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KDE Businesses GUI The Internet Apple

Safari And KHTML May Never Meet 765 writes "Announcing that Safari passes the Acid2 test has raised some voices in the KDE world. Apple, they say, isn't playing friendly. They don't provide a CVS history, just the modified files where nobody can understand how and when things have changed. It's quite likely that KHTML developers will have to write their own code to pass the acid2 test. Zack Rusin writes: 'All I'm asking for is that all the clueless people stop talking about the cooperation between Safari/Konqueror developers and how great it is. There's absolutely nothing great about it. In fact "it" doesn't exist.'"
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Safari And KHTML May Never Meet

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  • He posted patches! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Knytefall ( 7348 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:20AM (#12384514)
    Looking at Safari developer Dave Hyatt's blog [] it looks like he's provided some patches. I'm sure it will take some work to get those into KHTML, but that seems to be a pretty good start to me.
    • by masklinn ( 823351 ) <> on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:24AM (#12384586)
      From Rusin's post, these patches are not useable (mainly because they often rely on previous Safari specific implementations that don't exist in KHTML trunk, or for the worse ones because they rely on OSX features itself and thus can't be ported to KHTML without a full rewrite)
    • by Carewolf ( 581105 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:37AM (#12384768) Homepage
      He posted the patches because I provoked him to do it. They are the first patches we have received from Apple since late 2003.

      Unfortunately they don't merge very well. I've spend a few hours to merge two of them. The rest will probably require redeveloping.
      • by gnuman99 ( 746007 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:25PM (#12386035)
        If Apple does not publish revision histories (patches & description of each patch), then their code will not become part of KDE. Who loses? Well, Apple, KDE *and* users because all everyone ends up doing is redoing the same work over and over again. It kind of defeats one of the purposes of open source.
      • by ajs ( 35943 )
        So the concern here is that reproducing their work takes time and effort that is only aided in part by their source code?

        Isn't that a heck of a head-start?
  • Is this a joke? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by bconway ( 63464 ) * on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:21AM (#12384522) Homepage
    Apple has abided by Safari's license and released their changes. This is what is required and expected. I don't remember reading anywhere that they have to hand-hold you through understanding their code.
    • And doing the bare minimum counts as being friendly to open source developers?

      Even *Microsoft* does what they're legally required to do. If Apple wants to differentiate themselves, they have to do more than the minimum.
    • Re:Is this a joke? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MankyD ( 567984 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:25AM (#12384603) Homepage
      He's not saying that Apple is doing anything wrong. He's simply pointing out that there exists no cooperation, as many people would like to think.
      • Re:Is this a joke? (Score:4, Insightful)

        by cowscows ( 103644 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:16PM (#12385926) Journal
        Exactly. People need to understand that Apple did not send a bunch of engineers over to join the KHTML project. They just used some source code that was available to them, and as is required, they give out the changes they make.

        Apple is developing "WebKit", not KHTML. They both have just evolved from a common codebase in the past.
    • Re:Is this a joke? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Elwood P Dowd ( 16933 ) <> on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:33AM (#12384714) Journal
      Conveniently, this time you didn't even have to RTFA. Right there in the abstract:
      'All I'm asking for is that all the clueless people stop talking about the cooperation between Safari/Konqueror developers and how great it is.'
      Maybe I missed the part where he said that Apple had to hand-hold him through understanding the code. Oh, no, in the article he points out that Apple has fulfilled all the requirements of the license.
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) * on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:34AM (#12384736)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by PhotoGuy ( 189467 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:21AM (#12384527) Homepage
    But... Butt... Apple Good!

    I give up, no more computers for me.

  • by Sirch ( 82595 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:22AM (#12384545) Homepage
    ... they're duping comments [].

    Hey, that gives me an idea - find a nice little comment somewhere a week or so back and submit it as news... yeah...
  • by mynzai ( 777808 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:22AM (#12384550)
    In a shocking and unsuspected announcement, Apple will change their name to 'KApple' in an effort to patch relations with other Kommunities.
    • KTiger (Score:3, Funny)

      by booch ( 4157 )
      And they'll rename Tiger to KTiger (or Kiger) to get around the lawsuit from TigerDirect.
  • by byolinux ( 535260 ) * on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:22AM (#12384560) Journal
    Dave Hyatt seems fairly responsive to emails. He's replied to one's I've sent in the past asking questions about Safari. He's a Free Software guy, I'm sure he can appreciate the frustrations here, and might be able to help - afterall, I don't believe he, or Apple really want to 'screw over' the KHTML people - it might just be that communications haven't been really made.

    Email him - ask? []
    • by masklinn ( 823351 ) <> on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:34AM (#12384732)
      From Rusin's post and links, it looks like the KHTML guys did quite a lot for Apple's sake (creating specific mailing lists and such).
      They don't look like they're asking for much, basically they'd like access to the Safari team's changelogs (and internal CVS I think) in order to see how the changes happened, why the modifications were made (because knowing that a modification was done but having no damn clue about why it was done can be quite useless) and where, and which internal of external features the modification uses.

      From what i understood, in a nutshell, the KHTML guys merely used to ask for a documentation that was supposed to exist instead of big webcore tarballs, that was more or less denied and the KHTML guys stopped asking for it.
      But they're quite annoyed about the buzz over Safari's change getting back to KHTML, which is something that they're not able to do.

      On a side note, it should be reminded that KHTML is only part of the K distribution, which means that they can't afford to put more work in KTHML engine alone that on KDE for example.
    • by booch ( 4157 ) <slashdot2010&craigbuchek,com> on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:47AM (#12384911) Homepage
      You don't need to ask him. He's blogged [] the whole thing! He's got a separate patch for each change in functionality, with explanations of each. Some "explanations" are just a single sentence as a link to the patch. Others are full blog entries. The blog provides a pretty good history of his thinking on the changes as he went along and tracked his progress. The patches are also commented to a reasonable degree explaining what's going on.

      If this isn't enough info, I don't know what is. I suppose code for regression tests, etc. would be nice. But complaining about this is more likely to piss off Apple/Hyatt than to help. Plus, he does have his email address posted on his blog if you have questions. Or just post a comment, and I'd bet he'd answer it.

      • The problem is those are just for his patches, and the codebase he's working on is significantly diverged. We need all the apple developers who made the code his patches depend on to do the same thing.
  • by MarkByers ( 770551 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:23AM (#12384572) Homepage Journal
    This might be a good time to remind everyone that the patch has not yet been released to the public. The patch might make the browser unstable - further testing will be required. Depending on how long it takes before the patch makes it into the public version, Safari might not be the first browser to support Acid 2.

    From yesterday's summary:

    The patched Safari is not yet avaliable for public consumption. It is unknown when the patches will appear in a public version of Safari.
  • GPLv3? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by NotoriousQ ( 457789 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:31AM (#12384698) Homepage
    So is GPL v3 going to fix this issue?

    Or will any attempt to do so put too much burden on the users/modifiers of code?
  • by unixmaster ( 573907 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:33AM (#12384713) Journal
    Every change in khtml has to be run through a regression suite to make sure it doesn't break anything. Now if you fix something a new regression test is added for that.

    If you get fixes with no log of what they fix you will end up with bunch of code which you have no idea how to test for regressions. This is just one of the reasons why diffing codebase doesn't cut it.

    Another good reason is damned diff is ~6mb because Apple guys never send small patches but only dump WebCore tarballs.
  • Blog Entry (Score:5, Informative)

    by David Saxton ( 725580 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:41AM (#12384822)
    I can't access, so here's the blog entry:

    You cant even imagine how I hate that question. The truth is most probably never. I just read the article on /. about Safari supporting the all crack Acid2 test and people raving how great it is for KHTML. The truth is that KHTML will probably never get those patches. Whats most probably going to happen is that one of us will simply reimplement it from scratch (and at the moment the reality is that if its not going to be Allan or Germain its not going to happen).

    Code in Safari is hugely inconsistent and changes are always interdependent. Theres basically no way of merging in one change without bringing a whole bunch of others in. And you know what? Dont even tell me about merging stuff like render_canvasimage.h,cpp. It outright uses OS X apis. Well never be able to merge that in - someone will have to implement it. And whats going to happen when someone does? Some jackass on /. or some other equally stupid site will be praising Apple.

    In the past when someone spent long hours implementing something in KHTML, they at least got a thank you from people using Konqueror. Now its well finally! It was working in Safari. khtml developers are lazy. Wheres the fun in that?

    Do you have any idea how hard it is to be merging between two totally different trees when one of them doesnt have any history? Thats the situation KDE is in. We created the khtml-cvs list for Apple, they got CVS accounts for KDE CVS. What did we get? We get periodical code bombs in the form of them releasing WebCore. Many of us wanted to even sign NDAs with Apple to at least get access to the history of their internal vcs and be able to be merging the changes incrementally, the way they can right now. Nothing came out of it. They do the very, very minimum required by LGPL.

    And you know what? Thats their right. They made a conscious decision about not working with KDE developers. All Im asking for is that all the clueless people stop talking about the cooperation between Safari/Konqueror developers and how great it is. Theres absolutely nothing great about it. In fact it doesnt exist. Maybe for Apple - at the very least for their marketing people. Clear?
  • by gowen ( 141411 ) <> on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:42AM (#12384841) Homepage Journal
    1993 called, they want their flamewar back.

    Woe! Disaster! JWZ's changes to the Emacs codebase can't be easily folded back into GNU/Emacs. It's full of things that are XEmacs specific!

    It's called a fork, folks. It's very possible, albeit not very common, with Open Source software. You've given your code to people to use how *they* want, not how *you* want them to. Deal with it.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 29, 2005 @12:11PM (#12385218)
      So Safari is a fork of KHTML then? Fine. Again, I don't want to hear anyone talk about how great Apple is because they give back so much to the open source community. What they do is TAKE from the open source community, fork their code, and give next to nothing back. That is their right. But I don't want to hear anyone praise them for being CONTRIBUTORS to the open source movement, because it is clear they aren't.
    • RTFA (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ElMiguel ( 117685 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:54PM (#12386395)

      Or even read just the Slashdot summary. You will find this quote:

      'All I'm asking for is that all the clueless people stop talking about the cooperation between Safari/Konqueror developers and how great it is. There's absolutely nothing great about it. In fact "it" doesn't exist.'

      This KDE developer is frustrated because people misunderstand the contribution (or absence thereof) Apple is making to KHTML; he's not flaming Apple or suggesting Apple's duty is to be more helpful to the KHTML people.

  • not just KHTML (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mac-diddy ( 569281 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:53AM (#12384978)
    With Apple making changes to numerous tools, this is going to become a bigger problem. With 10.4, Apple is modifying most file level tools to support forks, including rsync. That's a great feature, but unless Apple works on getting the patch into the main release, they have essential forked the tool, fracturing the market even further.

    Apple's samba patches have also never made it into the main code because they break samba on windows.

    Anyone can create a patch. The hard part is working with others.

    Again, it's the "Power of open source. The Stupidity of Apple."

  • This is natural (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Calibax ( 151875 ) * on Friday April 29, 2005 @11:57AM (#12385029)
    Apple, they say, isn't playing friendly. They don't provide a CVS history, just the modified files where nobody can understand how and when things have changed.

    First of all, anytime you fork off a large project like KHTML the source code bases will start to grow apart. When the new fork has a dedicated group of engineers updating it for their needs then it will quickly diverge to the point where it makes little sense to attempt to keep patches in lock step. In my career I can recall several times where this has happened, and it always seems to come as a surprise to the people maintaining the less active fork.

    Apple doesn't use CVS as their normal source control system. To provide CVS documentation, Apple engineers would have to maintain a CVS database as well as maintain their patches in their standard internal SCS. This used to be perforce, I believe, and probably still is as switch a SCS is generally a royal PITA.

    Because the sources have been diverging for several years, it's unrealistic to expect that the Safari patches will be directly applicable to KHTML, and I frankly doubt that even having the Safari patch documentation would help very much after several years of Apple patches. This probably isn't anything underhanded on Apple's part. It's just the way engineers work - they change the code to fit their needs, and rarely consider the impact on the old fork that they started from in the absence of an explicit mandate to stay compatible with the old fork. That level of compatibility would require the Apple folks to always have the current KHTML sources and be familiar with that source and particularly to understand the differences between the KHTML code and the Safari code.

    Apple does provide the modified files, and usually this is a huge improvement on starting from scratch in implementing a new feature or fixing bugs. It does require the KHTML engineers to be able to read and understand the Safari code. To say that nobody can do that sounds a little strange.

    It's quite likely that KHTML developers will have to write their own code to pass the acid2 test.

    Well, yes. Should Apple engineers be expected to maintain the KHTML engine also? Apple's engineers are probably focused on their code base exclusively. The KHTML engineers are the right people to modify their own code base. Does anyone expect Apple engineers to be responsible for maintaining compatibility between Safari and KHTML? Apple makes changes, and they provide the changes files to the KHTML team. The rest is up to the KHTML folks if they want to extract the Apple code they want to use and put it into their code.
    • Missing their point (Score:5, Informative)

      by ElMiguel ( 117685 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @02:09PM (#12386570)

      Why is everybody missing this KHTML developer's point? It's right there in the short Slashdot summary. He acknowledges that Apple is fulfilling their legal obligations by providing the modified files. But they're not providing any help at all in making their changes useful to the KHTML team. So, there's no "collaboration" at all from Apple's side. That's all. He's not even flaming Apple. If anyone, he's flaming people who misunderstand this situation.

    • Re:This is natural (Score:5, Informative)

      by browse ( 557685 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @02:15PM (#12386652)
      Apple doesn't use CVS as their normal source control system.
      Ummm, yeah, they do. I worked within Apple's OS division for several years of OS X development. Source control is all done via CVS.
  • Business Plan (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mslinux ( 570958 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @12:40PM (#12385551)
    1. Use FREE source code from BSD & Darwin.

    2. Get lots of FREE BSD & GPL Unix utilities.

    3. Use FREE browser source code from KHTML.

    4. Beg & plead with MS to continue making Office for Mac.

    5. Write the GUI in house and a few other cool apps.

    6. Bundle it up and sell it for lots and lots of money and take credit for it all.

    • Re:Business Plan (Score:4, Insightful)

      by zorander ( 85178 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @01:27PM (#12386072) Homepage Journal
      I wish I'd thought of it first. It's actually quite brilliant, if you think about it. They've leveraged existing technology (Darwin, CUPS, etc) to avoid writing lots and lots of drivers and doing other similarly unpleasant things while focusing most of their effort on UI interaction--what they do best.

    • Re:Business Plan (Score:4, Informative)

      by FidelCatsro ( 861135 ) <fidelcatsro@gmEU ... m minus math_god> on Friday April 29, 2005 @05:19PM (#12388402) Journal
      SO your basicaly saying Apple has a good business plan and make a quality product which they totaly admit partly comes from others work.

      They don't take credit for the lot, last time i checked .
      They only take credit for the inovations they add , apple have been quite open as to the fact that alot of darwin is based on free OS software ( i would say they publicised that to gain the OSS vote )

      As for the rest well , Apple Dont want to reinvent the wheel and i dont see the problem with that .
  • by chriso11 ( 254041 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @03:24PM (#12387385) Journal
    It is really cool to see apple fanatics go up against linux fanatics. Maybe I should throw a 'this is all M$' fault' into the discussion...

  • by FidelCatsro ( 861135 ) <fidelcatsro@gmEU ... m minus math_god> on Friday April 29, 2005 @05:30PM (#12388503) Journal
    One mans "Doing the bare minimum to comply" is another mans "Doing everything requierd of them".
    If you have a problem with how apple is handling the code releases .Your problem is not with Apple ,it is with the LGPL license.

    Personaly i belive perhaps they could make it a little easier on the KHTML Devs , though they are under no obligation to do this
  • Talking crap. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by g_lightyear ( 695241 ) on Friday April 29, 2005 @06:12PM (#12388827) Homepage
    Let's be frank, folks.

    - A bunch of developers finds a bunch of bugs and fix it in their source base.
    - They hand you their source base, along with loads of information on where the bugs are, and patches that you can't integrate into CVS HEAD.

    And the KHTML team is sitting around bitching about the fact that KHTML != WebCore anymore, and how none of the patches can be run against HEAD...

    Ok, I was *at* Netscape at the time. I have no doubt that he and his team continue to bust their asses to ship good code, and they're passionate about doing so.

    That is not to say that they:
    1) Should feel restricted to KHTML's API. That's not in Apple's best interest, and they're not doing this *for the KDE team or organisation*. It's also not fun - they don't run Linux desktops, or KDE, and don't feel like re-entering Netscape's cross-platform hell.

    2) Is KHTML nice and segregated? The whole reason WebCore happened was that KHTML was littered with KDE calls. Now the KHTML team is complaining that the WebCore code is littered with Mac API? Imagine my shock. Really.

    3) A bunch of people just gave you a ton of information, bug reports, and example code you can *LIFT OUT AND REWRITE*.

    Lazy? You're damn right you are. Disillusioned? Yeah, I'll bet. Apple didn't add developers to the KDE project - they added them to Safari. Any idiot can tell *from the starting point* that the only way the browser would happen was to do in WebCore what the KDE team did in KHTML; utterly fail to abstract platform-specifics from the rendering engine.

    Personally? I could wish that some big commercial development house would take an open source product I was on, commercialise the development, submit its source code quarterly for me to scavenge for ideas and code where possible, and for it to remain legal to do so.

    Is it "ideal"? What's "ideal"? A bunch of other people bend over backwards to make your codebase a nicer place to live in, so they can throw away their deadlines, fix the fact that you didn't separate out the platform dependency in the first place, and burn money on things in the codebase that don't have *any* outward impact except to make it easier for someone else to suck up the code into their tree?

    I'll bet you're frustrated. All those damn clouds keep getting in the way of your panoramic view.

    It may not be perfect - but it's more than just a little better than nothing; it's actually a hell of a lot of time and effort spent to give back to the community. Even if, in this specific instance, what's given back isn't instantly reusable by that community.

    Meanwhile, you can go back to KDE. Not a bad product, but strangely enough, it's hard to run KDE applications without running KDE. It's hard to develop a KDE application that would/could. If anyone has experience with writing applications in an environment that has to cross APIs with fundamental differences in how they perform simple actions, it's the person you're accusing of... of what? Of not being "helpful enough"? Of not being a KHTML team member? Of not being an Apple employee paid to work on a KDE-specific project?

    I'm having a really hard time imagining what the fuck is going on in your head, and I'm just not sure it's worth bothering; I suggest you start a rock band and burn off some of that angst on teenagers who are more likely to think that every word that comes out of your mouth is gospel, rather than the drivel it sounds like to those of us of older generations.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke
