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iPod Nano Scratches Result In Suit 446

Evil W1zard writes "Earlier this week a class action lawsuit against Apple was filed claiming that the iPod Nano has a widespread propensity for scratching easily. The lawsuit alleges that Apple violated state consumer protection statutes, as well as express and implied warranties and charges that Apple knew that there were design problems with the Nano." From the article: "An Apple representative declined to comment on the suit, but Apple has stated that the Nano is made of the same polycarbonate material that's found in previous iPods and maintained that the scratching problem does not appear to be widespread. The lawsuit charges, however, that the Nano contains a thinner coating of resin than on previous iPod models."
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iPod Nano Scratches Result In Suit

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  • by geomon ( 78680 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:11PM (#13847320) Homepage Journal
    "The amount and durability of the resin applied as a protective coating during the Nano manufacturing process is clearly defective in that it is not sufficient to adequately protect the face of the Nano from extreme scratching and ultimately irreparable damage," the lawsuit says.

    Notice that this statement is meant to sound like Apple just rigged Grandma's respirator to fail due to shoddy workmanship. While there is certainly damage to the Nano, and the coating process is "clearly defective", I don't buy for a minute the last statment that the players are irrparably damaged. There are plenty ways that Apple can make good without paying a fucking nickle to these assholes.

    Mind you, I am no Apple fanboy and am not against filing law suits when people are being scammed, but this suit is just one more reason to ship lawyers to the Moon to minimize contamination of the rest of the world's population.
    • Notice that this statement is meant to sound like Apple just rigged Grandma's respirator to fail due to shoddy workmanship. While there is certainly damage to the Nano, and the coating process is "clearly defective", I don't buy for a minute the last statment that the players are irrparably damaged. There are plenty ways that Apple can make good without paying a fucking nickle to these assholes.

      It doesn't sound like that at fact it just sounds like a lawyer utilizing strong language - which is
      • Seriously folks, it's no wonder that the legislature is ramming through laws to protect companies from these lawsuits. I mean really....there are places in this world where people will sell their daughters into the sex slave market so they can afford to get one kid through high school....and here we are whining that our iPod Nanos get scratches on them too easily. Am I the only one who thinks this is totally messed up?!?
        • Our resources are not so limited that we can't focus on multiple lawsuits, ranging from slavery to ipod nano's. Is the ipod nano more important then slavery, no, but is it important - sure. The legislature is not ramming laws to protect the companies because of other bigger issues - they are doing so for other reasons (some altruistic, some not so much).
        • by Monkelectric ( 546685 ) <slashdot.monkelectric@com> on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:41PM (#13847643)
          Um, strawman argument. What you're saying is, until we are as bad as some other places, we have no right to complain? So I can't complain about high taxes, a government run by and for bafoons, because at least we're not as bad as some other placse?

          Just because other places are fucked up, doesn't mean apple gets to sell defective stuff (assuming that it is defective). The arguments have nothing to do with eachother...

          • Actually, I believe the GP used the argumentum supra tuum caput.
          • Well, if I may throw some straw on the fire.. I think the point is that in the West we're a bunch of spoiled babies who have no concept of what it means to suffer. We complain about taxes (that build roads, fund schools, feed people etc) that we actually can pay, while others starve with nothing and barely even clothes on their backs. The real question is, are you, as a human being, actually *entitled* to bitch about how 'hard' your life is made by superfluous issues, while others barely survive? What did y
            • by Monkelectric ( 546685 ) <slashdot.monkelectric@com> on Friday October 21, 2005 @06:35PM (#13848708)
              I think the point is that in the West we're a bunch of spoiled babies

              Maybe, maybe not. But what the FUCK does that have to do with ipod's? Nothing except they are a luxury.

              The problem I think with your statement is that it implies more or less that having anything is wrong. I work 10 - 12 hours a day in a very tough industry. I pay 42% taxes off the top... at what point am I *ALLOWED* to have an ipod? If im not allowed to have anything, whats my incentive for working at all? If nobody worked then nobody would have anything. So to all of you who like to act righetous about conditions in 3rd world countries ... just remember it takes a LOT of people and a LOT of human energy and commerce to build the comforts and luxuries you want 3rd worlders to have access to.

      • Sure, they're trying to make a strong case for themselves but "extreme scratching"??? Gimme a break. You could pretty much say that about anything with a screen.

        If your willing to pay a couple hundred for an iPod, then set aside another 20 dollars and get yourself a case to put it in.

        • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:41PM (#13847644) Journal
          Do you have a thin skin? Did Steve Jobs leave you raw after the manufacturing process? Are you pissed off? Good, because it's time to shout "I've got a scratch in my stupid fucking MP3 music player, and I'm not going to take it any more!"

          Get up off your fat ass or out of your ridiculous-looking jogging outfit (which incidentally looks like Richard Simmons beat you over the head and swapped your wardrobe for his) and get your butt down to the nearest cheap-ass Quinton Q. Slimey Attorney's With The Moral Sense Of Horny Bonobo Chimps On Viagra. We'll make Apple pay for your extreme scratching, for your plastic hemerroids that have so damaged your ability to listen to your stolen MP3 tunes.

          Look for us in the Yellow Pages, right under Flush Toilets.

        • by Golias ( 176380 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:54PM (#13847786)
          Sure, they're trying to make a strong case for themselves but "extreme scratching"??? Gimme a break.

          Indeed. "Extreme Scratching" sounds like something you might see on ESPN2.

          It's a fucking plastic electronics toy. Things can scratch it. Holy fuck, get some perspective, people.

          Everybody who owns glasses knows that the choice is: "Glare reducing. Scratch Resistant. Inexpensive. Choose two."

          So, Apple chose not to put a scratch-resistant surface on the screens of their low-budget flash-based iPod. Big fucking surprise. Can the nano still function if it's scratched? Hell yes. Can scratches be avoided if you are careful with it? Hell yes.

          Buy some brass polish, clean off any scratches you have, and spend six bucks on a slip-case for it. Whatever you do, don't sign on for this class action lawsuit, because the same thing will happen that always happens: Apple will settle out of court, you will get a pittance (like, perhaps a $10 iTunes gift card or maybe a can of scratch-removing polish if you are very lucky), and the scumbag lawyers will make millions and then move on to sue the company that signs YOUR paycheck.

          Oh yeah, and everybody pays more for fucking everything because paying off asshole law firms like this has become a routine cost of doing business these days, regardless of what you do or how well you do it.
      • At no point did they claim apple was evil or tried to ripoff people who purchased the nano - so no, relating apple to someone who rigged grandma's respirator is completely false.

        I'm not spouting falsehoods, I am just utilizing strong lawyer-speak language.
      • There's an article here [] on how to remove all scratches using some Brasso. Sheesh. Also just google for IPOD and BRASSO. And next time people treat it as though it were a tiny delicate piece of hightech equipment - oh wait, it is! I know, I know, people expect these to be like walkmen that can take anything you throw at them, but that is not expressed or implied by apple. C'mon people, the tech revolution has only been in full swing for a bit over a decade, everything isn't super-idiot-proof yet. Remember wh
    • One comment I've seen regarding the Nano's scratching pointed out there was a reason why the Nano's are more likely to appear scratched, even when they aren't as scratched a previous versions: The new case design. In the previous iPods, the front resin rounded over and blended into the sides. In the Nano (and now the 5th gen iPod), the face has clear, 'sharp' (in comparison) corners.

      The effect of this is to give the new iPods more 'depth' in their apprence, and a crisper, cleaner, face. Part of why this
      • Oh, I think it's a design problem, but it doesn't mean that the product is defective in any reasonable sense of the word. It's a music player after all, and it still plays music even if it doesn't look mint.

        The problem is that Apple (unusually) did not see the consequences of its design decisions on the perceived value on customer satisfaction. It may have been a mistake, but I shudder to think what will happen when disappointing customers becomes a crime.
    • by mkoenecke ( 249261 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:50PM (#13847724) Homepage
      As we in the profession like to say, it's that 95% of lawyers who are dishonest scumbags who ruin it for the rest of us.
  • I didnt know (Score:5, Interesting)

    by timothykaine ( 821252 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:12PM (#13847336)
    I didnt know you could just sue people for releasing a crappy product.

    I guess Microsoft and ATI both owe me a few bucks.
    • by punxking ( 721508 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:34PM (#13847572)
      I didnt know you could just sue people for releasing a crappy product. I guess Microsoft and ATI both owe me a few bucks.

      That's a good idea, I'm going to do the same! I'll just save this legal letter I've written to my handy Iomega Zip Drive and then I'll

    • Re:I didnt know (Score:3, Insightful)

      by hackstraw ( 262471 ) *
      I didnt know you could just sue people for releasing a crappy product.

      A visit to the return desk always worked for me.

      A bad or faulty design is not something to sue over unless that design is harmful in some way. Scratches are not going to really negatively hurt one's life compared to say fire, electrocution, decapitation, and the like.

      Hopefully the judge will hear the case, find for the plaintiff, and tell them to return the device to get their money back. Case closed. Everybody wins except the lawyers
  • Resin (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Poromenos1 ( 830658 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:13PM (#13847341) Homepage
    the Nano contains a thinner coating of resin than on previous iPod models

    Yes, well, the nano ITSELF is thinner than previous iPod models...
    • The nanos I've seen in pictures look great. I saw one in real life this kid at my college had and it was scratched to shit. He commented on how he wished he could have purchased the nano tube with it. This is a problem for apple. They released a product that was too susceptible to cosmetic damage and that's a big part of their promotion. This shouldn't be settled in courts. They should find better materials and offer their customers a replacement. It'll cost them, but customer loyalty has kept apple
  • It's obvious that these screens can scratch. It's exposed to everything that's in your pocket.

    PDA users have had this problem for a long time, which is why there are brisk sales for PDA screen protectors [].

    <sarcasm>I guess my only question is why they aren't going after those bastard manufacturers who make the plastic and metal items that are responsible for scratching the iPod nanos.</sarcasm>
    • Every new iPod design comes with a lawsuit. The original iPod minis had aweful battery problems. Now the nano just scratches. The only time Apple can sell you something of unreal high quality is when they overprice to the extreme. When they sell at market value, there is problems.

    • PDA users have had this problem for a long time, which is why there are brisk sales for PDA screen protectors.

      No.. PDA screen protectors are used because you *write* on the screen.. with a stick of plastic. A little bit of sand gets under your stylus and you'll mash it into the screen.

      My cellphone lives just fine in my pocket, and doesn't have any visible scratches even though it's 2 years old. My PDA is a few years old, and the only visible scratches are some stylus marks on the screen.

      The Nano is poorly
    • In the past, Apple has proven much more willing to take responsibility for deffective products when doing so will make a lawsuit go away.
  • call for mega lawsuits!
  • Don't people ... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by 10101001011 ( 744876 )
    ... Have anything better to worry about? I mean, we jump when our MP3 players scratch, but major issues like voting, the environment, and the homeless are all just glossed over as something too complicated to worry about, or not worth the effort. I am not trying to flame anyone in particular, since if, indeed Apple produced a shoddy practice they should be held accountable. SOmetimes, I just feel as if people don't realize there is more to life then a little piece of plastic and silicon.

    But I'm new here.
    • ... Have anything better to worry about? I mean, we jump when our MP3 players scratch, but major issues like voting, the environment, and the homeless are all just glossed over as something too complicated to worry about, or not worth the effort. I am not trying to flame anyone in particular, since if, indeed Apple produced a shoddy practice they should be held accountable. SOmetimes, I just feel as if people don't realize there is more to life then a little piece of plastic and silicon. But I'm new here..
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Most people can be upset about the price of oil, the degradation of the environment, the war, natural disasters, AND shitty product design.

      However, if you're the same troll we used to call "barcode" at Planet Crap (is that site still around?), then you wouldn't understand anyway.

  • Nanos Scartch Easily (Score:2, Informative)

    by Daveznet ( 789744 )
    As an owner of an ipod nano I can attest to it being easily scratched. I had it not only 1 week and it seemed like its been thrown around for months, since then Ive been trying to buy a case for it but the local apple store is always sold out. Yes it scartches easily, but it still plays music, which is the reason I bought it, to listen to mp3s. Its not worth the time effort and money to get into a lawsuit with apple over!
    • It definitely does. I bought my girlfriend one and after the first or second use it had a scratch near the top of the screen. She kept it in a sweatshirt pocket with nothing else in it so ideas about keys and other things found in pockets is baseless here. She was a bit upset (especially because finding cases is really hard right now) but we both agree it doesn't matter much. It works fine and the screen is 99.9% readable still so no real worry. It would be cool if there was a problem and Apple replace
      • Yeha I got my best friend one as well and she still has the laminant on it and I gave it to her about 1 month ago. She wont take that laminant off until she gets a case for it, she doesnt want her nano looking like mine apperently!
    • Ive been trying to buy a case for it but the local apple store is always sold out.

      1. Sell faulty product
      2. Sell expensive protectors.
      3. Profit !!!!
  • by aztektum ( 170569 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:17PM (#13847383)
    They just put a regular iPod in a cloner and reduced the scale. If you put a Nano in your cloner and increase the scale back to normal, the resin layer will compensate.
  • huh? (Score:5, Funny)

    by greenguy ( 162630 ) <> on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:17PM (#13847384) Homepage Journal
    Did anyone else have to read this headline four or five times?

    I finally got it, though. Someone had their iPod in their suit, which managed to scratch their results.
    • Re:huh? (Score:3, Funny)

      by Otter ( 3800 )
      I had thought an iPod had attacked a suit-wearing result, but -- yeah, it's a bit cryptic.

      It saved us from a full Apple-free day, though. Google, you're up...!

      • Posted by Zonk in The Mysterious Future!
        from the war-stories dept.

        Carnivore24 wrote to mention a C|Net article discussing Steve Ballmer's morning keynote at Gartner's Symposium/ITxpo. From the article: "'I have never, honestly, thrown a chair in my life,' Microsoft's CEO said ... Ballmer also touched on a variety of areas related to Microsoft's competition with Google. The software maker will compete 'the good old-fashioned way, with innovation,' he said. 'There are many things--who knows?--Google may o

        • by Otter ( 3800 )
          Woohoo! 4:51 pm, and I can go home!

          (A bit disappointed in Carnivore24 and Zonk for not spinning the story as "Google To Cure Cancer!", but a weekend's a weekend...)

  • by zumbojo ( 615389 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:17PM (#13847393) Homepage
    Materials aside, these scratching problems seem symptomatic of a big step backwards in design. The iPod mini that the nano replaced was built from tough, brushed aluminum that stayed beautiful even after months in a pocket with change and car keys.

    (I [heart] my iPod mini.)
  • Serious Doubts (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Hrvat ( 307784 )
    Mind you the article says that they're suing Apple because the scratches can get so severe it prevents one from seeing the screen. If that is the case in ALL of these "scratch" cases, sure, Apple should replace it. Notice how Apple is replacing the Nanos with cracked screens.

    However, I seriously doubt that with REGULAR USE (meaning under normal conditions) wear and tear is such that majority of these Nanos actually can't see the screen.
    • However, I seriously doubt that with REGULAR USE (meaning under normal conditions) wear and tear is such that majority of these Nanos actually can't see the screen.

      One of the reason for buying Apple stuff as you know is the cool factor. I don't think it's so bad you can't even see the screen, but if it is like the users say, a few weeks of use looks like few months/years old, then the value of such product greatly diminishes. It's like buying a silver Boxster and the paint wears out it's shine (or visu

    • However, I seriously doubt that with REGULAR USE (meaning under normal conditions) wear and tear is such that majority of these Nanos actually can't see the screen.

      Mossberg disagrees.

      "But, after just under a month of daily use, my own nano is badly scratched, and looks beat up when viewed at an angle. Worse, there are several large scratches across the screen that impede functionality by making text and photos slightly harder to see. I have never tested or owned any portable electronic device that picked up
  • This is just silly. If you bought, and you scratched it, it's your problem, not Apple's. Buy a frickin' Nano-tube for crying out loud!
    • Re:silliness (Score:3, Insightful)

      by eMartin ( 210973 )
      There are two kinds of cases for iPods out there.

      Those that scratch easily, but prevent the iPod from getting scratched, and those that don't scratch easily.

      The first make little sense to me. You are going to be carrying around a scratched gadget either way, and this way, you will just have to keep paying to replace the protection itself if you want to get rid of the scratches.

      The second would be great, but I just don't get why if someone can make a scratch resistant case or cover, can't Apple make the iPod
  • He's lost it (Score:5, Interesting)

    by tktk ( 540564 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:18PM (#13847407)
    ...demanding that customers get their money back as well as a share of the company's profits on the music player's sales.

    The lawsuit seemed somewhat legitimate until I read this little gem at uit/ []

    • OYFG (Score:5, Funny)

      by hotspotbloc ( 767418 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:25PM (#13847490) Homepage Journal
      ...demanding that customers get their money back as well as a share of the company's profits on the music player's sales.
      Clearly being a heavy crack user doesn't stop someone from practicing law.
    • Re:He's lost it (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cyberworm ( 710231 )
      I agree that this is just a frivolous lawsuit. I'd be interested in knowing what kind of monetary damages these people incurred by having their iPod Nano scratched up (as mentioned in the linked article) other than what they spent on the nano.

      Also, I used to own a Sony Ericsson t675, that when I bought it, the salesman also had one, and I noticed how scratched up his was. Knowing that this phone would be prone to scratching, to the point that the screen might get cloudy, I took care to not put it in the sam
  • I can understand there might be a problem with scratches. Every product isn't perfect, but all this will do is give everyone in the suit a few $$$ or a free case or something, and the bottom feeding lawyers will make a huge pile of cash. Idiots.
  • by adzoox ( 615327 ) * on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:19PM (#13847418) Journal
    Apple said anyone who felt the issue was big enough would repair or replace the Nano at no charge ...

    what else do these jerkoffs want?
  • Not widespread? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by futurekill ( 745161 )
    All the people I know ( about 10) that have the nano, including myself, have scratches all over including the metal plate on the back. I used mine for about 3 days and it has been sitting on my desk ever since. It seems to get scratches if you breathe on it funny or if dust should settle on it. Also, go to your local Apple store and see how many they have in pristine condition. Nano...good concept, less than stellar execution...
  • by Twid ( 67847 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:20PM (#13847428) Homepage
    I got a ridiculous amount of hits to my blog posting from a couple of weeks ago [] where I cleaned the scratches off my nano with Brasso. Actually, I got the idea [] from the original slashdot thread on the nano scratching issues.

    My take: the nano doesn't scratch more than a normal iPod, but it's so small that you're tempted to pocket it, causing more scratches than you would get in the un-pocketable full-size iPods. I see that with the new iPods w/video Apple is now including a *really* basic (fabric?) case. Maybe that was a response to all the talk about the nano. I do think that the nano needs some sort of screen protector or case in order to stay scratch free. I made mine from some old PDA screen protectors.
    • " I got a ridiculous amount of hits to my blog posting from a couple of weeks ago where I cleaned the scratches off my nano with Brasso"

      Just don't polish with Brasso too often, or you'll end up without a casing at all.
    • I use toothpaste; YMMV. And now that I got the Nano Tube, it protects the screen quite well.

      However, the Nano is worse than other players when it comes to scratching. For example, my Rio Carbon and non-name Chinese players don't have a single scratch on it despite being a year or more old. OTOH, $250 for 4G of flash is not a bad deal.
  • Battery (Score:4, Interesting)

    by rlp ( 11898 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:23PM (#13847466)
    I'd be more concerned with the fact that the battery is soldered onto the unit! Of course, before the rechargable battery's worn out, you'll buy the IPod Pico ... and a magnifying glass.
  • People really could stand to take better care of their stuff. I've had a 4G iPod for more than a year now, and there are hardly any scratches on it at all. It's simply a matter of being responsible and not tossing your precious electronic devices into a pile of nails and scorpions. In my opinion, this lawsuit is ridiculous and should be thrown out.
  • A little ingenuity (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mks180 ( 442267 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:30PM (#13847530)
    I got my nano a few weeks ago, and managed to avoid all problems with screen scratches by using a screen protector bought for my palm pilot. I had to trim the protector to fit on the nano, but it's barely noticeable that it's on there and I have not had a single scratch on the screen.

    True, I shouldn't have to do that; maybe Apple should have used a better material for the screen. In the end I see this as another frivolous lawsuit that's destroying this country.
  • by GodWasAnAlien ( 206300 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:30PM (#13847538)
    do the scratches prevent operation of unit or cut it's life short?

  • McDonalds corporation has been sued because people who eat quarter pounders three times a day get fat.

    Oh, wait. This happened already.

    Seriously, people. Just don't put your nanos in your pocket along with the car keys and you'll be fine. I hope plaintiffs get their ass handed to them by Apple lawyers.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Some thoughts.... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by 8127972 ( 73495 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:32PM (#13847552)
    OMFG! Where do I begin?

    1. Every iPod I own has gotten scratches.
    2. If you don't like scratches, get a case.
    3. If you already have scratches, try Brasso [] or iCleaner []. I've tried both and they work well.

    Bottom line, scratches are the responsiblity of the owner. GM won't replace your car if YOU scratch it, so why should Apple pay up if your iPod gets scratched. Meaning that if you own an iPod Nano, it's YOUR fault that you have scratches. Please deal with it in a way that does not involve the justice system as it is NOT their problem.
    • Re:Some thoughts.... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by ad0gg ( 594412 )
      Why does my cell phone have less scratches on the display then my nano when nano has been in pocket for 6 hours at most before I realized that it that wasn't a smart idea. My cell phones has been in my pocket for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week for a year and a half. Apple choose to use the cheaper quality plastics.
  • by GiSqOd ( 793295 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:37PM (#13847595)
    Clearly, Apple should have provided guidelines to help keep everyone's iPod Nanos from getting scratched. I guess it falls to me to provide this valuable public service:

    1. Do not keep iPod Nano in the same pocket as your keys.
    2. Do not run over iPod Nano with your car: [].
    3. Do not use iPod Nano to scratch off your lottery tickets. Invest in a quarter, instead.
    4. Do not keep iPod Nano in the same pocket as your keys, dumbass: show/70's_badluck.wav [].
    5. Do not gnaw nervously on iPod Nano.

    and finally...

    6. Maybe think about investing in a $20 ultra-thin case for iPod Nano: [].

    FWIW, in my experience, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who know how to take care of personal electronics and those who casually throw their new toys in with their spare change. I've had the same iPod for almost 2.5 years now. Still runs fine, still without scratches, and I've taken it jogging, biking, to work, to the bathroom, across state lines, etc. I guess some people just can't have nice things.
  • Just in... (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Car Dents Result in Suit

    People who drive their new cars on the road have begun filing class action lawsuits against major automotive companies such as Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota and Honda claiming that their vehicles are getting damaged when getting into accidents. Ford has responded by saying, "Well, maybe if these idiots knew how to drive without hitting things..."
  • by carambola5 ( 456983 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:40PM (#13847633) Homepage
    Complaining about a few scratches?!? How about running over it twice with a car [] and still playing music on it?

    People are being too obsessive about the "status" the iPod gives the owner, and not realizing that it's a damn solid product.
  • I don't get it... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by afra242 ( 465406 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:47PM (#13847695)
    I bought an iPod nano since they first started shipping and I don't have one scratch on it. It's black too, so scratches would be more visible.

    I don't keep it in the same pocket as I do with keys, or other objects. I also run an hour daily, and the nano's in my hand/pocket during this time.

    I don't know how people treat their nano - I'm somewhat alarmed at all this. It's an electronic product: treat it as such.
  • I suppose this isn't the best article in which to pimp my free iPod nano referral link.

    But it will still get me a slice of the class action settlement!

    Oh yeah, and see my sig for more details. :-D
  • by Vellmont ( 569020 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:53PM (#13847772) Homepage
    Apple has attracted a group of people that place an inordinate value on aesthetics. This isn't the first grumbling we've heard from the faithfull. Remember the Apple Cube and people complaining about "cracks" (small imperfections in the plastic) in the case? Now it's that the nano can get scratches in the screen. This is the price that Apple pays by attracting people that only seem to care about aesthetics. When something goes wrong with the aesthetics the faithfull scream their heads off.
  • Scratch (Score:3, Funny)

    by wildsurf ( 535389 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @04:56PM (#13847811) Homepage
    When they said the nano was redesigned from scratch, I guess they weren't kidding.
  • ok, I gotta ask... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by RapmasterT ( 787426 ) on Friday October 21, 2005 @05:20PM (#13848060)
    Since when has any consumer product been warrentied against scratching?

    considering that it's not being scratched by the freakin' air, you have to do "something" to it to scratch it. Pay attention, find out what that it, stop doing that. problem solved.

    I'm no apple fanboy, but not a big fan of idiots either.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
