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Apple Businesses

Apple The Current Fastest Growing Brand 252

Will Stewart writes "According to Apple News, in a recently published report, Vivaldi Partners and Forbes magazine showed Apple has increased its brand value by 38 percent in the last four years, largely on the popularity of its iPod digital media device. Vivaldi Partners estimated Apple's overall brand value for 2005 at US$5.3 billion. Google and Blackberry tie for second, while Amazon is in fourth place. The ranking was determined by taking the compound annual growth rate of each brand over a period of the last four years."
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Apple The Current Fastest Growing Brand

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  • by bsandersen ( 835481 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:54PM (#12847391) Homepage
    Also of note is Pixar at number 9. So, Steve Jobs is 2 of the 10.

    -- Scott
    • steve jobs "is" apple? he "is" pixar?

      take me to your dealer!

      • steve jobs "is" apple?

        He absolutely is.

      • by pohl ( 872 ) * on Friday June 17, 2005 @07:01PM (#12847860) Homepage
        he "is" pixar?

        Yeah, apparently he picked it up for a paltry 10 million dollars in 1986, according to this []

        • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) * on Saturday June 18, 2005 @01:12AM (#12849574)
          The Wikipedia article is factually correct, but pretty dry.

          (all following information from book iCon)

          The Wiki article mentions that Pixar was obtained from Jobs for $10 million. But, what it leaves out is why and how,

          At that time, Lucas was going through his divorce. His wife got a huge settlement, but Lucas didn't have much real money - his money was all tied up in companies he created so he started searching for bits to sell.

          The bit that is Pixar had done some cool things for him but was costing money, so he wanted to sell. Jobs really liked the people there and what they were doing - but Lucas wanted $30m for the company and Jobs was hurting for cash having sunk a lot of money into NeXT at that point.

          So, Jobs talked with Lucas a little about it but backed away, waiting.

          In the meantime, Ross Perot (yes that Perot) came along, negotiating an offer for GM to buy the Pixar bit (not called Pixar at that point) for almost $30M. But they day he was to sign the contract GM cut ties to Perot, ending any negotiating power he had on their behalf and thus scuttling the deal.

          Now Lucas was really hurting. He needed that money really badly. It was at this stage that Jobs stepped in - and that's how he got Pixar for only $10m.

          It wasn't all roses from there though, he put a LOT of money into t hat company before it bore fruit and there are probably few other negotiators that could have dealt with Disney as effectively to bring it away from the brink of extinction, so he really deserves a lot of credit for where he arrived at (though so does Lassider by the sound of things, without whome Disney would not really have had any interest whatsoever).

          One funny coincidence there is that Ross Perot also was the first investor in NeXT! He took a bath on that one.
    • Also of note is Pixar at number 9. So, Steve Jobs is 2 of the 10.

      No, you see... Jobs himself is listed as a brand, just he's a bit lower on the list (below #20) :-)

    • "So, Steve Jobs is 2 of the 10."

      you will be assimilated...
  • by ARRRLovin ( 807926 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:55PM (#12847399)
  • Blackberry? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by -kertrats- ( 718219 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:57PM (#12847411) Journal
    I understand maybe in business circles, Blackberries might be big. But saying that it's tied with Google, which has become an everyday verb for most even outside of the computer-nerd crowd, is ridiculous.
  • *Blackberry* is #2?! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by EvilStein ( 414640 ) <spam&pbp,net> on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:57PM (#12847412)
    "Users average a 53-minute-a-day productivity gain, says Research in Motion."

    What the article fails to mention is the 8 hour/week headache that the IT staff gets to deal with. "Productivity gain" is so subjective. :P

    As for Apple being #1, it's not really a surprise to me. The iPod is *everywhere* - and in recent days, so is the Mac mini. OS X has been getting glowing reviews all over the place too.

    Note that it also says they have an 18% "brand owners market capitalization" - maybe someone that speaks Wall Street can explain that one in English?
  • Slashdot (Score:5, Funny)

    by Leroy_Brown242 ( 683141 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:58PM (#12847414) Homepage Journal
    Apple: The fasest growing topic on slashdot!
    • I think Google has the top spot there...
      • Re:Slashdot (Score:3, Insightful)

        by cbreaker ( 561297 )
        Ohh, although it might be too close to judge, Apple is mentioned so much on Slashdot recently that it's a joke.

        I remember the good old days when it was almost always about Linux and related Linux topics. The good stuff! Not just about the next thing from Some Big Company. And Apple IS a big company.
        • Re:Slashdot (Score:3, Insightful)

          > I remember the good old days when it was almost always about Linux and related Linux topics. The
          > good stuff!

          It's News for Nerds, not Pander to Linux Hackers. Mac and Apple successes are big news. They are finally reaching their true geek shaping potential. Deal with it, or submit more interesting Linux articles.

        • News is news , Apple just happen to be on the warpath right now and are in the limelight allot.
          "the good old days" are never as good as you remember .
        • Re:Slashdot (Score:3, Funny)

          by frohike ( 32045 )

          I remember the good old days when it was almost always about Linux and related Linux topics.

          Good old days? User #561297? :) I remember back when it was more than a place to post company press releases, generate ad revenue for places like Forbes and Cnet, and troll. It's become pretty sad these days.

          • Re:Slashdot (Score:3, Funny)

            by kevcol ( 3467 )
            I remember back when it was more than a place to.. *snip* ...troll

            Jeez, #32045, I can't even remember back *that* far.


            (Cue earlier account holding smartass) :-)
          • generate ad revenue for places like Forbes and Cnet

            You forgot Roland Piquepaille.
        • Results 1 - 50 of about 467 from for allintitle:apple. (0.70 seconds)

          Results 1 - 50 of about 531 from for allintitle:google. (0.19 seconds)

          google by almost 14%.

    • Wait, I'm confused... How does that tie in to Google?
  • Microsoft? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Frodo Crockett ( 861942 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:58PM (#12847420)
    MS is nowhere on the list.
    • Well, they aren't a rapidly growing company . . .
    • Re:Microsoft? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by bedroll ( 806612 )
      From TFA: "They began their study by surveying chief marketing officers and consumers, asking them to identify brands they felt were both growing fast and being innovative."

      Microsoft is neither of those.
    • MS is nowhere on the list.

      Wait for the "fastest shrinking" list. :P

      - shazow
    • The only good way for a monopoly to expand brand recognition requires first making investments in SETI.
  • by whitehatlurker ( 867714 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @05:58PM (#12847421) Journal
    Red Bull and Starbucks are 7 and 8 on the list. Where would we be without caffeine?

    Oh right, asleep.

  • Only Yahoo, and this report is crediting their new music subscription service for Yahoo's success.

  • For how long? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by AviN456 ( 863971 )
    I for one say kudos to Steve Jobs, and all of Apple on a job well done. Even though I don't use an Apple at the moment, I am very pleased that Microsoft's biggest competitor is doing well. Perhaps this will strike some fear into the folks over at Microsoft, encouraging them to reduce prices and improve their products. Now it just remains to be seen if Apple can maintain this level of growth.
    • Some would say that Google is Apple's biggest competitor, but they did OK on the list as well.
    • I guess I don't know why we care. Yes /. hates MS, but I would hope we hate monopolies more. If MS dies tomorrow and Apple replaces it, we've gained nothing at all, except perhaps a slight loss in open HW.

      Let's not forget when Apple was in charge they were as evil as Microsoft, but more powerful.

      I liked /. better when it was full of hopeless linux zealots, at least I could agree on the ideal.
      • Refresh my memory; when was Apple ever in charge? Even in the heyday of MSDOS, Macs were a small minority of the computer market. And back in the days when Apple IIs roamed the earth, nobody was "in charge" because there was no single dominant platform (though you could make a case for CP/M).
    • You know, I'm not trying to be a troll here but simply honest.

      I used to be a Microsoft fan and I used to believe that they are the #1 software company but they're not the #1 software company in terms of quality and they got where they are today by riding the back of IBM.

      There are some pretty awesome software applications that run on a Microsoft OS but they're not penned by MS. I think Excel is the only MS app that was written by MS.

      If they really wanted to be a good software company, where are the versi
      • ...where are the versions for other operating systems? I'm not saying 'Where are the MS Linux apps', but where are the MS apps for Apple, and the MS apps for Linux, and the MS apps for Palm OS, etc...

        The office offering for Apple is pretty pathetic which is why I'm glad that Jobs is develping his own for Apple.

        I'm not sure if you've used Office for OS X lately, I'm guessing not, but it generaly kicks the stuffing out of Office for Windows. They did manage to get close to Office 2004 Mac when they did

  • by Sekio ( 661601 )
    From MSN News: Microsoft has all the market share, is better and more secure than Linux, BSD and Apple.
  • by ZipR ( 584654 )
    What a meaningful stat! I have nothing against Apple, but the whole idea of branding is pretty suspect.
  • by guardiangod ( 880192 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @06:04PM (#12847469)
    Who would had thought that a 25 something year old brand is the fastest growing brand in the whole world.

  • WTF does that mean? It looks like legal language.

    We'll all know what you mean if you just say iPod, you know. If you're really worried about Slashdotters not knowing what an iPod is, call it an MP3 player. not a "digital media device".
  • by Harry Balls ( 799916 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @06:19PM (#12847594)
    ...and Apple's stock price will come down.
    1. iPod inventories are building up
    2. The switch to Intel chips will make corporate and private equipment buyers postpone purchases

    Watch for a missed quarter and/or lowered guidance and/or an earnings pre-announcement.
    Then, if you have Apple shares, watch out below.

  • by Leomania ( 137289 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @06:19PM (#12847596) Homepage
    What a lame-ass thing to do, I used to think. Now Intel is more than just a brand, it's a platform; business bought into it, and you'll find there are many corporations that won't even consider AMD-powered equipment. I bet that's changing now, but nevertheless it's amazing the brand recognition a chip company managed to achieve.

    Apple is to me quite the enigma. The company gets far more press and adulation relative to its size than any other company I can think of (not that I'm trying that hard; I'm sure someone will come up with some excellent examples). But its hardware has just about all of the issues that Dell and other PC makers have, be it computers or consumer electronics. Yet the overall feeling about Apple seems to range from more of a warm fuzzy to outright adoration; who else has managed anything even close besides Google?

    - Leo
    • Because Apple and Google is used by journalists.
    • Apple is to me quite the enigma. The company gets far more press and adulation relative to its size than any other company I can think of.

      In many ways Apple's products are less performant speed-wise, but they are more elegant and polished. Think of it in terms of the auto world. People have always been willing to pay more for what they see as a more stylish alternative, especially when they don't have to get out and crank the motor to start it. The fact that they are able to provide these products while

      • "The fact that they are able to provide these products while having only "the same level of problems as Dell" (something I dispute, but note that in any case Apple's customer support is much better) is why they're seen as the equivalent of a BMW and not an Alfa Romeo."

        Hmmm, well do a google search on "apple class action lawsuits" and see how many results you get involving hardware problems. With Dell you just get sleazy business dealing lawsuits.
        As for the support - your milleage may vary. As a small busi
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 17, 2005 @06:22PM (#12847613)
    Interestingly, aside from Apple and Blackberry, no other computer hardware companies crack the top twenty brand value list(unless you count Samsung, but let's not), while five software-based companies, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Pixar, and Ebay, are in the top ten.

    What to do, then, if you are, say, the CMO of Dell computer? One idea would be to see what the top brands have in common. One notices that the two hardware companies mentioned have names that bring to mind round things, Apples and Blackberries.

    Note also the popularity of double o's, Yahoo and Google both in the top 10.

    Finally, we need a concept strongly associated with partying, bling bling, and sex, seeing as brands like Red Bull, Coach, and Victoria's Secret have done so well.

    I therefore propose that Dell change its name to "Boobies! Computers". Yes, yes, you're welcome. No charge guys.
  • I can believe it (Score:3, Insightful)

    by udderly ( 890305 ) on Friday June 17, 2005 @06:23PM (#12847614)
    I know that it's due to the iPod, but lately I've been fielding a lot of questions from customers (even business customers) and other non-tech folks about Macs. Most are considering, for the first time, buying one. It's kind of a hunch but I think that they're moving beyond their usual market demographics.

    I don't have one, but it will probably be the next computer I buy.
  • Awesome -- if you try and click "Next" to read more of the article, it merely resorts the chart according to the different criteria -- total sales, current worth, etc.

    Nice "article" -- it looks like they pulled it straight from an MS template retrieved from asking Clippy McPaperClip: "How do I keep my job this week?"
  • "iPod digital media device?" Is that really neccesary?

    How about, "iPod mp3 player?"
  • let's see how fast the brand grows when it takes on all the legacy cruftiness that is Intel's product-line of CPUs.
    • Except they don't have to take the cruftiness and I doubt they will. The only old thing in the macs-with-intels will in all likelyhood be the x86 Instruction set. They'll probably dump as much of the rest of the legacy stuff (BIOS, older ports etc.) as they can.
    • let's see how fast the brand grows when it takes on all the legacy cruftiness that is Intel's product-line of CPUs.

      Actually, it will probably have a nice boost at that time. The big question is, how well is Apple going to be able to push their existing PPC line in the meantime, when everyone knows they are already obsolete.
    • Yes, lower price, better performance and lower power consumption will sure hurt the brand. No wait, it won't. Especially since most people don't give a flying shit about what kind of CPU is inside their computer. Yes, the x86 has a yucky ABI, but so fucking what? The real-world performance you can get out of it is what's important, and from what they've shown us they do have it. Hey, IBM not keeping up with x86 was the driving factor for the switch.

      As for the legacy stuff, what legacy stuff? I trust Apple

  • Today's "fastest growing" is journalismo for yesterday's bit player.

    Points at dark clouds at the horizon

    Quoyle: Horizon Fills With Dark Clouds?
    Billy: Imminent Storm Threatens Village.
    Quoyle: But what if no storm comes?
    Billy: Village Spared From Deadly Storm.

  • by ErikZ ( 55491 )
    Apple has increased its brand value by 38 percent in the last four years...

    Wow...just wow. I mean, is this news or what? As a Slashdot visitor, I've always been very concerned with things like "Brand Value". So it's great see news like this being put up.

    Seriously, thirty eight percent! Tell all your friends! And when you're working on that code/breadboard/computer case, be sure to keep this valuble nerd knowlege in mind.

    Does Apple just send big bags of money to the Slashdot editors or what?
  • See here []. Even libraries can't give you audio books because Apple is the only one that can make DRM files for iPod. Apple's obsession with controlling every aspect of a product will relegate iPod to a niche market one day when real competitors decide to get into the market.

There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go.
