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iOS 4 Releases Today 702

tekgoblin writes "Today Apple releases the much anticipated iOS 4 for iPhones and iPod Touches. No word on when we will see this update on the iPad." Can't wait to see all the neat new stuff that won't run on my stale phone.
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iOS 4 Releases Today

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  • Can't wait to see (Score:5, Insightful)

    by betterunixthanunix ( 980855 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:24AM (#32640578)
    I personally can't wait to see what measures this new software takes to control its users and limit their access to other programs.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:27AM (#32640620)

      I've heard you can send your first-born son to Steve Jobs in trade for full access.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Andy Smith ( 55346 )

        ...until Jobs retroactively amends the first-born T&Cs and full access becomes void after lil bubba's first tooth appears. Or 28 days, whichever is sooner.

        You are also prohibited from producing any further children as your genetic information is now (C)Apple. That was also in the T&Cs. Not at the time you agreed to them, but it is now.

      • by o'reor ( 581921 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @10:23AM (#32641606) Journal

        Express'd in the EULA, let the forfeit
        Be nominated for an equal pound
        Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken
        In what part of your body pleaseth Steve.

    • by Bender Unit 22 ( 216955 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:36AM (#32640776) Journal

      Whine whine whine whine. It is getting old.
      Don't you think the users buying those phones are quite aware of that now. And it is not like we don't have proper alternatives by now.

      I admit it is really scary that the average user just want computers and gadets that works together well without the need to have any technical knowledege at all, and for the average user, the limits are nothing compared to getting the average phone to sync properly with windows or navigating through the eel infested waters of the internet safely without getting vira etc.
      Even some HTC phones with android have been terrible with unstable windows drivers and I have spent more than one evening fixing other peoples computers, so that they could do something that should be Plug'n'Play 10 years ago(syncing their Hero phone with XP).

      • by jgagnon ( 1663075 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:52AM (#32641076)

        In my experience, the average user doesn't know what they want until they see something they like, and then they want it. This especially applies to computing products since so few understand what they are capable of, so imagining the possibilities isn't all that easy for them to do.

        And no, the average person reading this post is not the same as the average user mentioned above.

  • AT&T (Score:2, Insightful)

    by jsnipy ( 913480 )
    I wonder if AT&T's network will melt :/
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by nurb432 ( 527695 )

      Hasn't it already?

      And i bet more do it via itunes off their PC anyway.

  • by 0xdeadbeef ( 28836 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:33AM (#32640718) Homepage Journal

    I can't wait to see all the new stuff that I had on my Android phone a year and a half ago.

    • If that bothers you, why not buy a phone from the Japanese market, and see all the "new" stuff that you'll have on your Android phone in 3 years time?
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by L4t3r4lu5 ( 1216702 )
      And on my WinMobile device half a decade ago.

      Digital zoom, multi-tasking, homescreen wallpaper changing, bluetooth keyboard support... Yup, all on my HTC Himalaya (released 2004).
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by MBCook ( 132727 )

      Has the lack of multi-tasking annoyed many iPhone users?

      I've had my 3G for 2 years, but there have only been a handful of times when I would have liked multitasking, mostly for switching between a webpage and something else (like SMS). When I use my phone, I'm often playing a game that I want to focus on.

      Outside of Skype and type things, has this been a big frustration for many iPhone owners?

      I'll be glad to get the feature when I get a iPhone 4, but it hasn't been a deal breaker by any means.

      • by kisrael ( 134664 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @11:43AM (#32642786) Homepage

        Bang on-- the only reliable example of people really missing it are Pandora. Or, possibly, GPS turn directions? Basically, audio-only stuff, which brings us to an interesting point, with both iPhone and iPad, YOU'RE not really a multitasking device either -- it's nice how these devices don't try to divide your attention, and running a new app is a bit like running a new, more specialized device.

        That said -- 90s era Palm had better culture of "resuming right where you left off" apps, but now maybe iOS gets that back... and I think I might start liking that bottom of screen app bouncing the same way I like alt-tab in Windows...

  • Unfortunately (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Yvan256 ( 722131 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:33AM (#32640726) Homepage Journal

    It's not for all the iPhone and iPod touch models. The first generation is being left behind.

    So that means a lot of users stuck with devices running iOS3. Please don't forget that when making apps, unless you don't like profits of course.

    FYI: the 1st generation iPod touch is the slowest, least powerful of all the iDevices. If it runs properly on that, it will run on all others.

    • Re:Unfortunately (Score:5, Informative)

      by Lord Grey ( 463613 ) * on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:47AM (#32640982)

      While I obviously can't speak for everyone, here are some actual statistics regarding hardware usage for one of my apps compatible with iPhone OS 3.1 and higher:

      • Apple iPhone 3GS: 51.3%
      • Apple iPhone 3G: 24.1%
      • Apple iPhone 1G: 5.9%
      • Apple iPod Touch 2G: 5.6%
      • Apple iPad: 3.4%
      • Apple iPod Touch 3G: 2.0%
      • Apple iPhone: 0.4%
      • Apple iPod Touch 1G: < 0.1%
      • Apple iPod Touch: < 0.1%

      7.2% were simulator usage. The app used here is a paid business app, with not-very-exciting sales figures. Still, I would think that the hardware distribution would be meaningful. If so, it would indicate that one could profitably ignore the first generation iPhone.

    • Re:Unfortunately (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Skuld-Chan ( 302449 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:50AM (#32641052)

      You mean the iPhone suffers from this fragmentation thing Apple people accuse the Android platform of having?

  • ...Apple rumor blogs do this.
    Why not wait until the damn thing is actually released?

  • by markov_chain ( 202465 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:34AM (#32640744)

    And if you have a jailbroken phone, make sure you are ready today to NOT get the update as soon as possible :D

  • Blatant Self Ad (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:34AM (#32640750)

    The summary is almost 90% of the article linked. Also the user who submitted this is linking back to their "blog" that goes for the short form summary that doesn't contain any useful info.

  • by sjonke ( 457707 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:35AM (#32640772) Journal

    I've been checking for the update periodically all morning. I'm definitely looking forward to it, but not looking forward to their servers getting overloaded. Probably I should just forget about it and try to update tomorrow or Wednesday.

  • by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:40AM (#32640828)

    There has been "word" on when iOS 4 will be available for iPad, and the word is "this fall".

    There were two separate development trains for iOS (previously known as "iPhone OS"); one for iPhone and iPod touch, and one for iPad.

  • I'm not entirely sure why they didn't release it for the 1st Gen iPhone & iPod Touch, does the OS take advantage of hardware not present on those? I'm hoping that my 1st Gen iPod Touch isn't rendered obsolete by this update. I know when iPhone OS 3 came out, there was a big push that all apps needed to be OS 3 tested, I wonder when the same will be required for iOS 4?
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by voidptr ( 609 )

      Required to be tested against iOS 4 isn't the same as requiring iOS 4. You can still build against the 3.0 SDK if you want to support older devices, you just need to make sure it doesn't break when running on iOS 4 too. You can still build against 2.X if you really want to, but it needs to not crash on 4.0.

  • Why has Apple created a disparity between its two newest products, released only a couple of months apart? The iPhone 4 will have twice as much ram as the iPad, a better screen and now a newer OS - why is the iPad looking like the second rate child here?

    Don't get me wrong, I have an iPad and I love it, but I am baffled as to why Apple once again puts noses out of shape by making such an obvious difference in spec between the two products. Its almost as tho the iPad is the last of the previous generatio
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by sjonke ( 457707 )

      The iPad's specs are better then any currently available iPhone or iPod touch, so I'm not sure what you're saying. Should Apple have released a less capable iPhone 4? If you're asking why they aren't releasing iOS 4 for the iPad today, yeah that's a decent question. I have to presume they'd have liked to have had iOS 4 out for the iPad today too, but for reasons unknown they aren't going to be able to do that today.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        The iPad's specs are better then any currently available iPhone or iPod touch, so I'm not sure what you're saying. Should Apple have released a less capable iPhone 4? If you're asking why they aren't releasing iOS 4 for the iPad today, yeah that's a decent question.

        The iPad was first released a little over two months ago, while the iPhone 3GS was released a year ago - the iPhone 4 will be with us in the next few days.

        With that in mind, the iPad has the same amount of ram and the same quality screen as the previous generation of iPhone and iPod Touch, despite being released ten months later, and only two or so months before the new iPhone version. Why?

        The screen I could live without, but doubling the ram would have been extremely handy - there have already been sugges

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by jo_ham ( 604554 )

      The iPad will get the iOS4 upgrade later this year. The development of the iPhone OS was running in parallel for the two platforms, and will now be rolled together when both are up to date with the iOS 4 upgrade. Presumably it's not quite ready on the iPad yet.

  • Features (Score:5, Interesting)

    by DaMattster ( 977781 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @09:43AM (#32640914)
    It does look kind of neat but I have all kinds of goodies on a jailbroke touch. I don't think I am going to upgrade to iOS 4 until someone comes up with a jailbreak. The goodies from Cydia repos are worth more than just a few extras that I really don't need.
  • by antifoidulus ( 807088 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @10:12AM (#32641430) Homepage Journal
    So the iPad won't be running iOS 4 right away.... Apple is really running the risk of having a very segmented market a la Android, but they are doing it without any of Androids advantages. For instance even though it was only released two months ago the iPad only has half the amount of RAM that the iPhone 4 has and a lot fewer sensors. This means that there will be a large group of applications that will run on the iPhone 4 but will not run on the iPad which will wind up frustrating users to no end. While I realize that technology advances with time, there was no rational reason for Apple to upgrade hardware, but when you release devices within 2 months of each other that vary so wildly, you are doing something wrong.

    And while this problem is unlikely to affect them in the near term, in the long term users are going to become as frustrated with the segmentation of the iOS market as they were/are with the segmentation in other cell phone environments. The EXACT same segmentation that Steve decried when first announcing the iPhone/iPod touch SDK.
    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @10:54AM (#32642048)

      So the iPad won't be running iOS 4 right away.... Apple is really running the risk of having a very segmented market a la Android, but they are doing it without any of Androids advantages. For instance even though it was only released two months ago the iPad only has half the amount of RAM that the iPhone 4 has and a lot fewer sensors.

      The iPad has the same amount of RAM that the very latest phone (the 3Gs) offers. And the same number of sensors (minus the camera, which is not exactly a "sensor"). Only the very latest phone, which initially will have a fraction of the 3G/3Gs owner numbers has one more sensor - a gyroscope, which mostly refines what you can do with the accelerometer.

      So where is the fractioning? Most developers will still be targeting iOS3.1 as a base for a while, with support for some iOS4 features for at least a half year or so - time enough for the iPad to gain the update. In fact that point will probably be the trigger where developers could realistically move to iOS4 alone, since by then most people will have upgraded (including Touch owners since finally Touch updates are free).

      And while this problem is unlikely to affect them in the near term, in the long term users are going to become as frustrated with the segmentation of the iOS market

      In the "long term" there's iOS4, since the iPad and iPhone will both be running it - yes you can't have iOS4 on the original iPhone 1st gen, but at this point that is a fraction of the devices on the market.

      Apple has done a good job thinking around the fragmentation problem, including how to handle iPhones with different resolutions...

  • by sootman ( 158191 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @10:20AM (#32641568) Homepage Journal

    Can't wait to see all the neat new stuff that won't run on my stale phone.

    I bought an original base (4 GB) iPhone a couple months after it came out--refurbished, $249. When the 3G came out I sold my original one on eBay for right about what I paid for it*, plus or minus a few bucks (I forget exactly, and I had a case but lost the headphones, etc.) and bought a base (8 GB) 3G. When the 3GS came out I sold my $199 3G for $305 and got I a base (16 GB) 3GS--I just had to wait a couple months for an anniversary to roll around and then the upgrade price dropped from $399 to the regular $199. Now, for some reason, AT&T is telling me I can upgrade to an iPhone 4 for good old $199 [] so I'm just gonna wait a few weeks--a) for them to become available again and b) because I never buy new stuff right away.

    So basically, I paid $249 three years ago and for that, I've gotten an annual free upgrade to a faster phone with more features and double the storage every time (this is the first year that won't happen) and, as a nice bonus, my phone has never been out of warranty. You'd think someone who runs a tech [] site might be aware of all this.

    * vendor lock-in is usually evil but it has treated me very well. :-) Due to Apple's exclusive deal with AT&T, people who want iPhones but are on other networks pay quite a bit for used ones.

  • Is iOS 4 Sick? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by dancingmad ( 128588 ) on Monday June 21, 2010 @10:56AM (#32642074)

    Releases what?

    Oh, you mean Apple releases iOS 4 today. iOS 4 will be released.

    C'mon man, let's not ruin our language.

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
