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iPad + Macintosh Plus = Crazy Visualizer Helmet 113

An anonymous reader writes "I would like to share with you a helmet I made out of a Macintosh Plus and an iPad. Essentially, I purchased a Macintosh Plus on ebay, removed the inner parts, cut a hole in the bottom of the case, inserted the inner padding of a bicycle helmet (cut to fit), and cut a slot for the iPad to slide in. The iPad's thinness allows for plenty of room for the user's head and the inner helmet keeps the Macintosh situated properly. What started as a project for my sculpture class has now become a part of my good friend Kid Chameleon's DJ set and a way for us to showcase our visuals in a new way during live performances."
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iPad + Macintosh Plus = Crazy Visualizer Helmet

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  • by netsharc ( 195805 ) on Saturday January 15, 2011 @05:17AM (#34888206)

    Was that really Slashdot-worthy? A douchey meaningless video with too loud music I had to fast-forward to get to the point, with the "OHMIGOD this is the greatest thing ever" Also sprach Zarathustra music to stroke your own ego, "look at this great thing I invented, I managed to use a knife to cut holes and shit"?

    • Probably not... but if he had gotten the post in a few hours earlier, I might have made the trip across town to see it in action.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Joce640k ( 829181 )

      I'm not sure the basement-dweller groks this "nightclub" thing.

    • by Anonymous Coward


      I clicked on the article because I thought he made some sort of virtual reality helmet with the iPad screen facing inside. _That_ would have been cool and /. worthy. This is just some stupid faux-geek-styled mac-fanboi crap.

      Posting AC because calling anything Apple faux-geek (which most everything they make nowadays is, gone are the days of the true Apple geeks) risks getting the good old troll slamhammer from the faux geeks and wannabe nerds who frequent this site.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        gone are the days of the true Apple geeks

        I think those of us who once identified as "apple geeks" have all moved on or are very close to moving on. It seems Apple doesn't care, they've got a much larger (and more annoying) market now. Of course, this could well blow up in their faces -- anything that popular will eventually be something no-one will want to be seen with, and when the day comes apple may regret that they spent the last few years alienating the people who were once apple geeks. And the funny

        • I quit Apple when Windows started looking like a clone of Mac OS 8. Later-on a friend gave me a OS X machine but it was too slow (hence why he was giving it away).

          As for this DJ helmet, I think it's pretty cool.
          Not as impressive as DEADMAU5 but okay for an amateur DJ.

          • by malkavian ( 9512 )
            But it's still a rip off.. Dans le sac Vs Scroobius Pip [] did this idea a few years back.
            • I watched that video you linked to. You're comparing something that is real which is linked to in the summary to something that is just necessary to look good on camera. The link in the summary shows functional, wearable technology, whereas who knows what the helmet in the video is good for. By your logic, none of us should ever want do anything interesting at all, because odds are someone has done that much more seamlessly in a movie previously with the aid of a camera crew and multiple takes. In any c
            • by IICV ( 652597 )

              It's a seriously old idea - the anime Dead Leaves [] had a guy with a TV for a head in 2004, and I'm sure that wasn't the first time at all.

              I think what's kinda interesting here is that it's realtime, but honestly it doesn't look good enough for that to really matter.

        • by Graff ( 532189 )

          I think those of us who once identified as "apple geeks" have all moved on or are very close to moving on.

          Nah, there's still a ton of us that like the products. Yeah some of the policies don't align with what I agree with but you're going to find that in nearly every product. I suppose some day it could reach a tipping point for me but for now I don't see any grass that is greener on the other side.

          I know quite a few people who seem to be in the same situation as myself. Not that I'm doing a detailed statistical analysis or anything but I don't see a mass migration of "Apple geeks" away from Apple. I think most

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by Hatta ( 162192 )

          Apple stopped caring about geeks when they introduced the Macintosh.

          • by Graff ( 532189 )

            Apple stopped caring about geeks when they introduced the Macintosh.

            I mostly agree with this, The Lisa and Macintosh were a major step away from the nearly completely-open philosophy that the Apple II series embodied.

            However, I'd say that Mac OS X, the introduction of the Intel Macs, and the wealth of open source projects that Apple supports all represent a big move back toward that old, open philosophy. It's not 100% because Apple does have quite a few examples of very closed architectures but those are mostly in specialized appliance-type devices that really are meant to

        • Kinda sorta. I've been an Apple user for most of my, but I've mellowed a lot in recent years. A year and a half ago, I built a Hackintosh and don't think I'll ever buy a desktop Mac again unless Apple puts out a reasonably priced midtower...which I doubt they ever will. They're focusing way too much on the clueless user market (which, granted, is a big market), but they're leaving a lot of their core markets out in the cold. Graphics designers used to love iMacs...until they went all-glossy. Same with their
        • gone are the days of the true Apple geeks

          I think those of us who once identified as "apple geeks" have all moved on or are very close to moving on. It seems Apple doesn't care, they've got a much larger (and more annoying) market now. Of course, this could well blow up in their faces -- anything that popular will eventually be something no-one will want to be seen with, and when the day comes apple may regret that they spent the last few years alienating the people who were once apple geeks. And the funny thing is, for many of us OS X was the "gateway *nix". :-P

          But yeah, I bought my first Mac in '87 and my last in '09. Can't imagine I'm the only one.

          I bought my first Mac in '88 and my last in '09. However, I'm still a Mac geek; I still like to hack at the m68k instruction set in MACSBUG.
          I still use Macs because so far, they still do what I want when I want to... but I don't mess around with modern Macs much; I save that for Linux and BSD.

          Oh, and my "gateway Inix" was a toss-up between A/UX and M68k Linux -- I started using both around the same time.

          Anyway, us Mac geeks are still around; we've just diversified.

          I thought the guy was at least going to be

    • by Renderer of Evil ( 604742 ) on Saturday January 15, 2011 @07:50AM (#34888656) Homepage

      How many times have you appeared in a slashdot topic? Show us your unique achievements you magnificent, undiscovered genius.

      I've noticed that cynical disposition and the constant need to shit on anything that remotely looks like fun is inversely proportional to one's lack of accomplishments. Reminds me of idiots who say "Facebook? Any kid with knowledge of PHP could have done that. It was all luck." Instead, they sit in dark rooms and jerk it to manga all their lives and tear down those who have actually applied themselves and made stuff happen, no matter how trivial.

      I'm sorry that a guy who has created something in a true geek spirit is unworthy of your attention, amidst the ever-important stream of hard hitting news found on /.

      Haters gonna hate.

      • by malkavian ( 9512 )
        Slashdot is supposed to be about news worthy things. Original, interesting, thought provoking.
        If this had got any of those elements, then sure I'd have said "interesting, fresh take, well done"..
        However, there's nothing new to the idea. Dans le sac Vs Scroobius Pip [] did this quite some time ago.. Seems like someone's watched the video, and gone "we can do that too"..
        While there is interest in recreating that, I wouldn't say it's overly geeky, or new.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        the constant need to shit on anything that remotely looks like fun is inversely proportional to one's lack of accomplishments.

        I don't think this means what you think it means

        • Indeed, this is an interesting example of semantic overnegation. It’s tricky because it’s not syntactic overnegation. Since “inversely” and “lack of” are not syntactically negative (they don’t have a phrasal or morphological “not” about them), the poster presumably didn’t notice the triple negative. But “X is inversely proportional to the lack of Y” implies that when values of Y are low then values of X must also be low.

          Probably what th

      • Thank you for writing this. I'm so sick of the "everything sucks" attitude that permeates sites like slashdot, reddit, etc. The level of hateful cynicism is intolerable. I guess the happy creative smart people don't post as much as the assholes of the world. Its easy in life to be a misanthrope and people are drawn to the critical asshole because as a species we're so vain and difficult that when we see something someone else has done that's interesting we need to find a way to cut him down and make ourse

      • OOOOOOOOOOO! I cut a hole in something and stuck in an iPad in it and then stuck it on my head.

        Yes truly geek-a-rific! No not really.

        The dude that made the light show in his pants and controlled it with his iPhone, that was both cool and true to the geek spirit.

        This was just a douche bag with an iPad. Nothing even remotely interesting or cool about anyone with an iPad. Maybe a little sad, yes a little sad.

      • I've noticed that cynical disposition and the constant need to shit on anything that remotely looks like fun is inversely proportional to one's lack of accomplishments.

        In other words, the need to shit on anything that remotely looks like fun is directly proportional to one's accomplishments? I don't think you got that formula quite right.

      • Twice. Once for the "high school hacker's notebook", and once for the 2004 followup to Neal Stephenson's "In The Beginning Was The Command Line". And you want something better? Fine. I built this last year. []

        Also, your logic is wrong. When you say something is inversely proportional to the lack of something, you are saying it is directly proportional.

        Also, I wouldn't call this the "true geek spirit", but that's a matter of taste. I'd say it more of a rave-inspired thing.

        Also, I don't think you're actual

    • Was that really Slashdot-worthy?

      visit my portfolio... Book Us For Your Event

      Sphincter says, "Yes"

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 15, 2011 @05:18AM (#34888212)

    Hipsters + ruined mac plus + horrible music copying daft punk.

    • "My friend Bobby had crossed over into the machine. As he swayed to the music and virtual dancers bounced around him on the video screen, I realized he had achieved the ultimate dream. To BE the REMIX in the ultimate extended dance club."
      - Pretty Boy Crossover, Asimovs, 1986

    • The video sucked, yes, but the music (at least the first half) did not. The song was Genesis by the French group Justice. Perhaps with your refined tastes you believe that it was "horrible music copying Daft Punk," but Justice's music is nearly universally praised by music critics. In fact, I would argue that the Justice album Cross is more a consistent and better listen than anything Daft Punk ever put together.

  • I didn't think Lord Canti would look so metro.

  • by PatPending ( 953482 ) on Saturday January 15, 2011 @05:36AM (#34888244)
    Max Headroom has been replaced by Mac Headroom. Well, that's progress for ya.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I swear it wasn't me!

  • I can accept using digital turntables or computerized mixing and effects in DJing. It's just a fact of life. Technology progresses, and the users of that technology progress too. But your friend "Kid Chameleon" has really lousy song selection and no stage presence, at least one of which is necessary for any good DJ. In this video, he putz around with the equipment, BSing with a few people, then finally plays his lame intro. It isn't even until a good 45 seconds in that he finally puts on the helmet, but then he just bops around in front of his Mac with a beat with no energy.

    Technology changes, and we have to live with it. Those who don't are bound to be considered dinosaurs, while those who adapt lead us ever onward. I think the helmet is a beautifully constructed realization of this fact. While technology progresses, it is up to us individuals to bridge the gap between old and new, and sometimes bridging that gap results in really fucking stupid shit like this.

    • Actually, the music of Kid Chameleon strikes me as very retro. But then again, I was living a fairly avante garde life back in the 80s... Hey, isn't that a pencil neck geek [] in the vid?
    • by Dr. Evil ( 3501 )

      We weren't there. This kinda looks like it was early in the night with a lot of his friends around. We don't know what the mood was like. Cameras can suck a lot of life out of a cool situation.

      Not sure why people are so hard on this guy. He took an idea, did somethign with it. It may not have been perfect, but he learned from doing it.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Just some fucking idiot bouncing around to bitch noise.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This has to be the stupidest thing Ive seen so far this year. It looks like a lot of work went into it, but it still looks fucking stupid.

    DJing an event, with a mac on your head, dressed like your going to a piano recital, will NOT get you laid. Ohh and the music sucks.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by PatPending ( 953482 )

      ...with a mac on your head


    • Yeah, it's not the most interesting or greatest article to ever grace the front page of /., but it's better than the baseless speculation drivel that usually passes as an Apple article. Compared to the numerous slashvertisements and, well, pretty much anything posted by kdawson, this story is actually somewhat original. If nothing else this one stands a chance of not spiraling off into some giant iPhone vs. Android or MacOS vs. Windows flamewar like most Apple stories tend to do.
  • - I think he looks very silly...
    *Tries a Dell laptop*

    - Now that's better!
  • Bicycle helmet padding? $20
    Used Mac Plus? $60
    Ipad? $500

    Watching your wannabe friend look like a retard on the internets? Priceless.

  • "iPad + Macintosh Plus =..." The jokes just write themselves. I won't even try, it's just too easy.

    • "iPad + Macintosh Plus =..." The jokes just write themselves. I won't even try, it's just too easy.

      Hmmm. As the wise puppet once said "do or do not". Sadly, I think your X-wing is firmly stuck in the swamp here...

  • I don't understand how the tags "humor", [hard]hack", or "story" apply to this.

  • So it's every apple product since the ipod - basically featureless and only tolerable to those with a thick eardrum, but hey, it sure is shiny.
  • of Dans le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip []..
    If you're going to post something on Slashdot as original and newsworthy, it's best not to rehash something done better elsewhere and claim originality.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Dude, you've posted that three times already in this thread. It's actually nothing at all like that except for briefly showing a face; if it's a cheap ripoff of anything it's Deadmau5 and Daft Punk. And actually the construction and performance aren't bad, except that it's totally impractical because you can't see out of it. If you're going to be a helmeted DJ, you have to be able to wear it the entire performance.
      • I don't know how you are rating "performance" but the construction is awful. Those cuts and the general organization of the unit, not to mention how high it sits on the guys head - the whole thing is a mess.
  • Alright it's cute but the novelty wears off fast I bet, I'm guessing it's not the lightest thing to have on your, not very cool, especially when you constantly move around and sweat. Sure, the non-geeks and drug-induced crowd will find it fascinating, I would too depending on the moment, but it's not that great. Maybe I saw the headline and expected a lot more.
  • This is NOT a story. So many comments are being modded 'Troll' when they are completely justified here. So, a guy puts an iPod in an old mac box and moves around. There's a) virtually NO creativity b) it's NOT interesting c) there are so many, much more worthwhile stories out there (like the net reduction in our freedoms in the past decade). To date, I grade this the worst story ever on Slashdot
  • Very Blue Man Group. Check out Blue Man Group TV Heads on Youtube: []
  • He's going to Chico State...

    for art.
  • But there is potential.

  • In the spirit of tooting one's own horn ... this is reminiscent of my cyborg music performance project robotcowboy []: [] :D
    • Since you were actually generating the music via suit and your movements, I'd give you 1000000 times the Internets I'd give the other guy. His was a "hack" while yours is a TRUE HACKER.


  • Let's just let the spammers post directly to the front page, shall we? *sheesh!*

  • Those were very easily amused ravers. That looks like a rave at the high-school gym level. They didn't even have good lighting, let alone naked girls in cages.

  • by oddaddresstrap ( 702574 ) on Saturday January 15, 2011 @07:09PM (#34893184)

    That hat makes you look like an idiot.

  • Gym, tan, laundry

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
