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Detailed Reviews of Mac OS X "Tiger" Preview 467

An anonymous reader writes "AppleInsider has been publishing some very detailed articles on Apple's new Mac OS X 10.4 'Tiger' operating system, which include numerous screenshots of the system. So far the publication has discussed overall installation and Spotlight search technology, Safari with RSS, a new Mail revision with Smart Mailbox technology, and a websearch enabled Mac OS X Help application."
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Detailed Reviews of Mac OS X "Tiger" Preview

Comments Filter:
  • Not much news... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by nordicfrost ( 118437 ) * on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:15PM (#9644166)
    It seems like most of these features were explained at Jobs' keynote address at WWDC. The automatic knowledgebase search in Help was new tho. Can't wait until I get my hands on my developer copy.
  • RSS? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:17PM (#9644182)
    So now they have a broweser thats guaranteed to give you repetitive stress syndrome? How is THAT a good thing?
  • by Luckboy ( 152985 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:19PM (#9644202)
    Well, no matter how smart my mailbox is, my mail is still stupid.

    I'm tired of people trying to convince me that my breasts need to be larger, when clearly that would only make my penis look smaller.
  • by billstr78 ( 535271 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:20PM (#9644215) Homepage

    It looks like Apple caught on quickly to the Gmail label paradigm shift away from folders and has put "smart folders" into Mail 2.0 for 10.4.

    IMHO labels and smart folders are long overdue for mail. They've been usefull in iTunes for months and just make good sense data that does not belong in only one bin.
  • Apple Link (Score:5, Informative)

    by mattyohe ( 517995 ) < minus threevowels> on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:20PM (#9644218)
    Here is apple's own "Preview". It contains tons of screenshots and a webcast from WWDC. []
  • photocopiers? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Down8 ( 223459 ) <Down8@yahoo.cQUOTEom minus punct> on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:20PM (#9644219) Homepage
    Just one of those pot-kettle-black things, I guess: ...websearch enabled Mac OS X Help application.

    You mean like Office2003? And even OfficeXP, I think.

    I'm just sayin'...

    • Re:photocopiers? (Score:5, Informative)

      by 2nd Post! ( 213333 ) <gundbear AT pacbell DOT net> on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:29PM (#9644324) Homepage
      No, like Window's Help and Support Center, in Windows XP, which also searches the web. The difference is that the OS X Help application is global and applies to all help applications, where in MS's case each app has it's own Help index, and for XP, Office, and Office XP, their own help tools. I'm pretty sure (don't have a copy yet, like you) that in Tiger, any and all apps will be able to search Apple's knowledge base as well as the web for stuff. The difference in implementation between Apple and Microsoft is scope and consistency.

      Microsoft's web enabled help applications are selective.
    • Yes! Don't you know that BILL GATES has a time machine...he jumps 3-5 years into the future, sees what Apple's doing, and then goes back and puts in into his operating system.

      Like Active Desktops, which Windows users had since 1995.

  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:23PM (#9644250) Homepage Journal
    From the appleinsider link:
    Interestingly, sources noted that while the Tiger Finder interface contains no noticeable changes from Panther, Spotlight uses its own sleek window interface design, which is only accessible from windows that are spawned from Spotlight searches. The interface features windows with a smooth, grey-colored titlebar, with sharp webpage-like table results on one side, and an html-style control bar on the other. Details of these new webpage-like Mac OS X windows were first report by sources in an earlier report, though sources described them as Mac OS Finder windows.

    If you look at the screen shots you will notice weirdly blue colored bars, but just in that one application. Honestly I thought Macs were supposed to have a consistent UI. If I wanted a mish mash of colors and widgets I would just get a Windows PC.
    • by shawnce ( 146129 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:29PM (#9644318) Homepage
      These are screen shots from a developer release of an OS that will not be release until some time in 2005 (Apple is targeting first half of 05). So what you see may have no reflection on the final look of things nor show a complete implementation of any particular look.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:40PM (#9644465)
      If I wanted a mish mash of colors and widgets I would just get a Windows PC.
      To be fair, I think you should consider looking into Linux. It can get quite exciting to have a qt app, a gtk1 app, and a gtk2 app running, all with different themes. Throw in an old motif app and xmms, and you can have a lot of variety.
    • by BasilBrush ( 643681 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:41PM (#9644471)
      Given that it doesn't ship till 2005, I wouldn't get too worked up about cosmetic inconsistencies in the developer preview. The developer release is about getting new APIs out to developers. The look will no doubt be further refined before release.
    • One of the few things that are totally customizable in OS X is the highlight color. There are 6 or 7 apple made ones and then an option for "other" where you can pick any ugly color you want. Those blue bars are probably taking their color from a user's prefs.
  • by RinkRat ( 15800 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:26PM (#9644281)
    If anyone is interested in checking out 'smart folders' ahead of time, I encourage you to try the mail client included with Opera.

    It works under the 'everything is a database' [] premise for email, with 'smart filters', multiple views, multiple email integration, everything controlled via CSS and much, much more.

    It's free as in beer, too.

  • by hkb ( 777908 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:26PM (#9644285)

    Is Tiger usable as a daily OS, currently?

    No, Safari 2.0 currently does not work with HTTPS sites. Many common apps, including FireFox crash upon execution. Additionally, there seem to be some pretty serious filesystem bugs which can trash your entire hard disk (not just your Tiger partition).

    Do I need a DVD drive? My pirated copy of the Tiger DVD crashes upon boot up.

    No, you don't need a DVD drive. Visit the following URL for good installation steps:

    Install steps []

    He also has a Tiger FAQ here:

    Tiger FAQ []

  • Upgrade questions (Score:3, Interesting)

    by hotspotbloc ( 767418 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:29PM (#9644321) Homepage Journal
    Do you need Panther to use the Tiger upgrade or will any version of OS X work? Are the hardware requirements, both minimal and recommended, the same as Panther?
    • Re:Upgrade questions (Score:4, Informative)

      by Henriok ( 6762 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @01:36PM (#9645159)
      You can upgrade from any previous OSX version. The system requrements will probably be the same as Pather, but the Tiger beta has some limitation, like a DVD drive (it will install from an image) and FireWire (probably due to the new migration tool), but it installs just fine on every machine that Panther supported. Some feature will require special hardware, stuff like CoreImage and CoreVideo.

      Since Apple continues to opmitize and hone the operating system I would guess that Tiger will be quicker that previous versions och the same hardware. I've noticed significant speed ups on a PowerBook G4/400 compared to the previous Panther install. This is consistent with the history as Jaguar was quicker than Puma (10.1) that was quicker than Cheetah (10.0).
    • Re:Upgrade questions (Score:3, Interesting)

      by larkost ( 79011 )
      Well... you need to be a registered apple developer to have it at this point.

      As a general note: Apple has rarely sent out paid upgrades as anything but a combination of both a full and upgrade installer. They are almost always bootible media (CD's or DVD's) that have disk tools on them so that you can choose to erase/repartition the disk, and "clean" upgrade options (in MacOS X's case it offers to move the "system" folder aside and the option to migrate user folders and system settings).

      Next year when thi
  • by stienman ( 51024 ) <> on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:33PM (#9644373) Homepage Journal
    Since I don't email illiterate people, I'd like my mail program run spell check and grammer check on incoming mail. If it isn't at high school level then it's automatically binned.

  • by Sanity ( 1431 ) * on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:34PM (#9644385) Homepage Journal
    It seems that Linux has been playing catch up for some years now in terms of user interface, and with the advent of OSX - it now has a whole new mountain to climb.

    Where are the free software projects investigating next generation UI concepts? Is Linux too wedded to the old ways of doing things to compete with commercial vendors like Apple? It seems to me that the Linux UI community has been very busy trying to emulate the functionality of yesterday's commercial desktops, when it should be pioneering new approaches and UI innovations, thus leap-frogging Apple and others.

    • by billstr78 ( 535271 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:39PM (#9644452) Homepage
      There is a good reason for this lag. Most Linux users (1% of all PC users) don't require slick UI to get their tasks done. Linux users primarily still use the terminal window and considering that KDE is ahead of Windows, I'd say they are doing pretty well.
      • by Gannoc ( 210256 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @01:12PM (#9644826)
        There is a good reason for this lag. Most Linux users (1% of all PC users) don't require slick UI to get their tasks done. Linux users primarily still use the terminal window and considering that KDE is ahead of Windows, I'd say they are doing pretty well.

        I don't require a slick UI. I also don't require air conditioning, diet cola, or a high speed internet connection, but they sure make my life nicer and easier.

  • by Mr. Neutron ( 3115 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:34PM (#9644390) Homepage Journal
  • by ChilyMack ( 720195 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:36PM (#9644409)
    Lots of people talk about how the Windows version of iTunes is a trojan horse idea, i.e., it gives Windows users a taste of the usability and flexibility of software designed by Apple, and so inspires them to switch. Looks like Apple's been using iTunes as more than a switching device, though - they've been training their user base. Everything's going to be smart in the Tiger, and it won't matter where the files are - just what you want to use, when you want to use it. iTunes is already like this - I can say I want all the movie music by John Williams, in addition to including all the classical titles he ripped off, and it will give it to me in a playlist. So, no massive shift for Mac users or Windows users who have iTunes - they already know exactly how to speed through and take advantage of this UI. Smart.
  • by TheTXLibra ( 781128 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:38PM (#9644444) Homepage Journal
    It takes a moment of background story, but this does relate...During the 4th of July celebrations (which for some reason, came on the 3rd of July this year) my sweetie and I joined my best friend and his wife and kids in the park to watch the fireworks. Being the "Evil Uncle" of his son, Gabe, I managed to convince him the previous year that we celebrate July 4th each year to commemorate our fending off the aliens attack on Earth. This year, he and I spoke further on the issue...

    GABE: "So, we fought off the Aliens with their own technology?
    ME: "Why...ah, yes, as a matter of fact, we did."
    GABE: "So aliens have laptops too?"
    ME: "Yes, well, sort of. Actually, no..."
    GABE: "Arrrgh!"
    ME: "See, they captured an alien ship back in the 50's and reverse-engineered the operating system."
    GABE: "Hmmm...And they used it to blow up the aliens?"
    ME: "Not quite. See, it takes money to fund these sorts of top-secret government wossnames. So what they did was eventually market the operating system in the private sector, as a competing OS. However, since it was the government that gave out the OS in the first place, they decided to keep it close to home, in federally funded areas... like Schools."
    GABE: "You mean..." his eyes went wide "Apple Computers are made by aliens? Oh no!"
    ME: "No, Apple Computers are made by Apple. However, their OS was originally hacked from an alien spaceship. That's why they never managed to produce clones like the PCs."
    GABE: "And we made the aliens blow up with an Apple computer?"
    ME: "No, we just used their technology to remove their shields, so that our weapons could blow them up."
    GABE: "Did we use alien weapons?"
    ME: "Nope, just good old fashioned American-made missiles and stuff."
    GABE: "Good," he nods sagely. "Cause next time, we might not be so lucky."
    ME: "Indeed. And THAT'S why we celebrate the 4th of July, every year."
    MY FIANCE: "Just for the record, Sweetie, our kids are never going to be home-schooled by you."

  • by shawnce ( 146129 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:39PM (#9644453) Homepage
    I just wanted to note that Tiger has a lot of very cool stuff under the hood that is taking place that will be a boon for developers and by extension customers (of course this stuff is still currently under NDA).

    It will be a great OS release... one that I feel will become a must have for every Macintosh user (with supported hardware). At least I hope it will be a must have because I really want to use some of he features that will exist to help speed the development and richness of applications.
    • Since I pirated it (flame on), I'm not under NDA, so I took some screenshots of a feature which interested me. Resolution independant UI.

      It's still quite buggy (lots of graphical glitches) but apart from that everything works as expected. The OS X GUI is made up of bitmapped tiff's at 72dpi at the moment, so scaled up it doesn't look too crash hot, but this could easily be changed with a quick revision to quartz, and I expect it will be. Because changes only affect newly opened applications in the present i

  • "Smart" buzzwords (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SilentChris ( 452960 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:48PM (#9644555) Homepage
    I love it when marketing drones (or programmers) think adding "Smart" to reflect new technology is valid. The mail technology described isn't "smart".

    "Smart" would be a filtering system that recognizes senders based on last name, and realize that people named "Smith" are probably in my family. "Smart" would automatically recognize messages about the Bernoulli account after a few back and forths and organize them by sender and time (kind of like how I have my filing cabinets). When it matches a personal assistant, it's "smart".
    • by Jeremi ( 14640 )
      Having the computer make clever guesses about what you probably want it to do (instead of just doing what you tell it to do) usually comes out as "really annoying". Remember Clippy?

      For example: People named "Smith" may well not be in my family, since Smith is a common last name. Furthermore, so what if they are? Maybe I don't want to have a "My Family" category, and a non-annoying program wouldn't assume that I do.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @12:59PM (#9644677)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by foregather ( 578505 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @02:04PM (#9645563)
      I was rather swayed by this piece (with the most interesting point summarized below for the mentally slashdoted) on fabulator

      "Konfabulator = (Custom XML format) + (Custom JavaScript engine)

      Dashboard, on the other hand, is based on WebCore, the underlying open source layout and scripting engine behind Safari. Dashboard gadgets are indeed scripted using JavaScript, the same language used by Konfabulator, but Dashboard uses the JavaScript engine that's built into the system. And for UI layout, Dashboard gadgets are specified using HTML and CSS -- using the same rendering engine as Safari.
      . . .
      Do you see how huge this is? How it opens the door to gadget development to anyone with web design experience? Indeed, I've read the preliminary Dashboard developer documentation (generously provided by a source attending WWDC), and it is outstanding from the perspective of making gadgets easy-to-create.

      The idea that Dashboard is derivative because it's scripted via JavaScript is missing the point. Dashboard isn't using JavaScript just to use JavaScript -- it's using JavaScript because Dashboard gadgets are little floating Web Kit views."

      The article also argues, and offers documentation in support of the position, that you can trace the idea for such widgets all the way back to the first "desk accessories" like the puzzle and calculator from 1984. Then combines both points to paint Dashboard as a natural outgrowth of fundmental Apple ideas.

      While Konfabulator is an implementation of similar concepts, they were not the inventors of them and their chosen means of implementation makes their software practically useless to Apple from the buy-and-incorporate perspective.
  • by sammy baby ( 14909 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @01:03PM (#9644719) Journal
    The "private browsing" mode dialog box in the Safari preview [] is certainly well intentioned, but isn't sufficiently clear about its purpose. I suggest the following rewrite.
    When private browsing is turned on, webpages are not added to the history, items are automatically removed from the Downloads window, information isn't saved for AutoFill (including names and passwords), and no one will know that you went looking for "bukakke" [sic] on Google. But we're not cleaning up those skanky-ass tissues for you, so pick up after your damn self, okay? Perv.
  • by pauljlucas ( 529435 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @01:17PM (#9644911) Homepage Journal
    Even though I run OS X on my desktop, I still run Pine in a shell because I've yet to find a GUI mail reader that has the feature in Pine whereby you can auto-set the From header (when composing a reply) based on other headers.

    For example, if I receive e-mail that contains at least one e-mail address containing, then I want the mailer, upon selecting Reply, to auto-set the From header to my work e-mail address rather than my home e-mail address. (All my e-mail routes my my home Linux server and is split into mailbox files by procmail.)

    Anybody know of a GUI mail client with rules like Pine's? (Oh, and it has to be able to support IMAP over SSL and SMTP AUTH too.)

    • For example, if I receive e-mail that contains at least one e-mail address containing, then I want the mailer, upon selecting Reply, to auto-set the From header to my work e-mail address rather than my home e-mail address.

      I use PowerMail [] on OSX, and it allows a filter to be set up with the following rules.


      As the program automatically responds using the designated accounts e-mail address, that should work.

      Oh, and it has to be a

  • by Confessed Geek ( 514779 ) on Thursday July 08, 2004 @01:24PM (#9645006)
    Yeah yeah graphics, search, safari... Can we PLEASE Finally fix the HUGE bug where you can't print from Adobe (or any other app that uses PICT rather than PDF) to Linux CUPS queues? Its been in the dev tree since before the last relase...

    Contrary to all rules of CUPS when Apple ported it to OSX they decided to add client side filters which means when you send a job to a shared queue hosted on a linux box, the local printbox hangs and the linux box either bounces the job or prints garbage.

    For details go here []


Ignorance is bliss. -- Thomas Gray Fortune updates the great quotes, #42: BLISS is ignorance.
