Return of the Mac 1499
Ben Gutierrez writes "Paul Graham has posted a new essay on the Return of the Mac which begins with: 'All the best hackers I know are gradually switching to Macs.' Tim O'Reilly said some similar things in Watching Alpha Geeks . From the article: "My friend Robert said his whole research group at MIT recently bought themselves Powerbooks. These guys are not the graphic designers and grandmas who were buying Macs at Apple's low point in the mid 1990s. They're about as hardcore OS hackers as you can get."
OS-X based on BSD (Score:5, Insightful)
That said... BSD is dy^H^Hthriving.
long background in C (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Then why....? (Score:5, Informative)
I wish *Step was more popular. Learning Objective-C is a snap if you know C already. GNUStep makes an amazing range of functionality available to apps 'for free'. On OS X it's even better. For example, Tiger will give every app an undo function, automagicly. The included tools, and overall design of the OS, make developing on the platform a pleasure.
Re:Then why....? (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes. And note that Next/OpenStep had very similar technologies in a different form with Enterprise Objects Framework.
Totally OT, The Return of the Mac? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Totally OT, The Return of the Mac? (Score:4, Funny)
"Help me Steve Wozniak, you're my only hope..."
unix laptop = key (Score:5, Insightful)
I've got a mac now. The first of my life, from someone who wasn't ever a mac guy (and was probably more 'anti-mac' than most.) My g/f has one too -- more than once I was like 'just open a terminal and do....'
The fact that she doesn't need to know what the terminal.app is? That's the best part..... I get what I need, she gets what she needs.
What amazes me most (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm sure it didn't hurt to have NextStep to build off of.
Re:What amazes me most (Score:5, Insightful)
What really made MacOS X work is that Apple already had a very secure decently sized niche market for Macs. That is, there was a guaranteed devoted userbase that:
(1) Hardware manufacturers bother to write and include drivers.
(2) Software companies bother to release OS X versions of their applications.
That means that "things just work" - hardware works, and there is enough software, all built for the specific platform, that it all plays together nicely.
Imagine, for a minute, that there was a Linux distributor (Call them X) that standardised on a fixed platform (say GNOME for example), and had enough guaranteed userbase that Adobe wrote a version of the Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) for GNOME, Microsoft released MS Office for GNOME, and lots of other serious software companies also wrote GNOME versions of their commercial applications. All of a sudden distribution X would be a viable platform that had all the software you need, and it all works seamlessly together inside GNOME. Presuming you also have hardware coming with distribution X drivers, dsitribution X would be quite reasonable competition for OS X - it would certainly have the "it just works" factor.
You can redo the whole gedanken experiment with KDE if you like, you'll get similar results.
What made OS X really work was the guaranteed userbase and the fact that it could run old mac software to ensure a smooth transition of that userbase and an immediate supply of software. Honestly, if a small startup company wrote a brand new OS that was as good as OS X but lacked the userbase, and hecne software and hardware support, it would just potter along and probably eventually die or get bought out (see BeOS, NeXTStep etc.)
Re:What amazes me most (Score:5, Interesting)
GNOME is great, but it certainly does not 'just work', and it's not lack of hardware support, or lack of Photoshop and Office, that are the reason for this.
When people say, 'it just works', they aren't referring solely to the hardware (although that is part of it), but the software (OS) as well. How do you set up the firewall in GNOME? How do you format and partition a hard drive? How do you integrate your digital camera with your screensaver? These are just a few random examples--all possible under GNOME, but not even remotely as well designed as under OS X.
I'm guessing you aren't very familiar with Mac OS X. GNOME is great, and I use it daily, but it's not just lack of hardware vendors' and application vendors' support that's keeping it from 'just working'.
Re:What amazes me most (Score:4, Interesting)
Exactly my point. I prefer shorewall myself on Linux, but on OS X, it's extremely simple, built-in, and 'just works'. The point is that the Mac 'just works', and Linux takes much more effort to do the same task. Firestarter doesn't 'Just Work' nearly as well as the firewall in the Mac OS X System Preferences.
I'm not sure, I haven't tried, but why is that important?
Because it's one of the countless things in OS X that 'just works'.
I'm sure there are things you can do simply in GNOME/Linux that are more tricky in Mac OS X
Not many.
How do you sort email into virtual folders like in Evolution? How do you manage multiple WiFi connections with a click or two?
Mail in Tiger has these virtual folders, WiFi management under OS X is dead simple--nothing else out there even comes close.
If someone sat down with GNOME adn Linux, standardised everything, and could promise developers a large(ish) userbase that would all hew precisely to those standards - I think that distribution would quickly become as "easy" and "just works" as Mac OS X.
You are wrong. 'Just working' requires more than standards, it requires standards and processes that are designed for usability. Linux is not designed for usability. Windows has more driver support, and more major applications than Mac OS X has, but it's nowhere near as usable ('just works') as OS X is. What makes you think that's all Linux needs?
No. You need to be able to promise a captive userbase, and no Linux distribution can do that.
Wrong again. All that's required is effort put into usability. Why do you think you couldn't start 'Usix: the Linux that Just Works!' and build a Mac OS X-like Linux? That's not much different than making 'Gentoo - the Linux you compile from source' or 'Debian - the free GNU/Linux with superb package management', etc.
The problem with Linux, from an 'It Just Works' prespective (which is the perspective we are talking about here) is that 'Just Working' isn't a priority, and that has *nothing* to do with lacking a 'captive user base' (whatever that means).
Re:unix laptop = key (Score:5, Interesting)
Me 2. I couldn't agree more.
Three of my good friends who are power users (they used to run Linux on the desktop and server) have all switched over to Macs. Apple has one thing that Linux lacks -- consistency. But that's the advantage of "commercial" software.
For power users:
Pre OS X felt like such a straight-jacket. I used to ridicule the "menu bar at the top" GUI. Now that I've done some dev on it, the whole Mac experience is just more consistent, then the half-baked Windows UI. Apple really has taken the best from Next, Mac, and Windows. Is it perfect? No, but for the most part, things seem to "just work." Ever try coping multiple files totaling over 1+ Gig across on a Windows Box with some of the files already there? Where is the "No to all" button? It's all the "little" UI touches that Windows misses. It all adds up.
For developers:
XCode - doc markup, version control, and a half decent IDE "free" on the 4th OS CD. This is a great way to "win" Window's developers. Microsoft learnt this long ago -- without developers, your OS is going no where.
My next PC is going to be a Mac.
The 17" PowerBooks are sweet -- the next revision should have great 3D performance. The current ones have "good" 3D performance. Gaming is the only real reason to stay away from Macs.
XCode tip - trying to add a file that doesn't show up in the file dialog? (Stupid Mac File Dialog
Press '/' and you can type in any path you wan to add any lib(s) you want.
Re:unix laptop = key (Score:5, Informative)
Hopefully you don't anymore -- hell, I used to myself. If you do, take a look at Fitts' Law [wikipedia.org], from which can be concluded that such a design is actually best for users.
If you want to see this in action, try moving your mouse to any point on the center of your screen as quickly as possible, and see how much you overshoot or undershoot. Also, count the number of corrections you have to make -- using the mouse normally, I overshoot targets at least two or three times. If I'm really slow and deliberate, I can get there on the first try.
What does this mean then? Apple's "menu at the top" allows you to select commands without worrying about Fitts' law. It's impossible to overshoot a target at the edge of a screen; despite how far you use your mouse, your pointer shouldn't extend beyond the top boundry of the screen. Which means it's quite easier to hit the menus in an Apple environment than it is in a menu-under-the-application-title-bar environment such as MS Windows (as well as KDE and Gnome).
Re:unix laptop = key (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe the answer is to simply support both, and have app-specific menus appear and disappear when you activate a "show menu" window decoration, or tap the alt key or something, and just remember the setting. I hate to say "make it a preference", as it's a copout for design, but this really does seem to demand one.
There's also more radical notions like pie menus, but they have their own problems..
Captain Obvious Strikes Again (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Captain Obvious Strikes Again (Score:5, Interesting)
No exactly. Everybody dislikes microsoft the open source fanatics are doing something about it.
Funny... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Funny... (Score:5, Insightful)
The mac mini HAS to be as serious turning point. Finally, you can buy an economy mac without paying for redundant hardware you most likely have (monitor, ram, hard drives). It's as close as you can get to being able to buy a PPC motherboard, G4 CPU, copy of OSX, and do with it as you please. I got my mini last week and was pretty much able to take all of my old PC hardware and shuffle it over to the mini thanks to a USB 2.0 HD enclosure, spare ram, exisiting monitor and USB mouse.
I've been one of those fence riders for a long while about buying a mac, but damnit, now there is no reason not to. If you were like me and liked Linux for the *NIX'ness, but also wanted mainstream apps like Photoshop, etc with a GUI that beats the snot out of Windows, get one of these mini's. It's the best of both worlds. You can be a geek with a crapload of terminals open and still be chic.
Games are the key... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Games are the key... (Score:5, Insightful)
as strange as it may sound, I bought my Mac to do work.
Re:Games are the key... (Score:3, Insightful)
so my options are:
1. high-end game-playing laptop - about GBP2000
2. iBook + PC = GBP800 + about GBP1000 = GBP1800
3. iBook + console = GBP800 + GBP100 = GBP900
THAT's economy.
I'm not saying computers are for work, but bought mine to do work. once running the latest PC 3D FPS isn't your main priority, a whole new world of computing options open up to you. and once you step through, looking back on all the money you spent just to get a decent frames/sec
Re:Games are the key... (Score:5, Insightful)
I used to think that way. Until I looked at the pile of games I have that I can't play anymore because of:
So, which is the better economy, a stack of games that no longer work added to the cost of constant upgrades to keep up with the latest titles or a stack of games that will continue to work until either the media fails or the hardware to play them on fails?
Re:Games are the key... (Score:4, Insightful)
Right. Games are key for you. For these MIT geeks? I remember my college days, and if I wasn't in class, writing code, writing papers, reading, doing problem sets, eating or sleeping, I was decompressing ( partying, playing foosball, hiking, playing music, anything NOT near a video screen ). If you have time to worry about playing Halo2 or Doom3 or whatever the -very- second it comes out, you're actually -not- the guys they're talking about in this article, as much as you might like to be.
The games aren't key for me, either, even years out of college. I'm more interested in writing my own 3D OpenGL code than shooting an endless series of monsters someone else created. Occasionaly, I do want to do some gaming, but I generally find UT2k or even ( gasp! ) some of my old PS2 games like GTA Vice City fill that need just fine, even though I've played them through many a time... I understand your mentality, but you have to realize, it's just you and a relatively small group of your peers who feel the need to be on the cutting edge of high-performance video gaming. *Most* people are willing to wait, and the *true* tech geeks don't really have the time to spend on games that you do. If they do have that time, they eventually decide they'd rather create their own game engines.
Also, why not have a Mac, too? I haven't used it in ages, since I can't think of a good reason to do so, but I do have my PC sitting in my shop. Real geeks collect computer hardware just to check it out, and don't get rid of it until they're either out of space. A Mac laptop might make sense for a guy like you, if you have a use for a computer on the go, since gaming on a laptop kinda sucks anyway... but then, if you have no desire to work on anything but your WinXP box, don't know *nix, and don't need a mobile machine, maybe you shouldn't bother with anything different, if gaming is your #1 use for a computer. The guys they're talking about here, though? Gaming is not the #1 concern for them. It's not even number 2 or 3...
Of course. (Score:5, Funny)
Powerusers && Powermacs (Score:5, Insightful)
Last year's Usenix conference was full of Powerbooks. Most of the top dogs in the industry. That prompted me to buy a PowerMac. It's the best computing decision I've ever made.
Marketing people love you! (Score:5, Funny)
This is an example of Principle of Similarity and Principle of Social Proof including "The Number of Sources" Effect.
> Most of the top dogs in the industry.
This is an example of influence using authority, including High Status
> That prompted me to buy a PowerMac.
Aha! The requested target action!
> It's the best computing decision I've ever made.
Principle of Consistency
p.s., I'm not mocking you. I just noticed a bunch of statements that match the midterm I have Thursday night. Thus, this post counts as "studying"
p.p.s., I love my PowerBook
p.p.p.s., Please note, reading the above post qualifies you to place out of a graduate level Consumer Behavior marketing class.
Re:Marketing people love you! (Score:5, Informative)
- Appeal to authority: Most of the top dogs...
- Appeal to popularity: Last year's conference was full of...
A logic course would teach you the same thing, minus the exploiting part. For that you'd need a course in rhetorical persuasion, or marketing by more popular terminology (ie. your course). It's interesting how long this stuff has been around, yet how fresh it can sound when presented with the psychology/marketing spin.
For more fallacy fun, see:
Re:Marketing people love you! (Score:4, Funny)
> which it appears your Consumer Behaviour class is teaching
> you to exploit.
You're correct except for fact you misspelled "behavior"[1]
> A logic course would teach you the same thing, minus the
> exploiting part.
I look a logic class as an undergrad -- in Electrical Engineering, that was the idea of a "fun" elective -- and you're absolutely correct.
Basically if everyone who ever had to purchase anything registered for a logics class, passed it, and retained enough information to recognize a logical fallacy, advertisements as we know it would cease. Plus, no one would vote Republican[2]. Short of that, everyone should take a consumer behavior class. It was very enlightening.
Basically Advertising is the reason why Capitalism in practice doesn't work as well as you'd think it would in theory [3].
Thanks for reading this post [4]
Rabid-Moderators' friend
[1] Note, this is flamebait to people outside the U.S.
[2] Another flamebait, albeit "kidding on the square"
[3] Not flamebait since MBAs are automatically allowed to say things like this and not be accused of being socialists
[4] Moderators should mod this as overrated since it's clearly pandering to moderators by mentioning moderation at all[5]
[5] See [4] above
Re:Marketing people love you! (Score:5, Funny)
"Marketing Principle" = "Logical Fallacy".
It makes a strange and liberating kind of sense.
Re:Lemme guess... (Score:5, Insightful)
I bet you also voted for whoever your favorite actor told you to.
Sheep. Baaaaaaa! B-a-a-a-a!
Sometimes taking unspoken advise from those whom you respect is a conscious choice, not mindless groupthink. There are developers out there who are better than I am, and when they speak, I listen. I also pay attention to what tools they use. This is neither blind nor foolish, when not taken to an extreme.
Re:Powerusers && Powermacs (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Powerusers && Powermacs (Score:5, Insightful)
Um, no, smarter because they're smarter. We're talking about people we admire here. You don't understand my comment at all, do you? I said that when you see somebody smarter than you carrying a Powerbook, you notice. I didn't say that people who carry Powerbooks are automatically smarter than you.
They built their own Altair? They know the registers on an Apple II? That earns my respect. That quantifies "smarter" in my book.
Okay, so your definition of "smarter" hinges around having a pathological interest in stuff that's utterly obsolete and of no practical use to anybody. That explains so much.
You know, I really wish your nickname were literally true.
Re:Powerusers && Powermacs (Score:3, Insightful)
Come on, people. Popularity and quality are orthogonal. We should all understand this by now.
And? (Score:5, Insightful)
That's the seller, an OS that's stable and powerful, on hardware that's powerful... Less to do with it being Apple, more to do with being better than Dell and HP and the rest of the crap out there.
Let the flame war commence! (Score:5, Funny)
Foaming-at-the-mouth Linux zealots in another.
This could get ugly, folks. I'm sure the *BSD crowd would chime in too, except that a judge recently orderd the feeding tube to be removed.
Re:Let the flame war commence! (Score:5, Funny)
FreeBSD compiling a kernel to my right And behind me I have an x86 laptop running a Dist-upgrade to an install of Debian (unstable)... Its sitting on my sparc server running solaris 8
So what corner do I go to
Ive been running around in circles for half and hour now!!
Re:Let the flame war commence! (Score:4, Informative)
Linux on the PowerBook gives me a true GNU development environment. Not to rip on Fink (I am a happy user), but they were forced to set the entire system up in a rather kludgey manner, and getting stuff to compile can sometimes be a real PITA. Plus, some of the Darwin standard libraries are different from the Linux ones, so it's nice to have a Linux install that I can use to make sure that programs I claim will work on Linux will work on Linux. =D
Second, OS X is far from being a Free and Open operating system, and sometimes I like having an OS that I can tinker with. (I used to be a hard-core slacker, and if Slackware were to be ported to Mac hardware, I would probably be replacing my current install with it the very next day.)
Finally, X apps on OS X just hurt, somehow. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I'm just much more comfortable switching over to Linux to work with UNIX apps. The entire user interface philosophy of traditional Unix is so vastly different from that of OS X that running Unix apps on OS X is an experience I would compare to trying to speak one thing in French and write something different in English at the same time. It's just not worth the headache.
well (Score:5, Insightful)
Also, their laptops are pretty much class dominant, and compare favourably on price with the high-end thinkpads in the powerbook range.
Re:well (Score:5, Interesting)
When it came time to pick a machine for myself for the lab, I ended up going with the Mac -- and I'm someone who's never had a Mac before. Part of my motivation was the "getting stuff done". I don't care if it doesn't play games like my home Wintel box. I need good Unix/X compatibility for when I deal with the big iron. And I don't want to have to futz with dozens of
But I'll admit that the design and prettiness of the environment doesn't hurt. If I'm going to be spending hours every day looking at the screen, it might as well look good. (No badly aliased, bitmapped text in Emacs windows, thank you.)
I would rather say... (Score:3, Insightful)
But it's true - all my friends form Unix/Linux years who can afford it buy Macs. Especially Powerbooks.
great hardware (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:great hardware (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:great hardware (Score:5, Informative)
As well, iBooks aren't too terribly over priced, they are normally very well constructed - IOW it's a nice notebook. The icing on the cake is Mac on Linux [maconlinux.org] - where you quite literally get to have your cake and eat it too.
Expose (Score:4, Funny)
From the Article... (Score:4, Insightful)
That statement would defintely hold more water if they actually had numbers from five years ago to compare to. Even though their site didn't exist five years ago, maybe check out a similar site that DID exist way back then...
Anecdotal evidence: (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm at university, and I know a lot of computer scientists (particularly of the theoretical sort) and scientists of various other disciplines around here that love OS X. Just like using a functional language like Lisp versus using assembly, using OS X takes some of the responsibility for mundane, largely unnecessary tasks out of your hands and frees you to do the computing work that you need to do.
Sure someone well versed in systems or operating system design would be able to get more out of Linux if they took the time to optimize it, but most "hardcore hackers" I know around here sure don't have that sort of time.
Anyone really using XServes? (Score:4, Interesting)
Obviously there are some clusters of them that make the news all the time. I'm not trying to troll, just wondering if there's a future for Xserve beyond niche markets.
Re:Anyone really using XServes? (Score:3, Interesting)
Service (Score:3, Interesting)
That's a deal breaker for local businesses, even those who use Mac desktops.
Too bad - Tiger Server is nearly what I turn Linux boxes into but you have to run your business on hardware you can support.
Re:Service (Score:5, Informative)
I recently had an XServe motherboard fail and it was 28 hours before the new motherboard arrived via DHL and was installed. With the IBM gear, that's 4 hours max.
Sure, I could just have a second XServe on site but that costs 2x - the IBM service contract is approximately 10% of the machine's cost per year.
Re:Anyone really using XServes? (Score:3, Interesting)
Obviously there are some clusters of them that make the news all the time. I'm not trying to troll, just wondering if there's a future for Xserve beyond niche markets.
There was a /. thread discussing this a few days ago on a Mac related topic, I forget which. The person posting the root message was complaining that Apple has no direct sales mechanism in place for corporate environments. If you want to buy XServes for your org, you need to do it through their website like everyone else. Also, support contr
Re:Anyone really using XServes? (Score:5, Informative)
http://programs.apple.com/contactme/xserve/ [apple.com]
and mark that you are a business, I guarantee that someone from Apple direct sales will call you.
We've got a large, growing enterprise direct sales organization that's ready to work with big customers. I'm ex-Novell, and my co-workers are ex-Oracle, ex-NetApp, and generally ex-big enterprise companies. In fact, I can only think of one guy in our group who is "old" Apple. We send him all the OS9 questions.
We switched the OTHER way... (Score:5, Informative)
I've been using macs daily since '98, and with the move to OS X, file sharing went from ACLs to unix permissions and suddenly there was no essential difference between using linux and using macos to the end user.... Since X came out and netatalk got useable, I've never had a compelling reason to use OS X on the server - but then, a server is (ime) a thing you set up once, lock up, and leave sitting in a rack until hardware dies. It probably helps that I'm a lot more comfortable with debian on the command line- it's easier to update and maintain a debian system without having to be at the box, in my experience.
But my job has no call for Serious Computers. So, YMMV.
Re:Anyone really using XServes? (Score:4, Informative)
We do (Score:5, Informative)
We found that the Macs were great for a couple of things: one, they have hot-swappable IDE (older models) and SATA (newer models) hard drives, which is great for backups... set up a mirrored array and then just pop one of the drives out and pop a blank one in, then carry the first one off-site. Or, in another case, when it's the dedicated backup server, we have four IDE drives in there, each one with a different backup from a different day of the week, and then we pop Saturday's one out once a month so we have a monthly offsite. Dell et al had the same thing with SCSI, which costs twice as much. (This was a couple years back, I'm sure Dell is getting to SATA by this time... right?)
Also, we have a server that we were concerned about going down for more than an hour or so, but it's not a big problem if it's down for an hour. We can't really afford redundant servers for EVERYTHING.
So we got the next best thing: we have it set up on an xServe, but all the software, incloding the OS, is on an external firewire hardware RAID box. The xServe started acting up one day (turned out to be a bad power outlet on the power manager, of all things) and I walked in, unplugged it, carried it into our test lab, plugged it into our iMac, and rebooted. Sha-zaam... the iMac is now the server. And it would have worked with any Mac made in the last, oh, five years or so. Well, any Mac with firewire or USB2 that had 256 megs of RAM or more. If necessary, I could have extracted one of the drives from the FW RAID and put it into any of the Macs that didn't have firewire, in an extra 10 minutes or so.
And that server, from soup to nuts, took less than a day to set up.
There really are some things you can do with the xServes that have significant advantages. Sometimes it's just doing things a little easier... sometimes it's doing things you never even thought of. Like a thoroughly portable server. (Heck, I could take that hard drive down to our colo site, attach it to our backup server down there, switch over the IP address, switch the IP address in our DNS, and we'd be up and running in under an hour, even if our HQ were without connectivity or power for days. Of course, I could do that with our main corporate file server, too, but that's just because we happen to have a machine down at the colo site that is the exact same model.)
The ONE (Score:3, Informative)
I used to have 3 or 4 computers to be able to do everthing I needed, and now I have "The ONE"
old news (Score:4, Insightful)
Why not? (Score:5, Interesting)
Now they even have a working scroll implimentation (which was a crippling omission, my NEC had a scroll stub for ~3 years before Apple thought of something).
And yes, your brand new very pretty computer will work well with Linux just fine, so there seems to be little downside at all*.
*Apart from lack of 3D card support, and for some reason Apple use crappy propriatery 802.11g cards with no Linux drivers. Mystifying.
True at CodeCon (Score:3, Interesting)
However, I disagree that this portends a wave of Mac specific software. Hackers are using these computers to write cross platform software that will run on the whole range of free Unix systems, the BSDs, and Linux. They're not writing in Objective C or putting in Mac specific code, because they know that limits their audience to the few percent who have Macs.
They get the benefit of a good looking, easy to use development platform while developing code that can run anywhere (except Windows). It's the best of both worlds.
Re:True at CodeCon (Score:4, Informative)
They need to look at GNUstep. I've been really surprised there hasn't been more spillover to this great open-source toolkit that'll let you write code for BOTH platforms.
It jives with my experience (Score:5, Interesting)
I work at a development house that makes network security products. Three years ago there were a couple people with powerbooks running OS X. Today it is about half of the company. Last week a senior developer was talking to me about our latest hire. He's an experienced, professional coder. It had taken him a week to get the thinkpad we gave him up and running the Linux distro of his choice and configured to work with all our servers and testbeds. Thats 40-60 hours of work gone. How many powerbooks could we have bought him with a corresponding amount of cash. He was considering mandating powerbooks for all new hires unless they had a good reason to use something else.
OS X is making some huge inroads into the computer security field. It has certainly gained a huge amount of penetration here in just 3 years. Even some of the the managers have switched after looking over a developer's shoulder for a bit. You'd never guess Apple had a 5% market share from a walk around this office.
Windows - Linux - Mac? (Score:5, Insightful)
Leaving Windows wasn't a problem, but sticking with Linux is. Sure it's very fast on my machine, and I have all the familiar Unix tools from the GNU chain, but so much doesn't work right. Linux on the desktop is close to a joke. I've tried both GNOME and KDE and neither is bug free (cf. Win2K which was very, very stable), and there are so many hardware incompatibilities that it's a pain.
Ultimately, I want to support F/OSS, but I may have to switch because it's a productivity drain for me to discover that gnome-panel has crashed something and now Evolution can't open the File dialog. Ugh. Or figure out why gaim's icon disappears in the tray some of the time, or have gdesklets eat the CPU for no apparent reason, or...
Re:Windows - Linux - Mac? (Score:4, Interesting)
The most Mac-like of the Linux/UNIX systems will be the commercial ones from Sun, Novell, and Red Hat. They are current enough to make the user feel good, but have been stabilized enough to not make the user go prematurely gray.
Switch, or Switch Back? (Score:3, Insightful)
These guys ( and gal ) are all security engineers with CISSP/etc certs whose job is to protect the company's assets ( which are 90% digital, billions a year ), so I would say they're pretty l337, too.
Anyhow, I didn't want there to be some rosy picture of everyone switching to Mac's when that is not the case I think it is a strong trend just like Java applets, dot coms, and other fads once were, but how long will it last?
On the other hand, I haven't seen anyone who was unhappy with their iPod or miniPod.
Re:Switch, or Switch Back? (Score:4, Interesting)
Apple doesn't allow you to return Macs more than 14 days old. Something's fishy here.
Fink has been key (Score:4, Informative)
Fink uses a packaging system similar to Debian, and it includes most of the apps people use under Linux. Many of them require X11, which is now distributed with OS X 10.3
Mach vs Darwin (Score:4, Interesting)
Also Apple has IOKit and "prebinding" which remove the need to keep multiple old copies of the *nix libraries for every binary you don't want to rebuild with every new release, and every device driver as well. Even Windows has this to some extent, this was an esssential feature for the non-hacker to use MacOS X, and damn nice convenience for hackers, too!
And Apple isn't even INTERESTED in you or (Score:4, Interesting)
They are raking it in doing their own stuff for their own reasons and doing such a great job of it that everything and everybody else looks, well, a little green at the gills in comparison.
Tha fact that it works for you and what you need is entirely imaterial to Jobs.
Now if only Gates would cotton on to the fact that Apple's starting to eat his lunch by NOT even trying to compete with Microsoft but by putting out by putting out great stuff that's really usable.
I'm sure that "How Apple Won The War By Not Fighting It" will make great reading in my dotage.
Graham's a few years late on this trend spotting.. (Score:5, Insightful)
However, my powerbook purchase brought the joy of computing back into my life. I frequently read the comments of those who decry the overpriced Mac when compared to constructing your own box (which I used to do - and I still believe that a Mac is equivalently priced with Dell/Gateway/IBM hardware, when all things are factored in properly) and while true on one level, it misses the mark on the total picture. That is depending on your interests and usage desires:
Life got a lot simpler when I replaced my wife's Win XP box with an iMac. No more weekly degunk sessions, antivirus, malware consternation and constant admonitions for her to be vigilant about keeping her machine clean were necessary. And she took to it like a charm -- things were unfamiliar (and still sometimes she stumbles on a Win -> Mac how-to-do question) but she is enthralled with it now and spends more time on email/web browsing than she ever did on the Win box. The iLife/iPod deal is just gravy and really we've experienced firsthand on how much more hassle-free life became after the Mac switch.
So, I'm not swayed by saving a couple hundred dollars. Just like I wouldn't buy a Kia or a Yugo, I'm not going to opt for a bargain basement PC over a quality machine like a Mac. No, it's not perfect and presents its own set of flaws, but at this juncture, it seems to be the product of greater quality for me.
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:5, Insightful)
For anyone who has owned a computer the cost of upgrading to Mac OS X is no more than $600. The excuse that it costs too much is gone. Find another one.
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Informative)
I would be careful about purchasing g3 iBooks. I have owned two g3 iBooks and they both have had logic board issues that are not covered under Apple's logic board repair program [apple.com]. The overall quality of g3 iBook's are suspect in my book and you may just want to save a bit and just buy a g4 instead.
OS X runs great on the g3 iBooks provided you have 256 MB of RAM. 128 MB runs OS X but not much more. I could keep a browser of varying flavor open, iTunes, and one other app (Mathematica, et cetera) open before experiencing significant slow down. I really like iBooks but "caveat emptor" if you seek to buy an older model.
G3 and OSX is fine (Score:5, Informative)
I run OSX 10.3 on a 366mhz G3 iBook with 192mb of RAM, it's fine for wordprocessing, surfing, and multimedia use and isn't any slower than Windows XP on a Pentium-2 366.. which most people would agree is a workable pairing.
10.1 and 10.2 were slow on G3s. 10.3 is fine. As a Windows-refugee I'm still puzzled by an OS that gets faster on older hardware with every release...
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:5, Funny)
Tell your kid brother that I and all my geeky friends would like our lunch money from the last six months back, uh... please?
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:5, Insightful)
Keyboard included at your house (Score:3, Insightful)
That of course assumes you're retiring some computer recent enough to have a USB keyboard and mouse, a computer which is still probably usable for most purposes. So it may take another two or three years before it's time for a new computer for you. At that time you can get a br
Re:Keyboard included at your house (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Insightful)
What are you using to click on the Reply button. A mouse? Good! Two down, one to go.
Now, what are you using to make the letters appear on your monitor. A keyboard? Brilliant!
What were you complaining about again?
Malware, Viruses (Score:4, Insightful)
By the way. Virus protectors are as bad as the viruses themselves. Does any body else complain about these pieces of crap?
Re:Malware, Viruses (Score:4, Funny)
Damn. You sold your wife? Ruthless.
Re:Malware, Viruses (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Insightful)
Does that 450USD system have onboard or dedicated gfx?
Does it use shared ram or dedicated VRam?
Does it include any software similar to iLife?
Does it include Windows XP Pro?
Does it include a DVD-Combo drive?
Does it include CD Burning software?
Does it include a USB Keyboard with USB ports?
Does it include Firewire ports?
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:5, Interesting)
Show us this marvelous machine that costs $450 and includes a complete operating system and equivalent software to match iLife and AppleWorks (or iWork for another $80), and an LCD monitor that won't make your eyes bleed, and 512MB of RAM that's worth having. Seriously, show us this machine. You were talking about something with no software, right?
how am I gonna convince my wife that I should buy a 600usd mac mini
That's easy, just sit her down in front of one for a few minutes.
, plus 250usd for the monitor, plus the keyboard and the silly one button mouse?
(1) Odds are you already have a perfectly good CRT monitor at home or you can get one for $120. If you want a decent LCD, you'll pay for it whether you get a Mac or a PC. Any monitor with a standard VGA or DVI connector will work with the Mac mini.
(2) Odds are you already have a keyboard. If not, USB keyboards go for about $25. You do not need to buy one from Apple. Any USB keyboard will work with the Mac mini.
(3) OS X has been around for what, five years now? And for five years now, OS X has had context menus and support for mouses with two or more buttons. Mine has 5 buttons including the scroll wheel/button. You do not need to buy a "silly one button mouse" from Apple. Any USB two-button scroll mouse will work with the Mac mini.
In the end, as so many of us have realized already, the cost is now very low, and very well justified.
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Insightful)
There definitely isn't a set of applications for Linux to match iLife/iWork. IPhoto alone has no match on Linux. Besides which, we all know what happens with most of these Linspire machines. People buy it for the hardware and throw a pirated copy of Windows and about $1,000 worth of other pirated software on it. Unfortunate but true.
So, I see the machine, but I don't see the legal software and the usability that goes with it. Of course, that's just my opinion, but it's based on direct observation that tells me Linux still isn't quite ready to compete with OS X except in niche markets (where it usually kicks butt). As a general desktop OS it is sorely lacking. I mean, lately I've tried some of the very newest and most "user friendly" distros like Knoppix, Kubuntu and Mandrake 10.1, and none of them will even auto-mount a simple USB key on the desktop!
And I've never yet met a Linux file manager or desktop environment that made it easy to navigate (or even find) the various drives inside and connected to my computer, at least not in any way similar to how it works in the Windows/Mac/BeOS file managers. Linux still seems to be stuck on the whole
These kind of things should be considered showstopper bugs if we want average people to use Linux as a desktop. We do want that, don't we? So far I haven't really seen any Linux software even going in the right direction.
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:4, Insightful)
My god, people will come up with all sorts of excuses. You can pay $500 for something you want that will work as advertised, or paying 80+% of that cost for something that won't.
And sure, I can come up with some freeware crap-fest software to install on a Windows box to make it sorta work if I wanted. But that's just pathetic... I'd spend hours doing it, the software would be anemic, and my OS would be crippled.
Where's the comparison again?
Price is important to many people. (Score:3, Insightful)
Powerbooks are very pricey. Worse the superdrive is a $150.00 option on most of them which further increases the pricing.
The key issue is relevance. People will have a hard time swallowing the price of any MAC when they can see a similar looking and peforming machine running windows for a lot less; in some cases half.
I priced a 15" powerbook rec
Re:I would buy a Mac... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:OMG... (Score:5, Insightful)
Most /. advocacy seems to stem from the following:
Macs aren't Microsoft (unless you used Word or something on them)
You can install Linux on them (not that you can't even an electric toothbrush these days)
They were an underdog, which made those really cool Apple ][ computers back in the day (some of us have the emulators installed on our PC's and still fiddle with them.)
They had a sense of style, which the monolithic PC companies still can't seem to get (PC's, seen them lately? Was Dell/HP styling inspired by pinching a loaf?)
They were evolving, which always inspires some hope.
did I miss anything?
Re:OMG... (Score:4, Insightful)
Sue fan sites [iht.com]
Tried to use the DMCA [theregister.co.uk] to remove content from source forge
Promise upgrades but never follow through(ibook [appleinsider.com],performa)
Use DRM to lock product(itunes) to device(ipod) [theregister.co.uk] and threaten to use the DMCA to protect the lock in
Reciever of numerous customer lawsuits from selling used products as new [theregister.co.uk], and to lie about about the battery life [macobserver.com] on ipods
For a company with only less than 3% market share, they sure seem to get sued a lot for shoddy products or unethical business behavior.
And this post will probably last 5 minutes before apple fanboys troll, or flamebait it even though i just posted facts.
Re:OMG... (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh the shock and horror. Apple is a "corporation" which has to protect its IP and trade secrets from being leaked to the competition.
# Tried to use the DMCA to remove content from source forge
See above.
# Use DRM to lock product(itunes) to device(ipod) and threaten to use the DMCA to protect the lock in
I have news for you, the labels want and demand DRM. But it can be easily circumvented legally with a thing called a CD-R disk.
# Reciever of numerous customer lawsuits from selling used products as new, and to lie about about the battery life on ipods
Those lawsuits are being pushed by disgruntled resellers, not consumers. Have those cases been proven?
Does the competition speak honestly about their battery life? No. Companies like Dell and Sony forget to mention that their "numbers" are based on testing using the lowest bandwidth settings with no user interaction.
YMMV but I've experienced battery life on my 2nd generation iPod which exceeds Apples claims for battery life but then again, I don't use the backlight and I'm not deaf. What this means is I usually listen on Shuffle mode and my volume is less than a fifth of full volume.
Re:Author is on crack (Score:5, Insightful)
Are you sure about that? Think about messing around on the Internet. Ten years ago that was just getting popular in universities and now it's perfectly normal in the home.
Re:Author is on crack (Score:5, Interesting)
So ten years ago, they were using what was intended to be a research tool to communicate with their friends and download pointless and silly bits of entertainment, and you don't think they were ahead of the game?
Re:Author is on crack (Score:5, Insightful)
Linux - 1 grad student at Helsinki University
GNU - bunch O' long hairs at MIT
You were saying something about the author being on crack? Those are 3 examples off the top of my head that have not only influenced but re-defined the software industry. I'm sure there are probably at least a couple more out there
Re:Author is on crack (Score:5, Informative)
Mach -- Carnegie-Mellon
BSD -- UC Berkeley
Cisco -- Stanford
Re:sorry, just won't buy it. (Score:5, Insightful)
Not flaming you (although I think that's what you want). Most anti-Mac folks I run into these days haven't touched a Mac since the System 7 days and continue to carry that prejudice.
Stating that Apple refused to adopt backward compatibility is ignoring the fact that you can still run ancient software in Classic layer and will be able to for some time.
Can't use a floppy?
I haven't missed it, but I can go buy a USB external for peanuts.
No two-button mouse?
Never mind, I'm not going there
Anyway, I guess I don't understand where you get "Apple thinks it's customers are idiots" out of any of this.
All I can say is fear not, there is enough room in this town for two OS's.
They can switch. I'll stick with *nix and free updates, and save myself $140 every other year in upgrade costs.
Too bad, those $140 (sic) upgrades are friggin' awesome.
Re:right click (Score:5, Informative)
Secondly, even with the old mice, you just had to control click to get the same functionality.
It'd be nice if you had actually used a Mac in the last four years before you state categorically that you can't right click one.