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Woz Is First In Line For iPhone 4S 287

An anonymous reader writes "Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is already camped out in front of an Apple store for the new iPhone 4S. From the article: 'Woz and his trusty Segway showed up at his local Apple store in Los Gatos Thursday and said he will stay there overnight. He added he already has two phones coming to his house, but doesn't mind hanging out for one more for his wife.'"
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Woz Is First In Line For iPhone 4S

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 13, 2011 @09:25PM (#37709114)

    No wonder those phones are sold out.

    • phone scalping? interesting concept.

    • by HermMunster ( 972336 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @10:38PM (#37709672)

      What he's doing is being a publicity hound. He could walk into Apple, talk to Tim Cook, and have a box of them placed in his lap. I find these antics humorous and highly manipulative. He's a billionaire. He can fly in private jets anywhere in the world on a moments notice. He can buy some whole towns. Why would a billionaire stand in line all night long to get a cellphone that his company sells?

      One final note. Be wary of the practical joker. Those around him should probably get ready to have him buy theirs as well, as a good gesture.

      Yes, Woz, we'll miss you too.

      • I doubt Woz is a billionaire. I think he's donated a lot of his money to charity.

        • by blind monkey 3 ( 773904 ) on Friday October 14, 2011 @12:05AM (#37710182)
          You're right, he's an absolute pauper - $100 million net worth. More important than money, he provided on-site support tech support for his local school district [wikipedia.org].
          • Woz's Tick. (Score:5, Informative)

            by 0100010001010011 ( 652467 ) on Friday October 14, 2011 @03:14AM (#37710992)

            Stuff like this is what makes Woz tick. He's a bit of an extroverted geek that loves to play. Read up on some of the stories on the original Apple and Apple II. The stuff the man did with chips and coding was nothing short of genius.

            He went out into the iPad lines and did magic tricks [gizmodo.com]. Why? Because he could.

            Steve Jobs was driven by perfection of design. Features would not be implemented 95%, it had to be perfect. Woz is driven by fun. He loves practical jokes, he loves being creative. I can't describe him other than he is just Woz.

            What he does with his life is my envy and should probably be the envy of almost every slashdotter out there. Imagine if you had enough money to just camp out before Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/Apache/[Random FOSS Project]/Microsoft/Apple made a new release. Or could just.... do what ever the hell you wanted. He could sit at home, in his mansion and own everything Apple ever released but he doesn't.

            • A person generous with his own time, not just his persuit of tax deductions. kudos, Woz.
              • Yep. He came to Campus Party here in Spain last year and had plenty of time for everybody. He's a totally cool guy.

      • by Bill_the_Engineer ( 772575 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @11:26PM (#37709982)

        Can a guy have fun?

        Quit being a buzz kill

        • Exactly. Woz is doing it for the social event. I'm sure he's had at least one real iPhone 4S for at least a couple of weeks now.

          He'll bask in the crowd's adoration a bit, and joke about next year's elite iPhone 5we ("we" = "Woz Edition", sold pre-jailbroken, running OpenIOS, and equipped with a real, honest-to-god camera button).

          • I get prejailbroken, open version of iOS, but... Why the camera button? Mind you, I still dislike the idea of using volume up as a shutter button, even more so after finding out going into the Camera app pauses my audio playback >:(

          • by wsxyz ( 543068 )
            You forgot to mention the expansion header.
            • I2C, SPI, and Dallas 1-wire as secondary functions on the expansion cable are just taken for granted. You'll have to wait for the iPhone 6we to get Zigbee ;-)

              As for the camera button... why NOT? Even if you don't care about picture taking, I'm sure just about everyone here can think of something useful to do with another easy to press hardkey, if only to use it like a ctrl key when running a ssh client (light press) or alt key (hard press).

              • Like the SSH clients on android do (hard keys for alt+ and ctrl+ plus others). Makes it much nicer than just touch screen controls

      • So a decent person can't be humble even if they're rich?
      • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Friday October 14, 2011 @01:19AM (#37710558) Homepage Journal

        Why would a billionaire stand in line all night long to get a cellphone that his company sells?

        I know this will sound crazy, but "he enjoys other human beings?" I know, the only reasonable thing for a wealthy man to do is sit home and count his money, but for some reason Woz goes out and interacts with other Apple aficionados.

        The last time this story ran, he was helping a woman figure out what was wrong with her Macbook. Afterwards people said to her, "do you know who that was?" Any reasonable rich guy would have told her to pound sand or at least talk to the Genius Bar (despite both of those words being misleading).

        Woz - man of mystery.

      • by Dahamma ( 304068 )

        Woz is rich, no question, but you are highly overestimating his net worth, which apparently is closer to $100M. He's nowhere near a "billionaire". Steve Jobs would never have let that happen... (too soon? :)

        No question they'd give him as many phones as he wanted, though. I think it's both a matter of promoting the product (why wouldn't an Apple shareholder want to do that?) and a sense of wanting to be in the trenches like everyone else (as he always wanted to be when working at Apple).

      • by __Paul__ ( 1570 )

        Why would a billionaire stand in line all night long to get a cellphone that his company sells?

        Why would anyone do this at all, for that matter? I really don't understand the mindset of people that can't wait a few days or even weeks for this. I presume they have nothing better to do with their time (hey, I have nothing better to do with my time than post to Slashdot at the moment, and even I wouldn't queue up outside overnight for anything)

      • by msobkow ( 48369 )

        I don't think he's even being a publicity hound. I think he's just having fun with the opportunity and planning to hang with the Apple fanboys who join the line-up for shits and giggles.

        He even said he's already got a couple being shipped to his house. It could just as easily have been a case, and he wouldn't have had to leave home at all.

        Besides, what would he need the publicity for? I could see Apple wanting the publicity, but I can't imagine Apple coming up with any incentives that would lure him

  • I wonder if he just stops there and lets it keep itself balanced all night.

  • True geek (Score:4, Funny)

    by White Flame ( 1074973 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @09:45PM (#37709312)

    It's great to see as time marches on, that Woz remains so true to his roots & initial interests.

    As a side note, I removed 2 cycles from his SWEET16 interpreter when I ported it to the C64, without affecting functionality. That was an amazing little moment in my life, and felt as a great accomplishment given the body of work. :-)

    • by wsxyz ( 543068 )
      Given that Woz's programming style at the time was to write down the machine instructions in hexadecimal on a sheet of paper and then key them in every time he wanted to run the program, I can see how he might have allowed a small inefficiency to slip in. On the other hand, maybe it was because he was avoiding some of the flaky instructions that didn't work correctly on the original 6502s.
  • Awesome dude (Score:5, Interesting)

    by StuartHankins ( 1020819 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @09:53PM (#37709366)
    Way to show support. Here is an awesome dude, the kind you hope for at your next party.
  • by Time_Ngler ( 564671 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @09:54PM (#37709372)

    I can't trust purchase advice from somebody who owns a segway.

    • by mysidia ( 191772 ) *

      I can't trust purchase advice from somebody who owns a segway.

      I understand now... the reason it's named the iPhone 4S and not the iPhone 5.

      The "S" must be short for Segway.

  • by Quila ( 201335 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @10:04PM (#37709450)

    If he pays me in $2 bills.

  • I can't imagine there's a single Apple "first-in-liner" that wouldn't let Woz cut to the front of the line if he showed up at the last minute.

    • by zr ( 19885 )

      Just as I can't imagine Woz cutting in line. Mischief against the system, maybe, but not against fellow geeks.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        I can imagine Woz cutting in line [google.com] and yes some people have complained about it.

        If it were me, I'd let him cut, but only in exchange for an autograph :)

      • by geekoid ( 135745 )

        most people camping for an iPhone don't know who he is.

      • Umm... Woz is a nerd... but yes... geeks would attempt to gain status in their geekdom by allowing someone of such nerdom to cut in line.

        Remember that nerds are people that actually know things... modern day computer geeks are generally people who try to pass themselves off as nerds... of course, many nerds prefer to pass themselves off as normal people, a feat that is generally unreachable for geeks.
        • by Nursie ( 632944 )

          "Remember that nerds are people that actually know things... modern day computer geeks are generally people who"

          I don't remember being signing a contract for a particular label.

          To me a geek is someone that gets, well, geeky about something, any of a wide variety of things in fact. And a nerd is just a pasty-looking thin guy with stupid glasses, that may or may not be smart but certainly isn't a people-person.

    • Re:Camping out? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Kozz ( 7764 ) on Thursday October 13, 2011 @10:28PM (#37709608)

      I can't imagine there's a single Apple "first-in-liner" that wouldn't let Woz cut to the front of the line if he showed up at the last minute.

      I can only imagine the kids in line saying, "Who the fuck are you?" Kids these days...

    • me

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      I can't imagine there's a single Apple "first-in-liner" that wouldn't let Woz cut to the front of the line if he showed up at the last minute.

      I can imagine that 95% of people in your average Apple line know who Woz is.

      In Australia that number is closer to 99% as the kind of people who buy Iphones buy them as fashion accessories, not as phones.

  • can apple have for one of it's founders that they won't slide him a $300 gadget????
    • by mysidia ( 191772 ) *

      can apple have for one of it's founders that they won't slide him a $300 gadget????

      He'd probably be waiting in line even if they did. I suspect he's bored/needs to get out some and wants to do the whole wait-in-line experience for his personal amusement. :)

    • It isn't that they wouldn't give him one free, it's that they know he would refuse to take it without paying for it.
  • Woz was also first in line to design an Apple computer. That's still one of the coolest things anyone has ever done. The snarky commenters here ought to contemplate this Zen riddle: "What did the bald man say about his comb?" (A: "I'll never part with it.") If Woz wants to hang out with other Apple fans and show his enthusiasm, why paint it as anything but a guy trying to have some fun? I wonder what question Woz will ask Siri on his first try.

  • Remember the last time Woz said something slightly skeptical in public about a modern Apple product, Steve smacked him down good and hard. Woz isn't gonna make that mistake again!

    [Dead, schmead; it could be a trick!]

  • by FyberOptic ( 813904 ) on Friday October 14, 2011 @01:14AM (#37710532)

    Wow, lots of unexpected harsh comments regarding Woz here.

    Woz is just a nice guy. He likes to talk to people, especially when they share similar interests (Apple products in this case). This is the same guy who was so into computers that he regularly attended the Homebrew Computer Club, and sought out people who knew things he didn't (like about the phone system). It's also the same guy who works with young people to get them interested in programming and computers. He's a people person, even if he can seemingly be a bit shy sometimes.

    So why do people have to insert some kind of agenda into the guy's actions? He makes like $400 a month from Apple to not do anything, so he isn't exactly working for their marketing department. Whether his appearance makes a 30-second spot on the local evening news (which going by the media's interest in Woz compared to Jobs, maybe not), and if he's lucky sells a few more iPhones in his town to fans who were probably on the fence about buying it anyway, doesn't benefit him personally. And Woz standing in a line simply isn't going to generate any significant sales nationally either to make any noticeable impact on Apple's bottom line. Especially when you consider that the average Apple fan these days quite frankly (and sadly) may have no idea who the guy is.

    Jobs wasn't a very nice person. Not only do I understand peoples' dislike of the guy, I share it. But I honestly can just never understand any strong negative feelings about Woz. I personally have no interest in Apple or their products these days, but Woz is still a role model to someone like myself who's interested in programming and electronics. And I love to hear about his pranks, since I've been known to pull one here or there as well. People can blow Steve Jobs up into a visionary or Jesus or whatever other nonsense and I'll still never respect the guy. But Woz will always have my respect.

    Seriously, how many respectable role models are even left out there anymore, especially for young people?

    • Jobs wasn't a very nice person. Not only do I understand peoples' dislike of the guy, I share it. But I honestly can just never understand any strong negative feelings about Woz.

      Maybe they're annoyed that Woz keeps getting all the credit for being the 'nice one' when Jobs gets looked down on still for something he did 30 years ago.

      A good way to judge people is see what people around the guy think of him (think Newt Gengrich.....the people who've known him the longest hate him the most). Steve seems to have a lot of people who really respect him a lot. He may have a temper, but I'd guess underneath that he has something good in him.

      Also, it doesn't have to be one or the other. B

      • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Friday October 14, 2011 @06:33AM (#37711910) Homepage Journal

        Maybe they're annoyed that Woz keeps getting all the credit for being the 'nice one' when Jobs gets looked down on still for something he did 30 years ago.

        Dude, even "get these damn scribble pads out of my office!" *throw* isn't 30 years ago. Jobs was well-known for being an asshole, and only his bout with cancer was enough to get people to stop saying so, because they felt guilty. But he brought us a walled garden and no shortage of arrogance ("you're holding it wrong") so from where I'm sitting he was the same guy he always was right up until he died.

        Speaking of holding it wrong, I note that the iPhone 4S has a redesigned antenna that makes the iPhone 4 case accessories not fit it, so you have to buy them all over again. I figure they redesigned it to solve the problem of people holding it wrong - you're supposed to shove it up your arse.

        Also, it doesn't have to be one or the other. Both Woz and Jobs are guys who did amazing things. You can like them both.

        Or you could think Steve Jobs was an asshole who did amazing things, and that Wozniak is a nice guy who did amazing things. That's OK too.

    • Woz is just a nice guy... Jobs wasn't a very nice person. Not only do I understand peoples' dislike of the guy, I share it. But I honestly can just never understand any strong negative feelings about Woz.

      Do actually know or have any personal experience of either of these guys? If not, your opinion is no more useful than the negativity that you don't understand. You might as well post to tell us which is your favourite Power Ranger...

      For the record, I like Red.

    • by cbope ( 130292 )

      Could not agree with your post more. Woz was one of the original geeks and still is.

    • Jobs wasn't a very nice person. Not only do I understand peoples' dislike of the guy, I share it.

      Oh please. Of course, I've never met Steve Jobs, but still: Sure he was a very demanding boss and unscrupulous strategist, but that would not automatically make him a bad person in all aspects of life (unless you consider moneymaking and bossing all there is to life)

  • So sad (Score:2, Insightful)

    by DrXym ( 126579 )
    It's a phone. People are camping out for a fucking phone.
  • Steve Wozniak is proving two things today. 1. He's a regular guy

    Yes, nothing proves you're a regular guy more than turning up on your Segway...

  • by bryan1945 ( 301828 ) on Friday October 14, 2011 @05:07AM (#37711546) Journal

    Gotta love the Woz.

  • by robably ( 1044462 ) on Friday October 14, 2011 @05:35AM (#37711656) Journal
    The article ends by calling Woz "the creator of the Macintosh" - he isn't, he's the creator of the Apple computer. The Mac was Jobs's baby.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
