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iCommune 2.0 Alpha Released 28

droopus writes "iCommune finally has a new release available. It was released a few months back, but it was implemented as an iTunes hardware plugin, and Apple terminated the developer's license to use that interface. But it's back and with source code." It is now a standalone application.
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iCommune 2.0 Alpha Released

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  • by stere0 ( 526823 ) <`slashdotmail' `at' `stereo.lu'> on Tuesday April 15, 2003 @09:14AM (#5735490) Homepage

    This [icommune.net] is a small perl script that will generate playlists for servers that do not run Mac OS X.

    Yours truly uses it on his Linux box that serves MP3s to the whole house. /usr/local/bin/icommune_indexer.pl .mnt/music is triggered by a cron job every night. To install the libraries, you can use debian's apt, CPAN, or whatever floats your boat.

  • Sorry, but... (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    this new iCommune is, well...weak. I mean, anyone with a touch of Apache admin can provide directory access to a folder outside of the web root. I guess for those that lack any Apache savvy this is fine, but otherwise, it is hardly the fun that the original was. There are tons of ways to server your MP3's...like Elsa, the Python MP3 serverlette...controls and hits, etc. Or Netjuke....I like Netjuke. But to release something that simply serves a directory....underwhelming.
    • iCommune's killer feature is its integration with iTunes. Configure your web server running on your NetBSD box to serve your jazz, launch iCommune, add your server to its list, listen to John Coltrane in iTunes.
  • Sign of the times (Score:3, Interesting)

    by jadriaen ( 560723 ) on Tuesday April 15, 2003 @09:54AM (#5735830) Homepage
    It is a pity all the previous work was undone, for the first iCommune really was a nifty utility. Steve Jobs made us thirsty, by the way, when he demonstrated the music-sharing abilities of iTunes together with Rendezvous and AirPort a while ago. He shouldn't introduce such a feature without releasing it in the near future, while at the same time squashing all initiatives (like iCommune) that try to cope with what is certainly very cool. Let's hope the new iCommune will work, and is here to stay (until, of course, Apple comes out with something mindbogglingly more funky).
    • I think Apple is most likely to aim for a product that streams only - no copy, no local saving.

      I also see the additional possibility that you can only stream a song to one person at a time, thus ensuring that the RIAA won't come after them, and possibly making iTunes a perfect base for setting up an MP3 server for a company or group.

      iCommune may survive because it is contrary to Apple's method of maintaining personal choice with a resonable level of restraint.

      Unrelated question: Do you think Gateway has
      • I think Apple is most likely to aim for a product that streams only - no copy, no local saving.

        Um, maybe you didn't know, but they already have that ... it is called Darwin Streaming Server [apple.com]. The source code is available and they were even kind enough to create binaries for Mac OS X (client; it's already included with OSX Server), Solaris 8, Windows NT Server or Windows 2K Server, and Red Hat 7.x. The Web-based interface is the same on all systems, but the thing most people don't know about: free MP3 str
        • I was just looking at O'Reilly's Mac OS X Hacks in the book store after work today and they had a HOWTO on the Darwin Streaming Server.

          It appeared to be a real step-by-step run down. I might have to go back there and peruse it more thoroughly... Heck, mebbe I'll buy da ting...
  • by GoRK ( 10018 )
    iCommune !?! Is this just one more program in the iCult suite?!
  • adding a music collection crashes the app for me. yay.
  • Has anybody been able to get this to work at ALL? I first tried connecting to his test site at http://www.icommune.net/Music and iCommune did sucessfully connect (gave me the blue globe "yay" icon) but clicking update did NOT give iTunes access to the songs. So I followed the instructions to share my own music and I would try to connect to that. It shared fine (going to the address in a web browser gave me a full listing of my mp3 collection) but when I tried to access it in iCommune, I get the red exclamat
  • There used to be a site with an informal list of iCommune servers at some place or other (i-commune.kicks-ass.net comes to mind). I doubt those are still available, but have any others popped up yet?
  • Is it just my imagination, or could a person use the new release of iCommune to allow for iPod uploads from a computer that the iPod isn't authenticated for originally?

    • iPod is owned by Bob and is normally sync'd with Bob's G4.
    • Mary sets up her TiBook with iCommune and serves her iTunes library.
    • Bob connects to Mary's library, and loads it into iTunes on his G4.
    • Bob then sync's his iPod with the list of songs from Mary's TiBook, thus effectively bypassing the standard iPod reluctance to sync wit
    • You can do this anyway. Just turn of autosyncing on both computers and choose which music you want to upload to the iPod. My brother and I do this all the time because his powerbook doesn't have enough space to hold all the music we own.
      • You sure? When I try this, it says this iPod is registered to another computer/user, and if we move any music files at all, it deletes the ones that are already present on the iPod first....effectively wiping out the original archive and starting with a fresh set. I want to keep the ones that are already there, and add to them from my other computer (mix/match), without disturbing anything. I've never bothered to disable autosync, however.

Ignorance is bliss. -- Thomas Gray Fortune updates the great quotes, #42: BLISS is ignorance.
