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Apple Businesses

Catching Up with the Voice of Macintosh 27

klktrk writes "In an article from TidBITS, Jeff Carlson interviews the man who inspired the 'Fred' voice known to early Macintosh uses, and fans of Radiohead."
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Catching Up with the Voice of Macintosh

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  • Seemed to be slashdotted with 1 post.

    At my school, all of the Apple computers have had their text-to-speech capability removed - too many AppleScripts involving cursing, or something to that fashion.

    Once, I wrote an entire script for a media production specifically for Fred. Of course, this involved spelling phonetically - it never did quite get "Check ell slo vahk ee ya" right.

    I got a giant kick out of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Hush," which had a techno-savvy professor communicating using F
  • by soapvox ( 573037 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @09:15PM (#5642175)
    As apple fools jokes I CLI'd into my co workers OS X box and played fittier happier through the osascript command! Apple and Radiohead, does it get any better?!
  • Fred figures greatly in the little-known microphone work of the great physicist Stephen Hawking []. I particularly recommend the searing F*ck Tha Creationists [] . (warning for the bandwidth-challenged: 2.2MB MP3 file).
  • More productive. (Score:4, Informative)

    by heldlikesound ( 132717 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @09:41PM (#5642291) Homepage
    notd rinkingtoomuch,
    (3daysaw eek),
    gettingonbetterwithyourassociateemployeecon tempora ries,
    (nomoremicrowavedinner sandsaturatedfats),
    asafer car
    (noba ddreams),
    (neve rwashingspidersdowntheplughole),
    keepincontactwit holdfriends
    willfrequen tlycheckcreditat(moral)bank(holeinthewa ll),
    charity standingorders,
    (no killingmothsorputtingboilingwaterontheants),
    carw ash
    nolongerafraidofthedarkormi ddayshadows
    nothingsoridiculouslyteenageanddesper ate,
    slowerandm orecalculated,
    nowself-employe d,
    anempoweredandinform edmemberofsociety
    willn otcryinpublic,
    tiresthatgri pinthewet
    agoodm emory,
    stillkisseswithsal iva,
    (theabilitytol aughatweakness),
    healthierandmore productive
  • by Alex Thorpe ( 575736 ) <alphax&mac,com> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @10:21PM (#5642424) Homepage
    So let's hear about her!

    It is interesting that Stephen Hawking's voice is based on his as well. That voice is also featured on Pink Floyd's song, "Keep Talking", from The Division Bell.

  • Victoria (Score:3, Funny)

    by mrpuffypants ( 444598 ) <> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @10:25PM (#5642435)
    I don't know about everybody else, but all I need to get up in the morning is the sweet, caressing sound of Victoria (High Quality) in my ear.
    • Re:Victoria (Score:3, Interesting)

      by mbbac ( 568880 )
      Why doesn't Apple have any higher quality Macintosh voices in Mac OS X? If you look around on the Web at AT&T and other places you'll find very high quality voice synthesis (and I'm sure you get them on your voice mail quite a bit too). Modern Macs have more than enough power to generate something more realistic than what we've got now.

      Anyone? Anyone?
    • ahh - Victoria High Quality. The only thing that she needs is a gentle stroking of her speed control to bring her up to English pace.




      Does Apple spend ANY money on TTS any more, or is this yet another case of Apple Tortoise and Hare a la Newton?
  • Way back with a Mac Classic.... that brings back memories. I thought that was the coolest thing when I stumbled across it when I was 10 :)

    Never knew the name "Fred" though.
  • Air (Score:3, Informative)

    by Draoi ( 99421 ) <`' `ta' `thcoiard'> on Wednesday April 02, 2003 @05:56AM (#5643360)
    Fred also appears on Air's album, '10,000 Hz Legend'. Listen to the track, 'How does it make you feel?'. Victoria also makes a 2-second appearance ...

    Track can be heard on Amazon []

  • In Serial Experiments Lain, there's a whispering voice used to introduce the title of each episode. That voice is... you guesed it... Whisper from the Mac set of voices.

    It's still there in OSX, in fact. Make up your own Lain episode titles!
  • Bryan Duncan used a Mac to speak the opening lyrics to this song. I'm not familiar enough with the various voices to know which it was, and I'm not at my Mac now. :(

  • Uses a few Mac voices, "Victoria" included, in a few of their songs. Namely "Kathy's Song". Damn April/Apple Fool's day! I read the whole article thinking "cool..." then i listened to the audio sample....that bastard! ;)
  • "Published 01 Apr 03"

    Then listen to the recording of the interview... it seems eerily IDENTICAL to if, say, I select the text and hit "Speech->Start Speaking"

    (Not to mention "Apple couldn't get the Speech Synthesis working in time, so they just recorded my voice...")

    Can anyone say "April Fools"?
  • by Arcturax ( 454188 ) on Thursday April 03, 2003 @04:08PM (#5655659)
    Apple's had this speech technology for years and years now, but I've always wondered if anyone has made any new voices? Is there a tutorial out there on how to make your own voices for it?

    I've always thought it would be cool to have the Star Trek computer voice for my Mac ;)

    So, are there any sites out there for this? I've had no luck finding them via google...

"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
