America's Army Comes to the Mac 180
mrpuffypants writes "Not to leave all of the Mac community out in the rain the U.S. Army has released a Mac version of America's Army. Now get out there and train for Iraq, maggots!"
We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
OS handled just as sexual preference... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:OS handled just as sexual preference... (Score:1)
All jokes are harmless, apart from intent. I love jokes, the cruder the better, but I've read a gazillion jokes on homosexuality on \. lately that make me itchy, regardless of intent.
This is in some ways an unpersonal medium, and I couldn't see you wink while you were joking.
My rant was rightly deemed flamebait and probably over the top (as is your answer
Why.... (Score:3, Interesting)
I bet the fed is finally trying to convert us sunflower-loving hippies using a really cool game. So. Tempting. Must. Resist. Cool. FPS.
Re:Why.... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Why.... (Score:3, Informative)
emerge americas-army or whatever it is.
Re:Why.... (Score:3, Informative)
Or you could just download it from icculus.org and install it like any other professionally produced Linux game.
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
Re:Why.... (Score:5, Funny)
Btw: unless you want to categorize Rush Limbaugh as a sunflower-loving hippie, mac users are a bit more diverse than the stereotype.
1 left liberal, 1 post, 2 wrong stereotypes. Bleah
Re:Why.... (Score:1, Troll)
Re: (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Why.... (Score:1)
Of course, if you've ever had a pilonidal cyst you wouldn't think of it so lightly...
I mean, sure, he should have been conscriptable a month later (he's no less of a draft-dodger ;), but that does not lessen the fact that it's not quite so simple as you point it out [brightest-star.net].
Re:Why.... (Score:1)
Can you have them removed? Yes, but it's sometimes not the easiest or best solution. Seeing as how it's near one's ass, infection after surgery is fairly common.
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
Re:Why.... (Score:1, Funny)
Considering you have already voluntarily joined the army of Steve Jobs and even paid (a lot!) for it, i don't think it's that far-fetched...
Steve Jobs: You will buy this new expensive Apple Gizmo and you will like it!
Mac Users: Yes,Sir! We will buy the cheese grater look-a-like, Sir! Have our life savings, Sir!
Relax, they're not trying to convert us.... (Score:2)
Re:Relax, they're not trying to convert us.... (Score:5, Funny)
I always knew SOMETHING was wrong with this place.... maybe that's it :-)
Re:Relax, they're not trying to convert us.... (Score:2, Offtopic)
If you were going for the Simpsons [thesimpsons.com] reference [thesimpsons.com], the correct phrase is "YVAN EHT NIOJ". Bart was unknowingly recruiting for the Navy, not the Army.
AA uses SDL (Score:4, Informative)
Probably didn't take much more than a recompile on a Mac to create this "port".
This is a GOOD THING and the sort of thing we need to see more of. Develop cross-platform games with cross-platform APIs. Give "Linux gaming" and "Mac gaming" both a shot in the arm with the same code.
Re:AA uses SDL (Score:1)
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
(disclaimer: I'm a mac user.)
Re:Why.... (Score:1)
Also, I use a Mac not for the 'hippie' aspects, or fsck M$ reasons, but simply because I like them better... I am not a gun toting liberal, but I play paintball and first person shooters on my consoles (and Mac when I can)..
Re:Why.... (Score:1)
Oh yeah... could be that as well... I never really thought of it that way.... if studies show its true, then it has to be, right? I mean if it wan't true, then the studies would say that mac bashing pc/linux people are flaming fags...
thanks for clearing that up for me...
Re:Why.... (Score:1)
Re:Why.... (Score:2)
I think I speak for all of us when I say... (Score:3, Funny)
Blam blam!
Nyyyyyyyyooooooooooooo BOOM!
First impressions (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:First impressions (Score:5, Informative)
In Soviet Russia... (Score:1)
Re:First impressions (Score:3, Funny)
"Either way, go point one in your face and pull the fucking trigger."
Damned stupid argument.
Either way, set off a thermite reaction on your scalp and see how quickly you melt.
Just because something will kill you doesn't mean it isn't functionall different from something else that will kill you (and, yes, I know a revolver or a
Re:First impressions (Score:1)
Re:First impressions (Score:5, Informative)
Squeeze off your shot during the pauses between inhaling and exhaling. Oh, and I mean your character's breathing, not you physically breathing.
Remember to wear your B.R.A.S. maggots! (Score:3, Interesting)
At least that was the mantra for basic rifle marksmanship when I went thru Army Basic Training almost 11 yrs ago. The way you practice this is by dry-firing the M16A2 (I actually had an A1 issued by accident but the bastards caught me on my first day out in the range, dammit!). You put a dime on top of the deflector and you try to squeeze the trigger without dropping the penny.
Re:Remember to wear your B.R.A.S. maggots! (Score:1)
Glad to see that the US Army is still the natural home of the kind of idiot who can't tell the difference between a dime and a penny.
Re:Remember to wear your B.R.A.S. maggots! (Score:2)
Re:Remember to wear your B.R.A.S. maggots! (Score:2)
Re:Remember to wear your B.R.A.S. maggots! (Score:2)
wow a game review from a non-gamer? fps tweak too. (Score:5, Informative)
When AA was first released, I thought of it as Counter Strike 2 with all the cheats removed which is one of the reasons I stopped playing CS. But I discovered that AA was team orientated. If you can find your nitch on a squad, you can really dominate.
Some things that you missed that I think should be noted:
- you can shoot through doors now and bullets can ricochett and kill you
- TK (that is "team killing) is a huge no-no
- You will need to learn the Rules of Engagement (ROE) which have a negative effect on gaining honor.
- You get bonus honor for being squad and fire team leaders.
- You need to know your CEM (Combat Effectiveness Meter), the higher it is, the more accurate your shot is.
- To forgive ppl, when you are TKed accidently. Apologize when you TK someone.
- There's many different qualifications such as Airborne School, Sniper School, Mtn Range division, etc... by passing those schools, new maps open to you.
- The higher your honor the better your chances are of getting the weapon you requested.
- Game weapons (depending on map and team size): M16, Saw, m16 w/ 203 grenade launcher, regular sniper rifle,
Coming in AA 1.9, two new classes: Medic and Special Forces. I am looking forward to becoming a medic (although its not like a true medic, but a combat medic with a gun -- read americasarmy.com). Rumors are that you need to have a 35+ honor to be a medic and 50+ for Special Forces.
I've logged 70+ hours into this game, playing for a few days then stopping for a week or so (depending on work and life duties). So I feel qualifed to review the game.
overall for a free game, its pretty damn good. the FPS are quite good if you have a good video card. a gf3 is okay. i dont think my 600mhz iBook with its ATI 16mb video card could handle it, but maybe it will be okay as a dedicated server.
fps tweak
a quote from the post...
" Ok I was gettin like 23 fps on bridge SE, and i new
i could do better. I have a radeon 9200 128mb. So a
Dev told me that i could tweak the Cache size in the
armyops.ini file and it would help alot. The default
is 32. If you haev a 128 mb card set it to 128 mbs, 64
card =64 cache. I went from 23 fps to 60! "
i have an ati 9000 128 pro...i made the changes and it didnt seem to do much. i had my friend make changes to and he has a gf4 ti 4200 128 and he didnt notice any changes.
Re:wow a game review from a non-gamer? fps tweak t (Score:1)
Re:wow a game review from a non-gamer? fps tweak t (Score:1)
To put it in a less flamy manner than the AC below, its obvious that *you* are the one who is new to gaming. Bunny-hopping was a term that got popular after Half-Life was released, especially the Team Fortress Classic and Counter-Strike mods came out, but the technique was called strafe-jumping long before that, mostly in Quake 2.
Re:First impressions (Score:1)
Likewise, you can't bunny-hop forever: there is some measure of "stamina" that prevents you from just jumping around like a rabbit on uppers.
Third, the M16 in AA is not full-auto. There are full-auto M4s, and you can also pick up AKs off of dead opfor that will be full auto for you (because you see it as an AK, not an M16).
Has to be said... (Score:4, Interesting)
High scores? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:High scores? (Score:3, Informative)
:P (Score:1)
this thing is huge and it's free.... SO.... (Score:1)
Here's a .torrent (Score:5, Interesting)
http://www.bigfatonline.com/armyops-mac-170.tar.bz 2.torrent [bigfatonline.com]
I had grabbed the first half of it from an official mirror before I gave up and went to the torrent, so I can guarantee that if it's trojaned, it's trojaned in the second half :)
Re:Here's a .torrent (Score:1)
Mac Gamers Get This...AAO Tracker (Score:2, Informative)
You can track you all sorts of stats with the game. I love using it to track how many points I need to gain honor and seeing my frag rate. I didnt discover this online tool for almost a few months. If you are curious, you can see mine...My AA stats [4players.de]. Another cool feature is the signature file which is like a banner ad of your stats.
I can wait til I turn my 600mhz iBook into a server!
Foreign players = demagogue's dream (Score:3, Interesting)
I know non-English-speakers are not unusual in FPS games, of course. But something about the in-your-face stridence of American military machismo in the game made it an odd cognitive dissonance.
I can see a Huey Long (or Joe McCarthy) figure showing a screenshot of dudes blasting people with their m1a4 or whatever, talking in Czech... and then McCarthy lambasting the Army for training the next generation of terrorists.
Or do I just need my morning coffee?
The Last Starfighter (Score:5, Funny)
This really could become some next generation of recruitment.
I mean, think of the possibilities for NASCAR to recruit top scorers for Gran Turismo, or the National Football Leauge to recruit top scorers of Madden 2004. Heck, if you can wiggle your fingers fast you must be able to do the real thing too. I'd hate to get in a kick boxing competition with the high scorer of Dynasty Wariors 4. I bet that overweight 12 year old would use the old A-B-A-B-B on my ass and the next thing I know he'd be holding my beating heart in his hand!
All of a sudden I miss the 80's
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:1, Interesting)
I dunno. We have a TV series here in the UK called "Faking It' where someone goes from their real job to something else, with a bit of training, and then tries to fool a panel of experts into thinking they're the real deal. For example, a house painter becomes an artist and tries to fool the critics.
Anyhow, one episode had a bloke who tests video games (as a job!!), particularly racing games, being trained up as a proper racing driver in one of the UK's top racing schools. To cut a long story short, he wa
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:1)
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:2)
Damn, now the movie's spoiled for me...
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:1)
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:2)
Re:The Last Starfighter - in reality (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:1)
Re:The Last Starfighter (Score:2)
So it is true... (Score:2)
The army really is always fighting the last war...
Apropos... (Score:3, Funny)
See the world, they said.
I'd rather be sailing.
Re:Apropos... (Score:1)
Ah, happy memories.
Kill Different (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Kill Different (Score:1)
Train for Iraq? (Score:1, Troll)
Mirrors? (Score:2)
Realistic Additions (Score:2, Funny)
First, when you try and log off, you should stand a good chance of being told you'll have to wait another month or six before you can stop playing and attempt to log off again.
The reasons given for your missions should bear little to no relation to reality.
Massive extra point bonuses for securing oil wells.
And most importantly, if you die you never, ever get to play again.
Re:Realistic Additions (Score:2)
That, or a paint chipper.
I'm tempted to download this . . (Score:3, Funny)
Otherwise it's kind of boring.
Re:I'm tempted to download this . . (Score:2)
most of them haven't bothered either because they know we'll sqush them into greasy paste stains, so don't feel too special.
This is awesome! (Score:2)
The US Army has realized that video games enhance reflexes, improve perception of peripheral visual information, and teach tactical skills. So it's ostensibly about killing other humans (just like Vice City). Details, details. The point is the skills it imbues, after all.
Re:This is awesome! (Score:3, Funny)
"America's Army": Your tax dollars at work (Score:2, Flamebait)
The answer might seem obvious - i.e., you can't have cannons without fodder for them - but recruitment isn't the only reason.
Recruitment may not even be the primary reason. The ranks of Walmart America are very deep; there are plenty of the working poor who can be drawn upon to fight our imperial wars without recourse to a draft that would be politically unpopular with the chattering
Re:"America's Army": Your tax dollars at work (Score:2)
Reality aspects of the game (Score:1)
Ymra eht nioj! (Score:2, Funny)
Refund Issues (Score:1)
Re:Now, you too can die for your oil! (Score:5, Informative)
In case you didn't know, Clinton was impeached.
Re:Now, you too can die for your oil! (Score:2, Insightful)
There's a difference between being impeached and being removed from office.
Re:Now, you too can die for your oil! (Score:4, Funny)
Hey, we're not talking about Clinton bombing an aspirin factory on bad info here! He's not even President anymore.
Oh... oh, you were talking about Bush.....
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:3, Funny)
Some of us have joked that there won't be any air-to-air combat in in.
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:5, Insightful)
"Honestly, this is a freakin' *WAR* people, its not a video game, and its not a walk in the park."
Yep, and I think the person who wrote that--along with every other person here--knows it. I made a comment above which is a Heinlein quote along the same lines, but I don't support our president in this (sorry, I didn't vote for him either).
It is also well known that "America's Army," the video game, is a recruiting tool for the US Army. Expect us to "show a little humor" with respect to that.
"What would you think about that if you were an actual Iraqi, reading
I'm not in Iraq and I imagine a very small percentage of
"Wait, lets change this video game a little bit and rename it to "Washington DC Terrorist Attack - Kill the President before He Rapes The World", and port it to Nintendo."
False analogy. The two are not comparable on any level.
That being said: Go for it. Announce it on
You won't get moral outrage from me over it being sold--I won't purchase it, I won't play it, and I won't encourage others to play it, but I won't claim that it shouldn't be sold. Part of that "freedom of speech" thing.
"Does that then make it okay for someone to say "Play this game then go there, Brother, and kill the infidels!""
I wouldn't be insulted if the Information Ministry or Military in Iraq released a game called "Saddam Hussein's Army" and someone posted on
Seriously, you are being oversensative. None of us care.
I'm opposed to the war, I still got a chuckle out of the "train for Iraq" line.
"Can Americans not plainly see that their perpetual arrogance and cultural irresponsibility is causing them more trouble than its worth?"
Can the hypothetical "rest of the world" (meaning you) see that sterotyping and generalized racism is causing us all more trouble than its worth?
""Americas War" is *NOT* something to be proud about, or defend eagerly, or even participate in willingly."
I'm not, I don't, and I'm not. Your point?
"It is the product of a sick and twisted culture!!"
Stop making leaps of logic that Orwell's Ministry of Truth would be proud of and you might get people to listen to you. Ranting about the Evils of America(TM) gets you nowhere in discussion, informing others, or in changing anyone's minds.
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:2)
<<Wer mit Ungeheuern kampft, mag zusehn, daß er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.>> -- Nietzsche
Prove me wrong.
"*point #1: "Americas Army" vs. "Kill the President Imperialist", training tool or not, are in fact perfectly comparable as an analogy. There is nothing 'valient' about A
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:2)
My father's family is from Fort Worth, he was threatening to fly to texas and get some dirt to spread around the operating room when I was born so I would be "born on Texas soil".
I'm quite familiar with Texas and their culture--from how they greet each other on the street to their humor to their way of life, is completely unlike anything I've seen in, say, Manhattan.
My sister was born in New York, I was born in Washington DC, went to
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:2)
I was born in Texas, grew up in Colorado, joined to Army and went to Georgia, transferred to the AF and went back to Texas, then to Nebraska, then to East Anglia (UK), then to Qatar, then to North Dakota, then got out and came back to Colorado.
Houston, TX, where I was born, is not Wichita Falls, TX, where I went to tech school. Omaha, NE, where I was stationed, is not the same as the little farming
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:1)
In Saddam's Iraq, the Internet read you.
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:2)
I agree with you when you say that America's War trivializes war, which is not a good thing. And I will skip making the ever-so-obvious troll about Mac users getting it last because they are gay or whatever, or a joke about "don't ask, don't tell". Just don't threaten OUR president.
Re:I hate this IRAQ Flippancy of Americans. (Score:1, Informative)
I most certainly didn't threaten your president any more than your 'just a joke' video game threatens the lives of any average every day Iraqi's.
Re:dear god (Score:1)
thats right, no anti-war, no pro-war, no nothing.
You can ask.
We can ignore.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the frying pan.
Re:dear god (Score:1)
Re:Unfortunate (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ignorance is bliss (Score:1)
Re:What a pointless port (Score:2)
And may you rot in hell, sir.
Re:What a pointless port (Score:1)
Anyway, I honestly don't think that there is anyone who is properly informed (i.e., not ignorant) who would want to play a soldier going to a remote country to shoot people for no legitimate reason. And overall, mac users seem to the better informed part of the population.
Re:What a pointless port (Score:2)
it was really fun to watch the parent got modded to +3 Funny, then down to 0, Troll, and finally to -1 Flamebait.
I feel as though my post has led a full, productive life, with all the myriad ups and downs one can expect from an uninhibited existence.
You insensitive clod! (Score:1)