France Planning Non-Windows Tablet Tax? 227
An anonymous reader writes "Lots of countries around the world have private copying 'levies,' which are effectively taxes on products that store data, which is put into a pool to be handed out to copyright holders, as a sort of payment for the 'copying' that individuals do. This was quite popular with blank CDRs, for example, but has been expanded in certain countries to cover hard drives, iPods and other such devices. Over in France, they're looking to expand the levy to tablet computers, but apparently if that tablet computer is running Microsoft Windows, it will be exempted from the tax. iPads and Android-powered tablets will have the tax. Why? Well, the argument is that if a tablet is running Windows, it's really a 'computer.' But if it's running one of those 'mobile' operating systems, suddenly it's a brand new category. Not surprisingly, makers of Android tablets — including the French company Archos — are not at all happy about this."
"Planing?" (Score:5, Funny)
Was the initial design of the tax too rough or too thick that it needed planed?
Re:"Planing?" (Score:4, Funny)
"needed planed"?
Grammar Nazi, I am disappoint.
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That was grammatically correct, I believe, just spelt wrong. And yes I used spelt intentionally - it is the equivalent of spelled despite Firefox dictionary not recognizing it OotB (it is a rarely used, yet still correct form). Spelt is also a form of wheat my grandpa used to grow in the US, mainly to sell to the German community in South Dakota, though the majority of his wheat was bread grain like most farmers.
Planed was obviously incorrect spelling, but was corrected by the time I read the headline.
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This is Slashdot, please convert your analogy to use Quadrotriticale (A fine Canadian product).
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Re:"Planing?" (Score:5, Informative)
As a real linguist, I feel I should point out that there are dialects of American English which have a “need Verb-ed” construction which is approximated by “need to be Verb-ed” elsewhere. Thus one can say “the dishes need washed” or “the dog needs walked” rather than “the dishes need to be washed“ or “the dog needs to be walked”. This construction is perfectly grammatical in such dialects, and is possibly spreading so that it will become grammatical throughout much of North America in the next few generations. There’s no semantic difference apparently, it’s a purely syntactic distinction.
It *is* however dialectal at this point, and hence should be avoided in most written contexts.
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something you don't want to be when you grow up !
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It wasn't on the level.
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What is Apple's iPad OS? (Score:2, Insightful)
What is Apple's iPad OS?
That should matter here.
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Not to mention Android isn't an os, it's a platform involving the linux os, some device drivers, and libraries. Moreover, Android and iPad prevent copying because device manufacturers heavily lock those devices down.
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Call this new category "Archos knock-offs".
Perhaps the Apple fanboys will like that approach better... '-p
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The non marketing name for the OS it runs. IOS is actually what runs on Cisco Routers, apple pays to use that name since it fits the i$thing theme they have.
iOS for Wii (Score:2)
IOS is actually what runs on Cisco Routers
I thought IOS [wiibrew.org] was what ran on the CPU in the Wii console's northbridge [wiibrew.org].
iOS is not Mac OS X (Score:3)
What is Apple's iPad OS?
That should matter here.
iOS, formerly iPhone OS, is the operating system for iPad. It is related but different and distinct from Mac OS X. The French could make a similar exception for Mac OS X as they have for Windows 7 and iOS and Windows CE would still be taxed.
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iOS is provably OSX with some API stuff dropped and some tacked on.
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Kind of. It's the same XNU kernel as desktop OS X, running more or less the same userland, including the window server. On top of this are the same CoreFoundation (C) and Foundation (Objective-C) APIs for userspace programmers. Just like desktop OS X, your communication with the window server is via the CoreGraphics / Quartz framework and related frameworks like CoreAnimation. iOS uses the same Objective-C runtime as desktop OS X, but does not support garbage collection. It omits a number of legacy API
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iOS, formerly iPhone OS, is the operating system for iPad. It is related but different and distinct from Mac OS X ...
iOS is provably OSX with some API stuff dropped and some tacked on.
and some stuff changed and not entirely compatible anymore.
Just curious but how is all this different from "related but different and distinct from"? I'm not sure where we are disagreeing.
Those cheese eating surrender monkeys fail again (Score:5, Insightful)
So because it's a computer it's unable to distribute copyrighted materials? Now that is some pretty twisted logic right there.
And what the hell does a "clean operating system" mean?
From the Google translation of the French article:
"Windows 7 will not be affected by the fee for private copying, which by definition is adopted touch pads "provided with an operating system for mobile devices or a clean operating system".
Re:Those cheese eating surrender monkeys fail agai (Score:4, Interesting)
Yea, I think you fail more than them if you run an article through Google Translate and then complain about the writing because you don't understand something.
Re:Those cheese eating surrender monkeys fail agai (Score:4, Informative)
And what the hell does a "clean operating system" mean?
It means you're relying too heavily on a shitty machine translation that just picked the first meaning of "propre" it could find.
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In the french text it says "d’un système d’exploitation propre". In this context "propre" means "of it's own". So if it has an operating system for mobile devices or it has it's own operating system (so develloped with the touchpaddevice in mind) it is taxable. Since windows seven is develloped for personal computers this supposedly does not apply.
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To everyone else: never forget that translators are never flawless, humans and non-humans alike.
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The rationale is that computers make illegal copies on CDs and USB sticks so CDs and USB memory sticks must be taxed proportionally to their the space of storage they offer.
I thought this was too devious for Microsoft to dream up on their own. But is it possible for the French government (or any government) to be more devious than Microsoft? Reminds me of a visit to the optometrist: which is better, #1, or #2?
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"And what the hell does a "clean operating system" mean?"
Linux doesn't qualify as a "clean operating system"? In whose twisted world? (Besides the French?) In any case, perhaps they felt that Microsoft's own tax on OEM systems (in which the "privilege" of selling a system pre-bundled and non-opt outable Windows install cost is born by the consumer, thanks Bill) was tax enough?
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Probably because Windows tablets will probably include heavy handed DRM out of the box and the French think that will keep people from sharing... um, er stealing.
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Probably because Windows tablets will probably include heavy handed DRM out of the box and the French think that will keep people from sharing... um, er stealing.
You seriously want to use that argument when it is being compared to the likes of iOS? Sheesh!
Please. He's complaining that they fail because Google translations of their language don't make sense to him?
Re:Those cheese eating surrender monkeys fail agai (Score:3)
No grep, touch, strip, finger, mount or fsck.
That's why Apple's OS is X rated.
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Or it can actually just mean "proper" as it is a cognate of the English word. This would also make sense since many people do view a mobile OS as not really being a "proper" computer OS considering most mobile OSes have reduced functionality compared to what most people are used to on a full-blown desktop.
Need a computer to do the copying (Score:3, Insightful)
Devices like the iPad are just holders and consumers of media. A Windows PC is the usual culprit when it comes to actually defeating copy protection and doing the duping. This seems bass ackwards to me as they should be taxing the computer, not that they should be taxing either.
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OP knows that, he was just trolling. YHBT and DFTT and all that.
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Also, don't lawmakers ever consult a real technical person when it comes to stuff like this? The Android and Apple mobile OSes and the devices they run on ARE computers. Sheesh.
Actually, it could just be a case of an old and well-documented attitude in the computer market: it's only a real computer if it comes from IBM or Microsoft. Everything else is a toy used only by academics and techies.
It could also be an example of a phenomenon that's now rampant in the US, and may be starting to infect Europe: The richer you are, the lower your taxes are. Actually, that may not be a very new phenonenon. The change may be that now in the US, the right-wing part of the political spectru
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Devices like the iPad are just holders and consumers of media
Actually I think that may really be the whole point. Levies of this type (as the summary says) have typically been applied to things like CD-R, blank DVD, music players, etc. - because of the fact that they ARE holders of (often copyrighted) media. I don't agree with these levys at all; I think they are very misguided, but I can see how they got into a quagmire trying to define what is "like a CD-R" (holds content) and ended up getting it a bit wrong.
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Devices like the iPad are just holders and consumers of media.
That's precisely the logic they're using. They seem to think that, to copy something, you need some medium to copy it too - like tapes. So the more you copy, the more tapes you buy - and therefore the tax on tapes is indirectly a tax on how much you copy.
That logic still made some (albeit little) sense when it was applied to CD-Rs, but then they also started to classify everything with storage as a potential target for copying. Except computers, because, well, they obviously aren't like a tape or a CD or a
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Devices like the iPad are just holders and consumers of media
No, the iPad is a tablet computer, albeit one that Apple designed to thwart attempts by its users to control. Hard drives and SSDs are holders of media, people are consumers of it, who use software to aid them in that consumption. Dividing tablet computers into different classes based on what some corporation thinks you should use it for is not a game I want to play, and it is frankly counter-productive. The sooner we start calling the iPad what it is, the better.
A Windows PC is the usual culprit when it comes to actually defeating copy protection and doing the duping
As are a number of other systems -- r
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So... a tax allegedly levied to compensate for copying exempts the platform that most copying takes place on?
France has finally fully shifted into Bizarro world.
Article Title (Score:2, Troll)
Maybe we could have gotten a more inflammatory article title to stoke the inevitable posting flamewar. Such as: "France to Apple Fans: Your iPad is a Toy, Not a Real Computer Like A Windows Machine."
Which is pretty much what the summary says. I'm sure that'll go over well.
Re:Article Title (Score:4, Insightful)
Not to provoke further, but an I don't consider an iPad a 'real computer'. It's running the same OS as an iPhone.
I also wouldn't consider a tablet running Windows Mobile xx (or Windows Mobile CE) a real computer anymore than my phone (which is not a real computer).
If they are taxing iPads, they better be taxing Windows Mobile devices, along with Android devices. If they aren't taxing Windows 7 (XP/Vista) devices, then they shouldn't be taxing systems running Mac OSX or systems with whatever the Google operating system is called nor anything sold with Unix/Linux on it.
The tax is stupid, but as long as it follows the same rules across all platforms then people should be upset about that, not comparing iOS to Windows 7...
Of course, the linked article doesn't actually give versions of windows this applies to, which is an important point.So I assume this is just to start a flame war because someone said their iPad is not a real computer...
From TFA comments (Score:4, Insightful)
"Good for microsoft. Legislation is an easier way to get rid of pesky competition than work is."
That's about right..... and no this isn't just an anti-MS slap. Lots of Megacorps do the same thing, like how McDonalds bought an exemption from the health insurance requirement. Don't play on an even field IF you can get lawmakers to give you special exemptions or favorable laws.
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Or you can just start a huge harassment campaign against employees of the IRS and then walk in and demand unique tax deductions that nobody else will get, in exchange for dropping the attack.
Oh wait, didn't Scientology do that? I believe they did. It sounds exactly the sort of thing they'd do considering that they use copyright law to protect their scriptures.
And I don't fucking care if I get sued for saying this.
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Why the fuss when you have a government that's pretty much for sale?
France just proved that they now have the best government money can buy (as if that needed any more proof).
Re:From TFA comments (Score:4, Interesting)
McDonalds didn't "buy" an exemption; the Department of Health and Human Services said it granted waivers in late September so workers with such plans wouldn't lose coverage from employers who might choose instead to drop health insurance altogether [usatoday.com].
I found it interesting that you chose to mention "Lots of Megacorps" but failed to mention all the unions that "bought" their exemptions too! [hhs.gov] And, oh, by the way, waivers are available until 2014.
From FactCheck [factcheck.org]:
Q: Has the Obama administration allowed corporations to "opt out" of the new health care law?
A: No. The government has granted more than 200 waivers, but these merely give companies a temporary delay before being required to improve the coverage of cheap, bare-bones plans they currently offer.
Not buying it (Score:4, Insightful)
This has the smell of something that's so moronic that (for real) it will never get very far.
That, and I'm sure makers of non-Windows devices will be exercising the EU court system like it's going out of style.
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It's France's Sarkozy government. His cabinet is made of such a clowns that this is perhaps the most well thought law that they have in the pipeline for the next year.
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That's so true... I'm french... And I am crying... I hate Santa for not bringing France the resignation of the president...
taxes are needed to fund executive pay (Score:5, Interesting)
Canada has had a copying-tax for many, many years. It's worked very well for the executives of the RIAA and the CRIAA [michaelgeist.ca]:
Hadopi and copy tax... (Score:2)
I think we should have one, but not both?
Sounds to me like double jeopardy.
What do you think?
How about neither? (Score:2)
Beware of mixed metaphors! (Score:2)
Why not take the same approach with the music industry that we took with the typewriter, camera film, and buggy-whip industries?
I parsed your post like this:
Storyline is about copyrights
- typewriters can be used to copy text
- camera film can be used to copy images
hmmm, so far this about old methods used in the past to copy things
buggy-whips? WTF?
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Sounds to me like double jeopardy.
What do you think?
No. Double jeopardy has a specific legal meaning, and this is not it. Some forms of private copying may be legal but taxed while others can be illegal under Hadopi, at best you have a conflict between two laws/regulations that need resolving. In any case a tax is not a legal punishment, and double jeopardy means being punished twice by the legal system for the same crime.
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Way before the HADOPI mess, copying of CD/DVD/YouNameIt was already prohibited, because you'd have to circumvent some kind of protection (yes, breaking DVD CSS is illegal here, although totally stupid).
So, for a long time, it was illegal to made a private copy of almost any media, and yet we were paying for it. Now, they want to extend this tax without any reasoning behind it.
In short, the french government doesn't even try to hide anymore when raising a new
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Is more akin tho the media cartel eating his cake, forcing the artists to buy them another one, then forcing taxpayers to buy them another one, even if they are not consumers of their products. Despite what narrow minded people believe, tablet computers can be used for far more useful things than to listen to music or playing videos. If they want so badly these kind of levies, then lawmakers must abrogate all laws punishing non commercial copyright infringement since copyright holders are already compensate
I've said it before, I'll say it again (Score:2, Troll)
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If you mean literally, absolutely!
and this is why... (Score:2)
This is why these taxes were ridiculous in the first place. Take money from one industry or product to give to another for the crimes that might leverage the first's? This should immediately freak any sane uninterested party right the hell out.
It is really not the place of good government to make "crimes" (unproven) right by stealing from one industry to placate another. If your government does this (and yours probably does), your government is corrupt.
I knew the French was commies!1!! (Score:2)
Define Computer (Score:4, Insightful)
If you design a piece of hardware, capable of running Windows 7, but DOESN'T is it a computer? What if it runs Windows 7 in a VM on another OS?
I hate governments more each day.
"Computer" - you keep using that word. (Score:2)
The intent would seem to include Win7 (Score:2)
"The scale ranges from 0.09 euros for models with up to 128MB of 12 euros for those with 64 GB
Article linked from TFA [google.com]
Thus I suspect 'mobile/clean operating system' is meant to refer to any operating system that can run on a mobile device, and then be used to play music that you probably stole. We all know how the copyright cartels think, why would they intentionally exclude windows users?
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Thus I suspect 'mobile/clean operating system' is meant to refer to any operating system that can run on a mobile device, and then be used to play music that you probably stole.
No, that's not what is being meant and the "clean" part is a mistranslation by Google Translate. What they are saying is that there are "mobile OSes" (aka android) and "proper OSes" aka (Windows) and thus they are only going to tax the mobile OSes not what is considered a "proper" OS.
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Ask yourself: Why would they intentionally exclude tablets running Win
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Who is actually getting the payout from the "mobile OS netbook tax"? Are they applying it to non-Windows machines under the assumption that you will install an illegal copy of Windows on it? Or does it even matter?
I can't find anything about how the existing tax on media, USB sticks, and MP3 players is disbursed, but I doubt it's going to Microsoft. I think they're just trying to add 'tablets' to that list of things get a levy on behalf of whatever copyright think-tank writes their laws, because everyone is, apparently, assumed to be a criminal.
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It's not just the copyright cartels.
If your stuff isn't in an Apple approved format, the Apple fanboys will happily repeat the pro-RIAA rhetoric.
They love to accuse you of stealing.
Crony Capitalism (Score:2)
Nothing to see here or much to discuss, really, this is just another case of crony capitalism.
Bill of rights? (Score:2)
How does a "copying" levy, applied more or less indiscriminately to virtually al
The voters get the government they deserve (Score:4, Insightful)
... even in France.
Windows for tablets -- NT-derived, or CE derived? (Score:2)
MS is going to announce an OS for ARM-based tablets, Lots of people have assumed that it will be a derivative of the desktop OSes. However, it seems more likely that it would be a derivative of WIndows CE (like Windows Phone 7). Until more details come out, we won't really know.
If it is CE, why should MS be treated differently from other OSes?
Stupid (Score:2)
Everyone knows it is much easier to pirate music and films on a real computer compared to a tablet.
If anything the tax should be the other way around.
This is important... (Score:5, Interesting)
This is one of the most important things for supporters of Free Software to understand: businesses are subsidized by the tax code. All businesses, even the terrible ones. Especially the terrible ones.
It doesn't matter which country you're talking about. The economies of nearly every Western government are equally hosed up in the same ridiculous way. Tax agencies assume that everything an individual purchases is consumed, and that everything a corporation purchases is an investment. As far as taxing authorities are concerned, a Windows computer is an investment. It is capital. It fits the obsolete model of production that governments know: labor + capital == profit. When you buy anything as a business, you write it off your taxes and pat yourself on the back.
A non-corporate, non-business operating system, on the other hand, is a toy. It's a distraction, a hobby. Governments consider it not to be an investment, but a consumer item. Same goes for an Android phone. It's assumed to depreciate in value. A Windows phone, though, is for business. It's assumed to produce value. Nevermind the fact that most Windows phones are unproductive toys, or that most Windows computers are inefficient cludges. Nevermind the fact that free and open source software can be orders of magnitude more efficient and productive than proprietary, closed source software. Windows is a capital investment. Free software is a toy.
The result should be obvious. Responsible, non-consumer individuals are punished. Wasteful, non-producing companies are subsidized. Long term investments in things like open standards are discouraged. Short term speculation is encouraged.
It really is as simple as that. Governments don't consider it further. The idea of a Windows computer running a nuclear power plant, therefore, seems perfectly natural. Debian? A toy. Red Hat? One of the most expensive operating systems ever. They are 99% the exact same code. One is a tax write-off produced by a legitimate company. The other is a toy produced by a bunch of hobbyists. In the US, we see all of these crap small businesses that can no longer afford their rent. Corporate real estate is about to take a dump all over itself. Banks are over leveraged, and it turns out they own no real assets. They were subsidized. They bought a bunch of consumable junk like Windows computers, shoddy houses and uninsulated office buildings, wrote it off as a brilliant investment, and waited for the profit to roll in. Unfortunately, everyone else did the same, all the real assets went overseas, and now the US economy is utter crap.
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Sounds like it's time for the French to dust off the Guillotine.
April Fools already? (maybe France is Fools) (Score:2)
A tablet running Windows is actually a computer?
Windows is what makes a computer, huh?
You go France, no wonder we make fun of you these days.
Dia de los inocentes in spanish world, today (Score:2)
Most spanish language newspapers publish this day news in the same vein that is April Fools, but in this case, is just Sarkozy's usual stupidity.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! (Score:2)
Makes sense (Score:2, Funny)
From what I have heard about Windows 7 on a tablet, these people are unfortunate enough to have to run Windows on their tablet. Surely you wouldn't want to make them even more miserable by making them pay a tax on it. I am glad that French lawmakers show some compassion with the unfortunate victims.
It's a mystery to me (Score:2)
Aside from the obvious that as someone else stated these laws assume that anyone buying these products is guilty or that the innocent must help pay for all those evil copyright infringers there's a couple things that I've never understood. If governments are collecting this tax money, who or what organization are they turning it over to that decides what artists get reimbursed and by how much for the illegal copying of their works? Do artists / studios have to file paperwork stating that their works were il
Can someone explain how to pirate with my iPod? (Score:2)
So, the tax is also on iPods, even the nano, Shuffle and classic. Can someone explain how you use one of those devices to pirate music? I know how to do it on any Windows PC, but last time I checked there was no Kazaa, LimeWire, Bittorrent or for that matter any 3rd party apps whatsoever on those iPods.
Wrong reason (Score:2)
Re:Apple Tax (Score:5, Insightful)
So people have to pay an Apple Tax for owning a iPod XL (err, I mean iPad)? Yeah, I can live with that.
Until it extends to a product you wish to have.
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It is about time people started taxing the people who buy Apple products.
Re:Apple Tax (Score:4, Insightful)
I am not too worried about that.
You should think a little bit more about wishing for things like that. Every single thing you said "does not apply" to only means "does not apply today".
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First they came for the iPods, and I did not speak out --
Because I didn't own a crummy iPod
Then they came for the Android phones, and I did not speak out --
Because I don't like Google and I don't have a smart phone
Then they came for the flash drives, and I did not speak out --
Because I still use CD-Rs, so screw it
Then they came for all non-Windows devices -- and Bill Gates just laughed his ass off.
Unix tablets (Score:3)
my server is Unix (does not apply), my netbook is Windows (does not apply), and I have no use for a tablet.
Until the netbook and tablet sectors merge and someone tries selling (GNU's Not) Unix tablets. Oh wait, this has already started to happen [slashdot.org]. Then once your netbook breaks, the successor to your netbook might be a tablet.
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You have it backwards. They were most definitely the ones sucking Ballmer's cock.
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Sure. I am not free to install Flash on it myself, therefore it's just a consumer electronics toy.
It's a souped up Walkman. The fact that it could be so much more really doesn't matter so much.
Do Tivo owners get their panties in a bunch about this like Apple fanboys do?
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No. It's more like saying that a car that comes with a governor that limits it to 25mph isn't a real car.
The "real car" in question also happens to be a golf cart.
It has existed in the US for almost two decades (Score:2)
If I purchase blank CD's, DVD's or hard drives and I got charged a "Piracy Tax", I would consider that my payment to copyright holders and I would pirate all I wanted.
The U.S. has such a levy/tax [wikipedia.org] on blank audio recording media, adopted as part of the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992.