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Apple Pulls 10.2.8 Update 240

physicsnerd writes "Apple has apparently pulled the Mac OS X 10.2.8 update from Software Update. The standalone updates have also been pulled. There have been reports of problems with 10.2.8 on iMacs and eMacs." People have also reported network problems.
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Apple Pulls 10.2.8 Update

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  • by suyashs ( 645036 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:05PM (#7038715)
    You would think that after a few months of beta testing this update they would have caught all the bugs.....
    • By "all the bugs" I mean most of the big bugs...cause there seem to be some major bugs surrounding this update....
    • Yeah, you would think so but the software process is a complicated one and mistakes do happen. It's appropiate if it is of rare occurance and can be fixed in a timely manner, this is of course for systems that are not designtated mission critical, such as consumer operating systems such as Mac OS X.
  • Odd... (Score:2, Informative)

    I finished the update earlier on my PowerBook G3 with no problems.

    *knock wood*

    Are we certain this is an [e|i]mac-specific issue?
    • Re:Odd... (Score:3, Informative)

      by TMFUberman ( 256853 )
      I finished the update last night on my 15" FP iMac. No problems.

      However, the complaints on Apple's internal boards indicate issues with Ethernet connections. I use Airport, and it's fine.
      • Re:Odd... (Score:3, Funny)

        by selderrr ( 523988 )
        I finished the update last night on my 15" FP iMac.

        Wow ! You have first post iMac ?? Holy bananas, I want one of these !

        (sorry, couldn't resist)
    • Re:Odd... (Score:3, Informative)

      by DJMeatBall ( 674125 )
      there are a number of bitchin' comments on Apple's Support discussion boards about wacky screen behavior on PowerBook G3's.

      Which I also have been hitting since updating my Lombard.

      Three or four reboots ago.

    • white 700mhz iBook, connected to the net with ethernet, no problems with connectivity or the system that I've seen so far. Also no problems on a dual 867 g4 mirrored doors which is connected via ethernet to DSL.

      I've used the ibook quite a bit since I updated it and everything seems fine so far. The battery indicator has the same problem someone else here mentioned of showing only half as much battery power as you would expect, but my battery has been flaky lately anyway due to another problem so I didn'

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:07PM (#7038726)
    Maybe they will re-release it with the new ssh fix!
  • Awww Crap.... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Whatchamacallit ( 21721 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:09PM (#7038749) Homepage
    I just installed the updates this morning on two computers. PowerMac Dual G4 1Ghz MDD and a PowerBook G4 550Mhz.

    No problems, encountered but I installed the updates and ran a Repair Permissions afterwards.

    The only problem:
    The PowerMac screen saver went to sleep and would not wake up after the Software Update mandatory reboot. I had walked away from the machine after telling it to reboot and did not even login to it. It froze with the screen blanked. I ended up SSHing into it from another computer and doing a sudo shutdown -h now then powered it back up. This is when I ran the Repair Permissions.

    The PowerBook was upgraded after this and it didn't have a single problem. I didn't have a chance to test it though.

    Hope they roll out an updated 10.2.8 soon so whatever major bug(s) were let loose; would get reined in quickly.

    Serves me right in not waiting 2 days before I applied the updates. Some were having problems but most were do to people running haxies.
    • I just installed the updates this morning on two computers. PowerMac Dual G4 1Ghz MDD

      Same here. My DP 1.25Ghz MDD seems to be doing just fine with 10.2.8. If you look at the Apple support forums there have been some recent posts about the update causing battery problems in some laptops.
  • by Otter ( 3800 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:11PM (#7038759) Journal
    Like I was saying... []
    • I remember seeing that, and I have to tell you that that comment would have stopped me from installing the update for a few days. I say "would have" because I don't own a Mac. But if I did, my guess is that I would have rushed to update since I've never had an update screw me over (that I can remember).

      Slashdot paranoia pays off! Who knew?

  • Well.... (Score:4, Informative)

    by solistus ( 556078 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:12PM (#7038771) Homepage
    As far as I know, the problem is limited to a few iMacs/eMacs. I have no problems on the iBook, powerbook g4, or powermac G4 in my house... all on 10.2.8. I would expect Apple to put it back up as soon as they fix the apparent failure, either through a modified 10.2.8 or a patch for the systems affected. This update is nothing all that exciting, so it's not a mistake that it ever went up. In other words, don't worry if you have 10.2.8. You'll be fine.
    • Re:Well.... (Score:3, Informative)

      by babbage ( 61057 )
      No, this is not an iMac/eMac problem. Far from it []. Most reports I've read so far seem to be focusing on dual G4s in the 500mhz range, possibly restricted to ones with Intel's gigabit ethernet chipset. However, some reports talk about Powerbooks as well, so the scope of the problem isn't quite yet clear. The main consolation seems to be that Airport & dialup connections do not seem to be affected, just standard, traditional wired ethernet. Broadly, this is a nasty bug for those unlucky enough to be affec
      • I ran into the problem on a Dual 500 MHz G4- networking stopped working. The old ethernet driver restoration fixed the problem, and nothing else seems to have been affected. I do not think the machine has gigabit, just 10/100.
        • Re:Well.... (Score:2, Informative)

          by CyberDave ( 79582 )
          The Dual 500 G4s have Gigabit Ethernet. As do the 400 Mhz and Dual 450 machines that were released at the same time, at MacWorld New York 2000. I know. I own one.

          Good thing I was too busy to get the 10.2.8 update when it first came out that I completely missed it. :)

    • Re:Well.... (Score:3, Funny)

      by kinnell ( 607819 )
      This update is nothing all that exciting

      Of course it's exciting, it was posted on slashdot [].

  • Seems to work for me (Score:3, Informative)

    by highcaffeine ( 83298 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:21PM (#7038826)
    With one weird, but possibly-not-related, exception.

    I did the 10.2.8 update on my G4 PowerMac. After the initial reboot and before I had a chance to actually do anything, my keyboard and mouse stopped responding. But a power cycle later and things seem to be working fine. I've since run a couple Classic apps (mainly the scanning software for a Canon), plus OS X Photoshop 7 and connected to a couple Samba shares on a Linux server. The only network connection is wired Ethernet.

    I should have thought to try and ssh in before cycling the machine, but I didn't. So, for all I know it could have either been just the kb/mouse, or it could have been the entire machine, that froze up.
    • I recently was having problems that required me to reinstall OS X without saving users and network settings. I did this, and it all went fine, except now Classic will not run. It didn't work in 10.2 (which I installed from CD) and it didn't work after updating to 10.2.8; the preference pane tells me there is no usable classic system on the drive. Yet I can boot into OS9 and Startup Disk reports a working 9.2.2 system there. Is there some way to get my computer to recognize 9.2.2 and let me run classic m
    • If you have the machine set to auto-login, next time wait two minutes and watch the clock. If it doesn't change, then at the very least your display server is toast.

      Well, or the clock program is dead. But that seems unlikely.

  • Software Update (Score:2, Informative)

    by pjteeter ( 621486 )
    Baited breath huh? I updated a 1GHz G4 Powerbook and a WallStreet Powerbook today. Everything looks ok for now...
  • Ethernet problems... (Score:4, Informative)

    by singularity ( 2031 ) * <> on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:21PM (#7038833) Homepage Journal
    Quicksilver G4/933 running 100Base-T through DHCP:

    I upgraded last night and then rebooted. Everything worked fine. Then this morning I suddenly lost all Internet access. Tried to renew the DHCP lease, and that failed. I rebooted and things are working (for now).

    Other problems: The Firewall pane of the System Preferences says I already have a firewall running and therefore it will not let me change/configure it.

    All in all, most OS X upgrades have been pretty problem-free for me. It sucks these things happen, and they should not happen, but...

    Something else funny - right before the machine went down I was complaining on IRC about the new SSH patch and how I was going to have to take down my machine again for that.
  • Glad they pulled it! (Score:3, Informative)

    by matt_j_99 ( 307386 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:27PM (#7038863)
    My 17 inch powerbook was rendered useless overnight. Upon rebooting, the video display renedered the grey screen of death. Hopefully, doing an 'archive and install' and going back to 10.2.6 will fix my woes... At least they are doing the responsible thing and pulling the plug on it.
    • Not to be contrarian, but wouldn't the responsible thing have been to complete a full round of testing before unleashing this thing on the world...? ;-)
      • From what I've heard, several builds were seeded to select members of ADC. However, these seeds were released simultaneously with seeds of 10.3.

        I'm guessing that this release was originally supposed to be 10.2.7, but incompatibilities and build problems on non-G5 machines neccesitated a bipartitite release.

        I've had no problems on my iBook so far, but haven't tried ethernet. My Sonica even works.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          From what I've heard, several builds were seeded to select members of ADC. However, these seeds were released simultaneously with seeds of 10.3.

          There is a much more extensive program than just seeding this to developers. Developers are mostly responsible for the leaks that hit the rumour pages, but Apple has a core group of hardcore users that it uses to seed pre-release software to.

          I was part of the 10.2.8 group, and we had no problems with it; the ethernet problems I've heard about only happen when you

    • I installed on my 17" PB with no problems at all. That said it was a completely fresh install so there was nothing odd for the update to deal with, no third party drivers and no chance of disk errors etc.
    • "My 17 inch powerbook was rendered useless overnight. Upon rebooting, the video display renedered the grey screen of death. Hopefully, doing an 'archive and install' and going back to 10.2.6 will fix my woes... At least they are doing the responsible thing and pulling the plug on it."

      If you look carefully at the linked board, one person solved it by booting from the diagnostic CD and doing the extended test. After that it *should* boot normally again.

  • by tm2b ( 42473 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:28PM (#7038873) Journal
    My only hand-input device is a Wacom Intuos 2 [] tablet & mouse. It seems that if you don't have a traditional USB mouse attached, Mac OS X 10.2.8 "helpfully" assumes that you must be trying to connect a bluetooth mouth and launches a Bluetooth configurator for you.

    I log in, and
    I log out.

    Man, this sucks. Not as bad as not booting, but it's a constant annoyance.
    • Hmm, you probably could find out where that application is and remove it. It can't launch what's not there. When the thing runs control-click on it in the dock and select "Show in Finder", then drag it to the trash.

      You might get away with just moving it or renaming it also, depending on how Mac OS X locates it.
    • Re:Wacom problems (Score:3, Informative)

      by The_Grue ( 148492 )
      Turn it off. In the Bluetooth Preferences.
  • I did notice some weirdness with my PowerBook G4 internet connection, which went away when I switched to a different location that is based on using my Airport(s).

    Also I noticed that my second monitor arrangement went away.

    I was thinking that these things must be complex and difficult to test every option. Still it sounds like they screwed up on this one. Ah well...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:31PM (#7038887)
    I fear Apple's tried to hurry this update through to make a package of all the recent security fixes along with standard updates. Mistake! They should have released the security fixes asap and separately, and spent as long as required to test the rest.
  • Battery Timer (Score:5, Interesting)

    by cmason32 ( 636063 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:32PM (#7038901)
    The biggest "feature" of 10.2.8 for me was the battery timer was completely messed up. I removed the plug and the timer indicated there was 1:50 left, however, the battery actually lasted over 3 hours while multi-tasking AND charging my iPod. I let the battery run all the way down to let it recalibrate - and though the timer indicator is higher than it was last night, it is still not as high as before I installed the update. I have read that other people have had similar problems, too.

    It doesn't appear that the battery time itself was affected, just the way it calculates how much time is left.
    • Re:Battery Timer (Score:4, Interesting)

      by psyconaut ( 228947 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:53PM (#7039035)
      Holy crap! I just uplugged on my 18 month old Powerbook G4, and notice I have 0:45m left!!! Recently I've noticed I'm only getting about 1:30m from this battery, but that's still a shock to see that 10.2.8 halved even that.

      Yikes. Thanks for the heads-up.

      • Re:Battery Timer (Score:2, Insightful)

        by jaoswald ( 63789 )
        The point is probably not that battery life is changed, but that the time remaining display is no longer accurate. The software doesn't release little gnomes to eat your battery or anything.
      • I have a 14-month-old 12" iBook and I too found my supposed remaining battery time down, at 2hrs 22 minutes upon unplugging on a battery that's done just over 5 hours unplugged. Time remaining climbed to almost 3 hours but now it's falling. In 10 minutes I've gone from 97% to 94% charge. At 3 minutes per percent the battery should have 300 minutes, or 5 hours, of capacity, so I'm not too worried (as long as this thing doesn't do like it did with 10.2.4 and suddenly fall asleep at 90% remaining, then charg
    • I've never gotten an accurate battery timer. On my 2001 iBook, or my 15" AlBook, the timer always seems to show half of what I'm actually getting.

      I've never figured out why.
  • A lot of PowerBook G3 "Lombard" owners (myself included) have been having problems with frequent crashing that causes the display to become garbled. I first thought the problem was with Unsanity's Application Enhancer (APE), but after removing it I still keep crashing.

    Some have suggested repairing disk permissions via Disk Utility (which I'm in the process of doing) while others have suggested removing 1 of your 2 RAM modules (assuming you have two installed)

    I think that the problem has to do with having
    • APE is evil, I've had no end of obscure problems caused by those stupid gadgets. You don't want them on your system.
  • by DJMeatBall ( 674125 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:40PM (#7038954) Homepage

    they haven't gone over a ??.??.9 release since... well.. I can't remember when. Can you?
  • One way that Apple could be different right now, would be to post some sort minimal explanation as to what's going on. I guess there's probably some sort of legal reason for not doing so.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:49PM (#7039018)
    Guess I'll stick with 10.3
  • by Unregistered ( 584479 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:51PM (#7039023)
    I installed it and it worked great. I sure didn't enounter any network prNO CARRIER.
  • by snafu ( 18104 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @07:53PM (#7039041)
    According to MacWindows [] users, "...Now Excel and Power Point Crash after the splash screen..." (and more comments)

    This may imply something important is broken in the OS, or in the latest Office. In either case, it's important for Apple to keep it working.

    • Holy shit! My Excel works fine...but my Powerpoint just crashes! Could this be Apple trying to push keynote to the forefront by eliminating the competition? I am serious about Excel working and Powerpoint crashing though...
    • Unless its something native to their machines, they are on crack, I just launched both and I'm fine.

      This sounds to me like Apple did a small mod to something in the underlying system and people who have haxies (which arnt supported) are now getting the brunt of the burn (like the guy above who noted about them). Not a garentee, but it is a though. I havnt modded my ibook at all cause I use it for work.

  • by babbage ( 61057 ) <cdevers&cis,usouthal,edu> on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @08:08PM (#7039151) Homepage Journal

    Like a lot of other people, this update seems to have completely screwed up ethernet networking for me. A lot of the reports I've read (Apple's site [] Slashdot comment [], MacFixit article [], MacSlash [], etc) suggest that people with dual processor G4s running 400-500mhz are having a lot of problems, and a broken driver for the Intel gigabit ethernet chipset has been blamed -- though I haven't seen anything that conclusively says that this component is at fault. Other reports have come from people running faster G4s & PowerBooks, so if the Intel ethernet driver is a cause, it doesn't seem to be the only cause. All I can say personally is that my dual G4/450mhz is definitely messed up right now.

    The best remedy I've seen so far is to restore the pre-10.2.8 version of the AppleGMACEthernet ethernet driver. If you can -- and for most people it'll be too late for this advice to do any good -- make a backup of the .kext driver before updgrading to 10.2.8, then use that to rebuild is things go awry. For everyone else, your best bet is to download it from Andrew McPherson's MIT site [], either by establishing a dialup connection, by booting into OS9 and getting it from there, or by grabbing it with another machine and transferring it to your broken Mac by e.g. a burned CD, a Zip disc, etc.

    Here are the repair steps, as slightly modified from McPherson's suggestion at Apple's site []:

    mkdir ~/enet_backup
    cd ~/enet_backup
    wget z []
    # note -- doing the above without network access is left
    # as an exercise for the reader. i happen to have a flash
    # card reader, so can transfer it that way, but I was
    # getting pretty desperate before that occurred to me.
    # others might want to try burning a CD, or getting
    # online from OS9, or a zip disc, or...
    # any case, `wget` is about the only method that is
    # almost guaranteed NOT to work right now...

    cd /System/Library/Extensions
    sudo mv AppleGMACEthernet.kext ~/enet_backup
    sudo cp -r ~/enet_backup/AppleGMACEthernet.tar.gz .
    sudo tar -zxvf AppleGMACEthernet.tar.gz
    sudo chown -R root:wheel AppleGMACEthernet.kext
    cd ..
    sudo mv Extensions.kextcache ~/enet_backup/
    sudo mv Extensions.mkext ~/enet_backup/
    sudo shutdown -r now

    This advice is close to that which McPherson suggested, but he recommended deleting the broken driver, and the commands I give above make a backup just in case. If all goes well you may remove that ~/enet_backup directory, but I have a hunch that somehow you're going to have to end up re-installing it, so keeping a copy around seems prudent to me -- and it's not like it even takes up that much space (well under a megabyte).

    Other people have reported success with other solutions. One proposal was to run the command "ifconfig en0 media autoselect", but in my case that didn't work. Others have suggested rebooting, zapping the PRAM a few times, then letting the machine boot again; others have said that that didn't work either.

    Replacing the driver, as described above, seems to be the remedy that has had the most success for the most users -- but even still, it isn't working for everybody. In my case, it has allowed me to reconnect to my PPPoE/

  • by klez23 ( 524506 ) <slashdot AT huzzam DOT com> on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @08:12PM (#7039178) Homepage
    I have a MOTU 828 audio recording interface, and since i installed 10.2.8 this morning, i get a kernel panic every time i plug in the MOTU. Hope they get that one fixed in 10.2.(x|x>8)...
  • Pulled? Wow. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by gidds ( 56397 )
    Have Apple ever pulled an update like this before? Any speculation on why this one fell below their usual high standards?

    I hit the Ethernet problem myself (and most frustrating it was, too), but replacing the driver (as described elsewhere) worked a treat, and I've had no other issues with 10.2.8 at all. No obvious benefits, either, though...

    • Re:Pulled? Wow. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Meowing ( 241289 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @08:37PM (#7039367) Homepage
      Fuuny thing is, on one of the runor sites a day or two ago, there was an article about 10.2.8 getting released internally to Apple, and that public release might be delayed because some unspecified problems cropping up. Makes you wonder if whoever is supposed to say "stop the presses!" called in sick on the wrong day.
    • Try rebooting a couple of times -- I started getting errors on boot that the 10.2.6 driver was "incompatible" with 10.2.8, and so was contributing to a security risk. Plus, the firewall doesn't seem to be working -- some people have reported weird glitches with it, and I can't seem to get an inbound connection on e.g. my web server. So the driver isn't quite working, and I'm a little nervous that the system is going to be unstable with a mismatched system driver in place. The driver replacement workaround d
    • Re:Pulled? Wow. (Score:3, Informative)

      by Trillan ( 597339 )

      Yes, they pulled System 7.5.4 after some problems were discovered with the updater. It barely made it into the market, though.

      I believe they also pulled one of the 10.1.x updates, but I can't remember which.

      I'm quite happy with 10.2.8. It finally fixed my USB!

    • I'm pretty sure 10.1.2 got pulled and turned into right damn quick.

  • My wife went ahead and clicked the "OK, Update me" button this morning. All was well until near the end of the install when it froze.

    She finally gave up and pressed restart.


    The Finder now could not stay up. This was now an unusuable system.

    So we tried Disk First Aid. It found plenty of errors and said it was fixing them - each time it was run. But it wasn't really :-(

    So she spend most of the day constructing a new system on an external hard disk. Luckily little was lost, except her time.

    Not a hap
    • by mkldev ( 219128 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @10:56PM (#7040243) Homepage
      Hold down command-s at boot time. At the prompt:

      touch /testfile

      If this gives you an error that says that the filesystem is mounted read-only, then do:

      fsck_hfs /
      mount -uw /

      Now do:

      rm /testfile
      /usr/bin/update_prebinding -root / -force
      (wait a few minutes for a prompt)
      shutdown -r now

      And the applicaiton launch problems should be gone.

  • by Cleetus Freem ( 633000 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @08:29PM (#7039303)
    I was downloading the update this morning (via Software Update), left the room, came back a few minutes later and my screen was if the machine were sleeping. Nothing would rouse it, however.
    I ssh'd in and tried killing various processes but nothing worked...couldn't even reboot!
    Only thing that worked was a hard restart (holding down the power button) and then running fsck a couple of times.
    Everything is OK now but that was most un-Apple like.
    • I have the same, and FWIW haven't seen this issue. I've had it on without me around for 4 hours without touching it. When I came back the screens were blank, which is my setting, but the fans were still loud-as-usual so it wasn't sleeping, and it snapped out of it fine. I've been though several successful sleep/wake cycles as well.)
  • Darn, I feel left out!

    Any other Cube owners without problems? Maybe we could start a support group...
  • I'll never speak again, I promise. [] ;)

    I did notice that the "Network Info" widget in Konfabulator no longer shows my WAN address. Otherwise no problems on my 733 Quicksilver, and still buying a 15" Alum. PB.

  • by Zhe Mappel ( 607548 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @10:13PM (#7040002)
    Yesterday a fellow Mac owner posted this "insightful" boast on Slashdot:

    OK, so how many of you Apple owners saw this, and reached instantly for the Software Update with glee?

    And how many thought the same when the latest Windows Bloat Patch ^W^WUpdate came along? not many? thought as much :)

    oh the joys of being a proud owner or a 12" PB.....

    hmm maybe I need to update my .sig - ... And Mac OS X just gets out of the way, letting you do what you wanted to do...

    And today, as the saying goes, pride goeth before the fall, eh, Puggs?

    Any wise Mac user who has seen the crippling tendencies of at least two prior OS X updates knows better than to crow about them, let alone apply them on the same day they're released. Except in the mind of fanboys, the age of the 100% trustworthy Software Update has yet to arrive.

    It's pretty easy to avoid getting burned. Ask yourself: is my Mac working? Do I need this update today? Have I waited a few days to see what happened to the early adopters and, er, the glee club? ;-)

    • Could you inform us of the other 2 cripling OSX updates/patches?
      • Could you inform us of the other 2 cripling OSX updates/patches?

        I'll voluneer one that bit me: 10.2.5, released on April 10th disabled support for USB hubs. If you had gear on a hub, as opposed to directly connected, it stopped working.

        It wasn't fixed until 10.2.6, on May 6th. That's almost a month unable to use peripherals.

        That said, it looks like Apple learned their lesson. When they discovered this ethernet problem they pulled the update. So, that's a step in the right direction.

        The cynic would
  • Quicksilver 733: OK
    iBook 800: OK
    Graphite 400 AGP: OK

    The only anomaly I saw on two of them was some of the documents on my desktop had the wrong icons after the post-install reboot. They went back to normal after another reboot.

    Needless to say, when the revised update surfaces I won't rush to install it on any machines at my clients. The three machines that I did today were non-critical.

  • by iJosh ( 119555 ) My OS update and my IP address. Woo! 8')
  • Revolution 7.1 (Score:5, Informative)

    by QuantumSpritz ( 703080 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @11:33PM (#7040434)
    DO NOT INSTALL IF YOU HAVE A REVOLUTION 7.1 SOUND CARD INSTALLED! The update disables the driver, because the .kext driver specifies a Darwin version below that of OS 10.2.8 I wonder what they'll call the 10.2.8 update when they re-release it? This brings them awfully close to 10.3, and they usually roll some fixes in to the old OS when they release a new one.
  • Security updates (Score:3, Interesting)

    by phch ( 398574 ) on Tuesday September 23, 2003 @11:59PM (#7040548)
    What I want to know is, why did Apple bundle the security updates with everything else? The only thing I want from 10.2.8 is the patch for the OpenSSH bug []. Even M$ provides security updates separately from their Service Packs and assorted malware [].
  • by CooCooCaChoo ( 668937 ) on Wednesday September 24, 2003 @02:16AM (#7041181)
    Yes, I warned Steve Jobs that hiring the young man, Murphy Law as the new head of quality assurance was a bad idea but of course he assured me that Murphy was an optimist ;-)

    Damn you Murphy!
  • Quite quite ironic. After everyone (me included) posted how great it is to snag a Mac update the minute it comes out and how Windows updates usually go for days or weeks until they are installed for fear of breaking something that isn't broken. Guess we should all keep our mouths shut and stop jinxing ourselves. Damnit! (luckily mine seems to be fine on a 500 MHz TiBook *knock on wood*)
  • Not to excuse an upgrade that does damage (should SW vendors have to have a hipocratic oath akin to Doctors' - "first do no harm")

    My 15" 400Mhz 1st generation Bowerbook G4 (now nearly 3 years old) is doing just fine with 10.2.8.

    This will serve as a wakeup to me to be sure to give Panther a week or so before I plunk down the cash and roll the dice with system stability.
  • My Blue & White PowerMac G3 has been acting up since upgrading from 10.2.6 to 10.2.8. There are times when the system will pause and not accept any input -- but the mouse pointer still moves around the screen.
    • I see this only when a connected Mac goes to sleep. The system hangs waiting for a response from the sleeping Mac in the other room. Very silly. I hope this is fixed in Panther.
  • I have 2 machines upgraded, an 800Mhz G4 flat panel iMac, and a 500Mhz G3 iMac DVSE. Both running 10.2.8 just fine, none of the problems I have seen reported have affected me. YMM(will?)V
  • I missed out on the update and still want to update my mac and see what happens... does anyone have a mirror to a standalone installer???

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
