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Wii Businesses Apple

DarwiinRemote - AWiimote Frontend for OSX 74

jeckil writes "DarwiinRemote is a tiny piece of software which reads data from and sends data to Nintendo Wii Remote. It detects all 3 axis sensors, all buttons (except power). You can modify which controller LED indicator is on, and send force feedback. Right now it only supports a basic front row control scheme but they should be releasing a better version in a few days. All the source code is available and compatible with latest version of xcode. One can only wonder ... If the latest apple rumor turns out to be true, things could get very interesting for apple. Someone has already released a modified version of this app. It seems there have been some problems detecting the remote so an alternate version that uses the Wiimote's sync button has been released."
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DarwiinRemote - A Wiimote Frontend for OSX

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  • WiinRemote (Score:3, Informative)

    by Phroggy ( 441 ) * <> on Thursday December 07, 2006 @01:25PM (#17149158) Homepage
    I can't read Japanese, but it looks like WiinRemote [] is a similar app for Windows; this page is linked from the DarwiinRemote page.
    • Re:WiinRemote (Score:5, Informative)

      by KingJoshi ( 615691 ) <> on Thursday December 07, 2006 @01:37PM (#17149360) Homepage
      And the English page, []
      • GlovePie (Score:3, Informative)

        by Animaether ( 411575 )
        alternatively... []

        I wonder why it's news when it's on a Mac :)
        • Mac fanbois (Score:1, Flamebait)

          by jmorris42 ( 1458 ) *
          > I wonder why it's news when it's on a Mac :)

          Because most of the /. editors became Apple fanbois back when the TiBook was released. They mouth the Open Source slogans once in awhile because that is what a lot of the readers expect but Taco & Co. long since went to the dark side.
          • No, I think it's because Mac users are more curious about their computer and about what they can do with it, and less afraid of downloading stuff from the Internet :-P
            • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
              I think anyone who has to do technical support would tell you that the problem is that Windows users AREN'T afraid of downloading and running programs.
              • by LKM ( 227954 )
                See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Downloading programs is considered "a problem" if you're a Windows user.
                • by Raenex ( 947668 )
                  And how is it not a problem if you're a Mac user?
                  • by LKM ( 227954 )

                    And how is it not a problem if you're a Mac user?

                    Wow. Just... Wow.

                    That makes me kind of sad. You seriously think apps on every OS generally consist of spyware and trojans? They're not. You should read that [].

                    Actual conversation on MSN Chat:

                    Friend of mine who recently switched to a Mac: "Hey, how can I send a picture from iPhoto using my GMX account?

                    Me: "Click on 'Attach File' and drag the photo from iPhoto to your web browser's 'open' window."

                    Her: "Okay... drag from where?"

                    Me: "Wait, I'll send you a

                    • by Raenex ( 947668 )

                      The only reason Macs don't have more viruses and trojans is because Macs are a niche market, and thus hardly targeted. Windows is everywhere, so it's targeted more.

                      So the only thing "protecting" you is obscurity. Macs are more visible now, so expect more problems. Indiscriminate downloading and use of shareware used to be prevalent in the early days of Windows and DOS too, with few problems, until an entire industry was made out of hacking peoples' machines. Now there's online banking, so they'll wa

                    • Aye, PC fanboi (Score:3, Interesting)

                      by LKM ( 227954 )

                      The only reason Macs don't have more viruses and trojans is because Macs are a niche market, and thus hardly targeted. Windows is everywhere, so it's targeted more.

                      First of all, who cares? This has got nothing to do with the discussion. Even if you're right: Why should I care why there are no viruses? There are none, that's all that matters.

                      Second, you're wrong. It's total bullshit. If there were few viruses, sure, the smaller market share would explain it. There were few viruses for pre-X Mac OS system

                    • by Raenex ( 947668 )

                      Why should I care why there are no viruses? There are none, that's all that matters.

                      Don't forget trojans -- there have been trojans on OS X. You should care because when you make smug comments about Windows, you should know just what, exactly, is protecting you. If it is only obscurity, then you have no cause to be smug. Let's say that everybody buys into Apple's commercials and switches from Windows to Macs. Will the Macs prevent today's abysmal security situation from repeating itself?

                      There ar

                    • by LKM ( 227954 )

                      I wanted to know what security the Mac offered that let users download and run arbitrary programs without worrying about malware. (...) Seems to me that all the ingredients are there for Mac users to experience the same misery as Windows users

                      No, because PC users' fear of downloading apps is somewhat irrational. If you randomly download apps from P2P networks, sure, there's a certain danger (which, while smaller, also exists for Macs, since as you say, writing Trojans is easy on pretty much every OS). Bu

                    • by Raenex ( 947668 )

                      But if you go to or any other somewhat reputable source of apps, your Windows PC won't get infected

                      That's just not true. You can't make any such guarantees. Nothing prevents a programmer from making a trojan that will only activate at a later time, once there have been enough downloads. Even Apple, as reputable as you can get, recently distributed a Windows virus with iPods.

                      In reality, you don't get infected by downloading stuff.

                      No, in reality you do: Spyware Everywhere []. Anothe

                    • by LKM ( 227954 )

                      Well, I concede that it is possible that you will infect your PC by downloading stuff from reputable sources. I think it's unlikely, but it seems to be possible. It has never happened to me (although I did infect my PC by through an ad from a domain forwarding service - this attack vector just seems better suited for virus designers than getting your app on and convincing people to install it).

                      As for why it's not a problem on Macs, I never claimed that the low market share was not a cause. The

        • look at the site and readme on that program and you will see the following

          "NOTE! You may not use this software on military bases, or for military purposes, or in Israel (which amounts to the same thing). Violation of the license agreement will be prosecuted. See the readme for the license agreement.

          Seems like the neo-Nazi author is not fond of Jews.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by tarun713 ( 782737 )
      The guys over at have a windows "driver" posted using an input emulator. There is also a python script linked to that can be used for linux input.
  • Well (Score:2, Insightful)

    by TheWoozle ( 984500 )
    We all knew Mac users were wankers; and here they are admitting they play with their Wiis while using their Macs! ;-)

    Seriously, though - this is cool. I'd love to see a program to control iTunes with gestures.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by TheWoozle ( 984500 )
      Wow, what a bunch of humorless assholes. I was *kidding* FFS!

      I've used Apples since the II+, I own a MacBook Pro, and I love OS X.

      Jeez, some poeple around here are desperately in need of a blowjob!
      • by empaler ( 130732 )

        Jeez, some poeple around here are desperately in need of a blowjob!
        Always true. Even if just after sex or a blow job, one could always use more. Always.
        *sigh* - to be young and have a nympho gf again - that was the bomb
  • by lpangelrob ( 714473 ) on Thursday December 07, 2006 @01:47PM (#17149544)

    Typical slideshow presenters: $56.00 [].

    Wii Remote: $29.95

    All that you're missing is a laser pointer, and the requisite freaking sharks.

    • Blah. I amend my post to read "Wii Remote: $39.99 []". The "Never check Wikipedia for /. posts" axiom costs me again!
      • Don't forget to add $10 for a misnamed "sensor bar" (assuming you don't already have one)...or you could use two candles (or two of anything else that emits IR).
    • by Lehk228 ( 705449 )
      from the SAME SITE a cheaper one... WITH LASER []
    • by Ant P. ( 974313 )
      Not only that, the wiimote's cheaper than my £30 "gaming" mouse. Can't wait for kernel 2.6.20.
    • by RyoShin ( 610051 ) <> on Thursday December 07, 2006 @04:46PM (#17152874) Homepage Journal
      Who needs the laser pointer? Somehow integrate this software with the software being used to present the document, and suddenly your mouse turns into a pointing finger and moves with the Wiimote.

      Set it up so that - and + changes slides, and use the D-pad to control what type of pointer is being used- a hand, a grabber to draw a circle or square around an area, an underlining tool, or nothing. The A or B button controls turning that on and off.
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )
      Apple remote that comes with every Mac: free.

      Those suckers are strangely powerful too. Aiming it ANYWHERE in the room (even from behind the computer, aiming the other direction) is enough for it to work.
  • Like Photoshop and FinalCut! Ok So the photoshop idea might be neat.
  • Pointer feature? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MindStalker ( 22827 ) <mindstalker@g m a> on Thursday December 07, 2006 @01:56PM (#17149712) Journal
    What would be really great is the ability to use calibrate and use the pointing feature.
    Sure you'll need an IR source, but the ability to say, put an IR source on the floor and use a projection screen with a true pointer would be very very cool.
    • That should be coming really soon. I read on digg today that some drivers have just added support for the IR cameras on the remote.
    • by inio ( 26835 )
      The "modified version" has that. No calibration needed even.
    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      You don't need a "sensor bar" or calibration. PCs and Macs have a thing called a cursor. You can move the remote to move the mouse. It doesn't allow you to aim where you want the cursor to appear, but that would be totally impractical anyway.
      • by Gulthek ( 12570 )
        The Wiimote works by acting as an infrared camera. The "sensor bar" sends out two IR signals which the remote uses to determine its position and rotation. No sensor bar => Wiimote can only send button presses to the Wii.
        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          by Kufat ( 563166 )
          No, it can send button presses and motion information, but not absolute position as determined by the IR camera. You can swing the remote to swing your sword in Zelda no matter where it's pointed, but you have to point it near the sensor bar to move the on-screen cursor.
          • Actually, you're wrong - the "modified version" linked in TFA has support for the IR pointer.
        • by DrXym ( 126579 )
          The wii remote has gyroscopes and accelerometers. It doesn't need a sensor bar to know you're moving the thing left, right, up or down. It wouldn't allow you to point at a spot on the screen and put the cursor there, but then neither do conventional mice - I can pick up my mouse and deposit it a foot away and the computer doesn't know since it just tracks movements.

          Besides which having to point at the screen would be totally impractical, frustrating and just a waste of time. Presentations are usually done

    • by grumbel ( 592662 )
      What would be really great is the ability to use calibrate and use the pointing feature.

      Already done it seems, see [].

  • by inio ( 26835 ) on Thursday December 07, 2006 @01:58PM (#17149766) Homepage
    Unfortunately the article doesn't say it, but the big deal about the "modified version" is support for sensor bar based mouse movement.
  • Notice that you don't point where you want to aim. You point the wii remote up and your aiming reticle starts going up. When to go back to level position the aiming reticle stops instead of returning to level point like the aiming portions of zelda. It seems to only use the tilt function without the triangulation to know what part of the screen you are pointing at for aiming which is useless to me because that is what makes the wii so easy to use. Point at the section of screen you want to aim at instea
    • by inio ( 26835 )
      The "Modified version" has IR tracking.
  • by TheSHAD0W ( 258774 ) on Thursday December 07, 2006 @02:10PM (#17149974) Homepage
    ...but can someone post some details on how to physically read the Wiimote from a PC or Mac? Is the controller connected via USB? (I don't own a Wii so I've no idea how things plug together.)
    • It uses bluetooth.
    • by inio ( 26835 )
      The Wii Remote is just a Bluetooth HID device.
    • by Phisbut ( 761268 ) on Thursday December 07, 2006 @02:15PM (#17150054)
      ...but can someone post some details on how to physically read the Wiimote from a PC or Mac? Is the controller connected via USB? (I don't own a Wii so I've no idea how things plug together.)

      I might be wrong, but I do believe the Wiimote communicates with Bluetooth, so it's basically just a bluetooth device that your Mac or PC deals with, like a mouse or any other device.

      Ya gotta love standard interfaces when stuff like that happens :-)

    • This uses the bluetooth capibilitys of the Wiimote, not the infrared pointing capabilitys, which means there is nothing to plug in. Essentially, it uses the accelerometer to sense the directions of your movements but cannot tell where you are pointing it.

  • Funny thing I noticed is that the Wii remote doesn't detect all types of movement, for instance if i place it on a table and rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise no movement is detected except for some vibration. It only seems to detect rotation in relation to gravity, like tilting onto it's side or tilting back or forward. That sensor bar should help a lot but even then I guess it would only help while the remote is pointing towards the sensor bar.
    • Rotating on it's axis without any other movement will not generate any sensed movement as you have noticed. That is because the wii only use accelerometers which only detect movement relative to gravity.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by MustardMan ( 52102 )
        uh, huh? Since when to accelerometers only detect movement relative to gravity? Here, all along i've been thinking they sense... oh, I don't know... ACCELERATION?

        The real reason it doesn't detect anything when rotated is because the you're spinning about the axis of the sensor. If you rotate it instead about one end of the wiimote, it will detect the motion. Gravity has nothing to do with it.
        • Yea I was definitely wrong about the gravity part and thinking about it now makes no sense at all so I don't know why I said it. I was just really trying to explain that what he saw was expected because they won't detect any acceleration when rotated on their axis. Thanks for the correction.
          • by Raenex ( 947668 )
            I don't know why I said it.

            Because you were trying to sound smart, but you were really just rehashing what the poster said. That's ok, keep trying. One day the critical thinking process may kick in.

            • Actually it was a real brain fart... but thanks for positive feedback :/. Considering I work on embedded devices that are deployed worldwide that use accelerometers I hope for the safety of everyone that you are not correct :).
  • by noretsa ( 995866 ) on Thursday December 07, 2006 @02:38PM (#17150492)
    This hack is kinda limited in functionality since it uses only the tilt data for input as opposed to the pointer functionality. Although the site is hammered, someone has already supported this functionality in Linux as shown in this amazing demonstration []. The functionality in that video is so good I can easily see people buying a wiimote without having the wii (although they would have to create their own LED bar).
    • "(although they would have to create their own LED bar)."

      The fact that you can use a pair of candles [] as a sensor bar suggests that cheap third-party wireless ones shouldn't take long to hit the market.
  • Well, so I bit. I downloaded the app, and installed it on my laptop. It is still obviously a little buggy, but like their site says, once you get it to connect properly, it tends to stay that way. (but this took a number of program restarts)

    I don't have my IR bar accessable at the moment, so I haven't tested out the mouse functionality on it, but I'm pretty excited about it and will try it out when I get home. Just happened that today I have my wiimote at work, because I'm taking them over to a bud's ho
  • How? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Tarlus ( 1000874 )
    "If the latest apple rumor turns out to be true, things could get very interesting for apple."

    Not sure what Wiimote functionality on a Mac has to do with a possible gaming console made by Apple...

    Unless the console was running OSX at its core thus allowing use of this Wiimote utility. But then wouldn't that just be a Mac? In which case, why not just focus on a broader gaming market for Macs?

    But there is no way in hell that games for an Apple console/computer would be able to utilize the Wiimote out
  • Look, it doesn't matter how cool this hack is or all the applications it opens up.

    The fact is that the Wiimote is completely the wrong shade of white and doesn't even conform to the Apple human interface guidelines.

    Frankly they should all be burnt.
  • ...and now i've ruined my 30" Apple Cinema Display!

Unix soit qui mal y pense [Unix to him who evil thinks?]
