feelings are understandable, but what you're suggesting wouldn't be legal.
Even if the Judge ordered any of it, it would all get turned over on appeal.
What you're really saying is that you don't like the law and our government. Get less angry at the companies and more angry at your government.
This is a civil case, you need it to be a criminal case with some teeth, and perhaps a few laws changed, to get what you want. Since you can't change laws after the fact (nor should you be able to), it would only
Re:Punitive Damages? (Score:5, Informative)
You dont need to wonder, you need to read:
http://pando.com/2014/03/22/re... [pando.com]
http://pando.com/2014/01/23/th... [pando.com]
Some estimates put it as high as $9 billion.
This wasn't just about cold calling. The chilling effects were far more reaching. It's just that the documented evidence only referred specifically to cold calling, so that is what can be proved. In reality this was much more of a "gentleman's agreement" and it had the effect of driving down wages at dozens of large companies possibly affecting ~1 million workers. If you think it stopped with just poaching and had no other effect, you are being naive. Google actually had to raise some salaries due to Facebook not participating.
Here are just some of the companies involved:
Apple, Inc
Comcast Corporation
IBM Corporation (Junior hires okay—also applies to subsidiaries)
Intel Corporation
AOL, Inc.
Clear Channel Communications, Inc.
Dell, Inc.
Earthlink, Inc
Virgin Media, Inc. (Formerly NTL, Inc.)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/2136... [scribd.com]
http://pando.com/tag/techtopus... [pando.com]
Unseal the documentation too (Score:5, Interesting)
The thing we really need here is public justice. If the world does not know how these ultra rich are conspiring against them, then there is no justice. They need to unseal all of the evidence, no exceptions.
Also I think it's important to note one of the plaintiffs (Michael Devine) who pushed the judge into ruling against this, the lawyers wanted to walk away with their check.
From a May 2014 CNET article [cnet.com]
Plaintiff fights Apple, Google settlement in wage-fixing suit
A programmer who is part of the class action lawsuit against several tech giants says $324 million isn't enough.
"As an analogy," Devine wrote to Koh, according to the Times, "if a shoplifter is caught on video stealing a $400 iPad from the Apple Store, would a fair and just resolution be for the shoplifter to pay Apple $40, keep the iPad, and walk away with no record or admission of wrongdoing? Of course not."
Had the case gone to trial as planned at the end of May, court filings indicate, the tech employees would have sought $3 billion. Lucasfilm, Pixar, and Intuit agreed to settle last year for a combined $20 million, covering 8 percent of the employees named in the suit.
Re:Unseal the documentation too (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem we have in the US is that firms are given a great deal of leeway to insure that they can charge as high as price as the market will bear, but labor is severely restricted in doing the same. For instance firms are free to form collectives that lobby congress and produce promotional campaigns, even to the point of forcing companies to pay for such promotions, but unions have to bill lobbying efforts separate and members can opt out. Likewise firms are allowed to use some pretty significant tools to prevent labor from organizing, though firms are free to do the same with few restrictions.
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and as a logical consequence,
The second is a given, if you understand this:
Maximizing profit is an aspect of capitalism
Minimizing cost is also an aspect of capitalism
Minimizing opportunity for your labor to make itself more profitable is a logical outcome of capitalism. Age and minimum wage laws are anti-capi
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Being able to opt out of a union is called right-to-work. It is not true in all states, essentially red states have right-to-work and blue states if the union wins the election they represent all the workers and collect fees from everyone. In particular it is not true in California. If there was a tech union every employee in the unionized companies would have to be part of it.
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The thing we really need here is public justice. If the world does not know how these ultra rich are conspiring against them, then there is no justice. They need to unseal all of the evidence, no exceptions.
The world already knows, it just doesn't care...
Look at Snowden... frankly, many of us already suspected some of it, but he put it out there for all to see.
You know what? The vast majority of people just don't care. Some even support it.
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Kinda like if a dog is beaten since puppyhood, it won't understand that it is free to object later in life.
Until it snaps and rips the abuser's throat out, of course.
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Yea, kinda like that...
After all, the American Revolution didn't happen for no reason, the English King was so abusive for so long, it's new puppy did just that.
One day, it will happen again. It may or may not be in our lifetimes, but the status quo won't last forever.
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I don't think apathy needs an advocate. There really is no sense in loudly proclaiming defeatism. Sure, some people don't care, but the defendants would not have worked so hard to keep documents sealed if *nobody* cared. This case is being widely covered by the media:
Reuters: http://uk.reuters.com/article/... [reuters.com]
Time: http://time.com/42322/steve-jo... [time.com]
Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/ee7535... [ft.com]
And over 186 more articles just from the past few days [google.com]
So I don't know about what you said right there. I don't
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Similar articles were posted in similar numbers after Snowden as well.
Nothing has changed and everyone has moved on.
When a million people march on Washington, then I'll believe the people care.
Look at the civil rights movement, that was a long time coming, but clearly large numbers of people cared and they changed the country, but it took a lot more than 186 articles linked from Google to do it.
A thousand people protesting is news... For a day or two...
A million people protesting is a movement.
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Now there you go, writing a reasonable and considered reply... What are you doing on Slashdot? :)
All fair points, I have nothing to add, other than I could run around in circles all day long with the subject...
I get both sides, perhaps because I'm a business owner and have employed many people. More than once I've had employees tell me what I can and cannot do.
Sigh... I always tell them, "feel free to quit and go start your own business and do it better, but as long as this one is mine, we'll do it my wa
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People care, they just don't think they can change it. It's learned helplessness, a reign of terror that keeps people bound in delusions of powerlessness. Some identify with the oppressor - an entity which ultimately exists only in our collective imagination - either because it lets them pretend they're not chained, or gives gives them material privilege, or often both. Some cover in fear from the horrible thing slithering in
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All true... I actually agree with much of what you said...
Allow me to rephrase...
People don't care enough to march on Washington by the millions. Clearly change can happen, look at the civil rights movement. Look at suffrage..
It does happen, but it takes something bigger than this to change it.
Do I think these companies are right? No, I don't. But my thinking that doesn't mean much if I'm not out protesting.
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The class action settlement is, at most, $5,408.33 per *worker
Take out the 25% cut for the lawyers, and it's $4,056.25 per *worker.
Lawyers and companies love to wave around these big figures as if it's a success, but it's actually a huge joke.
*I used 60,000, but TFA says "more than 60,000"
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Let's see, that would be about 10K/year/worker, so 10K * 5 * 60000 = $3billion. Treble damages makes it $9 billion.
Arguably, another year should be added since even if the practice stops (really stops, not just pretend) right now, salaries won't jump to where they should have been overnight.
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Fair? (Score:4, Insightful)
Fair? Cancel all of their H1B visas.
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An airline ticket home?
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That's racist!
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Re:Fair? (Score:5, Insightful)
Fair? Cancel all of their H1B visas.
Your suggestion has some implicit assumptions which I don't think are valid in this case. At the level of Apple, Google, et al., they don't hire H1-Bs to suppress wages. At Google, at least, I know that salary is a non-issue in the hiring process. Salary requirements aren't even considered until after the hire/no-hire decision is made, and even then they have little impact on the offer... Google offers what it considers reasonable based on your experience, etc. And, actually, Google offers such good money that it's uncommon for candidates who receive offers to turn them down. So Google is paying enough to attract American talent. Google also hires people on H1-Bs, but only because Google hires anyone who is legally hire-able and can make it through the interview process and hiring committee. I strongly suspect that Apple is the same.
I'm not denying that there are segments of the industry who hire H1-Bs in preference to Americans in order to keep wages down, but I really don't think that's the case at the companies involved in this case.
WAKE UP!!! (Score:2, Insightful)
"they don't hire H1-Bs to suppress wages"
YES THEY DO! You need to wake up and smell the coffee... they're just being more sophisticated and diabolical than you are.
Here's how it works: First, they often dishonestly hire the H1-B's (frequently by tailoring "job requirements" in ways that only the people they want fit the "requirements" even when these phoney requirements have no relationship to the job; the first goal is to have a number of immigrants on visas in the workforce - the precise number and the
Re:WAKE UP!!! (Score:4, Insightful)
First, they often dishonestly hire the H1-B's (frequently by tailoring "job requirements" in ways that only the people they want fit the "requirements" even when these phoney requirements have no relationship to the job
Umm, Google doesn't define detailed requirements for technical positions. In fact, they don't even hire people for specific positions. The interview and hiring process is all about identifying people who are smart and can think on their feet, and decisions about what projects to put them on come after the hiring decision has been made. It's expected that almost nothing you know from any previous job will even apply at Google because the environment and tools are so different (everything is custom, in-house).
What you're describing definitely does happen -- I've seen it! -- but it's not relevant at the companies involved here.
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Were that true, they wouldn't be involved in this class action.
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Were that true, they wouldn't be involved in this class action.
This class action has nothing to do with H1-Bs. I don't think it was even so much about keeping wages down, as it does executives thinking their friends shouldn't be "stealing" from them. Though it definitely did prevent wage increases.
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It has everything to do with colluding to keep salaries down. Clearly, they are at least somewhat interested in keeping salaries down (more interested than is legal in fact).
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Ahhh yes, lets punish apple for punishing their employee's by punishing even more of them.
$5.4K Per Person. (Score:2)
At $324.5 million, that only comes out to $5.4K per person. Which is obviously way too low.
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That's a $200 itunes gift card each, and $300M for the lawyers.
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$324,500,000 minus 1/3 for lawyer = $216,333,333.33 $216,333,333.33 divided by 60,000 people = $3,605.56 each
Of course they'll have to pay tax as well.
This is taking into account, I'm assuming, only the difference between what they made at their job, and what they could have made if they had been "poached" and taking into account the time taken to get to court. They aren't taking into account (and
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If these people are worth spending the time to "poach" then they won't have a hard time finding a job.
The reality is that most of them weren't. There is just no way that 60,000 is a reasonable number.
Let's do some math (Score:4, Insightful)
If there were 60,000 impacted workers and the no-poaching agreement lowered the average salary for them by $10,000 each/year than that would translate into $600,000,000/year that the agreement was in place. If we tap it out at 10 years that would be 6 Billion dollars in actual damages. Let's add on punitive damages as well because if the only costs associated with breaking the law is that if you get caught you have to pay what you would have paid in the first place there is no motivation to not illegally screw your workers. So we double that and have a possible jury verdict of 12 Billion Dollars
However to be fair too the companies in question this is a settlement where to avoid the pain of lawyers and dragging it out they pay upfront. So let's reduce the total payout to 25% of what their potential liability would be. I think 3 Billion Dollars or 10X what they are currently offering might be a reasonable starting point for discussions
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forbidding them to pursue work outside their current company for a period of two years
Nice idea, but you can't do that... that is slavery or indentured servitude, we outlawed that a long time ago...
You can't tell someone where they must work.
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Yes, they are telling you where you can't work.
I said that no one can tell you where you must work.
The OP above me said that to give the CEOs a taste of their own medicine, they should be forced to work there for several years.
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How about making 50 percent of their stock options or paychecks for the period they were working at these companies go towards offsetting the costs the companies punitive damages turn out to be.
Ok, so now we're not suing the companies, we're suing the CEO and executives?
Are they are party to this lawsuit? Did they personally do any of this? How much did they know?
In any case, any "judgement" you place on them would just be paid by the companies anyway, so what difference does it make?
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This is a civil case, not a criminal one.
Or do you want to throw out the law and just be a dictatorship?
To do what you suggest requires that an existing law be broken, someone be brought to trial, and be convicted by a jury of his/her peers.
The restitution the plaintiff are seeking cannot include what you're asking.
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I think 3 Billion Dollars or 10X what they are currently offering might be a reasonable starting point for discussions
Apple alone makes that in a few weeks, spread across those companies, even that amount wouldn't make a dent.
If it was 30 billion, you might get their attention, but that amount would be absurd.
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Why would that be absurd? When individuals are facing legal judgments, they often face huge figures that destroy their financial situation. Why should corporations be safeguarded against that risk?
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Because if you fine an individual 3 million dollars and his/her net worth is only $30,000, they just declare bankruptcy and move on with life.
Or not...
But if you fine Apple into bankruptcy, you harm much more than just a few people within the company, you harm the economy, thousands of innocent workers, and many people related to the business who had nothing to do with it...
It sounds so simple to just say, "fine, we'll take away their money, or their patents, or something..."
But when the rubber meets the ro
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^ This, times ten...
This doesn't exist in a bubble... the outcome of this and the effect on wages will have an effect far beyond this one situation...
If the price of labor rises 25% here, it becomes just that much more reasonable to move some of it overseas...
Do these people want to have no jobs at all?
What's Google saying to their current employees (Score:3, Interesting)
Google has an open meeting every Thursday. Open to employees, anyone can ask a question. I'd be really curious if they have an honest response as to why they are fighting or how they justify their previous actions.
The math on this one is basically simple (Score:5, Interesting)
So let's say the top competitive salaries were $150,000 and that people got $100,000 (probably a much larger spread), and that this all went on for an average of 5 years. So:
5*50,000*1.5*1.3*60,000 which works out to around 29,250,000,000 or basically 30 billion dollars.
Considering the amount of money these companies make from each employee this is actually a fairly reasonable number. Considering that this is 60,000 top tech people who then often lived in very expensive parts of the US their losses from these illegal actions were not insubstantial.
My above numbers also assume a $50,000 dollar gap. Often with stocks and bonuses companies that weren't part of this cartel paid much higher, I know one top tier school math grad who is earning solidly in the $300,000 plus lots of perks and bonuses right out of school working for a large SF tech company.
To put the $324.5 in perspective, a top employee who comes up with a cool feature or new product line could easily have generated that much profit for any one of the larger tech companies. An interesting example of this was in the history of GTA (which I recently read) where the original game had you playing the cops. It was apparently boring as hell. But some enterprising employee swapped it around and it was instant fun. That one guy effectively put the company on the map. The other game might have sent the company into the dusty shelves of mediocre game history.
It is not that all 60,000 of the people in the lawsuit would generate that much money but that I suspect at least one of them did.
Silicon Valley Fights what? (Score:2)
I read this as "Silicon Valley Fights In Order To Pay Bigger Settlement In Tech Talent Hiring Case"
Now that totally reversed what the title was saying!
jail (Score:5, Insightful)
what kind of compensation or punitive action do you think is fair?
Continuing the analogy given by the plaintiff, if you steal a $400 iPad, you're going to jail. So, send the fuckers to jail. There are emails, from individuals. Those individuals committed crimes. Put them in jail.
Rich people & corporations have money, lots of it. And they can always get more. ANY financial penalty is "only money".
We all have a limited amount of time on this planet. 10 years in prison should convince other CEOs to not be dumb again.
Sorry (Score:2)
When you sue for damages you are in CIVIL COURT. That is a different system, you can't do jail time and about all you can do is deal with money.
Stealing is a criminal offense; you'd have to find a criminal law on the books you could get them for doing this. I hear that racketeering criminal law was somewhat broad...
As far as the amount of $$ as a civil case one shouldn't be able to sue as punishment but only for damages (which they seem to extend to the limit with mental harm etc.) This big corps always se
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Re:Who cares if they pay $0 (Score:5, Informative)
WTF are you talking about? The amount is for a class action lawsuit not a government fine.
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324 million divided by 60,000 is $5,400 per person. Before Lawyers tax their share.
In reality those 60,000 people will see less than $2500 each.
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If any companies had wanted to expatriate, they would have already done so. They stay in an expensive place such a
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While that sounds nice and might feel good to say, you actually wouldn't want that to happen.
The law of unintended consequences would kick in here.
Re:good plan (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:good plan (Score:5, Informative)
This isn't a government action. It's a class action lawsuit by former employees.
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It is a government actions, specifically this lawsuit is based on the federal anti-trust laws, which are completely unconstitutional and illegal and detrimental to the economy in every way.
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That is your personal opinion and does not reflect over a century of case law. I should have said "I believe this is completely unconstitutional even though every properly constituted court of law has held otherwise, because my opinion is all that matters".
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You're joking, right? Antitrust laws are only detrimental to one aspect of the economy: the unregulated ability for a few individuals or corporations to make an obscene amount of money at the expense of everyone else. When a monopoly exists, it gains an incredible amount of power over the free market that is not easy to
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The law is whatever the courts rule. It really is that simple and that capricious.
Yes, but to take that to its logical conclusion, we can take those judges in that court outside to the nearest tree and hang them.
Then get ourselves some new judges who I'm sure will be much more willing to issue rules that we like more.
Our government today doesn't look much like it did 200 years ago, and it sure doesn't fit very well with what the founders of this country had in mind.
Maybe that is ok, maybe it isn't... but I think you'd be hard pressed to say that it hasn't changed to something completely
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As to the conflict here, I don't see compelling interests on either side. As the original poster noted, allowing businesses to collude in hiring would encourage them to employ US workers. OTOH, it's not that much of an incentive.
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Government has no authority to prevent private individuals or business owners from coming to mutual agreements of any kind, including this.
Mr. Rockefeller, there is a Ted Roosevelt on line one.
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Re:good plan (Score:5, Insightful)
When I worked for Bloomberg in New York City, they were constantly firing international employees for theft of intellectual property. Not sure where that charge came from.
Sounds to me that your whole point is that some VC told you how to think. H-1B visa holders are only popular with people like CEOs and VC who really have no experience in the field. Working engineers know that they are wildly overrated. That's why so many companies have abandoned the use of H-1B visa holders. It is a practice valued by people who really don't have any experience in the field. They think it's a good value but in fact it's a myth. Tata produces terrible engineers. They pretend they're going to send experienced engineers here but the people that companies actually get are unexperienced and come here expecting to be trained by US engineers. Then, they produce terrible work and US engineers have to silently rewrite it. I say "silently" because management doesn't want to hear that fact because they want to push the fiction that they're saving money. So, then, the cycle continues where management believes it's saving money while domestic engineers have to actually rewrite the crappy code produced by Tata. I have seen this play out in several companies, especially ones located in NYC.
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I have worked with a few who were okay but with so many who were just not that bright.
Finally, you need to watch your correct use of the English language, guy. When I saw "rote" instead of the correct "wrote", it was hard to take your ideas seriously. Just sayin'...
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What the fuck does 'fair' have anything to do with anything? This is government meddling with people's private property (businesses) nothing else.
How exactly is a lawsuit by private citizens "government meddling"?
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How exactly is a lawsuit by private citizens "government meddling"?
That lawsuit takes place in a government court, and only gets enforced through threat of force, by government.
Not saying it shouldn't happen, but it's very much an action of government.
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Which is fine. The alternative would be for the citizens to lynch the managers who perpetrated this and take their money by force.
Well, it's well and good to say it's "fine", but barring that actually happening, nothing will actually change. Some lawyers will get rich, and these corporations will continue to act like shitbags.
So yeah, we gain some things with a legal system, but we lose some things, too. I'm glad to see racially-motivated lynchings reduced, but I'm sorry to see the same for financially-motivated ones.
Re:there is nothing 'fair' about this (Score:5, Insightful)
This is government meddling with people's private property (businesses) nothing else.
Yes, sometimes I wish the government would cease its meddling, like all the laws that allow corporations to become "legal entities" and shield the owners of these corporations from financial losses. The concept of limited liability is evil government meddling.
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Looks like someone who is still living at home, supported by his parents, read Atlas Shrugged.
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What gives you that entitlement and what powers allow you to take that right from others?
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You do not have the right to start a cabal.
1. I have the right to do anything I want.
2. You have the right to try and stop me.
Those are the only two truths in the world, everything else is just feel good nonsense...
Companies are made up of people, people in general tend to do what is in their own best interest.
Nothing new here...
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No, it is spoken like someone who accepts reality and human nature.
Parents beat their children all the time. Some cultures accept this, others do not.
It used to be acceptable in the US, it has largely become not acceptable anymore.
So does this mean it doesn't happen? Of course not, parents can do whatever they want, they are free human beings. You can try and stop them, that is what child protective services is for. You can call them, if they find abused children they have the power to remove them from
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I was wondering the same thing. AFAIK, HP isn't even involved in the case, so it borders on libel to link their logo with this story.
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HP made the printer the story was originally printed on before looking the link up and posting it.
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They're intelligent at coding, not dirty business tricks.
Right, as if tech jobs are easily available that are not being manipulated in a dishonest way.
This voting coulda-shoulda would take decades to have an effect, if at all. What about r
Tech workers should get unionized (Score:2)
Tech workers should get unionized and then they will be able to stand up for there rights. Also we need to unlink healthcare form jobs.
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I have a mate who now works in HR for a FSTE 100 company who used to work in heavy industry and he commented even the tea boy got a grand bung - this was when the average salary was around 2k.
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Put them in jail. The upper management. The Middle Management. All of the individuals who participated. End of Story.
You can't put people in jail who haven't be convicted of a crime...
And they aren't even being charged with one, this is a civil lawsuit...
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In general Apple does hate judges and companies and people and things that don't go its way.
Like all petulant children it will eventually be spanked enough to quit being a little crybaby bully.
Maybe, or perhaps it will kick up campaign spending 10 fold...
Apple could afford to spend a billion dollars a year on politicians without really noticing...
That would have... an effect... many of them actually... Frankly, I'm surprised at how little some of these companies spend on lobbing and other government... payments...
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The much bigger question here is why aren't the executives of the relevant firms being criminally prosecuted under the RICO act? If we really want to see an end to these kinds of practises, a few of the people at the top need to be seen doing the perp walk. Fining a few of the world's richest corporations even a few billion dollars will be totally ineffective, they'll just put it down as a cost of doing business and I can guarantee you they won't then start to hire each other's staff aftewards.
Almost the entire point of forming corporations is to remove the owners from having personal liability for the actions of the corporation.
It doesn't always work, but usually it does.