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All-New PowerBooks, Web Browser Featured at Macworld 1095

Apple CEO Steve Jobs once again introduced the new PowerBooks new and upgraded software to a throng of adoring fans at the annual Macworld Expo San Francisco, including a new web browser, new versions of the "iLife" applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD), and presentation software (which Steve himself has been "beta testing" at every Macworld keynote since 2002).
The PowerBook has been extended in two directions, with screens up to 17" and down to 12". Both feature a new material for the casing, aluminum (anodized, not painted), with AirPort antennas in the screen. The AirPort range of the PowerBook now equals the iBook. It will no longer boot into Mac OS, only into Mac OS X.

The 17" model is 1440x900 resolution, 16:10 aspect ratio, G4/1GHz, SuperDrive, GeForce4 440 Go/64MB, and all the same ports, with the addition of line in and FireWire 800 (in addition to FireWire 400). It is less than 1" thin, and 6.8 lbs., and has fiber-optic lightning for the keyboard activated by ambient light sensors. It will be available next month for $3,300.

The 12" version is 4.6 lbs., and is smaller than the iBook in every dimension. It's 1024x768, G4/867, GeForce4 420 Go/32MB, and is AirPort-ready ($99 extra). It is $1,800 for a combo drive model, $2,000 for a SuperDrive model, and will be available in two weeks.

Both models sport the new AirPort Extreme (802.11g), which is 54Mbps, up from the 11Mbps of AirPort (802.11b). The base stations and clients are fully compatible with the old AirPort, handle 50 users, and support both wireless bridging (to extend the range by adding more stations) and can act as a USB printer server.

Jobs also introduced Safari, a new Mac OS X browser based on the KHTML rendering engine from KDE (and Apple will publish changes they've made to it). There's nothing especially great about it -- it's a web browser -- except that, unlike most other browsers, it is expected to be fast and work properly, as well as be fully integrated into Mac OS X. The web is a killer app, but pretty much all web browsers suck; Apple hopes to give us something that doesn't suck in Safari. It is a free download for the beta, starting today. This story was posted using Safari. W00p.

iPhoto 2 has been revamped, with iTunes integration (access to playlists, tracks, even searching) for slide shows; one-click enhance of photos; a retouch brush; archiving to CD/DVD; and more. iMovie 3 has added chapters, the "Ken Burns Effect" (panning through still images), and precise audio editing. iDVD 3 has added a ton of quite cool themes, which will look great the first few times you see them.

They are -- along with iTunes -- bundled with all new Macs beginning January 25 as "iLife". All but iDVD will be freely available online, contrary to previously published reports. The entire bundle of four apps will be available for retail purchase for $50.

For sale today at $99 is another new app, Keynote, which is the presentation software Jobs has been using for over a year for his own presentations. It includes all sorts of flashy features like textures and Quartz-powered 3D transitions, and can import and export PowerPoint, as well as export to PDF and QuickTime. It has an open file format (using XML).

Jobs also introduced Final Cut Express, a stripped-down version of Final Cut Pro, for $300, and noted other prominent third-party software recently released for Mac OS X: QuickBooks, Director, and DigiDesign Pro Tools (later this month). He noted that the number of native apps for Mac OS X jumped from 2,000 to 5,000 in 2002.

Meanwhile, the number of users of the OS went from 1.2 million to 5 million last year, and he expects the number to jump to 9 or 10 million in 2003.

Update: 01/07 19:37 GMT by Jamie (also posted with Safari): And thanks to the several Slashdot readers who pointed out a great but unannounced product: X11 (aka the X Windows System) for Mac OS X. It's in Public Beta right now. Great to see this, an Apple-supported X is greatly needed. I don't know why Jobs didn't at least mention this, it would have gotten quite the round of applause I'm sure.

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All-New PowerBooks, Web Browser Featured at Macworld

Comments Filter:
  • by jvmatthe ( 116058 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:33PM (#5034634) Homepage
    From my web counter on my site:
    Netscape 5.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/48 (like Gecko) Safari/48

    Looks strange to me. Is this really the KDE HTML rendering engine or is it Gecko? It certainly identifies itself as Netscape 5...
    • by Graymalkin ( 13732 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:38PM (#5034715)
      If it didn't register itself as Netscape 5 or something with a modicum of site compatibility site scripts would redirect it to the retard text only version of a site.
      • by X_Caffeine ( 451624 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @04:17PM (#5035335)
        A cursory look at a few of my web pages confirmed that Safari is not a Gecko browser. It does not support negative margin-top CSS values, and does not recognize DIV {overflow:auto;}. Chimera (and all Gecko browsers) handle all of these correctly.

        The choice of this K stuff over Chimera/Gecko is puzzling, but the performance is there.
    • by fliplap ( 113705 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:04PM (#5034983) Homepage Journal
      From public record:

      Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)

      Doesn't look strange to me, everything IDs as Mozila. We'll also note the default Konqueror UA is:

      Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.1.1; X11)

  • by green pizza ( 159161 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:33PM (#5034643) Homepage
    Check out this clip from their new (Konq-based) web browser... they're using Slashdot as an example website! []
    • by Idou ( 572394 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:46PM (#5035227) Journal
      It is a trick to get slashdot to slashdot itself!!!
    • by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @07:07PM (#5036094) Homepage
      they're using Slashdot as an example website!

      Actually, were I wanting to show off a new web browser, I would probably try to hit slashdot before anywhere else. Why?

      Ugly table code! Your typical slashdot pageload is a humongous mess of hundreds upon hundreds of random tables nested in odd ways. If you want an example of a truly taxing test to throw at a web page renderer, slashdot's about as heavy as you can do. Since Safari is apparently all about speed, then it makes lots of sense. After all, rendering a single slashdot discussion page is enough to make MSIE on Mac OS 9 choke on my parents' G4 400 just about every single time-- once the page has loaded, the computer freezes up for at least 5 or so seconds even if IE is in the background. (MSIE for OS X does not have these problems) Omniweb loads slashdot fine but tends to act sluggish while scrolling. (Or it did the last time i used it.) This is what Safari is competing with..

      Of course, this reasoning is obliterated by the poor framerate on that one quicktime movie, making it impossible to tell how smoothly it's running. but still ^_^
  • Safari (Score:3, Interesting)

    by daemon lover ( 325815 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:33PM (#5034644)
    good, but no tabbed browsing.
    • Re:Safari (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Clock Nova ( 549733 )
      Switching back to a non-tabbed browser is like switching back to a one-button mouse: feels like cutting off an arm.

      It may be fast, but I gotta have tabs and a sidebar for my bookmarks. If they ad these two features, I'll use it.

      I tried it, and it IS fast. Too bad.
    • Re:Safari (Score:5, Informative)

      by EccentricAnomaly ( 451326 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:40PM (#5034747) Homepage
      Put it does block pop-up ads!
    • Bug Button (Score:5, Insightful)

      by neuromantic ( 468525 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:48PM (#5034864)
      Use the "Bug" button! Go to the Safari page [], and submit a bug, saying you want tabs. Make it known to Apple that this is something people REALLY want.
      • Re:Bug Button (Score:4, Interesting)

        by bsharitt ( 580506 ) <{bridget} {at} {}> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @05:03PM (#5035560) Journal
        I just submitted that "bug." Maybe if enough people do they will add it for the final release.

        While I'm posting, let me just say that besides the missing tabs, it is a great web browser. Before today, I was a Chimera user. I used CHimera because it was fast, lightweight, and looked good in OS X, but it had a few stability problems, mostly dealing with downloads and plugins, so I had to keep Mozilla and IE on stand by for each of those respective problems. Now I can finally use one web browser. It's about time.

        Also, it's good to hear about the iApps price.

    • Re:Safari (Score:3, Interesting)

      by King Babar ( 19862 )
      good, but no tabbed browsing.

      No tabbed browsing (killer omission) and no type-ahead features, which sucks. It is very fast, however.

      One nice feature, though, is emacs-style navigation in type-in forms! Alas, that feature is a bit buggy, but I was very happy to see it.

      Worst thing so far is that I couldn't post this from Safari itself since it got confused when I pressed the "Preview" button. OK, so Mozilla was also slow, but I knew something was up due to the, er, "throbber" thingie. No such beast on Safari.

  • by redherring22 ( 579425 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:33PM (#5034647) Homepage
    OSX X11 []
    Something Steve didn't mention in his keynote but very cool-- they're really reaching out to the developer crowd here. A double-clickable X11 installer? yeeee-haw!
    • by malarkey ( 514857 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:46PM (#5034835)
      "OSX X11"

      How is that pronounced???

      oh ess ten ten eleven
      oseks eks eleven
      os ess eks eks one one ....
    • by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:17PM (#5035079)
      The blurb says it uses quartz Extreme. This means its grpahics accelerated. The regular Xfree-86 seems to lack graphics acceleration. that's a big deal.

      also I note that contrary to the story here, the imove, itunes apps are not going to be free. Or atleast they are not being offered for free on apples web site.
      • by Gorimek ( 61128 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @07:46PM (#5036419) Homepage
        iMovie, iTunes and iPhoto will continue to be free, they'll be ready for download on Jan 25.

        iDVD will still be sold separately, "since it's too big to download". And they put the three other apps on the disk as well for those who don't want to mess around with downloads.

        That's fine, except that the disk version will cost a whooping $49, which is at least $45 over cost. So Apple is slightly sneaky there, but no big.
  • by surajrai ( 61661 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:34PM (#5034657)
    Check it out at:

  • by Nutcase ( 86887 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:34PM (#5034658) Homepage Journal
    It seems apple is now pushing it's own X11 implementation at: []

    Not announced, but still quite interesting. Its X11, but with all the OS X look on the windows (shadows, genie, etc)
  • Not bad (Score:5, Informative)

    by Lebannen ( 626462 ) <> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:36PM (#5034678) Homepage

    It's officially the 'year of the notebook' - so that's how Apple is coping with slow processors then!

    Very nice new powerbooks though - especially the 17-incher, with glowing keyboards and ambient light detection. It also adjusts the screen brightness, mmmm :)

    Safari, the web browser, is actually based of KHTML - KDE's HTML library. Not bad, especially seeing as they're going to give the 'orders of magnitude' speedups back in the way of the source code.

    And digs at Quark. And the rumors sites were practically all wrong. Hah. Best keynote in ages.
    • Re:Not bad (Score:5, Informative)

      by kitzilla ( 266382 ) <paperfrog AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:34PM (#5035181) Homepage Journal
      Actually, was quite close last night. They had the 12" and 17" (good Lord!) Powerbooks; the iApp bundle at the correct price; Apple's amazing new Airport; the new Firewire; and the browser. Nobody saw the presentation software coming, but it was the least of Jobs' announcements. Nobody predicted an Apple-branded X11 port.

      No video iPods, no all-in-one networking appliance (though the new Airport is certainly a step forward).
      • Re:Not bad (Score:5, Insightful)

        by analog_line ( 465182 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @07:35PM (#5036336)
        The presentation software was not the "least" of Jobs' annoucnements. Keynote is a clear shot across Microsoft's bow. A direct Powerpoint competitor. That's not a small thing.
        • Re:Not bad (Score:5, Interesting)

          by dr00g911 ( 531736 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @12:15AM (#5037964)
          It's absolutely not the least of the announcements today.

          As a person weaned in the service bureaus of the late-80s/early-90s, I can say that every decent presentation app produced in the last 10 years has been EOLed because of Powerpoint's ubiquity.

          Aldus/Adobe Persuasion, anyone? That was one hell of an app. And -- get this -- you could have real, multiple master pages in the same presentation. Harvard Graphics had that feature as well.

          "What," you say "presentations can have more than one master... in the same file???"

          I'm not talking having a slide master, a title master, etc. I'm talking as many different title templates as you'd like in the same file.

          Persuasion supported alpha channels too (through Mac PICT format), and a million other things that were never developed into powerpoint because they haven't needed to, and apparently, no one's complained. Yeah, PPT has transparency. Through freakin' GIFs. Hardly a substitute.

          Powerpoint is so bad in its handling of master slides and typography, not to mention its abhorrent handling (mangling) of graphic formats other than WMF and BMP that I chose to personally design every presentation I've made since Persuasion was dropped in Macromedia Director. That's a pretty big hammer to solve that particular problem.

          The point to this diatribe is, that I damned near cried when I saw Keynote unveiled.

          - NICE looking templates
          - Uncluttered, friendly interface
          - Eye candy galore
          - PPT, SWF and Photoshop compatibility out of the box, layers included

          I challenge you to find *ANYONE* who enjoys working in Powerpoint. Most users outright loathe it, but there's nothing else on the market now that approaches its (limited) functionality and is compatible with newer PPT file formats.

          Powerpoint is a hell of a chink in MS's armor.

          This is more than a shot across the bow.
  • Safari rocks! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Knife_Edge ( 582068 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:37PM (#5034691)
    I just wanted to mention that after using Safari for a few minutes now, it appears to be amazing. The browser is so much faster it is like a hardware upgrade. On my 500mhz iBook I have never been able to scroll smoothly through pages on any browser. Now scrolling is almost perfectly smooth! Great job with the browser Apple!
    • mee too! on a power book. pages just explode onto the screen. No borders on the window and a very svelt tool bar mean maximum screen real estate for windows. Also a nice snap-back tool for going back ward to a marked point at a deep web site. sort of like a temporary bookmark.

      its released under GPL not the apple open source lic.

      It seems to be missing some sort of activity indicator (like the flashing N in netscape or the flashing lizard or the flashing E. This is a bit annoying since you dont know if you should click again or not when a link is sluggish

      privacy freeks may note one missing cookie setting. it has
      Always/Never/ and ONLY FROM SITES I NAVIGATE TOO (NO AD COOKIES). But it is missing an "always ask" setting. Not that I will miss it, but the paranoid may care.
      • It seems to be missing some sort of activity indicator (like the flashing N in netscape or the flashing lizard or the flashing E. This is a bit annoying since you dont know if you should click again or not when a link is sluggish

        Actually, the address bar seems to act as an activity indicator. The text in the address bar gets blocked (as though selected) from left to right like a progress bar as the page loads. The progress starts with "http://" section turning blue (progress can stall here for some time, however.

        Using the app's compass icon and spinning the needles around might be a appropriate image, though.

  • Disinformation (Score:5, Insightful)

    by WatertonMan ( 550706 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:37PM (#5034692)
    Wow. You have to hand it to Steve. Great disinformation to make people expect the worst (paid upgrades) and then doesn't do it. Then the rumors that had been around (Chimera browser) are partially right and we get elements of Konquerer in OSX. Also, contrary to rumors, there were new machines building on where Apple is still as strong, if not stronger, than the PC world: the laptop market.

    (Remember that laptop CPUs typically don't run as fast as desktop equivalents - especially when on battery. Most OSX laptops are as fast as PC equivalents. So the CPU gap doesn't apply)

    I can't wait to download the new iApps (sorry, iLife) as well.

  • by Spyky ( 58290 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:37PM (#5034695)
    My favorite part of the keynote:

    Gigantic screen behind Steve Job reads:
    "Open Source
    We think it's great"

  • by Bonker ( 243350 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:39PM (#5034726)
    Why KHTML rather than Gecko, I wonder?

    Of course if they were both perfectly compliant, it wouldn't matter, but neither one is.

    Gecko has a larger install base with existing Netscape, Moz, Chameleon, Galeon, and Phoenix installs, and is more likely, with AOL converts, to have a larger market share and have more 'feature-rich' pages designed to render properly in it. Both are cross-platform.

    (BTW, have you used Phoenix .5 yet? Whoowee! 6mb download and faster than IE in every way in Win2000)

    The only thing I can figure out here is that Steve really likes KDE or he really doesn't like the MPL. Maybe he's paranoid about helping Steve Case any more than need be by speeding Moz/Netscape acceptance.

    • by owenc ( 255848 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:43PM (#5034804) Journal
      I think since QT was ported to OS X, it's easier to use native widgets with KHTML rather than gecko. Chimera for instance does not use real aqua text entry and widgets within the web page, but a theme that looks like they are.
    • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:10PM (#5035031)
      This choice sounds utterly insane to me. With the greatest respect, khtml is nowhere near as good as Gecko in terms of it standards support or behaviour or stability especially when dealing with some of the crap sites out there in the world. Run it through a few random sites involving nested tables, CSS or frames and it quickly screws up rendering.

      What the hell were they thinking? Perhaps it's a little faster or smaller, but that sounds like a small payoff when you end up with a browser that is broken and doesn't work properly on a large number of sites. Chimera shows that Gecko can make an amazing browser on OS X so why they've jumped over is mind boggling.

      • by King Babar ( 19862 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:52PM (#5035248) Homepage
        This choice sounds utterly insane to me. With the greatest respect, khtml is nowhere near as good as Gecko in terms of it standards support or behaviour or stability especially when dealing with some of the crap sites out there in the world. Run it through a few random sites involving nested tables, CSS or frames and it quickly screws up rendering.

        Well, I'd noticed it seemed to be doing okay on most CSS pages I'd tried, so I was *going* to say, "nyah, nyah", but then I figured I go to the ever-useful CSS1 test suite pages. []

        Oops...on the very first test, it fails to display even the test page correctly and the dialog tells me it's choking on the illegal mimetype text/html. Very ungood.

        Well, it's beta, and Apple has never seen a wheel it didn't want to re-invent at some point...

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Hold back your feelings. This is good. Yes, Gecko may be the superior engine. But diversity and choice are superiorer. Think about it: with Apple supporting KHTML and AOL supporting Gecko, there are two alternatives that enjoy major support.

        This means that Microsoft, and more importantly, the mono- or duopoly web development mindset lose some of their strangehold on the market. And ultimately this keeps the web's promise alive better than just using a more compliant engine.
    • by fritter ( 27792 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:19PM (#5035096)
      I consider this a pretty Good Thing overall though, especially if AOL adopts Gecko. With decently large groups of people using a range of different rendering engines, designers will have no choice but to stick to open standards instead of writing to one specific browser.
      • by IdahoEv ( 195056 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @04:49PM (#5035475) Homepage
        Designers will have no choice but to stick to open standards instead of writing to one specific browser.

        Yeah, whatever. Designers have clients. Clients make demands. You see:

        Client: I think our front page should have flashing news scroller, a slide show, and dancing girls that follow the mouse!

        Me: Trust me, you really don't want that. It will make your page slow to load, and incompatible with numerous browsers. I could do it in Flash, but that would cost a lot.

        Client: But the dancing girls are so cute! We'd sell more widgets! Don't use flash; I hate downloading plugins.

        Me: I feel a great need to pop a clue in your a**, but I really need the money.

        Client: Don't forget to make it play "Achy Breaky Heart"!

        Me: Grr!

    • by Rob Kaper ( 5960 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:39PM (#5035204) Homepage
      Here's why [].

      "When we were evaluating technologies over a year
      ago, KHTML and KJS stood out. Not only were they the basis of an
      excellent modern and standards compliant web browser, they were also
      less than 140,000 lines of code. The size of your code and ease of
      development within that code made it a better choice for us than other
      open source projects. Your clean design was also a plus."
    • by GiMP ( 10923 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:50PM (#5035237)
      It is genius.

      Mozilla may not have the greatest share of the market, but it may be the best browser available. This is why Apple DOES NOT want Mozilla. Sounds crazy? Not really.

      Jobs realizes that competition will create better software. It would certainly be possible for Mozilla to become so popular and 'standardized' on the Unix and MacOS operating systems that development of KHTML would slow down and eventually die. If you have a company behind KHTML like Apple while AOL is behind Mozilla, you can expect a war to brew.

      Mozilla is a great browser, KHTML is not bad.. but unless they become more popular and gain more press, Microsoft won't bother to compete.. they won't have to.

      If KHTML and Mozilla begin a new browser war, first.. new OSX users will be using KHTML, Linux/Unix geeks will be using either Mozilla or KHTML. Apple still does have a large userbase, using KHTML could really put a dent in Microsoft. KHTML's competition would make Mozilla better and more popular, even in Microsoft Windows.

      Apple may have just sparked not only a browser war, but a rejuvination of computing without Microsoft. I won't be surprised to see 30-40% of the web using non-IE browsers within a year.
      • by grammar nazi ( 197303 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @08:36PM (#5036739) Journal
        GiMP (10923),

        Please don't take offense to the following:

        I just love it when people who have no business concepts come up with crackpot reasons for why corporations do what they do. A lot of times these people make me laugh with their logic.

        First of all, Jobs doesn't want competition. He's the CEO of a multibillion dollar company. Do you honestly think he believes in a competitive, efficient market? Sure, he'll say and do whatever he can as long as MS is where it's at, but only as long as he's in second place.

        Remember, the Macintosh computer is a franchise market (read: Harley Davidson) with Apple at the helm. Companies with a monopoly over a franchise market (which Apple has) have little that will erode their marketshare. The Harley Davidson example is the textbook case. Basically, Harley Davidson has 0 competition from Honda, Yamaha, whoever in their main market. Harley's main market happens to be "Harley Davidson Motorcycles". Similarly, Apple has 0 competition from other computer makers in the Macintosh market. Everytime somebody tries to release something that emulates a Mac, they get crushed by Apple's litigation thugs. Send an email to if you disagree.

        Now if we can rule out betterment of society from CEO Jobs' goals, we should be able to assume that profit is his ultimate goal. All of his plans revolve around those little 3 step underpants gnomes plans. in this particular case, we have:
        1. Use KHTML
        2. ????
        3. Profit!!

        Now we just have to find the elusive step 2. from the 3 step plan. You, GiMP suggest that he wants a competitive browser market to create a better browser that will drive people to the Macintosh platform, thus, creating profit. Hmmm. I don't think that having the best browser will generate any profit. How much profit has MS made from IE (if we haphazardly assume it's the best browser)? None. Has dominance with IE led to profit with IIS? IIS has yet to generate profits for MS, so again, No.

        Here's my idea of why Apple chose KHTML, and although it may be just as crackpot as yours, at least it's business based crack (the expensive stuff that Wall St Tycoons snort) as opposed to opensource hippie crack. I think that Apple sees a switch campaign as a good way to increase revenues so he needs to get more people to "switch". One main reason that people don't feel comfortable with OS X is because all of the browsers suck. I use OS X and I'm justified in saying that ALL CURRENT OS X Browsers suck. I currently use a collection IE, Navigator (chimera?), Mozilla, and OmniWeb. Every one of them sucks differently and together, there's usually one that's right for each job, but I can't use one for everything. Steve Jobs knows this and says, "Holy shit! How can convince people that OS X is the best platform when people can't even browse the fscking web?" CEO Steve is smart though. He realizes that the slow web browsers in OS X (IE and Mozilla) don't suck as much as the fast web browsers (Navigator and Omniweb). He decides that Apple's going to do it's typical amazing thing and surprise everybody with a fast webbrowser for OS X that doesn't suck! Has Steve succeeded? From other comments on this page I'd say not yet, but it's a beta version and CEO Steve put a serious team of hackers behind his browser.

        Why did he choose KHTML? Probably because it was the easiest *fast* html renderer to modify and create a new web browser with. CEO Steve knows that reinventing the wheel costs too much in today's economy.

        PS. I'm very happy that Apple chose an open source browser and is giving back to the community the way that they are. I'm happy for the KDE people (all of them) for creating a browser and desktop environment that was capable for a company like Apple to use the code base.

  • Innovation... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Eric_Cartman_South_P ( 594330 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:39PM (#5034730)
    ...without any monkey-boy dancing on stage. I've never been blown away (easy there, wise-guy) before by a presentation like the one Apple just had. The 17 inch PowerBook is my next computer. And my desktop and laptop will appear on very soon. Such an amazing computer running BSD (right?) at the core, with software that just works, and most importantly to me, a great GUI with respect for design huristics and usability.

    Oh, my spalling does suck, but nevermind about that :)

    The keyboard design is brilliant (there's a pun there, I think). The only thing missing is a little camera somewhere to enable Video Conferencing (which I use a lot with all my friends and some of my clients). But no complaints.

    I probrably don't have anything smart to say right now... too busy drooling after having watched the entire live stream of the keynote. But if anyone wants to throw links to great places new Mac ownsers can go to (such as ) I'd LOVE to see your thoughts, links, suggestions, etc.

  • by SirSlud ( 67381 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:40PM (#5034735) Homepage
    Okay, I'm sure some poster will happily link to prior art, but that keyboard is fucking cool.

    Automagically adjusting itself depending on the ambient light ... fibre optic light strips ... the Christians are going to have a whole other sexuality to denounce this year, cause between the aluminum casing, the 1440x990 screen, this just might be the year where people are finally caught literally humping their powerbooks. Look at those pics, I know I would!
    • by alispguru ( 72689 ) <> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @08:23PM (#5036639) Journal
      ... because it can help extend battery life, big time. Those of you with power-hungry x86 laptop CPUs may scoff at this, but my experience with my 500 MHz iBook has been that I can run it for a little over three hours with the display at full brightness, and a little over four hours with the display at its dimmest (and if you're on an airplane at night, that's actually a practical way to hack). This means the display accounts for about 25-30% of the power consumption. Anything that automatically makes the display draw an appropriate amount of power might extend my battery life half an hour or more.
  • Wow (Score:4, Interesting)

    by bogie ( 31020 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:41PM (#5034751) Journal
    "Jobs also introduced Safari, a new Mac OS X browser based on the KHTML rendering engine from KDE "

    I can't believe they would not adopt Chimera, especially with David Hyatt now working at Apple. No offense to KDE which I hold oh so dear over any other WM system, but Gecko is just a better engine. Its truly cross platform, has a huge amount of momentum behind it, and AOL would essentially be doing R&D for free for Apple. Not to even mention the fact the Netscape/Moz has much much better industry suport,a ton of addons and a much larger user base. If this is true I'd just call the move foolish.
    • Re:Wow (Score:3, Insightful)

      by ender81b ( 520454 )
      Most likely they used KHTML because it *wasn't* tied in any way, shape, or form to a major corporation. At least that would be my guess. Maybe, also, they thought KHTML rendering engine was better than mozilla's, who knows. But I would place money on the reason behind choosing KHTML over Gecko being the fact that KHTML isn't backed by some major corporation whose interests might run contrary to apple's.
  • by elliotj ( 519297 ) <slashdot AT elliotjohnson DOT com> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:41PM (#5034765) Homepage
    first impressions:

    * no tabbed browsing - wtf?
    * no way to import bookmarks - got a hundred in chimera, time to poke around and see if I can figure a way to do it
    * nice default fonts
    * respects internet preferences like homepage
    * nice brused look
    * looks clean

    17" AlBook:
    * what's up with the keyboard. they're using the same sized keyboard for the 12" and 17" models. wtf? the 17" has so much more space, and a bigger keyboard would be a great feature .... much better than backlighting!
    • by tassii ( 615268 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:00PM (#5034957)
      no way to import bookmarks - got a hundred in chimera, time to poke around and see if I can figure a way to do it

      Drag and drop. Open Chimera's bookmark list and drag it to Safari's bookmark list. Done. Very sweet.
  • by SlashChick ( 544252 ) <<erica> <at> <>> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:42PM (#5034782) Homepage Journal
    I watched the Quicktime keynote with great interst, hoping that Jobs would finally introduce a 4-pound notebook. I've been waiting for one for a while, so I'm really excited that Apple finally introduced one!

    Unfortunately, however, the notebook doesn't include DVI-out support, so my monitor [] would fall back to VGA mode if I tried to use the notebook with it. Does anyone know if Apple or a third party plans to offer a PC Card with DVI support? Margi had one, but it's only 4MB... not quite enough for this particular monitor.

    Also, one thing Apple keeps failing to address is the #1 reason I haven't switched to a Mac. Steve, where are the software trade-in incentives? I own Photoshop 6 and 7, Dreamweaver MX, and Microsoft Office XP for the PC. What on Earth is keeping Apple and/or other vendors from offering trade-in incentives? Why can I not trade in my two boxed Photoshop-for-PC copies and receive Photoshop 7 for Mac OS X? The same goes for Dreamweaver MX. The cost to move to a Mac is almost doubled by the $1500 worth of software that I already have for my PC.

    Here's hoping Apple will start to address this issue, especially since the platform is geared toward video developers and graphic designers -- two markets whose people invest heavily in expensive software.
  • by artemis67 ( 93453 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:43PM (#5034795)
    Uhh... by my count, there were only 3 Macworld keynotes in 2002.

    And here I thought only Microsoft tested their products three times before they shipped.
  • My takes (Score:4, Insightful)

    by binaryDigit ( 557647 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:48PM (#5034868)
    "Year of the notebook"

    Addresses two key issues with Apple. First is slow cpu's. cpu speed isn't as big of a deal with laptop users, so the ghz gap isn't as pronounced here. Second, and most important, laptops have much higher margins than desktops. Apple already sells a higher percentage of laptops, this does nothing but help the bottom line and if they continue, the bottom line will still look good (even if market share drops).

    Most dissapointing

    No advancment on the ghz front. I just said that it doesn't matter _as_much_, but it's still dissapointing that Apple continues to lag here.

    New FireWire connector. I know that this might not be Apples fault, but yet another connector type for 800Gb FireWire, ugh. Yeah yeah, an adapters available, but couldn't IEEE figure out a way to make the two compatable?

    Most "interesting"

    Safari. How does this fit into the big picture. Does Safari really make the Mac a sweeter deal for those who were fence sitting (or firmly on the other side)? Does what Apple gets from it outweigh the development costs of it? Is this another sign that Apple is distancing themselves from Microsoft? Now with Safari, Office is the only thing left that Apple has a dependency on M$.

    Most likely to go "cube"

    The 12" PowerBook. Yes portability is good, but does it sell in enough numbers to keep it alive. Will people want a G4 bad enough to pay the extra for the 12" PB vs the iBook? Subnotes/small notes are notoriously hard to sell, but I guess it does plug a hole in the Apple notebook strategy.
    • Re:My takes (Score:3, Interesting)

      by sweetooth ( 21075 )
      Hell, I would have bought a 12" PowerBook 6 months ago, and still might. I got my wife a laptop for use with school. It is faster than the pc she was using, and once it showed up she decided that she liked the OS better. The only real requirment she put on me when purchasing her laptop was that it had to be small. When I showed her the small sony's they were out because of the lack of a cdrom drive. This left the iBooks. She loves her iBook, and the only thing I don't like about it is the speed.

      I'd pay the differance in price just for the faster processor, and the advantages of the G4 over the G3. The SuperDrive option is also really cool, and I'm sure if we get her the powerbook we'll get that too.

      This may not sell a huge amount, but it will certainly be a nice upgrade for those that like the iBooks small size, but want a little more punch.

      Or maybe it's just me ;)
  • Very welcome news (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Nexum ( 516661 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:49PM (#5034883)
    I think this has all been very welcome news that shows Apple's commitment to innovation and starting off 2003 in the proper way.

    The keynote application is noteworthy (although I dislike its icon) does anyone else think that this is likely to be a precursor to more MS-Office like applications in the future (based on its success)? I think Apple is treading on Microsoft's toes in a bold way, and this has to be a good thing - shaking up the industry is good for everyone as it has become increasingly stagnant and impeded by Microsoft (non-MS innovations are either bought or copied-and-crushed by MS, and MS-innovations are practically non-exisatant and VERY slow in coming along).

    Safari seems to be just another way of taking independence from MS, and I just LOVE the fact that they chose an open source codcebase, I think this is very important. It shows that Apple is willing to give back to the OS community in a huge way, and that commerce and OS can live together and even help each other prosper. I want tabbed browsing however.

    The Powerbooks look great, although I am more sceptical of the small one, the larger one seems to be perfect, typical Apple excellence, and I have to say a fine price for the extreme configuration of the machine! Creative professionals are going to go nuts over these.
    I think there is certainly more on the tip of Apple's tongue, new LCD lineup for certain, and new digital lifestyle devices like the iPod are also admitted to be in the works by Apple themselves. And then there's the XRaid, and updated XServes, and 2003 will certainly show OSX 10.3 and a G5 processor. I have to say that Apple must be grinning with all the goodies that seem to be coming to fruition this year.

    I also think that the iLife suite pricing has been handled PERFECTLY, everything is still free, except iDVD which for very good reasons is charged for (huge size, and codec liscensing). This is NOT Apple making a quick buck, it's s sensible move, and one that Mac users cannot possibly complain about.

    Congratulations Apple, and I can't wait to see what the rest of this year holds!
  • Safari Blocks Popups (Score:4, Informative)

    by d3xt3r ( 527989 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @02:49PM (#5034885)
    Another great feature.... Safari blocks popups just as easily as Mozilla. Just click Safari->Block pop-up Windows !!! Nice feature. This was a great Mac World!
  • by Espen ( 96293 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:02PM (#5034968)
    Portions of this Apple Software may utilize the following copyrighted material, the use of which is hereby acknowledged.

    Lars Knoll, et al. ( khtml ) [snip]

    Lucent Technologies ( dtoa.cpp ) [snip]

    Netscape Communications Corporation ( arena files ) [snip]

    Harri Porten, et al. ( kjs - JavaScriptCore based on kjs ) [snip]

    University of Cambridge ( PCRE ) [snip]
  • Great Keynote! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Arcturax ( 454188 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:03PM (#5034979)
    (Copy of my post to, where I post as MadMac)

    This was one of the most entertaining keynotes I've seen in a long time out of Apple. This is also the first one (for me anyway) which wasn't clogged to death when you tried to watch it via live QT stream.

    Like the new Notebook, though its pricy. But it also doubles as a surfboard in a pinch!

    Now the big big big thing was Steve Jobs standing behind the huge words "Open Source is Good" or something like that. That Apple is releasing the browser code improvements (a years effort) back into the open source community and announcing that Open Source is good is just amazing! It is such a wonderful difference from Microsoft's constant "Open source is the tool of the devil" rants. I think this will help attract more geeks to Apple as well as make open source developers more open to writing software for the Macintosh.

    Another thing that was neat was that Keynote uses open standards and that Jobs even verbally invited 3rd party developers to take advantage of that. In a way, I actually wonder if Apple is developing a radical corporate strategy which involves a sense of responsibility to the computer industry as a whole. By releaseing open source changes back into the world as well as using open standards in their document formats, Apple opens the door for other companies to create new tools and new markets alongside Apple. In this way, Apple is *helping* the economy and the computer industry as a whole by creating both new products as well as opportunities for others to share in the wealth of the market those new products exist in. It will be very interesting to see if Apple works on spreadsheets or word processing next. A beefed up Appleworks or Claris works would be nice!

    Having to pay $49 to get iDVD3 (even though other iApps come along they are also freely available) is rediculous.
    Keynote is expensive, nice, but still expensive and on par with Microsoft's rediculous prices for their own office apps.
    Apple should have offered the iApps along with Keynote for like $79 or the iApps by themselves for $29. That would have made it worth the money to get the iApps. Jobs even said the only reason they don't offer iDVD for free is that it is so huge in size. Given that admission, I will feel no guilt at all when I download it from elsewhere or get it from a friend's new Mac.

    But that is the only real gripe I had, so over all a very favorable keynote!
    • Re:Great Keynote! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by sg3000 ( 87992 ) <> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @09:16PM (#5037024)
      > I actually wonder if Apple is developing a radical
      > corporate strategy which involves a sense of
      > responsibility to the computer industry as a whole

      What an interesting idea. The big advantage software companies have on hardware companies is the incredible margins: the cost of goods sold for software is basically nil (the price of the CDs), while for hardware, you have all the costs of buying the parts to make your hardware. Keep in mind, R&D is handled as a capitalized expense and isn't amortized over the cost of each unit sold.

      So software companies could enjoy huge margins, while hardware companies had to be happy with less than 25%.

      Microsoft benefited from this, but they also increased the barrier of entry for competitors by illegally abusing their monopoly. So it wasn't enough to build a better Word processor; you had to be able to make it much better and cheaper than Word (since Word was generally bundled in price with the rest of MS Office), and be completely compatible with Word's file format (because of the network effect).

      What's interesting is that open file formats (and Open Source in general) lowers these barriers of entries. For example, if all software applications use the same file format, then the software packages have to compete on their own merits since the network effect related to file compatibility is eliminated.

      With Apple embracing open source and open file formats, they're essentially leveling the playing field between software vendors and hardware vendors. If they can get software vendors to adopt open formats, the cost of switching between software vendors will reduce for the users, and it will be easier for new entrants to build competing software programs. In that case, Apple will succeed as well, because they're building some of the best hardware (the new 17" PowerBook G4 is Exhibit A). If their plan works, competition will increase in the computer industry, benefiting all.
  • by mactari ( 220786 ) <> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:09PM (#5035022) Homepage
    In the software section of the website [] detailing the new, tiny Powerbook, IE is off of OS X's Dock [] and Safari is on. Keynote is a PowerPoint replacement made by Apple.

    What you should be wondering is not just whether Apple is trying to compete with Microsoft (and to end its dependence on MS for such a key piece of its OS as the browser) but if Microsoft has started warning Apple that it's going to leave. IE is still listed on the same software page, which doesn't mention Safari by name. There's some posturing going on here, and I'm not real sure what the motives are.

    Fwiw, been testing Safari. Super-fast with a clean interface, but doesn't do nearly as good/mature a job displaying hard core dhtml as Mozilla, and therefore Chimera. Good freshman effort, but Apple better not stop at version 1.0.
  • 12" Powerbook (Score:5, Interesting)

    by imadork ( 226897 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:17PM (#5035071) Homepage
    Has it occured to anyone else that the new 12" Powerbook is, for all practical purposes, a G4 iBook? What does this say about the future of the iBook? Will Apple continue having two different laptop form factors in the future? While it certainly helps Apple to have a entry-level $999 iBook, especially for the education market, I wouldn't be suprised if by next year there's only one Apple laptop "style", with all price ranges contained within it.
  • TiVo via Rendezvous? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dr00g911 ( 531736 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:18PM (#5035081)
    I've been playing around with Safari -- super fast, very clean on most sites. A little flaky with header redirects, but hey -- it's a beta.

    After poking around in the preferences, I noticed you can turn Rendzevous bookmarks on -- meaning you'll automatically discover web services running on your LAN. And bookmark 'em. Cool enough by itself.

    I then clicked on the "About Rendezvous" button underneath, and found the page [] has been updated with a tantalizing little treat (in addition to pledges of support from game and printer developers):


    "TiVo's upcoming premium service package will use Rendezvous technology to automatically discover Macintosh computers within the home network and determine which services they provide, allowing customers to listen to their shared music or view their shared photos on their TV," said Jim Barton, Co-founder and CTO for TiVo. "We are excited about working with Apple on other ways Rendezvous can help TiVo Series2 DVRs connect to a Mac to deliver future services."

    Yep. You'll be able to serve your iTunes collection to your TiVo. I'm assuming with playlists and all.

    Happy speculating...
  • KHTML vs. Mozilla (Score:4, Insightful)

    by bahwi ( 43111 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:18PM (#5035082)
    I think it's great that he's chosen to go with KHTML instead of Gecko? (For reference, I use Moz, installing Phoenix right now, and I use WindowMaker, not KDE). If they went with Gecko, it would go against everything the Mozilla Project stands for.

    Mozilla is created as an alternative. It was not created to be the ONLY alternative. And assuming the world domination thing happens, IE dies off, we would have the same thing, but called Mozilla and hidden behind different 'skins' (front-end like Phoenix, Galeon, Chimera, Etc). I think those projects are great, but choice is what the entire Free Software movement is about.

    I choose to run WindowMaker. I choose to use FreeBSD. I can choose to release my projects as either GPL or BSD, or even LGPL, or any of the other licenses. I choose to use an x86 based platform.

    Why not let Apple choose KHTML? If we wake up one day and find that only Gecko is out there, IE died and Konqueror is "that other browser" (Like Opera and Mozilla are considered today, in the mainstream, although both are gaining considerable acceptance), where would we have gotten? Except for the fact it's open source, it'll be no different than IE.

    Just my 2c.

    • by IamTheRealMike ( 537420 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @05:24PM (#5035669)
      Hmm, nice rhetoric :) The issue isn't that Apple can choose KHTML, it's more a case of why.

      And assuming the world domination thing happens, IE dies off, we would have the same thing, but called Mozilla

      Uh.... the same thing being a popular web browser? :)

      I think those projects are great, but choice is what the entire Free Software movement is about.

      Actually it's about freedom. The fact that choice/duplication of effort is often a side effect of freedom isn't really what it's about, it's just a sometimes pleasant consequence of the way the free software movement works.

      Why not let Apple choose KHTML? If we wake up one day and find that only Gecko is out there, IE died and Konqueror is "that other browser" (Like Opera and Mozilla are considered today, in the mainstream, although both are gaining considerable acceptance), where would we have gotten? Except for the fact it's open source, it'll be no different than IE.

      Well, uh, yeah, except that it's open source! That's the big difference. Nobody controls Mozilla, yes Netscape/AOL have a big influence on the project but you can always fork it. You can't fork IE. The fact that it's open source IS the big deal. A monopoly of Mozilla wouldn't be bad at all - there's nothing wrong with huge market shares if it happens to be the best product and the makers of said product are not trying to prevent competition.

      I think you need to think about that one a bit harder. Choice is fine, but it's a means to an end, not an end in itself, and sometimes restricting it (ie technical standards) is a good thing.

      • by marm ( 144733 )

        The issue isn't that Apple can choose KHTML, it's more a case of why.

        Other people have pointed out the corporate aspects, that Apple might not like the fact that AOL has tight control over the direction that Mozilla is headed simply by sheer weight of numbers of developers. I'd like to bring up a different reason: have you actually had a look at the Gecko source recently? It has turned into a bloated, crufty mess with many peculiar hacks to satisfy Mozilla's cross-platform nature (it seems NSPR/XPCOM is not quite abstracted enough as portability code has crept in elsewhere) and to work around deficiencies in the W3C specifications. For a browser that was started again from scratch because it was felt the previous version (remember the Netscape 5.0 code dump? ugh) was way too bloated and crufty to continue work on it, that's very sad.

        In contrast, KHTML has stayed pretty lean, partly because I think Qt is a better GUI platform abstraction than NSPR/XPCOM, and partly because it has had to due to the tiny size of the development team: with only a handful of people contributing code, the code needs to be as clean and obvious as is humanly possible simply for the project to survive. It will be interesting to see whether KHTML can continue to be so lean with the addition of a bunch of full-time Apple developers onto the team.

        For all the bitching about KHTML's CSS compliance, I probably ought to point out that whilst it's not necessarily quite as good as Gecko (although I have a nice testcase using floats that Gecko has never got right but KHTML aces) it's (in my tests) better at CSS than any version of IE or Opera so far.

        It's been fashionable to diss anything other than Gecko since Mozilla hit 1.0. I think that needs to stop: not everyone likes Gecko, both users and developers, and it certainly is not inherently superior, despite its current marginal lead in standards compliance (and lets not forget how it now trails in performance). Open Source does not need to get behind one browser, in exactly the same way that it doesn't need to get behind one desktop either, or one word processor or one toolkit. Choice is good, and rabid Mozilla fans should be especially conscious of this, because Moz would be toast otherwise thanks to IE.

        It's also tragic that I only feel confident enough to say this without getting modded down into oblivion in an article that is so obviously a loss for Gecko/Mozilla, but hey, that's Slashdot for you.

        Happy Konqueror user since 2000 - yes, I remember when it could barely render Slashdot correctly - and chuffed to bits that Apple agrees with his choice. Nice to be vindicated sometimes.

  • by TellarHK ( 159748 ) <> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:29PM (#5035153) Homepage Journal
    Quite some while ago, I remember a little amusement about the idea of Apple registering a trademark for the word "Keynote". Interesting to see how that played out. The (I thought) highly credible vPod rumors turned out to be bogus, and the Powerbook line got one of the most surprising revampings imaginable. Not one but two new models, and no displacement of the current line. And not a desktop enhancement to be found. Could this be a transition point for Apple to move into a more portable-based business model in years to come?

    What really struck me as interesting, particularly with the quiet reaction to it, is that Apple seems to have declared war on Microsoft. They praised MS Office with one breath, then bitchslapped Gates and his cronies with a double whammy of a new browser and a competitor to Powerpoint. I'm predicting now, a monster update to AppleWorks within the next two Macworlds.

    The one thing that really dissappoints me is the incompatibility of Airport Extreme with the current 15" Powerbooks. I hadn't expected they'd deliver a blow like this to Powerbook owners so soon after a revision (867/1Ghz models), and was hopeful for an 802.11g transition that I could replace my standard Airport card with.
  • by gatekeep ( 122108 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:34PM (#5035177)
    Wow, fiber optic lightning?

    1.21 giggawatts!!
  • by core plexus ( 599119 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @03:41PM (#5035209) Homepage
    I thought it read a thong of adoring fans. Phew! I need coffee!

    How many mice does it take to make 12 pounds of mouse nuts? [] And why are people eating them?

  • Wunderkind (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Graymalkin ( 13732 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @04:03PM (#5035281)
    I really hope there are some happy Mac users out right now. This MacWorld has been a really awesome one and I hope the trend continues with the third party developers going buck wild with some new OSX apps.

    Safari is a neat browser and of the stuff released today was one thing that really suprised me. I didn't figure Apple would want to enter the browser "war" so I sort of wrote off them ever making a browser. It made no sense to go after that essentially profitless market when there are so many alternatives already entrenched. After using Safari a bit I realized Apple didn't enter the browser war, they just built a system on the fallout ridden wastes of the browser war. The gadgetry MS has been trying to add to IE in the form of auction watches and whatnot are handled by Sherlock 3, Safari doesn't need them. It also doesn't need some entirely new plugin architecture because Quicktime supports a huge swath of file formats and media types that are readily found on the web. All Apple really had to do was build an interface for a third party's HTML renderer which I think they've done pretty well. As an added bonus it also lets Apple ship consumer systems with entirely first party software and still have it be functional for the typical Mac neophyte. It's also really sweet seeing the GPL is a product like Safari.

    I've been waiting for Apple to move to 802.11g for a while now, I figured they would have done so way earlier than now. Had they done this they might have ended up screwed over by a standards committee had anything changed in the spec between when they released it and the still pending ratification date. Keeping that in mind waiting until the spec's finality was imminent makes a lot of sense. It might take me a while to move up to Airport Extreme (as I just bought 802.11.b equipment) but when I end up with a new Powerbook it will be awesome that it is there.

    The Powerbooks facinated me, I'm really glad I've held off buying a new laptop. I had figured the Powerbooks would be the next candidates for an upgrade but never did I think the upgrades would look like they do. I think the 12" Powerbook is an excellent idea and I hope to have one ASAP. While the iBook is a nice system it falls short for anyone wanting a good dose of processing power (read gaming performance) in a portable system. Adding Radeons to the iBooks helped a bit but a "scorching" 49fps in Quake 3 is a yawner (though Apple needs to learn if you want better frame rates you can down the resolution or drop the color depth for some pretty decent playability). I think for most things the 12" Powerbook is going to end up making x86 laptops look pretty crappy, especially subnotebooks. Most of the smaller systems you can find run on hobbled Celerons or Crusoes and cost as much if not more as the new PB. Maybe Apple will get more of a leg up in the portable market.

    Between an iCal release that works, a new browser, and an official X11 system that works with Quartz, I have a lot to do on my Powerbook. Maybe one of the first things will be to order a new one.
  • by hysterion ( 231229 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @04:38PM (#5035426) Homepage
    ----- Forwarded message from Don Melton ----- []
    From: Don Melton
    Subject: Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer
    Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:31:10 -0800


    I'm the engineering manager of Safari, Apple Computer's new web browser built upon KHTML and KJS. I'm sending you this email to thank you for
    making such a great open source project and introduce myself and my development team. I also wish to explain why and how we've used your
    excellent technology. It's important that you know we're committed to open source and contributing our changes, now and in the future, back to you, the original developers. Hopefully this will begin a dialogue among ourselves for the benefit of both of our projects.

    I've "cc"-ed my team on this email so you know their names and contact information. Perhaps you already recognize some of those names. Back
    in '98 I was one of the people who took Mozilla open source. David Hyatt is not only the originator of the Chimera web browser project but
    also the inventor of XBL. Darin Adler is the former lead of the Nautilus file manager. Darin, Maciej Stachowiak, John Sullivan, Ken Kocienda, and I are all Eazel veterans.

    The number one goal for developing Safari was to create the fastest web browser on Mac OS X. When we were evaluating technologies over a year
    ago, KHTML and KJS stood out. Not only were they the basis of an excellent modern and standards compliant web browser, they were also less than 140,000 lines of code. The size of your code and ease of development within that code made it a better choice for us than other
    open source projects. Your clean design was also a plus. And the small size of your code is a significant reason for our winning startup
    performance as you can see reflected in the data at .

    How did we do it? As you know, KJS is very portable and independent. The Sherlock team is already using it on Mac OS X in the framework my
    team prepared called JavaScriptCore. But because KHTML requires other components from KDE and Qt, we wrote our own adapter library called KWQ
    (and pronounced "quack") that replaces these other components. KHTML and KWQ have been encapsulated in a framework called WebCore. We've also made significant enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements to KHTML and KJS.

    Both WebCore and JavaScriptCore, which account for a little over half the code in Safari, are being released as open source today. They should be available at / very soon. Also, we'll be sending you another email soon which details our changes and
    additions to KHTML and KJS. I hope the detailed list in that email will help you understand what we've done a little better. We'd also
    like to send this information to the appropriate KDE mailing list. Please advise us on which one to use.

    We look forward to your comments. We'd also like to speak to you and we'd be happy to set up a conference call at our expense for this purpose.

    Thank you again for making KHTML and KJS.

    Please forward this email to any contributor whom I may have missed.

    Don Melton
    Safari Engineering Manager
    Apple Computer
    ----- Forwarded message from Dirk Mueller ----- []
    From: Dirk Mueller
    Subject: Re: Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer
    To: Don Melton
    Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:18:19 +0100

    On Die, 07 Jan 2003, Don Melton wrote:

    > I'm the engineering manager of Safari, Apple Computer's new web browser
    > built upon KHTML and KJS. I'm sending you this email to thank you for
    > making such a great open source project and introduce myself and my
    > development team. I also wish to explain why and how we've used your
    > excellent technology. It's important that you know we're committed to
    > open source and contributing our changes, now and in the future, back
    > to you, the original developers. Hopefully this will begin a dialogue
    > among ourselves for the benefit of both of our projects.

    I hope so too. I'm deeply impressed by your detailed changelog and by
    the changes. A few of the changes have already happened in "our" developing
    version and many of them were on our TODOs. For example just about this
    weekend I was working on improving the kjs garbage collector and now I read
    that you apparently already fixed the issues I had with it. Seems to me like
    a huge christmas gift. Thank you. Thanks a lot.

    Especially I'd like to hope that we could set up a mailing list where we
    could exchange ideas, patches and bug reports. Also a common testsuite for
    regressions would be nice and probably help us a lot in developing KHTML and
    KJS further. Ideally the plan should be, and I hope you agree, to use a
    common codebase for the backend.

    > Please forward this email to any contributor whom I may have missed.

    We've forwarded it to kfm-devel
  • by ChrisDolan ( 24101 ) <`ten.nalodsirhc' `ta' `todhsals+sirhc'> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @04:42PM (#5035455) Homepage
    Safari apparently does not support self-signed certs. Mozilla and IE show a dialog offering to use or reject the cert, but Safari just bails. Try []

    I guess this must be Apple's fault, not KHTML's. I known Konq works on the above url.
  • by ChrisDolan ( 24101 ) <`ten.nalodsirhc' `ta' `todhsals+sirhc'> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @04:50PM (#5035481) Homepage
    If you use X11 under Fink, you can do this:

    dpkg -r --force-depends xfree86-base
    dpkg -r --force-depends xfree86-base-shlibs
    [install the SDK from apple - ]
    [install the user install from apple - ]
    fink install system-xfree86

    (courtesy of Ben Hines on the fink-devel list)

    You may have to manually edit your $HOME/.xinitrc file to add the "exec quartz-wm" line in place of any other "exec" lines.

    Other than that, it works great for me. The new Quartz WM is good.
  • by code shady ( 637051 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @05:38PM (#5035805) Homepage
    With the release of Safari and Keynote, apple has fired a salvo across MS's bow. These two apps help to decrease Apple's dependence on MS for the Browser (a key component) and to a lesser extent, on powerpoint. This is, imo, a goo thing. However, every mac user still has to pay a tribute to MS in the form of Office.

    OpenOffice isnt seen as a viable replacement among mac users because it uses X11, and looks decidedly un-maclike. With this new release of X11, thats fixed. Apple can now bundle open office with OS X, and they won't need to spend hundreds of man hours porting it to run under Aqua.

    The combination of OpenOffice running under apples X11 implementation, Safari, and Keynote could be just the thing that apple uses to decrease (and perhaps ultimatley do away with altogether) its dependence on MS. And that, I think, is a Good Thing.
  • by vought ( 160908 ) on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @09:06PM (#5036955)
    Who else but Linux devotees goes to a Linux convention? People don't use operating systems as their job - they usually do something else.

    My point is, that by promoting the ideas and benefits of Open Source to Graphic Artists, Travelling Business People, "Creative Types" and the Casual Mac User(tm), Apple is doing more to promote open source among non-technical people than any other company out there - at least any other company my grandmother has heard of, anyway.

    Here's a screen shot:

    Apple Keynote Screen Shot []

  • by ReadParse ( 38517 ) <<john> <at> <>> on Tuesday January 07, 2003 @10:54PM (#5037615) Homepage
    So when I found that Apple had come out with X11 for OS X, the first thing I thought was "So what? That's already been done []. Somewhere along the way (probably while waiting for the new X11's "Optimizing" process to finish), I went over to the OroborOSX site to see if they had mentioned Apple's new X11, and that was when I remembered what's so cool about (most of) the open source community.

    They didn't bash it. They didn't knock it. They didn't even complain about it. They said something like, "How does this affect our project? We don't know. Download it. Check it out. Don't forget to back up the X11 directories beforehand, just in case." And they linked to a message forum thread on their site that had been created to talk about this new product from Apple. Even in the forum, there was very little criticism of Apple's X11 product, and everything critical they had to say was constructive.

    Even though this product could completely obliterate the need for their software, they were open to an alternative. They didn't go into FUD mode and immediately issue press releases bashing the "competition".

    One could argue that they have no reason to get upset or concerned, because they were giving their software away anyway. No money to be made or lost, right? So take your ball and go home. Not so. You can't tell me there's no pride in Open Source. These people found a void and filled it, and the void could very well be filled AGAIN by the very people who caused the void in the first place. It would be very understandable for the OroborOSX team to get a little miffed.

    Hats off to these guys for representing the best of the Open Source Community, which most often really DOES seem to be about ensuring that we all have the very best software that we can get, no matter who makes it.

    Now I'll check to see if my "optimization" is done yet, and I'll begin my little evaluation of Apple's new effort. But I will be very careful to REMEMBER who has already been here and to not forget the work that they have done. Now that they have been here, the bar has been RAISED for Apple and they will have to produce quality software. This is a great role for Open Source software, if nothing else.

  • by ruiner13 ( 527499 ) on Wednesday January 08, 2003 @02:35AM (#5038406) Homepage
    I've been playing with Safari, and I just found out that when you connect to an FTP site through it, it uses the built-in finder FTP support and mounts the site on the Desktop. pretty slick if you ask me! If this has been posted already, I'm sorry, I didn't feel like reading through all 800+ previous posts.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
