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Mac OS X 10.3.2 Update available 184

iumacboy writes "Apple has released the Mac OS X 10.3.2 Update (not yet active), weighing in at 38.2MB and available via Software Update. According to Apple: 'The 10.3.2 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for Mac OS X v10.3 "Panther" and is recommended for all users. Key enhancements include: Improved file sharing and directory services for mixed Mac and PC networks, more robust printing to PostScript printers, improved font management, updated Mail and Address Book applications, new ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers, FileVault, FireWire 800, WebDAV and USB Printing. Improvements from Update 10.3.1 previous standalone security updates." Also, Apple released Battery Update 1.1 for some of the newer portable Macs.
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Mac OS X 10.3.2 Update available

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:03PM (#7750254)
    Two updates that require rebooting on the same day! Bah, I haven't reboot my mac so much since the days it asked (quit) (resume).

    It never did print out my resume.
  • Fan... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by SiMac ( 409541 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:04PM (#7750257) Homepage
    The update seems to make the fan kick in at a lower CPU temperature on my 12" PowerBook. I don't know about other models. I'm guessing this is a good thing, because I wouldn't want my baby overheating!
    • Re:Fan... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Maxwell309 ( 639989 )
      The first thing that happened upon rebooting was my fan kicked on...these 12"ers do get hot
      • Re:Fan... (Score:1, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Well I've just done the upgrade on my 12" PB and I'm still waiting for the fan to go off. It's reasonably cool today (42C yesterday) and the case isn't hot but the fan goes on and on.....
    • that is very good news...

      Also I hope it fixes that program has been sucking pretty bad since I updated to 10.3
      • I'm hoping too. My ~/Library/Mail folder is 372MB and I'm getting long pauses (spinning beachball) as it re-indexes when I do an 'all messages' search.

        I'll try it today, I have to test it prior to deployment.
    • Re:Fan... (Score:5, Informative)

      by mj_1903 ( 570130 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @03:34AM (#7752272)
      Same here. The fan is kicking in at around 20 degress lower on my 15" PowerBook but it seems to have a new speed setting. Usually when the fan came on before it was at full speed, this new setting is rather lower and IMHO the machine is feeling cooler to the touch in normal use.

      Hope this is actually Apple doing some adjustments to the hardware because they are always welcome.

      On a side note, my PowerBook's battery now properly reports the Ah as being 4200 rather than previously 2900. This is a welcome change.

    • I find my fan already kicks in earlier than on 10.2... and it's noisy on my 12" iBook G3.
    • Re:Fan... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by ratsnapple tea ( 686697 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @09:25AM (#7753626)
      Yeah, put me down for a big "me too" on that. The fan's been running pretty much nonstop on my original (867MHz) 12" PBG4 since I updated... and man, is it loud! Anything that puts the processor over 1% usage, it seems, causes the fan to start up. Granted, it ran a lot before the update, but never this much.

      By the way, what are you using to check your CPU temperature? I just found this utility today: Temperature Monitor []. I'd been under the impression, from programs like MenuMeters, that my PowerBook didn't have an internal thermometer, but apparently it does--it's just not very well publicized. Try this in the terminal:
      ioreg -l | grep -C10 temp
      This fan is really starting to get on my nerves. I thought Macs were supposed to be the quiet ones? Here's to hoping Apple figures out a way to make these things run cooler in the future.

  • Apple updates (Score:2, Interesting)

    by mjc_w ( 192427 )
    Interesting that the battery update is for the 12" iBook and not the 14" iBook. I just ordered a 12" iBook from Yellow Dog Linux (which, btw, are shipping the X video driver for their Linux on Friday), so I will be installing these updates this weekend.
  • by davester666 ( 731373 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:29PM (#7750387) Journal
    Installed and booted no problem. Ran Verify Disk Permission and it didn't report any problems

    I did notice that 'browsing' for network volumes now results in the mounted network volumes also showing up on the desktop.
  • Safari update (Score:3, Informative)

    by Eridius ( 733725 ) <kevin AT sb DOT org> on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:43PM (#7750483) Homepage
    Despite not being mentioned in the release notes, Safari was also updated to v1.1.1. However, the only difference I can see is that the title attribute now shows up as a tooltip (which is a good thing, granted). Dave Hyatt's weblog [] lists many other changes post-v1.1, but in my tests they didn't make it in to v1.1.1. Such a shame.
  • Wow. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by /dev/trash ( 182850 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:48PM (#7750514) Homepage Journal
    That's a big update. Are all Mac users on Broadband or what?
  • by WasterDave ( 20047 ) <> on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:49PM (#7750519)
    The art is to leave it a few days then check for fallout.

    As an aside, I can never tell if Apple's QA procedures for these releases are crap, or if it's just that the Apple using community are noisy bastards as soon as something doesn't work.

    Anyway, leave it a few days. 10.2.7 says so.

    • by usr122122121 ( 563560 ) <> on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @09:59PM (#7750586) Homepage
      The art is to leave it a few days then check for fallout.
      SHHH!!! Now all the victims *cough*, I mean, "early adopters" won't be posting any feedback on MacFixit.

      Great job.

      Amazing how similar this is to walking through the woods - you want a tall person in front of you to catch all the spider webs ;-)

    • Um, I agree. But which do you think it is? Crap QA or noisy userbase? I actually have no idea--but I've seen plenty of both. Non-issues get screamed about, but the iTunes deleting bug was pretty spectacular.
    • Actually, I prefer to look at Their reports on Mac OS updates are great.
    • In my experience, places like Macfixit, MacResource, and MacInTouch either have two philosophies for the way they handle updates:

      1) Report all the news on possible bugs as matter of factly, display all reports of bugs as they were emailed to the site, and do no filtering whatsoever of any information, despite the fact that most of the posts are drivel that no one else in the world can replicate and may have missed something that they claim to have tried (not everyone is logical).
      2) Tilt the story to sensat
  • Has anyone tried this on a Sawtooth with GeForce? Has it solved the memory problem?
    • Ok, just got home and installed it - runs fine with 256mb, but >256 you get the same problem as before. Damn.
    • Just tried with a flashed PC GeForce 2MX -- yes it works for me.
      • Nope. With more than 256 MB RAM, 10.3.2 will still black out on boot if you have a flashed PC Geforce2 card. Mine is a 64 MB PNY Verto Geforce2 MX400. Guess I'll have to stick with my old 16 MB ATI Rage 128 Pro until I can afford a Radeon 9000 or a Geforce4 MX
        • No, you are unfortunate. I have 768 MB RAM and a flashed Asus 7100 GeForce 2 MX (32 MB RAM). 10.3.2 is running fine -- I just put my Rage 128 away in a drawer.

          If you want proof, go here []

          • I deleted my Extensions.kextcache and rebooted with the 64 MB Geforce2 MX400. Wow, it got to the login screen.. great! Or so I thought. Once I was on the Desktop I moved windows and all i saw were fragmented outlines. ARGH! I even left the room and the monitor went to sleep.. when I woke it I got a kernel panic. The only way to get "proper" behavior is to boot into safe mode (Shift Key at boot-time). Now I the windows act okay but I may not be getting full Quartz Extreme performance. WTF?
  • by Maxwell309 ( 639989 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @10:18PM (#7750698) Homepage
    Well I was hoping this update was going to make browsing networks better, try again. I am at home right now and I have a WinXP machine with a couple of shares. The finder saw the WinXP machine, which it never used to do. Double clicking on the WinXP machine's icon brought up a message "The alias Rainier could not be opened, because the original item could not be found" (I name my computers after Cascade volcanos). Clicking okay on the dialog would not close the dialog. I relaunched the finder and tried connecting via the "Connect to server" menu item. It took 2 minutes to connect, made the finder unresponsive, and made the dock unresponsive. A quick alt-cmd-esc, relauch the finder and everything is okay.
    It might be wise to wait a few days....
    • Same problem here. I can see all the smb shares on my XP Pro Machine, and only 2 out 4 on my Win 2003 Server.

      I too, get the " ....could not be opened, could not be found"

      This is more than a little problem, in my opinion. I expected 10.3.2 to resolve the issues, but so far, I can't tell that anything has changed in regards to networking.

      Strange that this improvement in Panther, was something that wasn't broken in Jaguar.

      Ok, Apple this situation is getting critical.
    • I'm having the same SMB problems I was having pre-update. I can mount the shares individually using Cmd-K, just like I always could, but using the Network icon in a finder window doesn't show anything but a "Servers" icon that only contains the local machine. My Samba server doesn't appear at all.
    • I don't have any problems with this at home, but get exactly the same problem as you do at work. I put it down to the work machines windows lm names not being the same as their DNS names (they are mostly DHCP'd).

      For e.g. I have a Windows XP box at work named MACBOY which my Mac can see in the network browser, but it's DNS name will be dhcp-2-1-xx where xx depends on the IP address it picks up from DHCP. The Mac won't pick up any shares from MACBOY. I suppose I could test this by adding an entry for MACB
  • EULA?! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @10:45PM (#7750828)
    Whoa- not one, but TWO EULAs. Maybe I'm just tired+in conspiracy mode, but I don't remember having to do that for other Software-Update updates.

    Of course, I read neither. Did anyone? Can we get a copy posted here, and a little analysis?

    • First EULA:



    • Re:EULA?! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by AnamanFan ( 314677 ) <> on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @11:22PM (#7751037) Homepage
      I didn't read or agree to the EULA, but that's because it wasn't even displayed. When you install software updates via SSH, you are never offered or even know the existence of the EULAs.

      Reminds me of when software in CD sleeves had the sticker that read "By breaking this seal, you agree to the terms of use." By cutting the bottom of the sleeve, you could use the software with out breaking the seal, thus using said software w/o agreeing to the terms.

  • Uh... (Score:5, Funny)

    by rixstep ( 611236 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @10:48PM (#7750845) Homepage
    Whenever I read

    'delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability'

    I realise they're not going to tell me anything.

    Why can't they mix up the language just a bit, up their credibility?
  • by usr122122121 ( 563560 ) <> on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @10:52PM (#7750862) Homepage
    I'm really disappointed in the lack of sensationalist responses to this story. When I installed:
    • My PowerBook instantaneously caught fire, despite the other reports of increased fan activity
    • As soon as I extinguished the flames, iTunes started downloading and playing all the pop "music" available from iTMS. Charged to my visa, of course.
    • The volume selector somehow moved all the way to full power, and was no longer controllable.
    • My "Documents" folder was instantly transformed into a FileVault archive to which I didn't have the password.
    • IE reclaimed "default browser" status, and began popping up Shockwave porn ads all over the place, much to the dismay of the elderly folks in the room.
    Oh, whoops, it installed just great. You go ahead and try now ;-)
  • by (startx) ( 37027 ) <slashdot&unspunproductions,com> on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @11:11PM (#7750959) Journal
    I can't find this documented anywhere, but they fixed as well! When 10.3 came out, they removed the "Use option key as meta key" checkbox from the Terminal Window settings. They've re-added in in 10.3.2! Now I can have multiple windows open in BitchX again and alt/option+# between them again! Praise jobs for restored functionality!
    • It was moved to the "Window" section in the window settings prefs in Panther. I've been using option as my meta key in Panther since the dev releases.

      A quick look at by backup from 10.3.1 says Terminal was 1.4.1. 10.3.2's Terminal is also 1.4.1.
      • It's like when people call in because their password doesn't work anymore (they forgot their password) and you tell them to try it once more. Somehow, it *almost* always magically works!
  • by Refrag ( 145266 )
    Does anyone know what was fixed in Mail? How about Address Book?
    • Mail w/Panther has sounds associated with specific actions. Zoom/jet when 'sent' messages are done going out; simple chime when a new mail check completes without bringing anything in, and a bong/pong when there is a new mail as a result of a check.

      Panther Mail had a bad habit of bonging when there was no new mail...false alarm thing. It should only bong when new mail comes in (not deleted junk, etc.).

      Supposedly the false positives are corrected.
    • Don't hold me to this, but I could have sworn my very large list of IMAP folders actually updates with new mail when courier+maildrop filters a message into one of the folders *without* a "Synchronize" or "Offline/Online". Very cool stuff!
    • Re:Mail (Score:1, Informative)

      by Squozen ( 301710 )
      Try RTFA. There's a link to the Apple README which specifies the Mail/Address Book changes.
  • by DonnarsHmr ( 230149 ) on Wednesday December 17, 2003 @11:40PM (#7751217) Homepage
    The update seems to break 3rd party kernel extensions. The update unloaded all of my kexts and prevents them from being reloaded. This breaks uControl and SideTrack. Only bug found so far on deploying to a PowerBook G4 15" (Gigabit Ethernet) and a PowerMacintosh G4 450 (Sawtooth).
  • But does it fix "No One Lives Forever 2" yet? I still can't play that game under 10.3 yet.
  • by ClaytonianG ( 512706 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @12:13AM (#7751448)
    For anyone wondering if this update fixed the the numerous video card problems that came with 10.3.0-10.3.1 the answer is a resounding YES!

    I can personally verify that the xclaim vr pro is once again working and the rage 128 continues to work. I've also read on the apple discussion boards that this update fixes the nasty 256 MB problem with certain nvidia cards. All in all it seems to restore functionality of all the video cards that were suppose to be supported in 10.3 to begin with. :)

    yay, I am back to two monitor goodness!
    • Unfortunately, the updated graphics drivers do not fix a standing issue with SimCity 4 that was introduced (or at least seriously exacerbated) in Panther. Since upgrading to 10.3, the game shows no shadows, building placement outlines, effect rings, or ANY "distressed" buildings (all you see is the ground tiles with no building on top. Aspyr said that this is a "bug with the ATI drivers in Panther" but since these new drivers in 10.3.2 don't make ANY improvement in the game, I'm thinking that Aspyr is ful
  • by jjc2222 ( 100453 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @12:41AM (#7751603)
    For those who were curious and hopeful (I was so hopeful I went and early adopted this update :-) ), still does not check IMAP folders other than your primary inbox when automatically checking or when 'Get New Mail' is used. You still have to 'Synchronize' or go 'Offline' and 'Online' again to force it to check.

    (Note that this is with Fastmail IMAP, though I don't think that it makes a difference).

    Sigh - it's back to choosing between easy and automatic mail checking and automatic filtering.
    • Uhrm...

      Not for me. Works just great. Actually works a bit too well, since a few of my mailboxes have 6000+ messages in them and the server is an old mbox UW-IMAP machine. The sysadmin has actually asked that I set the automatic check interval higher. Apparently I'm responsible for their load peaks.

      Anyway. Here's me:
      --UW-IMAP of some unknown but archaic and annoying version.
      --10.3.1 (now .2) running
  • Fasten seat belts (Score:5, Interesting)

    by djupedal ( 584558 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @12:46AM (#7751623)
    This update hauls digital ass.... Run XBench and see for yourself.

    Video screams (both LCD and CRT)...QT smokes...external FW800 drives perform as they's good.

    This must be a precursor for something big at MacWorld in January, 'cause it's fast! (Cube, iBook, TiBook & Dual 1.25 G4 all working great)

    Thanks Apple!
  • iBook SE (Score:3, Informative)

    by General Sherman ( 614373 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @01:49AM (#7751918) Journal
    Awesome. Just a note, for users of the iBook SE (FireWire) that had issues because 10.3.1 wouldn't let them change their displays ColorSync profile resulting in a horridly oversaturated image, it's been fixed now.

    No more booting into classic to launch it's monitor control panel and switching it from there. Good times, glad to know that Apple does occasionally listen.

  • I got 50 minutes better battery life, now its 4:02 instead of 3:12.
    With the big update everything feels alot snappier This is a good update unlike some bad ones, i'm running a 1.25Ghz PB with a GB of RAM.
  • by ITR81 ( 727140 ) on Thursday December 18, 2003 @05:44AM (#7752625)
    Rebooted fixed permissions and rebooted again.

    Boot up time for me is the exact same or so small I can't tell the difference.

    iPhoto, iTunes and the rest of the iApps load alot quicker.

    Able to find all our windows server and connect to it.

    All items in the dock only bounce about twice now.

    OpenGL effects in iTunes now run at 30 FPS almost constantly now. Before the highest it would go would be 28 FPS and it wouldn't even stay there very long.

    The sleep light now tends to not breath as deeply when and in sleep mode. It also has dimmed abit as well.

    Can't tell you about the fan or email yet. My email server won't authinecate and I haven't got off my PB long enough to allow it cool down to test the fan.

    Very good update.

  • I'm typing this on a 'Sawtooth' AGP G4 running 10.3.2 - with Quartz Extreme enabled on its (aftermarket ) GF4 MX!

    Well done, Apple, for fixing the driver issue that prevented this combination from working in earlier releases of 10.3.

  • I rely heavily on Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection, both for administering some Windows boxes, and those times when I cannot do without IE.

    Since putting the update in, RDC has become quite unstable, crashing right at startup, or a few minutes into the session. Anyone else seeing this?

  • by gooru ( 592512 )
    FYI, there is also an update for Java 1.4.1 that appears in software update after installing 10.3.2 (which went pretty smoothly).
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 18, 2003 @10:16AM (#7754110)
    I can't belive it. Release of the 2.6 kernel, release of RotK, and now the 10.3.2 update? Pinch me, I must be dreaming. It will certainly be a merry Christmas for geeks everywhere.

    Perhaps we are living in some kind of golden age.
  • WEB DAV Issue (Score:2, Interesting)

    by tmy47 ( 618374 )
    When I upgraded to 10.3 it broke my iDisk access behind my corporate firewall. Happy to report that this update fixes it. Thank you Apple!
  • Yes, I'm having problems with this latest update. In fact, I'm in the process of reloading my 12" powerbook as I type this. What happened? Well, I was working on another computer and I wanted to hear this Delerium song called "Truly", it's really good. So, I turned to my 12" powerbook, plugged in an external 1394 drive, not firewire 800, and almost instantly got a kernel panic. I'm not sure at what point the installer was at, it was behind my that i was taking notes in. I rebooted and the poo

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