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EFI Modifications Leaves iMac Unbootable? 288

jerbare writes "In attempting to run Linux and Windows on the new iMac Core Duo, people experimenting with configuring the EFI Console/Boot loader have found they can no longer boot the machine at all. Dave Schroeder of comments, 'We have already irreversibly lost a couple of iMacs trying to load various EFI modules'. Instructions for breaking the iMac's are presently located at the bottom of the comments."
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EFI Modifications Leaves iMac Unbootable?

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  • Ugh...been there (Score:5, Interesting)

    by TripMaster Monkey ( 862126 ) * on Monday January 23, 2006 @03:55PM (#14542837)

    Reminds me of a situation I faced back in the day when I was a tech at a small mom-and-pop computer repair establishment. We received a shipment of motherboards, and found out that the BIOS on every single one of them was corrupt. Since the boards wouldn't even post, the traditional remedy of flashing the BIOS via a bootable floppy was not available. Normally, we would have just boxed up the boards again and returned them for replacements, but we desperately needed those boards to fill orders.

    Well, desperate times call for desperate measures...

    I got to thinking, "you know...once you've started booting to an OS, that BIOS chip isn't even being used anymore....hmmm". With this in mind, I pulled a working BIOS from another board, swapped it out with the bad BIOS, and powered the system on, booting from the BIOS flash floppy. Once the board had booted to the flash program, I carefully pulled the good chip back out, and put in the bad chip. I then ran the flash program to overwrite the bad BIOS.

    Long story short, it worked like a charm. I managed to revive every board in the bad shipment without incident using this unorthodox technique.

    Anyway, it should be possible to rig up a similar arrangement here, although as I am unfamilliar with EFI, I'll leave the details up to someone else.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Unfortunately, he forgot to use a anti-static strap and all the mobos died just past the 90 day warranty perioud.
    • +1, damn clever hardware hackery.
      • Pffft. I'd support "balls" or "choice use of guts in a support role", but it's barely hardware hacking (unless the chips weren't socketed, and I'm sure they were).
        • by John Napkintosh ( 140126 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:27PM (#14543168) Homepage
          One time I swapped sim cards with a friend's mobile phone. Are you saying I'm not a h4x0r?
          • by rjstanford ( 69735 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @10:20PM (#14545740) Homepage Journal
            h4x0r yes.

            hacker no.

            And that makes all the difference.

    • The complication is that some bios-type chips are actually soldered to the mobo. Or, in the case of the iopener ( "internet appliance" from ~2000), epoxied to the socket. It's a whole lot of fun to chip the epoxy off of the chip to get it out, without destroying the socket.
      • Re:Ugh...been there (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Kadin2048 ( 468275 )
        Seems like the socket ought to be the thing that you'd prefer to destroy, rather than the

        When I had EEPROMs stuck or glued in sockets -- really stuck -- and we needed what was on the EEPROMs, our solution was to remove the board, desolder and remove the socket from the board, and put the whole socket assembly into the reader/programmer. If you were really desperate to get at the physical chip, or the socket wouldn't fit in the reader, Dremel time. Afterwards, new socket.

        I've always found that the
    • I’ve done the exact same thing to bypass security features on SPARCstations []. Try it sometime—it’s fun!

      Tangent: you don’t need to understand Chinese to understand the instructions on that page. ;)

    • My boss at another M&P shop did exactly the same thing on a board he flashed the wrong BIOS into, and it worked too.
    • by cioxx ( 456323 )

      Long story short, it worked like a charm. I managed to revive every board in the bad shipment without incident using this unorthodox technique

      Did you at least notify the manufacturer of the defect? Not everyone can go all MacGyver on motherboards, and if some customers are finding ways to fix broken equipment in their own way it could prove to be bad for both the company and the customer. That is if the manufacturer isn't kept in the loop that they have produced a batch of malfanctioning devices.

      Such thing

    • Re:Ugh...been there (Score:5, Interesting)

      by GmAz ( 916505 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:02PM (#14543552) Journal
      I did the same thing on my ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe motherboard. They shipped a bunch with their 3.3v batters running about 2.9v. Apparently this would corrupt your bios chip. Well, it did do that to mine and instead of ripping my machine apart and RMAing it, I took the bios chip from my brother-in-laws machine (I built his too and we pretty much had identical machiens) and did the swap trick. Here's a little trick for any of you wanting to try this. Before you boot up your good machine, take the bios chip out and put a piece of dental floss under it and put the chip back in. That way, when the machine is booted and you need to take it out to do the swap, just tug gently on the floss. I didn't wanna stick a metal screwdriver in there to pop it out when it was running. It worked great for me and spent $2 for two 3.3v batteries for the computers.
    • BIOS Hot Swapping (Score:5, Informative)

      by Otto ( 17870 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:07PM (#14543596) Homepage Journal
      It's a fairly well known trick, although you're correct that it's a little bit dangerous. But when you fiddle around with BIOS mods, it comes in handy to have a removable BIOS chip for just that reason. []
    • Re:Ugh...been there (Score:4, Interesting)

      by iCEBaLM ( 34905 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:12PM (#14543646)
      I did the same thing with my 486. A BIOS flash went bad and my high end 486 (yeah I know how rediculous it sounds now, but it was high end back then!) machine was a boat anchor. My server machine had a different mobo, but the BIOS EEPROM slots were the same. I booted it into DOS, popped its EEPROM out and put the toasted one in, ran the BIOS flasher for the server machine but used the image for my 486 mobo to flash it and powered it off.

      Put the right chips in the right sockets and everything was golden!
    • Rock on. I had to do that with a couple of AMD computers (flashed the BIOS and they locked up) So caseless I went, pulling BIOS until I found matching ones, threw them in, powered on, pulled out, put in other BIOS, re-flashed, saved! In EFI's case, I wonder if it could be just as easy to make a fake BIOS that just happens to work inside the EFI IC space, if it' not hardwired into the board.
    • Re:Ugh...been there (Score:3, Interesting)

      by tigersha ( 151319 )
      I once saved a RAID config on a Maxtor card like that. We had a broken controller and ordered a new one second hand from EBay (with hand-delivered courier delivery, pronto! pronto! I need it now! No I do not care that delivery will be 4 times the price of the bloody card, I will throw in 20% more for you too!) and since the stupid Maxtor RAID controllers did not save the RAID configon the HDD's as it should I, in a desperate move, transferred the NVRAM chip from the bad card to the newish good one. Never wa
  • Uhh,,, (Score:5, Funny)

    by Eightyford ( 893696 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @03:56PM (#14542844) Homepage
    Instructions for breaking the iMac's are presently located at the bottom of the comments.

    Uhh, thanks.
    • Re:Uhh,,, (Score:5, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:21PM (#14543111)
      Could be worse. If they had succeeded, they'd have an iMac running Windows.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      **WARNING** The following instructions will render the iMac Core Duo (Intel) TOTALLY USELESS. There is NO KNOWN METHOD OF RESTORING the iMac Core Duo to a previous functioning state. **WARNING**


      With that said, here is how I killed the iMac Core Duo:

      1. Downloaded EFI sample implementation and unzipped
      2. Moved the 'Binary' folder to the hidden EFI partition (sudo mkdir /V
  • I could turn a PowerMac into an expensive doorstop ...
  • by ZachPruckowski ( 918562 ) <> on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:11PM (#14543011)
    I have a feeling that a virtualization/emulation with hardware graphics support will be available within 6 months that'll make dual booting pointless. I have a feeling that dual-booting OS X with XP or Vista will not work because it's got EFI/BIOS issues and the hard drive formatting issue. And any number of issues that haven't come up yet.
    • What about Linux? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Nichotin ( 794369 )
      I might have been living under a rock, but how is the state of Linux on these new Intel Macs? Just being curious here, because I havent seen any real talks about it here (maybe I haven't fine read threshold -1 yet).
      • Well, OS X runs X11, which lets it do some Linux apps. Aside from that, you're looking at the same situation Windows is, unless there is a specially designed Linux that does EFI and the GPT (or whatever the Hard Drive issue is). I'd say dual-booted Linux would beat XP to the Mactels because of the fact that a version of Linux can be engineered to work on the Mactels.
    • Honestly, if we can get virtualization that lets a game have full access to the video card, then I see absolutely no need for dual-booting Windows that 99% of people who would otherwise try it would need.
    • by Incongruity ( 70416 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:23PM (#14543143)
      Moreover, running a full windows install within OS X, through some sort of emulation/virtualization is going to be fairly easy as compared to, say PPC versions of virtual pc and it will potentially allow you to sandbox windows and thereby keep it much more secure than the standard installation on commodity hardware. Furthermore, there are few reasons to dual-boot if you can simul-boot? Done right, that method could really make the Intel/OS X macs a major player (think swiss-army knife) -- I know there's been talk of a similar sort of thing w/ linux and windows via WINE but it really looks like the OS X side might come to fruition first, though this really is all conjecture on my part, so whatever.
      • And why do you think that OSX will be able to run windows binaries better than WINE and/or Cedega considering that the people at WINE etc. have been trying to reverse engineer the windows libraries for many years now.

        Unless Microsoft releases versions of their libraries for OSX (highly unlikely seeing as how Apple is supposed to be competing with them) Apple is pretty much in the same position as WINE, trying to reverse engineer the libraries. But they will have much less experience with this than WINE.

        • First of all, Microsoft may well produce a version of Virtual PC for Mactels that does graphics acceleration. A version of Windows is a version of Windows to them. If they can sell VPC + Windows XP or Vista, it'll make them more profit per sale than a sale of Windows at a reduced rate to an OEM.
        • by Elwood P Dowd ( 16933 ) <> on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:45PM (#14543362) Journal
          And why do you think that OSX will be able to run windows binaries better than WINE and/or Cedega considering that the people at WINE etc. have been trying to reverse engineer the windows libraries for many years now.
          Because VirtualPC & VMWare has been "able to run windows binaries better than WINE and/or Cedega" for many years now. Virtualization will work nicely here. No one expects to reverse engineer the windows libraries any better than WINE.

          Dunno why no one in this thread seems to be talking about vanderpool. Maybe y'all should just wait to hear from someone who knows what they're talking about. (Not me, for example.)
          • Sorry I was a alittle bit confused. I thought the original post referred to allowing Windows applications to be natively run by OSX as is don in Wine.

            On a second read it seems that the original post refers to running the actual windows OS on top of OSX, like Vmware does. If you do that you do not need to reverse engineer the windows binaries, because you are actually running the windows binaries out of a copy of windows.

            But I think this approach is not very elegant. You need a copy of windows, you need to w
            • While dual booting is 'an' answer, it is certainly not the best answer. The best answer would be to work with and pay/support the Opendarwine folks so they can get windows applications running natively in OSX as if they were 'supposed' to be there. Dual booting is a pretty heavy handed solution when all you need to do is open up 1 or 2 pieces of software and STILL desire to have your OSX applications available.
              • Yes I agree that Wine or something similar is the best answer, and thats why I thought the original poster was talking about wine.

                Of course then you have the problem i mentioned above -- i.e. that reverse engineering the windows libraries is a hard slow process and you are unlikely to get full compatibility.

            • But I think this approach is not very elegant. You need a copy of windows, you need to wait for windows to boot up to run any windows application, and the performance will always be singificantly slower than on a native windows box.

              Though it is becoming less and less inelegant, particularly with the inclusion [] of [] Vanderpool technology [] in the chips that the new macs are based on, you'll be better able to virtualize each OS into its own little world and not have to worry about some of the traditional costs o

            • For games dual booting is the way to go. For everything else, I'd rather have the app be a little more slugish than to be constantly rebooting. For example, I work on websites in my spare time, it would be really nice to be able to check a page in both IE5win and IE6win on my mac (two vmware images) rather than having to use a seperate computer with two different installs of windows.
        • by killtherat ( 177924 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:47PM (#14543394)
          And why do you think that OSX will be able to run windows binaries better than WINE and/or Cedega considering that the people at WINE etc. have been trying to reverse engineer the windows libraries for many years now.

          One word: Money.

          Apple has lots of it. They can through gobs of money at the problem, and that will always move things faster then a grass roots problem. Just imagine 150 engineers working full time on Wine. They've previously gotten MacOS9 programs to run in MacOSX, so they probably already have a pool of engineers with the needed talents.

          Given that MacOSX is based off of BSD Unix, and they've already plugged a great deal of work into the KHTML rendering engine, it's not completely insane to suggest that Apple could pick up Wine, through a large number of engineers at it, and get it to the point were it can run Office and DirectX 9 games.
          • One word: Money.
            Apple has lots of it. They can through gobs of money at the problem, and that will always move things faster then a grass roots problem. Just imagine 150 engineers working full time on Wine. They've previously gotten MacOS9 programs to run in MacOSX, so they probably already have a pool of engineers with the needed talents.

            Exactly -- and to be clear, my thought was more that Apple and the apple user base (new and old) would give the momentum and sheer technolust required (as well as the

    • Six Months? How about right now. OpenOSX has released their "Wintel" package updated for MacOS X on Intel. It features the BOCHS 'emulator' that will run all manner of Windows, Linux, etc. MacNN has the scoop [] It's $25 to download.
      • by Ford Prefect ( 8777 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:42PM (#14543864) Homepage
        Six Months? How about right now. OpenOSX has released their "Wintel" package updated for MacOS X on Intel. It features the BOCHS 'emulator' that will run all manner of Windows, Linux, etc. MacNN has the scoop It's $25 to download.

        Bochs? It's great if you want a full, perfect emulation of PC hardware done completely in software, but it's horribly slow. Oh, and it's both free and open source [] - that $25 is solely for some crappy third-party GUI. The 'native to Intel' thing just means you're doing a full PC emulation without going through Rosetta as well...

        If you do want to emulate a PC in a slightly faster manner, try QEMU []. I've no idea if it can be compiled on an Intel-powered Mac yet, but an emulated Windows 98 was just about usable for website testing on my 933MHz iBook G4.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:12PM (#14543033)
    Unbootable iMacs support an even wider selection of games than do bootable iMacs.
  • Sometimes fix (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:14PM (#14543049)
    If you can get it to boot at all, try reinstalling from the 10.4.4 media. That's supposed to fix some changes in the EFI.
    • Not quite (Score:5, Informative)

      by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:12PM (#14543636)
      When the iMac is in this broken state, it doesn't boot, chime, show anything on the screen, or read from media.

      Can't exactly "reinstall from the 10.4.4 media". ;-)

      Zapping NVRAM (still supported with cmd-opt-P-R), removing the motherboard battery and letting it sit with AC for an extended period, and disconnecting the hard drive all do not revive the machine.
      • In this circumstance, the Boot chime is replaced with a special "Steve Jobs snickers" sound, and the ring of yet another cash register at an Apple store...
  • by loserhead ( 941655 ) <> on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:15PM (#14543062)
    i am confident that a workaround will eventually be developed. if it takes destroying a few macs, so be it...
  • An Omen (Score:3, Funny)

    by bedouin ( 248624 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:16PM (#14543071)
    Isn't this kind of like trying to open the mummy's tomb? Nothing good can come out of it.

    This is an early warning!

    Wait for virtualization so all of Microsoft's inherent evil can be sandboxed into a self-destructing disk image of darkness and peril.
  • Malware (Score:3, Interesting)

    by msbsod ( 574856 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:20PM (#14543103)
    Great. How about attacks on EFI [] by malware? An iMac costs just a few hundred bucks. Bad enough. But, what about those shiny new Itanium systems with EFI for 10 grants per box?
  • by NZheretic ( 23872 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:23PM (#14543137) Homepage Journal
    Hackers discover vulnerabilities and someone creates malware ( Worm, Trojan, Attack kit or Virus ) that screws with the BIOS settings effectively turning your DRM restricted system into a useless brick.

    Just substitute Apple for Microsoft, Mac for Xbox and Internet for Xbox Live in the following...
    Denial Of Service - Putting people at threat []:

    Want to guess how long it will take?

    It is inevitable that someone mucking around trying to get their XBox360 to do something will trip the hardwired Trusted Platform Modules lock down. Effectively turning the trusted black box into a useless dead heap.

    It is inevitable that this and other methods discovered will be publicly known, since the discoverer will want to warn others.

    It is also inevitable this and other methods will become the basis for a widespread denial of service attack. Firstly through a fake Email campaign ( "Microsoft alert - follow these instructions to secure your XBox" or "Get Free games/porn - do this to your XBox" ) and later through viruses and networked worms embedded in Microsoft's mediaplayer formats.

    Soon a worm that locks users out of their Xbox will be spread via Microsoft's Xbox live service.

    Then it will be inevitable that criminals adapt the malware to display a message instructing the hapless victim how to make a payment to fix the problem. The messages would soon contain threats that their Xbox now contains contraband installed by the malware that would get the user in legal peril if they choose to take the Xbox back for repair or to the authorities. The potential rewards to the offshore cyber-criminals would far outweigh the risks. es_archive.html []
    Hollywood and the recording industry hold an effective monopoly on a large section of popular content. Both Microsoft and Apple are now offering the ability to content providers to demand that users must use unmodified systems to view said content. It locks you out of parts of your system that will inevitably be abused by third parties wanting to abuse you.

    Posted by: David Mohring [] Posted on: 11/29/05

    • Except in this case the user has to do a bunch of things - download the EFI software from Intel, a sudo command and a reboot. While some of this can be automated, OS X won't just allow all this to be run without the user helping it along.

      I don't see that the parallel you're trying to draw is valid.
      • OS X won't just allow all this to be run without the user helping it along.

        You underestimate the power of creative social engineering.
      • by NZheretic ( 23872 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:52PM (#14543445) Homepage Journal
        Except in this case the user has to do a bunch of things - download the EFI software from Intel, a sudo command and a reboot. While some of this can be automated, OS X won't just allow all this to be run without the user helping it along.

        Substitute "user" with Malware.

        Download the EFI software from Intel: Or include an copy in the malware.
        a sudo command: Or use an escalation of privilege vulnerability []
        and reboot : Err, not that difficult to achive in software.

        • Download the EFI software from Intel: Or include an copy in the malware.

          That's pretty much what you'd have to do. You would have to get somebody to download, install, and run your program in order to do anything.

          The scariest malware is the kind which makes your browser or email client a vector for infection. Forgive me if I'm getting rhetorical here for a sec, but exploiting Safari to execute arbitrary code is going to be as hard as exploiting Firefox. Since it's just a normal userspace program that's

        • You're right.

          If we simply substitute my wording of "user" with "brain damaged bozo who cheerfully installs programmes they just downloaded from the Internet without any care when the system warns them, and on top of that they always run as the admin user and say 'yes' to any dialogue boxes" then you're spot on.

          I'm going to have to say that until you can show something occurs, you can't use supposition as proof. You can't easily show the chain of events that would result in malware being able to completely d
        • That whole "escalation of Priviledge" link would be a lot scarier if it didn't have so many items that required things like physical access or a user markign scripts setuid, or have been fixed for a year or two now by regular OS patches.

          At least there is the wall of trying to find an escallation attack that will work, which is one step ahead of other systems.
        • by Phroggy ( 441 ) * <slashdot3.phroggy@com> on Monday January 23, 2006 @10:01PM (#14545651) Homepage
          Instead of using sudo...

          Make an Installer package (using /Developer/Applications/Utilities/PackageMaker) that requires root access (under the Configuration tab, select Root from the Authentication menu). Set it to require a restart after installation (select Required Restart from the Post-Install Action menu). It doesn't have to actually install anything, just go through the motions. Put the malware in a script called InstallationCheck, put it in the Resources folder, and make it executable.

          Build your package, make a disk image from it (open Disk Copy, select File/New/Disk Image from Folder, select your package), set the internet-enable bit (open Terminal, type hdiutil internet-enable -yes /path/to/image.dmg), throw it on a web server and trick users into downloading it by telling them it's a pornographic screen saver or something.

          Upon downloading the .dmg file, your package will automatically be opened. The user will be prompted to enter an Administrator password, and they will be told the installer needs to run a script to see whether the software can be installed. If they enter their password and click OK to the security prompt, the script will run with root privileges even if the user changes their mind and cancels the installation. If they proceed with the installation, they'll be asked to restart the computer.

          Anyone who says Mac OS X isn't susceptible to malware doesn't know what they're talking about. Yes, this method requires the user to enter their password and confirm a security warning, but these are perfectly normal things to do when installing software, so most users are accustomed to it. As long as you make them think what they're installing is something they want to have, most users won't even blink.

          To be honest, I'm surprised this hasn't been done on a wide scale already.

          Btw, please don't do this, kthx.
    • Hackers discover vulnerabilities and someone creates malware ( Worm, Trojan, Attack kit or Virus ) that screws with the BIOS settings effectively turning your DRM restricted system into a useless brick.

      It's already happened. Bricking is commonplace in the PSP homebrew scene and at least one trojan [] has done it on purpose.

      • by TheRaven64 ( 641858 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:53PM (#14543957) Journal
        When the first flash BIOSes came out in the PC world there were a few viruses that would re-flash the BIOS with junk, turning the machine into a doorstop. These days most virus writers want to add your machine to a botnet, rather than destroy it, so it's probably less likely. More likely is hiding a copy of the virus in the EFI code so that it is automatically reinstated if removed when the system invokes an EFI call (resume from sleep would be my choice).
    • by krbvroc1 ( 725200 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:10PM (#14543620)
      On a related note, my neighbor asked me to perform the normal 'cleanup / devirus / windows update' on his laptop. He owns an HP laptop and has a 'Boot up BIOS password set'. So I didnt have to enter a password each time, the first thing I did was go into the BIOS. I entered the current password and when asked for a new password, I simply hit 'Enter' and 'Enter' to confirm. When I rebooted, it still asked for a password and 'Enter' does not work. The laptop is now completely useless. I have no idea how it will be fixed. From some internet searches, supposedely I can provide HP with a magic 'system hash code' and they can tell me a password, but I have no clue if I can get through to the right person, what happens if it is outside of warranty, etc.
      • That ain't funny. I'd hate to have to furnish my neighbor with a replacement laptop.

      • I had a user with a IBM ThinkPad who decided to set its BIOS password, then forgot what it was.

        IBM insisted there was no way to flash/unlock or otherwise repair the problem. They required us to send the laptop in and have the entire logic board replaced.

        Seems like a poor design, but certainly nobody ever saw her locked documents.

        • Except in this case, I knew the original password. And the password I changed it to is whatever hitting 'Enter' means. I feel like I 'followed' the rules and a buggy BIOS screwed me over. If I forgot the password I wouldn't be so upset.
        • by evilviper ( 135110 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @07:09PM (#14544636) Journal
          IBM insisted there was no way to flash/unlock or otherwise repair the problem.

          IBM are lying assholes. Anybody, with $20 worth of equipment can wire up a simple adapter for a thinkpad and read the EEPROM, where the password is stored in the clear. I was one of the people who helped figure out the requisite information that made it's way onto this site: []

          What can I say? Read it and weep. I wouldn't be surprised if IBM was selling new systems to customers, then turning around and clearing the passwords on the old ones and reselling them as "refurbished".

          Seems like a poor design, but certainly nobody ever saw her locked documents.

          That's ridiculous. First of all, the power-on password has nothing to do with the hard drive password, except that most notebooks typically tie them together. IBM could easily have the hard drive passworded, but make the notebook perfectly usable once the drive has been swapped.

          Additionally, it's trivially easy to read files off of a passworded hard drive. The password is stored in an EEPROM on the board, so all you have to do is buy an nearly identical drive and swap the circuit board to read all the documents.

          If they were smart, they would store the password in sector 0 on the platters. Then, swaping the board wouldn't work. Also, running a strong magnet over the hard drive would erase the password as it erased the files, keeping the files safe, but also allowing you to erase the whole drive, and use it again without knowing the password.
      • This is a total shot in the dark, but try Ctrl-J or Ctrl-M as the password.
    • by Chuckstar ( 799005 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:42PM (#14543863)
      As recently as the G4 towers, a firmware update required the user to physically depress the Programmer's button (the hardware interrupt button) on the computer itself. This may be different now, although I doubt it. The whole point was to make software-only firmware updates impossible in order to avoid this very threat. The hardware simply will not re-flash the firmware without that button being pressed. So at least some social engineering is required to get users to press that button.

      I always assumed all computers worked that way. Otherwise, it would be trivial to get people to ruin their firmware -- just trojan horse the thing.
      • by adrianmonk ( 890071 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @11:08PM (#14545998)
        As recently as the G4 towers, a firmware update required the user to physically depress the Programmer's button (the hardware interrupt button) on the computer itself.

        Strictly speaking, using the Programmer's button wasn't required to update the firmware. You can instead use option-apple-O-F to boot to the OpenFirmware prompt, then use the boot command and the path of the OpenFirmware updater (having used devalias, dev device , cd dir , and ls to browse around and find that image); when you do this, the system boots from the standalone OpenFirmware update image instead of loading the regular bootloader, and when that code runs, it updates the firmware. I'm 90% sure it doesn't require you to hit the Programmer's button either, and instead the Programmer's button thing just triggers the system to load the same executable that you can load manually with the boot command.

        So, the point is, on a G4 tower at least, although the Programmer's button is involved in the process, it isn't actually required and doesn't provide any security, as far as I can tell.

        If you're wondering how I figured this out, let's just say I was trying to get a Mac working that failed to autoboot, dumping me at the OpenFirmware prompt every time. I thought it was a problem with OpenFirmware settings, so I aimed to find a way to upgrade the OpenFirmware on the assumption that doing this would force the system to also reset every setting related to it (more thoroughly than just "zap the PRAM"). I couldn't use the normal method because the failure to autoboot prevented that method from working.

        On a side note, I succeeded in updating the OpenFirmware to a newer version, and it didn't help at all. I eventually discovered that the machine was a Frankstein computer that had the wrong Front Panel Board in it, and THAT was why the OpenFirmware wouldn't boot -- it knew something was wrong with its hardware. I finally traded this Front Panel Board with someone else for the right one, and now my friend who bought the G4 tower for half price because of the fact that it wouldn't autoboot is happily using it.

        On another side note, isn't the flash chip on the iMac Core Duo socketed, and can't they get an identical chip and make a copy of its contents BEFORE they go messing with it, thus allowing them to monkey with the copy and revert to the original if needed?

  • by BigZaphod ( 12942 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @04:24PM (#14543146) Homepage
    When you screw this up, do you still get the sad mac?
  • by mfifer ( 660491 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:27PM (#14543755)
    they can no longer boot the machine at all.

    with research like this they could be onto a MAJOR Windows security breakthrough...


  • Update (Score:5, Informative)

    by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:31PM (#14543786)
    Hello. Just to give a bit of an update on this issue...

    The iMacs in question were rendered unbootable by trying to load additional modules from Intel's EFI Sample Implementation []. It is not known which module is at fault currently.

    Once the iMac is unbootable, it doesn't chime, boot, attempt to access media, or display an image on the screen. Attempts to zap NVRAM (cmd-opt-P-R is still supported for this task on Intel-based Macs), remove the motherboard battery and leave the AC power disconnected for an extended period of time, and disconnecting the hard disk do not resolve the issue.

    At present, we seem to have a number of difficult situations that prevent the installation of Windows directly on Intel-based Macs:

    1. Apple did not include its own EFI shell or other tools to access the EFI with the Intel-based Macs, so the tools used have consisted of Intel's EFI Sample Implementation [], and Tianocore's EFI Developer Kit [].

    2. Apple's EFI implementation does not include CSM (Compatibility Support Module), the BIOS backward compatibility layer necessary for booting 32-bit versions of Windows (pre-Vista), such as Windows XP.

    3. 32-bit versions of Windows do not currently support booting an EFI machine. (And the Gateway Media Center machine with EFI people keep talking about boots Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 in BIOS compatibility mode, not with EFI.)

    4. Windows XP 64-bit and Windows Server 2003 64-bit support EFI, but the Intel Core Duo is a 32-bit architecture.

    5. Windows Vista does support EFI, but the EFI booter (cdboot.efi) currently does not appear to be functioning, and/or it is looking for, and not finding, information that it is looking for on the installation DVD. It does display the typical Windows "Please press any key to boot from the CD..." message. However, the DVD does not appear to contain the necessary EFI boot partition, and EFI does not support UDF volumes and El Torito booting. (Yes, this is a DVD obtained via official channels.)

    6. Mac OS X's startup disk control panel presents a Windows Vista installation on a FAT/FAT32 volume as a valid bootable volume, but Windows Vista does not support booting from a FAT/FAT32 partition, only NTFS. Mac OS X can read NTFS volumes, but not write to them. This is currently the stage we're at now. No, I haven't tried "just hooking up a drive with Vista installed" (as many have asked elsewhere) or forcibly creating an NTFS partition whose contents are an already-installed instance of Vista.

    7. grub, elilo, etc., all do not work on the Intel-based Macs at this time.

    Eventually, whatever method boots Windows natively will have to have a nice wrapper put around it to make it easy for a normal person to do so, and easily dual boot in addition.

    To regurgitate what I've said a bit elsewhere, the real benefit to most people will come from running Windows alongside Mac OS X in a "virtual machine" environment, in a window or even full screen, with, for example, a hotkey to switch back and forth between Mac OS X and Windows. To many users who prefer Mac OS X, particularly in enterprise, academic, and research environments, but who also have the occasional applications (usually administrative) that require Windows, this configuration would be a holy grail of sorts. And in this configuration, Windows wouldn't be running in emulation, but it would be running at essentially the native speed of the underlying hardware (with the exception of graphics and disk I/O performance). It will be *much* faster than any emulation ever has been, and there will no doubt be several open source (qemu, xen, wine) and commercial (vmware, Virtual PC) that will allow running Windows (or Windows software) in various capacities. Intel's Virtualization Technology (VT), allowing multiple operating systems to run in separate hardware "partitions" on one
    • Re:Update (Score:5, Informative)

      by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:39PM (#14543842)
      I should note that a colleague is also tracking these issues on his site [], the same one noted in the submission. Sooner or later, and with a bounty now offered for anyone who gets Windows XP booting on a Mac [], I've no doubt something interesting will be accomplished.
    • Re:Update (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Drakino ( 10965 )
      Windows XP 64-bit and Windows Server 2003 64-bit support EFI, but the Intel Core Duo is a 32-bit architecture.

      I haven't seen anyone who has tried booting to the XP 64 bit CD yet, thus I am recommending someone try. Sure, the Core Duo is 32 bit, but the 64 bit (at least the X64 versions) will boot on a 32 bit machine and eventually say installation is not supported on the machine. If someone can get these CDs past the "Press any key" prompt on an Intel Mac, it might expose something that can be used elsewh
    • by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Tuesday January 24, 2006 @12:07AM (#14546255)
      By following these steps, the iMacs that had difficulty with certain EFI modules appear to have been restored to a functioning state:

      1. Disconnect the internal hard disk

      2. Disconnect the iMac from AC power

      3. Plug in AC while holding the power button

      4. Power up the iMac and zap NVRAM (cmd-opt-P-R)

      The hard disk can be reformatted and the operating system restored.
    • Could it be that the TPM module is being used to verify the state of the EFI?

      It would make sense to me, that one of the most fundamental aspects of a Trusted Platform Module would be to ensure that the platform is booting in a state you can trust, and not booting on some hacked EFI pointing to (and enabling) devices that the user has no idea are installed. As this is Apple's (or any major vendor to my knowledge) first foray into the TPM arena, perhaps this is part of that whole security featureset that yo

    • Re:Update (Score:3, Insightful)

      by gnasher719 ( 869701 )
      No matter how difficult it is for someone outside Apple to make Windows XP boot, I would say the following to Apple:

      1. If Apple were to sell Macintosh hardware with Windows XP preinstalled instead of MacOS X, then a considerable number of people would buy these machines. Not "considerable" as in "Dell goes out of business" but "considerable" as in a few percent of Apple revenues.

      2. If Apple were to sell Macintosh hardware that can dual boot into MacOS X and Windows XP without any problems, a much greater nu
  • by Orrin Bloquy ( 898571 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:33PM (#14543798) Journal
    "Apples implementation of EFI allows software to modify the computers ability to boot - or NOT. "

    Enough of this firmware is flash-based that software can trash it to the point that it no longer boots from optical media. Key-mashers need to understand that EFI *precedes* the Apple Option-key tricks, so if EFI is hung you are crap out of luck. Unless there's some jumper inside the case which resets EFI to a factory state, that EFI will have to be pulled and reflashed.

    We're going to pretend Apple doesn't really release mistakes like this and that there's a failsafe for restoring the EFI. Otherwise, you potentially have the mother of all DRM traps in front of you.
    • by Budenny ( 888916 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @06:44PM (#14544394)
      "Otherwise, you potentially have the mother of all DRM traps in front of you."

      Yes. This, if it turns out to be the way it looks at first glance, is truly evil. Very important to realise what you may be looking at. The first commercial example of a company which has totally taken away control of your hardware.

      Lets hope it turns out not to be true. Because if it is true, its war.
  • EFI? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by StikyPad ( 445176 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @05:48PM (#14543920) Homepage
    Is the EFI cachable? And if so, wouldn't it be possible to create a custom boot which cached custom EFIs so you could experiement without overwriting the nvram/eeprom/whatever? Alternatively, if everything else is the same between intelMacs and typical PCs, wouldn't you be able to cache an EFI to boot MacOS?
  • and... (Score:4, Informative)

    by nuckin futs ( 574289 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @07:43PM (#14544877)
    somewhere in this [] thread are various instructions on how to fix it.
  • One word... (Score:4, Funny)

    by andy55 ( 743992 ) on Monday January 23, 2006 @11:00PM (#14545959) Homepage
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2006 @12:31AM (#14546343)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by jaymurray ( 948850 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2006 @12:59AM (#14546470)
    It seems that Dave Schroeder has posted the following instructions over at Nakfull Propaganda [] to fix those broken intel iMacs;
    By following these steps, the iMacs that had difficulty with certain EFI modules appear to have been restored to a functioning state:

    1. Disconnect the internal hard disk

    2. Disconnect the iMac from AC power

    3. Plug in AC while holding the power button

    4. Power up the iMac and zap NVRAM (cmd-opt-P-R)

    The hard disk can be reformatted and the operating system restored.
  • by dfjunior ( 774213 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2006 @02:54AM (#14546836)
    I got tired of mucking around with all the electronic gobbldeygook connected to EFI, so I just tore all that shit out and bolted on a good old-fashioned Holley 4bbl carburetor...

    Next step is a hood scoop and a bigger hard drive...

If you always postpone pleasure you will never have it. Quit work and play for once!
