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Chimera Gets a New Name 120

ProfKyne writes "Looks like Chimera (the other white meat) is getting a name change. The article asks that you please don't chime in with your suggestions."
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Chimera Gets a New Name

Comments Filter:
  • camino? (Score:4, Funny)

    by BigBir3d ( 454486 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:01PM (#5315853) Journal
    are these guys Chevrolet fans?
  • hmmm (Score:5, Funny)

    by the_other_one ( 178565 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:01PM (#5315855) Homepage
    How about iLegal
  • Camino... (Score:1, Redundant)

    by fault0 ( 514452 )
    is a good name... much better than either Chimera or iVoyage(wtf!)
  • and Phoenix? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by jmd! ( 111669 )
    What happened to the Phoenix rename? I haven't seen any official comment on it for a while. Just a public message board with some 400 suggestions.
    • I don't know, but I think the people in charge of Phoenix (which I'm using to post this) should read that page, with all the names in the comments. I'm kinda partial to Aiko (a popular japanese girls' name). Only problem, it's a little hard to spell/pronounce (for the non-computer-31337)
  • Issues (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hackwrench ( 573697 ) <hackwrench@hotmail.com> on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:16PM (#5315900) Homepage Journal
    So anybody heard of whatever it is that has the Chimera name so that this project can't use it? Anyone else feel that this project shouldn't be forced to not use the Chimera name? And they say America is a free country.
    • Re:Issues (Score:5, Informative)

      by Gropo ( 445879 ) <groopo&yahoo,com> on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:46PM (#5316026) Homepage Journal
      Well... I'm guessing that this project [chimera.org] might be claiming prior art on the usage...

      Frankly, I'll be happy to be rid of the: "No, the word is actually pronounced 'kai-MEH-ra', not 'SHIM-er-a' " annoyances ;D
      • Re:Issues (Score:4, Funny)

        by 73 ( 265824 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @10:39PM (#5316884)
        Well... I'm guessing that this project might be claiming prior art on the usage...
        Well, from their webpage...
        Chimera 2 is a complete rewrite. It is a currently an alpha quality release that supports some HTML 3.2 features.
        Great, now I can replace my copy of Netscape 3.
        Whoo Hoo!

        -73 It's about prime

      • Re:Issues (Score:3, Funny)

        by tbone1 ( 309237 )
        Frankly, I'll be happy to be rid of the: "No, the word is actually pronounced 'kai-MEH-ra', not 'SHIM-er-a' " annoyances ;D

        Well, it's spelled "Chimera", but it's pronounced "Throatwarbler Mangrove".

      • How about "Uranus Browser?" No pronunciation difficulties there.
        • Re:Issues (Score:1, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward
          Is that "yur-a-nuss browser" or "your anus broswer"?
    • Re:Issues (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Badger ( 1280 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:50PM (#5316044)
      What does trademark law have to do with freedom?

      Political freedom, that matters. Economic freedom, that matters. Freedom to name your browser Chimera? Doesn't matter that much.
      • What does trademark have to do with freedom. Ask me again when someone trademarks your name.
        • > What does trademark have to do with freedom. Ask me again when someone trademarks your name.

          Someone probably has, and it doesn't stop me from calling myself my name. Apple Computers and Apple Records, right?
    • It also might be this project [ucsf.edu].

      Mmmm. Extensible, interactive molecular graphics programs.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:18PM (#5315909)
    Internet Explorer?

    That sounds like a good name to me... Apart from the images of bugs and crashes it conjures, but I'm sure they can turn that around in no time.
    • As I suggested on his blog, "Internet Explorer" also has the benefit of having already been cleared by Microsoft's lawyers - Didn't they prove that "Internet Explorer" was a generic term and not trademarkable?
  • names (Score:5, Funny)

    by presearch ( 214913 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:32PM (#5315955)
    My pick would be Shinola.

    or in the spirit of naming browsers after SUVs:
    C herokee
    Windsta r
    • or in the spirit of naming browsers after SUVs:
      Oh, so it's SUVs! I thought it was just annoyances - but then an SUV is an annoyance, so I wasn't that far off. We'd have more choice if we could choose names from this broader category. My suggestions would be:

      Windows (might be a trademark on that, though)
      Uriah Rennie
      Chinese Water Torture
      JOZYXQE [quotegeek.com] (there's almost definately not a trademark on that one)
    • by extra88 ( 1003 )
      Canyonero! [snpp.com]
      </ob simpsons>
      • > Canyonero!

        "Well it goes real slow
        with the hammer down/
        it's the country fried browser
        endorsed by a clown!

        Naw, sounds too much like Internet Explorer.

    • My pick would be Shinola.
      Hmm...after the John Scofield [theiceberg.com] album of the same name? [guitar9.com]

      Great record.
  • New Name... (Score:5, Funny)

    by fobside ( 140397 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:32PM (#5315957) Homepage
    A new name is fine, but could they get the name of the application to match what appears in menu bar when you open the application? Navigator? Chimera?
  • by jo_ham ( 604554 ) <joham999@[ ]il.com ['gma' in gap]> on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:33PM (#5315965)
    Worked the first time, I'm sure it will again.
  • CyberCamel! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Khalidz0r ( 607171 )
    I'd call it CyberCamel, and cc for short :p could be kinda ironic :]
  • How about, "IP-on-Trademark-IP"
  • iBrowse (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Darchenman ( 608976 )
    If they're considering iVoyage, they should consider iBrowse too. Besides te obvious pun (sorry), it says what it does.
  • Safari is 2nd class (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Znonymous Coward ( 615009 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @06:53PM (#5316061) Journal
    I don't care about the name... I just want 0.7 to come out to steal some of Safari's thunder. Safari is ok and all, but Chimera is world calss!
    • a tie? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by MacAndrew ( 463832 )
      I'm very loyal to Chimera, but I think it and Safari are pretty close to equivalence. When Safari makes it to 1.2 or so, I don't know what Chimera (or whatever its name will be) will use to distinguish itself. Obviously these coders are good at what they do -- should they work on a "me too" product? Or is there some dramatic advance in browsers that Chimera will make and Safari won't? Right now, it's pretty much what I want save a feature or two, but it's just stubbornness that keeps me from switching to Safari. The developers seem resistant to feature creep -- more power to them. Look at IE (shudder).

      To get the version release hung up on a name is pretty lousy. Why the heck did they go with Chimera in the first place, when a 10-second search would have turned up the other? And why the delay to switch? Not that I care ... I'm glad they did the project at all, and wish Safari were also (entirely) open source (hello, Apple?).

      A new name ... hmm, should take aim at Safari ... how about Environmentalist? Ecotourist? Bambo? :)
      • Bambo

        I like this one. Kinda like a cute deer with a machine gun.

        I can see the sequels already: Bambo goes on Safari

        Comes with a special button that censors the gory scenes for the kids!
      • I'm betting there will be plenty of room for both Chimera (or whatever) and Safari. Safari is one of those apps that Steve Jobs said he wanted. As such its interface will likely be subject to and limited by what he wants. As an open source project Chimera will have much more freedom for customizations and more unusual features. Whether that is a good or bad thing is subject to interpretation, but I think it definitely means Chimera won't be a "mee too" product.
        • Re:a tie? (Score:2, Interesting)

          by MacAndrew ( 463832 )
          It depends on how they play it: Safari's primary target must be MSIE, the lumbering Spanish galleon of the browser world that Steven Jobs Drake would like pierced below the waterline and off Mac desktops. The Safari/Chimera approach appears to be keeping things light and limber, which is smart I think; it's the hallmark of a good Mac utility app.

          But there seems to be a real duplication of effort, when the same folks could be writing open source improvements to Safari (I assume this is feasible? otherwise what's the point of open source). I don't like all the eggs in one basket, and am torn between my pleasure that Apple has reentered the market and my concern that it might undermine it. Safari parallels Chimera so closely -- the sincerest form of flattery. :)

          I'm not writing as a developer and don't know anything about the accessibility of Safari development to third parties. I know a % is proprietary -- why don't they open the whole thing? I'm hoping they won't get cute and decide to charge for Safari down the line -- the sort of thing continued development of Chimera (oops, Camino) would protect against. But the, and last, Chimera/Camino is pretty much complete for my purposes, kind of like NS 4.78 was a peak product that is still used places like my public library. If a product meets its purpose....

          Bye-bye Opera, my old favorite. And iCab, whatever happened to it.
  • by whee ( 36911 )
    'Camino' doesn't really roll off the tongue that well. I mean, what is it (other than a city in California). It sounds like someone rehired the pidgeons that were previously employed by Google in order to generate rankings. I've heard other candidates for the name were 'Mamioei', 'Piekay', and 'Yorekrasi'. 'Tokaak' was a close runner-up.
  • camino (Score:5, Informative)

    by Polo ( 30659 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @07:27PM (#5316174) Homepage
    By the way, "camino" means "road" in spanish.
  • Hmpf. All the proposed names (official and otherwise) sound really lame to me. Wouldn't "Chimaera" work?
    • Hmpf. All the proposed names (official and otherwise) sound really lame to me. Wouldn't "Chimaera" work?

      Yah, that's a great idea--make it harder to pronounce than it already is.
    • I'd suggest the proper "Chimra" instead, but I can't since Slashdot doesn't allow entity references in comments. (pudge/krow: Hint, hint.)

  • I like that name (Score:3, Interesting)

    by timothy ( 36799 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @07:31PM (#5316184) Journal
    Camino is actually a nice name, IMO. iBrowse (suggested by another commenter) is pretty funny, but I think that runs into the Legal problem again.

    Camino -- "road" -- is not bad metaphorically, either. I think of a pleasant drive on the coast, as apposed to calling it, oh ... "New Jersey Turnpike, The Browser."

    Chimera was a *better*, but Camino is a good enough replacement, and the fact that it's a nice browser is more important ;)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    How about "Also-Ran"? :-)

    "Safari Junior, With Tabs"?

    "We've Got Tabs!"?
  • Collage (echoes of Mosaic) iMoz Greko iRex (think T-rex, or the Mozilla lizard. also has unix overtones) iBrow Yes, I am a genius.
  • MacGecko? CocoaGecko? CocoaMozilla, CoMoz for short? (I'm aware Chimera isn't exactly Mozilla, but CoMoz just rolls off the tongue ... ;-)

    I'm sure someone else can come up with better names than I, but Camino doesn't exactly conjure up images of web browsers.

    -- shayborg
  • Hi, Pink.

    I liked "Chimera" even though I couldn't remember it, and Camino isn't all that bad, really, but how 'bout a bit more humor in the name, Pink?

    Name it "Floyd."


    Oh, OK.

    I'll go away.


  • by BlackBolt ( 595616 ) on Sunday February 16, 2003 @10:29PM (#5316843) Homepage Journal
    ...ever since I went to a newsgroup that was called alt.binaries.pictures.chimera when the browser first came out, and it wasn't screenshots of the browser, it was guys having sex with fish.

    I will certainly dread going to a Camino newsgroup in case it's.. uhh... guys with exhaust pipes or something.

    • Mufflers, eh?

      Hay un hombre de espana que esta de vacaciones en la republica dominicana, y necesita tomar un autobus.

      Le pregunte al nativo, >, y el nativo responde >

      Apologies for the horrendous grammar and spelling of the above, but I'm on a PC and can't create the nice accented characters as easily, and I'm way too lazy to look them up.

  • like Browser.app
  • I just wish it was out. I'll use it no matter what name it has, as long as it does what I need it to do, reliably.

    Today for the first time I have seen one of the common complaints, it just dies after a while. I want to see this go away, Mozilla in OS X is just a little too slow for my liking.

  • TAFKAC (Score:3, Funny)

    by cappadocius ( 555740 ) <{moc.edareuqsame ... a} {suicodappac}> on Monday February 17, 2003 @12:30AM (#5317368)
    Here's an idea, change its name into a symbol --the icon? - and then we can all call it The Application Formerly Known As Chimera.

    It worked for Prince.

  • On the one hand, he writes:
    Everyone is a critic. It's too easy to say, "God that name sucks," and yet not have any suggestions. That's really not very helpful. Really. Not helpful.
    But then he moans:
    Oh, please, for the love of god, do not suggest any names either in comments on via email.
    Let's call the browser "PMS Envy."
  • so how about "MoonChild"?

    oh, wait. thats from 'The NeverEnding Story', nevermind...
  • If you want to suggest some name for Chimera project, why not subscribe Chimera Mailing List?
  • Name suggestion! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by sean23007 ( 143364 ) on Monday February 17, 2003 @12:48PM (#5320212) Homepage Journal
    They should name it Bellerophon. You know, the guy who killed the Chimera...
  • The name doesn't matter. Did the names Puma or Jaguar stir people up about Mac OS X? "It sounds like a sneaker" "Oh, like the elitist automobile!". Perhaps someone made these snide comments, but the performance and feature set quickly set what to expect of those products rather than the name.

    Camino has three popular connotations: the Chevrolet car/truck hybrid, the planet from Star Wars Epsiode 2, and the Spanish word for path. They first two may not be the most relevent, but at least it's distinctive. And if it's also determined to pass legal, that's all that's required in a name.

    Even if the name isn't relevent, the features are. There are only a few code bases of HTML engines being distributed. Mozilla, Explorer, and the now extinct Netscape codebase are the only ones in wide distribution. The KHTML engine Apple is integrating into Webcore and Safari may be elegant but it's not widely used. I can see why Apple wanted the elegance for it's rendering framework, but letting either the Mozilla or Explorer engine stagnate on the Mac platform is a very bad thing.

    Tabbed browsing is okay and all, but if there is one differentiating feature I'd like to see in Chimera it would be a preference option to choose which HTML engine to use to render pages (Webcore or Mozilla). Since neither engine is near a 1.0 bug free release on the mac platform yet, this is a pie in the sky desire.

    Frankly, the best feature of Chimera/Camino is the fact that it is being developed for the Mac. Period.
    • after the .7 release, chimera (or whatever it will be called) will move over to the mozilla 1.3 codebase. this should make chimera (or whatever it will be called) MUCH faster, considering i think it is now based on the 1.01 codebase.

      we may see some more instability, but the speed should be much better, along with improved rendering.
  • Makes No Sense... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Shuh ( 13578 )
    The explanation.

    Since when is "Chimera" worse from a "legal" standpoint than "Camino?" This has been going on for months, yet this is the first we've heard of it? Something smells bad... real bad.

  • They should name it a symbol that is unpronounable. Then people would would call it "The browser formally known as Chimera", or "The Browser" for short.
  • Three cheers for ChiZilla!

  • Camino eh? (Score:3, Informative)

    by TonyMillion ( 545370 ) on Monday February 17, 2003 @04:10PM (#5321438) Homepage
    I dont think Scioworks [scioworks.com] would be happy with them using that name...

    maybe they should pick another one....
  • "It's an 'El Camino.' That's Spanish for 'the camino'."

    Maybe they just like Ashton Kutchner?

  • X-mera? (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    How about Xmera (X,greek letter chi)?
  • "Oh, please, for the love of god, do not suggest any names either in comments on via email. I'll hunt you down and slaughter your family. That's a promise. The last thing I need to see is what you think a kewl name would be. Trust me, it probably won't make it through legal."

    Hey, I've got one! Oh...wait...NO, PUT THE KNIFE DOWN! I DIDN'T MEAN IT, PINKERTON![gurgle][splat]


  • Isn't anyone worried that people will confuse Camino with Kamino.

    By "people" I mean George Lucas's lawyers.

Quark! Quark! Beware the quantum duck!
