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Myth II Carbonized 49

novocastrian writes "As reported at PlayMyth, Myth II has been Carbonized and will be released to owners of the game on the 15th of March. The work was done entirely by dedicated followers of the game. The disappointing Myth III has also undergone a major overhaul and will be soon be hosted on a popular player-based server." J adds: Myth II will not support hardware rendering in OS X. But as I recall, software rendering gave an almost-playable framerate even on my 604/250, so on modern machines it might not be bad. Myth I and II were great tactical combat games. I'm itching to play Mudpit again!
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Myth II Carbonized

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  • Linux version (Score:2, Interesting)

    by CoolHnd30 ( 89871 )
    Are they going to do anything with the Loki version of Myth 2 for Linux. I haven't been able to get it to run on my Linux boxen for a year and a half now. I never bought the windows version. So if they don't work on it, I guess I'm outta luck ;(
  • by Paladeen ( 8688 ) on Wednesday February 26, 2003 @04:07PM (#5389691)
    I'm a conservatice devil and quite frankly the games I like best are the ones I played prodigously from around 13-17 before learned to program. New games don't seem all that great to me. In fact, nostalgia plays a major part in my enjoyment of games.

    I therefore think it's terrific that all these old games are being brought to MacOS X, f.e. Quake I and Quake 2 and Starcraft/Brood Wars.

    • by Alex Thorpe ( 575736 ) <alphax&mac,com> on Wednesday February 26, 2003 @04:56PM (#5390115) Homepage
      Yes, I'm quite happy to see these games updates for OS X, not least of which because I'm dead broke and can't afford new games, or new hardware. I reinstalled Quake 3 on Sunday night, and updated it to 1.32 for OS X last night, and it works perfectly. Surprising, since pretty much all other 3D games make my old iMac freeze. Now if MacPlay would release a Carbon version of Majesty, like they said they would..

      Myth II? I guess it has better multiplayer options than Myth I, but I hated the single player missions in Myth II. Too many missions where your goal is to keep some of your troops alive while the Enemy is closing in in nearly all directions. 'Gonan's Bridge' sucks! I've beaten it a couple of times, but that doesn't make latter attempts any easier.

  • Lazarus builds (Score:5, Informative)

    by watchful.babbler ( 621535 ) on Wednesday February 26, 2003 @04:59PM (#5390156) Homepage Journal
    The Myth 3 "Lazarus" (as in "the dead guy'll look a whole lot better once we get these bandages off") project page is here []. (They have a Hotline server for build access, a nice, Mac-centric touch.) It seems that former Mumbo Jumbo developers are involved in the project, so hopefully M3 will emerge from the "beta-quality with a golden-master price" limbo it labored in for so long.
  • Wonderful! (Score:3, Informative)

    by NetDrain ( 167337 ) <slashdot at theblight dot net> on Wednesday February 26, 2003 @05:15PM (#5390299) Homepage
    This is truly a wonderful example of what a dedicated group of fans can pull off (in addition to Linux, of course ; )
    I've been fairly unenthused with just about every game I've ever played, with the exception of the Myth series. The balance of skill, unit selection, terrain, and a little bit of luck makes it the most playable game I've found yet.

    Just this christmas vacation we all got together for our annual LAN game -- did we play the latest and greatest Quake or Unreal version? Course not! Myth II for nine hours straight. Fear my 'lock, bitch! ::KABOOM::
  • by daeley ( 126313 ) on Wednesday February 26, 2003 @05:57PM (#5390731) Homepage
    Now all I need is a carbonized Deus Ex (yeah, not likely) and I will be in heaven. Well, that and Carmageddon I and II. ;)
  • Bye bye Classic! (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    this is great news. i was hoping for this just a few days ago. I still play myth 2 online at almost everyday (how many 5 year old games can say that? best $40 i ever spent.
    • No kidding. I only stopped playing Myth2 because the boots into Classic got to be such a hassle combined with going bye-bye.

      This is really great news indeet. w00t!

  • In related news, Solitare has been carbonized and will now work optimally on OSX. ;-)
  • Myth: The Total Codex was the first computer game I ever played, and loved it. Didn't actually finish Myth II when I got sucked into Starcraft/Brood War but wanted to go back and replay it. Then OSX came and that was that.

    I was in the middle of Rune as well when I upgraded. I wonder if and when that will be carbonized?
  • Myth 2 Work (Score:3, Informative)

    by MRB-Blades ( 636035 ) on Thursday February 27, 2003 @07:44AM (#5394869)
    I am the project coordinator for the Myth 2 and Myth 3 projects. There are a lot of things being done to support these two titles. We're looking to port M2 to OpenGL for a future update - we just wanted to get the carbonized version out for people to start playing. We fully intend to support hardware accelleration via OpenGL at some point. More things in store also. Myth 2 will be in carbon by 3/15, Myth 3 will be finished by 4/15 and we have another update for M2 coming in May. For complete info, go to []. This is the home page for these projects.
  • I remember our guild used to to the strangest shit in Myth games... just to mess with the other guild's heads.

    Good example:
    Guild assembles army on hill, opposite another army. Air is thick with tension. Our intrepid leader speaks.

    Us:"We're sending out a ghol to negotiate!" Single ghol advances.

    Them: Arrows. Dead ghol.

    Us: "That's okay! We'll send out another one!" Another ghol goes out.

    Them: Army charges.

    Us: Army cheers! Fetch burn Peace symbol into hillside. Then a Twenty-one Wight salute. Everyone runs (or, walks... this is Myth after all).

    Them: "WTF?!?"

    Good times.

  • I'm a switcher, and stories like this are just fodder for my PC friends to make fun of me.

    Myth II????

    • What, that's suppost to be old? MacPlay published Mac versions of Hexen 2 and Heretic 2 last year!

      Myth II at least was available for the Mac before(and released on a Mac/Windows hybrid CD's), just not native to OS X.

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
