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Apple Businesses

Apple Fans Bidding on Autographed 1st Issue of Macworld 26

Craigtay writes "Some Apple fans are opening their wallets to buy an old magazine, but not just any old magazine. This first edition of Macworld, which was released in 1984 (and apparently contains an interview with Bill Gates), is signed by Steve Jobs. The bidding is currently above the $2,000 mark. News.com has done a news story here and click here for the eBay page." Thats ummm.... special? It amuses me that the reserve isn't met yet either. ;)
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Apple Fans Bidding on Autographed 1st Issue of Macworld

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  • by linuxbert ( 78156 ) on Sunday January 05, 2003 @12:56PM (#5020268) Homepage Journal
    its Noah Wyle
    your magazine is worthless

  • Signature a fake? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Genevish ( 93570 )
    I'm no handwritting expert, but comparing the signature from this [sec.gov] SEC filing to the one on the cover of the magazine seems to show it's a fake.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...but without meeting the reserve.

    Either the seller is on crack for setting a reserve of probably $2500-$3000, or he doesn't really want to sell it but just wanted an idea of what it would go for.

    That skmccarty guy who was bidding appears to be a serious autograph collector, judging by what he's purchased recently from eBay. I'm glad he didn't get it-- if this item were to be sold, I'd rather it go to an Apple fan, not just some autograph collector.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Then of course, there's the concept that he set an outrageously high reserve so it wouldn't sell regardless. Then whips out five or six of his other accounts to shill bid on it, which is standard operating procedure for eBay.

      Then he had the good luck to hype it up into the media for exposure.

      He may not even HAVE the magazine, that's a pretty small gif, and easily made in the gimp.

  • If I had to venture a guess, I'd say the magazine is probably set to sell at $2500, the cost of The Original Macintosh [lowendmac.com] itself.
  • auction ended (Score:1, Redundant)

    by (startx) ( 37027 )
    ummm, that auction ended about 10 minutes ago (10:13am PST), and didn't meet the reserve price.
  • Mmmm, I wonder if I can get Bob Young to sign my first issue of Linux Journal at Linuxworld in NYC and sell it on Ebay. Would it even be worth anything?
  • Woz is cool, though (Score:3, Interesting)

    by oaklybonn ( 600250 ) on Sunday January 05, 2003 @08:31PM (#5022609)
    I met Woz at the Computer History Museum last month, and brought along a copy of my 1977 Byte in which he describes the architecture of the upcoming Apple II.

    He signed it, no fuss, and I shook his hand. He's just a hell-of-nice guy.

    Another fellow brought his Disk ][ and had it signed.

    Still, I don't think either of will be attempting to sell these off anytime soon.

    BTW: an issue 1 of Macworld is currently going for about $40 on eBay.

  • Is the signature legit? Yea, probably... the real question is: is this story legit! I wonder what the relationship between Craigtay and the eBay seller is... Good advertising, though... Of course, if someone wanted to submit this story legitamitly, and without the appearence of such a conflict, you could simple do it after the auction closed - but then you wouldn't get /.ers bidding up the price. Ah, online auctions (sniff).
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 05, 2003 @10:35PM (#5023116)
    You should see what I paid for a vial of Steve Jobs' semen in late 2001.

    And yes it's really semen, one ejaculation's worth. I tasted a little.

    I don't really know if it's Steve's, but the woman who sold it to me said she was 100% sure.

    It does seem to give off a little of Steve's power when I hold it near. Which I do often, though usually I keep it in the freezer.

    Anyway, I hope I can use it to make more Steves someday, if he ever passes away (which I hope he doesn't).

    Time to caress my new Xserve and generate some of my own semen, if you know what I mean. I love Macs. Very much.
  • I have a sneaky feeling that the reserve might have been set rediculously high because the seller might not have ever had a signed copy of Macworld to begin with. Anyone can get post photos of something they don't own.
  • but it's not signed by Jobs. I've heard this issue is pretty rare and valuable on its own, but surely not in the >$2k range. I wonder what it is worth unsigned? I also have some issue #1s of other early mags like Kilobaud Microcomputing, I hear that one goes for insane money (well, not compared to $2k though). Hell, I've got all kinds of vintage stuff, like the highly-sought Macintosh "Picasso" crystal display sign in mint condition, only given to the first Mac dealers. Redlightrunner has one for sale for $1k. I keep wondering if I should try to sell this stuff now (I really need the money) or wait a bit longer for vintage computer collectables to rise even more. I have a car worth $200 but Apple collectables worth maybe thousands. Hmmm.. what to do...

They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
