Samsung Wants To See iPhone 5 and iPad 3 136
tekgoblin writes "The suit against Samsung that Apple filed back in April has been full of surprises recently; Apple even asked to see some of Samsung's future devices. Now, Samsung is requesting to view Apple's upcoming devices such as the iPad 3 and iPhone 5."
Back to the future (Score:1)
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Can't we all just get along?!?
Yes I remember... (Score:5, Funny)
"I show you mine if you show me yours."
they never did.
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Delaying Release (Score:3, Insightful)
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I believe that's only half the reason.
The other half would be so Apple doesn't look at their designs, go "Oh snap that looks good" then rip it off for their next device. This way they both get to have the fun of being both sides of this assfuck.
Re:Delaying Release (Score:5, Informative)
Except that's completely incorrect. I know the link says "asked to see some of Samsung's future devices" but that doesn't mean the request was granted. Rather:
She [Judge Koh] also limited the results of discovery to "Outside Counsel Eyes Only," meaning neither Apple nor its in-house counsel will get a peek at the phones or related marketing materials.
Apple will get no opportunity to rip off Samsung's pre-release designs. It's such a shame that the facts are so much less interesting than your speculation.
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Any communication (however illegal) of the counsel to Apple is privileged, and so I wouldn't trust them anymore than Samsung does.
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That's right, Apple got to where it is today by ripping of Samsung's designs.
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The same way Microsoft got where they are today by ripping off Digital Research I guess? (MS-DOS being a cheap "clone" of CP/M)
"Eventually, a stripped-down version of the Alto, the Xerox Star 8010 Document Processor, was released to the public in 1981 for US$17,000. The Star had some differences from the Alto, most significantly the ability to overlap windows was removed as it was thought too confusing for the general public. Instead, the Star used tiled windows. As significant as the Star's release
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The same way Microsoft got where they are today by ripping off Digital Research I guess?
Yes, the same way. Why is it that Apple fanbois just can't admit Apple has done something wrong? Apple fanbois are like this are the sort of tossers who would dob everyone else in just so they wouldn't have to take the blame themselves. Quick, someone's bashing Apple, direct them to something Microsoft did, that will make it all ok even though MS has nothing to do with this discussion in any way, shape or form. Standard Apple fanboi behavior.
Relax, I be a doctor (Score:2, Insightful)
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I mean generic sure but "unappealing" is a bit ridiculous being that they're the most popular single devices out there.
But hey, you're just trolling and I have fed you. Congrats.
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Cool story bro.
Wild flailing stab in the dark guess (Score:2)
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It will be a thin cuboid.
Actually it will be a rectangular prism with a low measurement on the Z axis.
Funny... (Score:2)
I want to see them too.
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I'd prefer to see the iPhone 17 and the iPad 15, so that I don't accidentally copy their design.
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Correct me if I'm wrong... (Score:2)
... But isn't it apple suing Samsung for copying their design?
I can see why a judge wants Apple to see the next Samsung models, but I fail to understand why would he ever grant Samsung permission to check future Apple releases.
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To provide assurance to Samsung that Apple won't steal their tech for this next gen. If Samsung can see what Apple is up to currently and then Apple changes direction after seeing Samsung's stuff, Samsung can go after them.
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It's a moot point - that is, made to demonstrate the one-sidedness of the equation.
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... But isn't it apple suing Samsung for copying their design?
I can see why a judge wants Apple to see the next Samsung models, but I fail to understand why would he ever grant Samsung permission to check future Apple releases.
Because Samsung can counter sue if the future designs have copied anything from the Galaxy series.
But then again, Apple is suing Samsung because the Galaxy S has rounded corners and the box it comes in is kinda the same. Heck, lets do away with the false pretences, Apple is suing Samsung because Samsung is a threat to them and they cant compete. Samsung is saying they will go after Apple's jugular with this move.
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Right. This isn't about all the also-rans copying Apple's work at all, is it?
No it isn't.
If you've bothered to read the actual suit that Apple put together to sue Samsung with, they are suing over trivial things that cannot be patented like rounded corners.
The law suit is about trying to stop a competitor before the competitor becomes too advanced for them.
By the way, could you find a more trite and biased source of information. It's almost as if you need to reinforce a belief that you're not sure is actually true.
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Can't compete? iPhones FAR outsell any Samsung device.
What goes around... (Score:1, Troll)
...comes around. This should prevent Apple from taking Samsung's designs and running with them. Although I still fail to see how or why one should be allowed to patent a design. It's not like it's super secret if it's on the outside...
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Apple has requested examples of already released Samsung products. Samsung is asking for not yet released Apple products.
It's clear who is trying to run with whose designs.
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You don't understand what "future" means, do you?
Re:What goes around... (Score:4, Informative)
In the actual story, there are details about which products Apple wants to see. Samsung's products are already released or going to be released in the near future. They have been shown and demonstrated like at CES 2011 in February.
Apple, however, has not announced nor shown their upcoming products. The public does not even know the name of upcoming products. This has been Apple's way of doing things for years. When Apple announces or shows their products, they will announce when they will be available and usually within weeks. The only exception I can remember is the original iPhone which had a six month lead; but the reason Apple stated that it announced so early was that it was going to be hard to keep it a secret much longer as they had to apply for FCC licensing. Apple applying for FCC licensing for a cell phone when they didn't make cell phones was going to be an public indication.
The question one could ask is why Apple needs the design when the product is already released. The answer is rather simple: Samsung, as the manufacturer, is the only one that can provide official designs to Apple. Getting the designs from anyone else is not official.
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And you don't understand what "biased, misleading and incorrect summary" means, do you?
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It's clear who is trying to run with whose designs.
And get their asses slapped with another expensive lawsuit? I wouldn't be so sure about that...
I've seen both iPhones and Galaxy S-s. They may be similar, but that's because they're both phones, with a tried and true shape. I can see Apple taking a cue or two from the Galaxy S UI design, or maybe even the Nexus S (if that's included in the suit, it has a really nice apps list), but unless the iPhone 5 makes some groundbreaking changes in the UI, or is something like banana-shaped, I don't see how Samsung co
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This is all stupid. I've had over a dozen people in a day ask me if I'm carrying an iPad when I have a Dell Streak. The five inch Dell Streak no less. User idiocy is not evidence.
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Maybe because most of Apple's target group is no what we colloquially refer to as "computer people"? As in (dramatization follows);
(Granma): Hey 'ya all, I got me one of thems fancy Apples!
(Uncle Bob): Lemme see .. Pert neer, but not plumb, that there ain't no Apples! Looks darn lot like one, though.
(Granma): Ya recon? And that know-it-all on the store didn't speak up at all- next month ah'm in town, a gonna havta open up a can a' whoopass on that know-it-all boah in the store- some Mr rocket surgeon he t
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I'd say Gramma's response would be more along the lines of "Well, if it works, what do I care...", being "not computer people". And it's not like Apple or anyone goes specifically after 'shady dealers', who would be most likely to copy and sell knock-offs. Other companies phones have solid tech behind them, even if they do look close (which kinda follows from being a phone, therefore sort of restricted in its shape and design).
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If you think that patenting has to do with keeping things secret, then you obviously have no clue about the reason we have patents. Patents are designed to fully disclose an invention; actually a patent is supposed to be written in a way that someone skilled in the art can build the machine described in the patent. This to promote the disclosure of inventions, and with that to increase common knowledge. The reward for this full disclosure is a time-limited monopoly on the use of that invention.
A design pat
mentioned before but.... (Score:3)
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Access is access.
(paid) "Outside counsel" is compliant counsel - especially for apple which is the kind of customer no lawyer can afford to offend.
So apple should have no objections to exposing its future designs to "outside" counsel of Samsung's choosing - in south korea of course.
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I can haz secrutz too? (Score:1)
I want secrutz too!
Meanwhile in the UK and Korea (Score:2)
Samsung and Asus now look like the biggest threats to Apple, in phones and tablets respectively.
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If you actually read the link you provided, it clearly says "for this week." Statistically you'd need a much larger sample size than 1 to make a general claim for trends. I remember there were a few weeks when the Zune outsold the iPod. Those were the weeks when retailers like Amazon heavily discounted them to get rid of inventory as they had not been selling well. No one would say that over the history of the Zune that it outsold the iPod.
I have a simple answer to IP questions.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Watch Johanna Blakely talk at TED [youtube.com] about the fashion industry.
It's got a number of rather interesting points:
- designers take creative input from anywhere
- logos on goods are the only thing you cannot copy
- the customers for copied goods are not the customers a designer would normally have anyway, something the music and film industry might have to start thinking about (Microsoft understands this better - it's what they use for initial market penetration).
Worth watching, whatever side of the IP fence you live..
Re:I have a simple answer to IP questions.. (Score:5, Insightful)
- the customers for copied goods are not the customers a designer would normally have anyway
While (mostly) true, there is a good reason for fashion designers to crack down on copied goods: brand dilution. In Hong Kong it appears almost all women are walking around with the typical LV-styled hand bags. Standard in brown with golden logo printed all over. But of course most of those are cheap mainland-made rip-offs bought across the border or on local street markets.
Those that spend a lot of money for the real thing do not stand out anymore. There is no reason to buy such a bag anymore, and the reason for a fashion-conscious person to buy some designer stuff is to have something unique. Why else pay the big bucks?
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Meant to up-mod this, not down mod. Undoing...
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Clearly you do not understand fashion, or do in an autistic way.
The reason to but designer stuff is not to have something unique, it's to be able to be an asshole to those that didn't and make them jealous.
The purest form of joy comes from saying "Oh is that a Loui Vuitton? How much did you pay for it? Oh it's a knockoff? well, mine's real. You cheap whore."
Re:I have a simple answer to IP questions.. (Score:4, Interesting)
Not to stir things up, but it would only be fair to observe that would be the viewpoint of those that cannot afford it..
There are generally two reasons why people prefer a certain fashion brand: the type you mentioned (and yes, there's a lot of them about) and those who simply like the values and design the brand brings.
Let me take a simple example. If you take the trouble to walk into an Armani store you can see two types of clothing: "LOOK AT ME" fashion which has the brand plastered all over it in the biggest, high contrast characters possible. That's the wannabe clothing, and the type most often knocked off.
However, you will also find clothing that is simply well made, decently cut along the line of the cloth and sits well the moment you put it on. That stuff isn't as expensive as you seem to think - especially if you buy a bit more classic (easiest for a man) you can have such stuff for years, provided you don't change shape :-). Because it's expertly cut it also looks good.
This is generally the case with the better brands - as long as you don't go super exclusive a decent brand will have a degree of managed quality. Which make you buy depends on what design you like - I don't have a favourite, I just buy what I like.
I also buy crap if I can't be bothered - that generally lasts twice before I bring it to a textile collection point :-)
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Well, the place where fashion and visual art differ from music, movies, games, and books, is that there is prestige with owning an original, which is a problem for your final point. Genuine brands and original works are reasonably rare, reasonably valuable, and a status symbol, which is what motivates people to buy them, instead of knock-offs and prints. With music, movies, games, and books, there is less prestige with associated with a "genuine" copy. There's no corresponding affirmation of status, no sens
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Genuine copy might not be valuable. However, I own the very very last remaining distribution copy of Rampart for PC. I remember calling some company, I believe Atari, and asking if I could purchase a copy of Rampart from them. The guy was so puzzled because I was asking this in something like 96 or 97. He put me on hold for 10 minutes and came back and said he found a copy in the store room. He said it was the last one in the box. I offered to pay him for it, and he said that was okay. Just cover the
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Why should I? Deliver your own messages!
Samsung believes iPhone5 could be Nexus S copy (Score:2)
http://www.infosyncworld.com/reviews/cell-phones/samsung-believes-iphone-5-could-be-nexus-s-copy/12060.html [infosyncworld.com]
Also interesting speculation that Samsung could keep its new ultra high resolution display screens away from Apple for a period of time to keep them behind the curve.
These are interesting times...
What a load of BS (Score:1)
You do realize that the Nexus S is considered an INFERIOR product and even a DOWNGRADE from the original HTC built NexusOne.
Why would Apple want to copy a crappy product?
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Why would Apple want to copy a crappy product?
I don't really know, they're pretty good at making crappy products without Samsung's help.
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We'll leave Copeland out of this, okay?
Some things are best forgotten about.
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Let me fix that for you:
You do realize that the iPhone is considered an INFERIOR product and even a DOWNGRADE from the original nature built rock.
HaHah! Take that you anglo-saxon kniggit! I fart in your general direction!
Why would Apple want to copy a crappy product?
Because, of course, logically, its because it is still better than what they're offering.
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
Collusion? (Score:1)
So this is in response (Score:1)
to all those Apple products that looked so much like older Samsung products. Right.
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By the standards of this market segment, Apple's actually slow to render its products obsolete. In the past nine months, Samsung has released the Galaxy S, the Galaxy S II, and the Nexus S, while HTC has had the Desire, the Desire S, and the Desire's explicit replacement, the HTC Sensation. The mobile phone industry runs on a three-month cycle, with conferences set to that rhythm. By releasing phones once a year, Apple's actually going relatively slowly.
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not gonna click it to find out, but I'd be surprised if parent's link wasn't goatse
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Somebody probably outsourced his trolling to India.
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People really allow redirectors to run scripts on their machines? You have discovered many idiots. Congratulations!
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I mean that's kinda... nothing. Are you really that excited over something so stupid?
You could get more people putting goatse stickers on bus stops in busy sections of town.
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they have stickers?
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well, 17 of those are from me.. so don't get too excited.
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Well was dumb and clicked, but I don't know if the URL is f'ed up, ad-block in Chrome messed with it or what.. but it came back with an invalid URL that shows this in the address bar:
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(Edit to add to earlier comment)
I guess a WIN for Chrome!
This webpage is not available
The webpage at data:text/html;base64,PHRpdGxlPllvdXIgdXJsIGFudGktc2hvcnRlbmVyIHdvcmtzPzwvdGl0bGU+PGltZyBzcmM9aHR0cDovL2JpdC5seS9lakdqdEsgaGVpZ2h0PTEwMCUgLz4K might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 311 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT): Unknown error.
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goatse warning! I'm still recovering.
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Here's a thought: don't click on links that use url shorteners. This isn't friggin twitter, they can paste a full url.
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You mean, Windows on iPad is a better sight than goatse?
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Why? The display division of Samsung does not owe the phone division any favors.
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Is that an iPhone in that ad, or a Samsung? I'm really finding it hard to tell these days.
isn't the presence of branding a dead giveaway?