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TWAIN-SANE Scanner Drivers for Mac OS X 33

ubiquitin writes "The MacGIMP site has a story about TWAIN-SANE, which is a TWAIN datasource for Mac OS X that lets you use the SANE backend libraries. It means that most if not all of the the SANE project's long list of supported hardware can now be used on Mac OS X."
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TWAIN-SANE Scanner Drivers for Mac OS X

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  • er.. (Score:1, Redundant)

    That's inSANE!!!

  • 3300c (Score:2, Funny)

    by Hadlock ( 143607 )
    good lord - will i ever get driver support for the hp 3300c scanner? 3200 and 3500, yes, but never the 3300c. aaaarrrgh.
    • Garbage like the 3300c is why I will never by a HP product again. A printer and a scanner that both became paper weights because of driver issues is enough for me. Epson is the way to go.
  • by ZackSchil ( 560462 ) on Monday December 08, 2003 @10:25PM (#7665140)
    Umax owners (victims?) rejoice! You no longer need to take snapshots of documents with your digital camera, the old USB scanner that's been rotting in your basement has a new lease on life!
    • well it would if it hadn't crapped out years ago
    • well, the drivers are there but UMAX USB scanners make use of USB fork. Under 10.2.x USB fork was broken so even though the driver support was there under SANE the bus support wasn't.

      I haven't tried this under panther yet. I've been scrounging for information regarding USB fork in panther to no avail.

    • Well don't rejoice, as the poster said most older USB Umax scanners use a pseudo USB interface and will most likely not work even with this software. My scanner is listed as well supported and working fine but after installing this I still have no access to the scanner via OS X.

      The best bet for Umax scanner owners is to get SilverfastSE which does work under OS X with most "USB umax scanners" even though they migh not be listed as supported.

      However you best bet is to take the money you would spend on the
  • Argh (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jvmatthe ( 116058 ) on Monday December 08, 2003 @10:41PM (#7665227) Homepage
    After a post was made in the news about several requests for scanner drivers, I pointed out the open Linux drivers for several non-supported-on-OS-X scanners like two years ago to a fairly-well-trafficked Mac site. No reply. Not even a grunt of interest. Not that I thought it'd be chump work, mind you, but rather that if people really had the itch there was a means to scratch it. And it was even free!

    Now, that idea finally comes to fruition. I'm glad that someone in the Mac community picked up the ball and ran with it. Thank goodness.
  • SANE (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 09, 2003 @12:13AM (#7665744)
    I thought Apple killed off SANE years ago! And what does the Standard Apple Numeric Environment have to do with scanners anyway??

    I guess anyone still using it is in SANE.
  • Bitchen! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by sakusha ( 441986 )
    Now I can use my ancient Epson 636 SCSI scanner with TWAIN, so I can scan directly into programs like Acrobat or Omnipage. I don't know any TWAIN-like drivers that can compete with pro graphics scanning applications like SilverFast, but this SANE-TWAIN driver will be awesome for the low end jobs or bulk scanning of B&W documents.

    Now if only I could find a cheap used document feeder for the E636. Epson still sells them new, for $495. Hell, I could buy TWO new scanners with sheet feeders for that price.
    • I installed everything, but my epson 636U still refuses to be seen by SANE-TWAIN, did you do anything extra?
      • Haven't gotten around to installing it yet, my DSL provider went bankrupt and I just spent 2 days getting back online. You know you have to have your SCSI scanner turned on at boot time, or the system doesn't know it exists, right?
  • A Word of Warning (Score:5, Informative)

    by ahknight ( 128958 ) * on Tuesday December 09, 2003 @02:12AM (#7666255)

    Scanners are very stupid devices: they do EXACTLY what the driver tells them to do, up to and including:

    • Scanning off the edge of the document.
    • Overpowering the motor or lamp.
    • Trying to go both ways at the same time (for dual-motor gigs).
    • Feeding and ejecting paper at the same time in auto-loaders (thus destroying the document on dual-motor setups).

    Reading the SANE site I see that they have encountered several of these in bugs and lost several scanners and documents in the process. Before you use this, check the site for what it can and will do for your scanner and read all the warnings Bad drivers can destroy scanners.

    Most of the drivers are okay, but there's always one or two that will kick you.

    • Re:A Word of Warning (Score:4, Informative)

      by mpol ( 719243 ) on Tuesday December 09, 2003 @09:16AM (#7667410) Homepage
      Using an Epson or Mustek (If I'm not wrong) scanner will be a rather safe bet. These manufacturers are working with the Sane developers, so the drivers for these scanners will work as expected.
      I myself use an Epson 1240 usb scanner, and it works great under Sane/Linux. The colors are better then with the Twain/Windows drivers that came with it.
    • If you are unwilling to venture into the unknown, take a look at VueScan [hamrick.com] by Hamrick Software [hamrick.com].

      VueScan is a very impressive scanning application that runs on OSX/Lin/Win. It works with just about every scanner out there (including my POS Acer), and is very useful for managing scanning projects such as multiple photos etc... It's $60 shareware, but you get a lot of bang for your buck. It's easily one of the best OS X apps on the market.
  • by DLWormwood ( 154934 ) <wormwood@NospAM.me.com> on Tuesday December 09, 2003 @02:35AM (#7666347) Homepage
    Having finally found a decent driver(?) for my CanoScan 656, I installed all the packages. While GraphicConverter acknowledges SANE, and the sane-find-scanner CLI tool detects my scanner, the scanimage command doesn't work. How the sane-find-scanner tool could work but not scanimage escapes me...
    • Same here for "Genius". I see its damn well supported (I found sane month ago), install... Scan command... Didn't work.
      I tried the test sane recommends from command line, no hope either.
      Scanner is detected well, www site and usenet posts verified it works but on mac it doesn't do what it has to do.
      We are missing something I assume...
    • by mpol ( 719243 ) on Tuesday December 09, 2003 @09:10AM (#7667381) Homepage
      Your best bet is to ask for support on the Sane mailinglist at http://www.mostang.com/sane which is often very helpfull.
      What's happening at your end, is that sane-find-scanner is a kernel utility, it can find the scanner that is being recognised by your kernel, for example a scsi or usb device. The scanimage tool uses the real Sane drivers to find a supported scanner. So in essence, your kernel finds your scanner, but for some reason the Sane libraries don't find a supported scanner. I'm definitely no Mac guru, but probably you have to tell Sane what device to look for, or which Sane driver to use. Or maybe enable/disable an option in your driver config. Or maybe rn the driver with debugging options. Anyway, your best bet is imo the Sane mailinglist for this. Slashdot is not the place to ask for this kind of support.
    • Same problem here with an HP 2200c. Dug through some manpages but didn't really find anything useful. Works fine in Vuescan though . . .
  • I'd be interested in how this works.. I have a Umax3000, which is "unsupported" in OS X. Has anyone tried this. I mean most scanning software prescans.. slelect scan area..select resolution.. few color tweaks, SCan!

    I can't find documentation on the page, although this seems a really really great idea.

  • Whatever I try to do I get this error message:

    scanimage: open of device mustek_usb:libusb:000:002 failed: Error during device I/O

    This actually happened with 0.1 as well (weeks before :-) this was posted) Maybe someone knows something about this and might help.
    BTW, the scanner Im trying to run is figured out right by sane (mustek Scan Express 1200 CU)

    • Boy do I want to talk to you.

      Although, I might not be much help. But I have the exact same scanner and, well... see the exact same error. Actually, I think my error says ":000:003:" where yours says "000:002".
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Did anyone actually get this to work after installing? I have an old epson perfection 1200S connected along with several scsi hard drives and sane-find-scanner fails. Running scanimage causes a kernal panic and necessitates a reboot. Photoshop says there's no scanner connected, but VueScan works fine.
  • How to configure? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Unfortunately, most people porting this stuff to the Mac from Linux/Unix/BSD forget one critical thing, *good installation instructions*.

    So, I managed to get the "product" installed using the three different installers necessary (that's crazy, make one bloody installer that installs all three parts), but all I get is an error message that "No Image Source was found by the SANE library". Looking around, it seems that I need a specific package for my scanner. OK, I seem to have found that, but there aren't a
  • /usr/local/bin/sane-find-scanner says:
    # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
    # you have loaded a SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

    System profiler sees the scanner.
    Vuescan sees it.

    How can I tell SANE where it is?

Your files are now being encrypted and thrown into the bit bucket. EOF
