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OS X Mountain Lion Review 424

John Siracusa at Ars Technica has published a lengthy and detailed review of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. (Lengthy enough that the review garnered a review of its own.) Siracusa methodically goes through all of the changes in the new version, covering everything from the minor new features to the overarching goals. Quoting: "Despite the oft-cited prediction that Mac will eventually be subsumed by iOS, that's not what's happening here. Apple is determined to bring the benefits of iOS to the Mac, but it's equally determined to do so in a way that preserves the strengths of the Mac platform. Where we Mac nerds go wrong is in mistaking traditions for strengths. Loss aversion is alive and well in the Mac community; with each 'feature' removed and each decision point eliminated from our favorite OS, our tendency is to focus heavily on what's been lost, sometimes blinding ourselves to the gains. But the larger problem is that losses and gains are context-dependent. A person who never uses a feature will not miss it when it's gone. We all pay lip service to the idea that most users never change the default settings in software, but we rarely follow this through to its logical conclusion. The fact is, we are not the center of the market, and haven't been for a long time. Three decades ago, the personal computer industry was built on the backs of technology enthusiasts. Every product, every ad was created to please us. No longer. Technology must now work for everyone, not just 'computing enthusiasts.'" A somewhat briefer review is available at ComputerWorld, and there's a quick one from John Gruber.
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OS X Mountain Lion Review

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  • This is why I left the commercial software behind so many years ago. Let us contrast OS X, Windows and Linux+GNOME. All have recently succumbed, or will soon, to tablet madness. By this I mean that they are all undergoing an almost total rewrite to target an audience almost exactly unlike the one that currently uses the product. Whether this will be 'successful' is still debatable but for my purpose, as a current or past user, almost beside the point.

    If you are a Mac user, as a drinker of the Kool-Aid y

    • by Moblaster ( 521614 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:03PM (#40767013)

      Look. All I want is a computer with two keys. A 1 and a 0. Preferably really, really big keys. No software. No firmware. Just me and the machine. No way to screw things up. It will do what I tell it, and no more. That way, I can keep banging away until I get either Turing's syndrome, or Tourette's.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:09PM (#40767095)

      This is why I left the commercial software behind so many years ago. Let us contrast OS X, Windows and Linux+GNOME. All have recently succumbed, or will soon, to tablet madness.

      I'd buy that in the case of Win8, and maybe Gnome 3, but not OS X. Apple already owns the most successful tablet OS in the business. OS X has borrowed a few iOS touches, mostly aesthetic [eg superficial and easily ignored] ones, but has not succumbed to "tablet madness" the way Microsoft did. Probably because Apple was the only OS vendor that didn't have an "Oh-shit-we-need-our-own-iPad-thing" reaction.

      OS X still has a Desktop metaphor.
      Still has a user-accessible filesystem.
      Still has windows and a menu bar.
      Doesn't even have native touch-screen support at all

      And these are not accidents, or features that Apple forgot to cover up or replace with tablet-like equivalents. They're there because Apple was smart enough to understand the differences between tablets and traditional PCs, and had enough foresight to come up with a separate OS for the former five years ago.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:42PM (#40767557)

        For all the arguing we do about Apple, there are a few things I think we can agree on with regard to their last decade:

        They plan ahead.

        Everything they do is for a reason consistent with that plan.

        So they're all shiny and finished on the outside, like every little product just pops out effortlessly, but that place is like a well oiled machine on the inside. You don't hear a lot about half-hearted tinkering at Apple. That's not to say they don't have flops, but still, they're on-mission every. single. day. And it's working for them.

    • by ashpool7 ( 18172 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:13PM (#40767159) Homepage Journal

      >Free means never being at the mercy of someone else's business plan.

      It just means being at the mercy of a bunch of random developers instead.

      Nobody has enough time to maintain forks of everything they use, never mind the people who don't even have the knowhow.

      • by jmorris42 ( 1458 ) * <jmorris.beau@org> on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:25PM (#40767305)

        > Nobody has enough time to maintain forks of everything they use, never mind the people who don't even have the knowhow.

        The point is that we usually don't have to. Unless you really are a unique snowflake, you aren't the only one being abandoned. In the case of GNOME going nuts there were lots of options and more directly on point a lot of pissed off former users creating offshoot replacement projects. Most of those will fail but it doesn't matter because it will be because a couple will succeed and attract in attracting the majority of the outcast former GNOME users. You don't HAVE to create everything yourself, from scratch. You can even take the last 'good' version of a software line that goes off the deep end and use that as a starting point.

        If you don't like MIcrosoft or Apple's new direction you have fewer options. You can suck it up, switch operating systems or start a cleanroom cloning effort of the entire stack from scratch. And look at ReactOS or Wine to see how impractical that last option has proven to be.

        • by s73v3r ( 963317 )

          The point is that we usually don't have to

          Thus putting yourself at the mercy of someone else.

      • That depends on who you are. As an individual, sure. As a company with 10,000 employees, things look quite different. Companies like Red Hat or iX Systems will happily let you pay for a fork to be maintained on your behalf.
    • Or the Windows 8 folks could simply click the Desktop tile or install Start8 to boot directly to the desktop.
    • by Bill_the_Engineer ( 772575 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:15PM (#40767199)

      I'm sure you're trying to make a point in there somewhere, but it's pretty evident that you haven't used OS X Lion or the new Mountain Lion. With a few tweaks, my desktop looks the same in Mountain Lion as it does on my older machine running Leopard. I just don't see what you are talking about. A single application named "Launchpad" doesn't mean that OS X has abandoned the desktop and gone tablet crazy.

      Congrats on your effort to somehow include Gnome 3 and your free software slogan in your diatribe.

    • by uptownguy ( 215934 ) <> on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:18PM (#40767239) And here I thought I was just upgrading to a newer release, not drinking Kool-Aid or proving I am a slave or whatever.

      10.8 is a nice dot release. I am VERY happy to have AirPlay mirroring to my AppleTV. I travel and give presentations to small groups and in meetings, knowing that I just lost my tether and will be able to sit anywhere around the table instead of right next to wherever the monitor cable happened to be is kind of nice. I also appreciate the integration with my reminders app on my iPhone.

      I dislike the fact that they removed Podcast Publisher. This means I am going to have to find a workaround for what (had been) an easy workflow for me. I'm sure I'll find other little annoyances over the coming days and weeks. And I'll adjust.

      All things considered, I'm pleased. More than that, though, I guess I'm just really confused by the us-vs.-them mentality in the above post. I happen to use the OS I do because it seems to be the right tool for the job. I also run Windows 7 (via Parallels) so that I can run Visio and MS Project and a few other programs that I need. Sometimes my smartphone is the right tool (happens to be an iPhone but I've seen similar functionality on Android phones and Windows phones) sometimes my tablet... I don't feel "locked in" to any of it any more than I feel locked in by the choices a television network makes for their fall lineup or the choices my state has made for when and where road construction will occur. There are projects in life that are bigger than one person and choices are made we don't always agree with.

      Jeepers. I had no idea I was drinking Kool Aid or stifling dissenting thoughts so as to stave off madness. I've been coming to Slashdot for over 14 years. I appreciate a low 4 digit UID. But really, does a content free screed about how open source is the only right path posted minutes after the article hits the front page really further the discussion about the OS X Mountain Lion review?

      • by DJRumpy ( 1345787 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:54PM (#40767731)

        If you are a Mac user, as a drinker of the Kool-Aid you have no choice. Whatever is coming out is insanely great, you simply must believe that because any other thought would lead to madness. Windows folk will simply bitterly cling to Windows 7 until it end of lifes and hope policy changes, as it often does. They are more like Star Trek fans, they admit there is a pattern to which releases suck and don't suck.

        Perhaps you neglected to mention that you are as 'locked in" to your preconceptions about Apple, Microsoft, and even Linux to the point that you just assumes the 'competition' is doing something boneheaded, even though a read through the article in question would answer most of your preconceptions. The fact that it's marked insightful is pretty telling.

        In what way has OS X "succumbed to tablet madness"?. When the your description of OS X is entirely counter to reality and shows that you have no clue as to what this version of OS X looks like, what the last version looked like, or the version before that, it speaks volumes. Slashdot is about anything that is anti-Apple, Anti-Microsoft, or pro-linux/android. It's no longer someplace to go for an adult discussion of new tech, new software, or new features. It's turned into an Android Thunderdome. I expect this post will be marked 'troll' or 'flamebait', or oddly enough 'Offtopic' even though the thread is an OS X thread because it speaks ill of the general bent of Slashdot these days. They've all put their blinders on and have turned into a Fox News of Technology unless the posts in question praise Google or Android regardless of the story.

        OS X It looks nothing like a tablet OS and is nothing like Windows 8's push to tablefiy it's OS. It borrows some features that work well on a desktop or that are cloud centric, but that's about the extent of it (excluding Launchpad, which for the life of me I still can't figure out why they put it on the desktop). For most Mac users, it's just an OS Update. I'm betting a large number of Mac users can't even tell you the version of the OS, or the name for that matter, just as you would find on a Windows machine, or possibly a Linux machine if they are of the non-geek orientation.

        Is wanting to upgrade to get some decent new features 'drinking the Kool-Aid'? I'm betting that for the majority of us, it's not a religious war. It's just a computer that fits our needs, and this is just an update that adds some decent features for $20 bucks.

        • by Phrogman ( 80473 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:12PM (#40767957)

          Precisely. I used PCs running various flavours of DOS and Windows for years. I was constantly upgrading drivers, fixing problems, updating my components etc. I liked being in control of my hardware, but the net result was a lot of time spent making the computer work.
          Eventually I decided to try an iMac desktop. I love it. yes, I give up the ability to upgrade components, but on the plus side I have had this desktop for 5 years or so and it still meets all my computing needs including gaming. I no longer spend 10-20% of my time fixing something that broke mysteriously. It just works and I can get on with doing what I want to do.

          I also ran various distros of Linux, FreeBSD, even tried out Solaris briefly. When the need could be met by FOSS, I used it, and still do. When the need could be met by commercial software, I used that if I thought it worked better. Eventually I switched to running an iMac that runs OS/X and I am happy with that. I bought an Apple TV, my wife has an iPad, we are happy with those.

          That however is apparently "drinking the koolaid" and I must be put down for enjoying the product I paid for. What fucking bullshit. You know, sometimes when companies really work hard to develop a decent product, it turns out to be decent, and worth the money they charge. Apple is doing that for me, and so long as they continue to do that I will likely buy their products, but when that is no longer true, or something better comes along I will buy that instead. For me, nothing has so far.

      • by thoth ( 7907 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @05:11PM (#40769483) Journal

        I guess I'm just really confused by the us-vs.-them mentality in the above post.

        It's just the cognitive dissonance created when a zealot is forced to reconcile two thoughts: the free market is correct, and customers (i.e. regular people) choose something else than their fervent attachment. They can't figure out why everybody doesn't use the same stuff as they do, after projecting their identical preferences/tastes and workflow or usage patterns onto the rest of humanity. Since they are naturally correct in every way, the conclusion is people are sheep or just don't get it.

        I used to be like that, but I'm also more willing to try stuff out and think critically. Over the years I realized that outside gaming, about 90% of what I do on a computer easily transfers between Windows, OSX, and Linux. These days rather than obsessing over OSes, I'm enjoying programming languages more - just learning and fiddling around with all the various new fangled languages there are. And that stuff is readily available for free on every platform.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      What if. What if Linux and Windows ARE that "multitude of options" to OS X? You know you can install GNOME in OS X and use that, right? You can drop right to a command prompt too and to the lay person it doesn't look any different than any other BSD OS.

      What if. People actually like these improvements? What if you had actually liked GNOME3?

      Dun Dun Dun.

    • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

      This is amusing, because most of the Linux users I know are *constantly* upgrading to the latest version of everything. I'm still using Windows XP at work, though I have 7 at home, and my Mac (and most of my friend's) is/are still on 10.6. If it works, why upgrade?

      In any case, why would you *bitterly* cling to Fedora 14? Does 15 have something you *absolutely* must have? Why did you upgrade to begin with?

    • by Cinder6 ( 894572 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:26PM (#40767319)

      I think you're blowing the "iOS-ness" of Mountain Lion out of proportion. I've been using the GM for a while and the DPs before that, and my core usage has remained unchanged since Lion. "Now wait," you say, "Lion also brought iOS features!" True. Of course, you don't have to use them. My Lion usage patterns are unchanged from Snow Leopard.

      If you look at the main features [], you'll see two things. First, it's not a big update like Leopard or Tiger (hence the $20 price tag). Second, the most iOS-like feature is Notification Center, which is basically just a better version of Growl that Macs have had for years now. Reminders and Notes are apps that appear in iOS, yes, but that's all they are--apps. Use them or don't.

      There are two major features of Mountain Lion. iCloud is the most obvious user-facing one, as it is much more tightly integrated with the OS than it was in Lion. The biggest feature is probably the one least talked about, and that is Gatekeeper. It's pseudo-iOS-like, because by default it only allows apps from "identified" developers to run on your system, but when you try to run an unsigned app it lets you know how to turn it off. It should be noted that "identified" does not mean App Store only, though obviously App Store developers are "identified".

      Compare this to Windows 8, which is getting a near-complete UI change. Or GNOME or Unity and possibly other DEs I haven't used, which are also heavily influenced by tablets. Apple seems to be the only one that isn't trying to completely change my workflow. I wouldn't be sure I'd call this update insanely great or anything--frankly, the iCloud features should have been present in Lion--but it's a nice update and it's cheap.

      • by wfolta ( 603698 )

        Exactly. Since Apple designed the iPad (before the iPhone, actually), it's understood that there are similarities and differences between laptop/desktops and tablets/phones. Microsoft never got this, which is why its tablet and phone OS's sucked: they tried to port a desktop OS and UI into a smaller form factor. Now, Microsoft is assuming that its philosophy was right, but the direction was 180 degrees off: they're porting a phone OS and UI to the desktop.

        Meanwhile, Apple continues to share ideas between th

    • by cpu6502 ( 1960974 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:32PM (#40767399)

      I can dismantle your whole pro-Linux argument with one sentence:

      - Show me how to run Microsoft Visio on Gnome, KDE, or any other distribution so I can open, edit, and then save *.vsd files on my company's network drive.

      I don't use MS-Windows because I like it. Anymore than I drive through interstate jams for fun. I do it because it's the defacto standard that everyone uses. I avoid Microsoft as much as possible but using alternatives (LibreOffice, VLC Player, Winamp, Mozilla seaMonkey, etc). But at the end of the day I still need to use Windows as my base because that's where the office & engineering tools run.

      • I can dismantle your whole pro-Linux argument with one sentence:

        Wow, you're confident.

        - Show me how to run Microsoft Visio on Gnome, KDE, or any other distribution so I can open, edit, and then save *.vsd files on my company's network drive.

        And yet again, your confidence is misplaced...

        I don't use MS-Windows because I like it.

        So, basically, your argument about how free is better because you're not a slave to proprietary software is to show that you are a slave to proprietary software and how you dislike thi

        • by cpu6502 ( 1960974 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:20PM (#40768039)

          The guy's argument was that we should all stop using OS X or Windows. I dismantled the argument by showing that I can't run Visio or ModelSim or other worktools on Linux, because they are only available on Windows.

          Therefore his advice to abandon Windows is an automatic deadend, and as brain-numbingly stupid as the Libertarians' advice to get rid of government-built roads. Clear?

    • by tom17 ( 659054 )

      I came here to see a first post along the lines of "I heard you like reviews so I did a review of your review so you could review your review" or something.

      I don't know if I was happy, or sad, to see an interesting FP instead.

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      If you are a Mac user, as a drinker of the Kool-Aid you have no choice. Whatever is coming out is insanely great, you simply must believe that because any other thought would lead to madness. Windows folk will simply bitterly cling to Windows 7 until it end of lifes and hope policy changes, as it often does. They are more like Star Trek fans, they admit there is a pattern to which releases suck and don't suck. But again, their choice is limited to picking one of the available supported versions. When you hitch yourself to a commercial entity you always subject yourself to their business needs, which are rarely in alignment with your own and you get little input into the decisions they make and few options when they change directions and abandon you.

      Except distros pretty much demand that you're on the upgrade treadmill to get newer versions of software, backports are few and far between and library versions are often carelessly bumped so everything turns into a massive upgrade. For the most part you can install a brand new Windows application on an OS released in 2001 and it'll still work fine. I don't have to "bitterly cling" to Windows 7, it's not me losing out on that but Microsoft. Yes, maybe eventually after a string of horrible releases where I d

    • by hahn ( 101816 )
      I'm a little tired of the analogies between software and physical freedom. The suggestion (in fact, the outright claim of this OP) is that using commercial software is the equivalent of slavery. RIDICULOUS. People making this claim are almost 100% tech geeks. For such people (and I include myself), open software is a great thing because *we know what to do with the options* and the consequences of making incorrect choices (and how to fix them). The vast majority of people (such as my parents and 99% of
    • by wfolta ( 603698 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:14PM (#40767977)

      Ridiculous. Microsoft may have "succumbed to tablet madness", but the review made clear that Mac OS X has not. Mountain Lion has borrowed things from (tablet) iOS, but many of these ideas are not tablet-specific at all. The review specifically states that OS X has not been subsumed by iOS, and has a distinct trajectory.

      Do iOS 6 and Mountain Lion converge a bit? Yes. Is there "madness" to it? Not even a taste. You should actually read the article instead of using it as a jump-off point to grind your Linux axe.

    • by Decameron81 ( 628548 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @04:00PM (#40768555)

      If you are a Mac user, as a drinker of the Kool-Aid you have no choice.

      I have been using Mac computers since 1989 and to this date I have found the OS to consistently improve over time. The only exception being OS 9, which kinda sucked. I'm speaking about my perception of their software of course, and implying others should share my opinion.

      It makes no sense for me to believe it's better to switch to Linux out of fear of being let down in the future. I really have no reason to believe it will happen. Even if it did, moving my files to some other PC would not really be an issue for me.

      My experiences with Linux weren't very happy ones either. I'm not trying to generalize but I've more than once found myself in a situation in which I've been told to fix something myself - which really is not something I'm interested in doing at all. I've got my dev projects and work, and I don't really care about improving the OS I use at home. Some of those issues were things that I know I can get working much easier in windows or mac (maybe due to experience on the OSes, that's not really important to me). My personal opinion on the subject is that Linux is not for me.

      Going back to your idea about Mac users drinking Kool-Aid, I think you're failing to put yourself in other people's shoes. Maybe your principles regarding open source/free software vs commercial software are not as important to others as they are to you?

    • by Siberwulf ( 921893 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @04:10PM (#40768663)
      Your analysis is like an analogy of an airline passenger. You can choose to be a consumer and fly one of the major airlines. You get the seats the give you and the snacks they serve. You don't get to pick the flight path to your destination, and you don't get to pick your own schedule. To "best the system", you went to get your own pilot's license. You can fly where you want, when you want and choose the path. You're part of an elite bunch alright.

      From up that high, you might not be able to see it, but not everyone has the ability/time/desire to be a pilot. An overwhelming majority of the people who use planes to get from A to B are content with that choice. And frankly, I don't really hear a lot of private pilots droning on about how much better they are that they can fly themselves to somewhere when they want to.

      And btw, nobody is free. Don't pretend to be free just because you're a computer enthusiast. You're still a slave to the farmers, the electric company, the sanitation and water sources that feed your house and every other item in your world that you pay for. For you, this may be about freedom and choice and all that other jazz that 90% of the world doesn't care about when it comes to an operating system. If you sleep better at night, then cookie for you. The "Aura of Rightness" that you're projecting just comes off as a bit juvenile, though.
  • by Moblaster ( 521614 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:00PM (#40766983)

    It's a post about a review of a review of a review.

    • by Neil_Brown ( 1568845 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:06PM (#40767049) Homepage

      post about a review of a review of a review.

      Whereas this is a response to a comment on a post about a review of a review of a review.

      • Comment review: (Score:5, Informative)

        by adonoman ( 624929 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:30PM (#40767363)
        Neil_Brown recently came out with his new #40767049 comment response to Moblaster's comment. In a surpising move, it was available for immediate reading at the time of its announcement. While missing out on some of the features we've come to love about his line of comments, I find it a refreshing level of meta-commenting that hasn't been seen in a while. Whether it's worth refreshing the browser to read responses to his comment has yet to be seen. We'll have to give it some time out in the wild to really get a feel for its general reception, but its +5 funny moderation does suggest that it will be read by many.
  • OS 10.8 is not trying to be a tablet OS like Windows 8. (Interesting that Apple and Microsoft have synced-up with their numbers)

    old OS: Win7 and 10.7
    new OS: Win8 and 10.8

    BTW the review of the review was funny. But this award-nominee was even funnier: []

  • []

    "It feels like Apple has run out of ideas. Or worse, that Apple is too afraid to implement new concepts, fearing it will kill the company's golden goose. "

    • Eh, it's a double-edged sword. You can only play it safe for so long, but on the other hand, a radical shift can alienate the userbase. Just look at all the flak Metro is getting.
    • by Rytr23 ( 704409 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:35PM (#40767435)
      Come on.. Jesus D has had a hard on for Apple for a while now. He is as biased against Apple and Gruber is for Apple. I wouldn't consider either one of them a source to trust in this case. In aggregate the reviews are generally positive.
    • by Anubis IV ( 1279820 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:24PM (#40768091)

      Apple blacklisted Gizmodo after they bought a stolen iPhone prototype a few years ago and refused to give it back before doing a full disassemble and report on every little detail. Since then, they've been left as the only major blog or news outlet that can't do firsthand reporting on the keynotes and product announcements, which has left them a little bitter. Small wonder that Gizmodo (Jesus Diaz in particular, of recent) has been saying all sorts of nonsense about Apple ever since.

      Even if we ignore the chip on their shoulder, their reporting is shoddy and slimy, with them sometimes substantially altering their articles after they're posted. For instance, Briam Lam's account of returning the iPhone [] makes it sound like they got a letter from Apple's legal team and they sent it right back. What you don't see in that version of his account is that Brian received a personal phone call from Steve Jobs, asking for it. Brian responded with an e-mail in which he refused to return it until Apple went on record [], then altered the online version of the e-mail he sent to Apple's legal department, since the original version [] made him look like an ass. The original reporting also contained a rosy accounting of a lot of those facts, but even that was later edited out in an effort to sweep it under the table as the original text of his correspondences leaked from other sources.

      And that's far from being the only incident, though it is the most famous. RoosterTeeth lampooned Gizmodo [] and their "reporting" a few years back. They're a bunch of classless jackasses who treat facts as malleable ideas for their own benefit and cannot be trusted.

  • Conclusion (Score:5, Funny)

    by doconnor ( 134648 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:13PM (#40767169) Homepage

    "We all pay lip service to the idea that most users never change the default settings in software, but we rarely follow this through to its logical conclusion."

    That most users are ignorant?

    • I use default settings too, but not because of "ignorance". (1) I got tired of tinkering with my computer to try different settings. I've been doing it since the 80s and ultimately decided I'd rather DO something useful than just try different windows colors or graphics. (2) Using the default means I can jump from one computer to another without disorientation. They are all near-identical.

    • by metrometro ( 1092237 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:19PM (#40768025)

      "We all pay lip service to the idea that most users never change the default settings in software, but we rarely follow this through to its logical conclusion."

      That most users are ignorant?

      You seem to have Slashdot still set to the default "vapid elitism" setting.

  • QUOTE: "The old way: go to the Finder, find the file you want, and open it. The new way: go to the app and open the document from within the app. Conceptually it works just like iOS â" your files arenâ(TM)t in the file system, but rather âoeinâ the app you used to create them. This is the future, but Apple isnâ(TM)t forcing it upon us. The feature is prominent, yes, because Apple wants us to use it. But it is far from mandatory. Donâ(TM)t want to use iCloud document storage? Th

    • by jedidiah ( 1196 )

      Stuck in a PhoneOS mindset on the desktop?

      I don't like being stuck in a PhoneOS mindset on a tablet.

      The old school file hierarchy is not a bad thing. It allows you to organize things in ways that Apple products simply don't account for.

      Having a great big pile of stuff to look through is not "usability".

    • by s73v3r ( 963317 )

      They're still on the filesystem, so you can still get to them just like before. You can also change the program the file is associated with.

    • The old way: go to the Finder, find the file you want, and open it. The new way: go to the app and open the document from within the app.

      The "new" way sounds like Windows 3.0

  • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      1 year was my call. 1 year after Jobs death, Apple will have lost noticeable momentum. You cna't replace one dynamic, smart driver with the ideal of make quality products, and the money will follow with a committee.

      I'm not an Apple Fan boy, but I do hope I'm wrong. While they didn't really invent the mp3 player, tablet, or smart phone, they raised the bar for everyone else.

    • by s73v3r ( 963317 )

      Their handling of the retina display was a major screw up that sacrificed the very reason to call the MacBook Pro a professional device

      Except they didn't do that in any sense of the word.

    • Their handling of the retina display was a major screw up

      You didn't lay out the case for that well at all.

      The fact is the VAST majority of professionals like and use the 15" form factor. The Macbook Retina is a "pro air" in that form factor, really light, really thin and an amazing display. Months after launch, there's still a 1-2 week shipping delay on new systems.

      I myself have a 17" macbook pro, and while I don't plan to upgrade soon (my system works well enough as is for a year or so more I think) I wo

  • I'm still on Snow Leopard because I still have some old OSX PowerPC code I need to run.

    Does anyone know a way to run PPC OSX code in Lion or Mountain Lion? I have the Sheepshaver emulator which runs PPC stuff, but only OS 9 / Classic, not OS X.

    Is there a way to emulate, say, 10.4 in 10.7/10.8?

  • (Not yet published, but will probably go "live" on later today) I didn't really come here to promote my article though....

    I was just going to comment that while it's probably true that Mac users often confuse tradition for the "best" way to accomplish something in their OS, it's also true that in the case of OS X Lion, an awful lot was removed..... In some cases, I think these deletions were unjustified and let people to a poor user experience, despite many benefits with the upgrade.

  • Having jumped this morning on the download train, I think I've now got everything back up and running, Parallels v7 required a reinstall (it uses kernel extensions so I'm not surprised that it needed an over-the-top reinstall) The odd one was Firefox not allowing me to download anything (even with a control-click save-as) the solution to that one was to clear my download history (why that fixed it ... I have not idea)

    Fink is proving to be a total pain in the ass to get working again, not to mention xcode ap
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:40PM (#40767517) Homepage

    the changes OSX is making and the dumb moves that ubuntu did.

    Removal of scroll bars on OSX is not a big deal, Apple hardware had scrolling devices (magic mouse and multitouch pad) for a long time. so scrolling is not affected on that platform. Removal of scroll bars on Ubuntu was the stupidest move ever. I dont have a multitouch device to scroll with, so now I have to hit a 2 pixel bar on a window. WTF is that??!?!?! ROWARRGH!

    Ubuntu needs to stop everything they are doing right now and support apple multitouch hardware and tell everyone to use X,Y or Z and suck it up. OR they need to stop chasing a UI that requires special hardware to make it useable.

    Now the "single window" mode is retarded. on a 27" mac it is utterly stupid to do this. on a 11" macbook air? ok, I can see that. Dumbification of the UI needs to be optional. Let me have a "professional mode" to switch to a power users multiple window setup.

    • Having used Ubuntu 12.04 for a while, I don't really find it too bad. Specifically, the lack of scroll bars is fine because when the cursor is moved to an area where the scroll bar would have been, a real scroll bar pops up. The area trigger for when the scroll bar pops up is actually wider thant the width of the actual scroll bar.

  • Hmmm... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by eno2001 ( 527078 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:55PM (#40767749) Homepage Journal

    This is the most chilling thing I've read in a while: "Three decades ago, the personal computer industry was built on the backs of technology enthusiasts. Every product, every ad was created to please us. No longer. Technology must now work for everyone, not just 'computing enthusiasts'." Why is it chilling? Because I'm seeing it everywhere. Things that I consider to be killer features that MUST exist on a computing device are just disappearing. No OS is immune at this point. As a hardcore Linux fan since the early 90s, even I have to acknowledge that Linux is dying. Ubuntu is killing it. Windows isn't looking to sharp in version 8 either. It sounds like Mac OS X is headed down the same road.

    • Re:Hmmm... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by wfolta ( 603698 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @04:06PM (#40768609)

      If by "technology enthusiasts" it means hobbiests who want to overclock their CPU and add a steam-powered cassette storage mechanism, Apple hasn't been the place for those enthusiasts since the Mac came out. If it means people who compile programs from source code, Mountain Lion has better compilers than GNU and tools for things like process monitoring (DTrace) and multi-threading (Grand Central Dispatch, blocks, etc) that are better than just about anything else out there.

      Those who play with computers to play with computers are a dying breed. Those who play with computers to accomplish something else (including very techie things like statistics) can do so under Mountain Lion as easily as ever, without being subjected to designs created by "enthusiasts" without design skills.

  • by dell623 ( 2021586 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @02:55PM (#40767755)

    Mountain Lion might be the thing that tips me over. The retina Macbook Pro is becoming hard to resist and there is no comparable Windows laptop on the horizon. I like Windows 7, I am comfortable with it, but if I am going to relearn stuff from scratch, I would pick ML over the travesty that is Windows 8. I'll pick something that doesn't show me a blocky touch based interface on a goddamn laptop. I never wish to use a touch screen on a laptop or a desktop, it's the most uncomfortable thing ever, I don't know why Microsoft and everyone forgot about Gorilla Arm. OSX doesn't look like it's going to anything that crazy, some of the things copied over from iOS, like notifications, are actually worth copying over. At least for now, Mac OS still doesn't put restrictions on anyone who wants to do stuff from the command line or install unapproved apps. App support in Macs has improved with growing market share. The only thing I will miss about Windows is games, but for the few times I do play games, dual booting with Boot Camp will do.

    I can't think of a reason why I shouldn't 'learn' ML rather than learning Windows 8.

  • by Fishbulb ( 32296 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:15PM (#40767981)

    Slightly OT in that I'm getting away from the Apple-ness of the topic, but...

    This is precisely why smart phones and pads are going to return us to the days of $2000 hard drives and $5000 PCs. The general population has needed to buy a PC or laptop in order to not be left behind in our increasingly computerized and online society. Now that the average person has access to surfing the web, reading email, and anything other than compute-intensive work in the palm of their hand, there is absolutely no need for them to buy desktops or laptops. The commodity surge of desktops and laptops is now passing us by, and we're going to see general purpose computing return to non-commodity prices.

    To quote Samuel L. Jackson, "Hold on to your butts!"

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
