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Apple Confirms iPhone 5 Preorders Top 2 Million In 24 Hours 428

TheBoat writes "Apple announced on Monday that iPhone 5 preorders topped 2 million units in the smartphone's first 24 hours of pre-sale availability. That figure doubles Apple's first-day iPhone 4S sales last year, making the iPhone 5 Apple's fastest-selling smartphone ever. 'iPhone 5 pre-orders have shattered the previous record held by iPhone 4S and the customer response to iPhone 5 has been phenomenal,' Apple marketing boss Philip Schiller said."
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Apple Confirms iPhone 5 Preorders Top 2 Million In 24 Hours

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  • Wow. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Theophany ( 2519296 )
    Not sure why they're bragging about it, they're way behind the Galaxy S3 on this particular metric.

    Not a troll, just interesting to see the enormous difference in preorder sales between two companies that are constantly at each others' throats.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Right but, are we talking about units sold or units shipped. Apple consistently uses units sold to my knowledge, and then after that it's a crapshoot without additional information.

      • Re:Wow. (Score:5, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 17, 2012 @08:56AM (#41361933)

        Right but, this article was written by the same guy who yesterday wrote this:

        "Well, the only thing even more predictable than response to the iPhone 5 was the fact that preorders would sell out quickly."

        Stop letting this asswipe use slashdot to drive hits on his stories.

        • Re:Wow. (Score:5, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 17, 2012 @11:56AM (#41364151)

          Stop letting this asswipe use slashdot to drive hits on his stories.

          No kidding. If you look at his profile: [], you'll note that it has no posts, just submissions, and they're all to the articles on the same site.

          He's not a member of the Slashdot community, he's a parasite looking to make money from it.

    • Re:Wow. (Score:5, Informative)

      by CharlyFoxtrot ( 1607527 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @08:49AM (#41361859)

      We're talking about the first 24 hours here, US only and directly from consumers. Galaxy S3's 9 million pre-orders was over a longer period, worldwide and pre-orders by carriers. You're comparing apples and lemons.

    • After looking at the specs of the 4S and the 5, I don't understand why anyone would even care about upgrading beyond it being a fashion statement. Especially since it doesn't even fit directly into current iPhone "accessories", which are one of the few real benefits to having an iPod/iPhone.

      • Re:Wow. (Score:4, Interesting)

        by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:08AM (#41362111) Homepage

        Some people will, because they always want the latest and the best. But there are a lot of people like me (with an iPhone 4) or my little sister (who has a 3GS) who are eligible for the full subsidy and for whom it's a major upgrade. For me it's much faster, includes Siri, and a much better camera. For my little sister it's vastly faster, includes a retina display, Siri, a vastly better camera, it's thinner, etc.

        Not everyone ordering is coming off a 4S. I'd imagine most are coming from the 4 or below.

        • I'd imagine most are coming from the 4 or below.

          I've got a iPhone 3G and the 5 is looking like a pretty nice upgrade.

          Apple sold about 74 million iPhones by the end of fiscal 2010. I'm sure some have upgraded but a lot of people are probably still carrying around a 3G, 3GS or 4 and are finally ready to upgrade to the latest, with a new service contract.

          • by jest3r ( 458429 )

            Yes I too still have the 3G (was stuck in a 3-year contract) and just pre-ordered the iPhone 5 which compared to the 3G is going to be a night and day kind of upgrade !!!

            I would imagine any legacy customers will using the 3G / 3GS will take the opportunity to upgrade for sure.

        • Not everyone ordering is coming off a 4S. I'd imagine most are coming from the 4 or below.

          And all those people who didn't want a 4 or 4S ... they simply *HAD* to order their 5 on the first day, right? They couldn't possibly wait any longer than that.


          • The problem is that iPhones have historically sold out and then remain hard to get for a few weeks after. So if you want a newly released iPhone, you have to either get in really early, stand in line all day at a store, or wait about a month or more.

            For me, leaving AT&T is a huge deal. I was still on AT&T when I bought the 4 two years ago and I simply cannot take another day with these idiot fraudsters. So I wanted to jump on the new phone ASAP and not have to deal with standing in line.

            Plus, my

            • The problem is that iPhones have historically sold out and then remain hard to get for a few weeks after. So if you want a newly released iPhone, you have to either get in really early, stand in line all day at a store, or wait about a month or more.

              And the rest of us really have to give you beta testers a hand. Thanks for all the hard work!

          • Funny you mention that. I have two friends who both have older iPhones (a 3GS and a 4) and who preordered. One (with an iPhone 4) because he's on AT&T, and his contract recently expired, and now that he's off contract, wants to switch to Verizon. The other (with the 3GS) is simply looking for a faster-and-better model, and has been grousing for months about the slow performance of his old 3GS, but was holding out for the iPhone 5 to be released to upgrade, figuring he'd move to the "latest & grea

      • Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by beelsebob ( 529313 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:23AM (#41362245)

        Probably no one would upgrade from the 4S, even though it does have twice as much RAM, a CPU that's twice as fast, a GPU that's twice as fast, a bigger screen, ...

        But upgrades from the 4 or the 3GS... Almost certainly tons of people.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by alen ( 225700 )

        i secretly pre-ordered one for my wife because her 4 is already off contract. she wasn't interested until i told her it has a much better camera especially for low light photos and dedicated CPU space for better photo quality. when you have 2 kids things like this matter. not rooting and tooting and staying up all night getting excited by cryptic commands on a black background

      • I think they are people with iPhone 3 something and less with the iPhone 4. those with the 4S probably are not rushing to upgrade, except for the must have everything new crowd.

      • by mlts ( 1038732 ) *
        I have my upgrade order from a 4 for one simple reason -- a higher storage capacity. iCloud Match is nice, but I end up out in areas where there is EDGE coverage or no coverage, so having music on the device itself is always useful.

        Plus, there are some low-level security features which can't hurt. The iPhone 4S and newer use a better salting technique preventing the passcode hash from being copied off [1] (although a four digit PIN copied off will be cracked quickly no matter what [2].)

        [1]:http://www. []

        • [2]: If you set a password (not a PIN) and use all numbers, when the iPhone asks for the code, it will pull up a numeric keypad, not the complete keyboard. Yes, it might lower security as an attacker knows the PIN is only numbers, but it is a lot easier to enter in the code that way.

          If that concerns you, you can use Apple's free iPhone
          Configuration Utility to create and add a profile that requires a longer passcode. You keep the numeric keypad, but your code can be an arbitrary length. You also get an "O

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by bdenton42 ( 1313735 )
        The thing with the 5 is that it largely catches up to what is out there now for Android. Every iPhone ever released has been a year or more behind in technology, whether it was 2G vs 3G, 3G vs 4G/LTE, screen resolution, CPU speed/cores, etc. Now iPhone has a decent screen (not 720p HD but close), LTE, and fast dual core CPU. I don't see Android making a large leap over that in technology in the short term, so you can finally get an iPhone and won't have to be embarrassed about the features that it is m
        • Re:Wow. (Score:5, Interesting)

          by denmarkw00t ( 892627 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @02:09PM (#41365783) Homepage Journal

          Honestly, I don't mind the hardware not being "top notch" on my crusty ol' iPhone 4 - having to develop web sites for both Android (various devices from phones to tablets to phablets) and iOS, I can say that almost every Android device is terrible. Not for a lack of good specs or power, but because the OS as a whole is flimsy, unpredictable (I have phones that are fairly new and only have 2.3.1 wtf; the tablet is running HONEY COMB; another phone is running 4.0), and usually seems to at least respond with a noticeable lag. Just rotating the display when in the browser seems to cause a jump, a wait, and finally the catch up to the display being set - it's cute that they do the little "whoa there I'm being rotated lol it tickles!" animation, but in the end I just want the damn thing to be landscape and quickly.

          Android seems like a great OS, but by-and-large it seems the best Android ROMs are those that aren't officially distributed by phone manufacturers, where the community has time and again improved stability and performance in the kernel that would be awesome to see on the general consumer side. What good are 5,000,000 cores if your OS experience is bogged down by "well, it works" mentality to drivers and "ooooohhh shiny" on the UI side?

          Apple tends to win out here when the hardware on the phone is tightly woven to the internals of the OS - they can balance shiny and functional. After two years, my 4 is still kicking, still performing great, and all on crap specs by today's standards. I find it more responsive than my bosses new HTC whatevermajig with ICS.

      • by Cinder6 ( 894572 )

        I'm buying it. After taxes it's $252. I can (and will) sell an iPhone 4 for $170, so it's only $82 for the upgrade. For $82, I get a much better phone than the one I have now. Combine this with the fact that my iPhone 4's home button is starting to stick, and it's a no-brainer.

        • There's a fix for sticking and non-responsive home buttons involving force-quitting a core app (resets something somehow) and shutting down your phone and depressing and then wiping the whole button area thoroughly with alcohol and a q-tip (esp around the edges)... let dry, boot back up. I did both of these with mine last July and it's been like new ever since.

          The first step sounds like voodoo, but I did it and immediately the button was working again. I only did the second step as well because it seemed

      • Really? Complaining about people's buying habits? Wow. Next you'll be complaining about people's Facebook posts...
        • Did you fail to see the irony of your post before you hit submit? Anyway, I'm not complaining so much as musing. And as for Facebook/YouTube comments from the general public.. don't get me started ;)

    • Do you have a source? I could find no data on 24-hr pre-sale rate for the Galaxy SIII.

      I did find the wikipedia page for the Samsung Galaxy S III [], which lists 9 million pre-orders from Carriers in the first 2 weeks based on an anonymous Samsung Official. They then compare this to the 4 million pre-sales of the iPhone 4S. I found no citation for the pre-sale rates for iPhone, but the wikipedia page for the iPhone 4S [] claims 4 million sold (to customers?) in the first 3 days of availability.

      Compare that
      • Just to clarify, the iPhone 5 isn't available yet, so the first two weeks for comparison doesn't start until 9/21. Pre-orders are considered "sold" on 9/21 and will be wrapped into "first day" sales I believe. I'm not exactly sure how preorders that won't ship until weeks 1-3 are counted. Are they "sales" on 9/21, or the date they ship? I'd guess 9/21, because they will word it however they need to so that they have the biggest number on launch day.

        It's all really marketing.

    • Uhh no, Samsung quoted "hundreds of thousands" of preorders within the first 24 hours. 9 million in total before it launched.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 17, 2012 @08:51AM (#41361879)

    By my calculations it's actually 1389 (rounded up) every minute.

  • Perspective (Score:2, Interesting)

    by onyxruby ( 118189 )

    Let's keep some perspective here. They only sell one model at a time. All of the other vendors sell multiple models at the same time. The implication is that this is somehow the leading phone ecosystem or some such thing. In reality Apple doesn't even sell as many smart phones as Samsung alone [], never mind all of the other vendors.

    Android has 68% of the worldwide market compared to 17% for apple, which slipped from 19% a year before. Look I'm all for personal choice, I think apple has some pretty neat things

    • Re:Perspective (Score:5, Informative)

      by mgscheue ( 21096 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:01AM (#41362019) Homepage

      They sell three models at any given time. It was the 3GS, 4, and 4S and now it's the 4, 4S, and 5. I just ordered a "free" 4 for my wife to replace her 3GS.

    • Re:Perspective (Score:5, Informative)

      by the computer guy nex ( 916959 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:06AM (#41362069)
      Probably because 31% of North Americans are likely to purchase the iPhone 5. []

      Most of Android marketshare comes from prepaid and free-after-subsidy low end phones with no margin. This is why every Android manufacturer combined times 4 doesn't equal only Apple's profit.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        I like it how fanbois point out Apple's huge margin on iPhone as something to be proud of. "Hey, check it out how they overpriced it and still we buy it in bunches! Ain't it amazing?"

        • I wouldn't call $199 overpriced?

          • Re:Perspective (Score:5, Insightful)

            by JustNiz ( 692889 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:57AM (#41362685)

            Apple 5 will be $199? I think not.

            $199 might be the subsidised price a phone company will sell you a branded, locked down version as long as you sign up for a 2 year plan. Actually for that deal I would even call $199 overpriced.

            Now try and just buy the phone without all of that. It'll be like $600.

          • Re:Perspective (Score:4, Informative)

            by JustNiz ( 692889 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:59AM (#41362699)

            Actually I just checked.

            Unlocked iPhone 5 Price: $649 (16GB), $749 (32GB) and $849 (64GB).

            With a two-year contract, iphone 5 Price: $199 (16GB), $299 (32GB) and $399 (64GB).

            $849 for a phone? hell yeah its overpriced.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          The Samsung Galaxy S 3 costs as much as an iPhone 5. Premium phones have premium prices. But *most* of the phones Samsung sells are not premium phones.

          The hateboi mantra of "overpriced" seems like a pretty weak way to argue against something. Nice things cost money, and usually in a non-linear way. That's how the world is.

      • Most of Android marketshare comes from prepaid and free-after-subsidy low end phones with no margin.

        This argument is undercut by the post above. Apple sells older versions of its phones at lower price points. Currently iPhones range from top tier (5) to free with plan (formerly 3GS, now will be 4). Same as Android phones. So no you can't argue that Android's greater market share is because they're giving the phones away for free. They give iPhones away for free too.

        Both types of phones now compet

    • by alen ( 225700 )

      Around the world lots of carriers offer heavy minute/SMS and lite on data plans. I've read of some plans in the 200mb range.

      I bet a lot of these worldwide android sales are like that. Just a replacement for the old BREW phones

      I was going to buy my wife's 80 year old grandma a droid just for the huge screen to replace her landline and put her on the family plan with us. She's never been on the Internet or even sent a text it she might get a gmail and google plus account soon

    • Re:Perspective (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Missing.Matter ( 1845576 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:08AM (#41362109)
      Isn't this pretty much a repeat of the PC wars all over again?
      • You hit the nail on the head. This is a repeat of the PC wars all over again. A smart phone is just a small PC that happens to make phone calls.

  • Apple does not release preorder numbers directly from carriers, and the iPhone 5 is launching on more carriers than any other iPhone version.
  • by StripedCow ( 776465 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:01AM (#41362013)

    Let's stop putting money into these closed systems.
    Only open systems can help reduce e-waste (just look at Linux, which can actually breathe new life into an old i386).

    • by Sique ( 173459 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:31AM (#41362359) Homepage

      I'm not convinced that keeping an old i386 alive is such a good idea from an environmental point of view. If you get a $25 Raspberry Pi, the added waste to the landfill is not more than a single ISA card from the i386 (e.g. to add network capabilities), but it runs on 3.5 Watts instead of 120. So yes, it is possible to keep old i386 alive with Linux, and no, there is not much point in doing so except the smug "because I can".

      • Granted, I exaggerated a little. But it depends of course on how often you use your computer, and how much garbage an old machine produces.

        My point was that buying a new gadget every other year produces garbage that can be avoided. Open systems can extend the useful lifetime of a product.

        Also consider that if I need an app that exists only on iOS, and an app that exists only on Android, I have to buy TWO phones. Again, predominance of open systems may solve this.

    • by EGSonikku ( 519478 ) <> on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:38AM (#41362457)

      Yeah, that's worked well for Android handsets, most of which can't be upgraded, or if lucky maybe once! Versus "evil closed Apple!" who on the 19th will be releasing iOS 6, including for the 3+ year old iPhone 3GS. And Apple actually has done a fair amount of open source (including WebKit and the OS X kernel): []

      • Not sure about the GP, but I would consider Android systems to be closed... with the exception of a few that may not try to lock the sytems down.

      • So? The open ecosystem has helped creating custom roms, I have upgraded my Wildfire with CyanogenMod beyond HTC's stock firmware to the latest Gingerbread version, ICS version is also in the works. True, not an ideal solution as I've needed to unlock my phone, but it is better than Apple choicewise.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Metabolife ( 961249 )

      My experience has been that iOS can breathe new life into an old ARM while Android will destroy the battery.

    • by mlts ( 1038732 ) *

      I'd keep the 386 around for historic reasons, but compared to the energy use of a small "biscuit" PC with a VIA or low power x86 CPU, 8-16 GB of RAM [1], and a SSD, the 386 is a power hog.

      Even a regular PC with an instance of VMWare Workstation or VirtualBox would be better because it would use a lot less power.

      I've fallen into that trap myself. However, there is a point where old hardware is so energy ineffecient compared to a modern machine and an emulator or VM product, that updating becomes a must even

  • by kiriath ( 2670145 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @09:30AM (#41362347)

    ALL those people that pre-ordered the samsung devices 'Sight unseen' were ok though... right?

    People who pre-order anything are idiots... people who buy tickets in advance for a movie are stupid too right? They are sheep blindly following some silly trailer and thinking they might enjoy a movie. People who pre-order video games, music albums... dvds... all sheep. Right?

    I hate when people use the term 'sheeple'... I am fully in charge of my technological wants and desires... I have several android devices, but I really enjoy my apple devices. I have the resources to upgrade when they come out with something new and I do. How does this make me a sheep? I'm not blindly purchasing some mythical happy box because someone said so... if I didn't want it, I wouldn't buy it. Simple as that.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
