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Apple Releases Rendezvous for Linux, Java, Windows 426

mblase writes "Apple released yesterday a developers preview of their Rendezvous technology for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Java. Rendezvous is an open protocol which uses industry standard IP protocols to allow devices to automatically find each other without the need to enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers." Reader xxdarkxxmatterxx adds a link to a story at Macworld about the release."
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Apple Releases Rendezvous for Linux, Java, Windows

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  • by CountBrass ( 590228 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:24PM (#9573923)

    THIS is one of the reasons I'm prepared to pay a premium for Apple kit.

  • by revscat ( 35618 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:24PM (#9573925) Journal
    Umm... Is it just me, or does this seems to be a little bit of a shot across the bow of Microsoft? Here we have Apple giving something to the community that will add some seriously cool networking capabilities, capabilities the likes of which have traditionally fallen within the realm of the OS itself. At the very least this takes away the ability for MS to use something like this for a "New in Longhorn!" marketing point.

    I can't imagine that this makes MS particularly happy, but there's certainly not much they can do about it. Rendevous is seriously a cool technology, and I'm glad Apple decided to release it before MS came up with something similar but incompatible (and, of course, under their control).

    Admittedly this argument could be made for Solaris, etc. But I would imagine those communities welcome this addition, whereas I would imagine MS to be a bit colder to the idea.

    In any event, kudos to Apple.
    • by Croaker-bg ( 784660 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:39PM (#9574091)
      This is a wonderful concept for small to medium sized networks but I can forsee that it will not scale well. If you read into the RFCs a bit it seems that the services location action and the ability to find things without a DNS server rely heavily on the use of DNS via multicast. This is a great idea in principle but the design of a large scale network with correct multicast switching is tough to do from scratch ... let alone reverse engineer your network with multiple flavors of switching gear (cisco, avaya, etc) to handle all the multicast traffic correctly. Sadly, I have to admit that centralized IP based active directory controlled "dynamic DNS" is about the only thing that I have seen that will scale well at the REALLY BIG network level. In addition, I see no mention of the protocol being able to traverse a router. WTF good is a /16 address space if it can't get across a router? Can someone say "DNS helper acl"?
      • by fmorgan ( 235244 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:49PM (#9574203)
        Rendezvous is not something targeted to medium/large enterprises (even if I just heard something about someone at UCLA being able to access all their computers for some "instant-on-grid-calculation with it).
        But if you have a home network (TiVo, HiFi with something like AirTunes Express, and iTunes in your PC/Mac), this is great.

        No, this isn't a solution for everything, but neither is using a cannon to kill flies.
      • by ashpool7 ( 18172 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @04:23PM (#9575603) Homepage Journal
        zeroconf enabled DHCP server can point you in the right direction. Zeroconf outside of local networks makes no sense. When you ask for all the local printers, you don't want to get every one on the entire frickin internet.

        For enterprise wide networks, you zeroconf/rendezvous acquire a DHCP server and a Directory server. From there, they will point you to the rest of the services in your enterprise *outside* of your local network.

        Correct multicast switching is not a problem. Do you personally mess with something that intentionally messes up the broadcast address in TCP/IP?
    • I can't imagine that this makes MS particularly happy, but there's certainly not much they can do about it.

      Sure they can; they can compete and innovate.

      But that's not the way they do things. More likely, they will start by creating their own compatible implementations of Rendezvous until those are incorporated into the OS, and then they'll start subtly breaking compatibility like they tried with kerberos. They'll probably even advertise the new incompatibilities as a great new addon feature to the prot

    • by Curien ( 267780 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:45PM (#9574153)
      Actually, if you'd looked at the RFCs, you might have noticed that Microsoft co-wrote one of them. If you'd actually read it, you might have noticed that they'd been implementing something very similar to it since (at least) Windows 95.
  • So let's see... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:24PM (#9573930)
    Rendezvous is an open protocol which uses industry standard IP protocols to allow devices to automatically find each other without the need to enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers.

    Following the link to the developer site we find that:

    Rendezvous requires that devices implement three essential things. These devices must be able to

    allocate IP addresses without a DHCP server

    translate between names and IP addresses without a DNS server

    locate or advertise services without using a directory server


    • Re:So let's see... (Score:4, Insightful)

      by strictnein ( 318940 ) * <> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:27PM (#9573956) Homepage Journal
      maybe I'm just reading this (and the info) wrong but is Apple just saying: "No DNS/DHCP/Directory Server needed, because everything is a DNS/DHCP/Directory server!"?

      Am I confused (most likely) or does that just seem a little silly?
      • Re:So let's see... (Score:5, Informative)

        by webguru4god ( 537138 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:42PM (#9574131)
        Rendevous is some what like making each computer a DNS/DHCP/Directory server, however that's not completely accurate. Rendevous exists as an alternative to those servers for use in environments where either DNS/DHCP is not available, or is not advantageous to configure.

        A prime example of Rendevous is two Powerbooks in a cafe, both with Airport wireless. You can set up an Ad Hoc wireless network between these computers, and they will auto configure their IP's and other information so that they can talk to each other. Then open up any Rendevous enabled app and you'll be able to see the other users resources, i.e. bookmarks, printers, music, etc.

        So Rendevous is not designed to replace DNS/DHCP, but merely to find a way for network configuration when there is no established network structure. Rendevous also works on networks where DNS and DHCP are available, without any change. This is really the beauty of it, because it can determine what configuration is necessary and do whatever needed to get the computers networked, all transparently!

        • Re:So let's see... (Score:5, Informative)

          by Twirlip of the Mists ( 615030 ) <> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:21PM (#9574651)
          Rendevous is some what like making each computer a DNS/DHCP/Directory server, however that's not completely accurate.

          It's not so much that it's not completely accurate as it is that it's completely wrong.

          Rendezvous has nothing to do with DNS, DHCP, or directory services. It's a service discovery framework, and that's all. Here's how it works.

          Let's say you've got some program,, that has a feature for talking to other instances of over the network. Doesn't matter what it is. It could be iTunes music sharing or iChat or distributed compilation or whatever you want.

          Without Rendezvous, you'd have to tell your instance of where to find other instances. That'd require some kind of setup and some kind of maintenance.

          With Rendezvous, your instance of sends out a single multicast message when it starts up. That message says that there's an instance of available at our IP address. Other instances on the network receive that message and make a note of it. They maintain a list in memory of available services, all automatically, without your intervention.

          Does this involve a lot of network traffic? Not really. It requires some, but not much. When an instance of starts up, it (1) announces its own presence, and (2) sends out a multicast request for other instances, and the other instances reply. When shuts down, it sends out an announcement of its own termination. That's it.

          Does this involve terrible security risks? Not really. All Rendezvous does is publish the availability of services that are already running on the network. The responder daemon itself doesn't run with any privileges (on a Mac, it runs as the "nobody" user), and all Rendezvous requests are handled by that one daemon. If something magical happened and somebody was able to get mDNSResponder to run arbitrary code, there would have to be another exploitable security hole somewhere else on the system, because mDNSResponder doesn't have privilege to do anything.

          A prime example of Rendevous is two Powerbooks in a cafe, both with Airport wireless. You can set up an Ad Hoc wireless network between these computers, and they will auto configure their IP's and other information so that they can talk to each other.

          That's not Rendezvous. That's nothing more than self-assigned IP addresses. When your computer can't find a DHCP server, it self-assigns an address in the 169.254/16 network. Which means any two computers on the same network segment that have self-assigned IPs can talk to each other. This has been around since long before Rendezvous.

          So Rendevous is not designed to replace DNS/DHCP, but merely to find a way for network configuration when there is no established network structure.

          No, that's overstating it. The sole purpose of Rendezvous is service discovery. That's it. It's independent of network configuration. It works with or without DHCP, DNS, or any other network stuff. As long as you've got an IP address, Rendezvous does its thing.

          This is really the beauty of it, because it can determine what configuration is necessary and do whatever needed to get the computers networked, all transparently!

          No, no, NO! That's not Rendezvous, that's DHCP. Rendezvous is ONLY for service discovery. Rendezvous doesn't set your IP address or your routing table or your hostname resolution parameters. It doesn't do any of those things. All it does is facilitate service announcement and discovery for your applications.
          • by overunderunderdone ( 521462 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @04:19PM (#9575541)
            No, you are wrong... or more correctly only partly right. Rendezvous is Apple marketing-speak for zeroconf which involves, to quote the zeroconf website []:
            1. Allocate addresses without a DHCP server.
            2. Translate between names and IP addresses without a DNS server.
            3. Find services, like printers, without a directory server.
            4. Allocate IP Multicast addresses without a MADCAP server.
            You are quite accurately describing point 3 whereas the parent was describing points 1,2 and 4. But ALL FOUR are rendezvous/zeroconf.
      • Re:So let's see... (Score:5, Informative)

        by dOxxx ( 8571 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:43PM (#9574140) Homepage
        Rendezvous is based on a few underlying services: Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses, Multicast DNS, and DNS-based Service Discovery.

        Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses []: In the absence of a DHCP server, the machine is able to configure itself with an IP address in a reserved range such that it doesn't clash with other IP addresses configured by other machines on the same network in a similar manner.

        Multicast DNS []: Multicast DNS Responder services on each machine respond to multicast queries for their DNS information.

        DNS-based Service Discovery []: Querying for the existence of services (HTTP, FTP, SSH, etc.) via DNS.

        So, in a sense, "everything is a DNS/DHCP/Directory server" but only for the information and services provided by that particular machine.
  • by bennomatic ( 691188 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:25PM (#9573934) Homepage
    Now I don't have to switch to a Mac to have a machine that "just works" on my company's mostly-Mac network!
  • by great om ( 18682 ) <om@goldner.BLUEorg minus berry> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:25PM (#9573941) Homepage
    to release more home electronics type products. After all why would they need Rendevous on non-mac platformsm, unless they were planning on selling a networking device that hooks up to the home network? (like, say, a digital video device or some other home theatre component)
    • Wowzers. You could be correct. They just said "hey, check out AirPort Express. You can play iTunes all over the house". And then the dandy new giant displays...not bad for watching TV and such on, eh? And here's a funky little thought...the little widgets that will be released with Tiger. Sure, a nice little calculator here, an iTunes controller there...hey can control iTunes, maybe a controller for a TV tuner...and your TiVo...and...

      Speculation...sure. But we're talking about Steve Jobs and hi
    • by YouHaveSnail ( 202852 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:17PM (#9574554)
      After all why would they need Rendevous on non-mac platformsm, unless they were planning on selling a networking device that hooks up to the home network?

      - Because in the world of protocols, your "standard" isn't actually a standard unless you can get other people to follow it. Making it easy for others to follow you gives you influence the industry.

      - Because Apple would rather live in an open world than in a Microsoft world. (Don't forget, Rendezvous is *not* an Apple invention. It's Apple's name for "zero-conf," and Apple never claimed to have invented it. Apple just made it popular.)

      - Because Apple's not selling Rendezvous anyway. They're selling computers, and people will buy Apple computers if they play nicely with others, and if it's easy for others to play nicely with them.
  • by Atario ( 673917 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:26PM (#9573947) Homepage
    for A = 0 to 255
    for B = 0 to 255
    for C = 0 to 255
    for D = 0 to 255
    ping A.B.C.D
    if (there was a response) then store A.B.C.D in list Q
    print list Q
  • by PornMaster ( 749461 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:26PM (#9573949) Homepage
    The only stuff I want to have interconnect is my stuff to my other stuff, not your stuff to my stuff. I'd rather see a simple-to-config protocol than a zero-config autodiscovery protocol.

    • by switcha ( 551514 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:34PM (#9574044)
      Not sure of the implementations for Linux and Windows, but all of the Rendezvous stuff that I use can be turned off, app by app.

      iChat can be set to not look for Rendezvous clients, iTunes can be set to not look for playlists (or broadcast them), Safari can be set to not seek other bookmarks, printing can be set to not seek printers, or the whole protocol can be shut down. I personally only use it for iChat at work, and it never gets in the way or is annoying with anything else.

    • by David McBride ( 183571 ) <> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @04:27PM (#9575646) Homepage
      This is a general purpose service *discovery* protocol. It doesn't define how different devices talk to each other, merely provides a way for them to discover each other's existance.

      Knowing another service exists is different from being granted the rights to use that service.
  • Cool. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by b0r0din ( 304712 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:26PM (#9573950)
    Sounds like sort of an advanced DHCP. Is this for implementation on an IPV6 or standard IP4 network? Does it include building routing tables between objects as well? Maybe someone can explain it better than I understand it.
  • ...was started [] way back when.

    Since there are now native service implementations available, it'd probably be better to just hook into those using Ruby/DL [] or some such...
  • WOW! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:30PM (#9573995) Journal
    I cant wait for my network to fill with UDP broadcasts!

    This is basically how system-linked xboxes work.

    It's cute for little networks that consist of an apple, a printer and an ipod, but it doesn't scale well.

    I like my dhcp, that I can control based on MAC addresses.

    But kudos to Apple for opening this source. They really had to, you know, one thing they desperately have to overcome is the awkwardness of mixing Mac's and PCs on the same network.
    • Re:WOW! (Score:5, Informative)

      by Cajal ( 154122 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:48PM (#9574194)
      UDP traffic is pretty lightweight. ZeroConf is basically just some ICMP traffic (when the nodes are assigning themselves addresses) and then DNS. Apple's implementation will aggressively cache query results, and the devices incremementally scale back their announcements.

      Another nice feature is that nodes can cache the results of other nodes' queries. Since all of the DNS traffic is mulitcast on the local subnet, every node sees every query and every response. Apple's code expolits this to further reduce the need for duplicate queries. It's a pretty nice setup.
    • Re:WOW! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @06:03PM (#9576597)

      I cant wait for my network to fill with UDP broadcasts!

      This is basically how system-linked xboxes work.

      It's cute for little networks that consist of an apple, a printer and an ipod, but it doesn't scale well.

      Sorry to be blunt - but how the hell do you know how well it scales? Have you read the relevant drafts? I have - and it's actually amazing how much work Cheshire and Krochmal put into making sure it would be extremely scalable. I don't know hard numbers on what the upper limits on subnet size would be, but I was recently at on a LAN with more than 500 Macs connected with no noticeable effect on the network. Sure there's a limit somewhere, but it's way way way above "a Mac and a printer".

      I like my dhcp, that I can control based on MAC addresses.

      But kudos to Apple for opening this source. They really had to, you know, one thing they desperately have to overcome is the awkwardness of mixing Mac's and PCs on the same network.

      The source has been open ever since they started it. All they're doing now is making easily distributed binaries and SDK's available.

  • Appletalk for IP (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:30PM (#9573996)
    Rendezvous/ZeroConf is basically Appletalk for IP. While Appletalk had its shortcomings, it was awesome for setting up small networks. Just plug + play, no DNS/DHCP/etc BS to worry about. Appletalk's gone the way of the dodo, replaced by this (which works on an IP network).
  • Im ready (Score:5, Insightful)

    by BlindSpy ( 772849 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:31PM (#9574000) Homepage Journal
    I have a feeling this will be implemented into standard Linux use real fast. Having this technology for every platform will really help portability of hardware I think too. This is going to be another one of those things that Windows implements but does it horribly unstable so no one can really use it.
  • by daringone ( 710585 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:32PM (#9574019) Journal
    Sweet! My PC just found my Microwave!!!

    /home/daringone#setmwave 1m

    Microwave set to 1 minute


    Your food is cooking.


    Your food is done.

  • by CdBee ( 742846 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:33PM (#9574030)
    "Rendezvous technology is now available on Windows 2000 and XP. This preview release includes full link-local support, allowing Windows machines to discover advertised HTTP and FTP servers using Internet Explorer"

    Given that Apple today joined the announcement with Mozilla and Opera of open-standards for web plugins it surprises me that their product even suggests the use of Internet Explorer.
    I freely admit to hoping, someday, for Safari on Windows and using Firefox until that day (And pls don't reply saying Safari is on Windows in iTunes.. iTMS on Windows doesn't use Webcore, more's the pity.)
  • DNS-SD (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mabu ( 178417 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:34PM (#9574038)
    A cursory examination of some of their documents seems to indicate the plan involves what they're calling DNS-SD (DNS-based service discovery) which is a way of encapsulating device id and configuration information within DNS records, and specifically making use of special conventions for TXT data.

    If this is the case, it seems a pretty clever and resourceful approach.

    Then again, this will make DNS servers the main entry point for discovering information about networks, especially information that might normally not be publicly available.

    Personally, I like this approach because far less people have access to manage detailed DNS data and may actually be able to manage these things effectively, but there's also a ton of people out there who have insecure DNS information and adoption of this approach among those admins who haven't secured their networks might create an even bigger security problem.
    • Re:DNS-SD (Score:4, Informative)

      by cbiffle ( 211614 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:47PM (#9574181)
      Close, but with one exception:

      The SD component of Rendezvous doesn't use DNS servers per se. Any machine that has services (and that can be any node on the net) advertises these services using multicast DNS.

      mDNS is used both to advertise available machines, and the services on those machines. So, essentially, the service-discovery component of Rendezvous is a decentralized, local-link DNS service -- it even uses the DNS protocol (albeit multicasted).

      And for the people who keep bitching about UDP broadcasts: first of all, multicast != broadcast. But more to the point, I haven't found Rendezvous to be particularly chatty; Apple claims in its docs to have gone to lengths to prevent it from spamming the network. (The developer docs include some thinly veiled references to NetBIOS.)
  • by minus_273 ( 174041 ) <> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:34PM (#9574047) Journal
    given this is one of the fundamental technologies used for discovery and saring data in itunes, i am surprised it took them so long to release it. It also means that people can write more itunes compatible players (hint to all those linux itunes knockoffs). compatible in the sense that it will appear as a avaiable share and will see other shares on the network. Now all we need is an icaht compatible chat client so that people on a lan do not need a central server to IM :).
    It will also be interesting to see how this is applied node discovery in existing p2p systems like gnutella
    • Actually, this doesn't help in creating iTunes-compatible clients.

      The Rendezvous protocol specs have been available for some time (it is, after all, a combination of IETF standards). There are compatible implementations for many platforms; on Linux my favorite has been Howl, but JRendezvous is nice too.

      iTunes itself uses a proprietary protocol that Apple keeps changing. Parts of it are well-understood (like the music directory portion) but others are not (like the streaming).

      Interestingly, Apple is wil
  • by AusG4 ( 651867 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:37PM (#9574072) Homepage Journal

    For anyone who is interested, Rendezvous is Apple's implementation of of ZeroConf []

    While Apple's Rendezvous overview [] gives some decent information, the ZeroConf site provides a lot of good technical resources.

    Apple really needed ZeroConf as they transitioned to all-IP networking. Although OS X supports AppleTalk, the AppleTalk protocol has clearly seen it's day and the world is clearly moving to IP-only. Previously, when Macintosh machines were largely communicating via AppleTalk, all of the things that ZeroConf addresses were handled by the AppleTalk protocol suite (service discovery, address allocation, etc), and this ease of use that is signature to the Macintosh is important for Apple to maintain.

    That said, Apple releasing this code is pretty significant, as aside from this project [], there hasn't been much use of ZeroConf in the wild.

    • by MasonMcD ( 104041 ) <> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @07:11PM (#9577145) Homepage
      Also note that Stuart Cheshire [] is the brainchild of ZeroConf, and he works for Apple, so Rendezvous isn't some hobbled, second-hand implementation of ZeroConf, but from the horse's mouth.

      Here's the history [] of ZeroConf:

      The initial seeds of Zeroconf started in a Macintosh network programmers' mailing list called net-thinkers, back in 1997 when I was still a PhD student at Stanford. We were discussing the poor state of ease-of-use for IP networking, particularly the lack of any equivalent to the old AppleTalk Chooser for browsing for services. I proposed that part of the solution might be simply to layer the existing AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol (NBP) over UDP Multicast.
  • by drazvan ( 93345 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:41PM (#9574113) Homepage
    We've launched this only a few weeks ago: Pocketster []. It contains an implementation of Rendezvous for the Pocket PC and it also gives you wireless filesharing capabilities (we have a new version coming out on July 6th). It's free, so give it a try if you want (that is if you have a Pocket PC). Also, you might want to check JmDNS [] (Java version of Rendezvous) and Howl [] for a Windows implementation. Razvan
  • by Infonaut ( 96956 ) <> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:41PM (#9574117) Homepage Journal
    If you're like me and you find yourself using your laptop at client locations all the time, plugged into their network via Ethernet or a WiFi connection, Rendezvous is great.

    Several times I've had the need to print something while in an unfamiliar network. It takes just a few seconds to find and send a job to a printer using Rendezvous. At first it seems ludicrously easy, like it won't actually work. But it does.

    In a laptop-centric world, Rendezvous makes life a lot easier.

  • by quadra23 ( 786171 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:49PM (#9574202) Journal

    Apple continues to surprise me with their interest in designing software that is compatible for the Windows platform in addition to their own (and in this case, also Unix and GNU/Linux). While from Microsoft, they have typically steered to their flagship products and rarely ported them (with the exception of Office and IE) to other OSes.

    Even as a frequent Windows user I have great respect for Apple and find their software for Windows actually crashes less then Microsoft made software(!). In addition, they are rarely so deeply entrenched in the OS that if you wanted ot change extension preferences it doesn't fuss as much.

    I'd be interested in trying out this new technology and I'm sure it will make it big hit on all network sizes. Good thing for Apple that they released the specs before MS could claim any competing service! Let's all give some positive input to see this software hit new limits!
  • Confusion. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by FreeLinux ( 555387 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:50PM (#9574211)
    This "protocol" basically combines several different pre-existing protocols. It seems most like a combination of Auto-IP addressing and SLP. The thing is that OS X and several other OSes including Netware and Linux already use SLP. Now Apple wants everyone to change again?

    Here's the really strange part. With SLP, unless you do static configurations, the requests are sent via multi cast. This creates an issue because most routers are not configured to handle multicasting so the SLP scope is limited to the local segment.

    Apple's new protocol relies on multicast DNS where, DNS requests are sent via multicast. But, the problem with multicasts being restricted to the local segment still exists. This means that Rendezvous offers no clear advantage over SLP, an already defined and implemented standard. So, why should anyone adopt Rendezvous?

    • Re:Confusion. (Score:5, Informative)

      by Chucker23N ( 661210 ) <.chucker23n+slashdot. .at.> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:15PM (#9574522) Homepage Journal
      Rendezvous is three things:

      - automatic link-local IP addressing for cases where DHCP fails (like APIPA)
      - multicast DNS for announcing device names (.local domain)
      - service announcements and discovery via DNS-SD

      Mac OS X also supported SLP, but Rendezvous / ZeroConf is clearly the more comprehensive technology, as several projects (such as GNOME) are actually moving *over*.
    • Re:Confusion. (Score:3, Informative)

      by robertchin ( 66419 )
      The current rendezvous stack in OS X doesn't support this, but rendezvous directory lookups are supposed to be able to be advertised by a normal DNS server. That is, a service should be able to be advertised through BIND, so that if a multicast DNS lookup fails, the DNS lookup will work. Although I'm not sure of the precedence -- whether singlecast or multicast DNS takes precendence for a lookup. So rendezvous and traditional DNS are designed to work hand in hand.
  • by chia_monkey ( 593501 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:55PM (#9574263) Journal
    And this from Apple's website:

    NT Migration Tool Tiger Server makes it a snap to upgrade your aging Windows NT network to a Mac OS X server. The new NT Migration Tool automatically extracts all of your user and group account information from an existing Windows Primary Domain Controller and moves it into Open Directory. Tiger Server can then take over as your Primary Domain Controller for your Windows clients and even host your Windows users' home directories, group folders, roaming profiles and shared printers.

    So they're making it easier for NT users to migrate their network over to Tiger when it is released. And now this Rendesvous news. Sounds like Apple is quite serious about wanting to be a player in the enterprise server market if you ask me.
  • Some links (Score:4, Informative)

    by Midnight Thunder ( 17205 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:04PM (#9574344) Homepage Journal
    Here are some links that might be of interest:
    • jmDNS [] - Java implementation of mDNS - the technology that makes up Rendezvous. It was formerly known as jRendezvous by Strangeberry
    • Zeroconf [] - more about the technology that Rendezvous implements
  • Mod me redundant (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bahamat ( 187909 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:17PM (#9574556) Homepage
    because I'm probably not the only person who downloaded the rendezvouz code months ago, compiled it and have been running it on their linux box.

    Rendezvouz enabled clients on my home network will find my linux box available over rendezvouz for AFP, FTP, SSH, HTTP and IPP.

    Mac users will feel (and have felt for quite some time) right at home on my network.
  • by karmatic ( 776420 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:40PM (#9574967)
    Microsoft has been in alpha now for a bit with a product called "Windows NCD Technology" (I'm a tester). This is Apple's shot across MS's bow.

    From the alpha page, Windows Network Connected Device (NCD) Technology is a comprehensive set of Windows technologies that allow devices on a local network to discover, communicate with, and control each other.
  • by mindstrm ( 20013 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @08:39PM (#9577636)
    - This is not Appletalk. IT is new.

    - This is open

    - The *key* feature is the mDNS system.

    - Yes, it does automatic IP allocation if there is no DHCP server.. so does Windows (though apple is much faster at it for some reason).

    - mDNS is not to be confused with "The global DNS system" that you use to lookup Address records, etc, though it can do that. mDNS is DNS adapted to multicast, for service and host discovery. HOw?

    - Instead of querying a DNS server, you query a multicast group (the link-local group in this case) and say "Who has a webserver?" or "who has ssh?" or "hey FOO, what is your IP?" or.. more importantly "Who is a real internet DNS server?" or "Who has an internet gateway?". "Who else is running itunes?".

    - a machine joining the network will broadcast once, to send out that it has joined, and what services it has, also via mDNS... so anyone listening can update their caches, etc. The opposite happens when it leaves.

    This does not create an extra burden of traffic. Previous to this, most protocols that need to find something in the network do so by rather rude broadcasts.. and usually generate quite a bit of unnecessary traffic.

    YES, having a set infrastructure, DNS servers, DHCP, etc, and using DHCP to hardcode everything else, avoiding the need for local network discovery is more efficient. The point is, this works very well WITHOUT any infrastructure.. like 10 guys sitting in a conference room with wireless cards and no servers... or 3 guys on the bus. etc.

    NO, rendezvous does not grant ACCESS to your computer.. it merely discovers advertised services... much like an X browser can find a bunch of remote X desktops, or windows TS can find all the terminal servers in the network, or the "network neighborhood" list is populated in windows. It's just a more elegant, scaleable approach.

    - mDNS is *not* dns... it is mDNS but if you understand DNS you will understand mDNS. They chose to not make a new protocol, and instead adapt an existing one... which makes it much easier to learn and work with.
  • by rollthelosindice ( 635783 ) on Thursday July 01, 2004 @06:26AM (#9579977) Homepage
    We have an internal network here at work that is about 80%/20% mac/pc. The main laser printer is attached to a mac and shared over rendezvous. My Mac discovered the printer instantly and i print to it all the time. My PC sitting right next to me had this developer preview installed yesterday, and I immediately fired up the rendezvous printer setup wizard. Only to discover that it told me there were no rendezvous printers on the network.

2.4 statute miles of surgical tubing at Yale U. = 1 I.V.League
