NYC & SF iPod Subway Map Controversy 361
scruffy323 writes "NYC and San Francisco are claiming copyright violations for freely distributed subway maps." From the Wired piece: "More than 9,000 people downloaded the map, which was viewable on either an iPod or an iPod nano, before Bright received a Sept. 14 letter from Lester Freundlich, a senior associate counsel at New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority, saying that Bright had infringed the MTA's copyright and that he needed a license to post the map and to authorize others to download it."
Feh (Score:3, Insightful)
That's not actually a controversy.
Re:Feh (Score:2)
Maybe he should just draw his own.
Re:Feh (Score:2)
Re:Feh (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Feh (Score:3, Interesting)
The MTA has this little problem with confusing the concepts: ""art" [nycsubway.org] and "map" [columbia.edu].
Re:Feh (Score:4, Informative)
What they should do is dump the ill-advised redesign of a few years ago (the one that introduced the pointless yellow background, the clutter of useless bus stop connection lists, and Staten Island.)
Re:Feh (Score:5, Insightful)
The only beneficiary of copyright in this instance is some petty bureaucrat who can claim his/her job is important to the public weal. The public "servant's" next step will be to ask for an increase in funding so he can hire his/her wife/husband/son/daughter/nephew/... to reformat the maps to meet this new "public demand" for public information.
I feh on your feh and whomever ordered the cease and desist to be written in the first place.
Re:Feh (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Feh (Score:5, Insightful)
Feh: Irrelevent details. (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe it's not a public place after all?"
American law is very similiar to International law. The US signed the Berne Convention. This situation has NOTHING to do with it being a map of a public space verses a private one. If he wants t
Re:Feh (Score:3, Insightful)
You're an illiterate. His argument is that the maps were commissioned by a public agency, using the people's funds , likely as a work-for-hire , and should therefore be released to the public domain.
Technically, they're right (Score:5, Insightful)
That said, in practice the NYC subway co. already made the map available to the general public, so it's not like there are any losses or damages as a result of this. In fact making the map available on IPod might actually increase the number of subway users. This rises the question, "what's the problem?" Conclusion: NYC subway co., get a life.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally, I believe maps should have their own subsection within Intellectual Property laws. People do need an incentive to make them generally, but with aerial photographs, this is getting easier and easier as time goes on. Blueprinted building and track ways makes this even more trivial, and once you get down to it, a map is just a graphical representation of the factual geography of a location. I believe the subway company could do better to just pick up a few advertising contracts, brand the maps with advertising, and release under the Creative Commons.
However, based on the current corporate mindset around adapting to technology and kneejerk reactions to the words "file-sharing" this sort of idea is probably long off.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:5, Insightful)
This doesn't make any sense because making the map available to people in another format is a public good being performed by a private citizen. The MTA is actually hurting citizens of New York by imposing this undue burden on this fellow. There is really no defense for such behavior.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:3, Interesting)
That said it's ridiculous that tourist guides, free maps, and free-to-view billboards can carry the image, yet I can't load it onto an iPod. The first thing I do in a
Well, THEY're in copyright violation of the street (Score:2)
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:4, Insightful)
As far as I know, all the Underground related items are licenced by LT, so they probably enforce copyright issues.
However, since they also licence the use of the map in diaries and such, then the cost of a licence is probably not too high.
The Ordnance Survey in the UK has a full page devoted to copyright issues [ordnancesurvey.co.uk], which indicates that, for some uses, the cost for reproduction may simply be an acknowledgement of the original copyright owner.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
Well, they may try the approach of fining a few "pirates" a hundred thousand dollars and sending them to jail for five years to scare the rest into not violating their precious copyrights. That seems to be one of the favoured tactics.
My stuff, on the other hand, comes with
http://www.ourmedia.org/user/17145 [ourmedia.org]
http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=(creator%3 A%22drew%2 [archive.org]
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
ah, but what if the NYC MTA (the metropolitan transit authority) licenses use of the subway map image to 3rd party organizations, such as travel books, t-shirt vendors, etc? btw, I think there's also a trademark issue here, and not just copyright.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:5, Funny)
To the Subway iPod thingy Programmer: Shame on you for not asking first...but nice job
To the Subway People: Shame on you for being this petty.
To the Subway Restaurants: I'll take a Cold-Cut Combo with Lettuce, Green Peppers, Black Olives, and Salt & Pepper.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
To keep their trademark, they MUST be this petty. The law forces them to (or they'll lose their trademark). Having said, if they do issue this guy with a license for free, then would you really call them petty? Talk about jumping to rash conclusions.
Having said that, they are broke and according to this poster [slashdot.org] they're issuing licenses for $500. So it's quite possible they won't issue a license for free.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:4, Informative)
Trademark Violation = using _symbolism_ or _words_ too similar to a protected logo or symbol
There's no trademark violation here. Its a copyright violation.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:5, Funny)
No they're restraining something.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
Hold on a second. How are the subways funded? Doesn't large part of the MTA's budget come from city taxes? There is a reason the map is available at no cost - we have already paid for it.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
In that case, I think you paid for the creation of said map and should be able to do anything you want with it. Print it on bags without a license, sell it on the corner street, change it however you like, publish it on your website.
A company should either make it on their own, or give up some of their priviledges when the government funds them. But then again, t
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
They could use the Open Records laws to get a super high res version.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Technically, they're wrong (Score:2, Informative)
You can not copyright factual information. See eg Feist v Rural Telephone where the US Supreme Court ruled that lists of numbers in a phone book was not copyrightable.
The names of the subway stations, their geographic locations, and the fact that rail lines connect them, are all facts which are not copyrightable. So I'm wondering just what in this image is subject to copyright.
If you make a map and add something to it, you can claim copyright. Like say you made
Re:Technically, they're wrong (Score:3, Informative)
I'm very aware that they are copyright violations, but I'm not trying to make money or do anything malicious. I'm not in this to piss people off.
I'd say this guy knew he was breaking the law, which is why he didn't kick up a stink. Everyone is actually acting fairly amicably in this situation (based on my impression from the article anyway).
Re:Technically, they're wrong (Score:4, Informative)
The map in question is highly stylised, and not to scale. That makes it copyrightable.
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2)
Re:Technically, they're right (Score:2, Informative)
Nonsense. So if you decided to tear down some of the ads in the subway, sticking up your own in their place, is that just a public use of public property? Of course it isn't.
While it is publicly funded, it isn't free reign to do what you want. For instance in this case it's pretty clear that the subway company licenses the map to
what does this have to do with apple? (Score:2, Insightful)
RTFA (Score:2, Insightful)
The maps are not formatted for any other mp3 player.
Apple makes the iPod.
Therefore, this is an Apple story.
London Underground map too? (Score:3, Insightful)
Do taxes pay for these maps? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Do taxes pay for these maps? (Score:3, Insightful)
A taxpayer funded service (Score:5, Insightful)
Seems pretty clear (Score:2)
Sue away! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Sue away! (Score:3, Insightful)
Perhaps the transit authority wants to make sure that all sources of the information are kept up to date. If they let anyone distribute it they can't be sure people will have an up to date map. If they insist people licence it then at least they can control this.
There are other potential problems as well. They simply avoid any issues by clamping down on all copying with no exceptions.
Re:Sue away! (Score:2)
But aren't really applicable in this situation. Some choice quotes:
Not that I'm saying MTA is in the wrong, merely saying their concern IS monetary. There doesn't appear to be any controversy. Bright knew he was breaking the law, MTA sen
I grew up in NYC (Score:5, Insightful)
A downloadable map makes a world of sense, and frankly I cannot understand just WHAT about a subway system map needs copyright protection? Is there some subway map counterfeiting operation out there? Does the system stand to lose ridership and money as a consequence of people being able to find their way around?
In summary, I consider this lawsuit to be insane and unnecessary. Noone but the lawyers will benefi.. Oh, yes, that's right.
Re:I grew up in NYC (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I grew up in NYC (Score:3, Informative)
There was no law-suit. A cease and desist was issued to Bright, he complied. He then went and made his own map that he uploaded under the CC license, he hasn't been sent a new cease and desist for that map. MTA is broke, it's recently begun trademarking its symbols and issuing licenses to use them. They couldn't allow Bright to continue and still have their trademark be valid.
Re:I grew up in NYC (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I grew up in NYC (Score:3, Funny)
Someone, someday will RTFA (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Someone, someday will RTFA (Score:2)
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the definition of 'soon' when used by a public utility/agency/department. Soon, to such an entity, means "maybe one day."
Until they have a current map that is actually available, they've got no business bitchin about out-of-date maps.
They need to protect their trademark for it to be valid.
Uh, yeah, sure, whatever. Quit smoking the glue, ok?
Re:Someone, someday will RTFA (Score:2)
Well I suppose we could wait a day for the map...
Shameless plug (Score:2, Interesting)
Only $500 dollar licence (Score:2)
It is kind of a grey area... (Score:5, Interesting)
I would argue if complete systemwide paper maps were available for free on every train, then there would be no need for people to download them for use on their iPod. Or, better yet, if the NY Transit Authority made the maps available for download then it wouldn't be a problem either. In SF there is a fully downloadable hi-res pdf of the entire MUNI map so how can they argue what platform you are using it on?
As far as the London Journey Planner (as it is called there), I could understand their defense because they have spent million of dollars and countless person-hours developing that map, the typeface, the signs that go in the trains, etc. Certain elements were invented by that very London Underground map and while they may seem obvious to us now, before that, most transport systems did not have an adequate graphical language for representing their systems until the London Journey Planner came to be. With that in mind, the London Transit Authority could sue every major city in the world for copyright infringement so I think this really has no merit.
If something is working for the greater good and works, it becomes very hard to stake a claim for it and win. We shall see.
Re:It is kind of a grey area... (Score:2, Insightful)
Bingo. When public ifrastructure services are relegated to market driven private interests, some degree of public ownership rights must be maintained. If the subway owners want to sell private property, they should do so in the private domain, on their own and without tax funded investment.
Re:It is kind of a grey area... (Score:2, Informative)
The map is available, linked in the text of the summary above. Maybe RTFA is too much to ask, but how about reading the summary?
Although I do not like MTA (Score:3, Insightful)
(hint* pay extra attention to the last part.)
from http://www.mta.info/sitehtml/mtacopy.htm [mta.info]
No part of this program, product, software, or item, including the look or feel of the program, product, software, or item may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including the use of information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (or other appropriate corporate entity). This prohibition against unlawful or unauthorized reproduction is intended to include all U.S. domestic use as well as protections afforded under any international forum or law, including, but not limited to G.A.T.T.
Each individual document published by MTA on the World Wide Web may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information relating to that individual document.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any patent or trademark of MTA or any third party. Except as expressly provided above nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any MTA copyright.
Note that any product, process, or technology in this document may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by MTA, and may not be licensed hereunder.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
Any MTA publication may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes may be periodically made to these publications; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of these publications. The MTA may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in these publications at any time without notice.
Should any viewer of an MTA published document respond with information including feedback data, such as questions, comments, suggestions, or the like regarding the content of any such MTA document, such information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and MTA shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the information to others without limitation. Further, The MTA shall free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such information.
In short, I think, all he had to do was just post his subway map as his suggestion and it could have easily bypassed this whole mess.
Since he seems to placed himself as sole publisher of this "unique" map as in claiming the map as "his own", he just opened himself with can of worm. Follow this;
from http://www.ipodsubwaymaps.com/about.php [ipodsubwaymaps.com]
So what's this all about?
Simply put, I decided that it'd be pretty cool to build this website so you can put subway maps onto your iPod Photo. As I write this, I've only got one city up so far -- well, almost. I skipped Staten Island. Do people actually ride that subway?
Eventually I'd like to open the site up to allow other visitors to submit their own maps. One step at a time, though.
Is this all just some blatant self-promotion?
Is all of it? Of course not. Is some of it? Sure! I really thought the idea of putting my subway map onto my iPod was cool. Why should I keep it all to myself? If it's helpful to me, then why not to the rest of you?
All he had to do
Right- Should script it (Score:2)
http://www.mta.info/nyct/maps/submap.htm [mta.info]
To get around this, just write a script that goes to a meta server to get the current URL, downloads the jpg, then converts it to whatever you wan on your ipod.
This is what crossover office does for downloading wordviewer plugins and MS fonts from MS for use on your linux box. They let MS do the distribution, but make installation stupid easy. All appears legal, as you have do download the content that is alread freely available for anyone
Knee jerk reaction (Score:2)
This brings to mind a similar situation where the current owner of the old GI JOE cartoon series placed a cease and desist on an incredibly creative guy who redubbe
Re:Knee jerk reaction (Score:2)
So, even though one instance might not seem worth worrying about, the next one might. If you get the person to pay a tok
Re:Knee jerk reaction (Score:2)
I keep hearing/reading this as an argument for this kind of absurd protectionism. It's based on the idea that a company establishes precedent by ignoring a copyright violation. But by enforcing copyright in a clearly inappropriate situation does not a company also demonstrate that it is a po
Re:Knee jerk reaction (Score:2)
Article (Score:2, Informative)
January 01, 2005 -- 03:25 PM
To: iPod Subway Maps Submissions
Subject: ipodsubwaymaps fedback: your unauthorized use and coying [SIC] of NYC subway map
Date: 9/14/05: 12:52 PM
We have no record of you having a license to include MTA's copyrighted New York City subway map on your website, or for you to authorize others to download a copy of the subway map.
You must cease and desist immediately. Take the NYC subway map off your webiste and confirm to me by email that you will not do
Correct informaction is the case (Score:3, Insightful)
Freundlich (Score:3, Funny)
Public information should not be made public. (Score:2, Interesting)
This is crazy, so it's a license for their own design,, not others... But how are other's suppossed to make subway maps unless using official information that should be made public anyway?
Government Copyright and Public Domain (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Government Copyright and Public Domain (Score:2)
Re:Government Copyright and Public Domain (Score:2)
Re:Government Copyright and Public Domain (Score:3, Informative)
Confusing? Yes, it it. The Post Office in this case is not c
share the wealth (of knowledge) (Score:2)
Not screwing the little guy? (Score:2)
The real but relatively inconsequential fee of $500 might offer NYC some protection.
And therefore, hopefully the $500 will be reimbursed by Bloomburg or some high level MTA official - as a private citizen who knows that this is a neat, inno
There ought to be a middle ground (Score:2)
Is there a copyright equivalent to compulsery purchase orders? In the UK, if something big is happening, and your house is in the middle of where they want to put it, you can be issued with a compulsery purchase order. An independant commision examines the value of your property and your l
Might not be copyrightable information (Score:4, Informative)
While the rendering of the map might be copyrightable, the information about the routes is not. He should have someone else render a map.
Re:i think he is rendering his own? i read AN arti (Score:4, Informative)
For the millionth time, this is only true of trademarks.
For the love of... (Score:2, Insightful)
US Government Workers Can't Copyright Things (Score:2, Insightful)
http://www.cendi.gov/publications/04-8copyright.ht ml#toc30 [cendi.gov]
I don't know about state or local agencies like the transit authorities, but it would seem to make sense that they shouldn't be allowed to copyright their materials either. The same principle is at stake. The taxpayers pay for the creation of the work so the taxpayers should share ownership.
Re:US Government Workers Can't Copyright Things (Score:2)
Re:US Government Workers Can't Copyright Things (Score:2)
He was making money!! (Score:2)
a darknet solution (Score:2)
Tell MTA to STFU because all these maps do is encourage people to use mass transit.
Intersting... (Score:2)
Re:Intersting... (Score:2)
Why not a script? (Score:2)
Government agencies copyrighting public documents? (Score:3, Informative)
Im surprised the first amendment hasnt been invoked
on this. The first amendment clearly supersedes copyright
in the case of publications of a government owned entity.
Allowing the government to copyright government documents
would make the public records laws meaningless because you
couldnt disseminate them yourself.
Now the government could say "You are not allowed to sell government
publications for profit, but you may freely distribute them and recoup
the cost of publication." under the commerce clause.
We are not talking about a patent or an individuals copyright we are talking
about a government publication made freely available to anyone who asks
simply being redistributed in a more convenient form by a private citizen.
Re:Government agencies copyrighting public documen (Score:3, Informative)
YHGMTPOT 1st ammendment.
There is indeed tension between copyright and freedom of speech. But since both are present in the constitution, it is up to the courts to achieve a balance. Which, for the most part, they have. Your free-speech rights simply do not include publication of works whose copyright belong to someone else.
You are actua
Are they kidding? (Score:3, Interesting)
That's the secondary effect of all this ridiculous IP chest beating these days. Now everyone thinks they should protect every idea or bit of information they have since that's what everyone else is doing. Even if it makes no sense and it actually hinders their goals, they'll protect their IP to the death.
Good luck.
Re:Farewell, free country! (Score:2, Insightful)
I've visited the US more than a dozen times in the last 30 years. The idea that it's just an illusion of freedom came to me in the late 1970s and has become more & more obvious as time goes by. What saddens me is few living there see it too.
Re:Farewell, free country! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Farewell, free country! (Score:5, Interesting)
1) They're not suing, they sent a cease and desist, he complied.
2) He had the incorrect information on his website, so 9,000 people used an outdated map.
3) They're broke, and they're issuing licenses to desperately seek money. The public benefit (and this is arguable, as they may be a really shitty company and the public benefit might be them to become bankrupt) is that by not breaking the law and abusing their copyright, they will be able to reap money from their labour and continue to provide the service to the citizens of their city.
GPL can be applied to documents, too. (Score:2)
Re:Farewell, free country! (Score:5, Insightful)
What the fuck are you talking about? Or are you just babbling the slashdot group think to get your ass modded up? (+1 Insightful as of posting this, so he aint being very successful).
America had the ability for Congress to enact copyright law in it's Constitution. You know, the piece of paper that says what America can and can't do. It was completed in 1787, 11 years after the United States of America was first formed (sorta. See here for more details.) It took effect two years later. This power was first exercised in 1790, only 1 year after the Constitution was placed into effect. Here's a small quote from [wikipedia.org]this article [wikipedia.org] which you might find enlightening. Emphasis mine: Now while the term limit has been increased dramatically, that isn't the issue here (we're not talking about maps that are over 14 years old are we?). So don't give me that bullshit about this being another example of copyright "thing" getting worse and worse. Unless you were talking about the US being a free country before 1790 of course.
MOD PARENT UP (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Duh. (Score:3, Informative)
People need access to subway maps, and getting them from the MTA is like pulling teeth. This despite the fact that when you can find a token booth with a clerk who actually HAS such maps, you can get one for free.
That's right, NYC doesn't sell these maps, it gives them away.
So perhaps they don't NEED to have any recourse against those who would sell such copies?
I don't think that an image such as a m
mandatory enforcement (Score:3, Informative)
Nope. That's trademark. Copyright does not require enforcement.
Relatedly, I would expect that distribution of their maps would only help them, so why shut this guy down?
Re:mandatory enforcement (Score:2)
Perhaps, though I fail to see why this is a problem. If the guy copying the maps started doing something different (and disapproved of), then they would have their reason for why they suddenly felt there was a problem. If the guy didn't change anything, why would they switch their position?
Re:mandatory enforcement (Score:2)
Re:I love the fact.... (Score:2)
Re:I love the fact.... (Score:2)
Of course asking for permission doesn't cost anything, but would he receive it for free as well? A quick look at the links in the article doesn't mention any licensing policies, so I couldn't see if they are handing out free licenses.
Re:I love the fact.... (Score:2)
But they may be too busy to notice the opportunity.
Re:I love the fact.... (Score:3, Informative)