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GarageBand Update 1.0.1 Released 61

Apple has released GarageBand 1.0.1, which, according to the release notes, "clarifies specific alert dialogs regarding system performance." The update is a 21.5MB disc image. Yes, updating your alert dialogs takes 21.5MB.
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GarageBand Update 1.0.1 Released

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  • Binary Diff (Score:5, Funny)

    by m0rph3us0 ( 549631 ) on Thursday February 12, 2004 @08:54PM (#8264862)
    Someone should let apple know about binary diffs.
  • Red Jewel (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Michael.Forman ( 169981 ) * on Thursday February 12, 2004 @09:13PM (#8265045) Homepage Journal

    GarageBand does take quite a bit of horsepower. Previewing and rendering even these songs [] required me to turn my 1-GHz Titanium laptop's CPU performance to "full", when I'm on the go.

    GarageBand notifies the user of the system load by changing the color of a clear time-indicator jewel as it sweeps across the samples. It's a brilliant way to display the system load directly in a program. I speculate that the update affects not just the dialogues but also the subsystem which monitors and displays the CPU usage. (Hey, now I'm making up news just like CNN does.)

    Michael []
    • Re:Red Jewel (Score:5, Interesting)

      by \\ ( 118555 ) on Thursday February 12, 2004 @09:21PM (#8265129) Homepage
      I'll say it does, the fan on my powerbook starts about a minute after I've started Garageband.

      More fun, I have a Powerbook G4 with an 800 MHz processor, only about a year and a half old, but I think the hard drive is a 4200RPM. I get this [] error when I play a creation with four or five tracks for more than a few seconds.
      • It shoudl be a 4200 RPM, that's what Apple usualy puts in teh powerbooks unless you order it otherwise.
      • Hm. I don't know what Garageband is doing, especially - I haven't really used it much - but I get much better performance that this - on a 800mhz G3 iBook, no less - from Ableton Live 3, with several tracks and all manner of VST effects. Now, that is a much more expensive product, granted. But you can get the cut-down version, Steinberg Remix, for a little less that iLife (but without iPhoto, iMovie etc., of course).

        Not to knock iLife, which I think is wonderful. But Garageband doesn't exhibit the performa
      • Re:Red Jewel (Score:2, Interesting)

        I don't have Garage Band, or a Powerbook for that matter, but you aren't by chance recording all your tracks in 32-bit/192KHz or something crazy like that, are you? Audiophile hype aside, real recording engineers will likely tell you that that super-fast sampling rates are unnecessary. And CD audio is only 16/44. Anyway, my $.02.
        • No, of course not.. and this is just to play around with the samples that came with the software, no recording or conversion of anything.
    • Re:Red Jewel (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Goldfinger7400 ( 630228 ) on Thursday February 12, 2004 @11:41PM (#8266214)
      Soundtrack takes quite a lot of processor performance as well, I've managed to completely top out my Dual G5 applying a couple admittedly intensive filters on a single mono track. An alert box actually popped up to say something to the likes of "I'm givin' her all she's got Captain, she can't take much more of this!"
    • Limited MIDI Drivers (Score:4, Informative)

      by gryphokk ( 648488 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @01:36AM (#8266888) Homepage Journal
      Obligatory on-topic observation:

      On the old 400 mhz Cube, performance is so sluggish as to be confusing. Simple "Stop" and "Home" keyboard commands are slow to be recognized. On the bright side, it has the least latency of any system i've tried to multi-track with. I have at least achieved proof of concept [] (yes that's me, guitar, bass & 2 vox)

      (non-original material and obvious copyright violation, but it's an Apple-friendly artist, sosumi).

      Now my real gripe:

      i finally got around to tyring out connecting the trusty old Korg M1, the original MIDI pack mule. It turns out that GarageBand has a very short list (20) [] of compatible MIDI interfaces, all high-end numbers from the likes of MOTU and DigiDesign.

      But sadly, my Mark of the Unicorn Fastlane [] (less than two years old) was not listed in the recognized list of MIDI interfaces.

      Since the Cube chokes up at about 6 voices of audio data, that's gonna be my limit. Once again, to play with Apple, you not only have to have the latest Apple gear, you have to keep up with the latest gear in all other related fields too. I understand needing a new computer every 4-5 years, and this is a 10-year old synth, but without sinking what looks like another 300-500 on an up-to-date MIDI converter, (or half that on a USB MIDI keyboard), I'm out of the MIDI input/ouptut game.

      The thing is, I though that MIDI was a standard. I didn't realize it had layers that were already obsolete. OK, I understand GBis cheap software designed to sell computers, but as a professional musician with professional gear, I was very disappointed realize it's taking another round of hardware for my full potential as a creative musical genius to be recognized.

      And, to those who say "If you're professional musician, why don't you use professional software," well, buy my wife's ebook [] and may be I can!


      Karma whoring meter: 4 links, 2 of which are brand new original content, never before seen on /.
      • by pldms ( 136522 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @08:22AM (#8268252)
        But sadly, my Mark of the Unicorn Fastlane [] (less than two years old) was not listed in the recognized list of MIDI interfaces.

        Silly question, but have you installed the USB MIDI OS X drivers [] from MOTU? My USB MIDI interface isn't listed by Apple, but it works with drivers supplied by Yamaha (in my case).
        • Doh! (smacks forehead)

          No, but I'll try that as soon as I get home tonight and advise on results. Thanx, pldms.
        • Well, pldms has set me straight on the matter. i DL'ed the proper ClockWorks driver from MOTU, configured it through applications/utilities/Audio MIDI Setup, and now I have MIDI input.

          At this point, I see no way, however, to reroute the signal back to the MIDI keyboard. Is that an inherent limitation in Garage Band? I find no channel or voice selection other than GB's Software Instruments.

          Does it use MIDI for input only? That's still gonna leave me in a hurt with the old Cube -- more than 4 voices and it
      • buy my wife's ebook
        Well, I might, but the blurb on the linked page was enough to turn me off. It sounds dreadful. Why would your wife's autobiography interest me? I ask not to be insulting, it's an honest question.
        • No insult perceived, easter. Thank you for looking!

          Her life, her childhood, was itself dreadful. Writing this book was very therapeutic for her, and it has been appreciated by many who have had a similar abusive childhood.

          It is certainly not for everyone, and it is not light entertainment. But there is a segment of the population that can benefit from knowing that others share their pain. This is why we encourage readers to share freely with those who they feel would benefit from the lessons.

          If you would
      • I picked up the Tascam USS-122 and it works like a charm. It was only $200 and it has two audio inputs, outputs, MIDI in and out, and direct monitoring with headphones. The unit plus Garageband replaced a whole rack of old studio equiptment I had. And it sounds better to boot.

      • by blackmonday ( 607916 ) * on Friday February 13, 2004 @05:55PM (#8274471) Homepage
        "GarageBand has a very short list (20) [] of compatible MIDI interfaces, all high-end numbers from the likes of MOTU and DigiDesign."

        Actually it supports the cheapest (but still great) usb midi interface around, the midiman (m-audio) Midisport Uno []. Its $39 with no haggling at Guitar Center.

      • by pmdboi ( 545811 )
        I have a Fastlane MIDI-USB interface, and it works perfectly for me. There is a strange quirk with the setup process, though; for some reason, the Clockworks program that gets installed with the drivers (mentioned by another poster, found here []) doesn't actually recognize the MIDI interface (it'll complain about no devices being connected). Audio MIDI Setup, found in /Applications/Utilities, sees it just fine, though, and you can set it up from there (create a new keyboard device and connect it to the corres
      • "... It turns out that GarageBand has a very short list (20) [] of compatible MIDI interfaces...."

        Since either the Edirol PCR-50 or PCR-80 are simply larger versions of the PCR-30, it would seem logical that these are compatible, despite Apple's not listing them.

    • Re:Red Jewel (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by wimbor ( 302967 )
      Linux:Apple::VW:BMW :-)
  • The updates (Score:5, Informative)

    by Hungus ( 585181 ) on Thursday February 12, 2004 @09:36PM (#8265265) Journal
    Being as I run server and Garage band wont install on server I have to manually update my installations via pacifist []. The disadvantage as it can be a pain to update things, the advantage is that I get to see exactly what is being updated.

    In this case it is all the spplication itself. The original Garage was 53.3MB the replacement app is 42MB.
    The AECore framework drops from 1.5MB to 1.4MB
    DfSearchEngine Wrapper Framework is almost halved in size from 360KB to 195.1KB
    LoopCore shrinks from 1.1MB to 868.1KB
    Where the largets difference is in the application resources ( button images and controls and their ilk as well as localization files) It drops from 39.1MB to 27.9MB.
    • Wait, so in order for GarageBand to lose several megabytes of excess code, we have to download a 21 meg file?

      I love Apple!
  • by bennomatic ( 691188 ) on Friday February 13, 2004 @02:38PM (#8271836) Homepage
    that makes my voice sound screechy and out of tune!

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
