Apple Is Accused of Violating Software Patent 503
outz writes "And it begins... Creative Technology, a maker of portable music players, has accused Apple Computer of violating a newly granted software patent covering the way users navigate music selections." From the NYT article: "Creative Technology, which is based in Singapore and has United States operations in Milpitas, Calif., said it would consider every option available to defend the patent, including possible legal action. Apple declined to comment on the patent. The patent, which the company calls the Zen Patent, covers Creative's interface for portable players, which allows users to select a song, album or track by navigating a succession of menus. The patent office awarded the patent on Aug. 9." We reported on the granting of the patent a few days ago.
Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
But that whole discussion pales in comparison to the larger issue of patents granted for things that the entire industry knows has shitloads of prior art attached to it. These defensive patents are what will kill innovation in this country, not piracy as Microsoft and the RIAA will claim.
Write your representative [slashdot.org] and tell them you DEMAND patent reform.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
Considering that Creative was granted a patent for a technology that describes the way just about every GUI, website, and digital media player on the planet uses, that shouldn't be too hard.
I have never seen the Patent Office's head so far up its own ass to grant something like this.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
They will just claim, as they have in the past, that they are understaffed and overwhelmed by the number of patents that they have to deal with.
Well, tough shit. Get more people on board and raise the application fees. The number of rejected patents due to proof of prior art will make defensive patents disappear.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
The USPTO office has been recently identified as a department which desperately needs reorg and increase in staffing, the odds are it'll continue to get worse until the country, and then the world, are crushed beneath the weight of billions of stupid useless patents which prevent any innovation whatsoever -- exactly the sort of thing patents were meant to protect and encourage.
Re:What will Gandhi Say? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What will Gandhi Say? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What will Gandhi Say? - get the quotee right (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
No. The intent of IP law is the publication and dissemination of innovations, not the protection of them. From the USPTO's own words [uspto.gov]: "Through the preservation, classification, and dissemination of patent information, the Office promotes the industrial and technological progress of the nation and strengthens the economy." Notice there's no mention of protection or helping the creators, it's about helping everyone else learn how things work and advance the ideas. The limited time protection is merely the means by which creators are given incentive to disseminate the information; it is not the intended purpose.
A world without IP laws is a world of secrets, which stiffles innovation. It is unfortunate that poor application and understanding of the principles behind IP -- both at the legislative and approval levels, and abuse by the industry for unintended purposes -- has lead us to the mess we have today that also stiffles innovation. Clearly reform is necessary.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
So, you're going to write your Congresscritter and ask them to allocate a bigger budget to the USPTO? Perhaps ask them to increase your taxes to help out?
I didn't think so.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
Perhaps ask them to increase your taxes to help out?
Nope, I recommend application fees. They are a tax on the people who use the system.
I didn't think so.
Well, I agree that small inventors are hurt by an increase in application fees. But you are incorrect that the fees alone hurt small inventors. There are plenty of ways that a large corporation can screw a small inventor out of their patent: the one Apple might be able to use on Creative is a good one - litigate a claim of prior art.
So the fees are not the only thing that bury small inventors. And as for the increase in fees? If there are more aggressive and better trained patent examiners on staff at the USPTO, there will be fewer patents for trivial crap that are filed just so some corporation will have a set of defensive patents to unleash in court.
Will the fees affect large corporations? Hell yes. The company I work for files thousands of patent applications a year. Their whole business is intellectual property. They would shit bricks if the fees were to double.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:4, Funny)
Unless he was talking about biting Steve McQueen!
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
Newsflash.. they are. Deal with it.
The fees are a *tiny* fraction of the money needed to defend a patent. If you can't afford the legal fees to defend it, don't bother with the patent, because it's useless anyway. The first company with money that likes your idea will steal it, and probably sue you for violation of a few other patents in the process.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Interesting)
I like Lessig's (I think) solution: allow multiple competing patent granting companies. The companies must comply with various federal regulations, probably being audited occasionally. Seems like this, done properly, could solve a lot of problems through good old fashioned competition (though it might cause many more problems).
Or how about this: we already press citizens into jury duty yes? Why not press them into reviewing patent applications? It could be like scientific journal peer review. If a large enough group was surveyed, you shouldn't need to worry about self approval too much. Review a patent? Get a tax break (money that otherwise would have funded patent review anyway).
Regarding lawyer speak, and the fact that nobody speaks it: if the average professional in the field is unable to understand the language of the patent application, then it probably shouldn't be granted anyway right? (since it isn't disclosing the patented device.)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Insightful)
Peer review is the solution.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Insightful)
Addressing the jury, "Today, we're evaluating methods of fractional co-polymer extraction using a protein-based... Hey, guys! Wakeup! You can't go to sleep yet!"
Voice from the back row. "Aw, go ahead and approve it. The title sounds like they know what they're talking about.
Point being that average citizens have no knowledge of the subject, no background in the subject, no knowledge of prior art, and no knowledge of current techni
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Insightful)
What? You mean like the credit reporting houses? Yeah, that oughta work. They do such a wonderful job of keeping track of my credit. Consistently and fairly with no hassle at all if they make a mistake. I'm sure that would work just great for patents.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Interesting)
The vast majority (95% plus probably) of juries I have seen in patent cases find infringement regardless of evidence or common sense. Juries will always grant money when given the chance and they would always grant a patent application.
Also, juries have a hard time determining if shit stinks, let alone trying to determine if widget x is the same as widget y without knowing what a widget is.
The easiest solution to this mess is to move to a registration system, where patent applications arent examined, and just allow everyone to fight it out in court (which is what happens anyway, but this would be without the presumption that patents are valid).
granting patents (Score:3, Insightful)
The easiest solution to this mess is to move to a registration system, where patent applications arent examined, and just allow everyone to fight it out in court (which is what happens anyway, but this would be without the presumption that patents are valid).
And what of the individual person who invents something yet doesn't have the deep pockets of a big corporation?
FalconRe:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Interesting)
The absolute last thing you want to do is to get average John and Jane Does to review patent applications. That works with juries, as they're not ruling on technical points of law (although increasingly, complex fraud cases are becoming too much for the average person in the street to follow). For patents, though, you really need someone who is expert in the relevant field or
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Informative)
You could very easily maintain an externally-accessible central database, or even a distributed database which linked the different systems belonging to the patent granting firms.
The ability to reference the patents centrally does not imply that a single monolithic patent-granting body is needed.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
1. It allows the USPTO to hire more staffers to determine validity of patents
2. It allows the USPTO to hire more qualified staffers to determine the validity of patents.
Which would you rather be, a highly paid programmer or a lowly-paid patent clerk? If they can raise the salary offerred to trained CS people, they could compete with software companies and maybe get a person who'll look at it and say "Um. You're trying to patent a menu. There have been menus since the invention of the video terminal. Denied."
If you want to do this while also helping the small inventors out, maybe add a "Frivolous patent deposit" to the cost of filing. Then if the patent examiner determines that someone's trying to patent something that any reasonably competent third year CS underground would be likely to whip up in a college project without even thinking about it, the USPTO gets to keep the money. But if it turns out that it's really something novel, the money's refunded.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Interesting)
Valid points all. So, are you arguing for the status quo? Did you have a better idea?
Or are you just picking holes?
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Insightful)
I'd also return copyright to the old 26 year copyright with the *author* being able to register a second 26 year copyright period. (Screw international treaties.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:2)
It's even easier than that. Just start actually enforcing the rules and reject 99% of the applications instead.
I'll bet the application rate drops until only those applications with some merit are submitted.
With the current situation it's simply more profitable to file 25 junk patent applications, get a third of them approved and start suing than it is to research something worthwhile.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:2)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, tough shit. Get more people on board and raise the application fees. The number of rejected patents due to proof of prior art will make defensive patents disappear.
Yea, raise patent application fees so an individual can't afford to get a patent. Leave it to big business to get all patents.
FalconRe:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:5, Insightful)
This is yet another example of what I consider a grave "abuse" of the system for their own personal gain. Creative's players suck. They haven't been able to beat Apple with a better product, so they're going to patent them to death to win. Add an FM tuner? Yeah! Ship a bunch with viruses. Have a player that you have to drop to "wake up" the reader arm on the hard drive? Possibly.
Sounds like sour grapes to me. Make a better player, Creative. Stop this "if I can't win in the market, I'm going to litigate them out." I hate this when Apple does it. I hate this when Microsoft does it. I hate this when ANYONE does this. Just because this happens to be one giant company against another doesn't make it right. No matter what your feelings toward Apple, etc. are, you have to admit, this is just a court-induced market grab.
And I'm sorry, but it's just fucking lame. Creative lost the day the iPod became a best seller. And it peeves them to no end. Life's hard.... buy a helmet. Stop making shit players, and maybe you can beat Apple. I'm not shedding tears for Apple either, but this disgusts me to no end.
Keep the lawyers in the storm cellar where they belong... or run them the hell over. Either way, it'd make our lives a whole lot better.
Creative is already better bargain (Score:3, Insightful)
What goes around comes around (Score:3, Insightful)
http://slashdot.org/apple/02/05/01/2012217.shtml?t id=107 [slashdot.org]
Apple sues to stop leaks
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/08/03/012024 0&mode=thread [slashdot.org]
Apple sues Think Secret
http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/01/06/06 57245&tid=123&tid=3 [slashdot.org]
Apple sues Future Power
http://www.macobserver.com/news/99/july/990701/app lesuesfuturepower.html [macobserver.com]
Apple sues domain name owner
Apple sues eMachine
http://news.com.com/2100-1040-230054 [com.com]
Re:What goes around comes around (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:What goes around comes around (Score:4, Insightful)
Parent is not a troll (Score:2)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:2)
Even that shouldn't matter. Unless I'm missunderstanding what the USPTO says, a patent application isn't published until 18 months after it
Mod down, bad assumptions (Score:2)
Why the hell does everybody assume Apple had the idea first, especially when Creative was in the market long before Apple.
And yes I agree it's a stupid patent, so it should be struck down.
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Yet Another Bullshit Patent Dispute (Score:3, Interesting)
Prior Art? (Score:5, Insightful)
Yet another demonstration of how the patent system is irretrievably broken.
Seriously, it shouldn't even be possible to patent a hierarchical menu system...prior art abounds. This reminds me of the amusing, although almost certainly apocryphal, story of the man who attempted to patent the wheelbarrow. Like the man in the story, Creative ought to be thrown out of court, preferably onto some tender portion of their collective corporate anatomy.
Re:Prior Art? (Score:2)
I couldn't agree with you more.
Once people understood the paradigm of hierarchical folders, that became the way everybody tried to show inform
Re:Prior Art? (Score:2)
That used to be true. Most patent examiners today lack significant technical expertise for the areas where they are granting patents.
Sad but true.
Re:Prior Art? (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh wait! Thats not an apocryphal story at all [wikipedia.org]
Whilst I don't think software patents are a good idea generally and this particular patent is insane, I feel a certain....lack of sympathy toward apple for opening this entire can of worms in the first place.
Re:Prior Art? (Score:5, Insightful)
Stop feeling any amount of sympathy for Apple, as in the end it will be the customers who lose when Apple and Creative sign cross-liscencing deals/etc.
It's not Apple who loses here, it's the customer, every time one of these bogus over-reaching patents gets brought up and cross-lisenced to raise the barrier to entry and exclude players who aren't already in the game.
The funny thing is (Score:5, Interesting)
And of course I'm still trying to figure out whether NeXT themselves ripped off the browser from that class browser [ucsb.edu] widget you see so often in Smalltalk, or if it went the other way around.
Oh, but of course, the NeXT example covers a browser for files and the Smalltalk example covers a browser for objects, and in the mad calculus of patent law this is totally different from a browser for music files...
Ravioli and Smucker's Uncrustables (Score:3, Informative)
I heard that Smucker's tried to patent Uncrustables a while back (process patent?). For those of you who don't know, Uncrustables are fillings (PB & J, Cheese) that are wrapped in a neat doughy pod thing.
Anyway, the patent office refused to grant the patent, because they said that Uncrustables were basically big ravioli.
That's about what the PO should have done here. The Creative interface is basically a Smalltalk
Re:The funny thing is (Score:3, Informative)
"Oh, but of course, the NeXT example covers a browser for files and the Smalltalk example covers a browser for objects, and in the mad calculus of patent law this is totally different from a browser for music files."
Precisely. You have pointed out what all the "prior art! prior art! Bok bok bok!" screamers have missed: it's the platform that counts here. Even an app that plays MP3 files on the PC likely wouldn't count; the "my PC is just a big fancy MP3 player!" argument likely won't cut it. The leg
Re:Prior Art? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Prior Art? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Prior Art? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Prior Art? (Score:2)
I'm going to patent... (Score:2)
I'm gonna get rich!
Re:Prior Art? (Score:3, Insightful)
The iPod GUI could be described as a single pane Miller columns browser. Even iTunes uses a similar interface.
Remember when Patents were to create? (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe I should file a patent for delivering virus programs with a USB or other plug-in computer device
Re:Remember when Patents were to create? (Score:3, Funny)
*runs off to patent office*
Re:Remember when Patents were to create? (Score:3, Informative)
The only issue here is that they allow software patent, which they should not do.
In the word of the Black Eyed Peas... (Score:4, Funny)
Haha (Score:2)
Evil Plan (Score:5, Funny)
Bad Patent... (Score:5, Insightful)
How the hell did they actually patent that? It makes me sick... What other ways are you going to navigate your music library if not by artist, album, or genre?! There's not too many ways to impliment this.
Re:Bad Patent... (Score:5, Funny)
What other ways are you going to navigate your music library if not by artist, album, or genre?
I organize my music collection based on the number of vowels in the second word of the group's name. If there is only one word, I take the total number of letters in the word (n) and add a number produced by the formula floor((n mod 3)/(n+1))+1. If the group's name is composed entirely of numbers, simple addition of each digit is performed -- if the result is 2 or more digits, the process is repeated until it's down to 1. Prince has his own unique category.
Really, I thought everyone did it this way.
Re:Bad Patent... (Score:3, Funny)
a number produced by the formula floor((n mod 3)/(n+1))+1.
It seems we have a problem...as you can clearly see on my patent [uspto.gov], I have prior claim to 'n mod 3'.
My attorneys will be in touch.
For Future Reference (Score:5, Interesting)
Considering Apple holds the lion's share of the MP3 player market, though a late comer, it's not surprising to see the legal threat, but perhaps Creative Technologies should be looking at their own failure to capitalise on the market which left the door open for Apple.
Patent 6,928,433 [uspto.gov]
Previous Failures (Score:2)
If you cant beat them, sue them.
Innovation (Score:2, Insightful)
The USPTO doesn't understand "prior art". (Score:2)
It seems the USPTO is to patents what FEMA is to hurricane relief.
Quick, time to Patent (Score:2)
No more vulgar scrolling through artist and album names. I call my invention the iHum interface. Get in touch with me Steve, I'm sure we can work out reasonable royalties.
Irony (Score:2, Funny)
good patents? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:good patents? (Score:2)
Nonsense (Score:3, Funny)
Companies like this make me sick. I wouldn't accept a Creative MP3 player as a gift because they suck in comparison to Apple's offerings. If they sue Apple, I will never buy another Creative product again, and I do currently own a few of their sound cards and even an olde display adapter. Notice the "e" in olde. That's how old it is.
If this is a battle of lawyers (Score:5, Funny)
The old GUI look-and-feel lawsuit (Score:5, Insightful)
Apple lost that lawsuit when the Judge held that GUIs and their look and feel could not be patented or copyrighted, so it seems like that could be used as a precedent in their favor on this lawsuit.
Re:The old GUI look-and-feel lawsuit (Score:3, Informative)
Filing patent for "A method to clean one's anus" (Score:2, Funny)
Yes, I think I will patent toilet paper.
Perhaps Apple should contact Allan Sherman... (Score:2, Interesting)
If Apple bought that copyright, Creative wouldn't have much that could be played using their patent.
Or maybe they could buy the rights to John Cage's 4'33", and sue anyone who produced an MP3 player which was silent when not playing MP3s.
File System (Score:2)
software patents (Score:2)
Patent proxy wars (Score:3, Interesting)
Instead, look to other companies who would benefit most from such an attack.
Creative do many things, and attacking Apple in the player market is a very high risk gamble. If they lose they will basically have destroyed their player business - no-one is going to buy a product from a bunch of losers. If they win, they will still have a problem - people like Apply and attacking them like this just looks evil.
Cui bono? Who benefits?
Someone rich, who wants to take over the player market, and has a history of launching proxy wars to harass and intimidate its competitors, on feeble or completely false pretexts.
Someone who has been fighting hard to get software patents enabled in Europe, through proxy groups such as the BSA and C4C.
This opinion is simply a gut feeling. Are there any recent reports of deals between Microsoft and Creative Labs that indicate money flowing?
Re:Patent proxy wars (Score:3, Insightful)
A rather ridiculous conspiracy theory. What consumer will ever even hear about this lawsuit? What consumer will care? You know how many lawsuits any large company has going on at any given time? It's probably in the hundreds, and they are bound to lose some of those. Nobody cares.
But who has a stake in this you ask. Creative, of course. They see themselves as a leading company i
Re:Patent proxy wars (Score:3, Insightful)
Most people won't even know of the suit, or will very quickly forget if they do hear of it.
If they win, they will still have a problem - people like Apply and attacking them like this just looks evil.
Again, I think you over-estimate things here. Most people don't give two hoots about Apple, or Microsoft, or anything like that. They want a computer to do stuff with, and don't partic
Obviousness? (Score:3, Informative)
Are there any lawyers in the audience who know exactly how the "obviousness" requirement is treated in courts of law these days?
Re:Obviousness? (Score:4, Informative)
To prove "obviousness," you need to show that the invention would have been "obvious" to one with "ordinary skill in the art" at the time of the application of the patent -- in this case, back in 2001. Of course, the way you show that is by showing what a person of "ordinary skill in the art" would have known in 2001, and you do that by digging up experts who can testify as to the ordinary skill in the art, and by digging up textbooks and articles and papers and everything else. In essence, you need the "prior art" to prove "obviousness," so you can't separate out the two like you suggest.
Legal obviousness is a pain in the ass to prove, because it's so fuzzy -- it's much easier to find a patent invalid based on prior art, if the prior art exists. Another thing to remember is that even if art appears to be prior art, if the applicant or the examiner referred to the art during prosecution, yet still issued the patent, then it is presumed that such art may not qualify as invalidating prior art under 35 USC 102. So even if you find something that looks like prior art, you need to go to that patent itself and the patent's prosecution history to figure out if the art was relied on in prosecution, and is therefore essentially (although there are exceptions) useless to prove invalidity.
When you are attacking a patent, you pull out all of the stops -- you attack on noninfringement (trying to show that you are not infringing, even if the patent is valid), invalidity (that the patent is invalid and never should have been issued, either because of prior art or obviousness), unenforceability (saying that even if the patent is valid, it's not enforceable, for any number of reasons), and, if you have any reason at all to believe that it might be true, inequitable conduct (basically accusing the inventor or his lawyers of lying to the USPTO to get the patent issued).
Unconstitutional (Score:3, Insightful)
But we don't need the current system. When an inventor of a device has to consider that someone might have a patent on a hierarchical menu used innovatively on their own device, they won't be able to produce the actually innovative part. Or even just marginally improve the invention, incrementally keeping up with a changing world. The current patent system is a major impediment to progress in the useful arts and sciences. It is unconstutional, and must be replaced with something that actually works.
"Apple declined to comment on the patent." (Score:3, Insightful)
"dam, why didn't we patent that first?"
Apple just as bad as the rest. You reap what you sow I guess. Too bad its not just Apple and Creative but every fucking company in the world paticipating in an "arms" race with regard to patents.
Think some day it will get so bad that they will HAVE to reform our system? Don't make me laugh. And always the consumers will be the ones picking up the tabs for the "cost of doing business".
Creative is doing it wrong (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:um... (Score:2)
Re:um... (Score:2)
Gotta love Kosh.
Re:We don't negotiate with terrorists (Score:5, Insightful)
So then the small organizations or individuals that have their ideas ripped off have no recompense?
The patent system is broken, but breaking it worse won't help.
Re:We don't negotiate with terrorists (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes. Compete on execution, not the ideas, and if you have an idea you don't want to share, keep it secret. Just don't prevent everyone else from having, and implementing the said idea, which is the worst case scenario.
Re:We don't negotiate with terrorists (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:We don't negotiate with terrorists (Score:2)
It's called 'Insurance'.
Re:Question.... (Score:3, Informative)
The patent application date was January, 2001. The iPod was developed and released after that.
Re:Question.... (Score:3, Insightful)
There is also no way that they don't have dated mockups, drawings, documents with interface specs, etc. from Dec 2000 and before.
Re:Question.... (Score:5, Informative)
They're good, aren't they?
Seriously, they didn't develop the hardware, they bought it. They developed the software in a few months in 2001. And the patent is about the software.
At least that's the chronology on this page [addict3d.org].
Re:Question.... (Score:2)
We're talking about the Patent Office, right?
Re:This is rediculous (Score:3, Insightful)
To which Creative will claim to be sucking it in 24-bit but experts will prove it is only 16-bit suckage.
Seriously, this is madness on the Kim Jong Il level. Apple has, what, $6 billion in the bank? How much does Creative have in order to survive a war of attrition in the court rooms? How large a patent arsenal does Apple have in comparison to Creative? Yes, folks, this is the end of Creative...and fitting it will be considering how they were able to grab Aurea
Re:Good. Apple needs a slap in the face. (Score:3, Informative)
They restrict converting to other formats
They only work with Apple brand DRM
They restrict compatiblity with other players.
No editing of the songs."
How does Apple restrict back-up copies? The iTunes Store encourages you to backup your purchased songs on blank media. You just have to remember your iTunes account password to reload them.
And Mr. Coward, show us a legitimate rival online music store that offers the features you ask for? Napster doesn't offer to convert purchased
Re:Good. Apple needs a slap in the face. (Score:5, Insightful)
Strange, I've found it very easy to burn the music to CD's, and thus "back it up." Also, one can archive the files quite easily, requiring only that they be activated when used on a new computer (though this can get complicated, if you've maxed out your authorized computers...but there are ways to fix this as well). The point: one can fairly easily back up one's iTMS purchased music.
Oh, and it is of course trivial to back up the non-DRM'd portion of one's music library, which for most people is probably damn near all of it.
They restrict converting to other formats
If by "restrict" you mean "make it a two-step process," then yeah. Burn to CD. Re-rip. Done. And you say that as if any other online music store (other than certain Russian stores of questionable legality) that sells RIAA-label music makes this any easier. To the best of my knowledge, they do not.
They only work with Apple brand DRM
Yep, and I don't freakin' care. Besides, the first two seem to establish that you don't like DRM in general anyway...so you like Microsoft's *better* or something? This is just stupid. Next!
They restrict compatiblity with other players.
Yeah, because MP3 is such a proprietary format. Or are you still taking about DRM'd songs? There has never been a need for iPod users to use AAC, except if they want to buy from iTMS. For those of us that just rip CD's, we have the option of doing it in MP3, which is pretty much universal...we can even use a different application to do it.
If you're just mad because you can't buy music on iTMS and put it on your Zen or whatever, I don't care. From the sound of the rest of this, you are probably also one of the people who complains about the prices in the iTMS, and the DRM, and probably wouldn't buy music from there to put on a different player anyway...so you're just arguing to argue.
No editing of the songs.
You mean, like from within iTunes? Because you can certainly burn them to CD and then re-rip them as
Oh, and let's not forget that all of these DRM restrictions were largely decided upon by the RIAA, rather than Apple. I think I should stop replying to AC's, but at the same time when I see something stupid written, I have to tear it apart like a junkyard dog with a piece of meat.
Re:Good. Apple needs a slap in the face. (Score:3, Informative)
[pedant mode]
The format is not proprietary, but the algorithms to create files in the format are [chillingeffects.org]. The Fraunhofer corporation visciously defends its mp3 patent against any software on the market incorporating an mp3 encoder.
To those in the world of proprietary software, with companies available to pay royalty fees, it is a meaningless distinction. But to those of us in the free software community, the fraunhofer patent is a major annoyance, because we can't
Re:It just won't end (Score:3, Funny)